Wednesday, January 11, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #7 Tuesday 1/10/11 In which a case of footinmouth disease stops Ro-hell's campaign for change

The short and sweet
  • Bruno continues to mack on Ana Pau
  • Ana Pau confronts Vainessa and tells her to stay away from Ro-hell.
  • Ro-hell’s approval of the building project means Gus has reason to be in San Gabriel often. Gus continues to pine for the Ana Pau…despite his sister’s objections.
  • Ana Pau—la que no podia andar: Thank heaven Ro-hell was there to catch her!
  • Ana Pau—la que no podia hablar sin meter la pata: Hello mouth, meet dislocated foot!
  • Crazy Elsa is a shrew…with shares of the company. Don’t mess with her!
  • Cin and Bruno double team Vainessa…each for their own selfish reasons.
  • Tia mentiRosa is set on keeping Gus away from Ana Pau.
  • Ro-hell puts Ana Pau in her place…and in front of Vainessa, too. Jackwad.
The long and lugubrious
Dimples (Ana Pau) and Skeletor (Bruno) discuss alternate ways to have fun, considering they will no longer be horseback riding. Ana Pau sighs that there is so much to do and her thoughts once again turn to the river. She tells Bruno that she and M-grito were going to go swimming. She invites Bruno to come along. He was thinking of maybe just the two of them doing something. He wonders aloud if they will ever be more than “just friends.”

Meanwhile Macaria (I can never remember this woman’s name. I keep thinking Macarena) says there is much more to do in the city, but Miguel likes San Gabriel just fine. Gus interrupts and tells Miguel the proposal has been accepted. Maripaz bats her eyelashes and asks Miguel if he’ll be staying. Methinks she has a crush.

Bruno pushes Ana Pau to answer him. She stalls and is saved by the arrival of Ro-hell. Bruno and Ana Pau promise to talk later. Ro-hell wonders about what they were doing together. Ana Pau says just chatting. She has all the ingredients needed to make the cake.

Maripaz is giving Miguel the tour of San Gabriel…what there is of it. It’s a small place and they don’t get a lot of visitors. She hopes he’ll be in town often. Miguel wants to go to that little street where they were selling bracelets. Maripaz is unhappy to find out he wants to buy one for his novia.

Back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte Ro-hell confesses it’s been years since he’s actually done the rounds in San Gabriel. Sure he’s talked to people from his truck, but he never went around in the wheelchair. Ana Pau asks why and he tells her that the people just looked at him with so much pity. The first time he showed up in the wheelchair, he just felt like everyone was whispering (cuchichear.) He decided then that instead of their pity, he wanted them to fear him. She on the other hand neither pities him nor fears him…what’s up with that? Well, at first she was furious he treated M-grito the way he did, then she saw him as a man in denial, and now... Ro-hell wants to know how she sees him now (heartbreaking look from JS.) Now she feels a lot of hope and she likes to see him smile. Dimples all around and a little chuckle from Ro-hell.

Cin and Efrain rollin’ in the sheet F-U-…er…nevermind. They discuss the linens (not a euphemism…they really are talking about the satin sheets.) Effer mentions he could never offer her such finery and Cin agrees that’s why he’s not a keeper. A noise interrupts their tryst and Effer is forced to make a hasty exit. Cin hopes it's not Ro-hell coming to make nice. He's changed so much lately. Effer says the word on the street is it's the nurse's doing. Cin says Effer acts like Ana Pau’s arrival is such a great thing. Effer says Ana Pau is pretty hawt (bien chula), but he only has eyes for his “patroncita.” Neither of them notice he’s left his bandana behind.

Ana Pau talks to the palomas about their monogamous nature. She wants a love like that. She can’t stop thinking about Gus. Neither can he. Flashback and FF>>

Maripaz has a mopey about Miguel. Mama Metiche thinks Maripaz should see the world. Papá tells Mamá to stay out of it; he doesn’t want his only daughter leaving San Gabri-hell. Maripaz disagrees. Papa thinks the city is a big, bad place. Maripaz wonders if she’ll ever get married. Mamá has her sights on Bruno in the role of son-in-law. Maripaz thinks he's too old.

Ro-hell is finishing up his therapy with AP. He can’t believe how time flies when you’re having fun. She says they can add more time. He likes the idea. AP plans to go pick up more medicines. Ro-hell says sure thing. Right after we eat…on the terrace. Dimples all around.

Cin is wearing another abdomen bearing ensemble. She decides not to make the bed. Consuelo arrives to clean the quarters. She finds Effer’s bandana. Dramatic music, agonized face, and bandana sniffing ensue.

