Friday, March 23, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #175-176 Thu 3/22/12 Marriage is a wonderful institution, and all our married couples belong in an institution.

Except maybe the latest newlyweds!
*Fernanda’s boudoir*
Chela: Here, Fernie dear, let me jury-rig some tacky straps onto this dress for your wedding.
Ana: Chicken Little and I are gettin’ hitched!
Chela and Fernanda: The sky is falling!
*Da hood*
Frida: Champi is one smokin’ hot hunk o’ metal.
Freddy, via phone: Pepe! Let’s go shopping!
Frida: I know lots about cars. Take me for a ride!
Pepe: Vroom.
Frida: Is this as fast as Champi can go? Show me what she’s got, and please note that I equate her velocity with your manliness. Impress me.
Pepe: Vroom vroom.
Vice: Nice shirt, cheesy chump.
Pancho: I’m made of rubber and you’re made of glue.
Vice: So I talked to that loser Lamberto…
Rebers: You leave him alone!
Vice: Lamby and Rebers, sittin’ in a tree. I’m calling an emergency meeting to over throw you all!
Pancho: You do that. Gotta go.
Pina: Vice, your tacky childish insults make me swoon!
Vice: Let’s do it in the elevator!
Ana: Frida, let’s be friends!
Kari: Clever of me to wait until everyone expected the bride and make a grand entrance down the aisle to sit with the family!
Fernanda: I am so blindingly happy, I don’t even care that my son is an annoying nutcase.
Enzo: Who cares if I look like a Mafioso? I look guapisimo in all black.
*Casa Irabién*
Ado: Bye, Mamación!
I will miss you so much!
Priest: Wuv, twoo wuv…
All the happy couples: Sigh!
Freddy: Let me formally propose and proffer an engagement ring right in the middle of someone else’s wedding.
Ana: Swoon!
Pina: OMG!
Vice: NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Everyone: Huh?
Big kerfuffle; Pina faints.
*Casa Irabién*
Pina: What happened?
Freddy, Vice, Arnold Flowerz, Kari, Ado: You made a big embarrassing scene in the church.
Pina: Say it ain’t so! You aren’t marrying that piojosa!
*Church, sans the troublemakers*
Priest: Okey-doke, you’re now hitched.
*Casa Lopez*
Ana: Wheee! Pollis proposed and I accepted!
Pancho: HAHAHAHAHA!!! You’re kidding, right?!
*Casa Irabién*
Freddy: No, I’m not kidding.
Vice: The thought of becoming related to that chica makes me wanna barf!
Freddy: You’re already related to her, remember?
Pina: What are you thinking? Can I upsell you on this blue-eyed model conveniently in stock RIGHT HERE because she never leaves?
*Casa Lopez*
Enzo: Vice and Pincenez will probably cut off Freddy’s allowance.
Elena: Bwahahahaha!!!
Pancho: You don’t need their money. You’re too young, but what the heck, you have my blessing. Since you’re going to do it anyway.
*Casa Irabién*
Pina: I am a raging racist classist! You marry that naca, and we will cut you off!
Rebers: Stop being so tacky and put on proper business clothes for the meeting.
Pancho: Tacky is just who I am, babe.
*Conference room*
Lamberto: Raymundo is now going to referee the meetings.
Raymundo: Arnoldo! Slobber!
Enter Enzo.
Raymundo: Even better! Slobber!
*Casa Lopez*
Ana: Frida is so cool…yet so hot for you!
Pepe: Sheesh. We just work together.
Frida, via phone: I need your expert studly help to fix this car!
Pepe: Later. I have to go to school.
Frida: Le sigh, le heave.
*Avon conference room*
All the execs: much shouting over personal issues.
Raymundo: This is not on the agenda.
*Fantasy scene, lucha libre ring*
Lamberto is the announcer. Vice is “El demonio.” Arnold Flowers goes by his own name, in a yellow cape and ruffly bellbottoms. Pina is dressed as Wonder Woman and is “Cruella de Ville.” Enzo is “Descuartizador” and hot. Rebe is “La diva.” Pancho is “El preciso.” Much cartoonish fighting. This must have been a hoot to film.
*Back to conference room*
Me: Why do they always have cake? Is it the same cake? Why does no one bring me fancy cake?
Pancho: We need to expand internationally.
Vice: I object!
Pancho and Vice: Let’s do all the bickering we should have gotten out of our systems as children.
Pina: I have a wonderful, awful idea.
*Casa Lopez*
Ana: I sorta want to keep trying for a music career. But on the other hand…babies! With Pollis!
Chela: What’s the rush? Make sure you have an education and a solid relationship first.
*Mobster Mansion*
Nappy: I know everything about your family. But what do you think?
Candy: I think Pancho will get a grip and accept his baby getting married. They’ll be fine.
Deb: Candy, get lost. Private business.
Deb, while Candy hides around the corner: It’s done. Sánchez is dead.
Candy: Gasp!
Napo: If the info on this USB gets out, we’re dead meat. You deserve a prize.
Deb: With six zeros.
Pancho: You’re totally one of the family again!
Rebers: I object!
Pancho: Let me ram the idea, and my tongue, down your throat.
