Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #113-114 Tue 2/7/12 Moni and Adoracion both mop, Pancho and Pepe both hug Enzzo, and we almost lose Temo but unfortunately he is saved.

Vince is so selfish and coarse: with jubilation he tells Candy "We can finally be together, and no damn fetus standing between us." He plays the old "look me in the eyes and say you don't love me" card. Candy: "I can't build a relationship over the misery of somebody else, what happened to Pina is the worst thing that can happen to a mother." She admits that, disgracefully, she does love him, but there will be no relationship. He makes a moue; she runs home to cry in Chela's lap. Chela says Vince will never change. Candy asks if that means Chela's sweetie Transeti will also never change?

Tomas and Karen help Moni and Pepe move furniture to their new house. The lovebirds kiss while the other two carry boxes. They don't have refrigerator, stove or lots of other things. The kissers send their friends away and commence no doubt rowdy fun.

Vince says he can't be caught in flagrante, with his hands in the masa -- Pina won't get proof of his adultery.

Elena apologizes to Lupita and Lupita accepts. However, Ana doesn't think it should be so easy - "Her husband dies and you disappear and say terrible things! You always do this to her! You weren't there when she needed you the most!" Freddy calls, annoying Elena further, so, cornrows swinging, she stamps out shouting more insults.

Pancho visits Pepe's new digs. He brought a present, some household item. He doles out advice.

Moni wheedles her dad: "You'll help me with university and the car, too, right Daddy?" She's choosing things to take to the new place when that shiny Amazon Violeta shows up and plants Enzzo's nose firmly between her silicone mounds as she squeezes him and kisses the top of his head.

Enzzo is patient but distant with his loony ex. "Who's Chela? We're a family, right?" "No, we have nothing since you disappeared 20 years ago. You don't care about your daughter and I don't care about you." Violeta gets very threatening. I would be worried. "My life was empty and stupid until I met up with my family again. Let's go on a trip together!" Enzzo leaves. Moni invites her mother to come visit at the new pad. Monica thinks her mom should see a doctor.

Pancho assembles the troops at home. Temo is extremely polite to Rebe in her magenta strapless dress. Pancho announces: they are getting married. Ana, Chela and Temo make faces. Temo cries unpleasantly. He doesn't want Chela with Enzzo or his dad with Rebeca.

Freddy is all happy - the executives at Avon want him for something. Pina says el Presidente Don Francisco Lopez treated her very well. Vince arrives, Pina goes up to her room, Freddy tells his "Pops" he hates being a pawn between his parents. "I wasn't born yesterday, Paps, I know how you've humiliated her." Vince: "You're on her side!" What a baby. "You are helping her ruin me!" Not long after Pina asks Freddy to spy on his dad and get proof of adultery. He tells her, too, he's tired of being in the middle.

Outdoors, little Meli she doesn't see Temos' got his knickers in such a twist. She throws her cellphone into a conveniently uncovered well - to demonstrate that there are things that are unimportant - but Temo gets the wrong lesson and jumps into the well to get the phone. I hoped he'd drown.

After the commercial Enzzo continues to demonstrate his moral rehabilitation by jumping into the well to get Temo. Popeye channels Lassie and fetches Chela. She comes running and screaming, everybody follows.

Down there in the swirling murky waters Temo was nice and quiet. I thought we were rid of him. Too bad, but Enzzo drags him to the surface and they haul him up on the rope. The tiresome child is returned to us.

Pancho gives Enzzo (who's dry though just emerged from total submersion) a heartfelt hand. Enzzo has earned a lot of stars with his valorous dive. He gets a kiss from Chela for his efforts and of course Pancho sees it.

Vince goes to los Lopez to see Candy. The maid won't let him in and neither does Ana, who calls him the black grain in the rice - however he sweeps by, yelling as if he were the hero. Candy comes along; they go to a cafe and have the usual conversation. He reminds her of their spectacular hotel sex that glorious night. He drills her with his famous blue eyes. She yields. Duh. Then runs.

Karen derives much amusement from Moni's initial attempts to clean house. She says Moni doesn't know how to clean, iron, etc. and takes a picture of Moni with her mop, she'll put it on facebook I guess. They gossip - Freddy has improved, Ana is a great girl.

Adoracion mops too, with not much better form than Moni's, and gossips with Chato via cellphone. (Pointless scene but double mopping got my attention.)

Pancho sees Ana with Freddy and mutters: Iracheta Jr. with my daughter? He watches in horror from one direction as Pina approaches from the other direction, equally horrified. She yells at Freddy for kissing a flea like Ana. Freddie firmly says "I loves her." Pina starts in with the insults. Ana says she can defend herself but Pancho is furious at the lack of respect: "You want to blame us for your problems, but you had them before we showed up. You're educated, why aren't you grateful? I've been on your side, thinking you're a lady, but you have no place insulting my daughter."