Face off in the plaza! Ana Pau runs into Vainessa (wearing María Desamparada’s and Judith’s shoes.) Vainessa is not surprised Ana Pau knows how she is since Vainessa is “kind of a big deal around here.” Ana Pau asks Vainessa not to bother Ro-hell any more. Ana Pau, you go, girl! Vainessa sneers and says oh, you’re one of his servants. Ana Pau corrects her and says she’s he’s nurse. Vainessa calls her arrogant (altanera.) Ana Pau tells Vainessa Ro-hell doesn’t want to see her. Vainessa thinks that remains to be seen. Ana Pau reminds Vainessa how Ro-hell treated her during her last visit. Vainessa says that was just because he was surprised to see her (with a gesture the seemed to imply “in all my marvelous glory”. This recapper cannot do justice to the conceit conveyed in that move.) Vainessa seems to think that when Ro-hell finds out she’s still in love with him, he’s gonna come running back. Ana Pau tells her that the last visit really hurt him and for his health, Vainessa really shouldn’t show her face. Vainessa wants to know who’s gonna stop her and flounces off.

Gus and David talk about Ro-hell’s investing/approving the project. Since Ro-hell seems to NOT be difficult when dealing with Gus, Gus gets the honors of dealing with him on a regular basis…thus putting him in San Gabriel more often. Quite frankly it’s a FF>>

Ro-hell is annoyed Cinthia went off riding. She always seems to be gone when he needs her. María tries to get him to see reason when it comes to his sister. Let her study! She’s young, she wants to marry and have a family. She’s young and beautiful. Somebody will be interested in her. Ro-hell reminds her that Cin and Bruno had a thing, but nothing happened. Anyway, Bruno is no nothing more than one of Ro-hell’s cats and can’t offer Cinthia anything. Ro-hell has no intention of maintaining Bruno. There's no one for Cin to marry...just the riff-raff.

Consuelo confronts Effer and slaps him around with his own bandana. He gives her a “Consuelito” and a weak excuse (moving furniture and looking for earrings) and kisses her. I’m already tired of him and his “chula” crap. Consuelo doesn’t fall for it.

Vainessa asks Bruno about “esa tipa” that’s working for Ro-hell. Ah, you two have met says Skeletor. Vainessa is still amazed that Ana Pau dared to forbid her royal self from visiting Ro-hell. Bruno tells Vainessa that Ana Pau takes her work pretty seriously and he giggles a little which really pisses off Vainessa. I think it’s awesome. She doesn’t find it funny at all that an employee treated her like that and wants to know where Ro-hell found her. Bruno wonders why she’s asking. Vainessa says Ana Pau looks like her. She’s pretty pleased to find out that Ro-hell thinks so too. Vainessa thinks it must mean Ro-hell still wants her (despite the vein popping out of her forehead.)

Macaria tells Ana Pau she was shocked Ro-hell had come to town...but then she realized it was just for bidnez. Marcaria badmouths Ro-hell. Ana Pau defends him. Ana Pau thinks he’s changing. Marcaria thinks Ana Pau should be careful... a leopard can't change his spots (genio y figura hasta la sepultura)

Bruno tells Vainessa that he thinks all of Ro-hell’s bitterness is because she broke up with him and that only she can help change Ro-hell. She wants Ro-hell to listen to her and she thinks Cinthia can help. Bruno says she’s coming later, but meanwhile he wants to talk a little more about the offer she made him. I didn’t catch everything…something about money exchanging hands for his help with Ro-hell’s contract. Vainessa thinks she could convince her father to give him a little “commission”. As long as it’s cash and there’s no signature of receipt, Bruno says. If Ro-hell finds out he’s helping Vainy, Ro-hell will kill him.

Cin finally shows up from riding and Ro-hell wants to know where she was. He thinks she needs to be at his beck and call, too. Cin says that’s the nurse’s job. Ana Pau arrives and Cin leaves (Susana and Jorge have the best facial expressions in the biz.) Ana Pau tries to tell Ro-hell what happened in the park, I can’t tell if she’s talking about the face-off with Vainy or Marcaria’s gossip, but Ro-hell doesn’t want to hear it, he can just imagine what they said. He invites her to go outside with him.

Vainy thinks Bruno is exaggerating about Ro-hell being capable of killing him. Ro-hell isn’t like he was when he and Vainy were together. Bruno isn’t the same either. If he and Ro-hell are so buddy buddy, isn’t this little deal a betrayal? Bruno says Ro-hell was the one that betrayed the friendship long ago. If she thinks he’s the bad guy maybe he should leave. Veiny tells him she was just making sure Ro-hell wasn’t just using Bruno to cause more problems for her dad. Bruno says this is between him and Veiny. He needs to be sure there will be no problems. Veiny concedes, but she needs some assurances that Ro-hell will not sign with the competition. Bruno is the middle-man in the negotiations, he finagle all sorts of things…make crazy demands that make the competition backs out....meetings can get postponed.