Rebe: Oh, okay. No! Wait! I’m not that easy, mister!
Freddy: What my parents do is not my fault.
Pancho: How do you plan to support my daughter? Keep in mind that this is the 1950s, and her job is to have babies and yours is to bring in money, no exceptions.
Freddy: Um, I guess I will work.
Pancho: Well, of course Ana will ask me for money. If I don’t give it to her, she’ll think I oppose your marriage like your parents do! What should I do?
Rebe: Maybe Ana should be part of this conversation.
Pancho: Correct. Come to the house tonight and we’ll discuss the dowry. Ana’s probably only a seven-cow wife.
*Casa Lopez*
Ana: I’m so happy!
Lupita: Yeah, isn’t it great to be in love?
Ana: So how about you?
Lupita: Well, Tomás hasn’t proposed yet.
Ana: All our problems will be over once we’re married!
Lupita: Eh, I doubt it.
*Police academy*
Tomás is busy exercising and practicing subduing criminals.
*Casa Chela*
Candy: What a beautiful nursery! Have fun dusting it for seven months until your baby is born! Hey, guess what, the mobsters are doing mobster things. There’s a USB I could steal and put them in jail.
Chela: Don’t even think of it! They’ll kill you!
*La Válvula*
Frida: I am totally cool and competent. Are you in love with me yet?
Pepe, on phone: Moni! Mi amor!
Frida: Rats.
Moni: I need you!
Pina: Here’s my diabolical plan: We invest a little money to revive la piojosa’s vulgar naca musical career and send her on tour. Ha ha!
*La Válvula*
Frida: Sooo…who’s this Sirenita?
Pepe: The love of my life! She took her nutso mama to France for treatment.
Frida: Wow. They must be rich. Actually, your whole clan seems rich.
Pepe: Well, pops is the president of Avon. But it isn’t my money. I’m working hard to give Moni the lifestyle she insists upon.
Frida: It’ll never be enough. Let’s race our cars!
*Mobster boudoir*
Candy: Look, I’m dressed all seductively. Why don’t I take off your overcoat and hat and sunglasses and you can act like you’re indoors for once?
Nappy: Ohhhh, yeah.
later…Candy: Ha! The fool’s asleep! USB switched, check!
Nappy: Hey! What’s up, and why are you?
Candy: Uhhh…just looking for my phone.
*Casa Froot Loopeez*
Pancho: So the question is, should I give up some cows for a dowry, or not?
Ana: Huh?
Pancho: You haven’t thought this through. How will you support yourselves?
Rebe: There’s no hurry to get married, right? Or is there?
Freddy and Ana: Well…yes, there’s a hurry.
Ana hilariously pats Freddy’s tummy, making Pancho flip out.
Rebe: You should sort things out with your mother before you get married.
Pina and Vins: Wow! Listen to this CD, Mr. Record Exec! Isn’t she awesome! Meet with our beloved niece and surprise her with a deal! But not a word that we were involved!
*La Válvula*
Frida: Isn’t it romantic, just the two of us working together late into the evening? Here, have some aphrodisiacal churros y chocolate.
Pepe: Yay, food. Let me catch you up on the whole plot.
Pina: You looked so hot dancing, Vins!
Vins: Let’s do it on the desk!
*Chela’s nursery*
Enzo: Let me seduce you with a romantic picnic and lots of flattery and smoldering looks. A toast!
Chela: Yeah, yeah. So what happened with Lidia? Does sex mean nothing to you?
Enzo: It does when I’m in LURVE. What happened with you and Pancho?
Chela: Nada. Really! Are you jealous?
*La Válvula*
Pepe: I insist on taking you home. It’s too far and too dangerous for you to go alone!
Frida: Swoon! Mi válvula de escape!
*Run-down tenement that survived the earthquake that flattened the Casa Popular just fine*
Pepe: So where’s your car?
Frida: I almost never get it out of the garage.
Pepe: Have you thought of selling it so you could live someplace better?
Frida: Never! It’s the only memento I have of my abuelito! Nighty night! A kiss on the cheek is probably the most I can get away with!
Pepe: Egad!
*Casa Iramal, breakfast*
Meli: You two act like children.
Vins: Maybe you’ll understand when you’re in love.
Pina: Speaking of which, I hope you’re staying away from that Lopez brat.
Meli: No way. I’m not like my lily-livered cousin Freddy. I’m not going to ditch my novio just because you said to.
Freddy: Gulp.
Vice: Your mother and I are now totally cool with your relationship with Ana.
*Casa Lopez*
Record exec Frank: Ana!
I love your record and I want to represent you!
*Mobster Mansion*
Napo: I’ll be home by noon for a repeat of last night!
Candy: Great! (let’s hope you’re in jail by then.)
Enzo: How much time do I waste sitting around rolling my eyes while people blather on? Oh, Pancho, how nice of you to make time for me. Here are the best houses I’ve found.
Candy: Hola!
Enzo: Nothing to see here! I’m outtie!
Candy: Here’s some data I stole! I’ll be free!
Mañana: looks like Deb and the henchmen kidnap Rebe.


