Saturday, March 10, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #53 Friday 3/9/12 Those Troubling, Dirty Little Secrets!

As Viewerville plops into position in front of their screens in living rooms throughout the vast expanse that lies north of the border, Tía Rosaura pretends to have been taken captive in an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel while Ana Paula and little Margarito find themselves once again facing The Ogre of San Gabriel. (Ruh-Roh-h-h!)  Yes, once again Rogelio has the love of his life in front of him and his face shows a mixture of personal triumph, relief, and even love.  

At Gustavo’s house, meanwhile, Ernesto and Mercedes have just returned to find her Babycakes bro pacing the living room.  Miss Mercy wants to know what Ana told Gus when he confronted her.  He says she married somebody else, but not the guy Big Sis saw her with at the graduation the night he disappeared; and no, she didn’t tell him who she did marry because they started arguing and broke up.  Mersnottys says just as well that he sees the light [desengañarse=disillusion oneself].  Gus says she acted as if he didn’t trust her, but he believes it’s just the reverse and that’s why she wouldn’t give him the truth.  He doesn’t care to discuss it any more.  “—Well, no use talking about her now…..”  He heads out the door, totally depressed and ignores her calling him back.  With him gone, she gets to gripe about Ana to Ernie now.  (Watch out girl, or you’re going to turn into Gloria!)  “—She did it to him again!  You don’t know how much I hate that Ana!”  Ernie nicely tells her to give her brother some space and fageddabowdit.  Okiedokie.  Mersnottys now uses his shoulder for moral support.  Oh how wonderful she has him now.   They kiss and Ernie promises to be there for her from now on.   

At the church, Ro-Hell rolls up the aisle towards Paula with his heart in his throat (though she’s too angry at the loss of her freedom and Ol’ Guscakes to appreciate it).  Oh-Hell tells her that he thought he’d never see her again and that he looked under every rock to find her.  “—You know that no one makes a fool out of me.”  She gently but firmly tells him that it’s just such a waste since she’s never going back with him to the hacienda.  Not now not never!  Pau begs him to let her aunt and Margarito go at least.  He says no they’re all to leave together.  “—No way.  Let’s all do this agreeably, alright?  Or, what?  Would you rather we cause a scandal here right in the middle of [en plena] God’s house?”  Rog has got Ms. Holier Than Thou with that one.  She gives in. 

Meanwhile, Guscakes has gone to commiserate with Estephan who still hasn’t gotten over being dumped the second time by the ever egocentric Vanesa.  Gus tells Stevie that he’s sure Ana still loves him.  He could tell it by the look in her eyes.  Well, says Stevie, then perhaps it’s just like his Big Sis says, that Ana is putting her family first [anteponer=giving preference to, put before].  “--Well, it’s all over now, so I’m going to work like a fiend at my job in order to forget her.”  (Yeah, sure.  Who you kiddin’, shortcakes?)  He asks Steve about Nessa.   She’s gone into business with David.  They agree that she needs to be careful of Big Dave, considering he always plays dirty.  Yeah, he’s warned her, says Stevie, but Vainessa refuses to listen to him—like usual.  (OMG!  What a pair of sorrowful Sad Sacks.  Where’s the hooch?  Pour ‘em a couple o’ beers to cry in and put it on my tab.) 

Outside of the church, La Mentirosa tries a quick CYA and apologizes, saying they must have followed her here without her realizing.  Rog smirks and tells Rosie she’s worse than even he imagined.  She stutters and flutters around.  “—I’m worried about my niece’s well-being!”  (Uh.  Yeah.)  Rosie valiantly keeps up the ruse and begs to have a chance to speak to AP alone.   Rog—wisely--refuses.  “—Why?  What?  Will you tell her the truth right here in front of everybody?”   Paula asks what he’s talking about.  (Natch.)  He skirts the issue and says that if Rosie was really interested in Pau’s well-being she’d have already convinced her to return willingly.  Rosie says she did try, but failed.  Rog isn’t buying it and waves her off.  He’s had enough of her!

Paula tells Ro-Hell she’s not going back and wants to cancel the contract.  (Oh really?)  Sorry, he says.  “--No way.  I’ve come through with my part now you’re going to have to do the same.”  (Sounds fair.)  “—Please!  I don’t want to.  I can’t.”  “—What do you mean ‘you can’t’?”  She stares blankly back at him.  He asks if it’s because she still believes he killed her boyfriend.  “—No!  I know you didn’t kill him.”  This hits Ro-Hell in the face like a bucket of cold water.  “—So what was it?”    He gets it finally.  “—You saw him?”  He rolls over and suddenly grabs her by the arms and won’t let go.  “—Answer me!” She struggles against him, but won’t say a word.  “--You were with him!”  She finally lets her eyes meet his and the look on her face says it all: guilty as charged.  Controlled anger flashes across his face.  A look of defiance flashes back at him from her.

Across town at Vainessa’s, she and Cinthia are discussing the pros and cons of helping Paula obtain her divorce so Rog can finally be free.  Whatever Nessa does, offers Sinthia, she knows Paula and the woman will play the victim card.  Nessa will come off looking like the villain here.  Nessa says she’s still so in love with Rog though, and the desire to be held safe in his arms was so intense that she even let him humiliate her again—and for what?  For nothing!  Sin says leave it up to her.  They’ll call Bro-Hell and give him their version of things.  She’ll convince him also to let her stay a few more days there with her to keep her company.

Paula tries to deny the charge, but Ro-Hell can’t be bluffed in this.  “—How could you have known if you didn’t see him?”  Rosie runs over and carelessly tells him that she already told him that Paula spent all the time with her long-lost father.  Pau wants to know how she could have told Rog anything.  Rosie lies that it was when she went for a candle and he and the others were waiting out in the vestibule.  She was sooooo scared that she had to tell them the troooooooth--that Pau (wink, wink) spent the whole time with her daddy!  Rog breaks in and tells Rosie to butt out!  Rosie scolds him.  “--Why?  What?  Would you rather the gossip raced through the whole of Tuxtla about her and Vainessa being sisters?”  Paula grabs that and yells back at Rog that that’s the only reason he wanted her: because she and Nessa looked so much alike!  Before Oh-Hell can give a sane reply he’s got to take an urgent phone call from Sin.

Sin starts to tell Rog that she’s just learned Paula and Nessa are sisters.  Yesterday’s news, Rog says.  Paula’s with him now, and they’re getting ready to head back to Hell-Fuerte so pack her bags!  He’ll be by to pick her up for the trip back.  Sin is mouthing all this for Vainessa’s sake.  Sin puts her foot down and says she’s not leaving her friend in her time of need.  Rog just shakes his head in disbelief.  Like, what’s with all the uppity women in his life all of a sudden!!  (Tsk.  Tsk.  His daddy certainly wouldn’t have let things get this out of hand!)  He growls back that Sin better be packed and ready at the hotel in 30 minutes or else.  Period. End of discussion. Click!  He throws the phone back at Hugo and turns his attention back to Paula. 

