Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Familia: help tonight?

Hey, I don't know if my mom told you, but she's on vacation and I can't cover her because I'm working...

I'm not asking for much, but if someone could just post up two or three big plot points from tonight's episode we would be extremely grateful... Thanks!


Oh wow Ezra. I've got some bulletes for you.

Mini recap (part 1):
Rebe/Pancho: Pancho wants them to get married in the main large cathedral in Toluca. The problem is the soonest they can be married there is February 2012. Rebe and Panch are eager to get hitched at the end of the month (September) or early November.

Candy and the Radio: Candy’s head is not as swelled as before. Although she is still the owner of the station, she is now handing over all management to her producer and dedicating herself to her radio program as well. She makes a plug for Pancho and Rebe’s desire to get married in the cathedral on the show. Immediately messages of support start coming in on the show’s Facebook page for Pancho and Rebe.

Candy and Vince: Vince won’t leave her alone and keeps accosting Candy wherever she goes, even the Avon offices. Pancho catches Vince at it, and Candy trying to fight him off. He pulls Vince off Candy, Vince pushes Pancho, Pancho pushes Vince and he falls to the ground and bumps his head. There is a bit of blood, but big baby Vince makes a federal case out of it, starts wearing a neck brace, and then brings charges against Pancho, with Pina’s support. After getting the summons, Pancho heads straight to Casa Irrabien to tell Vince off, and to tell Pina why he pushed Vince—Candy. Pina menacingly pulls on Vince’s neck brace a lot, but chooses to believe him when he denies, denies, denies…for now.

Pepe/Moni/Frida: Frida lays a major kiss on Pepe at the garage. After a long period of galanbesoparalysis, Pepe finally snaps out of it and tells Frida to not do that again. She tries to play it off, but Pepe’s scolding doesn’t stop her from thinking that she rocked his world with that kiss. Pepe confesses to Tomas that Frida’s kiss did indeed rock his world. Tomas, the voice of girlfriend cheater experience, warns Pepe that he can’t do something similar to Moni, who confronted so much to be with Pepe. Pepe is mighty confused. After the kiss, he feels guilty enough to call Moni (who’s full face we still don’t see) and tells her he supports her helping her mom till the end of the month, and hey, he might even get a passport finally and come visit her! She loves the idea and is very grateful.

Tomas and Lupita: Tomas continues to learn police stuff. His back gets hurt when his karate teacher makes him the test dummy during a class. Fernanda is able to rally depressed Doc Oc enough to go to the house to see Tomas. Lupita and Chela take a moment to ogle Tomas when he takes his shirt off and lies down so that Lupita can massage his bad back. Later, she tells him SHE’S not waiting till he thinks he’s worthy of her, and she lays a MAJOR lip lock on him. Tomas is so shocked and happy that it takes him a full minute to finally react and get into it.

Elena: Lupita has another talk with her. Who knows if it sinks in, but Elena does apologize for being such a sh*tty friend to her. Lupita later asks Pancho to give Elena another chance at a job at Avon. Pancho does not look enthusiastic about it.

Part 2:
Ana and Freddy: Seems like Freddy must be flying to Ana’s gig cities each day and then going back home the next day (I don’t know how else he gets there if he’s not flying when Ana and the band drive all day to get somewhere, and then Freddy just pops up). Ana is very happy about it. She has a head cheerleader, lover, psychologist, best friend, and housewife all rolled up in one package with Fred. The band and Franco do mind however. They say she’s distracted and it shows in her music. (It sounds the same to me.) Ana puts her foot down to Franco, but Freddy overhears (and will likely be the one to make the sacrifice again). The band makes the first page of the entertainment section of the Toluca paper after their gig in Mexico City. The Lopez clan is over the moon about it.

Chela and Enzzo: Chela and Enzzo go to the gynecologist and run into Pina and Kari. A near cat fight breaks out, but Enzzo holds Chela back. Do not mess with a pregnant, hormonal Chela! They go maternity clothes shopping. Chela seems to be getting broody as her pregnancy advances. Her sweaters have returned and she’s looking at some frumpy pink maternity dresses. Enzzo tries not to say hell no to her choices, and eyes the mannequin wearing hip/modern maternity wear, like jeans. He is very cute throughout.

Avon Executives: Arnold has returned from Kenya (who knew he was away), wearing what appears to be an African chief’s robe. He also seems to be falling for Candy…well, at least for her girls. She wants his help getting Vince to back off. At the Exec meeting, which is still being refereed by Raimundo, all business comes to a halt when Rai informs them that while an executive is involved in ongoing litigation (like Vince’s charges against Pancho), they can NOT remain in their exec posts. Meaning both Pancho and Vince have to step down from the presidency and the vice presidency. Lamberto declares the end of the word and the apocalypse. There has to be a vote for who takes their places, but only share holders can take their place. The only, and largest, shareholder in the room is…PINA!!!! Pina is now the president of Avon. Who will she choose as her VP? Inquiring minds want to know.