Rebe says she will never live under the same roof as Graciela, but that Temo needs to be with his aunt. Later Chela says the same thing: no living a trois. Pancho and Chela agree to accept each other's relationships and hug.

Vince throws pillows in ire. He doesn't want to sleep in the guest room. We find out they married when she was 18 and he 20. He drags Pino out of bed, jumps over her and curls up, then she jumps on and kicks him off. He gets her by the feet and wraps her in the sheets. Most fun of the night. Pillow fight! Next morning we find out they both slept in the bed, neither would yield. They fight through breakfast distressing Freddy and miniYuyis. Vince breaks a plate and goes to work.

Pepe hugs Enzzo in gratitude for saving Temo the esquincle's life.

Pina watches Vince running across the greensward and then texting Candy ... Pina remembers her lawyer wants proofs of adultery ... Candy's phone rings while she's boring Chela with the same-old. Candy goes bouncing out and Pina sadly creeps in with her cellphone as they embrace with gusto. Vince sees her and runs after her. She shows the juicy video she just took. He tells Candy: "We have to get that phone away from Pina!" He runs off to work.

Pancho wants to find a love nest for him and Rebe. She likes the idea until she hears he's discussed it with Chela already.

Lamberto enters dancing! Great news! He dances very well! Iñaki Gasca, an investor who was so turned off by Vince some time past that he pulled his money out, is now ready to dig into his pocket again. If he invests, Avon get out from under the debts (well, actually just transfer them to Iñaki, I don't know why that makes Berto click his heels in the air).

Enzzo has to cancel his workout date with Chela to go to the meeting. Does it matter that Rocky leaves his class in Chela's hands?

At Avon, Pina nervously watches the door while Arnold uploads her incriminating cellphone video.

At the meeting Pancho makes very nice with Enzzo for saving his squirt. "I take off my hat to you. Thanks." And a hug!


Thanks so much Melinama for getting this up so quickly. Wow!

There was a lot of love tonight between our couples. It makes me sad to know that something MUST go wrong with all of them since this tn is so long.

I liked Pancho's talk with Pepe about cohabitating with Moni. Always like seeing Karen. We need to see more of her.

The War of the Roses (Pina and Vince) had many hilarious moments, but I am shocked by how horrid Vince is being to Pina. I was very happy that she immediately had Arnold download the video. I had visions of Vince grabbing the phone in the meeting and taking off with it.

I am baffled by why Ana continues to hate on Rebe. What has she ever done to her?!! And now she's so set on defending her relationship with Freddy, but refuses to understand Pancho and Rebe!

I have to admit that for a second, after he jumped into the well, I also wished Temo dead. May God forgive me. Then I was very happy, because it caused Enzo to get his white t-shirt wet and clingy. Yay!

I also wished Elena dead this episode. Ana's big offensive mouth came in handy in that scene because Lupita is WAY too nice and forgiving. Ana's unforgiving nature was perfect for dealing with Elena, and I love how she rubbed that call from Freddy in Elena's face. Cherry on top.

For once when a tn character expresses their obsessive unrequited "love" for someone, someone else suggests they see a shrink. I hope Moni and Enzo start to take the Glamazon seriously because she looks like she's coming unhinged, and she could easily crush them both under her giant spiked heels.

Thanks Melinama. This was a fun episode. I like how you caught so much of the action in your title.

Little Mell was giving Temo some good advice there -- too bad for him that he misunderstood her point about the cell phone in the well.

Vince is certainly annoying these days. The way he swaggers into the Lopez house even though disinvited by both the maid & Ana.

Is it just because Rebe is messing up their dream of Pa Pancho & Tia Chela marrying and making them all a legal family? Is that why Ana & Temo are still so angry at the thought of Pancho & Rebe getting married?

Wow the Glamazon is turning scary. Loved your comment Vivi about the danger that she might crush Moni & Enzo under her spiked heels.


Thanks Melinama, what a speedy post. My favorite line of the night, "The tiresome child is returned to us." I agree with Vivi, the rescue was worth it to see Enzo in his wet t-shirt. Yowza that man's got a bod. If I were Chela I'd be pushing Temo in the well every time Enzo drives up.

Thank you so much Melinama for this wonderful recap and so fast for a two hour episode. Loved your title. I loved how Moni was mopping the floor it was too funny.