Across town, Nessa goes ape-sh!t at the thought of Paula and Rog under the same roof again. “—I can’t believe it!  It’s not ri-i-i-i-ight!!!”  (Oy vey!  Nobody does an aggravating whine better than Nessa does.)  Sin gripes that Bro-Hell insists she must pack her bags and that she’s leaving with them.  “—What’s his problem?  Does he really expect me to pay homage to  [rendirse pleitesía] his little woman now? “  

Steam starts curling from Ro-Hellio’s ears.  “--So, Federico must have told you he’d help you, right?  That’s why you’re so rebellious now.”   “—Yes!  He had lawyers ready because he knew what kind of man you are!!”  Before Rog can shoot back another zinger Hugo comes rushing back with the phone again.  This time it’s Maria from Hell-Fuerte with the news about Michael trying to off himself.  Yeah, he was taken care of and, thankfully, Daniel was there and she knew what to do till the doctor arrived.  He needs his family, now, she says.  Did he find Paula yet?  Yes, says Oh-Hell.  He’ll give Pau the news.  Click.  “—What about my brother?  Did he go back there?”  Yeah, says Rog, a few days ago.  That was Maria to say that he tried to kill himself.  Panic sets in with Pau.  Is he ok?  Rog assures her that he’s out of danger now.  “--Clearly he needs his family with him.  So what will it be?  Are you coming back with me or are you going to abandon your brother to his fate?” 

Maria gives the news to Mikey and Dani that yes, Ro-Hell knows the situation, has found his sister, and she knows what happened also. “—Well, he did what he said.  He found my sister.”   Mikey and Squeaky both look scared to death over what Ro-Hell might do to her now that he has her. 

Pau agrees to go back because of Mikey.  Mgrito rushes over and begs to be taken back with her.  Pau pleads to take him back with her.  Rog mulls it over supposedly and in the meantime orders Efrain to fetch his sister and wait for them back at the hotel.  He has Hugo get the helicopter for him, Rosi and Pau are to fly back while the others drive back.

Rosi, meanwhile, whispers to Bruno that it’s going to be difficult to control Paula if Gus is still in the picture.  Bruno says not to worry; he’s got somebody in Tuxtla ready to make him disappear.  That somebody is Rotilio, who couldn’t fight his way out of a paper cell if his life depended on it.  He’s apparently been following Gus, but just before Rotilio tries taking Gus down, Mercedes and Erny appear.   They invite him to a new pub they just found.

Ro-Hell looks over at Rosi chumming it up with Bruno and tells her to listen up.  If she doesn’t want him to expose her real self in front of her niece then she’d better tell him the truth!  He wants the name of Pau’s boyfriend and fast!!  Rosie’s too slick for him, though.  “—You’re the one who ordered him killed!  You tell me!”  (When oh when will he learn? I thought he played chess.  The idea is always to be a couple of strategic moves ahead of your opponent, big guy.) He grabs Mentirosa by the arms and starts shaking her.  “—Tell me her boyfriend’s name!  What’s her boyfriend’s name???”  Paula and Bruno run over and enter the fray.  Rosie gives in.  “—Gustavo!  Gustavo!  His name is Gustavo!”   Pau screams back at him.  “—As if you didn’t know!!  You shameless creep!  What are you planning to do?  Try it again?”  “—But it wasn’t me!  I didn’t do anything, Paula!!   I’d really love to, though, especially if you provoke me!”  She backs off and begs him to leave Gus alone while   unconsciously tugging at the shell necklace.  Rog suddenly recognizes it.  “—You started wearing it again.”  “—I did!!  It’s because I love him and I will continue to love him till the day I die!”   He grabs at it and pulls it off her neck with a harsh, angry jerk. “—Give me that trash!”  She  and Rosie seem really frightened for once. 

Chio is back to try her luck again with Esteban.  She invites him out to dinner.  He says he feels he’d be rotten company.  She takes him by the shoulders, tells him he’ll always be great company for her, and does her best to plant a sensual kiss on the smacker.  (Sorry, Chio is just not my idea of a Vainessa stand-in.  Apparently she’s not Esteban’s either.)  Stevie looks anything but turned on.  Yeah, he goes with the flow, like any self-respecting male would, but is there any doubt she’s in for a sh!t load of hurt once they’ve done the deed? 

In some other part of the city, Bruno and Rosie are now headed down a rain soaked street together.  He’s on the phone to Rutilio, aka Thug Guy, telling him not to risk it with Gus if he’s with somebody.  (Duh!) If he gets caught by the police he’s on his own!  “--Just keep following him.”  Rosie suggests to Bruno afterwards that perhaps AP’s uber-naive belief that Rog is still behind Gus’s disappearance might be useful to them.  They need to discuss it.  First, says Bruno, he wants to know the particulars about the relationship between Pau and Nessa!!  

Back in Sin’s hotel room, Pau waits patiently by and watches as Rog and Sin argue about Sin’s leaving for the hacienda with him.  “—For gawd sakes, man!  You’ve got your wife back with you so why can’t you just leave me out of it?” She does a quick turn around the room and starts in on Paula next.  “—So, are you happy with all the fuss you’ve caused?  Hmmph!  Don Federico died all because of you!”  Pau yells back she had nothing to do with it.  Sinthia is feeling righteous, though.  She steamrolls right over Paula. “--You’re the disgrace of this family!  Can’t you just leave and let your sister have the man she loves?”  (Wait a minute, you sh!t for brains b!tch!! I thought that was what she just tried to do!)  Paula asks what else she could have done.    

Rog looks like he wishes the crack in the floor would swallow him whole.  Sin blames Pau’s ambition and greed on the fact that neither her brother nor Pau’s sister is happy now.  Rog has finally heard enough from Sin.  “--Enough already!”  Not quite.  Sin comes back to shoot another round of bird shot at her SILINO (sister-in-law in name only).  “—And, now I understand what he saw in you!  He saw your resemblance to Vanessa!  Since the proud bastard couldn’t forgive her, he’s making do with you!”  Ohhhh man!  The tears in Pau’s eyes must mean that Sin has hit a nerve!  The look on Rog’s face definitely makes it seem he agrees and that his kid sis has figured it out.  

Back in San Gabriel, Ulises surprises Macaria with the news that he’s taking the prize money and they’re all going on a trip together.  (Yawn.)  FF>>

In the hotel room again, Paula spits back at Rog that his sister is correct.   His problem is that she looked so much like her sister he’s been fixated on her!  Rog races over to her side to try to make her see that it’s nothing like that at all!  She won’t listen, though.  She chides him, and urges him to seek out her sister instead then, and give her back her freedom!  She will never be like Vainessa!  No way, he tells her and then yells over at Sin to apologize to Paula for the crappy stuff she just laid on her.  Sin refuses to.  She gets down on her knees and begs him to understand that this woman doesn’t love him and that Vainessa does.   Bro-Hell cuts her off in mid-sentence.  “—If that woman really loved me then she wouldn’t have left me when I was paralyzed!!”  Sin keeps pleading Vainie’s case for her.  “--She’s soooo distraught and totally undone by all that has happened--and then on top of it all you got married to her!  Can’t you see what you’re doing to her?”  Tears flow down Paula‘s cheeks now as she watches the two siblings cling to each other.  It’s a strange, shared intimacy of understanding that only their past suffering through a mutual tragedy could provide.   

Paula asks Ro-Hell for the chance to make Vainessa see how things really happened and why.  Sin says nothin’ doin’.  Nessa want’s nothing more to do with Paula and she better make sure she never goes near her again!   Sin looks back at her brother and says that Nessa is really in a bad way. If he really decides Sin can’t return to the hacienda even though she is part owner, then that’s his problem [allá tú]; but she’s not about to leave her friend when she really needs her.  Rog looks like such a milquetoast at this point. 

That night Sin returns to Vainessa’s home.  She won the battle.  Nessa says well, see!  If you confront him and get in his face he backs off and things go better for you.  Sin nods   and says that he’s gone back with his wife to the hacienda.    She of the cat’s meow makes a sour-puss.

