Saturday, February 18, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #127-128 Fri 2/17/12 Whither Comedy?

It was nice having Comedy back for a little while, wasn't it? Well, it's taken off again.

Part One: Another wedding ends in tears; lust loses its lustre

Lupita has a heart-to-heart with Tomás about his New Luke. She explains that she didn't break up with him because of his braids and his dirty mechanic hands, but because he cheated on her. Tom is crushed.

Pepe tries to get the neighbor to move his car, but the neighbor is hostile and tries to punch Pepe. Pepe easily ducks the blow and busts the guy's face. Then he asks the guy again to move his car.

Enzo asks Chela if she's still in love with Pancho. She says she'd be lying if she said she felt nothing for him. Enzo takes this to mean that there's no hope for him, but she tells Enzo that he's made her very happy and brought her back to life. She loves being at his side. They kiss.

Night. Pepe is cleaning out the fridge. There's a chicken, some ground beef, some leftovers, more. He sniffs each stinky item and makes a face to assure us that he's not throwing away good food. Monica sobs on the bed (just think how much worse this would be if there was spilt milk, too). He's sad that he's not making her happy, and she's sad that everything's going wrong and she's not living up to his expectations either.

Next day: Preparations for Adoración's wedding. For the women, this means fitting Ado's dress. For the men, it means dancing with a mop. Wow, these folks really know how to party.

Next day: Pina's detective gives her a phone number. Pina says it'll break Ado's heart, but the ends justify the means!

Time passes.

Now Ado is in her gown, with her hair up and a nice makeup job. She looks almost completely different except for those trademark bangs! She's a little worried that Pina was so upset before about her getting married, but Pina lies and says she's accepted it. She ominously adds that she knows what's best for Ado. Ado thanks her. Argh. I don't like the way this is going.

At the Casa Popular, Chacho is asking Chato if he's going through with the wedding "in spite of..." when Pancho overhears and wants to hear in spite of what. The Cha-migos play dumb and don't reveal anything.

We're at the church. Rebe's hair is puffy and nice. Chucha and Goya are gorgeous. So is Lupita, for the first time since her own wedding day. Speaking of which, I'm feeling post-traumatic stress just watching her. This can't be easy for her. How can she stand it? Everyone else is glowing, except for Chato, who looks like he's going to be executed; and Pina and Goya, who are still conspiring.

The priest tells the onlookers to speak now, or forever hold their peace.

I feel compelled to point out that this is normally a rhetorical question. Only in fiction is it necessary to wait for a reply. In this case, the reply is a pregnant woman in a yellow dress, accompanied by a little boy who cries "Daddy!" Chato is impactado. Chaos ensues. Fred asks Pina what's going on. She pretends to be as surprised as everyone else.

The woman, Lulu, says she's Chato's wife. The boy hugs Chato's leg happily. Lulu explains in a jumble of English and Spanish that they are married and have a kid, with another on the way. She's got a piece of paper to prove it. Chato mumbles with embarrassment.

Ado is heartbroken. Pina ushers her out of there with Ado's mom. Meanwhile, Lulu asks Chato to explain himself, but she ends up doing most of the talking - or at least enough to reveal that Pina was the one who put her onto his trail. (Lupita is holding the crying son. Wow, they bonded fast!) She chews him out and drags him away by his mustache and/or nose.

Goya mutters in self-satisfaction. Suspicious, Chucha asks if she had anything to do with this. Goya denies. Pancho scolds Chacho for keeping Chato's secret. (Pancho keeps poking Chacho angrily, and there's a sound effect to let us know that it's funny. But I'm not really feelin' the funny.) Pancho tells him that keeping Chato's secret is just as bad as what Chato did. They both played with Ado's feelings. He tells Chacho he'd better have learned his lesson.

