Friday, January 20, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #14 Thursday 1/19/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Stop Being Annoyingly Tacky

For the time being, Rogelio and that smarmy jerkface David "plan" to just keep the info about Miguel to themselves. If you can call that a plan. David makes it clear that if the people Miguel hit with the 18-wheeler end up dying (how the hell did they survive that in the first place?) it's going to be Miguel's problem. He's mostly concerned with recovering the cargo and keeping the company's nose clean. Niiice. Rogelio asks for a favor, but we don't hear what it is yet.

Hysteria at the house. Dany is worried about Miguel, Ana is confused about the possibility of the people he hit dying, and the ever-loving Tia Rosaura is concerned about having lost one of her meal tickets. Dany commences to a full-on freak-out, which makes even Rosaura tell her to pull it together. Optimistic Ana says they'll get Miguel home and they'll take care of him. The cop says that's not an option. He's actually technically under arrest for running two people down with an 18-wheeler. Man, this cop is an ass. If they die he's going straight to jail, don't pass go, don't collect any cash for Tia Rosaura. She focuses her distress on the lack of money to get him a lawyer. Pu-leeze, like she's not going to try to sucker Bruno into doing it for the low, low price of her niece's virtue.

David stands up Cinthia with the excuse that he's helping her brother. She's only mildly disappointed, from the looks of it. She's hanging out with Vanessa and tells her that David's ok and all, but she really likes her men a little more passionate. Vanessa gets all steamy about how passionate Rogelio is…or was? Cinthia brings up that if Vanessa's looking to get horizontal with Rog, she may want to adjust her expectations a bit. Vanessa figures she'll just ask the doctors if Rog can satisfy her carnal desires.

Miguel's really not doing well. A lung collapsed and he lost a lot of blood. He's stable, though. A couple of nurses wheel in a cart to work on him. She notices the hand and starts demanding information, but sees for herself as the doctor unwraps the bandages. He lost 3 fingers. Ana Paula is verklempt!

Bruno is summoned to David's office. Rogelio asks for an estimate of what could happen to someone who ran two people over…best and worst case scenario. Bruno wonders who the hypothetical someone is and Rogelio stupidly tells him it's Miguel, Ana Paula's brother. He calls her "my ex-nurse."

Ana Paula asks what is going to happen to Miguel. The doctor says they've got the fingers and they're going to reattach them. She needs to sign an authorization form and pay his bill. I don't know if he means it this way, but to me it sounds like he's not going to do the surgery if she doesn't cough up some cash.

Vanessa is planning to make her relationship with Rogelio public as soon as the divorce is final. Mommy is still trying to talk her out of the divorce. Papi doesn't want her with Rogelio, but he doesn't have a problem with the divorce. He suspects this is something to do with the business, because of the timing with the contract and all. Mami is worried about the talk if Vanessa goes back to the guy she ditched at the altar. Papi doesn't think she's up to handling Rogelio's medical/physical needs. Vanessa reacts like a spoiled child, screaming loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear that she already told them she could handle it. Mami wonders if he's proposed, which he hasn't, but Vanessa is sure he will. Papi tells her to get divorced first, and then they'll talk about another wedding. "Now eat your salad. Go on!" Damn! It's not easy being a spoiled rich bitch!

Ana Bertha Espin may be a lovely person in real life, but this is the second time she's played a character that just makes me want to smack her every time she opens her mouth. "Well, now how's Miguel going to work as a carpenter? With his hand like that. They won't even give him a job as a driver." Dear sweet Muses, please let me play a character one day who provokes that much emotion! Ana Paula says he'll be ok. Dany is still weepy. Ana tells her she can go see him, but she's got to calm down. She pulls it together and goes in to see him. Rosaura asks if he really will be ok or if she just said it for Dany's benefit. Ana Paula says he really will be fine, but they've got to figure out how to pay the bill. Predictably, Rosaura tells her to call Bruno since he's the "only" one who can help them.

Dany tells an unconscious Miguel that he's got to get better. "Remember we have plans!"

Ana Paula explains she doesn't want them to be indebted to Bruno when he obviously has a thing for her. She wishes Gustavo were there and Rosaura takes the opportunity to snipe at Gustavo for being a useless boyfriend when Ana Paula needs him.

And there he is, bleeding at the bottom of a ditch.