Thank you Julia for this wonderful and snarky recap. Loved this episode it was too funny. Oh, Frida has a thing for Pepe already. All the questions she asks.

Loved the wedding of Dona Fer and Doc Oc but really Freddy, Ana, Pina and Vins kind of ruined it. Freddy could have at least waited until after the ceremony. Loved your comment about Kari arriving last.

Pancho and Rebe made good points with Ana and Freddy. I really liked how they patted Freddy's tummy to let them think Ana was preggers too funny.

Loved the little tete a tete with Chela and Enzzo. They are a darling couple and so in love, sigh. I am glad they are working on their relationship.

The fighting was a scream too funny. They all make great wrestlers lol.

Candy is really taking her life in her hands. Napo is pretty sharp and in the advances it looks like Candy is found out.

Loved seeing Tomas at the police academy working out. His new Luke will be great, once he gets that uniform.

I loved when Freddy asked Pina if she'd ever thought of being a telenovela actress, and she asked, "Like who...Daniela Castro, perhaps?" Then Vicente freaks out and said that decent people don't do that kind of thing. Too funny.
Rebe is slowly coming around.

Julia, thanks for your great recap. It was a fun chuckle. Your lines for Frida and her panting after Pepe reminded me of Pepe's namesake the cartoon character.

Yes, Madelaine the crazy crew did ruin Fer and Oc's wedding. I couldn't believe the scene they created even being shushed by the priest.

The wrestling scene was a riot and Chela and Enzo are the best.

Ditto everything that's been said. My favorite line was the Daniela Castro comment. The Lucha Libre fight was hilarious. Vince & Pina are so over the top funny. I also love Ana when she mocks Pina. But really, Dude, a proposal in the middle of someone else's wedding? Tacky but hilarious when Vince & Pina figured it out.
Love, love, love Enzo & Chela. I'm so glad they are back together.

I love your recaps, Julia. So funny! This was a fun packed episode and you made the most of it.

We're very happy here in Syracuse this morning. It took me several minutes to catch my breath after that tight finish -- but we escaped and the Orangemen are in the elite eight. Whew! Yeah!


Julia I love this new recap style. Pure genius and flat-out funny. My favorite lines (among many..well, heck, the whole durn recap) were...

"Let me ram the idea and my tongue down your throat" (honestly, that idiot Pancho gives me hives) and....

"I'm working hard to give Moni the lifestyle she insists upon" (come to think of it, Moni gives me hives as well...but it's temporary. With Pancho, it's permanent, I fear).

Great recap. Only saw a few minutes. Basketball rules this time of year. But the recap was outstanding. Gracias, smart girl.

I agree with you Guera and JPcruzer about the Daniela Castro line with Vins and Pina it was too funny, lol.

What is Freddy's major in college? Have they ever said?

