Monday, March 12, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #159-160 Mon 3/12/12 Hopes Dashed, Hopes Reborn, With Time for Hot Pursuits and Fiestas

Refried beans: The witness is brought in to aver that he saw Sra. Carla Duran enter the hotel even hide in the restaurant. He explains she got a key card to her husband’s room from the front desk while she continues to claim it is all lies, she wasn’t there. But as they grasp her before she can get out of the door, she cries big tears.

Elena creeps in the prison hospital room with gloves clutched to her very tight t-shirt. Tomas is sweet to her wondering why she is there. She actually begs his pardon and cries big tears.

Pancho appears at the central market and asks Chacho what to do, he doesn’t want Rebeca to go to Miami. Chacho is as non-plussed as we are on what to say.

Elena makes a full confession at Tomas’ bedside: the whole thing is her fault even his current state of incarceration and injury, as we all nod in agreement. She even realizes how idiotic it was to take up with a married man. ¡No manches, chica! Tomas is so forgiving and comforting to her, it surpasses anything she deserves.

Henriquetta gets a call from Pancho to help him get information about Rebeca’s plans to leave. Lamberto worries better than anyone we have ever met.

The whole enchilada: Carla Duran now is worried about her children, kind of late in the day, but she actually admits that she is the one who killed her husband.

Lupita working with the children on their costumes greets Elena who comes to tell her that Tomas is a bit better and she is asking her pardon too. Chela told Lupita that tests are put before us so we can learn from our errors. She is much more gentle with Elena than any of us would be.

Back to Cristian’s wife, she recounts how she found the diamond earring (only one) and went to the hotel. Cristian woke up and she took him into the next world with one hefty smack with the candlestick that suddenly looks heavy enough that Jack couldn’t jump over it easily. So now we know that at least Cristian knew how he would meet his end.

Henriqueta tells Pancho that she found out for him that Rebeca and Mike will leave tomorrow at midday for Miami. Chacho gives good advice after sucking on his tootsiepop: have a talk with Chela. Pancho owes her that moment of truth if he is pursuing his dreams of Rebeca. Genius!

Chela who needs talking to is talking with Temoc telling him to be kind and understanding with the sad Meli who is missing her parents. Temoc wants to know if Chela and Pancho will wed. She at least says who knows but promptly has a memory flash of catching her sister’s wedding bouquet and dreaming her dreams. What? That she would be the next to marry? Seems like she thought it meant to be the next to marry Pancho….. I don’t think that is how that myth goes.

Pancho yells at Chacho that he cannot, cannot, cannot tell Chela. He recounts all the reason Chela deserves him but he can’t quit thinking about Rebeca leaving.

Rebe tells Mikey that she is having trouble leaving Avon (aka Pancho) but Mike tells her to dream with him of the new life they will have in Miami. He will get his lawyers to help her (I missed for what) He is living his dream to have the love of his life at his side.

Vicente tells Pina that he understands if she wants to get the divorce. She sadly stays when her secretary appears and they discuss that she is still not happy that her Freddy, her Principe Azul is going to stay with someone so low brow. But with whom would you want for him asks blondie with a pregnant pause?

Freddy and Ana make kissing and hitting a team sport. Freddy seems to really like Ana’s tomboy style of showing affection.

Meli and Temoc have a sweet moment. Monica and her friend talk about Moni not going to live with Jose but still she loves him like crazy.

Freddy gets around to telling Ana that his parents think the masters degree studies in LA are the most important chance that he will get in his life. He compares it with the importance to Ana of the disc. She doesn’t quite get it but he kisses her a lot.

Temoc shares that he wants to be an aeronautic engineer with Meli. He vows to work to save lives and keep children with their parents. She is impressed with him.

Moni’s friend tells her of her continuing crush on Freddy.

The lawyer shows up to tell Tomas that Carla the wife of Cristian has confessed that she killed him.

Sandra and Chacho were being silly with Mexican hats then Pancho is acting idiotic with Lupita who has new braids. He calls someone and it turns out to be Napoleon who talks in front of Candy as we slide to a break.

Pancho tells Napoleon that he knows his sister is there because Napy obliged her to be not because she wants to be. Napy insists that Candy is right there by his side by her own volition. Pancho yells lies, lies. Napy gives veiled or unveiled threats that he can’t change Candy’s choice and tells him he has important things to do as he hangs up on Pancho even though Candy begs to talk to him.

The lawyer makes Tomas break out in big grins, as he tells him that there is a bit of paper work to fill out then they can spring him from the big house.