Ana Paula is sure something bad happened to him, but Rosaura says he's probably just off drunk somewhere. AP is sure he's not and she plans to go downstairs and ask Mercedes if she's heard from him. "Oh, his sister works here?" *sniff, sniff* "Are you sure you couldn't ask her to do something for your brother?" Um, maybe if you hadn't encouraged Bruno that might be a possibility now. Of course, I know she doesn't care about Miguel, per se, but his future potential earnings.

Vanessa and Cinthia leave the mall. Vanessa complains about her parents, but Cinthia says things are moving a little fast. Cinthia borrows Vanessa's cell phone to call the hacienda. Consuelo answers the phone and says everything's fine. Cinthia actually asks for Efrain and claims it was on Rogelio's behalf, but Consuelo says he's a the stables. Cinthia tells her to pass on a message to Efrain, from her: "Don't forget your place."

Efrain asks someone to saddle Cinthia's horse, throwing his weight around in Rogelio's absence. Even Margarito tells him that no one is supposed to ride Cinthia's horse except her. He demands the horse be saddled.

Ana Paula finds Mercedes, asking if she's heard from Gustavo and saying she's worried. They have it out about the "kiss" and AP tells her Bruno kissed her, not the other way around. Whatever, Mercedes wants nothing to do with her. AP says she's there because her brother had an accident and while Mercedes is sorry, she'd still prefer to behave as though she didn't know Ana Paula.

David comes to the hospital looking for Miguel's relatives. He finds Ana Paula first and explains he's Miguel's boss. Rosaura sniffs and cries for his benefits, assuming verbally that he's there to pay the bill. David says no way! He took the company truck without permission. That's his story and he's sticking to it. He says Miguel must have been doing a transport job on the side. That's what the company logs say. He insists there's no mistake and the company can't be responsible. It's all on Miguel.

Maria wonders what the phone call was about and Consuelo says that Cinthia wanted to talk to Efrain. She didn't think about having Maria take the phone while she went out to get him, and since she's so touchy about her even talking to Efrain…. Maria softens up and says she has noticed that Efrain hasn't been sniffing around any other skirts lately, so if he keeps behaving himself, when Rogelio gets home, Maria will go to bat for their "relationship." Consuelo is overjoyed. Maria says she'll be watching them like a hawk! "Can I go tell Efrain? Pleeeeease?"

Ana Paula insists someone must have given permission in order for him to get the truck out. David says they're looking for an accomplice. Rosaura threatens him with getting a lawyer and David calls her bluff, saying he's planning on suing Miguel for stealing the truck. Rosaura uses this as ammo to convince Ana Paula to call Bruno.

Efrain rides Cinthia's horse. Consuelo lets him know that she talked to Maria about "them." Efrain doesn't want to get off the horse to talk to her. "Can't you see I'm busy? I'm taking the boss' place now. If he doesn't call or come home, then don't bother me."

Miguel regains consciousness…and the first person he sees is Rosaura. I think I'd vote for unconsciousness again! He tells her another car got in his way. He denies stealing the truck. Rosaura brutally screams at him about his missing fingers and he can't help unwinding the bandage and spiking his blood pressure. Dude freaks right the hell out! Ana Paula asks the nurse to please get a sedative for her brother! Man that sucks! Hand trauma of any kind scares the crap out of me! I know I could still act and sing, but the thought of not playing an instrument again…I might eventually work around it, but it would take some time to be emotionally recovered enough to do that.

Vanessa goes to visit her dad at his office. She tells him to fire Dany for not showing up for work.

Ana Paula tells Dany and Rosaura that Miguel wouldn't let her out of the room. Dany says she's gone to everyone she knows, but isn't going to be able to get much money. Bruno comes in and Rosaura is glad to see him. Ana Paula, not so much, especially after everything she told him last night. But Bruno isn't here on his own account, he was sent…by Rogelio. Dun, dun, dun!

Dany sits by Miguel's bedside and cries to him about how she can't get together enough money for his operation and hasn't been at work long enough to ask for a loan. This reminds her that she completely stood up her boss today and she grabs her cell phone to call him.

Vanessa is whining to daddy that her husband sent word through his lawyer that he doesn't want a divorce. She wants daddy to intervene, but he wants her to deal with her own problems. In the midst of the conversation the phone starts ringing and Vanessa picks it up. Dany asks for Leti, who isn't there and when she explains that she's Dany, "the other secretary" Vanessa responds with a shouted "You mean the EX secretary because you don't work hear anymore!" and slams down the phone. And what does Papi say? "Honey, you've got to learn to control your temper." Really? Really? That's it?

