Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #76 Wed 1/11/12 Pepe waterskis and Enzo shaves.

Moni is impressed by Pepe's ability to excel at many expensive hobbies (he may have friends in Valla Brava, but surely they didn't give him all those free water ski trips, parasails etc?) and is sad to go home, back to school - and to talk to her papa. She wishes they'd talked to Enzo before escaping to their love nest by the ocean.

Enzo drinks himself to oblivion, draining a crystal decanter, smashing a picture of him and his wife. "My daughter with a lowclass dude - just like you and me 20 years ago."

The little righteous posse nosily trying to find out how Tomas got hold of that expensive watch sends Alex into Pina's house to ask where he is. Alex gets to watch Pina yell at Adoracion, doped dog in her arms. Begging for his discretion, Pina admits to Alex: "I gave Tomas that watch because he was always good to me... but we had a scene and he'll never come back into this house." Alex didn't intend to tell the posse, but they figured it out.

Rebe, in a rage that Pancho had a schoolyard fight with Vince in front of the whole room, is leaving - she's never been so embarrassed in her life! Pancho promises it will never happen again. He suggests he should pull out of the empresario-of-the-year competition, he doesn't care about the prize, but she says she does - so he says he'll win it for her sake if she'll pardon him. He sinks to his knees. She thoughtbubbles how uncomfortable she is hiding the truth from him about the rigged contest.

Vince arrives home and, looking at the drugged dog, wants to hire a professional nanny since Adoracion and Pina are not up to the job of safeguarding Abeja. He pours a drink and complains about Pina's miserable mood: "And on top of it all, my wife is a rag, a wreck." Pina goes in another room and weeps over her callous husband.

Tomas is really drunk when the posse arrives and nosily asks why Pina gave him the watch? "I thought she loved me!" He sends Lupe and Alex away; Lupe rats him out to Pancho, who sends her back to ask Tomas to come talk to him.

Candy does a product placement for some hair gunk as she gets ready for her radio pilot program.

Is that Tomas hungover in the shower with gratuitous headless shots of his six-pack abdomen? No, turns out that's Enzo's abdomen. Then, eeew, we see lots of his hair in the tub as he shaves his beard, he's going for a new look.

Ez and I thought Chacho might choke on his lollipop while running on the treadmill, instead he falls off the back. He reminds us he's still mooning over Chela.

Los Lopez exclaim over Candy's fancy car, which she doesn't know how to drive. "I got it because I'm a star and when I drive it everybody will want one... and I have the best driving teacher in the world."

Pina and Vince sit on their floor with Abeja and a hired master of Asian medicine, yoga, karate, and "psychoprophylactics" who makes housecalls. They are preparing with respiration and visualization for Abeja's upcoming labor contractions. Candy arrives. Pina: "I thought I made it clear you're not welcome in my house." Candy: "I've come to tell you I have a new car," Vince jumps up and says he has to go to the office. They meet in the driveway. "I'd like to give you your first lesson now but I have to go to work. Can we see each other tonight?" Candy tells Vince she and Pina aren't friends any more.

Rebe is in her sugar-sweet mode at work and tells Pancho she dreamed they were together, his kids were there, and "I was expecting your baby, it was a beautiful dream. Wouldn't you like to have a child with me?" "No." She has a temper tantrum and then melts when he says "Not one kid - I want us to have lots of them." I like how misunderstandings in this show get resolved so quickly.

Moni and Pepe confront Enzzo at work; he grabs Pepe and shakes him in front of the multitudes! "She went of her own free will," soothes Pancho. "I love him," Monica confirms. Enzzo and Pancho threaten each other, then Pancho suggests they part to avoid a bloodletting. Pancho goes off with Pepe but Moni won't talk to her dad. Rebe consoles Moni and congratulates her: "If Pepe's half as loving as his dad, you'll be really happy." Rebe smirks and admits she and Pancho are an item. Spying behind the door, Arnoldo sneers and thought-bubbles, "Why, Rebe? *I* love you." He comes out and says, "Oh, a grocer and a mechanic, how nice," and prances out.