Mike and Rebe talk about what they need for the new house. I think Rebe needs a new dress that doesn’t cut off the blood supply to her butt. But that’s just me.

And for our comic relief the entire family is dressed in authentic costumes to celebrate the festival of Mexico’s Independence. Suddenly they have all had time to get elaborate costumes, fireworks and mariachi’s together in the midst of their troubles, law suits, death threats and prison scenes. But, where is Chela? Elena? I guess we know where Tomas still is until the endless paperwork is complete and Rebe and Mike were just at her apartment. There is also time to pass around PRODUCT, Botas, or is it Botanas, salty snacks that I actually eat in Mexico. This is better than one of them dabbing their eyes with dark circle concealer, isn’t it?

Dr. Octavio is dressed like a country bumpkin kissing Fernando. Pancho introduces los Tucanes de Tijuana. Oops there is Chela dancing with Pancho. Lamberto tries to get a dance with Henriqueta. This beats hearing Ana’s music again. But NO, I spoke to soon. They hold a dance contest. Pancho and Ana dance together. Lupita is dreaming of why Tomas isn’t they’re enjoying himself and Elena shows up to commiserate and notice that Lupita is thinking about Tomas. Elena decides that she can’t fake being happy enough to stay at the dance and sulks, skulks off. Pancho comes up to grab Ana to dance. Tucanes of Tijuana are celebrating 27 years of music. They in turn give ana the stage to celebrate her new disc. She in turn calls Freddy up to the stage and dedicates the next song to him. Oh well, we almost made it through an episode without having to hear her. At least Freddy plays pretty decent air guitar.

Fernanda tells Octavio that she is happier now than she has been in years and she owes her very presence there to Pancho. Pancho calls Mario up from T de T who says he will be the godfather of Ana’s disc. The whole family comes up on stage for the Viva Mexico and singing the Pancho Lopez song. Product endorsement fade to more alluring photos from Abysmo’s grand estreno in one more hour. But now more ads.

Candy begs Napoleon to spare her brother. In her exuberance to thank him, Napy is able to cop a feel or two without losing his dapper hat.

Pina and Vicente talk about something important while Vin flings all the pillows off the couch again until he is close enough to kiss Pina’s dainty leg. I guess this is their accustomed way of making up?

Napoleon who likes to wear his cool dark glasses even at home, discusses endlessly with Candy that he will consider sparing Pancho and Vicente and he has enough money to buy everyone around Candy.

Pancho replays Fernanda’s advice that he is making the wrong decision not to tell Rebe and Chela about his real feelings. Next morning Pancho tries to tell Lupita that he doesn’t want Rebe to leave. The maids downstairs are ecstatic at Chela’s coming good luck at netting Pancho for real. Lupita chastises Pancho for giving wings to Chela’s dreams and not telling her about his true dreams of loving Rebe. She informs him that he has to face Chela alone and not be a coward. Maybe Rebe still loves him even though she is going off with Mike but she tells him that Chela has loved him completely for all these years and what he is doing or about to do with her feelings is unsupportable. She stomps out of the room.

Mike, ever the overly eager one shows up early to tell Rebe he can’t be without her until it is time to leave. He gives her more dreary kisses.

Chela shows up in Pancho’s room saying Lupita says he has something to tell her alone. She thinks it is maybe that he is worried about Candy. But he mutters to himself that now is the moment to get to the point. Chela insists that he get to the point (al grano) He starts like an idiot saying he is going to: bath, dress, perfume himself and, and well he is going to go off to see Rebeca. Whew… we all need a break to hear about movies, blackberries floor cleaner, etc. And well, just breathe. I wasn’t sure he could do it. Gooooo Pancho.

Chela screams at Pancho that she knows how much she has dreamed about being with him. She insists that he not touch her. She gave him herself unconditionally and her throws rocks at her heart. She screams she will never pardon him and she stomps out of his room. Pancho cries about his mess alone in his room.

The lawyer has appeared in the Lopez living room to tell the girls that Tomas will be released from prison post haste.

Napoleon and Candy have another uncomfortable breakfast. He hands her a present, an invitation to their wedding that will be this Saturday. She is shocked.

Vicente throws more pillows then is suddenly dreamy eyed in his office when Enzo comes in. He swears that he isn’t thinking precisely of Candy. Then you are thinking of Pina questions Enzo. Vicente turns the table and says you are thinking of quesadillas (Chela). No not exactly, then you are thinking of Lidia?