Vice and Candy are at the new apartment. She's thrilled to see that he's had it furnished. (I guess she doesn't share my enthusiasm for picking out her own furniture.) He says this love nest will be like their honeymoon and her wish is his command. She wastes no time hopping into the bed. Later, he gloats that everything in the room, even the air, is his own. He tells Candy he can't move in until the divorce is final. She reminds him that he'd told her that he was willing to give everything up, but suddenly now he's in no hurry. Anyway, there's no reason for her to worry, because Pina put an alarm in their bedroom to keep him on his own side.

That does not make Candy happy at all. She's much angrier to know that he's still sleeping in the same bed with Pina! She reminds him of how he once told her they weren't having sex, either, and then Pina got pregnant. What if the "alarm" doesn't work and Pina's in the mood and he can't resist? She can't believe him. And this apartment doesn't even really belong to her. She doesn't have anything. She'll believe him when he shows her the lease with HER name on it. (I'm not sure how that will prove his credibility, but at least she'll have an apartment!)

Ado is crying at home. Pina confesses that she had Chato investigated. She didn't tell her before because Ado wouldn't have believed her. She'd have to see it with her own eyes. (I think it would have been nicer to try telling her first anyway, rather than humiliate her at her wedding. Call me crazy.)

At Avon, Pancho warns Chacho not to toy with Sandra's feelings like he and Chato did with Ado's.

Still in her wedding gown, Ado drunkenly sweeps the floor and sobs. Pina seizes the broom and tells her to take a bath. Ado says all men are awful, just like Vince. Pina says one thing has nothing to do with the other, but Ado wants payback. Pina tells her to calm down, but instead Ado quits and walks out. "I did this for your own good!" Pina shouts after her. "So you wouldn't leave me, so you wouldn't get hurt!" (Nice work, Pina!)

At Avon, Elena flirts with her new boss some more. She's wearing an outfit that proves that Avon has no dress code whatsoever, or else has the same dress code as the pole-dancing joint she threatened Pancho with. She leans waaay over the guy's desk and pushes her boobs together with her elbows and tells him she'll be right back. Then she slowly prances to the door in her heels while he enjoys the view. (He turns his family photo over in shame!)

Ado goes home crying to her mother, who misunderstands and thinks she's been fired. Regardless, she wants Ado to sober up and go back and apologize to Pina. Don't let that big mustache guy ruin her life.

Chacho gives Sandra a lollipop and asks her to dinner. She makes a face. "Am I that ugly?" he jokes. "Even uglier!" says Vice, who scares him away. She tells Vice no, she hasn't been seeing him. He says she'd better not. This seems to pique her interest!

Moni's neighbor (whose busted nose and lip are miraculously healed) and another guy approach Moni's car and smash up the windows with baseball bats. I guess she should have paid extra for the glass breakage alarm.

In the apartment, Kari is telling Moni about the Fred incident when the doorbell rings. Moni admits she's jumpy because of Pepe's altercation with the neighbor, but it turns out to be a delivery - a living room and dining room. (Yet another woman is deprived of the privilege to pick out her own furniture.) It was sent by her mother.

At the office, Lambi (Beto) is having a meltdown. Financially, they're two days behind schedule. Pancho is angry. Rebe calls. He tells her to come to his office because he has an idea to deal with the loan. Before she can leave, though, she gets an email from Mike, which she deletes unread. Then Susana the wedding planner shows up with pictures of a venue and sample invitations.

Vice whines to Enzo about Candy, but Enzo agrees that Vice shouldn't still be sleeping with his wife. Vice says it's the principle - it's HIS house, HIS room, and HIS bed. Enzo reminds him that they're all in Pina's name. Vice complains that Candy has changed.

There's someone at Pina's door, and Ado isn't there to answer it. Pina thinks it's probably her, but instead it's Meli's friend Ramona, wanting to know when Mely is coming back. She wants Mely to come back there to live, and she wishes she could have an aunt like Pina to call her "Amors." Pina tells Ramona that God sent her here like an angel; "I lost my baby, but now I have you." They hug and cry. Ramona asks Pina to tell Meli she misses her. Then she leaves. Pina thanks God for sending her this sign.

Phew. I was afraid for a moment there that Pina was going to hide Ramona in the basement and make her sleep in the baby's crib.