Dany doesn't take it well and cries that she can't have lost her job. Oh, just go back once Vanessa's gone and explain. Federico's a big softy. He'll take you back.

Rogelio asks to speak to Ana Paula alone. He hopes she's changed her opinion of him. Rosaura can't leave it alone and starts laying it on thick with the tears and saying they need money for his operation. Rogelio summons Bruno and tells him to take care of things…if Ana Paula agrees.

David likes that the other people at the restaurant think they're married. He won't tell her what he was doing for Rogelio earlier. "Well, you're lucky you caught me with Vanessa. I don't have a cell phone of my own." "Why not?" "Because Rogelio doesn't think it's necessary." This accompanied by a roll of the eyes I agree with wholeheartedly, but at the same time…come on, she's got enough autonomy to get into town alone every once in a while. Take some cash and get a prepaid cell. Not like there's any reception around that place anyway. David offers to get one for her so they can stay in touch. He tells her he loves her eyes. I get the feeling she'd rather he quit with the pretty words and just get it on right there on the table.

Ana Paula does agree, and thanks him. "You know I can only pay you with work." Rogelio babbles about her knowing how to be "humble" when necessary. Ana Paula sees his being there as wanting to support her and her family in their time of need, and she appreciates that, but she teasingly reminds him that he never said he was sorry for his previous dickish behavior. "Oh, well, I'm only doing this out of the kindness of my heart, with no intentions of emotionally blackmailing you into working for me again, of course!" Ana Paula says she knows and when he gives the word, she'll go back to the hacienda with him.

Consuelo is outside watering plants. She resists Efrain's advances, saying Maria will be watching. She tells him she was just looking for him to pass on a message from Cinthia: "Know your place." He muses that he of all people knows his (delusional) place on that hacienda. He wants to get frisky, but Consuelo tells him to quit wasting her time, she's got work to do. She leaves Efrain to his delusions of grandeur and gets verbal approval from Maria for demanding respect.

Ernesto notices Mercedes is upset and realizes she still hasn't heard from Gustavo. He offers to take her to the police station to talk to a friend of his as soon as he finishes up with a patient.

Bruno and Rosaura confab about Gustavo. According to Bruno, Gustavo put up a fight and things got out of hand. His hired thug brought back Gustavo's personal effects and wallet partly to hinder his identification, partly to make it look like a mugging, and partly as proof that he did the job. "And why are you giving these to me? I didn't ask for that! I only wanted him out of the way for a while." "These things have their risks. It doesn't always go the way you want." Rosaura turns around and sees Mercedes. She awkwardly turns back around, holding the bag of Mercedes' (presumably) dead brother's things. The tacky bitch shoves the plastic bag in her purse, turns back to Mercedes, and gives her a horrible smile.

Rogelio tells Ana Paula that he's attending to business in Tuxtla at the moment, so she doesn't need to work right away, she can take some time to care for Miguel. He can call or send Bruno when it's time for her to go back with him. She reminds him that he got the job for Miguel. *significant hand touch* (drink!) He tells her not to worry about material things right now, it will all work itself out. "The thing is, your friend is trying to say that Miguel committed a crime…." Rogelio tells her the cops will investigate and find out what really happened. Bruno approaches from behind Rogelio, and Dany comes up from behind Ana Paula to say that there's no more time to wait, the doctors need to perform the operation now. Rogelio tells her it's been taken care of. Dany weeps with gratitude and Ana Paula still looks somewhat skeptical.

Rosaura chats up Mercedes. Tacky. She says Ana Paula's been leading Bruno on and while she's sure Gustavo is a nice guy, there are men "para todos los gustos y tambien para todos los gastos" (for every taste and every expense). Mercedes doesn't like women who play around with men's feelings. "I always criticized her for that, but she always wanted to string two men along at once. She'll probably tell you a different story if you ask her yourself. Best not to. Just tell your brother to move on." Tacky. Mr. 5ft points out that this is a major TN trope--the first person to tell the story is the one who is believed.

Dany and Ana Paula have sandwiches in the waiting room. AP breaks the news that she's agreeing to go back to work for Rogelio. Dany finds the whole situation and the timing suspicious, but AP is still dressed by little birds in the morning, so she's sure there's a reasonable explanation and no one's out to hurt her brother.

