Thursday, January 26, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #19 Wednesday 1/25/12: Ana Paula says "**** It, Let's Just Do This Thing"

Hello everyone, I'm going to follow the trend I started in yesterday's recap, and do copious amounts of screenshots with a more bulleted list of events of the episode. Let's get started!

* Cupcake (Ana Paula) cries at the news that Gustavo is dead. Clutching the newspaper announcement in her hand, she tells Dany the news.

Cupcake cries over the loss of the eyelashed one (Gustavo).

* I'll cut to the chase on this one (but may add more details later). Ana Paula does get a reasonable amount of confirmation that Gustavo is dead before believing it. (Well, she doesn't go to see his grave or anything.) She has Dany call up Mercedes and when she tries to talk to Mercedes herself, Mercedes cuts her off, outraged that AP would bother her in such a time of grief. Most of us in that position would also believe that Mercedes was talking about the death of her brother.

* As many of us guessed, it wasn't Gus With the Beautiful Eyelashes that died, but Gus Sr. We see Mercedes, Ernesto, Gus's Mom, and Gus himself at the gravesite as they talk and talk and talk and talk and talk to each other about how they're going to miss Gus Sr., etc. etc.

* We learn that Gus still needs to be checked out to find out if he's in decent health or not after his ordeal. He hasn't done that yet because of his dad's sickness and ultimate death.

See, we all KNEW that Gus wasn't dead!

* During the agonizingly long conversations between the members of the Gus family, we learn that Ernesto, the jealous sorta-suitor of Mercedes, is married, he's got a kid, that he LIED to his wife about being at the funeral (even though he assured Mercedes that his wife knew). He and his wife's marriage is on the rocks. He and Mercedes split up when he had to go to the USA years ago and not long after that he got married and had a kid. Mercedes figures that he must not have loved her very much because the age of the kid indicates that he hooked up with wifey very soon after splitting up with her.

We have some long, long, long conversations with Gus's and Mercedes' mom, which makes me wonder if the actress who plays her is someone famous, and they were trying to give her enough lines to make it worth her while to guest star? Does anyone know who she is?

Mercedes rips AP a new one for bothering her during such a painful time. This leaves Ana Paula with the definite impression that Gus Jr, (instead of Gus Sr.), died.

* Tia MentiRosa and Bruno have a discussion at a restaurant about what's the deal with Rohell and getting engaged. Why would he bother sniffing around AP so much if he ended up marrying Vainessa? Bruno doesn't get it either, but assumes that maybe Rohell just didn't like AP defying him and that's why he's getting her back to work for him. Tia then wonders why the proud, severe Rohell took back Vainessa after what she did to him. Bruno supposes that it was Twoo Wuv. MentiRosa scoffs at such sentimental stuff; it doesn't exist, she says. Bruno says he's not all that crazy with Rohell's choice for a bride either; he would have preferred someone who would help Rohell be a better man—someone like Paula!

"What's the deal with that old turd Rohellio?" Tia wonders.
Bruno's got something right: Better that Rohellio marry someone who doesn't enable his douchebagginess. Someone like Ana Paula. But does he literally mean AP? I kind of doubt it.

* Tia wonders if Bruno thinks Rohell was ever interested in AP. Bruno says he did at one time, but evidently he was wrong. Tia asks Bruno if he's jealous of Rohell. "Why would I be jealous of a cripple?" Bruno scoffs. Even though Rohell has more money, Bruno thinks he has much more to offer a woman. [Recapper note: I don't know about that, Bruno. You don't have dimples and you resemble Skelator. I'm just saying.] Tia points out that Vainessa doesn't mind hooking up with the cripple, but then asks if Vainessa is out for the money. Not so, Bruno replies, since Vainessa's family is loaded. The ever-greedy Tia is irritated that AP moons after that Gustavo when these richie riches marry each other.

* Cupcake (AP) cries over Gustavo and says she'll never, never, never, never ever evereverever forget him. This continues throughout the episode so I'll spare you a lot of the repetition.