The first thing Paula does once they’re back at Hell-Fuerte is to race in to see her brother.  She cries and hugs him. She tells him not to blame himself.  He does though, and says it’s entirely his fault she’s back at the hacienda again.  She tells him all that matters is that he gets well.  He asks how Rogelio found her.  She tells him not to worry about that and just to get well.  They’ll manage together just like they’ve always done before.  Squeaky watches tearfully from the other side of the room.

In the kitchen, Maria pours Rog some coffee.  She says now that he’s got what he wants and Paula’s back, he shouldn’t take it out on Paula because she ran off.  He stirs his coffee and mentions that Paula saw the guy.  “—Then he’s not—“  No!  He is alive and though she wouldn’t admit, he knows that she saw him.  Maria warns him against letting jealousy get the better of him.  He loses it and says of course he’s jealous!  He’s dying of jealousy and full of rage!! How could he not be, knowing that his wife has been seen with another man—and specifically that man!  But how can he be sure, she wonders.  “--Good gawd, my instinct doesn’t fail in things like that, Nana!  I know they saw each other.  My wife is a different woman!  I can tell it in her manner.  I can see it in her eyes, in the way she moves, the way she walks and talks, in everything!  Even her scent, for gawd sakes!”  Dani accidentally overhears and watches all of this from the doorway.   So she scurries back the way she came, undoubtedly expecting the worst for her BFF now.   

The next morning Paula wakes up, gives her brother a kiss good-morning, and then opens the windows.  What a shocker!! She glances angrily over at her brother.  “—Since when did they put bars on the windows?”  He gives her a dejected look like as if she couldn’t she guess and then turns away.   

At the same time, back in Tuxtla, Nessa convinces Sin that she’ll never be free of her brother and will be dependent on him her entire life if the two of them don’t do something soon about it.  They start planning to join forces for revenge’s sake and for Sin to find a way to get back what’s rightly hers.

The Cupcake, now dressed in authoritative pink--storms into the kitchen, her frosting all tipping over and out of shape.  She demands to know why there are bars on the bedroom windows.  (Buy a letter and get a clue, dammit!  You’re brother was suicidal, if nothing else.)  “—This is the last straw!  You’re really just too much, you know!”  Oh-Hell looks up from the table and his coffee.  “—Now what have I done?”  “--Why did you put up bars?  How could you lock up my brother as if he were an animal?  That’s the reason he tried to kill himself!!  I hate you!  I’ll hate you forever!”  She crinkles her nose up at him and sniffs.  He grabs her arm and she struggles against him, but it’s useless.  “—Well too bad for you because that’s only going to make your stay here worse! “ 

“--Exactly, it’s going to be hell being here and as soon as I can I’m leaving again!”  He grabs the back of her head and forces her face down to his level.  “—Being shut up here in this hacienda you will learn to love me.”  “No.  That’ll never happen!”  He doesn’t move his eyes from hers and he keeps hold of her arm.  “--I realize that you feel something for me.  You left because you thought I was a murderer and you see that I’m not.  Your boyfriend is alive, right?“   Paula sneers back.  That doesn’t mean he didn’t have him beaten up!  Oh-Hell gets rattled.  He finally loses it again.  “—Stop doubting me already?  Can’t you understand?  I only tried to help you out because I loved you!  I am innocent!!”   “—You have a great way of showing your love: locking away my brother, bringing me back here by force!  Do you really believe you’re going to get me to love you that way?”  “—You don’t really know me—“.  “—and I don’t want to, either!!”  Rog insists that Pau will eventually understand him and who he really is.  She says she already knows and as soon as the damned contract is over she’s gettin’ so fast it’ll make his head spin!  She’s leaving and she ain’t comin’ back never, no way, nuh-uh, nunca! 

Rog looks her in the eyes; the love and hurt in his face are compelling—but she seems totally blind to it.  (Heck!  It fairly jumps through the screen, and all of Viewerville joins in a communal swoon.  Damn!!  Paula may not feel your pain, honey buns, but I sure do! 
Rogeliana’s everywhere are on a rant!)    “—The day will come that you will be here by my side of your own accord, Paula.” 

At the breakfast table again, Nessa says she’s calling Big Dave to see what the three of them can do together against you-know-who.  Elsa La Vaca, looking and acting like those in Command Central have recently vacated her brain, greets Sin.  Elsie starts gibbering about bad dreams and not giving Nessa’s Daddy his medicine.  She wanders off and they chalk it up to depression, and losing him after their living together for so many years. 

Back at Hell-Fuerte, Paula asks if Ro-Hell is planning to lock her up like he did with her brother.  He says yep, if it’s necessary.   Maria walks in on the two of them.  Pau makes a crack to Maria about him.  “—I don’t know why I ever trusted this man to help me save my brother.”  Maria defends him and says he’s a good man.  Pau tells her not to waste her breath defending him.  After all, he locked up Mikey and he, in his desperation, tried to kill himself.  That is something she’ll never forgive!  After Paula struts out of the room, Maria asks why he didn’t bother to clarify that the bobo had to be locked up to keep him from drinking himself to death.  Oh-Hell answers that it simply wasn’t the right time to bother with explanations.  Paula is too angry to have listened anyway.  At least for now she’s back at the hacienda and will end up doing what he tells her to.  Maria agrees that he was right  that Paula isn’t the same person she was before.  He looks back at her, totally exhausted by the whole affair. “—I told you.  She saw her boyfriend.” 

In Mikey’s bedroom, Dani listens to AP complain that she’s married to the man her half-sister loves (¡Qué horror!) and so now they’re enemies.  Her daddy died hoping his two daughters would make nice, but they won’t --and it’s all Rogelio Montero’s fault!!  They agree that they should not tell Mikey yet that he and she didn’t have the same daddy.   Oops!  Mikey’s in the hallway walking towards them and has heard it all!  “—What?”  Cara de impactado de Miguel.

At Casa de los Durán, Miss Mercy asks Sugarcakes if he’s done with the proposal he’s been working on for Sr. Montero.  Yup.  Almost there.  He’s hoping to bury himself in his work and forget about his broken heart. The phone rings and it’s Sinthia hoping to come by for a chat.  She hands the phone over to Gus, who on the rebound is ready for any pleasant distraction of the female persuasion, is suddenly smiling.  “—Hey, Sinthia!  What’s up, girl?”  Sin can’t believe the terrific change in his attitude. 

Paula takes a couple of minutes to quickly explain to BoBo that their mother was separated from his daddy when she met and fell in love with her daddy.   She learned about it and spent time getting to know him while she was in Boca del Cielo.  She was sure that he was going to help her get her divorce, but he can’t now because he died recently.  “--Daddy was Federico Galván”.   Mikey is like totally OMG impactado.

At the same time, Rog is in his office doing paperwork when he gets a phone call about the proposal Gus just sent.  Gus is hoping to communicate long-distance about his suggestions and simply e-mail him when he needs to, but Rog says he doesn’t trust electronic communication.  He’d rather see him in person to talk over things like they’d agreed.  Gus says well, fine.  He’ll be travelling between Tuxtla and there to finish up something for the Water Commission.  They agree to have him contact Rog the next time he is in the district.  Gus tells himself afterwards that by losing himself in the wilds of Hell-Fuerte it will be much easier forgetting about Ana.  (Sorry, Bucko.  There’s an anvil there waiting to fall and it’s got your name all over it!) 