Rosaura tells Mercedes she hopes her brother is found. Ernesto is ready so Mercedes excuses herself. Rosaura follows her partway down the hallway. She turns around and Bruno and Rogelio are there, so she asks Bruno to go see if Ana Paula has had anything to eat. She tells Rogelio she can tell that he's interested in her niece, and not in a professional way. "So? Would you object?" Rosaura gulps and doesn't answer.

Consuelo and the shopkeeper's daughter (sorry, her name slipped my mind), walk through the square chatting. The other girl has a key to Bruno's house and jokes that with everyone out of town, they could have had a party at his place. She gushes about there being a boy she would have liked to invite, but he's an out-of-towner who hasn't been back through (Miguel). She wishes her mother wouldn't insist she throw herself at Bruno. Consuelo says Bruno is aiming a bit high, and the other girl says he's too old for her. Consuelo says that she's thisclose to being Efrain's official steady, once the boss gets back from his trip and gives his permission. Blah, blah, blah, Efrain's so dreamy.

"I could maybe agree."
"You don't think I'm good enough for your niece?"
"No, on the contrary, you're more than good enough! You know my niece is a decent girl, from a good family. She's not…well, she's not just a girl you pass the time with."
"I would never see her like that! If that's what you think of me, …."
"No, I'm sorry, but look. We're two women alone. For all that Miguel is good for now."
"I don't want you to say a word about this to anyone! Everyone else will find out when it happens."
Rosaura gushes about what a great surprise, and oh how many secrets. Tacky. Rogelio waves her off and summons Hugo to get him the hell out of there.

Dany and Ana Paula reassure Miguel that he's going to be fine. Miguel says he's sorry for doing this to her. "I disappointed you! You're supposed to depend on me." They come to wheel him in to surgery.

Rogelio visits Vanessa. He's whistling with happiness. He pulls Vanessa onto his lap and tells her every day he's more sure that everyone has their price. This apparently appeals to her and they get their smoochies on. That skirt is short enough they could be doing more than that if he were so inclined.

Bruno quizzes Rosaura about the conversation with Rogelio, but she gives nothing away. She tells him she's worried for him because "the dead guy's sister" has federal police connections. "They're already investigating!" Bruno calls his thug and tells him "they" have a problem. The Federales are investigating.

Ana Paula advises Dany to go back to work and explain what happened. Dany figures once she has a chance to talk to him, it will all be fine. They go into the chapel to pray to the Virgen. Or at least Ana Paula does. Dany just weeps. Ana Paula asks for favors: (1) for Miguel to get better, (2) for Gustavo to come back.

Bruno's thug reports the "body" isn't where he left it. He doesn't know where it is. Bruno tells him they can't talk about it over the phone and summons him for a face-to-face convo. Rosaura asks what happened, but Bruno tells her that the less she knows, the better.

Mercedes and Ernesto spent the day with the cops. He's sure they'll find him. She's upset that he has to be missing for 72 hours before they can start the search. Ernesto's cop buddy is already looking, unofficially. Mercedes checks the machine for messages, but only gets Ana Paula, desperately looking for Gustavo. The message pisses her off. "It's that chick!" Mercedes cries and Ernesto comforts her. He still thinks she's pretty, even with her blotchy, teary face. She wonders if she should call their parents, but he says not yet. More comforting.

Miguel won't eat his jello. He just wants to sleep. He's characteristically pessimistic about the outcome of the operation. Rosaura says it had better work, as much as it cost. "Oh, that Mr. Montero! It's like he fell out of the sky!" Must. Not. Kill. Since I spend more time listening and typing than actually watching, Mr. 5ft has to call my attention to the fact that the tacky broad is drinking her nephew's juice. Tacky, tacky, tacky! Rosaura takes over the feeding duties. While talking up Rogelio as being a misunderstood man who jut needs love and affection. Miguel worries about needing to get back to work and make some money. Ana Paula tells him she's going back to work for Rogelio and Miguel flips out. She insists it's fine that she's going back to work for him and Rosaura gloats.

Bruno meets up with his thug and confirms the body is gone, gone, gone. "Then that means he's not dead! Idiot!" Bruno is worried about Gustavo spoiling his plans and the thug is worried about Gustavo recognizing him. Well, if the shit hits the fan, no worries, Bruno will definitely be throwing his thug under the bus, and he lets him know that.