Ana Pau wants to visit the horse she fell off. She and Ro-hell have a little race. Cute, but FF>>

Tia and Miguel talk about his trip. He’s pretty sure it’s near where Ana Pau works. He tried to call but the phone didn’t work. He just wanted to say Hi and give her a hug; tell her he loved her. Tia tells him not to worry. Ana Pau called her and said everything was fine. Miguel tries to remember the name of the Hacienda. Tia mentiRosa acts like she can’t remember. Tia asks about Gus. Miguel talks about the business and the girl Gus met near the river. Tia connects dots. I am hypnotized by the unibrow. (Bonus word: pinzas-tweezers)

Gus is with his sister, Mercedes. He’s still trying to figure out how to find Cinderella…er Ana Pau. I guess he plans on camping out at the river until he runs into her again. Sis says not to waste so much time on a girl he hardly knows. Blabbity blah love at first sight. Sis thinks it’s odd that this girl hasn’t told him where she works. Maybe she’s fighting with her aunt. Sis doesn’t trust this girl.

Ro-hell and Ana Pau talk about horses. Ana Pau pets Tamarindo. She's glad nothing happened to the horse when he heard the shot.  Ro-hell tells her about his fine horse Achilles. A horse only Ro-hell could control. Achilles had to be killed after the accident. Ro-hell leaves abruptly. Ana Pau follows and trips…right into Ro-hell’s lap. “Corre” and meaningful stares ensue. *ahem* TEAM RO-HELL!!!!

Ana Pau apologizes profusely for being so clumsy (torpe.) She could have hurt Ro-hell. He’s more than ok with her clumsiness…until she says something stupid like “with my foot like this I feel useless.” He reminds her it’s only been a few days…imagine a lifetime of not being able to walk. Well, I suspect we’re back to square one with Ro-hell. Yup, despite Ana Pau’s repeated apologies and pleadings Ro-hell is back to being a jerk.

He throws Hugo out of his office. Ana Pau follows Ro-hell into the office. She still wants to tell him about what happened in town. He shouts her down and throws her out of his office. Ro-hell calls for Hugo (dude, make up your mind) and tells him he wants to go skeet shooting.

Dany, Miguel smoochies, talk about work. Dany has an insecure. Bracelet and te amos FF>>

M-grito reads laboriously. Shots are heard. No worries, though. It’s just Ro-hell. Maria and M-grito explain how much Ro-hell likes to shoot things when he’s angry. Anger management skillz….ur doin it rong.

Elsa freaks out about Vainy’s trip to San Gabriel (again, she is inappropriately dressed, though not as badly as yesterday.) According to Federico, there was bidnez to be done. Elsa knows Vainy wants to get back with Ro-hell. Federico reminds Elsa she used to like him. Well, now she hates him. She knows Ro-hell isn’t going to sell them cattle. She has shares of the company, too. Federico can’t do anything without her finding out.

Cin finally arrives for her visit with Vainy. It wasn’t easy to get away from the hacienda. She had to make up a bunch of stuff to tell Maria so she could get away. She took advantage of Effer’s trip to the pueblo. Bruno wonders if Effer will spill the beans. Cin assures him he won’t. Vainy can’t get over the drama. Yeah, sure Ro-hell doesn’t want anyone to have anything to do with her, but srsly. Cin explains that Ro-hell won’t let her do anything. He wants her around all.the.time. She can't even get her part of the inheritance. He’s not happy and he doesn’t want anyone else to be happy either. He’s been that way since the accident.

Ana Pau confronts Ro-hell on the firing range. She now knows it was his shot that scared the horse. Ro-hell says ultimately it was Bruno’s fault. He should have known how skittish horses could be. Is this scene even important? FF>>

Cin and her sob stories. Ro-hell took control of everything and he wants her to live “locked up” just like him. Vainy just can’t belive he’s changed so much. Cin and Bruno are sure Vainy can change Ro-hell. Vainy is not so sure. But he still loves her! He hired a nurse that looks like her! Long story short: Vainy can kill two birds with one stone: She can help out daddy, get Ro-hell back and help Cin all at the same time (oh. That’s three birds.)

PT with AP (I think the nurse's uniform covered her up better.) Exercises hurt in his right leg. They stop for the night. What are these drops he has to take? Sleeping aid? There is a distinct chill between them.