Pau and BoBo agree they still love each other and that nothing’s changed.  FF>>

Macaria has dropped by the kitchen with supplies or something and tries getting some juicy gossip out of Consuelo about why she broke off her engagement to Effer.  All Conned will admit to is catching him with another girl.  Maria walks in on them at this point and Macaria gets the hint to make like a tree and leave.  Once La Bocota Esa is gone, Maria warns Connie that the term “gossip-hound” was created especially for the likes of Macaria.  However, she can tell her madrina who it was.   It was Sinthia, right? 

Speaking of the Queen of Roma, Effer has her in his sites and is asking her if she’s decided yet.  The two of them are made for each other.  Nope.  He’s got his sights set way too high.  Big Dave and Nessa walk in on them; she pulls rank and tells him to hop to it about something.  He leaves.  Vainessa tells her she’s made Big Dave current with all that’s happened and leaves.  He tells her he’s happy she is confronting her brother and that she trusts Dave to help get her portion of the inheritance.  They will do whatever is necessary.  She won’t regret it at all.  No, she won’t and she’s willing to do whatever to look after her own interests now.

Back in the kitchen, Connie lies that she doesn’t even know the woman Effer was with.  She’d rather not discuss it any further, either, because it’s just too painful.  Maria gives her a hug and tells her to cry her eyes out. It’ll make her feel better.  Connie does.

Meanwhile, Rog is having a Big Bro chat with Mikey about how sick it was to try what he did.  Mike says not to worry about it.  It won’t happen again.  Fine, says, Rog, but Mike’s got to see that these things hurt Paula.  They may have different daddies, yes, but they’re still siblings and still love each other.  Now, Rog says he hopes Mikey won’t take it the wrong way, but because of what happened he’ll now have to have somebody watching him night and day.  No he won’t, says Mikey.  He’s got to stick around now to help his sister.  “She’s very sad here.” 

In the meantime, Hugo finds Margarito and brings him inside to speak to Ro-Hellio.  Mgrito is certain he’ll be scolded and beaten.  Hugo talks him into it by telling him they’ll both be in trouble if he doesn’t go along willingly.

Macario runs into Mikey on his way through the back yard.  He asks her to do a favor for him.

Inside, Margarito tells Rog that if he’s angry and wants him to leave the hacienda because he ran away with Paula, then fine.  He’ll leave because he refuses to let him beat him.  Rog says no, he isn’t upset.  In fact he’s got something for him and hands him a whole jar of candy. (That’s it.  Ply the kid with candy, Rog.)  “--Actually, I’m glad you’re back.  You may not believe it but I missed your foolishness.”  Mgrito grins at the candy.  “—Really?”  “—Yep.”  They both start sucking gumballs.  Rog asks him if he knows he wanted to adopt him.  Well, yeah, says Margarito, but considering he ran away he figured things were different now.  No, Rog says, he still wants to.  “--Don’t you worry about it now.  Why don’t you tell me what happened with you and Paula while you were in Boca de Cielo.”  Margarito takes a seat and puffs up.  “—I took care of her, you know?  She was really scared.”  Rog raises his eyebrows but manages to keep a straight face.  (Finally the kid shows us he can do something besides screech lines!) 

Outside, Paula asks Mikey what Rog wanted him for.  He explains it was only to make sure he wouldn’t doing anything stupid again and he assures his sis that he won’t.  He asks her about the time she spent with Guscakes.   Pau says it was wonderful being there because she was able to forget everything.  No, Gus doesn’t know she’s a prisoner here, and she couldn’t tell him about much.  She was afraid Rog would try to have him killed again.  She thought it would be better to wait until she was already divorced and then tell him; but, now that she’s got to wait out the contract she’s sure by the time she finds Ol’ Sugarcakes he’ll have forgotten her and found somebody else. 

That night, Bruno and Rosie are kvetching over what a shame it is that Paula didn’t manage to get Federico’s name or to get his money.   Yeah, says Rosie, all that effort for nothing!  Well, says Bruno with a self-satisfied grin, he realizes they’re both alike.  They both will take advantage of whatever comes their way.   And Bruno, he’s not going to let the chance to get back his hacienda pass through his fingers.  Rosie wants to know if legally AP can fight for her portion of Feddy’s funds.  Nope, admits Bruno.  Elsa and Vainessa seem way too clever.  Well, says Rosie, they’ve got to be prepared for whatever they can in order to a better outcome…er…income somehow.  What will they do about Gus?  Bruno says they’ll soon see whether it’ll be better for them to kill him or not.  Just then Rog comes rolling by and sees the two of them huddled together.  They look a bit sheepish being seen like this, but oh well. 

“—Let me talk with Rosaura!”  Bruno excuses himself and leaves.  Rosie does her best Cheshire cat impression.  “—Whatever you say, Sr. Montero.”  “—I’ve just spoken to Margarito and he’s told me the whole truth.  So now I want to hear it all from you.”  Rosie is skip-a-heartbeat-or three impactada and she sucks in a deep breath.     

Back in San Miguel now, Macaria sits down with Maripaz and tells her Mikey’s doing better; he’s seemingly sorry for trying what he did.  She hands Maripaz a letter he wrote to her and leaves so she can read it.

   “Thanks for worrying about me, but it’s better that I’m alone.  I have so many problems to resolve to be with anybody right now.  You deserve better.  Maybe things will be different in the future but for now, no.”

She cries at the Dear Juana letter.

At Hell-Fuerte, Rosie insists Paula spent all her time with father.  Yeah, but she saw her boyfriend, says Rog.  Oh well, Rosie wasn’t with her the entire time, she says.  Pau even got away from her a couple of times.  Perhaps that was when she saw that guy.  Rog warns her that he’s wise to her skill for lying; and if he catches her in one it’ll be her neck!!  Daddy Fed and AP were together at the beach.  She tells him to go ask Vainessa if he doesn’t believe her!  Oh, he plans on it for sure.  Rosie manages to skillfully turn the 20 questions  back on Rog.  “—Why did you bring my niece back here?  To fulfill the contract or because you love her?”  Rog realizes he is going to have to measure his words before he answers.


Let me be the first to say that the the ratio of evil, manipulative, money-grubbing and controlling characters to somewhat palatable characters is not very equal. It's one of the few things I really can't stand about this show. I love the show don't get me wrong. I just hate pretty much every character in it.

I loved loved loved M-gritos "I took care of cupcake" macho posturing with Rohell last night. By the grin on his face I think Rohell did too.

The funniest part of this episode was Rutillio E. Cayote sneaking up behind Gustavo and being foiled again!
Both Vainessa and Rohell are out for revenge and both seem to think they can force someone to love them. Rohell needs to learn to be more comfortable in his own skin before he can make someone else happy.
Both Dani and AP are trying to do what is best for those they love. Dani bringing Maripaz to see Miguel was a head scratcher, though.
Fed's wife will start seeing him and go nuts soon.

sorry. Rutillio E. Coyote. He really looked funny sneaking up behind Gus and then turning around to pretend he was just leaning against the wall.

You are right about Vaca going Loca. She has the perfect eyes for it. This will be entertaining.

Yes, I think Elsa's days are numbered. In fact, someone said a while back that Elsa was listed as having only two more appearances in this TN than Fed. It seems odd to think that she will disappear quite so quickly, but perhaps she will think she sees Federico, tries to escape from "him," and runs into the street and gets killed by a car/truck/whatever. Well, I can hope!

I'm with you on the evil character ratio. It's very taxing.
I hope that Bruno gets found out soon. I don't know how much longer I can take it.

Me too, Cathyx. Another reason the maldad is so hard to take. I hate to think these people will get away with it for so long.

I guess I was right the first time: Elsa really is a Mad Cow. I'm still waiting for a catfight between her and MentiRosa.