Ana Paula is back in the chapel praying for Gustavo again. Dany finds her there and asks if there's been any word on Gustavo, which there hasn't. Dany is going to go back to work now that Miguel is better. AP says he's in a better mood today. She's really only worried about going back to the hacienda because she doesn't know what happened to Gustavo. She's also hopeful that Rogelio has really changed. He seems like a different person.

Mercedes goes storming into David's office and demands to know where Gustavo is and what he's done to him. She says he's the only person who has a problem with her brother.

Rogelio and Ana Paula have coffee. The doctors told Rogelio that Miguel will recover (he gets in the dig about how at least Miguel will). He agrees with Ana Paula about the importance of physiotherapy for Miguel's recovery. He asks if they've heard anything about the people who were hit, but they haven't. Ana Paula knows Miguel will be really upset about it and she wants to go visit them and see for herself how they're doing. Rogelio says that's not a good idea and it would be better if they died.

Rosaura is yelling at Miguel about how his boss insists he stole the truck, which is why he won't pay for any of Miguel's expenses, or those of the people he ran over. Tacky. "Your sister didn't tell you? You hit a man and a woman and they're in serious condition. Pray to God they don't die or you'll be a murderer."

Tomorrow: more praying, more smooching, a chick fight, more tears.


Rosaura is just so damn obvious with her greedy, tacky ways, I don't know why no one has seen the dollar signs in her eyes yet! Argh!

Thank you for your early recap, I was able to read it while getting reading for work.
I agree, Ana Bertha Espin is really doing such a good job at being tacky that she might end up being type-casted.
Did I hear Bruno saying to Rosaura that she is an accessory to the crime as he was handing her Gus's effects?
What a beautiful horse Efrain was riding.

Kat, the level of detail that you bring to your recaps is incredible. You never fail to cover all of the events perfectly. A few of my favorite lines were: "Ana is confused about the possibility of the people he hit dying, and the ever-loving Tia Rosaura is concerned about having lost one of her meal tickets", "Dear sweet Muses, please let me play a character one day who provokes that much emotion!" (loved your personal aside) and "she's got enough autonomy to get into town alone every once in a while". And, of course, we always enjoy Mr. 5ft's take on things.

I only saw the last part of this but any fondness I felt for Rogelio is quickly dissolving. Even though Vainessa is a conniving snake, he's obviously leading her on - for cruelty's sake as others have pointed out. He's approached pursuing Ana in a ruthless way. Very un-galan like, I must say.

Is Maria really going to give Efrain a chance with Consuelo? I thought she was a little more savvy than that. I hope it's not a disasterous decision.

Emarie, ITA - the horse was beautiful.


Thanks Kat! I missed last night - the TV couldn't find the satellite. You brought it all to me loud and clear!

I was thinking it wouldn't be bad to miss a bit of Rosaura's whining and sniveling and I really didn't want more of the fallout from Migel's horrible accident. Looks like it was a Rosaura dominated episode - whew!

But I also missed some doozy plot advances. Rogelio telling Rosaura he is interested in Ana Paula beyond a nurse? That seems sudden! Sure there have been sparks, but he hadn't seemed that smitten yet, acting more like a cat with a mouse. He's been just a little too cooly self-possessed to be pushing this angle yet.

Ah Bruno! - double-crossed again, just like you deserve! [I can clearly hear that in Tia Rosaura's voice!]


Thank you 5ft for this lovely recap. I loved the title, it fits Rosura perfectly and your line about the low low price of Ana Paula's virtue, it was perfect.

Poor Miguel to have the Tia telling him about his missing fingers. The poor guy unwinding the bandages and freaking out, all she can think about is money, money, money. And David is crooked. Taking the truck without permission. I wonder what the cargo was?

Poor Gus. He really looked worked over. I hope he makes it home.

I don't feel sorry for Vainessa at all. She is so cruel and full of herself. It's all about her. For Rohell I think it is revenge to get back at her for dumping him seven years ago. She will try to lord it over Ana Paula once she goes back to Hell Fuerte. Since when can Vainessa hire and fire her Daddy's employees? Dany will get her job back.

I am glad Consuelo stood up to Effer. Leave me alone I'm working. She gave it back to him.

Bruno what a evil, smarmy guy. I think he got rid of Gus, not just for Rosura but for himself. He wanted no obstructions to Ana Paula. So it got me thinking about how exactly Rohell ended up in that chair? I know he was in a cow stampede and this was how he was injured. Cows don't stampede for no reason, so I was wondering what or who caused it? Maybe Bruno has something to do with that? Just a guess.

