Saturday, March 24, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #177-178 Fri 3/23/12 Día de Locos

Part One: A Grab-Bag of Crazy
After Candy's breakfast, Nap tells Little Debbie that Candy's been too affectionate. Suspiciously so. He doesn't know where this sudden affection is coming from, but he doesn't like it.

Candy tells Pancho how she swapped the USB sticks. This one's full of evidence. (She shakes it, listening for an incriminating rattle.)

Ana meets with her new manager. Although Pina and Vice put him on Ana's case, he seems genuinely enthusiastic about representing her. He's ready to start arranging all kinds of promotional activities for Ana and the group.

Goya shows up in another outrageous outfit - she's all decked out in polyester fruit salad colors this time. Ana's new manager takes it much more graciously than her old one did, but after he leaves, Ana tells her to be more respectful.

At breakfast, Meli congratulates Fred on his upcoming marriage with Ana, now that his parents suddenly approve. Pina won't promise not to meddle in his life. Fred says he needs to go talk to Pancho to say the wedding is off for now. Pina doesn't have much time to enjoy her victory, because Fred says he can't marry Ana until he cuts the umbilical cord. Somehow, Pina feels that this is Pancho's fault.

Elena, a guest at the Stately Lopez Manor since the earthquake, is super-snotty with Chucha. She wants to talk to "the other one" (Goya) too, to complain about her laundry. (Elena insists on being treated like a member of the family, but no Lopez would ever talk to Chucha that way!) Tomás intervenes, apologizes for his sister's rudeness, and scolds Elena for being an ungrateful lazybones. She should go to school or something. Elena says she'd rather be dead than go to school or work at some mediocre job. (Be careful what you wish for, kid.)

Candy guilts Pancho into helping her. He reaches for the phone. She panics. She doesn't want him to involve anyone else. Wait, what? How does she think he can handle this all by himself?

Deb tells Nap that Candy is at Avon. He senses something is up. He calls Candy, who panics again. "It's Napoleón!" Pancho sticks his hand in his shirt. Nap tells her to come home for a surprise. "Something's definitely up," he tells Deb. "Candela is very nervous."

Pancho has connected the USB stick and is copying it to his computer. (I just deleted a long lecture about why you should never connect a criminal's USB stick to your employer's computer. Long story short, just don't ever do it.)

Elena is still bitching about how wretched her life is and how their parents left them with practically nothing and Pancho owes them. Tom says Pancho doesn't owe them a thing, yet he's never let them go without food and shelter and all the rest. There's no reason to envy all the things that Lupita has because they are not Pancho's children and they should be grateful that once again, they have a place to live and eat.

Elena doesn't take the lecture well, and now I am wondering if she is going to wind up dead in a ditch. I cannot imagine anything that would make this brat happy for any amount of time. Even if she got rich, soon she'd be envying someone richer. And she did kind of diss her parents just now. So... well, let's just hope that something turns her around. Or maybe she should get Violeta to adopt her. Maybe that would do it.

Pancho finishes copying the USB stick and gives it back to Candy. She assures him that Nap doesn't suspect a thing.

Ana calls Fred and tells him about her new manager Franco. "Congratulations," he says without much energy. After the call, Pina mischievously asks why he seems so pensive. He refuses to discuss it with her. This depresses her.

Rebeca interrupts Pancho, who's trying to figure out the gangster data. Not wanting to involve her in the mess, he doesn't tell her what's going on. She wants to show him a graph with a red line that depicts the worst-case scenario but also shows that even the bad outcomes are projected to be good for the company in the long run, but they don't know how that will be for the workers, psychologically. "The gynecological effect on the workers," Pancho repeats absently. Rebe can tell he's distracted. He asks if she knows anyone who can decipher a coded message.

Napoleon insists on seeing what's on the USB stick. Deb says it's encoded. He wants to see it with his own eyes. She installs some decryption software on a laptop and connects the USB stick. It's empty!

Pancho is mysteriously telling Rebeca that he can't involve her in "this" when Ana interrupts to ask if Franco's been there yet to introduce himself. Rebeca excuses herself. Pancho thanks her for showing him the gynecological projections.

