Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #174 Wed 3/21/12 so much stuff happens!

Here comes the fly in the soup: Kari is the object of Ana's rage, breaking up the cute serenade for Monica.

They have a fight, and the accordion is flung to the floor.

Moni tries to break up the fight, but ends up getting people mad at HER. Ana has a total fit and stomps out, followed by the others. Freddy is left, holding a giant balloon. He pops it with a pen and follows them out.

Pepe and Pancho have a heart-to-heart about Moni's leaving. They're wearing matching pajama bottoms. Pancho does a good job of cheering up his son.

Rebe calls Pancho, who responds just like Vins (Rebereberebe)...

At the airport, Mamazon looks just as absurd as ever... Pepe takes advantage of an opportunity for a slow-mo running moment and a tearful goodbye.

Rebe shows up to pull Temo out of school for a top-secret mission. . . "ir de pinta..." she will take him to the fair. huh?

Pancho butts heads with Pina and Vins, and Pancho says he'll no longer keep trying to have anything to do with them (you two smell like sulfur). After a huge amount of beating around the bush, Pina and Vins reveal their plan: they want to buy him out. They're cute, sitting him down in a chair and laying out all the things he could do with his free time. Pancho turns them down, but their interactions are positively hilarious. Pancho - I don't hate you... you're more like a pain in the [boioioioing], a rock in the tennis shoe.

I am immediately reminded that Chela is pregnant by the fact that she's painting stars on a wall. She counsels Ana to blame not Kari but Pina, and Enzo shows up with a huge heap of shopping bags full of baby stuff. are they jumping the gun? 9 months ahead of time.

Good lord, Candy is such a weak-willed dishrag. she's lying in an enormous bed with Napoleon, whining about how hard it is to be a "patrona."

On the scene of Rebe's kidnapping of Temo and taking him to the fair.

Fers apologizes to Pancho, but she'll be inviting Vins to her wedding. Pancho: Don diablo y dona diabla? Well, you've got no choice.

Ahh, aqui esta la neta, as they say. Rebe has something to ask Temo. He knows the fun has come to an end, and his hamburger freezes on its way to his mouth. She's worried about his grades, which seems like minimal rationale for this huge fair sequence, which must have been a pain to film.

While Monica is in France, Pepe meets a hot new mechanic.

Fred proposes to Ana. She stalls him for about 2 minutes, and says yes!

Meanwhile, Pancho is wearing a grotesque Pancho <3 a="" and="" br="" bunch="" employees="" for="" he="" his="" jacket.="" made="" of="" rebe="" removing="" s="" seductively="" shirts="" these="" to="" tshirt="" wear.="">
Frida, the hot mechanic is flirting rather aggressively with Pepe. She can joke with incomprehensible slang-y words just as well as Pepe and Pancho.

Now that Pina is back together with Vins, she's gotten mean again, a shift she demonstrates as she lays into Enzo for his "betrayal."

Beto: Chaos, ignominy, disaster! I've been called to speak to Vins!

Frida (mechanic chick) is a really perfect match for Pepe... she talks about her mom as "jefa," just like pepe has his "jefe." They enjoy some juice together.

Dona Fers is ALREADY getting into her wedding dress (with some assistance from Chela). Ana walks in and announces her proposal, super-excited, and the two ladies just look aghast and agape.


Ezra- Thanks to both you and Melinama for getting us these recaps in record time tonight.

A lot did happen. And there were so many funny scenes. The massage scene with Vince and Pina was particularly hilarious, among many others.

We have seen the actress, Jackie Garcia, who is playing Frida in a lot of tns. Fun to see her being the naco chick mechanic. So different than the other roles I've seen her in. I wonder how long she'll be around.

I can't believe that Freddy's brilliant plan is for him and Ana to get married. I felt like Lamberto. All I could see was doom, gloom and tears ahead!

I am so glad that Pancho pointed out to Pepe the hypocrisy of his and Ana's demand that Moni stop being friends with Kari. Way to go Pancho.