The architect made the changes to the project per Ro-hell's "suggestions". Gus will apply for the permits tomorrow. David asks Gus to do him a favor. He needs him to take another trip and he knows he can trust in Gus.

Dany shows off her bracelet to Tia MentiRosa. Miguel is off again with Gus. Tia asks if they’re going to San Gabriel again. Miguel doesn’t know. Dany whines a bit about him going so far away, but Migui reminds her his fam needs the lana. Tia seconds that. Ana Pau can’t do all the supporting, now can she? Migui offers to walk Squeaky to work. They are barely out the door and Tia mentiRosa is calling Bruno. She is very worried about her sobrina…no, no, not about the fall….she’s worried about this stubborn, blockhead doofus (necio?) that Ana Pau met. Bruno thought the guy was in Tuxtla. Yeah, he lives there, but he’s working in San Gabriel and he’s been nagging tia for Ana Pau’s contact info. Of course, she didn’t give him the info. She wants someone better for her sobrina; someone mature, established…like Bruno.

Ana Pau (in teal and an ace bandage) is tidying a bit in the living room and comes face to face with DUHN DUHN DUHN….Vainessa (in royal blue and a bad attitude.) Vainessa orders Ana Pau to announce her arrival. Ana Pau says no way. Ro-hell arrives and tells Ana Pau she’s just his nurse and tells her to leave. Smug face from Vainy. Angry face from Ro-hell and Pouty face from Ana Pau.

Me querías ad nauseum


  • Vainy begs
  • Ro-hell throws a glass
  • Ana Pau and Ro-hell butt usual.


Sara, really enjoyed your recap. Lots of funny stuff--like "Anger management skillz….ur doin it rong." Since we're in a TN, we know RoHell has to take two steps forward (or rolls forward, whatever), then one step back.

Ah, the suffocating world of the small town/hacienda environment, with tormented souls suffering and yearning to break free/gain love/have a phone that works.
La Paloma

Awesome recap Sara, of an so-and-so episode. Liked the part when she's falling in his lap, but Ana Paula sure is whiny. If there would have been a kiss or something more steamy, we could have call it chairsutra :) (PS: I didn't come up with the word, no credits to me). It's true what Rogelio said, she's only been like that for a day or two and she already feels useless. Imagine being trapped in a wheelchair for your entire existence. She should think more before talking. I didn't like her getting all bossy with Vanesa, as if she was Rogelio's girlfriend of something. He's a big boy, he can protect himself very well, even from Vanesa. Ana Paula is starting to give me the jealous vibe.

Jorge Salinas/Rogelio is so expressive though. The way he looks at her, the way he talks about his horse - that's some fine acting.

Dipsh*t Miguel is back to his annoying self and damn, those eyebrows...I mean, that eyebrow is scary. Can we give him and Dany the award for the Yawn-Couple of the year? Although Gusbobo bores me more than these two combined.

I bet Ana Paula will feel terribly offended by the fact that Rogelio told Vanesa the truth: that she is only his nurse. If she's something more than that, well then, excuse me, I didn't notice it. I mean, she already sees herself running the Hacienda, what the... I understand that she doesn't want her patron to be hurt by that woman, but it's none of her business what he's doing, she can't just stop Vanesa from seeing Rogelio. Of course, Rogelio was yet again aggressive towards Ana Paula, because he was still pissed by her earlier 'useless' comments. Rogelio is not the short term memory type.

Ana Paula should make up her mind...on one hand, she dreams about her Prince Charming with the Scary Eyebrow Lift Gustavo, but on the other hand, she doesn't want Vanesa near Rogelio, maybe for more reasons than she's showing, because that's not exactly a 'nursy' behavior :S.

Offtopic: Wow, I've seen a few hours ago the last aired episode of LQNPA in Mexico and you would think that having 30 episodes left, things would start to become clearer, but NO, it's still a mess...and in a bad way, with too much incoherency and with no sense at all. I believe it's stupid when the producer and writer don't want to please audiences in the slightest, as if it was something bad. They're going for the unpredictable thing, teasing us from time to time to keep us interested, but I rather prefer predictable things which come as normal conclusions, than something out of this world, just for the sake of surprises. I am afraid by what's next, just by reading their Tweets. I sense dark clouds ahead!

Thank you so much for the great recap Sara. Loved the title. If Vainessa and Ana Pau are sisters, they are like opposite sides of a coin. Vainglorious Vainessa and compassionate Ana Paula. If Ana Pau is Frederico's daughter, I hope they show some backstory on his character. His wife is such a nightmare, no wonder he had an affair. I hate the way she dresses. She looks like she has no class at all. That move in the park that Vainessa made, she really thinks noone can resist her. I hope Rohell does.