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A few other things I forgot:
- Everyone notices something is wrong with Fernanda and Doc Oc. Chela grills Rebe about it, but Rebe keeps mum and plays dumb. Rebe laters suggests that Doc Oc see a psychologist in order to get out of his depression and to start confronting his reality. Fer likes the idea.
- Tomas gets the top marks on his written exams. He wants to be an investigator.
- The kiddy daycare is all painted and safety checke and ready for the kids.
- Temo worries that Chela won't feel the same about him now that she'll have her own baby. She assures him he has, and will always have, a special place in her heart since she's raised him since he was born. She wants him to be a big brother to her baby.

Oh dear, I should have told Ezra that Jim agreed to blog tonight! Jim, if you haven't done it already, you're off the hook! But if you have, I'm sure we'll love what you've prepared for us! I am sleeping on the floor in a garret with my daughter in Philadelphia - tomorrow we're off to a painting workshop on the NC shore...

Thank you so much Vivi for doing this great Recap. I wrote a short one, but yours is way better. Loved Beto here lol. The end of the world and the apoclypse rolled in one. I wonder how Pina will run Avon in the interim? I wonder what Pancho and Vins will do now?

Hated the liplock that Frida put on Pepe, and he didn't fight it. He is indeed confused. I hope Moni comes back soon.

Loved Arnold and his Chief's Cape. He wears the best things lol. He was indeed ogling Candy's girls. She kept looking at him like que the hell? It was too funny.

I'm with Enzzo about Chela's clothing. She is looking frumpy again. Hope she gets some of the pants and shirts they were really cute. Chela knows there is something wrong with Doc Oc. I wonder when Dona Fer will tell the rest of the family,especially Pancho, even though Doc Oc told her not to tell anyone.

Loved Lupe putting that salve on Tomas's back. She was really shy about it and Chela was laughing. It was cute. Glad Lupe showed Tomas how she feels. Maybe they can work it out.

Glad Lupe talked to Elena. Elena seems to know how she screwed up. Maybe she will change now for the better.

Loved how Freddy follows Ana around. He must indeed be flying cause he is right there, while they spend all that time on the bus. Your right Vivi I think her music sounds the same. Maybe Franco thinks Freddie is a distraction.

Love how Candy is standing up for herself and getting back into work. I don't like what Vins did, what did he think, she would just fall all over him? I am glad she is standing her ground with him.

One more thing about Moni. Did she seemed drugged to anyone else? She seemed to be speaking slower than usual and she wasn't as animated as she usually is. And they still aren't showing her whole face. The parts they showed seemed ok, no bruising or anything, but she is wearing alot of makeup.

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Melinama- Sounds like a fun week with your daughter. Enjoy!

Looks like we'll have an abundance of recaps. Madelaine, you should post yours too. We'll also likely have JP's full recap coming if he did see Melinama's message. We could have three takes on the same episode. :)

ITA with all your comments Madelaine. Lupe was really cute with how shy she was massaging Tomas' muscular, naked back. Tomas was totally clueless about the effect he was having on her. :)

It's ok Vivi. I am doing the recap for Friday night. Thanks for doing this. You picked out parts I missed. Yours is very good.

Pepe not only didn't resist that kiss, I think he put a little tongue into it! Holy mixed message, Batman. Frida seems so lonely, though. It would be nice for her to find someone decent.

Chela and Lupita were too funny. Those faces when Tomas pointed out where to put the arnica! He did have to slide his jeans down a little to expose the injured area. Too bad he was in too much pain to appreciate the situation.

So two random company executives have such a fan club that people are willing to rally outside the cathedral to get them a wedding slot? How will this happen, by booting out some innocent couple who managed to reserve their time early?

Don't see how ousting Freddie is going to help the tour. Won't that just make Ana more distracted from being depressed and missing him? How much time does it take to sound check, anyway? The only thing that would really help would be to get a new song or two. Oh, and a less babyish voice.

Vivi and Madelaine:
Thank you for posting your recaps. Tomas is tres handsome but I think I would like a really good person for Lupita, not a reformed bad boy.

ITA about Ana's voice. She can carry a tune in a bucket but that's about it. WTH, maybe she's a virtuoso on the accordion. The character has an inflated self esteem for no apparent reason.


Your mom asked if I'd recap, and I just put up a full seven page recap. :-)

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