Some fey guy is hiding in Arnold’s inner office while Arnold sneaks in to Vicente’s office. Arnold cries on Vicente’s nice suit I think he is sad about Pina’s spurning him but I don’t think Vice knows why he is crying.

Chela is in hysterics in front of Lupita and Ana. What am I going to do? She says over and over. At this moment she wants to go to the mountain, she doesn’t want to talk with or see anyone.

Pancho makes it out to La Burra when he is gripped with the memory of Chela screaming she will never, never forgive him. Ever!

Candy is telling someone to come to Mansion de Napoleon to visit with big Napy’s permission. Meantime, Pancho has a fight with another driver who blocks him in the street. Pancho gets out to punch the guy and as they square off, a crowd and a cop gather to make the scene just a bit sillier. The cop recognizes Pancho so wants the famous Pancho’s autograph.

Rebe declares she will miss her beloved apartment. Mike tries to be understanding of everything. They get down to the car finally just as Pancho pulls up in La Burra. She takes off and Pancho runs after her ineffectively screaming at Mike’s disappearing car. The windows are probably up, she doesn’t even turn around.

Chela and Candy discuss her doomed wedding planned by Napy, Pancho can’t get La Burra started and calls Chacho for advice. Henriqueta finds out that Rebe has left the apartment and will return, NEVER.

Candy comforts her in her way, telling her I tried to tell you. Pancho begs a ride in a taxi but the driver says the airport is too far away.

Lupita and Ana give Pepe the good news that Tomas will be released. The siblings take a good news hug all around. Meanwhile, Tomas discusses his impending release with the lawyer, it is easier to enter than to leave warns the lawyer. It will be soon. Tomas asks for help getting his cellmate’s case heard. Is this more evidence of the rebirth of the good Tomas?

Another taxi with a driver who looks almost comatose agrees to crawl toward the airport with Pancho in the back. Looks like a runway scene pending.

Fer tells Octavio that at this moment her best friend Rebeca is boarding a plane to leave for Miami with Mike, a man that Fer is sure Rebe does NOT love. She tried to tell Pancho he was making a big mistake not to stop Rebe. She says she feels like he is her true son. She insists that she feels in her heart that Pancho is her true son. Octavio pompously says, I hate to be crude but dear Fer, DNA doesn’t lie! (But dear Octavio, nephews lie all the time.)

Napy enters Vice’s office while back in Octavio’s office, Fer insists that she is sure there was some mistake about her and Pancho. Octavio wisely agrees that they will do a retesting. This time they will send things to the US. She is so happy. With any luck, they will both be boca cerada.

Candy shows the tearful Chela the wedding invitation and Chela wails some more about another person leaving her.

Napy dismisses Arnold telling him he wants to talk to Vice like a MAN. Arnold all but crawls out of the office. Once alone, Napy tells Vice of his plans to marry Candy. After the break, Napy invites Vice to the wedding and says bring your wife, servants and even your Nenenenenene. How do you know about him? I know much more about you than you think I do. Exits advising Vicente that he better come to the wedding.

A sad Rebe exits the car with Mike at the airport. He reports that in a half hour they will depart. Just then Pancho arrives in the turtle, er I mean taxi and how did Chacho get there too. Pancho gets directions to the gate running straight into the guard who won’t let him pass without a boarding pass. They say the only way is to buy a ticket. He knocks people out of line at the ticket desk, buys the ticket, and tries to jump the line while he argues with the crowd that he needs to get to the love of his life so they let him cut just this time. He tries to get through the security check and must leave his belt behind with Chacho. He jumps the seats like the old O.J. of yore before all that trouble. Alas, he arrives in time to find the gate closed and we watch with him while the plane carrying away his beloved does a powerful take-off. The distraught Pancho cries out to Rebeca.

Next: Candy’s wedding plans advance and Fer is surprised by none other than Rebeca who says she did not get on the plane! ¡No Manches! Tomorrow will be another wacko day with La Familia.


LOL Cheryl! Thank you!

The way Mike was talking last week, anyone would have thought he'd have a helicopter waiting on the roof when they signed off on the merger. It sure took them long enough to get to the airport. (Alas, still too fast for Pancho.)

I'll admit I felt a little bit sorry for Chela when she got the bad news. It was a lot sooner than I was expecting.

Napoleon cracks me up. Apparently, the guy really does love to list things. I thought it was just a coincidence on Friday, but nope, he was still listing things tonight. Perhaps I'm too easily amused.