Candy arrives at Nap's house. Deb empties her purse immediately and finds the USB stick. She confirms that the data is on it. Candy denies everything and says Pancho knows nothing, but Nap doesn't believe her. He has his goons drag her to the bedroom, begging for mercy.

Franco finally gets to Avon and meets with Pancho, who thinks he looks familiar. Franco flashes back to Vice and Pina asking him not to let on that they put him on Ana's case. He leaves to take a phone call. Pancho and Ana get all misty at the prospect of not seeing one another while she's working. She admits that she's not in such a hurry to get married now. Franco comes back and says boyfriends and this type of career don't mix. Then Pina comes in and gives Pancho a hard time about separating her from her son. Ana excuses herself, but notices Pina giving Franco a strange look. Franco excuses himself.

Rebe is daydreaming about Pancho in her car when she realizes that someone is tailing her. She makes a sudden, screeching turn, and two large vehicles trap her on a side street. She is whisked away in a van with Deb, and one of Nap's goons takes her car.

Outside Pancho's office, Ana asks Franco if he's met Pina before. He plays dumb. Pancho and Pina have a dumb argument about Fred wanting to cut his umbilical cord.

Pina is still ranting and raving with Pancho about how wrong it is for the social classes to mix. She won't allow him to put ideas in Fred's head.

Fred rehashes the Ana situation with Pepe and asks for advice. Pepe reminds Fred of how poorly it turned out when he and Moni tried to live together and they just can't live together. At least not now.

Enzo calls Moni in France. (The green pencils on his desk have been infested by some horrible fungus that's turned half of them yellow!!) Supposedly Violeta is doing well, but she's still not in the clinic yet. That's still being arranged. (Hmmm.) Meanwhile, Mom spends a lot of time shopping.

Deb tells Nap that Rebeca's stashed away at a safehouse.

Chela tells Enzo she's worried about Candy. She's not answering her phone. They go to see Pancho and he shows them the garbled data on the USB stick. NOW they decide it's a good idea to call the authorities. Enzo calls a lawyer, but he's out to lunch. The nerve of some people!

One of Nap's henchmen takes a cell phone video of Rebeca all tied up and gagged.

Ana meets with Fred, who's still bummed out that she'll be touring. He can't go with her, because he has classes. (Guess he should have gone to UCLA after all.) But they still love each other.

Chela is still trying to get Candy on the phone and Enzo is working on Pancho's computer when Nap, Deb, and entourage show up. "Menso Rinaldi," Nap greets Enzo. Enzo surreptitiously presses a key on Pancho's keyboard (it looks to be in the neighborhood of the semicolon or L) that causes the screen to go blank. Phew! Nap tells Chela not to worry about Candy; she's getting a massage. He wants to speak with Pancho. Chela and Enzo clear out of there as fast as they can.

Nap shows Pancho the video on his cell phone. "Ah, Rebe gagged," Pancho observes dreamily. (Perv.) Then he realizes she's in serious trouble!

Part Two: The Body Count Rises

RIP Little Debbie, Snack Cake of Doom.

Pancho is flipping out in his office. Nap warns him with Rebeca's safety and also threatens to shoot him in the head (using an Una Familia con Suerte pillow as a silencer? good luck with that) just in case.

It turns out Enzo emailed the files to his own computer. Chela just wants to find Candy.

I think Pancho fainted. Now Nap is poking the USB stick all over Pancho's face. Ooh, very menacing.

Vice has invited Karina to meet with him at the office. He asks her to keep this confidential. He's always wanted to have a daughter. After he and Pina had Fred, they had some problems and got busy with work and stuff, and then they got Abejita, but... but Vice wants to adopt Karina.

Karina, who has two living (if not particularly attentive) parents already, does not find this request at all strange or suspicious. She eagerly accepts. "I promise I will love you like my own daughter." "And I will love and respect you like my own father."

Pancho admits to copying the USB stick. After some more warnings about Rebeca's life, Nap says he'll give Pancho the benefit of the doubt and will bring back his computer in two hours. And if he calls the authorities, Rebeca will die. Nap also recommends that Pancho do something about the company's security. "You see that anyone with a gun can come right into your office." Pancho frets.