God sends Pina a second sign: Adoración. She's still drunk, but says she came back because Pina can't live without her. Still humbled by the joy of Ramona's visit, Pina welcomes her back.

Moni's doorbell rings again. This time it's Enzo, who asks about the furniture - he thought they didn't want any help. Moni says they didn't get a chance to explain that to her mother - she just sent the stuff over. Then he asks why all her car windows are broken.

Pancho pays Pina a visit. (He calls her Fina; she calls him Rancho.) He apologizes to Ado for what Chato did. She says it's not Pancho's fault; it's just how men are. Pancho promises that they aren't ALL lying cheaters. Pina says he's the exception. Ado asks him to let her know if he sees Chato. Pina lets her have the rest of the day off.

Candy and Vice are together at a restaurant, but she's still angry about him sleeping in Pina's bed. She gets up, and he begs her not to leave. She's only going to the bathroom! But in the short time she's gone, he catches a glimpse of a tall, glamorous woman and falls in love "for the first time since I was a kid." Sigh. He sends the waiter over with his phone number and a mash note. Candy returns just in time to see them making googly eyes at one another.

Part Two: Some wounds can't be cured with Concha Cream

Candy informs Vice that the woman he's been staring at is Mónica's crazy mother Violeta. She smacks him with her handbag and abandons him in the restaurant. He follows her out (after acknowledging Violeta) and she accuses him of playing some kind of macho game, trying to seduce his friend's ex. Vice says it's not like that at all.

Moni is hysterical about her vandalized car and is sure the neighbor did it. She wants to call a wrecker to haul the car away before Pepe comes home - if he sees her car like that, he'll kill the neighbor. She's getting more and more wound up, and Enzo can't talk her down.

Tom and Pepe are shooting some pool. Pepe teases Tom about his New Luke. Pepe calls Moni. She pretends nothing is wrong. He can tell she's lying and decides to go home. Moni cries and tells her father she can't take it any more.

Chato is drinking. Pancho lectures him about hurting Adoración and his son. Chato says things hadn't been going well with Lulu; that's why he came to Mexico. But he hasn't missed any of his payments to her or anything. They didn't get divorced because they wanted to split up for a while and see how it went. He insists that he's in love with Ado, though. He thought he'd talk to Lulu and Jr. later. And now that Lulu's pregnant, he doesn't think he should divorce her now. He vows never to fall in love again.

Ana asks Fred what happened with Karina. She's been acting weird at rehearsals ever since she ran out of there the other night. Ana begs Fred not to lie. "Well, I guess she likes me," Fred lies. No, she didn't tell him, but what does it matter since he loves Ana? That's not what worries her - what worries her is that Kari's in charge of her choreography, so she's going to have a talk with her tomorrow. Fred looks worried.

Elena's new boss, Cristian, is on the phone with his wife, saying he'd love to be with her in Cancún but he's gotta work. He hangs up and Elena helps him with his coat and offers to have dinner with him some evening since he's going home to an empty house and probably doesn't have anything there to eat. He takes her up on it and says they'll go out tomorrow night.

Elena is soooo pleased with herself. Just think - if it all works out, she'll be the envy of all her friends, married to a grody middle-aged divorced man while they all date hot young guys their own age.

Pancho goes to Rebe's with a stuffed Pancho doll. She loves it. He entertains her with a lame joke and they make out. Rebeca's phone buzzes on the desk. It's a text from Mike: You haven't answered your phone and emails. I guess Mike is slow to take the hint.

Moni is sulking on the new couch, which is still wrapped in plastic, when Pepe comes home. He asks about the furniture and where's her car? She says she sent it out for maintenance. He doesn't think they should keep the furniture. She gets angry and says she has some rights and she never wanted to refuse any gifts, she just went along with Pepe but now she thinks they should welcome all the gifts they're offered. Bring 'em on. Pepe doesn't think they need them. She tells him to take his pride down a notch, because she does need them. She's not used to being miserable. The furniture stays.