I loved the pillow fight with Vins and Pina too. It was quite funny. But Vins needs to get a grip. I know he wants Candy bad, but he could be a little patient and deal with his divorce. I just knew Candy would cave, she can't help herself. I don't like how both Vins and Pina are putting Freddie in the middle of their war. I loved the scene with Meli and Freddie at the table with the dog. They are both so cute.

I really think Ana and Temo don't like change. Temo was really nice to Rebe until he found out they are getting married. He still has fantasies about Pancho marrying Chela. Now that Chela has moved on, Ana and Temo can't handle it.

And Elena how much more rude could she possible get? I am glad Ana called her on it, as Julie said yesterday, when you lie it comes back to bite you later.

I really thought Temo was a goner, I haven't liked him lately, but good gracious. I am glad Enzzo came along and saved the day. I loved how Enzzo looked so shocked by getting hugs from Pepe and Pancho.

I worry more about Chela when the Glamazon Barbie finds out where she lives or works. She knows Chela's name but not where she works or lives. Glamazon really needs to get help.

I too liked Enzzo and the wet shirt. He is very hot.

I am so glad I'm not the only one who was hoping Temo would drown. Was that supposed to be scary drama? Because the whole Lassie/Timmy (er, I mean Temo) in the well thing made me laugh so hard I think I pulled a muscle in my side. Nice of that idiot kid to provide us with a chance to see Enzo's entry in the wet t-shirt contest, though.

A few questions, though. WHY in HELL do these people have an uncovered well in their yard? And right next to the playhouse, no less. Also, why can't that stupid kid swim, or at least dog-paddle? Also also, why did they dump Temo on the upholstery to get it all muddy instead of sending him directly upstairs to change?

Anyhoodle. The bed fight between Pina and Vins was hilarious. Already she's proving she's smarter than Vins, too, rushing to get the video copied before he could destroy it; while he's too idiotic to refrain from smooching on Candy out there in front of God and everyone and their videocamera phones.

Thanks so much for the recap. I love the way you sum up the action.

So Pepi is moving on, leaving Pancho with the
incestuous Chela, Mouthy Ana, the sane and beautiful young widow, and one spoiled brat.

I'm curious to see how the Chela-Pabcho-Rebe living situation works out.

Yea -- Temo is going to throw a monkey wrench in the living arrangements. Even if he comes to accept Rebe marrying Pancho -- who would he live with? He needs Chela and he needs Pancho. But no way Chela & Rebe can be in the same house.


Thanks for the recap Melinama. I was up at the buttcrack of dawn to watch my recording. The "shiny Amazon Violeta shows up and plants Enzzo's nose firmly between her silicone mounds as she squeezes him and kisses the top of his head. " line was hilarious as was the one about Temo being returned to us.

I also got a chuckle out of everyone's comments. Sylvia's about pushing Temo in to the well provided a good guffaw with my coffee.

Julia I cringed when I saw that muddy little kid all over the upholstery. But heavens don't call Moni to clean it up. That girl is useless. Sweet, but useless. Her mop scene drove me nuts.

Love your humor, Melinama, and no one can whip out a funny succint recap better or faster than you do. "Shiny Amazon" said it all...just two words and we got the whole horrible picture. And your quiet hope that Temo would exit permanently, obviously struck a chord with the other viewers. Alas, we're stuck with Temo, stuck with more two-hour episodes, and stuck with Pancho's annoying naco falsetto. He's way worse than that blonde actress they call "Squeaky" on LQNPA.

OMG.....I missed the "Shiny Amazon".
I need to invest in a Tebo machine.
Damn Shame

If I were Chela and had that hunk Enzo after me I wouldn't be so hesitant! Go for it girl!

Loved "the Amazon with the silcon mounds". Perfect description.

Time for Elena to leave town. She adds nothing to the show, other than an annoyance. And she can't take that kid Temo with her.

Hi All, I've just recently jumped into this novela and I'm finding most of it funny. But, is it me, or is Rebecca the most annoying woman in the world???? She has to come to accept that Chela will always be a huge part of Pancho's life. She even admitted that she couldn't have done what Chela did for those children after their mother died. Now that Chela is involved with Enzo can't she just let the whole thing go? Pancho can't even mention Chela's name? He looks like he's starting to get a little tired of that too. Chela can't live in the same house with Rebe, but Temo and the others need Chela. Did Pancho actually say he and Rebe would move to another house? He would actually leave his kids to go live with Rebe? I have a feeling this is not going to work out so well for them.


Well folks I am setting in a boring meeting with nothing better to do than read these comments.

Anonymous-Melissa, I commented earlier that Rebe's wedding plans will be derailed by Chela. When I started watching this show a couple of months ago, Chela looked "homely", she did not dress well and was not a physical threat to Rebe.