Vice explains that with Ana relaunching her career, Fred's going to be alone. Karina understands her mission and squeals with delight. This would all seem so much less weird if he hadn't just spoken of "adopting" her.

Enzo and Chela go to Nap's house, where the goons say Candy is "indisposed." Chela loudly tells Enzo they should go to the police.

On the ride home, Deb asks Nap what will happen to Rebeca. He says she's going to die.

Rebeca sobs in the dark safehouse.

Pancho frets about Rebeca. (Looks like his pencils have been attacked by the yellow fungus, too.) He is soon joined by Enzo and Chela. He tells them the bad guys got Rebe. Chela nearly faints.

Candy frets in the bedroom. Nap tells her to pack her things. They can't stay here.

Pancho gets a text telling him where to find Rebeca. He doesn't say who it's from. Enzo is worried it might be a trap. Chela wants to call the police. Pancho thinks they'll kill Rebe if the police show up. Pancho has an idea.

Nap calls someone and tells him to kill Rebeca in one hour. (Why the delay, I don't know.) Deb whips out her gun and points it at Napoleon. She's with the police and he's under arrest!

She has all the guys drop their guns and kick them over to her. Then she tells Nap to call his guy at the safehouse and rescind the order to kill Rebeca. Nap stalls. Candy comes out of the bedroom and asks what's going on. Deb tells Candy to stay behind her and starts calling for backup. Then Toshiro, #1 goon, comes down the hallway with Candy's bags and shoots Deb from behind. He only gets her in the shoulder, but as she struggles to her feet, he pulls out a knife and slashes her throat so fast I have to replay in slow motion to see it. Except that her throat looks fine when they pick her up off the carpet later and there isn't nearly as much blood as you would expect from a person who's been slashed. But never mind.

Candy runs away. Nap congratulates Toshiro on his fine work and sends him to retrieve Candy. He has another guy prepare the helicopter, and sends a third guy to the airport to get the plane ready. He gives a respectful parting speech to Deborah and toasts her with his best cognac.

Frida brings her muscle car to the garage. I'm sorry I don't know what kind of car it is, but it's the kind I like to look at. She's wearing a lime-green tank top that makes the guys' eyes pop. She asks Pepe if he thinks he could beat her with Champi. She offers him a rare opportunity to drive it. He hops in before she changes her mind.

Candy is on the run. She really needs a sports bra. Toshiro pursues. He is running around on a busy street in broad daylight with a gun in full view. She easily eludes him by hiding behind a van. Toshiro may be a sharpshooter, but he's not very good at looking for things.

The helicopter is ready. Nap calls Toshiro. "Where the hell is Candy?" An excited police car rolls by. Toshiro is looking uncharacteristically worried.

The safehouse goon goes into the darkened room with a gun. He says she's very pretty, and he could have a feast with her, but orders are orders and he won't disobey.

He lifts his gun. She whimpers. Nap shows up in his hat and sunglasses. He says he's changed is mind, and Rebe will have to disappear some other way. He'll take her with. He sounds like Grover, the Muppet, and his build looks bulkier than I remember. But Rebeca and the goon and the guard don't seem to notice. Nap slaps the guard a few times for no reason. The guard doesn't resist.

Pepe and Frida speed down a country road. Vroom. They aren't wearing seatbelts. She's sitting too close to him. Back off, chickie!

Nap is outside with Rebe. His hair is too blue. His hat is too green. Rebeca struggles with him. She sees La Burra and panics. What are they doing to Pancho? Nap peels off a mask, revealing himself to be... Pancho! (Hmm, did I miss a scene where Napoleon allowed them to take a cast of his face and create a rubber mask?) She's glad to see him!

Nap's men want him to leave the house. He tells them he won't go without his Candy. He loves her and he can't live without her. He'll wait.

His phone rings. What an amazing coincidence - it's the same crappy phone (and ringtone) that all the Avon employees have. It's Toshiro, advising Nap to take the helicopter and flee because the house is surrounded by police. Nap tells him to find Candy and kill her. Wow, moody.