I don't think Rohell is impotent either. It's good the way he is doing his therapy, this way his muscles don't atrophy and he definitely feels some pain in the legs when he is doing therapy. I too wonder if it is psychological and not so much physical.

And what is with the whip and this family. I saw Sin-thia with her whip too! At least she hasn't used it yet on anyone.

I like your nickname for Bruno, Skelator. He isn't handsome to me. Someone needs to feed him. And that hair has got to go.

Tia MentiRosa is looking for a payday! She has such a sense of entitlement, worse than Sin-thia and Vainessa do.

I guess Gus will have to spend a lot of time at the river before he ever sees Ana Pau.

I like Margarito. I think he yells all the time cause of the example he was set by Rohell. Before Ana Pau got there, wasn't Rohell always yelling? I am curious to know who Mararito's parents are too.

I think Ana Pau should have ignored Rohell and just told him what happend with Vainessa anyway. I hope she is not losing that spunk. This is the first time she hasn't stood up to him.

And Vainessa, Sin-thia and Bruno with their plotting and planning. I don't beleive Vainessa loves Rohell one bit. She just wants everything he's got. I guess Sin-thia thinks Vainessa will help her get the half of the hacienda, but I don't think that is going to happen and Bruno just wants vengence and his father's lands. I think Bruno will screw them both over.

Thank you, Sara. This is, as always, a hoot.

I'm finding it great fun to look at all this -- Dimples and Skeletor, Distracting Unibrows and Bonus Words, The Short and Sweet vs The Long and Lugubrious -- Through the Sara Looking Glass.

" Dany, Miguel smoochies, talk about work. Dany has an insecure. Bracelet and te amos FF>>

M-grito reads laboriously. Shots are heard. No worries, though. It’s just Ro-hell. Maria and M-grito explain how much Ro-hell likes to shoot things when he’s angry. Anger management skillz….ur doin it rong.

No one else -- absolutely no one else -- could have written those lines. Your style is unmistakable and hilarious! I doubt I'll be watching this show regularly but I am addicted to your recaps. You totally crack me up!

What a funny recap, Sara. Thanks for all your work. This episode had more downs than ups and I thought we were making progress. Too early for much lovely stuff I guess.

Sara, what a great recap. I loved your Uni-brow comment. I wonder if Miguel will have a makeover in the TN. He needs one, is probably cute under all that poor grooming. He looks a lot older than the part he's playing.
Loved your "he's doin it rong!" anger management. Yeah, Ro-hell with a gun is a frightening prospect considering what he did with the whip to Bruno. But from what I can see Bruno is fixing to deserve it soon.

Thanks, Sara. Good choice of nick for Bruno; he definitely is a Skelator type at this point. I wonder whether he lost weight for this role.

It took less time than I thought it would for someone to get a clue about the John Thomas and Lady Jane activities. It's a shame that she's so stupid Efrain could snow her that easily. Consuelo is in for a world of hurt.

I want a black version of that white dress Vainessa was wearing, although I suspect that actress is taller than I am.

We had to know that as soon as the sparks were about to ignite that there would be cold water thrown over them almost immediately. She could have said "I feel less effective at my job" or something.

As for her covering up in the uniform, I think he was looking to see more of her assets. BTW, did Ana Brenda have a boob job in between novelas?

Sara- I love your short and long versions of the episode. And I giggled through your description of the Vainessa/AP conversation. Yes, Vainessa's vanity is off the charts.

I think the significance of the spat between AP and Ro-Hell over the shooting is that he knew from the beginning that he contributed to the accident (remember how she told him when he was by her bedside that the horse was frightened by a shot), but he did not and will not admit his part in it. Instead all the blame is on A for riding with little experience, and Bruno's for taking her riding (although the horse belongs to Bruno and both he and AP were on their own time). All he had to do was say the shooter was him and apologize, just like Bruno apologized to her for his part in it, and she apologized for going off without him. They all had a part, but only Ro-Hell is not owning up to it. BIG BABY.

There was one bit of info that Cinthia let drop that may or may not be significant, but did answered some questions for me. When talking to Vain and Bruno, she said that their father died a few months after Ro-Hell's accident. Meaning that Ro-Hell was NOT the Parton/Boss before the accident. His father was. Therefore, even though Ro-Hell may have been a nicer person before the accident, we can't really compared his management/leadership style to what it was before.