She goes to bed and gives him the cold shoulder. He says he could tell something was wrong on the phone, but she won't tell him what happened. She cries, but says she just wants to go to sleep. No kiss. Pepe flashes back to Pancho's advice never to go to bed angry or without kissing her and telling her he loves her. That will make the anger go away. Pepe realizes it might not be that easy.

In (Pina's) bed, Vice obsesses over Violeta. His phone rings, waking Pina, who threatens to lock him out of the room. (He walks right through the green dots without setting off the alarm. Impressive.) It's Violeta. She wonders how he knows her name. He tries to make a date with her. She doesn't commit.

Pancho and Rebe look forward to being married soon and spending the night together. He promises to text her when he gets home. Her phone is already ringing. She wonders when Mike is going to get sick of sending her messages. Please let Mike hook up with Violeta and both of them go away.

Kari is distracted, remembering the kiss, when Ana charges in and says "I hear you like my boyfriend." Kari spills the tepache: "I didn't mean to kiss him!" Ana is impactada. Kari realizes she's already said too much! (This tiny scene was split up into three different segments!)

Moni visits with her mother and tells her about all the mishaps since she moved in with Pepe. She can't handle it. Violeta says Pepe will probably leave her, because sometimes love isn't enough. Their backgrounds are too different. Disappointed, Moni said she came here for her mother to cheer her up. Whether it's true or not, she doesn't need to hear that they might break up. Violeta follows her out and promises not to say anything more about Pepe. Moni barely gets another couple of sentences out before Violeta starts making snotty comments about "those people in the multifamily homes." Moni says it's only this one obnoxious neighbor. Violeta suggests that the two of them - she and Moni, that is, not Moni and Pepe - go to San Diego. Moni says she can't leave Pepe and she doesn't want to lie to him. Violeta tells her to think about it. (I hope that when Moni thinks about it, she remembers how Thelma and Louise ended.)

Moni leaves, and Violeta gets a call from Vice, which she doesn't answer.

Fernanda returns home to her mansion. Lupita is wearing a coat that's buttoned at the top. Temo asks Fer if she's cured. She says the doctors are optimistic, and now that she's among family she feels the will to live. She gets all misty when Lupita calls her "abue." Temo tells Candy he loves Fer like a grandma. (They're laying it on really thick!)

Fred tries to talk to about Ado about the wedding, but is interrupted by a call from Ana. "So you kissed that slut Karina and didn't tell me. I hope the two of you will be very happy. I never want to see you again!" She hangs up before he can say anything. She shakes Kari and tries to storm out, but her manager shows up and says he doesn't care about her problems, the show must go on, there's a lot of money on the line so they'd better get to work.

Pancho and Rebe are at the wedding planner's. It's clear that they have very different ideas about the ideal reception (type of music, number of guests, food...) but instead of arguing about it, they both say "whatever you want." I'm not sure if that gives their planner much to work with!

At the office, Vice tells Enzo he met Violeta and he likes her. (Seriously? We don't have to wait for months before Enzo finds out about Vince and Violeta? Score!) It doesn't make any more sense to Enzo than it does to the rest of us, but I guess Enzo is used to this sort of behavior from Vice. He warns Vice that she said she's still in love with him and that she's dangerous. Vice brags, "I know how to handle women." Enzo thinks it's more like the women know how to handle him. Vice says they're having dinner today and he wants to know all of her favorite things.

Lupita thanks Fer for sending the nice letter and kind words. Fer says she knows just how it feels to lose someone like that. FINALLY she tells her story: It was a married man. She was foolish and inexperienced and he said all the right things. She had a baby, and gave him up for adoption. She's never forgiven herself.

Lupita doesn't know what to say. Fer says it's enough that she listened and will keep her secret. She feels better just having confided in her. Lupita says she can always trust her, and please let her know if she needs anything. (She still has her coat on, buttoned around the neck.) "You're welcome... grandmother!"

Rebe and Pancho talk about business for about 10 seconds and then talk mush again. She rejects another call from Mike, but doesn't tell Pancho. He can tell something's up, though.