But it's too late. Agents rush into the house and disarm Nap's men. One of them asks for Deb. Nap says she's in a better place. The agent says he'll make sure Nap never leaves prison for the rest of his life. He checks Deb's phone and sees that she sent Pancho a message telling him where to find Rebeca. (Sure, she'd totally send an untrained civilian on a mission like that.) "No me toques," Nap protests as he is cuffed and marched out.

Rebeca is grateful and gives Pancho a kiss. Pancho says he'd give up his life for her. Another kiss, and this time it looks serious. Chela finally reminds them that they still need to find Candy.

They go back to Nap's and see Deb being wheeled out on a stretcher. The agent explains that she was working undercover for them.

Meanwhile, Candy arrives safely at the Lopez home. On the phone, Panch tells Lupita it's been a día de locos. Pancho and Candy tell the Napoleon/Déborah story to the family over dinner.

Pepe and Frida work into the evening. She wants to race him. He wants to set something up with a track; he tells her it's not good to race in the streets. He notes that her car is worth a lot of money, so why does she live in a crummy neighborhood and ride the bus? It's because her grandfather gave her that car and he was everything to her. Her mother abandoned her, and her grampy raised her, and he told her to fix up the car and care for it as if it were a child. It's as valuable to her as her grandfather.

So now Candy is crying at home. Ana tries to cheer her up with news of her new manager and revived career. Lupita tries to cheer her up with a somewhat more on-topic reminder that Candy can now divorce Nap. Candy says she's just still recovering from the tension. She begins to tell the rest of the story - the USB drive, the files, etc.

Vice is thinking about Candy. Pina finds him drinking in the dark and invites him to bed. He apologizes to her for his bad behavior.

Rebeca tells Pancho that when that guy put his gun to her head, she thought she was going to die, and her life flashed before her eyes. But most of all, she thought of Pancho and all the mistakes they'd made and all the time they'd wasted. She asks for his forgiveness. He asks for her forgiveness. He promises never to distrust her again. They exchange "te amo"s and kisses.

Candy is still crying. The worst of it, she says, is that she lost Vicente, the first man she ever loved sincerely. (That's the worst of it? The dead agent wasn't worse?) Chela tries to cheer her up by telling her she's not a second-table meal. Candy excuses his reconciliation with Pina because she was marrying Napoleon. She still loves Vice. Chela, Lupita, and Ana are aghast. They try to persuade her to restart her life. Surely a thousand other guys are dying to be with her. Single guys who aren't mobsters. This seems to cheer Candy.

Meanwhile, Vice flatters his wife and asks her again to someday forgive him. She's not sure what he's even talking about. She's already forgiven him!

Frida asks Pepe about Mónica. He hasn't spoken to her today. It's about 5am where she is right now, and why does Frida ask? She's just making conversation. He tells her he and Moni moved in together and it didn't go well and a bunch of things happened. Frida scoffs; no doubt Frenchy went back to her parents. She tells Pepe she'd like to see the apartment for herself, just to see why it wasn't good enough for Frenchy. He agrees - tomorrow they can have dinner or something. She thought-bubbles to herself that she likes Pepe more every day, and what's Frenchy got that Frida doesn't?

Sneaky feet prowl up to Napoleon's cell. Nap meets the faceless man and takes something from him that he immediately pops into his mouth. The other man walks away and we hear him and the approaching guard greet one another. The guard comes to Nap's cell and gloats that Nap got his freedom last time, but now even God can't save him.

The guard watches as Nap sits down and mimes pouring himself a drink. He gulps it down. He then pours himself a second imaginary glassful, but hurriedly puts it aside before doubling over in agony. The guard calls a doctor, who arrives in record time along with the warden. Nap's dead! The warden looks surprised.

It's just as well. I bet they're not very nice to mimes in prison.

Next time:
Enzo asks Chela to marry him. Vice asks Candy for a date. And despite being dead, Napoleon continues to be a nuisance.


Ah Julie, it was good to check in & find your very thorough recap to take my mind off that game that just ended. It was the last dance for my dear Orangemen. Congratulations JudyB on the OSU win. We gave you a run for the money.