Yeah, I like Napoleon's lists too, Julie. I might be apt to choose some of his generous options if it weren't for that little bit of absolute control that just spoils it.

I can't wait for tomorrow for Pancho to find out that Rebe wants him too. And I feel sorry for Chela on some level but she annoys the hell out of me so I kind of want her to suffer trying to get Enzo back (if she can rip him out of Lidia's clutches. That might actually be fun to watch next.

Thank you Cheryl for this great detailed recap. Loved the festival of the Independence of Mexico. I loved the costumes and Lupita's especially.

I am glad Elena finally admitted her fault with Tomas and Lupe. It is about time, maybe she will turn the corner now.

I am so happy Tomas will be free and helping Tanquie. I think he is also turning the corner.

I agree with you Cheryl and Julie about Nappy's lists. I don't like his control though. I thought it was funny when he mimiced Vins with the NeNe lol.

Vins with Pina was funny. Loved him kissing her leg. It was funny.
I don't like Pina interfering in Freddy's love life. Now she has given Karina false hope. Even Moni was rolling her eyes at her. Especially about the baby thing. I really hope that is not an anvil over Freddy's head.

Cheryl the guy that Arnold is hiding from, is the guy that gave him the contract that Dona Fer had Pancho sign when he started at Avon. Arnold ended up giving the contract to Vins. Vins was looking for a clause about dating Rebe and if it was forbidden by the contract. Arnold promised this guy he would take him out, and Arnold reneged. I can't for the life of me remember his name though.

Oh Chela. I feel bad for her, but I don't. Pancho should never have started this relationship with her in the first place. It was really revenge to get back at Rebe cause he assumed she was with Mike. And Enzzo didn't help by telling Chela to explore a relationship with Pancho. Chela should have stayed with Enzzo no matter what. I agree she will have to fight Lidia tooth and nail if she wants Enzzo back.

Is it just me, or was IckyMickey less sunkist tonight than usual? He actually looked au natural. lol.

Poor Candy, looks like she is stuck with the Nappy one. I wonder if the wedding will really happen?

The saddest part tonight was when Rebe's plane took off and Pancho was too late. It was really sad. But from the advances it looks like Rebe is back.

Madelaine, Nice to have you drop by tonight. I am trying to read all the recaps after getting my own done since tomorrow takes off like a rocket. Thank you for the clarification on the guy Arnold is hiding out from. This mis labeled DNA between Fernanda and Pancho has lasted longer than many of the PROBLEMS posed, solved and dispatched here. That will change all the other games that Vice is playing since they will probably figure out who jinxed the first test fairly soon after. I bet Fernanda will forgive her naco nephew. She has such a soft heart.

Poor old Chela with a sad little bed of her own making but not totally since Pancho's laziness and fondness for good food and good feet has made him lazy in his responsibility to be clear with Chela. This is the first time that I have been so disappointed in him is his treatement of Chela.

You are so right about the new DNA test Cheryl. I can't wait until Dona Fer finds out that Pancho is indeed her son. I too think she will forgive Vins, eventually. She does have a very soft heart. I love her and Dr. Octavio together. They are so happy all the time.

Thanks for the recap, Cheryl! I loved the comment about Rebe's dress and her circulation!

I was very sad that Pancho didn't make it in time to stop Rebe, luckily the avances give us some hope.

Freddy is a doll, plain and simple. I wish Pina would lay off the Kari/Freddy thing.

I know I should feel bad for Chela. Pancho done her wrong, but she is a grown woman and has been carrying this torch for YEARS. At some point she should have gotten the message. She's too old for this teen-age crap.

I too am looking forward to Chela vs. Lidia. I think it will be a lot more fun than the extremely tiresome catty barbs that Chela and Rebe used to exchange. Those who joined us after CME ended probably missed out on most of that. They're none the poorer for it. It was hard enough warming up to Rebeca at the beginning, and listening to a woman who's had all the advantages in life putting Chela down for having less education and humble ambitions didn't make it any easier. Perhaps Lidia's tactics will be a little more about Enzo and less about Chela.

Or maybe she'll be cool about it, thank Enzo for a nice rebound, and step aside. Who knows? But I'd rather see Chela fight.

Me too Sara.......I can only imagine how tight the dress was. Rebe is Amazonian, but below Violeta and Lidia simply because her feet don't support her T and A very seems like she can topple over when standing, with a slight breeze.

Thanks for the recap Cheryl, you and the other recapers are keeping me up to speed.