Although a confrontation with Rogelio would be just as good.

I wonder whether Sinthia would change her tune if she heard the Cupcake tell Rogelio he should give her her inheritance. That might be a way for Cupcake to win her over.

Rutilo getting foiled again was almost funny.

As to the ratio of evil to good characters and the level of evil thus far, I think that villains lately are developing longer rap sheets to make their falls even longer.

Bruno and Tia getting found out will probably come at the same time, and probably at the end. Can't wait for someone to tell AP what Tia is really about.
Wonder what Sinthia will say when she finds out AP is Gus's novia. Es el colmo, no doubt.

Speaking of el colmo- I love how there was a Vainy scene begun with "Es el colmo" then cut to Cupcake proclaiming "es el colmo"

So Elsa is going mad due to her part in Fed's death. I'm surprised because I didn't think she had a heart or a conscience.

Vainy's a beyotch but I still feel for her. She's lost her dad, Rogelio, and now her mom. It must be galling to know Rogelio is sticking with AP when AP doesn't even want him.

I too enjoyed the man-to-man scene between Margarito and Rogelio. So funny when Rogelio reached for the candy.

Lots of evil action here, but I am enjoying the twists and turns of it all. Love,love, love Rogelio's face when he interacts with Tia Mentirosa.

Yes, Margaro was just a doll. I loved the way that he stuffed the candy in his pocket. What a hard life little Margaro has had that hard candy and not being beaten would be all it would take to get him to spill the beans.

Cupcake and Vanessa are looking more and more alike to me. Power of suggestion, I think.

I would guess that by the end, both Vanessa and Sinthia will have had their come-uppances and be repenting, probably because of some nice thing that AP has done for them. Of course a lot can happen in the many episodes we have left.

Oh I forgot that part Niecie. I loved that scene with Mararito and Rogelio. Rog gets the candy jar and Margarito takes a huge handful, settles into his chair saying 'this is what happened'.

Yes, I'm expecting Elsa the Lizard Lady to start yammering about withholding the pills any moment now! Right out of Macbeth. If Vainessa really listens to Elsa's psychotic babblings, she'll realize her mother withheld the medicine and is thus complicit in her father's death.

The Elsa actress is doing a good job of turning into Lady MacBeth! Of course we always knew the character was unhinged. But will Vainessa ever get it - or even realize what her mother actually did - or realize her mother really did want her father to die all along? Probably not - she'll just blame AP for her mother going off the deep end too - LOL!

Unfortunately Bruno's treachery runs so deep I don't think he'll get found out for a long while. At least Rogelio got after him for paying attention to cupcake in the avances! So Rogelio saw something!

There is Cinthia - yelling at her brother that he can't possibly be interested in AP - even though AP is right there, "apprehended" by her brother! That Cinthia is so stupid about AP blows my mind. And she knows AP wants to be away from Rogel - so why does she keep going on about her being an interesada as if AP is there by choice. It's just fine with AP if Rogel gets with Vainessa instead and she makes that clear, so why does Cinthia keep trying to "insult" AP with that. And why doesn't Rogel get Cinthia to shut up and quit insulting his wife over and over in his presence! That hotel room scene was incredibly frustrating.

Oh Gustavo - how quickly you are ready to "get over" AP again and resume your prior AP dating. Yep - you're pretty much written off now for me. I look forward to seeing your "seller's remorse" as what you let walk away is fully revealed to you - and to your idiot sister!!!!


Sinthia will have a conniption when she learns of Cupcake's history with Gustavo. It's making me wonder whether she will have second thoughts about him, but her most recent behavior with Efrain says she probably has. It doesn't look as though we'll have to wait long to find that out because they're all going to be under the hacienda roof very shortly.

What Sinthia seems to be forgetting is that Vainessa ditched Rogelio 7 years ago. She should not assume that anything has changed, particularly when Vainessa has the crazy notion she could make Rogelio live in town instead.

Nobody seems to watch La ley y la orden or somebody would realize that blood samples from Vainessa and Cupcake could establish their kinship. Rogelio might be the only one smart enough to think of this... once his temper cools, that is.

Little Margaro is pretty savvy for his age. I think he's very aware what best to keep quiet about regarding his beloved AP. We have no idea what he actually told Rogelio. Anyone can say "I know everything" to Tia Rosaura to try to get her to spill the beans. But she's pretty wily about bean-spilling as well.

In Spanish I think they say to spill the soup - LOL!

It's interesting peoples frustration with so many villains versus the few good guys. I'm really enjoying the drama and twists of this novela and it wouldn't be possible without all those clever bad guys. Maybe I'm becoming inured to the often high TN villain/good-guy ratio. But I'm really enjoying them taking the bad guys to such extremes in the hopes that the unwinding will be nice and gradual like in Teresa and CME. I think this production/writing team is up to it.

And I LOVE seeing villains foiled, and they foil them pretty often in this TN. Unexpected consequences of their dastardly deeds is usually one of the most enjoyable comeuppances to watch for a villain. They've been delivering quite a few of those - I hope it continues 'cause I find it highly entertaining!!!


Yeah - I don't think they get Law and Order in Chiapas LOL!

It's just that Cinthia thinks Vainessa with Rogelio is what's best for HER. That's always what it's been about. She doesn't give a hoot as to whether Vainessa is what's best for Rogelio.

I am now convinced that Cinthia is destined to be with Efraín. The last episode where he laid out how he is best qualified to manage her interests in the ranch, along with knowing best how to, um, "please" her was a very powerful argument. Also - their pairing would require the most growing up on Cinthia's part to get past her antiquated world views. So I think it's destiny for a reformed Cinthia! :)

At least Rogelio has calmed down somewhat. He is starting to use his brain more. That in itself is something of a relief.



I loved your "seller's remorse". Jaja, it was almost "discarder's remorse", wasn't it? Gus just sort of threw her away.

Really, neither AP, nor Gus, nor Rogelio is ready for a sustainable relationship right now. AP and Gus cannot tolerate when their idealized images of romance come crashing off their pedestals. Rogelio is so manipulative and uses power in such unhealthy ways (whips, beatings, contracts, revenge, kidnapping, forcible sequestration) that his behavior will just continue to rebound on him at the least opportune time.

A year of intensive growing-up would benefit each of them, and I say that even though Rogelio is in his mid-40's.

I fear for you Rogelianas that just at the time Ana Paula decides she is into Regelio, one of his own shady-deals with Bruno or Tia will come to light. So far Rogelio has been unfairly blamed for Gus' (non)death. What happens when his real 'crimes' come to light, especially the threat to not help Miguel? That IS his part of the contract with Ana Paula and one party breaking the contract makes it no less binding.

ElnaJune-Cassandra says "Rogelio, beware the results of your actions!"


The high villain count doesn't bother me, I expect there to be dastardly villains! LOL.

I loved Margarito in this episode too.

And I agree with those who pointed out that Sinthia must be pretty dense if she's still touting the "gold digger" line. AP has pretty much made it abundantly clear that she'd be happy far away from Rohell and his big bucks.

And I've been saying for a while now, Gus is too hasty to throw away the Cupcake! Yow, he "moves on" very quickly. That's one of the reasons why I think (have always thought) he wasn't destined for the Cupcake. He can move on. The writers can sell us on Gus moving on to another lovely lady and getting over the supposed "love of his life," Cupcake. It would be a hard sell to convince us that our obsessive old turd Rohell would so easily move on.