This was quite an action packed episode. I can't wait to relive it with the second half of your recap.

My head is still spinning over that second half. There's a lot of stuff that I didn't see coming!

What I found really jarring was the constant switching between the tense Candy/Napoleon/Rebeca stuff and the comparatively dull other storylines. Ana's new record deal is not interesting when someone else has a gun to his head.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you Julie for this great part one recap. Loved your title and the picture of Little Debbie.
I too have a spinniing head from the second part of this hour, and I didn't see alot of it coming either. Agree with you about the other story lines. I just wanted to get back to the Candy/Napo/Rebe stuff. Can't wait for your part 2.

Part two is up now.

Is this the all-time highest body count for a comedy?

Who slipped the poison to Napoleon? Was it the warden? The way the guard greeted him, it had to have been someone the guard wouldn't think twice about seeing there.

And did they get Toshiro? I don't think they did.

And why is Pepe encouraging Frida? Can he really be that oblivious? (I know, I know... the answer is yes.)

...and as for basketball, I just checked my bracket and I'm now dead. Thanks for that, Gators...

(I can't complain... I picked most of my teams at random. I'm lucky I lasted this long.)

Thank you so much Julie for this wonderful, wonderful 2nd part recap. I was shocked, I tell you shocked that Deborah was a Federale. I never, ever would have guessed that. It is a shame she died.

I wonder if it was the doctor that slipped the stuff to Napo. He sure got there in a hurry. No spoiler, just my own humble opinion, but is Napo really dead? Would he actually kill himself? I don't know I guess we will have to see.

I don't like where the Pepe/Frida thing is going. It looks like Frida has it bad for Pepe.

Loved Pancho dressing up as Napo. I thought it was Napo at first, but then noticed he was bulkier and talked worse than Napo, loved the Grover voice too lol.Glad he and Rebe recconciled.

Don't like the Vins "adopting" Karina line. Vins and Pina are just throwing Karina at Freddy anyway they can.

Candy and Elena both need to think about growing up now. Candy needs to stay away from Vins and Elena needs to get a life and stop being a rotten, ungrateful girl.

Good thinking about the doctor, Madelaine, except I'm not sure he was wearing the same pants (I've deleted it now, I can't check). But if it was him, he might have been lying that Napoleon was dead.

On the other hand, there was no reason for Napoleon to take anything at all if the doctor was going declare him dead anyway. He'd just need to avoid sneezing until the fake morgue van arrives.

Ultimately, I do believe Nap is really dead, because he said he couldn't live without his Candy. And I suspect the warden as the poisoner. Maybe this (and the missing Toshiro) will tie into Tomas's law enforcement storyline; maybe not.

As for Vice "adopting" Kari, what's especially creepy is that she's supposed to seduce her stepbrother. (Not that they can legally adopt her anyway!) And they complain about Ana being a second-cousin??


Thank you so much for this excellent recap. Wow, I missed one night of Familia and...

I am gobsmacked by the turn of events. I am esp sad about Deb. I loved her crazy kick-boxing and girl-action-hero routine. So nice that she was a good guy after all.



Big EEEwww right with you on the seduction of the step-brother thing. How do you adopt someone who has a legal relationship to two living parents?

This is a serious beanine moment after all the Freddie-Ana cousin kerfuffle.


I don't think Don Napo is dead, I think he took one of those special TN pills that makes him appear dead so he can escape from the morgue. And as someone said, maybe the Doc was in on it. We aren't done with Napo yet.

And I agree the adopting of that brat Kari by Vince is really creepy.

Hi Güera...yes, you really did give us a run for the money...and you were playing with the Fab Factor. So sorry Melo let his teammates down by not making grades, but happy that we won.

Yowza, sounds like I missed quite an episode in Familia. Thanks for the recap Julie...still hoping and praying that they stop these two-hour marathons soon.

oops..meant WITHOUT the Fab Factor.

This was so funny Julie. there were many funny lines but I was partial to "Candy is on the run. She really needs a sports bra" and I also thought it was pretty funny that Toshiro was running through the streets with his gu in his hand.