JudyB, it's that time again, March Madness,
I picked the Buckeyes to make it to the elite 8.
My Rams are leaving today to go cross country to play Wichita St on Thursday. Again this year, nobody is giving them a snow ball chance in He"ll nationally, but this town is on fire again.

Guera, I think the Orange men will be an early exit.....sorry.

Ok back to the TN.....looks like this show is nearing the finally....everyone seems to be settling down, and getting their relationships in think?

Thanks so much Cheryl. You lucked out with an independence day fiesta with not much dialogue. I loved all the native costumes. I think Sandra was wearing the one Renata wore in CME during the Padre's b-day fiesta, but it looked better on Renata. I also liked Lupe's charro costume.

I felt bad for Chela, but it's not like she hadn't been warmed. She also couldn't possibly have lied to herself that much to think Pancho stopped loving Rebe. He never said that. And each time she saw him interact with Rebe, she could certainly tell those fires weren't out. She had to be lying to herself if she really thought Pancho didn't love Rebe anyomre. He certainly NEVER told Chela that he loved her. The writing was on the wall.

I am glad that both Chacho and Lupe gave Pancho a piece of their minds. He got plenty of good advice beforehand, ignored it and ended up majorly breaking Chela's heart. I don't know how they can live under the same roof after this.

I assume that the original showing of Familia might have timed this episode to coincide with the real Independance Celebrations in Mexico. These festivities are so vibrant that yes, I felt lucky to get a break from the rapid dialog. Instead I got great costumes and pleasantries from the characters. Wasn't Lupita's charro suit so beautiful. The soft colors really were lovely on her. Chela kind of blended into the wall. Lupita has become the brains of the familia. Her leadership skills are far above Pancho's as time goes by.

Thank you so much for posting. I have watched this from day one but for some reason after 15 minutes of this yesterday I turned it off saying to myself I had things to do. I look forward to seeing it today, to see Rebe and her Pancho together at least I hope.

I hope also we get the DNA test tonight. I have to wonder if Napoleon is going to make it to the wedding, or if there will be a little heart attack attached, maybe to their first night together?

I have to admit I thought it was going to be "whose baby is it" if Chela had slept with Pancho, so happy they did not go there. Can someone remind me what is the attraction of Moni's friend with El Nene/El Nino? This was her best friend's ex, eowww.

Nellie, sometimes I feel the same way about having better things to do. Usually it's when Pancho is making loud noises or when Chela is talking about how great it was in the good old days when they were constantly expecting to lose their home.

I've also been half-expecting Nap to kack on his wedding night, based on something I saw in another TN. (He can have a good time listing all of his symptoms to the paramedics.) But I'm hoping the resolution of Candy's storyline will be much cleverer. Maybe she'll actually get used to being spoiled, and start enjoying it. I would not be shocked.

I had a brilliant insight about Chela this morning when I was brushing my teeth, but now I can't remember what it was. Oh yeah. When she went to bed with Enzo she said that her first time was a bad experience. Anyone want to lay odds on THAT old boyfriend resurfacing before she gets back with Enzo?

Nellie, I completely agree that we can all find better things to do at times. When I was away for a month I was grateful at times to read the recaps when I got to an internet connection. Even though this TN has been action packed, I feel they have put too many extenders lately.

Julie, even though we don't really need another character introduced, I love the idea of getting a better picture of Chela's past. Maybe I am just hoping she actually had. more of a past beyond being Pancho's comfort mat.

Thank you muchisimo, Cheryl! Great recap. Loved the line about Rebe needing a dress that doesn't cut off circulation in her butt the best.

I LOVED the guateque. They all looked good but Lupita was especially stunning. I really need an excuse to buy an outfit like that, and a place to wear it. I liked Los Tucanes, too, and had high hopes that maybe we wouldn't have to listen to Ana for once. Alas. She has such a pinchy nasal baby voice, bless her heart.

Plus I hate that "Pancho Lopez" song. Why does everyone treat Pancho like he's the greatest thing ever? He isn't. He's really annoying and also quite stupid. No matter how much the show tries to convince me everyone loves him, I still hate him.

My absolute favorite moment of the whole episode was when Moni said "Hashtag. Guau." in stunned disbelief when Kari was talking about marrying Freddie and having babies. Hilarious.

Thanks Cheryl. Like Sara, I got a big kick out of "Rebe needs a new dress that doesn't cut off the blood supply to her butt". Well put.