* During the endless mother-daughter-son grieving scenes with Gus's family, Gus does tell his mom about his love for AP, how he needs to see her and how he still thinks there's an explanation for everything that's happening.

Gus yearns to find Ana Paula at his time of grief.
Ernesto tells Mercedes that his marriage is going down the crapper.

* Rohellio and David are chatting in David's office. Dave brings up the prospect of marrying Sin. Rohell isn't against it but is a bit surprised that they're going so fast. David assures Rohell that he likes Sin and isn't playing with her. Rohell says "Sure, because if you did, you'll have to answer to me." *GULP* You can see David digest that. David then says that Sinthia would prefer to wait until after Rohell's boda. Rohell says, cryptically, that she was wise to decide that, because "things are going to change after my wedding." Then we get a sh*t-eating grin from him.

David speaks in earnest about his feelings for Sinthia.
... Aannnd, we have another sh*t-eating grin, this time with a tinge of menace to it.

* Vainessa and Sinthia have a chat while shopping at the mall. There's some talk about Vainessa avoiding work, even though she's got shares at her dad's company. She wants to devote her time to her marriage and Rohellio. Sinthia doesn't understand why Rohellio just doesn't give her her half of the Hacienda now; it's not like it would make him go broke or anything. Vainessa thinks that marrying David is the way to go, he could give her all that she wants. (Not sure if this also means her half of the Hacienda.) Sinthia doesn't get why she should marry in order to be free of her overbearing brother. Vainessa smiles and says that marriage is the price she pays to get what she wants.

* Back with Rohell and David, Rohell advises David to suck it up and rehire that engineer Gustavo, since he was the one who could effectively deal with and placate the irate fishermen at their construction site. I get the impression that Rohell is unaware of David's attempt to monkey with the environmental laws. Rohell, in a rare moment of non-douchebaggery, actually is pragmatic and makes sense. David looks a bit abashed.

Let's enjoy it while we can: Rohellio not being a douche.

I'll bet he regrets ever giving her his number: MentiRosa interrupts Rohell during his meeting. He excuses himself from David, making the comment, "For this woman, there's nothing money can't solve." She sounds a bit like YOU Rohell!

* AP and Dany go to church, where we hear more cries and grief from AP about the loss of Gustavo. She loved him, boo hoo sniff sniff. We get it, we do. She'll really miss Gus, the love of her life.

More tears from Cupcake.

* MentiRosa calls up Rohell and demands a meeting. It's about Rohell's engagement to Vainessa—what kind of game is he playing, already being engaged when he is trying to marry Ana Paula? Tia wants COMPENSATION for all of this! (That's her first thought? Seriously?) Again, the old saying "You can't sh*t an old turd" applies to these two. Rohell's a tougher old turd than MentiRosa and calls her bluff. What is she complaining about, he's paid for Miguel's medical expenses, paid off the family of the victims, put up money for bail of Miguel happens to get paroled, that AP's job offer is still open, etc etc. (And it's true, it sounds like he's done a lot to help, even though we still know he's a douche). He sternly admonishes MentiRosa to not question ANYTHING he does and to not push her luck. She has enough brains to shut up.

You can tell what he's thinking here.
Don't mess with THIS old turd!

* MentiRosa's friend Elena tries and fails at giving our distraught and grieving Cupcake a pep-talk. Sure, it's sad that Gus bit the dust, but life goes on. Why not take that offer with the rich cripple guy? Consider it another job. You'll present yourself as the model wife to the public, and you won't have to do *coughcough* "other things" with him ('CAUSE HE CAN'T! "What? It's TRUE!" she says) (at this AP yells a scandalized protest) and in return he'll treat you like a queen! AP can't take it anymore and yells for Elena to leave her in peace. All I can say about this exchange is that Elena has taken a page from Tia MentiRosa's TACKY book. (Thank you 5foot for that reference!) And I wouldn't be so all-fired sure about the CAN'T part. Just saying.