Until I know what really happened to Bruno's family's lands, I am inclined to believe that Ro-Hell acquired them in an unscrupulous way after he became patron. I'm sort of rooting for Bruno to get some payback. It also seems that when Ro-Hell was mobile, and Bruno had land and money, Ro-Hell considered him a friend and a potential mate for his sister. But after wheelchair bound Ro-Hell became a despot, took/acquired Bruno's land, and made him his financial slave, HE (Rogelio) threw their friendship to the curb and started treating Bruno like an insignificant servant (gata). In that scenario, I tend to agree with Bruno that it was Ro-Hell who betrayed their friendship first.

Once again, I'm not saying I like Bruno. But from what I've seen and heard, he has a right to have vengeance in mind when it comes to Ro-Hell. I will hold off final judgment until I know more about how this land deal went down.

Thanks for putting this upo Sara. Vivi, I agree about your comments regarding what may have happened with Bruno's family's lands and the relationship between Rogelio and him. I don't like or trust him either but agree that he has a right to feel that he wants some vengeance for that.

Cinthia is being made a kept woman. It is not surprising that she is acting out a little bit. Most of you would probably feel the same way.Even if she were to "screw up her life", she should have the opportunity to do that too and not just be a furniture in Rogelio's mansion. Let her go and see what happens. Part of his anxiety after the accident makes him have to control everyone including his beautiful sister Cinthia.

OT: Juanita and Alexandra, you can download real player video to allow you to download almost any videos and video clips out there like youtube, dailymotion, megavideo etc. then store it to an external hard drive. I've literally downloaded thousands of music videos, Fights (Boxing), a few football and basketball games, tv shows,etc. I am about to gradually download selected entire TN series. You can also make different folders for different videos. For the paid version of Real Player you can even burn the videos to dvd if you want. I'm about to leave, will talk more later.....


Sara, this was wonderful. I thought your commentary was stellar and my favorite lines (of many) was "Vainessa says that was just because he was surprised to see her (with a gesture the seemed to imply “in all my marvelous glory”. This recapper cannot do justice to the conceit conveyed in that move.)" You nailed it. Perfectly.

Vivi, interesting observations about Bruno and Ro-hell's previous history and relationship. Ro-hell's ascent into being the patron may have been before he was ready. The accident and his paralysis may have heighted his anxiety. As he noted that he felt people were gossiping and whispering, perhaps he felt the only way he could earn (forced) respect was anger. If he did steal from Bruno, then shame on him.

That said, Ro-hell (Jorge) is a passionate character. I would like to see him with a woman who returns it.


Alexandra: We enjoy your enthusiasm, but please try to stay in the present with your comments unless you are guessing or considering what the future has in store for our characters. It is very frustrating for us who've not seen the show to jump so far ahead with you. I took out the info on Julian Gil, therefore and hope you will censor yourself regarding the Mexican episodios, ok?

Thanks in advance for your understanding. : ? )

Sara, wonderful recap. As has already been mentioned, you made much more of this than the episode offered.

"Ana Pau talks to the palomas about their monogamous nature." Well, in a cage like that, it's not as though they have a choice.

"Ana Pau (in teal and an ace bandage)—Vainessa (in royal blue and a bad attitude.)"

And what kind of a nurse would use the cane on the wrong side? Oh, I know, one without a license, because she quit her program a week before completion. Must've been the week they did orthopedics (her specialty?). So how's she going to get another job without her certificate if in fact, the avances are true that she gets canned by Rohellio. Seriously, those scenes of her limping along were s-o-o-o annoying. Basta with the bastón already.

Sara: I know it'll be a hoot to read but I have to forgo this pleasure till after lunch. More later!

Sara, it's great to be once again enjoying your recaps. You always manage to crack me up.

I was a bit troubled when Rog asked Hugo to fetch him his rifle, but less so when it turned out to be a shotgun (actually escopeta) for some skeet shooting.

I have absolutely no problem with Rog shooting skeet nor do I think he has any blame for the horse throwing Ana Paula. I'm pretty sure that she and Bruno could hear the shots before she rode up. Looks to me like there's plenty of room on that ranch for both riding and shooting.


"Well, in a cage like that, it's not as though they have a choice."

Good one.


Hola Carlos! I actually don't think AP's horse accident was anyone's fault really. Just unfortunate timing on everyone's part. The problem is that it was Ro-hell himself who started throwing blame around, when in truth he contributed just as much as AP and Bruno. An they both owned up to their part in the accident (which is what it truly was).

Vivi, exactly.


I don't think it outrageous that Rogelio over-reacted about AP's horse incident in view of his own experience. But they all need to understand that it was an over-reaction.

Ditto to the fact that they are all responsible and it was an unfortunate accident.

I'm sure the next few episodes will have more of the secondary characters. Maripaz' overprotective dad is off the charts, though not as bad as Elsie the Cow.

Sara thanks for your recap. You have a style that makes me laugh. I didn't realize Vainy was such a mess but if I had any doubt they were removed after last night.