The recap was excellent but the two-hour episode sounded tedious. This is one telenovela that doesn't need extensions or two hour viewing (and recapping!) in my opinion.

Again, I thank you all for being such good troopers and keeping your nose to the extended grindstone.

Anon #1, sure hope you're right that we make it to the Elite Eight. There are nights when we play brilliantly and nights when we're totally lackluster. So I'll just have to wait and see which team shows up. I love 'em but they're up and down.

Why don't you give Syracuse much of a chance? Is it because they play zone? They certainly have a lot of long tall players with great wingspans. That can be daunting.

As usual, everyone's saying Kentucky will take it all.

You made my day with the comment that "Rebe needs to get a new dress, one that doesn't cut off circulation to her(big)butt. I laughed through the next few paragraphs over that one! How does she bend over or sit down without showing all her privadas!

Julia- I had a big chuckle at "Hashtag. Guau." too.

I was wondering if Candy might delay her marriage to Nappy by making all sorts of demands for the "perfect" wedding. She did already request the Castillo de Chapultepec for the reception.

Chela still has a lot of maturing to do. She has not taken responsibility for all the problems SHE caused in the family when they moved.

I crack up every time they call Freddie "nene." It makes me think of a Hawaiian goose.

I have begun calling all my male cats "nene!" (! Must be included)

I have some vocabulary from the last few days:

petacas - suitcases (can also mean butts, hindquarters)

conejos en la chistera - tricks up the sleeve, lit. rabbits in the top hat

poner changuitos - to cross one's fingers, wish for luck

cierra ese piano, no me toques ese vals - stop nagging me

bursátil - stock exchange

a flor de piel - openly, with great passion (lit. on the surface of the skin)

no seas ave de mal agüero - don't be so negative

pantorrilla - calf (part of the leg)

ajuar - trousseau

chabacanería - bad taste, low-classiness

greñuda - shaggy

And one they've used forever, but I don't think I've ever put in the vocab list:

derecha la flecha - right to the point, direct

And one I thought was just funny...our nacos often say "simón" instead of "sí" for "yes," but last night I heard "Simón y Garfunkel" to mean "yes."

I've been out all day & just got to check in. It's probably too late but -- hey --

I also think the Buckeyes have a good shot at the elite 8. As for our Orangemen -- anything can happen. We've got all that wonderful depth but they haven't been on top of their game the last few outings. I hope that you are wrong about an early exit. They've managed to find a way to win all but twice even when the wins weren't all that pretty sometimes. It's been a good ride and I hope it's got a ways to go. Sure would like to end up back in the Big Easy.

Back to the TN. I do feel sorry for Chela. She should have known better. If she couldn't stay with Enzo because she still had a thing for Pancho, then what made he think that Pancho could stay with her when he (obviously) still had a thing for Rebe. Love doesn't just die that quickly.

About the new DNA test.. I would like to think that the new test will quickly solve that issue. But... remember the crooked technician? He went off to the US with Vince's money. What if the lab in the US is the one where he works now? What if he sees a way to get more$ out of Vince -- or worries that hecould be caught for the earlier fraud and so commits a second fraud on poor Doña Fer. Oh I hate that possibility. Forget I said anything.


If I've learned anything from telenovelas, it is that if you want a DNA test, you need to collect the samples yourself, directly, and send them to at least 3 different labs. And, obviously, not tell anyone you are doing this.

Thanks for the Vocabs, Julia!

Hey JudyB...Syracuse has a lot of off court issues that will follow them on the court this year....

Kentucky has the bullseye on their back, and will be pushed to the opponents limits in each game they play.....they will have to earn the title by proving they are the best

Syracuse has some off court issues that will be a big distraction for them on the court. I don't see them surviving to the sweet 16.

Kentucky has the bullseye on their back, and will be tested to the limits, as they go through the brackets...

Using my head and not my heart, I think Florida St or Michigan St will be crowned champs

Julia, Mil gracias on the vocabulary and the truth about the DNA testing. Fernanda is just too trusting. Maybe Octavio will have the sense to handle it for her this time. It sounded to me as though he were ready to do that. What a lovely relationship they have. Isn't it much better than all the young things have piled together. So simple, straight-forward and truthful.

Good luck to all on your favorite teams.

Didn't Octavio help last time? I don't think they did anything wrong, they just didn't count on Vins getting wind of it and successfully bribing the lab guy. They still don't know about that, Fern just suspect something must have gone wrong somehow. I think the previous lab guy moved to Australia, so he's probably out of the picture for good.

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