Pepe says he is going to rise in the world so Monica will be proud of him.

Avon wants new talent for new projects, Rebe says, and Moni will be good for the new campaign.

Pancho tells Tomas he can't solve his problems with tequila. Tomas admits he and Pina have been circling each other and that he has feelings for her. What great gossip! Pepe and Pancho are impactados.

Enzo wants Vince to help him destroy Pancho. Vince complains: "You've been acting like a 10 year old since you shaved your beard." Vince gives Enzzo the phone number of another influential friend (since the last dastardly plot went so well). Arnoldo: "You, Enzzito, are acting like the villain of a telenovela."

Moping, all in black, Pina forbids 'Preguntacion' to ask a question. She monologues about Tomas and reminds herself: "I am a lady." "Yes, a lady who's alone, sad, abandoned," the maid points out. "But I'm married - and I can't get involved with a plumber... But I gave him signals by mistake. And he's so nice and respectful." Considering her boss's alone, depressed state, Adoracion asks: "Are you going to be like this forever?"

Finally, Monica is in the doorway when Enzzo reveals to his pals that Violeta is not dead. Moni comes in. "My mother is not dead?"


Ezra and Melinama- Thanks so much for the tag team effort on tonight's double header.

Oh my! Enzo has quite the bod under that suit! It seems in this tn, it won't be the women, but instead the men who will go through these hair style changes as they reach new stages of their lives.

I laughed out loud when Vince made his 10 year old comment to Enzo, and also when Pina called Ado Preguntacion. Love all the plays on her name that Pina throws out.

I think it interesting that Pina so respects the sanctity of marriage, but Candi doesn't. She needs to divorce Vince, take all his assets, and then do whatever she wants with whomever she wants (ahem...Tomas el Plomero).


OK Amigos, I am totally going through CME withdrawal. It is a hole that not even two hours of Familia and Zumba class can fill. LOL!

Anyways, while looking for early episodes of CME, I was struck by this portion of Cap. 2, when the past meets the present:

I think you'll find it interesting. Things I didn't notice at the time-- the color themes for each character that were already visible in the "young" versions. Also, there are many parallels between this part of the cap and the things that happen in the finale: Fina tempting Berta with going to live somewhere else (Mex City vs Europe); Fina planning to leave town, with ill-gotten gains, to start over somewhere else; Fina harming Nata and Berta feeling bad about it, although she caused the situation; a ribbon cutting at Regina's Center; Gonzo complimenting Nata on the way she's dressed; and of course a birthday party.

Thank you Melinama for the great recap. Poor Enzzo he just cannot let go of Moni. The girl is 20 years old and has a good job. She ought to find a place of her own. It was good that Pepe and Moni went on that little trip. They were able to spend time together without Enzzo interrupting or constantly lecturing her about Pepe. I am glad she is finally standing up to him.

I do feel for Pina. She is a really smart woman. She is so in love with Vins, but I think she knows he isn't in love with her. ITA with you Vivi she should just leave him and take everything.

I still like Candy though. She does feel bad about Pina. She always tells herself Vins is married, and so far she hasn't slept with him. I am really hoping she won't.

I like how Vins told Arnold and Enzzo he hasn't slept with Candy, when they assumed he had. I know he wants to, but doesn't he have a problem? Maybe that is stopping him. Wasn't there something awhile back about erectile dysfunction? Or was that just with Pina?

I don't understand Ana's crush on Frauddie either and she has no business telling Pancho and Rebe what they can and can't do. The girl needs to learn some manners. At least Candy and Chela told her. Chela still hasn't given up on her crush on Pancho.

I wonder how Enzzo is going to explain to Moni why he never told her, her mother is alive.

Thanks Melinama for your contribution to all the fun in this telenovela. I am thoroughly enjoying delving into this fairly superficial story line. Actually the very shallowness gives the characters time to express some deep and true feelings.

I too am glad that Pepe and Monica are finally living their dreams. Enzo needs a girlfriend himself. He is way to obsessed with his daughter. Now I can't wait to hear his excuse for lying to Monica all her life about her Mother.