Recap fantastico Sara, gracias.

Would they really have the TN hero (flawed) cheat someone? Somehow I think it must have been Bruno's fathers fault.

Julian Gil did a calendar for 2012, can't figure out why he is so thin. And his hair is much better dark.

Vanesa thinks Rogelio is going to run back to her???? that would be rolling back, but it ain't gonna happen, or is it?

I was having a problem understanding what set AP & Rog off, tks for clearing up, I'm going to watch my tape with captions.

No way would Rogelio take this bitch back but it will take a long time before she admits that to herself. Maybe in the finale episode?

Sara, thank you for another terrific recap. Your one-liners are also spot on.

Living in Texas I totally understand Ro's anger about the accident. If it were my ranch I know I would not allow anyone to roam around at will without my permission. Bruno is just lucky that no one was shot accidentally. It seems that everyone on the ranch knows that Ro shoots clay and I am sure it is alway in the same place. So Bruno is the one that needs a lesson in riding safely on someone else's property. Even on my grandparents ranch we needed permission to even target practice. We had to even check out which pastures the cattle were in. We in Texas hear of accidental shootings frequently.


Thanks for the insight Rosemary. I never would have thought like that....being a city slicker lol. It makes sense tho!

As far as facial appearance, Miguel reminds me of Oscar the Grouch.

Oh.em.gee, Shallowgal! You're right!!

I'm still rooting for Skeletor, even if he does hair the color fo a golden retriever. He's toned down the leering a bit (just a bit), and so far hasn't done anything that constitutes evil. Schemeing to get his land back doesn't count yet.

AP way overstepped the boundaries by making demands of Vain-essa. What was she thinking? I suppose she can now justify going back to eat in the kitchen since she's back to being just a servant.

And I sure hope everyone caught Vain'essa's move that Sara referred to. It was awesome. Humility is fine but sometimes it's nice to see someone look good and damn well know it. Do Spanx come in a heavy-duty version for us non-novela bodies?

Nice to see Consuelo NOT fall for Efrain's bs and that her affection didn't drag on for a few more weeks. She could be a problem for future Cinthia.


Shallowgrouch- Miguel the Grouch. Nice!


We have had people shot by imbéciles celebrating by shooting in the air in a city!!!.
So I can understand wanting to know the cattle are safe, the bullet is going to come down somewhere.

Sara, your recaps are a work of art. I laugh so hard that I think everyone in the house hears me! Truly brilliant.

This just came to me: "Rohell on wheels." It just seems to fit, doesn't it?

I know Rohell is a douchebag, but still, I felt really bad for him after the "useless" comment from Ana Paula. Talk about cold water in the face. Here Rohell is thinking that things are going along fairly well and he's starting to feel all warm and fuzzy with this pretty nurse who neither fears nor pities him, and they just had a "meaningful" moment on his lap—and then she says that lame thing. Of course he should have let her explain, should have cut her some slack (we all say idiot things sometimes) but cutting people slack and not overreacting are not Rohellio's strong suit.

Agreed, Bruno does look like Skelator! I think Julian Gil is an attractive man, but so far all I've seen him in are this and Eva Luna, and he has this freaky wall-eyed look in each role.

Vainessa, what can I say. She exudes arrogance and vanity. I couldn't believe she'd actually be surprised that Rohell was less-than-receptive to her the first time she saw him. What did she expect? How delusional is she, anyway? She underestimates Rohell—he's a different guy now, and not all warm and fuzzy so much.

Rosemary, thanks for the info on the protocols on the ranch. As another city-slicker, it's interesting and does explain some of Rohell's outrage over Ana Paula's accident, though of course in no way excuses his vast overreaction. But at least we understand a little bit better what set him off.

What a fine recap. I especially liked the title—really sums up the epi in a tidy way. Rogelio is so sincere about changing that AP says one stupid thing and, Voila! he's off his commitment and back to being a world class a$$#ole. What a perfectly horrid character.

Madelaine: ITAWY. The whip! OMG why don't you hit me over the head with it's symbolism. Lose the whip or quirt as the case may be.

AP was pretty entitled herself last night to step in the middle of her employer's former love relationship. How to get fired in one week or less. Vanessa is a beast but her relationship with Rohell-on-wheels is really none of AP's business. I guess we just got treated to an early version of the catfights in store for these two. If they ARE sisters and find out, then those future encounters should be must-see Jerry Springer-type TV.

Vivi, I LOL at your comment BIG BABY. 'Big-Baby-with-a-Whip-and-Gun' is my new name for Rohell-on-wheels. Sniff!