The Pancho rescue of Rebe was very funny. I did also wonder where he managed to get the face mask. I'm glad that he & Rebe are back together.

I was as amazed as everyone else to discover that Deb was a federale. I didn't see her get her throat slashed -- in fact I thought that after the goon carried her out of the room he shot her -- right after Napo did his twisted Gladiator toast in Latin. If I got it right he changed it from "We who are about to die salute you" to "You who are about to die, I salute you" Then there was a loud bang from the next room. I was hoping that she still wasn't really dead -- but I guess she really is.

As for Napo, on the other hand, I vote for Not Dead. I think he took something to simulate death. (Shades of the Count of Monte Cristo) and that he'll be back. In the previews he was wearing white -- could be a dream sequence, a ghost, or a return from the apparent dead. (Or a long lost twin??)

Ditto on the creep factor of Vince & Kari.

And Pepe -- open your eyes! Why do these TN guys always seem so oblivious to the way they are encouraging a lovesick chick who will cause trouble for them with the amor de su vida?


Congratulations JudyB, you are right about the Fab factor. Also, I thought the two other off court issues would get in the orangemen heads during the big dance, but they seemed to shake off all non basketball matters and played very well.

Guera, I went though what you are going though last weekend when my Rams lost to hurts for a while, but time heals all wounds.
But I cannot seem to get into this TN again....maybe after the Championship game next week I will refocus on the show.

JudyB, good luck against Baylor or Kentucky next week.....


These were some crazy episodes, but you captured the action perfectly.

Wow! So much went down. Guera, I saw the Deb demise scene the same way you did. I also had hopes that she somehow got the drop on the goon who carried her away and it was her shooting him. Alas, it was not to be. She would have been a great character to keep. Perhaps as Tomas' trainer at the police academy.

I loved the Rebe rescue and that she and Pancho have now made up. Yay! I laughed when we came back from commercial break and he and Rebe were still kissing. I was thinking, jeez, that's a LONG kiss and shouldn't they get out of there, when Chela broke in and said the same thing I was thinking. LOL!

I thought it was telling that in the same conversation about Vince adopting Kari, he mentioned all her money. I think he has dollars on the brain when he thinks of her as a nuera. While Pina is mainly thinking about her blue blood and eyes. At least Vince has never come on to her. I see that he has Candy on the brain more than ever, and now Candy is free of Napo. Pina will soon be back in the same cheatng spouse boat.

I want someone to point out that when Freddy got his dream grad school offer, Ana pouted and was quick to assume that he would NOT leave her, but as soon as she gets an offer to leave to persue her dreams, she assumes that OF COURSE Freddy will support her and wait around for her. This points to a real selfish streak on her part in my eyes.

Güera, Toshiro definitely got Deb with something when she got up, and when I replayed it slowly I thought I saw a knife. There was also a metallic slicing sound. But maybe he was knocking her out with his hand and the sound was just added for dramatic effect.

In any case, there wasn't enough blood for a slit throat; and if you heard a shot after they took her out of the room, I'll take your word for it. I missed it, but I miss a lot.

I did hear the Latin phrase and looked it up, but didn't know enough about Latin to deal with the conjugation. Thanks for that!

Nap-in-White had better be a ghost. I don't think I could deal with a long-lost twin.

Vivi, Ana's selfish streak wasn't just limited to her treatment of Fred. I could not BELIEVE she wanted to talk about her new agent while Candy was still decompressing. You'd have to be pretty self-absorbed to think that was more interesting than what Candy et al went through with Nap and his henchmen.

I wonder how much rehash time will be spent bringing Pepe up to speed when he comes home from work.

Julie, what a great re-cap! I was dying really touched on everything. Especially on where Pancho got his custom-made Napoleon mask, plus get-up. Hilarious.

As soon as Vince sees that Candy's back, it will absolutely be back to the same as before for all involved. He just can't be with any one woman, it seems. He wasn't with Candy for five minutes before he was already drooling over Violeta. And as soon as Candy was gone, he was back with Pina. What does she expect this time?

Julie: that's hilarious about Pepe. He seems to miss out on everything around here.