Fred asks Moni and Pepe for help with Ana, because they're his only friends. He swears the kiss meant nothing. Pepe isn't encouraging.

Fred goes to the dance studio to make up with Ana. She's not encouraging, either. "What part of 'I don't want to see you' didn't you understand?"

Next time:
Fernanda sees Lupe's medallion.


Thank you so much Julie for this first recap. I am glad Pina did what she did. I know it hurt Ado but it was better this way than finding out later that she had married a bigamist. I love how Pina is snooty with certain people but deep down she cares about them ie Ado and Tomas.

Elena is indeed a HO. I can't beleive she is wearing stuff that is more appropriate for pole dancing. lol. I guess Pancho hasn't seen her "work clothes" cause I really think he would have said something.

Loved Chacho and Sanrucha. They are very cute and Vins needs to but out there.

I don't think Moni and Pepe are going to last much longer. She is having so many problems dealing with the apartment and won't talk to him about it, and she is crying all the time. And her poor car.

I like Candy, but Vins is driving me crazy. I really thought he loved Candy, but now Violetta??? He is becoming Chato hitting any woman that moves. lol.

Oh and loved Ado and her Mom. They look so much alike all the ribbons and bangs lol.

Thanks to hard working recappers like you I will know what to FF when I watch this for realz later. I only paid half attention to it last night. The scene that most stands out in my mind is Elena's rack. I didn't even notice the Vins scene. Was it really Violetta? 'Cause those two deserve each other. I don't even know him, but let Mike have Candy. She deserves someone nice.

Is it just me, or are they setting up Lupita to play the spinster sister/aunt role for a while? (Thus replacing Chela.)

Thank you Julie for the second part of the recap, it is soooo good. Vins is an idiot and now DTM. I can't believe he wants to hook up with Violetta, but he probably has an ulterior motive. We all know how his plans work

I know it was laying it on thick with Candy, Lupe and Temo with Dona Fer but I love how they interact with each other. She is like a Grandma with the kids. Love how she told Lupe her story about the baby.

It's sad about Freddy and Ana. I was hoping Kari would just not tell Ana, but I guess she assumed Ana already knew about the kiss. Freddy looks so lost and Ana has a broken heart. It's bad that Kari and Ana are forced to work together, I love how Ana smarted back at the guy and said I follow orders my General.

I hope Moni doesn't take Violetta's advice and go to San Diego. Moni needs to work it out with Pepe. I am hoping they stay together.

I can't wait for Dona Fer to see Lupe's medallion.

And Pancho and Rebe were very cute. I like the venue for the wedding.

Great recap Julie! Thanks for putting it all together. Two hours has to be a challenge.

From the previews that they seem to stick in the show at odd times it appears we will get to see this Mike dude. Same with Fer and the medallion. Weird editing.

Yeah, they've made it quite clear that Mysterious Mike will be around soon. Only the medallion thing was included in the avances for Monday, but it's possible that the avances only show us what will happen during the first hour. Maybe we'll see Mike in the second hour? Or maybe they're just messin' with us!

Julie I think they are doing little (see what is coming up soon) little blurbs. I noticed this last month when they showed another wedding besides Alex and Lupe's and also the medallion one showed almost two weeks ago. I think they are little teasers to keep the viewers coming back. This show is doing very well here so I don't know why they are doing it.

Yes, I've noticed the blurbs (they are hard to miss!), but I'm referring specifically to the avances at the end of the show that say they are for Monday. The Mike scene (that we've seen to death already) wasn't included in those, but the medallion was. So I think Lupita takes her coat off on Monday. ;-)

But it's probably too much to hope that we'll get this Mike thing over with as quickly.

Julie, gracias for the recap. You moved so seamlessly through all the action.

I think Vince will learn his lesson big time with Violeta. But poor Candy.

And poor Pepe. I almost wish Moni would leave him. Who wants to be around a constant mope?

I did like the way Ana came out swinging. Unlike Moni, here's a girl that doesn't bottle things up and gets straight to the point.