* AP goes on to say that she can't think of any other man other than Gustavo.

Our Cupcake is outraged. Especially, I think, at any discussion of what Rohellio "can" and "can't" do. I don't think she really wanted to go there.

* MentiRosa sees Miguel in prison and tells him of the loss of Gus. Miguel doesn't want AP to know how bad things are for him. He doesn't want her to sacrifice herself on his behalf. She says sure, but also tells Miguel to tell AP, the next time he sees her, that "Life goes on" and she should look to her friends for help. Friends like BRUNO. MentiRosa has now set her sights on Bruno again, since it seems like Rohell may not be willing to marry her anymore. After Tia leaves, Miguel gets pounced on again by the evil thugs in the prison.

* Elsa la Vaca wants Vainessa to dump Rohell again, now that he's signed the business contract. This woman is a piece of work. I'll spare you all the hysterics and screaming. Basically why should Vainessa get stuck on that ranch, riding all the darn horses, married to a man who is no longer the same as he was before his accident. To Vainessa's credit, she flatly refuses to do this. Long-suffering Federico has to break up the argument. Elsa la Vaca scolds Vainessa for pointing at her, reminding her that it's rude to point at your mother.

* Another part of the story I'll abbreviate: AP and Dany get word from the prison that Miguel has been beaten up really BAD this time. He is so bad off that he will need to be transferred to the Civil Hospital so his hand can be re-operated on. He is also very depressed and doesn't want to live. The doctors are very concerned that he may not make it. Both AP and Dany visit him and plead with him to keep on living, to keep on going. Poor Miguel feels like all he's done is be a burden and a problem for everyone. He looks very messed up, too.

Bad news from the prison.

Miguel thinks that prison will be the death of him. Viewerville is inclined to agree.
Ana Paula vows to get Miguel out of prison. I think her method for doing this is called ROGELIO.
Dany pleads with Miguel to keep fighting to live.

* Elena, MentiRosa's friend, asks for the rings back that she "sold" MentiRosa. Since MentiRosa's had a reversal of fortune, it's uncertain if she can ever pay all that she owes for the rings. MentiRosa makes a long, long ordeal of pulling the rings off her fingers and returning them. Also Elena is not shy about hinting that MentiRosa and AP can't stay at her place indefinitely.

It's an understatement to say that MentiRosa is reluctant to return her rings.

* As mentioned earlier, we have more endless, endless, endless discussions with Gus, sister, and mom. I covered most of what they discussed earlier in this recap. We also have more scenes with Cupcake (AP) grieving, "What are we gonna do," etc etc. If I missed anything really interesting/important during these scenes, please let me know. I was too busy snoozing through them.

* There's this interesting discussion between Sinthia, Vainessa and Bruno about life after marriage with Rohell. Sin and Bruno are certain that Rohell won't want to stay in Tuxtla after the marriage. Vain Vainessa isn't so sure. Even though she's told that the main reason Rohell has been in Tuxtla so long as because of his business with David (and Viewerville also speculates, with ANA PAULA), he'll be going back to the Hacienda soon. Ever-arrogant Vainessa says, "No, he is in Tuxtla for ME!" Dream on, sister. She also thinks that they'll spend long periods of time in Tuxtla after the wedding, because she's got a 30% share of her father's business and she'll want Rohell to help her with business.

Bruno gives a sneaky, wall-eyed look over his glass after hearing Vainessa's arrogant bragging.

* Rohell is chilling at the local restaurant with his newspaper when our Cupcake strolls up and says, "**** it, I've had enough, let's just do this." ...  Okay, so no, she doesn't say it quite like that. She asks Señor Montero if his offer of marriage is still open. The Señor looks like he is suppressing feelings of great triumph.

Interrupted while reading the newspaper.

"**** it, let's just get on with it." No, she doesn't say that. But she's thinking it.

Triumph at last!

Avances: Rohellio says they can marry within a month. Ana Paula accepts.

AVANCES: Rohell looks happy with the deal he's making with AP.