And as for the Cupcake, she thinks that Gus is the "love of her life," but she actually met Rohell first and they had a chemistry right off. (Though of course he was being the worst imaginable douchebag at the time.) She's not recognizing her chemistry/connection for what it is, and probably won't for quite a while, but she's not indifferent to him at all. The sparks she had with him pre-date her "love at first sight" thing with Gus.

Elna June, TOTALLY agree, Rohell needs at least a year to grow up. He's not hopeless, he just needs to get a clue and grow up. If this were real life, anyway. We do see him gradually evolve and improve (in a two steps forward, one step back kind of way).

Weird how he was telling Maria how he could "tell" that the Cupcake was different—that she even "smelled" different? I couldn't catch that conversation properly when first I watched the downloaded episode (sans CCS), and was rather surprised that this was what he was going on about. His instincts are good, she has changed, but the "smell" thing? WEIRD.

I wanted to add, I don't know how many episodes Elsa la Vaca has left, but I think it's more than two. I think that IMDb sometimes gets these things wrong. I recall in TdA they had Cesar Evora's character listed in something like only 5 episodes, but he was in many more than that.

I thought him knowing AP had "changed" and how, was pretty bizarre too. I just chalked it up to the TN way of a guy "knowing" a woman is no longer the pure virginal one she had been before. Kind of along the lines of "call of the blood". But, yes, kind of disgusting really. Stud mammal can smell the female's hormones kind of thing - ew. And I've seen few elk in action LOL!


I don't know if Sinthia realizes this, but having Vainessa into Rogelio means that she can't compete with Sinthia.

Sinthia is probably Vainessa's only friend because most women can spot Vainessa's kind of BS right away. She may say she loves Rogelio but what is bothering her is that Rogelio got over her and is now in love with another woman. That was bad enough when it was just some generic other female who was younger and (theoretically) lower-class, but that she is her half-sister makes it so much worse.

Any woman who has to say "I am much more woman than you" doesn't really believe it.

The idea that a man can tell when a virgin has crossed over disgusts me to know end. What are the writers thinking?

Finally, IMDB updates itself. We're close to the finale date in Mexico and the numbers on the actors playing Fed and Elsa haven't changed. They weren't in all the same episodes, so she may have a dozen more to go and we don't know if she will disappear for a long stretch and come back. In TN Justice she has to pay for what she did to Fed, so we will have that satisfaction.

I have to be honest, I at first interpreted Rohell's freakout (and his "knowing" that she'd changed aka been deflowered) as evidence that he's very aware of her, attuned to her, in love with her, obsessed with her. More aware than most ordinary men.

When he married her, he didn't have any idea she was a virgin. He couldn't smell that! LOL.

This may be an example of a male stud detecting something different about the female, but I had thought it was more about Rohell and how connected he feels towards her, that he can sense changes in her that others would never sense. He did say in the episode where he admits to Maria that he loves her (I did the recap for that one) that he wants to be around her all the time, that he notices her smell or something . . . so he's got a thing about smells, I guess.

I don't know. I think the male being able to tell the female is not a virgin anymore (any male being able to tell that any female is no longer a virgin) is TOO TOO WEIRD. That could be what they're trying to tell us here, don't know.

Elvira, Audrey, UA:

UA said, "The idea that a man can tell when a virgin has crossed over disgusts me to know end. What are the writers thinking?" ITA. The whole AP virgin/smell/sense thing is antediluvian.

Is Rogelio a 43 year old virgin? Could AP sense that about him?


Well, maybe Rogelio just meant she'd changed in the sense that her feelings for another had cut her off from him. That Rogelio sees her lack of response to him as more than just thinking he was the one behind her boyfriend's attempted murder. And maybe also that she'd matured a little more since he last saw her.



I think you've got it pretty close, Audrey. Rohell is extra "sensitive" to Cupcake, because you know, he luuuurrrves her, and so senses something is different. And I agree, she's probably matured a little as well. Been a bit disillusioned as well. Here she gives it up to Sir Gus, only to have him dump her very shortly afterwards.

Another commenter wondered how was it that Sir Galahad Gustavo would still think the Cupcake was a scheming gold digger, when he had to have known that she had her "first time" with him? How many gold diggers run through two different men (supposedly Bruno and then the "very ill" husband) and are still virgins?

BTW, I am going through this episode to see what exactly is said during the "smell" scene and stumbled upon this, earlier in the e. So I made a screencap:

CLICK for image (posted on Blogspot).

I think that line says it all, really. I LOLed that the English CCs translated it that way.

"Earlier in the episode." Gah I hate the auto correct spelling feature!

Yeah, I have been wondering if Gus was blithely unaware that it had been AP's first time. If so then he is really a total dunce!


Rogelio is no virgin! There was an episode a few weeks ago in which Maria said something about how he had a lot of girlfriends before becoming engaged to Vainessa. There was also a conversation with Skelator in another episode in which he chided him for his ignorance about there being "other ways to please a woman."

Therefore not only is Rogelio not a virgin, I'll bet he would win the competition in terms of whistling through the wheat fields.

As to Gustavo being able to tell that Cupcake was a virgin, I doubt it. He's not attuned to her in the way that Rogelio is and contrary to popular cliche and misconception (excuse that mixed metaphor) most men can't tell if a hymen exits much less gets torn. Unless the lady was Sylvia Plath, of course.

I agree with Elvira and Audrey on this issue but I wish these ridiculous myths would finally die.

Looking forward to the recap Jardinera. Wow what fireworks. Rog knows that AP has been with her dead now alive again boyfriend. I'm surprised however, that he didn't put two and two together when Rosaura told him (under coercion) that the famous' boyfriend's name is Gustavo.

Speaking of which, I couldn't believe that Gus didn't hear the would be assassin sneaking up on him from behind. Foiled again lol.

The scene with Rog and M-grito was cute with the candy and the boy spilled the beans lol.

Even if the hymen weren't intact, you'd think he'd have to know or at least suspect. Her general inexperience should have tipped him off ... just everything. Plus, I don't think it would be something she'd hide from him—it's not like it would be something she's ashamed of.

Unless, of course, he is thinking that she "faked" being a virgin. Which would then make him a total cad. I'm not accusing him of that. I just think he's a dolt and insensitive. Or simply not thinking things through.

Speaking of Rog not putting two and two together with the name Gustavo, the number of coincidences in the TN are remarkable.
That AP and Vanessa are half sisters and both are with Rog. Gus and Cynthia meeting and being together, Gus's sister is head nurse and AP and Dani went to nursing school, Gus and Rog doing business together, Mersnooty's boyfriend happens to be a neurologist, and Rog happens to need one. I'm sure I'm missing a few.

Elvira and UA, I agree with your takes on how Rog could detect by her scent that AP is not a virgin anymore. I think this is the writer's way of showing just how connected he is to her that he could know something so intimate. I guess Rog and AP are soul twins huh lol.

I'm thinking too that Rog has no problem satisfying a woman. Why else would Vainessa be so obsessed with getting him back lol.

Rohell said "I breathe her differently" I don't see any reason to be so literal here; he's just a very sensitive, expressive man, and senses her attentions belong to another.

Good plot development and acting.

Re: the "smell" issue. Anyone ever hear Bette Midler's lyric, about how she could smell another woman on her man from one hundred paces. . .

Smell is more primal a sense than vision. Babies smell their familiar way for a few weeks after they are born before their vision kicks in.

Yes, and Ana, probably has developed some spine because of her disappointed love with the Gus boy.

I don't think that Vainessa's obsession is about that; it's more about how "I dumped him but nobody else can have him."