I just realized who Pina reminds me of, with the little hand movements she makes when she talks: Luigi from LFMB!

I'm catching up on Wednesday's episode and just cracked up laughing over the little joke of Ado's cousin's name: Encarnación. Yes, she's an incarnation of Ado, all right...

Julie, what a marvelous read with your great humor and all the alluring alliteration. I was sad to see Piña let Adoracion suffer by not telling her about Chato(omg is this the right CH character?) being a would be bigamist. but Pina's strong suit has never been caring about sparing other people's pain. Candy 's story is very sad but I hope Vice gets more than he bargained for with the deranged Amazonia. Candy deserves a chance to grow up but it looks like we need to give up on Elena's redemption or the hope that Tomas will ever see the wizard to get his brain.
I can't wait to hear about the medallion scene. I still love how they roll through wedding, tragedy, death and deception but always resolve things in an instant then move on to the next set up.
It is hard to miss all these colorful scenes but your incredibly entertaining recaps and all the teams makes up for not having TV here in wonderful Oaxaca.

That's it exactly, Cheryl - there was a nice way to do it and there was a mean way to do it, and Pina picked the wrong one. AND said it was for Ado's own good. I hope she never tries something like that with Fred! (Come to think of it, I'm not sure if Fred knows yet that Pina arranged it.)

I can't guess yet how Elena's story turns out, but hopefully either she or her boss will chicken out before they go too far. He does seem slightly ashamed of himself, so maybe he'll put the brakes on.

I think Tomas is a big part of Elena's problem. With a brother like Tomas, Elena's really gotten the wrong message about gender relations. She thinks women are valued for one thing only, and she hasn't considered anything else. If Chela or Rebe (NOT Candy!) would talk to her, it might help.

Julie, what a hoot. You had me laughing all the way through.
--"Monica sobs on the bed (just think how much worse this would be if there was spilt milk, too). "
--"Phew. I was afraid for a moment there that Pina was going to hide Ramona in the basement and make her sleep in the baby's crib."
--"I hope that when Moni thinks about it, she remembers how Thelma and Louise ended." LOL

I agree with everyone that Pina chose the meanest way of stopping Ado's wedding. But the look on her face as she declared that the end justified the means was so funny.

So where did the money come from for Vince to buy that apartment? Could that money have anything to do with the bad new that Lambi had about the company's finances? Enzo was the one who signed the papers so that Vince could keep his name out of it during the divorce. I hope Enzo didn't do anything that he can get in trouble for. Is Candy finally starting to smarten up? Asking for the deed to the apartment to be put in her name was crafty.

I too am appalled that Vince is now claiming to be in love with both Candy and Violetta. But he may have met his match in the Glamazon. She can chew him up and spit him out.

They sure were obvious about the setup for the medallion reveal by showing us Lupe in that high buttoned coat.

I thought that the face which Sandra made was meant to shut Chaco up because she saw Vince coming. I think she was pleased with the dinner invite -- just being careful that Vince didn't overhear


Güera - I wonder if Vince paid for the apartment by selling his shares to Enzo.

You might be right about the face Sandra made. I didn't think of that. I don't hate the idea of her and Chacho getting together, but I was hoping he'd end up with Ado.

I was also hoping the wedding disaster would result in Chato leaving town... but no such luck. I'd rather have Nico back, with his farting disease cured.

Thanks for this recap! I try to keep up with this show, but it's sometimes hard. The recaps help soooo much.

I am shocked that Vince has had his head turned by another woman. I give up on you, Vince! Candy, you can do much better. The heck with that!

Thanks so much for the wonderful recap Julie. With basketball season in full swing, I won't be watching for a while, but I'm hopeful Fernanda will see the medallion and start thinking...or is it way too soon for that?

Hate hearing about hard-working Ado's heartbreak...yeah, right, what's comic about that?

Your recap was beautifully written though...may I conclude you're well over your flu?...and I loved the title.