AVANCES: Ana Paula reluctantly accepts the proposal from Rohellio.

Gratuitous Jorge Salinas shot from the avances.


Elvira, it was so nice waking up this morning and finding your recap. I can't think of any parts you didn't cover, and you covered a few scenes I also snoozed through. Your recap is much more entertaining than the TN.

I think the turning point for Ana was that last scene with her brother now covered head to toe like a mummy with bandages and he barely looked up at her.
You know, this is not Miguel's fault, but he is one calamity juan, if you know what I mean. Look, at the beginning of the TN he gets involved in shop lifting with a friend and gets in trouble. He is just not smart enough or capable enough to get along in this life and even if AP marries Rohell and gets Miguel out of jail it is not going to turn him into a high functioning person.

Like I said yesterday, my beanie had to be put on so tight my eyes are popping out, but, this is TN world.

Elvira: Two excellent recaps in a row. You perfectly captured Ana's emotions with your title. Saying she's just not that into Rogelio doesn't quite cover it, does it? :)

Since there wasn't a ray of sunshine in last night's events, thank you for your fabulous humor: "[Recapper note: I don't know about that, Bruno. You don't have dimples and you resemble Skelator. I'm just saying.]" and "I'll spare you all the hysterics and screaming". Your screenshots were marvelous, particularly the "Gratuitous Jorge Salinas shot from the avances". Gracias.

It is clear Miguel is going to die at the hands of the inmates. Ana really had no choice but to accpt Rogelio. Well, at least Tia can get her rings back and aspire to a bigger, more expensive jewelry collection. Blech.

Rogelio sees Ana as a conquest, pure and simple. While he's intrigued by her, how will he treat her when they marry? I think she will continue to bewitch him, but will Rogelio put his bitterness aside and try to be a better person. And of course, once Gus surfaces, another obstacle will be added to the mix.

Thanks again Elvira. Your detailed summary was very much appreciated!


Emarie, our comments crossed. I really enjoyed yours, especially "calamity juan". Perfect!


As always a perfect recap. Thank you for the double duty this week.
I just got a pretty nice tutoring gig for Tuesdays and Thursdays so I won't be able to recap starting February 7. Anyone out there willing to take over?

Thank you so much Elvira for this great recap. Loved your title. Poor Miguel. For a minute there I thought he had lost his hand. The way he was wrapped up you really couldn't see his hand. Prison will be the death of him and I think this is the only reason the Cupcake is marrying Rohell.

At least Gus is willing to hear an explanation from the Cupcake unlike Mersnotty who shouts and doesn't listen.

Vainessa is living in a dream world. I can't wait to see what she will do when she finds out Rohell is marrying the Cupcake.

I have to say I laughed when Helena demanded the rings back from the Mentirosa. Her whining and crying and trying to get the rings off lol.

The Cupcake may be marrying Rohell but she won't go down easy. I think Rohell is way under estimating her. I think she will continue to be strong and she won't let him "rule" over her.

Another great recap, Elvira. And the screen shots were, as always, terrific. Muchas gracias.

I'm very confused about Gustavo. I don't think I missed an episode lately, but the last time I saw Gustavo he was in bed and his condition was supposedly muy grave. So I was stunned when in the present episode he's well and back home consoling his mother and sister. WTF? I know this TN is often a snoozer, but I don't think I slept through anything lately. Or did I?

I might add that I'll be traveling for the next few weeks and will probably be relying only on these wonderful recaps to keep up with the show. I suspect that means I'll think the TN has improved immensely! :-)

Great photos, Elvira, and you've covered the important points. I'm going to find a shorthand for the repetitions in future.

I have to make a few observations:

Vainessa either expects to get a free ride on Rogelio's bankroll or she thinks that Her Supreme Hotness will magically get him out of the wheelchair and back to full functionality. Dream on, sister, because you are delusional.

Helena is one vulgar woman. I could swear she said something about an inability to put cream in the taco. I could have done without that image, thankyouverymuch to the writers.