Pure narcissism. She wants him to be pining away for her. It galls her that he has chosen to move on and that he loves AP.

Yeah Emarie, I just reviewed that scene in the episode and he says "respiro." I never could catch it before the CCs before. LOL. It could allude to her "smell" but I think you're right—it's more about him being so attuned to her and sensitive to her. Kind of what we were thinking all along.

UA, I agree that Vainessa is offended that Rohell didn't leap (well, figuratively) at the chance at taking her supreme hotness self back. She has been so arrogant and assumes that he'll never forget her, never get over her, that he's been pining for her all this time and will be immediately grateful for any crumbs of affection she deigns to bestow upon him. To find out that he's OVER her, and instead is pining (in a somewhat obsessive way) over a "gata" like AP must gall her.

Yes, I think there are several reasons Gus would know if he were paying attention: APs inexperience; it's usually uncomfortable for a woman the first time; and there is usually blood. Only someone not paying attention wouldn't pick up on some of this.

I think the writers are simply making Gus out to be stupid and insensitive here, too foolish to value what he just let go. We know he was already swayed by the things his sister said even though they contradicted his own direct experience. Anyway, they've done a pretty darn good job of disqualifying Gustavo.

Whether he ever figures it out is a whole other story.....


Yeah, Vainessa is hilarious. She is beside herself that "esa tipa" stole Rogelio from her even though she had dumped him 7 years ago. She claims that she loves Rogelio, yet she wants to to marry Rogelio so she can make him "suffer" for her first. Not quite as batty as her mother, but darn close!

I can't wait for the scene (seen in avances) where she declares herself more woman than AP and kisses Rogelio in front of everybody. The look on Rosaura's face LOL!

And then I bet she'll complain about having humiliated herself again.

And, oh yeah, it's all AP's fault! LOL!


Hey, Vainessa, get a clue: Nobody can steal from you what you don't own. Not only do you not own Rogelio, you never did. You pursued him after ditching him 7 years ago and we do not recall hearing him propose marriage to you this time.

Amigas, the only thing we don't know yet is whether Vainessa would go so far as to attempt to kill AP. I'd like to think she's too cowardly for that.

Just read the recap, a wonderful job, Jardinera! So detailed! Thank you so much, I love your snark and your perceptive observations.

elvira: I missed the translation about her smell. I changed it after reviewing the tape. I can't get CC3 on this old t.v.

She of the cat’s meow makes a sour-puss.

Pure genius! That recap was well worth waiting for.

Margarito has to be a Montero; his intelligence is showing. He's also got the same macho pride.

Thank you Jardinera for this wonderful great recap. Loved your title and all the snark in here.
I am not buying that Rohell can"smell" something different in the Cupcake. I think that her attitude is what is puzzling him and why she won't explain what happened when she saw the Guscakes. It is making him suspicious, because before she would tell him things. Rohell is just dying to know what happened.

La Vaca has truely lost her mind. She was on the brink of it before Fed died, and now she has gone round the bend.

I wonder what sort of venganza the Vainy one, Sin and old Shadydeals have in mind for Rohell? It should be interesting.

I like how this TN is slowly doing the evil deeds, it will take a long time for all the evil doers to get their due I think. If they went too fast noone would watch.

I wonder how much Margo spilled, we didn't get to hear all of it. I agree will all who said they liked Rohell plying him with candy. lol

I wonder if Vainy is really in love with Rohell. It seems she only wants him cause he has someone else. Her pride is hurt and especially now that she knows the Cupcake is her sister, she will try anything to get Rohell back.

Ms Mercy the righteous one. She lied too, but Guscake seems to have forgotten that. I can't wait for the both of them to find out who the Cupcake is married to.

Agree with you Emarie about Rutillio and his following of the Guscake too funny.

At this point I don't know how Rohell expects the Cupcake to love him. Force never works. I wonder if he will try some romance again, instead of I will make you love me. So many assumptions and misunderstandings, if they would listen to each other maybe they could get past some of this, but it will take some time.

Bruno and the Tia perfect pair. Only out for number one and all the money they can get. I can't wait for the anvil with their names on it.

Jardinera -- GREAT recap!!! Thanks!
I agree with all those that commented at the humor of Rotilio being the worst hit man ever. I have to admit though that a part of me was hoping he had a knife to release poor Gus's biceps from those too too tight sleeves! Put me on the gussets for Guscakes committee.

Thank you for the another fantastic recap Jardinera!

"Vainessa refuses to listen to him—like usual."

Do you think this might be a family trait? Except Vanesa was damned by also having her mother's genes.

I agree witht those who think Gustavo is too immature. He reminds me of my brother when he is about to throw a temper tantrum every time he is supposed to be upset. I also hate the heaving thing he does.

I can't remember the scene, but did Rogelio say something like "se respira diferente"? Because that would mean something like "she feels different". I've never heard of the use of "respirar" as a synonym of "oler" when you talk about a person. Respirar can be used to talk about a smell when you are refering to the environment, like here:

"Se respira un fuerte olor a azufre".

But even then, the synonym would be "percibir" (to perceive), as in "is perceived a strong smell of sulfur".

So maybe if Rogelio used "respirar", he didn't meant that he smelled her differently. Maybe he meant that he perceived her differently.


Lovely recap Jardinera - really awesome!

Thanks for the fab translation of Rogelio's discussion of how he senses the changes in Paula. Yep, that bit had us going there for a while - but what you wrote is more or less how I remember it.

And thanks for yelling at Cinthia that she had sh!t for brains after her absurd scolding of AP for not doing what AP in fact had been doing and had even asked for help to do! That lady is so messed up!


Oh wow! Great to have you back home Cupcake. We've missed you at Hell-Fuerte.

Jardinera, thank you for a marvelous recap. I loved your description of the interaction between Rohell and the Cupcake when they are outside the church and at the breakfast table. Your rendition was so perfect it should be enjoyed again:

"The Cupcake, now dressed in authoritative pink--storms into the kitchen,.... "I hate you! I’ll hate you forever!” He grabs her arm and she struggles against him, but it’s useless. “—Well too bad for you because that’s only going to make your stay here worse! “
“--Exactly, it’s going to be hell being here and as soon as I can I’m leaving again!” He grabs the back of her head and forces her face down to his level. “—Being shut up here in this hacienda you will learn to love me.” “No. That’ll never happen!” He doesn’t move his eyes from hers and he keeps hold of her arm. “--I realize that you feel something for me.
Rog looks her in the eyes; the love and hurt in his face are compelling—but she seems totally blind to it. “—The day will come that you will be here by my side of your own accord, Paula.”

How ridiculous! How idiotic! How romantic!

Like just about everyone else, I enjoyed the scene between Rohell and Mgrito. Mgrito looked like he was about ready to put his feet up on Rohell's desk and light up a cigar as he began his tale of adventure with AP.

I also liked how Dani and AP were discussing "Two Fathers for the Siblings" issue. "Let's not tell Mikey yet" Ooops! , Hi Mikey!

I have to echo the sentiments of others. The scenes between Tia and Rohell have been so much fun this week.

Also fun still--Sinthia and Effen together. I really hope they end up together.

Don't Gus' shirts look like the ones FC wore in Soy Tu Dueña? As I remember there was some discussion about those shirts back then.

Thanks to all the recappers this week. I didn't get a chance to comment at all but each day reading the recaps (and comments) was definitely a highlight for me. I have to give special thanks to Alexandra this week: That was a real labor of love. Loved the supplemental photo recap. The comments accompanying them were priceless. I felt a little guilty our show bumped the other recaps off the page. But hey, this is the best show Univision is offering in primetime now. Why shouldn't we celebrate?