A couple of weeks ago she stepped up her game. She is now one of the four sexiest females on this show...

Chela and Rebe will go to battle.....we will have to stay tuned in for this one.
I can hardly wait.
Violeta vs. Chela about Enzo
Chela vs. Rebe over Poncho
Candy vs. Pina about Vince

I only hope they bring all of their massive weapons, and put them on display for the battle.

Oh golly, I'm so sorry I missed a great homage to Lassie. And that the outcome was not quite what some of us would have wished. ;-) I blame Popeye.

I have a new rule to limit the cuteness factor in TNs: either have kids or dogs, but not both. My cuteness threshhold is very low. (I'm just glad there are no wisecracking robots yet.)

So... Moni is asking Enzo for help paying for things? Didn't she defiantly tell him before she didn't need his help? Hmm... this shacking up business is not going to work out if she can't pay her expenses.

I don't think it's possible to have Chela and Rebe sharing the same house (and they agree). For all intents and purposes, Chela is Pancho's ex-wife-- she is a woman who is in love with him (although she is slowly falling for another guy), and who raised children with him. She also HATES Rebe.

No woman in her right mind would accept living under the same roof as an ex-wife, with her man. As Pancho and Chela still have a minor child (Temo) that they are raising, they have to handle this like any other divorced couple. They will live separately and share custody. Clearly, Temo will choose to live with Chela, and not with Pancho and Rebe. Also, I think they all believe that a child needs his mother (which is what Chela is to Temo), so Pancho has volunteered to be the one to step aside and move out. It's messy and painful, but I don't see any other way with the history between Rebe and Pancho and with all the bad blood between Chela-Temo-Ana and Rebe.

I so agree with you Guera, Vivi and Melissa. I never looked at Chela and Pancho as being "married". They have lived together like that for years. It will be like divorce. I wonder how Ana and Temo will handle that? And what will happen if after they are married Rebe and Pancho have more children? I really hope Ana and Temo deal with it well. Pancho so loves his family, he wants to keep them together, but the way it is now it will be impossible.

I meant "the history between Chela and Pancho and with all the bad blood..."

Melissa- If you saw in the beginning how horrible Chelas was to Rebe, how she turned the kids against Rebe, how she tried to emotionally manipulate/guilt Pancho, and how she even tried to seduce Pancho, you'd understand why Rebe is so dead set against having to even hear her name. I think it will take a while till she gets over that.

I do find Rebe very robot-like and boring though. But I understand why her feelings about Chela are still so raw.

Rebe probably isn't doing herself any favors by getting all cold and snippy any time Chela is mentioned, but I do understand why she acts that way. Chela truly was very nasty to her and did instigate Ana's and Temo's brattiness over the whole relationship.

Not sure why they were talking about getting a love nest, though. What's wrong with the apartment Rebe already has? I personally think it should be Chela who moves out, but she should get a place to live nearby so Temo can easily go back and forth. Maybe she could live in the playhouse, and when Temo goes to visit her he could fall in the well again.

I thought it was funny after Enzo and Chela were smooching and Chela looked kind of confused and said something like she didn't understand what was happening to her. Are hormones a new concept for Chela?

Karina is delightful. More of her and less of Temo, please. Maybe she could work on reforming Tomás.

Thanks so much Melinama for your recap. I LOLed when you (and others) shared your hopes about bratty Temo.

And Miss Sylvia another LOL moment regarding Temo providing an opportunity to have Enzo permanently in a wet t-shirt.

Has anyone else noticed the pillows in Pancho's office and Candy's bedroom with the UFCS graphics on them? Someone on the crew is going nuts with their textile-printing abilities. If they have to make one of the characters into a pillow, why not one of our hotties instead of Pancho (on that thing Pina's friend bought for the baby).

"Maybe she could live in the playhouse, and when Temo goes to visit her he could fall in the well again." Good one Julia.

I second Sylvia's sentiments, Julia!

Melinama, I like the way you slice through all the action. Thanks. I didn't see it, but I can just picture the Amazon pressing Enzo's face between her silicon mounds.

Chela will always be like a mother to the kids, but it's time for her to move out. A relationship with Enzzo should be good motivation for her to start a new life.

I'm looking forward to a Chela-Violeta faceoff. I think Chela can take her.

Tks mucho CHF

Where did our comedy go?
Pina loses the baby.
Temo almost drowns
That after poor Lupita's loss
Vicente's meaness
Did we get any laughs last night?
I missed the bed fight

Variopinta- It's true that our silly comedy has turned into a drama with comedic undertones. But I am finding it SO much more interesting, exciting, and romantic than our current dramatic fare at the later hours.

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