The way that Violeta pulled Moni away at the airport had an air of finality about it.

I couldn't believe Candy's lazy attitude about her work at the station she owns. She couldn't make a 10:30 meeting!?

I wish that I got the "punishment" Temo got when I got less than stellar grades as a kid. Playing hookie and going to the fair! Those burgers looked good too. All he had to do was "promise" to try harder in school. What a sweet deal!

A couple of things.
First, don't FORGET to PAY ATTENTION to Octavio as the show continues. There will be a story-line there. Was he really absent-minded last night when he forgot his car keys? Was it just forgetfulness from old age? What's up with the good doctor?

It is interesting seeing Jackie Garcia in this new role. She has the naco accent down pretty well.
It must be hard for actresses from other countries to get to Mexico and learn to lose their accents. Jackie is from Cuba. No trace...not even when she started on "Codigo Postal." Well, I guess when she talks fast, you can kind of tell something.

I still like Pepe and Monica though.
For those who asked, Jackie will be around for a while. There's got to be a love triangle, right?

Thank you Ezra for this great recap. I agree with you Vivi about Freddy's plan with Ana and how Pancho pointed out Pepe's hypocrisy and Ana's demand that Moni drop Kari. Ana's problem is with Pina, she is the one encouraging Kari. Even though Kari does make an ass of herself. Fridia is good too, I am wondering where this is going with Pepe, he really seems to like her.Poor Moni, you could tell she didn't really want to go, but went anyway.

I am with you too JPcruzer about
Doc Oc. He was so normal, up until now. I really hope he doesn't have dementia.

With you Vivi about Candy. What the heck has happened to her? She used to want a great job that made good money. Now she just wants to sleep in. She could really get some revenge on Pina if she wanted to with her owning of the station.She has lost her joie de vivre.

I liked those t-shirts that Pancho and the secretaries were wearing. Napo did tell him not to let Rebe get away and to fight for her. Pancho has tried everything else so this is another thing he is trying. At least she smiled.

I like how Rebe took Temo off and took him to the fair. It was like they were playing hookey for the day. The triangle of Pancho/Chela/Rebe/Enzzo has affected him so this was her way of trying to get him to get his head straight. She did tell him if he was having trouble with school to call her anytime and she would help him.

Loved Pancho's name for Pina/Vins. I can imagine the sulfur smell lol.

Can't wait for Dona Fer's wedding. It should be interesting. I wonder if her sister will come too?

Wonderful, wonderful recap and yes "so much stuff" happened! I have to say Bon Voyage to Moni, headed to France. Poor thing. But it was getting confusing and tedious.

Count me anew on Team Frida.
All the way.
Yay, yay, yay!

This was a funny episode and you captured it wonderfully in this tag team recap.

I guess Pancho was checking out our Caray Caray site. Just yesterday people were commenting on the unfair inequality of Tomás and Pepe remaining friends even though Tomás was cheating on Pepe's sister while Pepe & Ana expect Moni to give up her friend when she causes problems for Pepe's other sister. So Pancho got the message and gave Pepe really good advice. I hope it's not too late.

The Vince & Pina massage scene was hilarious. I also liked the scene where Vince , Arnold & Pina all checked out each others' biceps to prove how tough their team would be in the upcoming war.

Enzo is such a fount of common sense -- pointing out that a war is not necessary. But Vince is so full of resentment. How is he going to get redeemed in the end?

I did like his conversation with Kari. He admitted thatshe was a much more acceptable mate for his Nene because of her blue blood and blue eyes -- but he leveled with her about how hopeless her situation is and how much Freddy loves Ana.

So just why was Napo at the family meeting without Candy? I'm not liking his developing closeness with the Lopez family.


Guera- I so agree with you about Enzzo. He is a fount of common sense along with Lupe. They always give the best advice and always do the right thing. I thought for a minute that Enzzo might be a turncoat but he stuck with his principles and told Vins he wasn't on his team. I am glad Pancho re-hired him.