Elvira- now I understand about the "hand porn" lol. Ana Paula sure moved her hand quickly!

Love this as always! Your recaps are always so snappy and funny and you added a lot of detail and some nuances that I missed. Thank you so much!

Seeing this with CCs and also reading the recap add extra detail to this episode and it really hits home what a turd Rogelio is at the moment. His happy whistling when visiting Vainessa, because he thinks "everyone has a price" is just gaggy. DOUCHEBAG, thy name is Rogelio.

Audrey, I was a little surprised too that Rogelio admitted to anyone his less-than-professional interest in Ana Paula, but I'm not surprised he realizes it himself. Going by the "Harlequin model" (LOL!) I think Rogelio has been smitten for a while now. Particularly after her "conditions" for returning, I think those hit him pretty hard and as he said, "Paula is incredible!" and I think that was when he knew he had to get her back and it wasn't just a "challenge" anymore, though part of him is still in denial and is trying to say that's all it is. I think he's full of contradictions at the moment.

Interesting also that he was a bit defensive in that conversation with MentiRosa, asking her if she didn't think he was "good enough" for Ana Paula. This is a touchy spot for him--he's always acutely aware of the his romantic disadvantage, because of being in the chair.

AHA! Kat, you picked up on the "hand porn!" We should all keep our eyes peeled for more, as well as "shoulder porn" (the significant touching of someone else's shoulder). LOL!

I'm a little confused about how a traffic accident like this can so quickly push Miguel into jail. Even without David's and Rogelio's interference, it seems as if Miguel was headed for some serious trouble. It seems like witnesses knew that there was a vehicle in the wrong lane and Miguel swerved to avoid the car, and accidentally hit those pedestrians. Why is that worthy of jail time?

Bien hecho, Kat.

Vainessa has some bloody nerve thinking she can fire her dad's employees. I'm sure the only thing she ever has to do with his business is spending the allowance he gives her out of the profits.

The only thing that topped that was Tia MentiRosa trashing Ana Paula to Mercedes. Did it never occur to her that she could be burning her own meal ticket by cutting off a serious job source or reference for Ana Paula? Not to mention stashing Gustavo's shell in her purse while talking to Mercedes. That's about as cold as it gets.

David is a bigger jerk than I thought; he must have an eye on Sin-thia's inheritance.

As for Sin-thia, anyone who has to remind others of their place can't be too sure of her own.

I was just wondering whether Rogelio's earlier treatment of Margarito reflects how he was once treated by his own father.

And now I know why Ingrid Martz will never be a reina no matter how well she can act: Anguish looks ugly on her.

Kat- Loved the snark and Mr. 5 Ft.'s comments. I didn't watch last night (this is going to be a sometimes show for me), but I really felt like I saw it with your lively recap.

If RoHellio was abused as a child by his father, wouldn't Cynthia likely have been too? Why try to find excuses for RoHellio's villainy when others also have reasons for theirs? Bruno wants revenge on RoHellio for stealing his family's lands. Cynthia wants to have freedom to choose the life that she wants. I mean, everyone has convenient reasons to fall back on to excuse their bad behavior, but it doesn't excuse it. RoHellio is being as big of a villain as Bruno, David, Vainessa, etc. Even more so in many ways.

I'm glad that David could get his surgery. It was inevitable that AP would return to HellFuerte anyway, so at least it's good that her brother was helped as part of this deal with the devil. Also glad that Gus is not dead and was able to move himself from where he was dumped.

Glad I didn't watch MentiRosa's scheming last night. The actress is very good at what she does.

"Damn! It's not easy being a spoiled rich bitch!"

Sad... but true... poor baby

Kat, as ever, you crack me up.

Things are picking up and it's becoming clearer as to who's naughty and who's nice (although Rogelio refuses to declare and Tia Rosy may come to regret her choice).

My favorite scene:

"The tacky bitch shoves the plastic bag in her purse, turns back to Mercedes, and gives her a horrible smile."

That was so well done... fond memories of Enriqueta (STuD).


Thanks for putting that up Kat. Hmmm. I think you may be right about David wanting Cinthia's inheritance UA. I fear he may harm her or kill her for it. It makes sense though considering that is the way David operates. He wants the money. Greedy SOB.