I love the incidental guitar music in this episode. Flamenco is one of my favorite music genres and a great mood-setter for a novela. I could do without the opening theme, though, because it doesn't fit with the rest of the music in the series.

Miguel will never be even an average-functioning adult, especially after this. Even if his hand is miraculously brought back to full ability, he'll be too broken psychologically. Dani should look for someone else.

Elvira; A perfect spectacular recapping spectacle. will have to wait to read in depth and enjoy till later.

Since Sara is unable to continue after this month, just an FYI I've emailed Alexandra to come in full time. If she cannot, is there anyone else who'd like to?

Thanks in advance

UA - putting the cream on the taco is a reference to living the high life - like living high on the hog. So maybe that'll fix the imagery? Helena is still vulgar.

Thanks so much for the recap Elvira. I love you "I'm just sayin'" references and wonderful photos!


I don't know if that fixes it, but thanks. And I prefer picante guac in my taco.

So, will Miguel have to live at Rancho de Fuerte when he gets out of jail? We know Rogelio won't want have MentiRosa anywhere near it, but that would be best for everyone.

Something else occurred to me and thanks for the thing that triggered my memory: Keeping the water clean is very much in the interests of the owners of the proposed luxury hotels.

They could have great PR for their environmental actions and 5-star seafood restaurants that could be a major selling point for the hotels. This would also guarantee major customers for the fishermen in that area. Somebody should think about that.

Mil gracias for the smiling face of Rohell and also that gratuitous shot. I love him. But I do hope that after he marries Cupcake that he'll start wearing something other than black!

Thanks everyone! I had fun with this recap and am looking forward to tonight when we have further negotiations for marriage between Cupcake and Rohell!

As for covering for Sara, if we don't get someone else to cover, I can do that night in the short run (making those screencaps is fun!) but I doubt I can do it every week for the rest of the TN without burning out. But I can at least cover Tuesdays for a while.

Awesome snark filled recap Elvira. SO AP caved and she accepts reluctantly Rog's proposal. Speaking of which, why is everyone so sure that Rog can't perform his husbandly duties because of his paralysis? They are all suddenly doctors and can tell or something?

Those thugs truly did work Miguel over which prompted AP to make the decision to marry Rog as well as her thinking Gus, the boring one, is dead.

Looking forward to Vainessa finding out that she's not the bride.

Loved that screenshot of Rog at the end. He's too handsome for words. Hubba hubba.

Elvira, thanks so much for the recap! And yesterday's, too! And thanks also to the other recappers.

I usually don't watch this show until the weekend so I don't comment much, but I must let you all know that I do read your recaps and enjoy them more than the show.

What a hideously cruel justice system, to put a guy with not-yet-healed reattached fingers in with the general prison population. They can't put him in a medical block or isolation until he has at least a slight chance of defending himself? It's not like he's a cold-blooder killer. He's just an idiot.

"Echar crema a sus tacos" also means to brag.

Is Rohellio going to let Vainessa plan the whole wedding, then when everyone's there and she shows up in her fancy white dress, he'll say, "sorry, toots, the part of the bride will be played by Ms. Holier-Than-Thou"?

"I could do without the opening theme, though, because it doesn't fit with the rest of the music in the series." I wasn't crazy about the opening theme song either. It's starting to grow on me a bit.

Elvira, I enjoyed your recap and think the summaries are perfect at this point. Instead of reliving every whine and sob, we can rub our hands in glee as we await the "bait-and-switch" wedding scheme in its full glory.
OK, AnaPaula--time to stiffen your spine, put on the big girl panties, and break out the tough love to manage your new husband.
La Paloma

Julia I so agree with you about Vainy, what would be even better if she is all dressed up, all the guests are there and either Sin-thia or Bruno has to tell her "oops sorry, Rohell just got married to someone else" lol.

Elvira, thanks for the fun recap. Love the snark - these were some of my favorites:

“Bruno supposes that it was Twoo Wuv.”