I really hope that the show doesn't put together Pepe and Lupita's tomboy sister. Ugghh...

I wonder what really is the deal with Monica's mother. i bet she never intended to get treatment in France and it's just a ploy to get Moni back to her.

I guess we'll see!

SugarLily: "I really hope that the show doesn't put together Pepe and Lupita's tomboy sister."

Pepe, Lupita, and Ana (the tomboy sister) are all siblings. Did you mean someone else?

I like Pepe with Moni. I like Ana with Freddy (if Ana eventually gets over herself). I think I'd like Frida to get together with Tomas, but I don't think they've met yet.

Karina is just a stupid, shallow caricature of the nice person she was at the start of this TN. I don't know if I'd inflict her on any of the male characters in our current lineup.

I do find it suspicious that Violeta hasn't been admitted to the treatment facility yet. She was in such a big hurry to leave for France, as if she'd already made the arrangements and they were just waiting for her to show up. And now they're still working on it? Hmm.

Anon #1...Actually we'll be playing Kansas or North Carolina. Both are tough.

I meant Frida, lol. To me, she looks like tomboy version of a cross between Lupita and Chela.

OMG, you're right. She does. I noticed a resemblance to Chela, at least.

Pepe needs to get a clue. Frida knows he has a girlfriend, but she also thinks she can win. I really don't think she'd be his type even if Moni weren't in the picture, but if he doesn't realize what she's trying to do, it could get kinda uncomfortable and miserable before she gives up.

JudyB, you are the half, it's 47-47, North Carolina is without their best player, much like Syracuse......

Thank you so much for the recap! I try to keep up with this show but it's hard to do it every day. Wonderful recap, lots of action! I'm sorry I missed seeing it, but your recap really helped bring it to life.

So did anyone recognize Frida's car? Was it a Challenger? I didn't get a good enough look.

Julie- I'm not enough of a car person to know, but it is a cool car. I think that Pancho will end up offering her a place to live in the new dwelling he has Enzzo looking for. He already intended for Chacho, Elena and Tomas to live in the new place.

As for Elena, the crap she pulled in the last episode is exactly why she was never/and should never be invited to live with the Lopez family in the mansion. If her misadventures with Freddy, and her dead married lover getting murdered haven't straightened her out, I don't know what will.

Welcome SugarLily! Haven't seen you here before. You probably have commented, and I didn't see it.

Julie, I think Frida's car is a 1962 Plymouth Sport Fury. It sure looks like one. And from the way it looks it looks totally restored. No wonder she is so proud of this car.

The car reminds me of Rafa's Pantera on Dinero. He was very proud of that car too

Great recap, it's fun to review this on a Monday.

As for the late departed Napo - I don't think he is, I think they used someone in makeup like Pancho did and that the real Napo is hidden somewhere.

Kari - now that's a compeltely stupid plotline. She disliked Freddy and now she's madly in love with him, and is to be adopted? Wow, that's a strange one.

What I'm waiting for is for Elena to get her due. I wonder what it will be?

Ana seems to be quite young and immature. But am glad they are telling El Nene to cut the ties.

I too did not notice the slashing of the throat, I thought that her end came when she was hot. I also thought that once she was taken to the other room the guy taking her would also be a police officer and they would both come back and reveal themselves.

I was sad to see Violeta again, I hope she stays in Europe, she just does not seem to fit in this TN.

Julie, terrific recap. I don’t know how you covered all the craziness and detail so smoothly but you did. So sorry to see kick-fightin Debbie go down. I was thinking maybe eventually she’d hook up with Arnold. Thanks for the Little Debbie Snack Cake tribute to her.

My favorite line: “Nap tells him to find Candy and kill her. Wow, moody.”

On the one day Rebe wears a nice pantsuit - instead of her usual snuggy cocktail wraps – she gets kidnapped. I was hoping the pants meant Rebe would get to do some kicking of her own, but nope.

Pina and Vince had a lousy marriage for 20 years but think they have the wisdom to know who Freddy should hook up with for life. Karina’s willingness to go along with Vince’s adoption plan is just plain nutty. Poor Freddy should go to school in LA.