ShallowGIRL. Sorry. Miguel the Grouch. Shallowgirl. Got it now.

Word ref.- bintesti. Rogelio has bintesti since his accident.


Great recap Sara and I LOLed at a lot of the snark which was definitely needed. So it was one step forward and two steps backwards with AP's careless slip of the tongue. The faceoff with Vainessa was interesting too. Me thinks AP didn't like Rog dissing her like that in front of his smug ex.

So far, in spite of his brooding attitude, I like Rog.

For the first time last night I actually felt some sympathy for Rogelio as he talked about his love of riding before the accident and the death of his favorite horse. It was especially poignant that he had a chair brought for Ana Paula to sit in so she could see the horses from his perspective. Now that caused me to tear up.


Carlos, I had no idea what that scene was about but now that I do that is really sad and adds another layer to Ro's personality.

The other thing I think about is he probably doesn't have many social skills being stuck out in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't look like he has any friends that do no have an agenda.


Ah I apologize, I thought the detail about Julian Gil wasn't a spoiler, since it wasn't really related to the character he is playing. As for the episodes I'm at, I'LL NEVER reveal beforehand what bothers me, I just limit myself to saying that I don't like the direction they are heading to. I'm really disappointed by the way it started in 2012, I have barely any excitement left for it, but the recaps will be a blast. Should I refrain myself for those type of comments too? Apart from that, all my deductions and comments are settled in the Univision present, so no need to worry.

I'll be more careful with that.

This recap was hilarious. I love the nicknames, especially Effer. That's perfect for him because he always wants to eff her.

So just when I start to like Rogelio, he does something that I don't like. I know they are doing this on purpose so we don't know if he is a good guy or bad guy. Do we root for him? Not sure. But I hate how he treats Cinthia and talks about her. He is so controlling. What's she supposed to do at the ranch with nothing to do? Let her go to school already. AP seems to be mooning over Gustavo, but maybe she needs to see him again to see how she really feels. When the dimples flash between Rogelio and AP, I start to think they have something. Too soon to tell, I guess.

And just as the jury is still out about Rogelio, I think it's still out on Bruno. If they had cast a more likeable looking actor, we would all be in his corner. But when you look kind of smarmy, it's hard not to judge a book by its cover.

Sara/Kelly - i'm laughing by myself now when I think of OtG's unibrow going up and down, with his unruly hair - just like Miguel's.

Shallowgal- This is why I have to be careful reading these at work. Nothing work-related is funny and the coworkers would get suspicious. Getting caught is the only negative about great recaps like this one.


Kelly - I sooo totally relate to your "Nothing work-related is funny."


"Ana Pau—la que no podia andar: Thank heaven Ro-hell was there to catch her! Ana Pau—la que no podia hablar sin meter la pata: Hello mouth, meet dislocated foot!" That got me going immediately! Thanks for all the giggles.

Wow, Sara, outstanding recap! Wow, your Spanish comprehension is very good! I had trouble following the business shenanigans that Vanessa was proposing to Bruno, and you picked up a lot more than I did. I'm very grateful for the details.

I like your style. Hilarious summary, and the detailed recap was a masterful condensation of the story. So many details, yet so compact. Hats off to you.

I love that meter la pata expression. Great embedded vocab. And thanks for the bonus word unas pinzas LOL! I'm very tired of the unibrow.

Boy, Vainessa and Cinthia are such idiots! LOL!

Gold satin sheets LOL!


I'm just thinking of going in a different direction and maybe give Rogelio a little break and cut him some slack regarding his behavior and anger management issues. Let's say for the sake of discussion that he really is willing to change, change does not happen overnight and this is especially true of people with very hard, intense characters. I should know because I'm one myself, not that i'm totally flawed or anything like that.

From time to time a person will stumble ocassionally especially when faced with adversity and intense moments such as the vanessa situation.

I agree that Ana Paula may have been out of place to say what she did with Vanessa but in her mind, Ana Paula thought she was doing the right thing being Rogelio's protector. Perhaps on a subconsious level, she begins to feel "territorial" with him. It is confusing for Ana Paula because they go from a bad start to making progress to her thinking they are getting closer on a personal level. Normal feelings.

A little side observation: It seems like Vanessa's upper lips are unbalanced. Could it be messed up colagen? Saw it a few times on the close ups.


Ibarramedia--OATS about Vanny's mouth.

Also-- I'm kicking myself. I missed a" golden" opportunity to reference a Tammy Lynette song during the Cin/Edged boudoir scene: Satin sheets to lie on/satin pillows to cry on/still I'm not happy can't you see?


I also saw something in the middle of Vainessa's forehead.

And AP's cane seems a little too short for her.

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