Saw Roel..I mean Jorge Salinas last night before the screening of Labios Rojos! He looks exactly the same as on this show except happy. (celebs esp. women don't always). Sadly I was on the wrong side of the theater for a pic but he was nice about posing for some. Bit I still think AP should be with Gus since Rogelio still loves Vanessa. Gives her something to be redeemed for. She's a selfish brat but not evil enough to stay miserable. That's for Tia to suffer.


Jarocha: Thanks for the explanation around respirar. I thought it seemed it should be that way, but none of my online dictionaries presented a definition similar to yours. It's not a comfortable translation. I'll work yours into it.

My gripe or point to pick with Rogelio's inconsistent script here. You could interpret the lines as spending time with Gus or making time with Gus. Ana Paula slept with Gus even though she's still legally hitched to Rog. It shouldn't matter telling Rog since the marriage was a farce and in all ways anulment material. Rog suspects hankypanky because what else would two (healthy and fully functioning) lovers do alone? We all know he sowed his wild oats before he got married. I just wish he'd have accused her outright of sleeping with the competition instead of being so delicate about Paula's tryst.

Jardinera thank you for the recap and also thank you for yelling at Sinthia. I echo your sentiments. Iny book that woman needs a little comeuppance before I think she should be allowed to be happy.

Perhaps Rohell is being delicate about APs tryst out of decency? He knows she was a virgin and perhaps realizes it isn't something she would runs around talking about. OOORRRRR there is a clause in the contract about cheating and he is going to drop it on her like a Freddy goes BOOM bomb and he is just waiting for the perfect time.

Rogelio won't accuse Ana Paula in a crude fashion because he's not like that with women; Tia MentiRosa is an uncomfortable exception to this because he knows what she is.

It's also possible that he really doesn't want to hear the answer.

Jardinera, great recap, good interpretation of the nuances of the dialogue. Thank you so much!

Jardinera, thanks very much for another wonderful recap. Among the less-mentioned phrases that I chuckled over were "The Cupcake, now dressed in authoritative pink" and "Rotilio, who couldn’t fight his way out of a paper cell if his life depended on it." Like so many other commenters, I loved the scene between Margarito and RoHell. I'm still thinking that perhaps RoHell will turn out to be M's father.

Jarocha, thanks for the translation of respirarse. Like so many other folks, I hated the notion that RoHell could literally smell that AP was no longer a virgin. But of course TNs thrive on such notions. The call of the blood is another one. Perhaps not so offensive as smelling non-virginity, but as far as I'm concerned just as far-fetched.
[This is my 4th attempt to get this posted. The capcha keeps doing me in.]

Comments from Pam snd others about Gus' sleeves reminded me-- what is it about the males and their sleeves? Is it just me or does it seem as if vestuario is taking a well fitting sleeve and stitching it up the inside seam to make the sleeves tighter and thus making the biceps look larger? I thought poor Guscake's arms were going to turn blue from lack of circulation on Friday.

Thank you Jardinara. Your translation filled in several gaps I had. This episode had a lot of vocabulary that I wasn't familiar with.

If we think that Cin hates AP now, wait til she finds out AP and Gus were novios. Yikes!

Cathyx: Not only novios, but bed buddies as well--and bed buddies while married to Bro-Hell!

Dare I be nonP.C. and tell you that I thought the type of cap sleeve on the Guscakes looked not only strange and uncomfortable, but girlish and rather fey which, by all we know of this character, he is anything but! I used to wear fancy cap sleeves like that when I was in primary school!! If vestuario was trying to make a fashion statement it was a curse and not a comment.

Oh my exact thoughts Jardinera. I think the looked so poofy because they had hiked them up then tightened the cuff to fit oh-so-snug around his arms. It ended up looking completely stupid.

That should be "the sleeves looked poofy".

I've never liked short sleeved shirts, even on little kids.

Don't get me started on the color pink.

I do agree that a wardrobe makeover is necessary for most of the characters and Efrain needs to let his hair grow a bit.

Effer needs a no 'do for sure! They've got him looking like the sweaty, poorly educated peone he plays, but the actor looked so wonderful with long locks a few tn's ago--was it Manana Es Para Siempre? That's on again at the post witching hour I see.

Regarding scent, I think what Rogelio said was "La respiro distinta" which would mean something like "I sense something different about her" rather than referring directly to the sense of smell.

Thanks Pepe and Jarocha for all the explanations on the choice of the word respirar and what it really means in this context. Yes, I think "I breathe her differently" we can understand as sensing or perceiving her as having changed in some fundamental way.

I'm pretty tickled that so many of you are on the "free Guscake's biceps from the tyranny of his short-sleeves" bandwagon. LOL! It's hilarious imagining Rotilio sneaking up behind Guscake just to cut his sleeves - LOL!


My arms feel numb thinking about those sleeves.

Sara, you crack me up.
The tight sleeves are definitely to show off the biceps. I don't like the look personally, I think it's too blatantly macho acting. I prefer a more subtle machismo where the guy doesn't need to show it off.

The Jorge Salinas fangirl in me would like to point out that he of the puppy dog eyes does not need to resort to such wardrobe shenanigans and the macho vibe (good macho that that is) is still there. :)

Effer was also the medico at that little clinic in Soy tu Dueño

Yup. He was a cutie in STuD.... Even the little white sneakers were cute :)

And the white belt! :D

I don't know if anyone watches the Mentalist but I just finished watching an episode with hubs. They had Cho's arms tightly trussed in a short sleeve shirt as well. What gives?

Has the lineup been established yet for Abismo de Pasion?

Not till Sylvia gets back from vacation on Tuesday. Martai is doing tomorrow night's estreno.

Jardinera, thanks for the detailed recap. My favorite lol was your snark about Cupcake in "authoritative pink."

I'm in total support for "Free Gus's Arms!"

Thanks Jardinera, as usual very funny. My favorite line struck me as hilarious although I'm probably alone in my mirth:

"Before Oh-Hell can give a sane reply..."

As if...

You gave us two quotes from Rog which probably sums up what we can look forward to in the rest of this show:

"“—Well too bad for you because that’s only going to make your stay here worse! “


“ “—The day will come that you will be here by my side of your own accord, Paula.”

I hope that's not a spoiler.


Jardinera, thanks for the excellent recap. I had so many real-life chores this weekend that I didn't comment earlier, but kept peeking in to catch up on the comments.

I liked Audrey's idea of Rotilio sneaking up on Guscake to snip his sleeves and relieve the pressure. Maybe if the blood could flow freely in his arms, some of it could reach his brain.

La Paloma

Maybe if the blood could flow freely in his arms, some of it could reach his brain.
Bahahaha!!! Too funny.

I'm looking forward to the new line up tonight. I hope Abismo is good.

I've calmed down from all the mean folks from Friday's episode. I'm hoping tonight is not more of the same evil, manipulative, kind of action. Somehow I doubt I will be getting any romantic off-key serenades anytime soon. *pout*

Does anyone know which episode we are on?



Tonight is episode 54. Recap is ready and waiting for the avances of tomorrow's episode.

Thanks again, all. It was another weekend of fervent discussion. What would a blog be without that, huh?
; > )

Thanks UA!

Free the biceps!

La Paloma - I have to give credit to Pam who said "...Rotilio being the worst hit man ever. I have to admit though that a part of me was hoping he had a knife to release poor Gus's biceps from those too too tight sleeves!"

Pam is the genius behind the hilarious image!!!


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