I agree with those who don’t think Napo is dead. It happened too fast - I think Napo would spout a lot of philosophy before kicking the bucket.

Niecie, I was truly confused by that. First he's like, "I'll wait for Candy," and mere moments minute later he's all "find her and kill her."

The fact that he ordered her to be killed suggests to me that he really wasn't planning on being alive much longer himself. But who knows?

(For that matter, is Toshiro still looking to kill Candy?)

Madelaine, I do believe you're right about the car. It might have been a later year though. The 62s look a little fancier than Frida's, from what I saw of it. There's like a little ridge (I don't know what you call it) along the sides that I didn't notice on Frida's. (Maybe it's easier to overlook on a black car.) From the admittedly limited selection I found on Google, later versions of the Plymouth Sport Fury didn't have that.

Whatever year it was, you don't get to see cars like that very often anymore unless you go to a classic car show or watch a lot of old reruns, so it's a real treat. I wish they'd given it more screen time.

Julie, thanks for your great recap. You covered all of the crazy day quite well.

I hope Napo's dead though his death was quick.

Also the madness with Vince adopting Kari, her previously disliking Freddy but now madly in love with him, and Pina's Aryan dreams are all icky. I hope they wrap up this soon.

Since this comedy TN has had a body count, Elena could be a lucky winner here.

Julie, Thanks for the fab-fun filled snarkolicious recap. Your humor never fails to brighten our weekend reading. And I agree you captured more detail than any recapper should have to. This episode in particular had such twists and turns. I don't know about you but strangely I have gotten used to the two hour episodes and don't really mind them, especially if it means that we don't have to endure this spiraling plot for six extra months. This should wind down in the summer, right?

I thought Napo looked like he was in a terry robe in a beach setting in the previews. Looks like I will get a chance to find out more tonight when I am on.

Elena is so beyond redemption. She has no depth, no talent except for nice midriff shots ala SINthia over on No Podia. But how can we tolerate this constant dissing of the hired help. Isn't that an unforgiveable sn on any self-respecting TN? What a worthless person they have created. But it does give Tomas a chance to show his growing turn-around self in addition to how many push ups he can do.

Sorry about Lil' Debbie, she could have been fun as a revealed good girl. I wish Rebe had used her pant suit day to show us more than a helpless damsel in distress who has to be 100% rescued. However the NapyMask on Pancho was hootiferous fun. The writers are having some fun moments with us showing impossible rescues with creative ideas.

Kari is a big disappointment but it is funny that dark brown -eyed Pina is so pro Aryan blue eyes. Lots of funny inside jokes I think. Or at least please, please don't let Pina be such a hideous person by the end.

Enzo and Chela are just cute. A nice relief from the rampaging killing going on in this "comedy"

Ay yi yi. I leave town for one weekend and miss a single double episode and all this happens?! Haven't seen it yet, but thanks to the excellent, detailed, and amusing recap, I feel like I did.

Just based I what I'm reading here, I am not at all convinced Napo is dead. He wouldn't give up that easily, I don't think. I'm guessing fake death/escape from the morgue.

Maybe dressing like the local mobster was all the rage for Halloween or something so masks of Napo's face were available in all the tianguis.

Frida actually said the type and year of her car on Thursday's episode, but, not being into cars myself, I didn't pay attention or note it for you all in my recap. Sorry for dropping that ball! I seem to remember the year ended in 8.

I think Pepe is pretty used to young (and not-so-young, ahemAlexandraGuzmánahem) ladies flirting with him, and he doesn't take much note of it or expect them to seriously pursue him. I think in his mind, Frida knows he has a novia, so they're just friends, and he might not pick up on the fact that she's seriously interested and not just flirting in passing like so many do with him.

Did anyone else live in the casa popular besides Tomas, Elena, and Chacho? I thought I saw other people around (besides the daycare kids) when the earthquake hit. Where did they all go?

I'm sure I have a lot more to say but my manager keeps interrupting me with actual work. Boo.

Just wanted to say let's make a bet as to how soon Tomas will be chief of police? LOL

I wonder if he will end up arresting his own sis for being nasty.

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