"Rohell, in a rare moment of non-douchebaggery..."

"I'll bet he regrets ever giving her his number."

Also, I love the photo of Rohellio interrupting his newspaper reading to look up at Ana. He looked so calm but you know inside he's jumping for joying that she folded.

Madelaine, Agree Ana won't let Rohellio "rule" her. I think deep down that's what he's hoping for. I'm wondering what he'll do to try to make her happy.

UA, Agree Vainessa thinks her "Supreme Hotness" will get him out of that chair. As arrogant as she is, I still feel sorry for her because she's standing up to her mother about him like she should've done eight years ago.

I'm rooting for Miguel to get it together. It's noble of him to tell Dany to forget about him and Ana not to marry without love. He's not the brightest bulb, but he's sweet and putting their needs above his own.

We'll have to see how Rohell does the wedding switcharoo, won't we? For the moment it looks like he has TWO fiances! Quite a lot for one guy to juggle!

In regards to the "HE CAN'T" assumption that everyone has about Rohell in this novela: I wonder if part of the reason we have been seeing Rohell getting affectionate and frisky with Vainessa in almost every episode is to demonstrate to Viewerville something that many of the other characters in this show don't seem to grasp--that his motor still seems to be running quite well and he looks quite willing to follow through (if you know what I mean). Though I don't think he's "followed through" with Vainessa at this point and probably doesn't plan to.

People like the crass Elena paint him as some pathetic sexless creature who is marrying AP all for show, while in reality he has lost all interest in women and will only view AP as a pretty trophy. But the Rohell we see is someone who is full of pent-up energy in that department (if you know what I mean)! LOL.

(I do a lot of "if you know what I mean" and "just saying" for this show, don't I?)

Any chance that Rogelio is paying those jailhouse thugs to beat up on Miguel? Of course there is, the rat bastard. He's certainly not oppossed to beating on people, or doing evil to get what he wants. AP finding out (probably after the wedding) that HER Gustavo is still alive will be a sad day, but Ro-hell is in for a rude awakening if he thinks he can control her. It'll be a good day when the Cupcake turns in to Devil's food to get even for all these shenanigans.


Kelly, I can't be sure, but I don't think Rohell ordered any smackdown of poor Miguel in jail. I think the writers are trying to show us that while Rohell is a douchebag, he has limits and lines he won't cross. There's been no discussion that I've been aware of that hints that he's done anything other than "sit on his hands" (which is bad enough) and not help Miguel as much or as fast as feasibly possible. That, along with asking David to press bogus charges against Miguel (which is bad, very bad, but not like hiring people to beat him up!) is quite bad enough, but not so bad that it's "unredeemable."

Also, so far it looks like he is unaware of David's dirty dealings with the construction and environmental stuff. Another line I guess he won't (not that we know of) cross.

Rohell strikes me as someone who is more "hands on" with his violence. He uses a whip because he's in a chair and maybe he thinks the whip "compensates" for being in the chair (making things "even" again in a fight). Of course he's wrong and he's a total douchebag. But I think (don't know for sure!) that he would consider hiring people to beat up some sad sack like Miguel to be cowardly and beneath him.

Elvira, your writing style is very similar to 5ft Latina. I thought it was her when I started to read it. Very well done.

I can not wait until Vanessa finds out that Rog is marrying AP. That will be a great episode. Not only will he not be marrying her, but he'll be marrying a nurse who she hates. Too good. For what she did to Rog, she deserves this and more.

Has anyone else noticed in the flash of a picture when the show comes back from commercials, there is a shot of Rogelio sitting on a bench without his chair and he's holding a cane? I'm sure he will walk again, with AP's help and much to Vanessa's chagrin.

I'm pretty sure that Rogelio told AP he wasn't expecting her to "cumplir" any "wifely duties"— that it would be a platonic marriage only for show. IMO he acts himself as he doesn't think/realize that he has any ability to be a "true" husband. Is that just part of his mental block?