Pina has cut herself off with her snobbish rejection of Tomas. It was a funny twist to her furious flirthing with him all those episodes. Adoration (I too love all the name play on her)really nailed the isolation Pina faces.

Going out on a limb, I still hold out hope that Moni and Pepe did not have sex. (Wishing to maintain telenovela standard morality.) I think he muttered something under his breath when they woke up in the morning that gave me hope. However, this is the new age and it's possible that this rule's being bent along with all the other rules this tn is bending (like letting the good guys have a lot of fun BEFORE the last episode).

Similarly, I hold out hope that Vince will end up loving Pina.

I saw the show last night.....Wednesdays may be the only day I can watch.....So I got a visual on many of the characters that have been discussed here in the comment section of the recaps.

First I noticed Rebe's skin complexion has darken from the pale look she had a few weeks ago....JudyB, those butt implants have been there for sometime.....even as far back as when she was in the half hour comedy, before the Juan Q telenovela. She does look stiff as a board, but she has aged and added some pounds naturally, and has a lot to balance, tops and bottom. She really looks like she could fall over at any moment when

Candi looks like one of the girl dancers from Sabador Giante....she has sex appeal, but she is a little over the top, and not the Diva she portray in this of the first shows I saw, she was visiting the Avon building, and the visitors badge was clipped to her breast, and dangling off the end....I knew then, I had to watch this show.

But I don't get it, the show makes little sense. I read the recaps, and watch when I can, but I see no direction here. The jiggle and wiggle can only hold your attention for so long....
Has Rebe and Poncho been intimate?
Why did Poncho leave Chela? Was it for Reba?
What does Candi want from Vince?
Tomas and Pina, have they slept together?
Who owns Avon? What does Avon produce?
What is Poncho's title, what's Vins title?

To me, all the other characters are just there to fill in time.
Two hours is way to long for this silly show.

Well I will limit my comments, because I see very little social value, but the eye candy, and sex appeal is abundant.

Anon #1-

You're right. The show has no direction, but I don't think it's supposed to. Well, I think it has a general direction, but the writers will take many long and indirect routes to get there before the end. That doesn't seem unusual for comedy tns.

Your questions:
Has Rebe and Poncho been intimate?- No, not yet.

Why did Poncho leave Chela? Was it for Reba?- Pancho did not leave Chela. They were never an item. She is the sister of his dead wife, who has lived with them since the wife died.

What does Candi want from Vince?- Who knows!

Tomas and Pina, have they slept together?- No. The only man Pina has tried to sleep with is her husband, with no success.

Who owns Avon? What does Avon produce?- Avon is the huge, real multi-national company that produces cosmetics. You know, Avon ladies? In this fictional universe, Avon Mexico is run like a disorganized circus. I'm not sure this is what Avon had in mind when they signed a deal with Televisa to be a part of this show. But I guess all publicity is good publicity.

What is Poncho's title, what's Vins title?- Pancho is (Acting) President, while Vince is Vice President of Avon Mexico.

Thanks Vivi in DC not far from me.......your answers help....I will watch for some direction in the story line, but most likely I will just be looking at the scenery.

Woo-Hoo! My mail just came and I have a stylish new beanie from the lovely Emilia.! Actually as Emilia said that she ran short of the white yarn she started out with it turned out to be more beret than beanie. How appropriate for a retired French teacher. It fits great & I love it. Now I'm ready to accept the most outrageous of plot twists. Bring em o!


Thanks Melinama...yes, it's true...we saw them waking up together in bed, but we never saw anything looking like they were about to reach "criterion behavior" so perhaps our young couple is still only chastely in love.

Sorry I missed Enzo's six -pack last night. Who knew?

Vivi...thanks for the link to the old CME episode. I will watch it when I come back from errands and appointments. I too am having serious CME withdrawal.

Me too. CME was a wonderful ride. There were a few moments when I could have used my new beanie -- but mostly the writing was superb and the plot (mainly) believable. The characters were so natural and well acted. I'm in serious withdrawal.

Hey -- SU did it again last night. 18 and 0 and sill number !. Another Woo=Hoo!