Uncle! We give up! We just can't bear to watch this TN anymore. So much screaming at each other, few redeeming characters, the nastiness. My blood pressure can't take anymore. We will just continue with Familia, as looney as that TN is, atleast they like each other for the most part. Adios "No Podia"!

Oops, I meant I was glad Miguel, not David, could get his surgery...

Anon- I understand what you mean. I like AP and Gus, but not enough to tune in every day to watch them suffer. I love the setting in Chiapas though, and some of the acting is wonderful, and I am curious to see how these writers try to turn Rogelio around. Whatever they do, and no matter how expressive his brown eyes are, I'm afraid that Rogelio will never be a galan in my eyes.

Great recap 5ft! So much fun, I would also choose to remain unconscious than to wake up to Tía Rosaura.

Vivi: I wonder if Rogelio could ever be redeemed. I must have had the last version too present in my mind because up to this point in the novela I kept tininking he would be the villain. Ignacio/Rogelio was also very human at times in Te Sigo Amando and I never doubted his love for Yulissa/Ana Paula but he was doomed from the start to be rejected because of something that this novela avoided by changing events but, so far, the two versions of this character aren't that different at all.

I just watched the trailer for Abismo de Pasión. Unlike La Que No Podía Amar, they are keeping it very close to the original source but it still has a completely different feel.

By the way, here's a small interview with Silvia Navarro and Christian de la Fuente on the set of Lidia de Amor.


Thank you 5ft Latina for the great recap. Rosaura is becoming badder and badder (I would say worse because I'm not sure badder is even a word, but she really is so bad)that I hate her with a passion. I FF through her scenes unless I think I might be missing some important info.

Bruno is turning out to be the slimeball that we all suspected, although I was giving him the benefit of the doubt until now.

Rogelio is not in love with Vanessa anymore, and he's trying to prove that she isn't back with him for love but for money. He's toying with her to see how far she will go to get that money. He keeps saying that everyone has a price. He's testing AP too, but for her, the price isn't for herself but for her family. How much will she sacrifice for them?

I wouldn't be surprised if the only character that maintains her character is Consuela, and I hope she holds out for marriage before she gives in to Effer.


"I wouldn't be surprised if the only character that maintains her character is Consuela..."

I hope that you are right. I've been expecting her virtue to be one of the first casualties. Efraím is persistent as well as charming in a feral way, and she is certainly smitten.


I am going to stick with this TN just for the satisifaction of seeing the anvil drop on Tia Mentirosa and Bruno. I really want to see if Rohell can be redeemed. It will take very many months, but I am sticking with it.

5ft, thanks for a fun, detailed recap. Tia Rosaura's tackiness with Miguel was driving me crazy, so I loved "Must. Not. Kill."

Rohellio is really a mess. Kudos to Jorge Salinas. Rohellio is trying to control people's lives right and left, and in my view they all will have a price he can score with -- except for Ana Paula. She will not bend. He said he wanted to "domesticate" her, but she will wind up domesticating him by sticking to her principles.

I don't think Rohellio realizes yet that he's in love with Ana Paula. He just knows he has a need to conquer her. I think he was toying with Tia Rosaura to see just what a load this greedy woman is.

Niecie, I agree with your assessment of Rogelio. All this big talk he's been giving of "domesticar" and "everyone has a price" is sooner or later going to fall apart.

I've been noticing since early in on this novela that Rohell has had this desire to get AP's approval. (This was most evident in those few episodes where he was trying to "change.") But how do you buy approval? Or, as I think we all can see coming, how do you buy love? His emotions towards her are more engaged than hers are for him. I think that deep down she was/is attracted to him to a certain degree (my sister pointed out that it's odd that she has several times "compared" him to Gustavo--why compare some random man to your boyfriend?). She's not indifferent to him. But he's been such a turd to her and Gustavo is such a sweetie, she could easily never see Rogelio again for the rest of her life and it wouldn't really matter to her. Not the same for Rogelio. So already they're on unequal footing. He already wants things from her that no amount of money can buy.

He's acting all cocksure now, but I think soon enough he's going to find out how little he can actually buy. And that's when it'll get really interesting!

When I first saw this novela (from downloadable episodes) it went by pretty fast because I was able to see several episodes a day if I wished. Of course some of the dialog I missed (and it's been lots of fun to finally learn what was said) but as a whole I "got" what was going on and thought it was a lot of fun. That's why I got my one sister hooked on it--I kept on saying, "You've got to see this when it comes on Univision, it's just like one of those old bad Harlequins!" LOL. After a while it veers off somewhat from the "Harlequin model" because those were pretty straightforward and short, and this, with 120+ episodes and counting, is more like a 1000 page novel, but at the beginning that's what it reminded me of, especially.