Now Ana maybe going on tour, thanks to Pina and Vins' interference. This leaves the door wide open for Kari to try some more of her seduction tactics. I hope Freddy keeps blowing her off.

Julia- Thanks for giving us one of your fun, snarky recaps.

I agree it was tacky the Freddy proposed in the middle of another couple's wedding, but what fun it brought us with Pina and Vince's over the top reactions. I love how they crossed themselves in front of the altar in the middle of their crazy rants.

Actually, as far as evil plots go, I actually like Pina's plan. I think Freddy and Ana are too immature and unprepared for marriage, and I think the Ana should follow her dreams and Freddy should go to grad school int he US. These are all good things. What I don't like is the plan to keep forcing Kari on Freddy.

By the way, my new pic is from yesterday. Anita (fornerly Newbie One Kanobie) and I went out to dinner and to see Casa de Mi Padre. Anita is a wonderfully warm and fun lady, and we both chuckled quite a bit during the movie.

Sorry for the typos.

How great to see a picture of you and Anita, Vivi. And I love your outfit. Smashing.

Is the movie worth seeing? It's playing here in the University area.


For those in on the joke, it's very funny. The DC audience was mainly composed of people who knew the kinds of shows/movies this was parodying. Some other Caraymates who saw it in other towns were with audiences that didn't "get it" and didn't chuckle as much. They still enjoyed it, but it's a different experience when you aren't the only one in the audience laughing. I you prefer watching dvds, wait till then.

Vivi thanks for sharing the picture of you and Anita. I'm also curious if you enjoyed the film. I'm off to the El Tal thread to snark with her about the boda.

So Fernanda and Octavio wanted a nice, quiet, simple wedding and they got that upheaval. Oh, well, at least no one got shot or dropped dead and they were married at the end of it.

I still think Ana is too immature to get married, but I like it when we can see that a couple really like each other and are on the same wavelength. Ana and Freddy instantly teaming up to pull the pregnancy joke on Pancho does way more to convince me they're soulmates than staring into each other's eyes and declaring their amor. Show, don't tell, I say.

The lucha libre was so funny. I loved the costumes. I just wished it had been longer.

Julia, what a brilliant recap. I SO enjoy your quick and dirty style. After reading your recap I simply had to watch the lucha libre scene. Yep, it looked like they were all having a great time filming it. I loved Arnold's costume, straight out of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. His fight with Enzo was my favorite. I wonder, was the tie between Pancho and Vince a bit of foretelling, or was it just hilarious Lucha Libre hi-jinx? Time will tell I guess.

Hey judyB and Guera, don't you guys play each other on Saturday.

I have not gotten back into this TN, still lamenting the lost of my basketball team.

Good luck to all that still have a dog in the hunt for coach is doing the CBS broadcast from Atlanta, and is staying in Richmond....hip hip hooray.

We will be back next year...

Julia, thanks for a fun recap. Perfect title. Some of my favorite lines:

“Vice: Nice shirt, cheesy chump.”

“Priest: Wuv twoo wuv…”

“Raymundo: Arnold! Slobber!”
Enter Enzo!
“Raymundo: Even better! Slobber!”

Funny when Napo commented that now that he and Candy wedded, her whole family was jumping on the bandwagon by getting married. Loved the Luche Libre scene. Pina looked smashing as Wonder Woman.

Your coach is definitely a class act, Anon #1. I saw him interviewed the other day and really liked his rationale for staying with his team and his and loyalty. Works for me.

This comment has been removed by the author.

(My not so smart phone...acting up again.....)

JudyB, my coach is on TBS, not CBS during halftime, pregame and postgame.


(My not so smart phone...acting up again.....)

JudyB, my coach is on TBS, not CBS during halftime, pregame and postgame.


Julia, I love this format you've been using lately.

I've only seen part 1 of last night's and while the story still isn't the most cheerful, somehow it seems to me that the sparkle has returned to the show. Or my sparkle for it has returned. (Something like that.) Maybe I'll feel differently after I see part 2, though!

The recap probably won't be till tomorrow, but I'm feeling a lot more enthusiasm for it than I was a few weeks ago.

Loved the wedding of Dona Fer and Doc Oc but really Freddy, Ana, Pina and Vins kind of ruined it. Freddy could have at least waited until after the ceremony. Loved your comment about Kari arriving last.

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