I wonder about Elena. Maybe she feels sex is the way to get things she wants. I think her romp with Freddy in Brasil skewed her. She really should have stuck with Lupe. Lupe is very kind and would have done so much for Elena. I think Elena wants to get out of her living circumstances and she thinks the only way is to hook some poor guy with money. In other words she wants all the things the Lopez' have. As far as Tomas being a bad influence he was at first, but he warned her not to go to Brasil as did Pancho. She just wouldn't listen.

I also think she resents Lupe because Alex fell in love with Lupe and not her.

Thanks, Judy - Yes, I'm over my stomach thing.

Madelaine, at some point I think Elena actually said that Alex was rightfully hers because he kinda-sorta made the original date with her on the Internet. (The screen names belonged to Lupe and Freddy, but it was Elena and Alex at the keyboards!) So, yeah, she was openly resentful.

But going after a married man isn't going to make her any happier, and it will make a lot of people really miserable.

Or maybe she's scheming to set the company up for a sexual harassment lawsuit. (Could she be that stupid? Maybe!)

Thanks for the terrific recap Julie. I love the way Vince and Enzo rib each other, especially when Enzo mimics Vince. Let me say frankly I was shocked that Vince would make a play for Violetta. Really dude? Doesn't he know she's a nutcase? I hope Candy dumps him for good. Wow, Violetta got out of the manicomio pretty quickly, didn't she?

Ado's mom was a hoot. Good casting there.

Hey, I just noticed on my Tivo schedule that on Friday March 2nd Una Familia is back to a one-hour show with something called Parodianda playing for two hours beforehand. I wonder if they will stick with the one-hour episodes?

Julie the way Elena is now I wouldn't put anything past her. Thanks for reminding me about Alex and Elena. Didn't Freddy get involved with that too?

Madelaine, Freddy took Elena to Brazil for a fling and then dumped her. That was the huge trauma that made her bitter and stupider than ever. I know I sound harsh but she really irritates me.

Another schedule update. I just checked the TV Guide online listing and on 3/5/12 Una Familia is back at 7:00 p.m. for one hour only!! I hope you overworked and exhausted recappers have only one hour episodes again in March.

Cap'n Sylvia, I agree with your harshness about Elena. She is truly stupid. I fell pity for poor Christian the guy she works for. She is going to do something really stupid I think. Like Julie said maybe sexual harrassment or something else, like an affair.

Yep. It's sad really, instead of learning from her prior mistake (and the loads of free advice she got from all quarters) she seems determined to head like a freight train into the dark tunnel of stupid behavior. Christian as the boss should know better but he seems like a deer in Elena's headlights, if you get my drift. I wonder if management in Mexico goes through similar sexual harassment training that is required in the U.S? It's hard to tell from telenovelas that portray so many professions as stupid, inept and corrupt.

Julie, thanks so much? I agree with your title. Humiliating someone at her own wedding isn't that funny. It would have been funny to humiliate Chato, who deserved it, but taking Ado down with him was just mean.

Lupita looked absolutely stunning at the wedding, though. Also she didn't have a cow about attending a wedding after the tragedy of her own, as many of our less mature characters would surely have done, even though it must have been painful for her. She's the most deserving of an amazing happily-ever-after in this show, and I hope she gets it, by which I mean something better than Tomás refrito.

Tom and Elena are terrible influences on each other. Elena convinces Tom that women only want a rich, hot guy. Tom's behavior tells Elena men are scoundrels who mostly want sex. Oy.

What the heck does Vins see in Violeta, and even if he's attracted to silicone and twenty pounds of makeup and hairspray, why is he STILL interested now that he knows she's the crazy from Enzo's past? He's like a magpie.

Why don't Pepe and Moni move into the apartment in the casa popular? At least they wouldn't have that nightmarish neighbor to deal with. Plus everything seems to work. At the very least I wish that when Moni cries to her dad, he'd give her a little talk about not being such a wimp and learning to cope with difficulty. It's not like he knows nothing about it...when Moni was a baby he was much more impoverished than Moni and Pepe are, and taking care of a child on his own, too. He knows what struggle is like.

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