It has a lot of bumpy ups and downs, and yes, Rohell is a real douchebag at times, but if he were always a douche, relentlessly, it wouldn't be any fun and he wouldn't have the fanbase that he has. But, like most telenovelas, this one has quirks which mean it's not going to be for everyone!

Rosaura is probably the most despicable character in this entire story: She is coldly and viciously using two people whom she has known since birth for her own selfish wants. Not even something she needs, like paying the rent.

We have to hope Miguel doesn't go to jail because while he's recovering he'll be in a position to catch her at her tricks.

What the hell was he transporting?

Tks mucho 5ft & Mr. 5ft for his comments.

It's ok Vivi, a little surgery on David would be welcome.

Funny Familia, depressing Talisman & then depressing Podía, damn, we need the funny one before going to bed.

" I'm a little confused about how a traffic accident like this can so quickly push Miguel into jail."
Elvira, that is why we all have beanies.

word veri dinths

that is dense with my Castilian Spanish accent. Vanesa, Rosaura are dinths

Thanks, 5ft, for a fine recap. 'Tacky' is right—Rosaura is so unctuous she reminds me of Peter Ustinov in Spartacus.

Rogelio could have also used a line from that movie with Ms. Vanes-lacivious by answering her with, "Yes, your pulchritude".

Diana and Emarie: the horse is my favorite character in this novela. Why is Cinthia the only one who is supposed to ride her? Surely one of the grooms from the stable keeps her exercised if Cinthia has something else going on. And we are shown yet another whip in the horse scene. Why???

UA: I am wondering with you...what was in the truck? I think if Rogelio knows the answer to this question, that is the bomb that Rogelio will use to control David (as Cin's novio) and Miguel--therefore Ana Paula.


EJ and Diana: that horse is a beautiful blue arabian with a muzzle you could put in a teacup. I hated seeing Efrain jerking those reigns around.

Loved the recap 5ft. I wonder did Rog tell David to say that Miguel stole the truck. David sure did throw Miguel under the bus though which makes me wonder if the delivery was something illegal.

Rog was sure happy that AP is coming back to work for him after his paying for the surgery (which is what he wanted anyway). I wonder if he is using Vainessa as a stand in for AP since he really wants her and even Rosaura has picked up on his interest in AP with her greed radar.

Looks like Bruno's thug shot Gus but he didn't die apparently if he disappeared from the spot that he was dumped.

"I am going to stick with this TN just for the satisifaction of seeing the anvil drop on Tia Mentirosa and Bruno. I really want to see if Rohell can be redeemed. It will take very many months, but I am sticking with it."

Same here Madelaine. I want to see what kind of comeuppance Rosaura gets and I really hope Rog does change for the better.

Thanks, Kat. Great work.

Rosaura, Bruno -- two bad guys for sure. And Vanessa, that crying, whining voice she seldom leaves behind. Efraim, another prize winner!

Rogelio is looking good in comparison to those four.

Poor Cinthia -- love means getting a cell phone!

Nothing really grabs me about this novela, given the evil and dim characters. However, I am intrigued about how and how soon Rogelio will catch on fully to those around him and at the same time become a better man.

Hola 5ft recaps always....u have agreat understanding of the language and your added snark makes great reading.......David wanted Miguel to take the truck down to Cielo de Boca to deliver the supplies needed to build the water sewage runoff from the hotels they r going to build i think the truck was filled with those materials and he needed Miguel to take them rapido b4 the fishermen changed their minds.....Yes we need to wear our beanies at all times.....everytime tia opens her mouth i think of her in STUD and i crack up again.....I like this will get better of course but right now its o.k. BNinCA

I was wondering how many black shirts Mr. Rogelio has.........i would like to see him in stripeshahahahahahaha

Another great recap, Kat! Loved all the funny lines, but MOST ESPECIALLY "AP is still dressed by little birds in the morning,". Yup, she sure is. And Rogelio must be dressed by evil little gremlins.
La Paloma

I'm also wondering if Rogelio owns more than one shirt. Perhaps in another color? Are AP's dresses all the same style? Yeesh. Visual boredom.

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