I wonder why Candy didn't show up for the family meeting also. I like Napo but he leads such a dangerous life. I don't like the fact (with Vivi) that he sent his henchwoman after NeNe. That was just too much. He should have gone after Vins instead.

Thanks Ezra, to you and CHF for putting up such nice recaps. Slowly, LFCS has become my go-to TN when I am looking for escapist fare.

I cannot say enough about Pina and Vince's scenes together. Sendel is a terminal upstager but Pina keeps up with him, line for line, expression for expression. Such GOOD physical comedians! I am so charmed by their antics that I can (ALMOST) forget their bad behavior.

Vivi: I agree with you about the airport scene with Moni and Violeta.

And Candy is acting like a waste of air. I cna't figure Napo out but Candy is going nowhere fast.

Finally, Vivi, the way Temo is parented you would think this kid was a prodigy or something. He acts out, take him to the fair!

I guess we are supposed to blame the bad grades on Pancho for choosing and then dumping Chela.


Thanks, JP, Melinama, Ezra, and Vivi. Your recaps were fab and helped me get caught up. Enjoyed reading all the comments over the past few days too.

Cheryl, best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Sounds like Candy's acting out because she's depressed. Maybe she's really not into being a kept woman.

Pina's a worse snobby beyotch than she was when the show began. She's definitely headed for a downfall.

Though Ana and Freddy did the research to show its okay to have kids together, I'm still queasy about first cousins mating. I hope Vince is adopted too and has naco roots.

Niecie- They're second cousins (children of first cousins), so it's ok. That wouldn't fly in my family, but Ana and Freddy don't seem to mind.

Thank you Ezra and Melinama for the top-notch recaps!

Pina is hilarious (LOVED that massage scene), but her Aryan obsessiveness is creepy. Yeesh. Maybe when she talked about how she could have been like Angela Merckel or Margaret Thatcher she really meant Hitler.

I'm less concerned about Ana and Freddie being second cousins and more about the fact she's way too immature for a solid relationship. Does she really have to start fights constantly? Freddie has been completely honest with her about the fact that Kari keeps hitting on him, but he isn't interested and isn't having it. So why not let it go and just roll her eyes at Kari's pathetic attempts? Flying off the handle is giving Kari too much power.

I still don't like Pancho, but good for him pointing out to Pepe what an unfair hypocrite he is. Now if Pepe would just apologize to Moni and say of course she doesn't have to stop being friends with Kari. That airport goodbye was too dramatic. I did not like the not-coming-back vibe.

I was excited to see Jackie Garcia. She's one of my favorite actresses. Frida could really shake things up. She should meet Tomas.

Thanks Ezra and Melinama for the fun filled recaps. This story has become much zanier but much more fun too.

I saw the scene when Ana and Freddy produced their research on cousins but how did they get it done so quickly? Was there a prior scene when they worried about it? That was part of what was funny. Vins and Pina were a scream and the duo teams testing loyalty and muscles was great comedy. EJ, I agree that this is the place to come for light hearted fun mostly now.

I liked how Pancho instructed Pepe that he had remained loyal to Tomas even when Tomas betrayed his own sister so he should back off of Moni sticking by Kari as the same value of friendship. We were all yelling at the screen about this last week but I had to remember that this is a rerun so Pancho didn't really hear us. I'm still glad he bonded with Pepe in their jammies though.

"I saw the scene when Ana and Freddy produced their research on cousins but how did they get it done so quickly? Was there a prior scene when they worried about it?"

Cheryl- There was one scene where Pina and Vince, and even Pancho flipped out about the cousins thing in the Lopez living room. Then Ana and Freddy left the room. I assume they went to a computer, looked up the info, and printed it out. Then they came back with the info for the adults.

Vivi, thanks for the correction. I feel better that they're at least second cousins, but maybe I'm jealous because when I was a kid I had crushes on several cousins (they were so fine!) and my parents told me anything less than third cousin is a no-no.

Thanks for another great recap done in record time. Once basketball is over, I'll try and get back into this one (but please God, shorten it to one hour). In the meantime you're keeping me up to speed. Mil gracias.

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