Tks so much Elvira, good one, love the screenshots.

Rosaura's character is a lttle over the top, not written very well, it s/b a LITTLE more subtle. She's always weeping & wailing, usually about dinero. And why doesn't AP, being a nurse, take her to the doctor if she is, ahem, ill? OK, put on my beanie.

I was so confused with this episode, why didn't Gustavo have any visible effects of his beat down? I couldn't figure if it was sth in the past or what?????? TG for the recap!!!!

Pobre Miguel, his hand is going to fall off. Another beanie adj, why would they send a person with fingers just reattached to jail with no medical attention? They wouldn't go through that operation just to let it fail.

Looking forward to Vanesa's disappointment. The bitch deserves it.

"I was so confused with this episode, why didn't Gustavo have any visible effects of his beat down? I couldn't figure if it was sth in the past or what??????"

I wondered that too. The episode before he could barely open his other eye and last night he had just a little bruising around his mouth. Bad editing I guess.

Yes, that was pretty bizarre. It could only have been a couple of days, yet Gustavo is walking around and his severly bruised eye has already healed? No way!

I am finally caught up with my recordings so I wanted to thank all the recappers for their marvelous work. The recaps add so much to the enjoyment of us all

Watching last night I got the feeling Vanessa was sincere when she was talking to her mother about Rog. Seems to me she is a likely candidate for the usual inconvenient pregnancy. Added benefit of showing Rog is indeed capable.

Poor Miguel. I do not personally
Like this character but feel the actor is doing a great job showing us a true sad sack

Forgot to mention another point, why hasn't Gustavo gotten in touch with AP, his true love? I know tia cut the phone cord, but a visit maybe?

Read it all and really enjoyed the snarky asides, Elvira! Tks muchisimo. Personally, I think RoHell's got it bad for AP and won't admit it to himself. He's applied his cutthroat businessman's strategy to insuring he forces her to return to him. Machiavellian means I'd say and we all know that if they're meant to be together then he'll have to pay for the horrible things he's done to manipulate the situation and her back into his sphere of control.

I guess I just answered my own question, to give Rogelio time to marry AP

Elvira--I meant to tell you that I also got the feeling that the woman playing Gus' mom must be more than some "bit player."

Gus was in a different city? pueblo? for his dad's illness and then death. So he wasn't able to go see her. But there was no mention of his trying to call her though.

I agree that Rog must have it bad for her. When she was recovering from her horse fall and was in bed, he was stroking her hair and wishing her well when she was unconscious. And after she left, he murmured some words about missing her and thinking about her. And don't forget he doesn't pass up an opportunity to touch her hand.

Yes, Variopinta, good point, Gustavo looks fine, so why hasn't he called AP? It is bizarre!.

Yeah, I'm a little puzzled as to why Gus hasn't looked up AP sooner. Perhaps he felt he couldn't spare the time, with his dad so ill, and surely Mercedes would have raised a stink had Gus even taken a SECOND to look up that "qualquiera" AP when the dad was ill. His sudden recovery is a bit odd, though.

As for Rohell not expecting AP to fulfill her wifely duties, I think this was something he negotiated with her when he proposed. I noticed that during the proposal, first he just asked her to marry him, straight up. I theorize that had she accepted at that point, he never would have mentioned anything about her being relived of her "wifely duties." He would have wanted a regular marriage. Only after she was reluctant to consider the marriage did he bring up "It's in name only," and "only for a year" and all the extra conditions and details. He brought those up only then, I suspect, in hopes of making the deal more palatable to her.

He basically wants her as his wife in any way he can get her, and he'll work on seeing if he can add the "wifely duties" to the deal later. (This is just me speculating on his mindset. That's so often how it works in romance novels!)

cathyx, THANK YOU so much for seeing a resemblance between my recapping style and 5foot's style! I love her recapping and I am beyond flattered! And thank you everyone else for your kind comments.

I totally agree, Rogelio will deal with wifely duties later. Still getting a little Amor Real feeling here.

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