Guéra from Syra - (#1) - cuse

Two hours is just too long! So I'm watching in bits and pieces. I just saw Enzo's shower scene. I must say he just may become one of my favorite characters. He is quite attractive and inspiring with his (ahem) chin exposed.

Also -- I loved the scene with Candy and Vince in the driveway. What clever double entendre dialogue.


Thank you, Melinama!

Well, we knew uptight Enzo takes his workouts more seriously than his buddies take theirs, but who would have guessed he was also so devoted to hair removal? I wonder if the actors draw straws for whose turn it is for shirtless scenes.

Enzo looks younger without the beard but why the mustache and mullet? Is that the style now? Keep trimming, Enz. Then get yourself a nice ladyfriend and try to relax a little.

Tomcat must be really unaccustomed to rejection. He sure took that hard!

I love the feisty older ladies together. So is Fernanda telling the truth, or did she indeed have something going with the queen's husband? Could he be the biodad of Pancho, assuming of course that Fernanda is his mother?

Güera, I saw a bit of the Enzo actor on Don F a few weeks ago, and he is really quite good-looking when he's clean-shaven, has a better hairstyle, and is smiling. Plus he can dance!

So how was your Zumba class, Vivi? Any drama and faceoffs, or just exercise?

I've been thinking of going for quite some time, but have never actually done it. Maybe next week...

It was great fun! No drama. No men. Last night was the free trial, but it will be a weekly class every Thursday evening. I'm also thinking about taking pilates again at the same place. I really became a slouch the last many months. I blame it on CME and recapping Fuerza. Now that I've regained my sanity, I can regain my health. :)

Pear robe sighting!

When I turned the TV on to set a tape for tonight -- there was the afternoon TN Ni sin ti ni contigo. First I was mesmerized by a pair of unforgettable eyes -- it was Marissa from Tontas. Then the scene switched and there was (be still my heart) Juan Querendon AND, standing next to him a young woman in ..... the PEAR ROBE.


Thank you Melinama, it was a fun recap of a fun merry-go-round sort of episode. I also had an EWWWW moment when Enzo was shaving. Blech. Nice 6-pack however, and his legs look like surfer legs with that overdeveloped vastus. I wonder if he really does like the waves or if it's just gym induced?

Vivi, cool link to Ep 2 of CME. Little did we know at the time how true to that pattern the writers would remain.

LOL Guera! That was the random Pear Robe sighting I had too when I was home one day- Ni Contigo Ni Sin Ti. Was it on the girl this time? When I saw it, she was just carrying it.

Melinama, thanks for a fun recap. Glad Enzo's finally been outed about Moni's mom. I don't recall Arnoldo ever crushing on Rebe. It's been Vince's secretary that's he's been trying to fondle in the guise of adjusting her clothes.

Agree there's scant direction but I love the dialogue and insane stuff. Julia, thanks again for your running vocabs.

Thanks goodness Enzo changed his hair. His old style reminded me too much of somebody in a 70s mob movie.

Gracias to the 2 recappers, fun stuff

I totally believe that Pepe & Monica did the deed. I thought I missed sth & they got married. Pancho & Rebeca haven't.

What a pairing Pina & Tómas would make. I'm not sure Pina has any love anymore for Vicente, but sth happened at least once, since we have el creepo Freddy.

I've been a little inconvenienced by work today, but here is the vocab finally:

fisgona - busybody

comer gallo - to be out of sorts, get out of bed on the wrong side

jacarandoso - jaunty, carefree

rimbombante - grandiose, pompous

barrendero - street cleaner

guasteco - hick, yokel

guiñapo - rag

freno - brake

chilpayates - kids

zarandeada - jiggly, lively, strenuous

bajar del cerro a tamborazos - to be rustic and uneducated (to come down from the mountain when you hear the drums, as your way of getting information)

Great vocab! Zarandeanda had to describe Candi, right?

So Enzo smashed the picture and changed his hair. Does this signify that maybe he'll try to get back in the personal companionship game? Maybe he'll find someone and start to be happy just in time for Violeta to return and wreak havoc.

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