Saturday, May 19, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo - Discuss among yourselves: Week of May 21

Hello from scenic Clinton, NY where I am attending my nephew's graduation from Hamilton College. Over to you.

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Rosa Diamante

I've seen the promo on telemundo a couple of times now so this will probably be next up most likely following Una Maid en Manhattan which has just aired episode 120.“rosa-diamante”/!/RosaDiamanteTV

a pic of Mauricio Ochmann and Lupita Ferrer

Relaciones Peligrosas / Ojo por Ojo

in the promo for Ojo I noticed Gonzalo García Vivanco who plays JP in Relaciones Peligrosas, and checking further I guess he is the love interest of the Carmen Villalobos' character.
(btw, since this has already aired, the wiki page is full of spoilers)

I don't get mun2, but after RP I can't even imagine JP as a good guy.


Congratulations on having a Hamilton grad in the family. I don't watch Telemundo so I don't read the posts or comments--but I caught the reference to Hamilton in your post. My, my, it's a small world.

Clinton is a lovely setting for a college--and a good one at that.

My grandson just finished his sophomore year there and by all accounts will be returning next year (one never knows with these youngsters, but he loves it).

Anita (from Univision train wrecks and top-drawer tns)


What? Estupida Estela is also up there on that building roof. She shrieks that she saw Despicable Dad push Darío off the building. “You killed him!”

Willy having moved into her apartment, Sam is not pleased to find him there. She tells him to get lost or she’ll sic Arturo on him. Willy just smiles and says he and Arturo are the best of friends. He bends over faking some pain. Flores is ready to take Sam on a date, but it isn’t working out.

DD comes up with an amazing, off the cuff story about having been blinded by rage. He said Darío had showed up drunk and confessed to him that he had his OWN daughter kidnapped all those years ago to get even with Perla about her affair with Miguel. Neat move. Now Darío gets the blame for EE's husband dying.

Juan Marcos and Ángela are talking about their plans to marry when Génesis runs into the room, having overheard, and is overjoyed. But Violeta looks on somberly.

Blabbermouth Tamara tells the Rat in his cop uniform that JM and Angie now share a bedroom. He pretends to be really hot for her, reaching around and squeezing her tush. Yuck, having your hindquarters squeezed on a public street is supposed to be a turn on?

At the fancy restaurant, inexplicably Vicente, Nelly, Pablo and Emma are all sitting together. The Reptile calls Vicente asking for his help again.

The Reptile tells a shocked Ofelia all about Darío’s “accident”. But the Reptile is not so sure it was an accident.

Hombre, you commented about corrupt lawyers and doctors. Now we have a corrupt coroner. Gloria has brought Ángela to where there is a corpse. This weaselly looking guy tells her his tests were 99% positive that the body is the Rat. What? They had a sample of his DNA on file there? Flores is the one who paid the guy off.

The Rat has a flashback about being pulled from the water by a kindly fisherman. The guy is repaid by being shot in the back, dressed in the Rat’s clothes, and dumped in the drink. [OK. And no one notices that the Rat was shot from the front and the corpse on the table, even though a bit chewed up, was shot in the back?]

We are treated to more Estupida Estela in this episode than my stomach can bear. She lies her ass off to Gloria about Darío being drunk and upset about Ofelia not wanting to leave DD’s and go with him. She also says she heard him confess that he ordered Samantha’s kidnapping. Gloria looks skeptical.

Ángela has returned from the morgue to tell JM that the Rat is dead. JM says they’re getting married. Violeta seems to be reverting to Ratita and says her father is not dead. He called her and told her they’d be a family again, including Ángela.

Gloria tells Estupida Estela that Darío is not dead, scaring her quite a lot.

Flores is sitting on Sam’s sofa telling a cop story about his having been shot. In a very funny sequence, Willy is in the room, dusting the furniture.

Sam and Willy are in the hospital. She is very conflicted about her father.

The Rat pumps Tamara for information about the Arroyo household.

JM has gone to work and the Reptile shows up practically before he can open his laptop. He tells her Luis has been proven dead by DNA evidence, and now Ángela is free to marry him. When we get a close-up of the Reptile’s face, I thought I saw a glimpse of her forked tongue. The Reptile tries a long shot, saying it’s strange Ángela doesn’t want to wait a decent interval. JM tells her Ángela is the woman of his dreams.


At the hospital, Sam grills Estupida Estela about what happened. She tells Sam the talee about Darío having planned the kidnapping as revenge for Perla and Miguel’s affair and it was meant to harm Miguel. She’s kind of trapped herself though, as Sam says that means she might be Miguel’s child. The brainless one lies to Sam's face again, saying Miguel is NOT her father. Despicable Dad calls EE and she moves away from the others and tells him: “I said everything that you asked, my love.”

At the girls’ private school, Génesis tries to hint to the Ratita that she might have been making up the phone call from her father to put off the wedding. The Ratita insists that she didn’t lie. He called her. [Has she forgotten his behavior in the warehouse, getting drunk and yelling at her?] Later she tells Peralta she’s afraid of her father taking her away. Which is it: wanting her father and mother together or wanting to be safe?

Ángela confronts her mother. “What were you doing at that construction site?” She senses that her mother is lying.

Sam begs an unresponsive Darío for answers. Why did he have her kidnapped? Who is her real father?

The Rat has a tantrum in the apartment, throwing things around. Flores shows up and tells him he didn’t spend a fortune bribing someone to declare him dead to have the idiot call his daughter on the phone. Luis snarls at him that, if he goes down, Flores goes down also. Flores reminds him he could have let him go down and taken the money for himself. He also tells him that he killed a man. Flores tells the Rat they’re getting the next bunch of money and splitting LA for good. Luis lies and says he won’t approach Ángela. Then he brings out a snake (perhaps a distant cousin of Fernanda) and tells him the snake will make the approach and destiny will decide who dies. Flores can’t believe his eyes.

JM tells Ángela they’re getting married in two weeks.

Estupida Estela calls in her marker with DD. She doesn’t want to be the woman on the side. She says she won’t keep quiet about their relationship. She reminds him he said he loved her. [I’m thinking her days are numbered, and I personally hope there aren’t many. DD can’t have Sam find out about the thing with EE.]

The Rat gets in to see Tamara at Casa Arroyo, getting past security showing his badge. [What? None of those guards were there when he used to show up to badger Ángela about coming back to him?]

Nelly calls Peralta to say she hasn’t forgotten him, and that there’s nothing between she and Vicente. He finally hangs up on her. Vicente comes into where Nelly is and is all over her.

Sam comes home to find that Willy has cooked dinner and has enough candles on the table to set off a smoke alarm. She finally can’t resist him any more. These two are easily twice as hot together as JM and Angie.

Gloria comes into Fernanda’s room. The Reptile has champagne, strawberries and also candles. Gloria sees though it. “What do you want?” She wants Gloria to help her kill Ángela Valdez. She tells her she can’t bear hearing about the wedding plans. Gloria refuses, saying it’s not about Ángela. It’s about Violeta. She can’t make another little girl an orphan like Juan Marcos Arroyo did to her. [What???]

Luis is trying to sneak out, apparently having left Fernanda’s cousin in their bedroom. He hides and overhears them talking about a honeymoon.

DD tells Ofelia that he’s in a spot. Estupida Estela saw what he did. He admits pushing Darío off the roof and now he’s in Estela’s hands. He thought he killed him, but he’s alive. If he recovers, DD is going to jail. Ofelia STILL gets close to DD and says he’s the one she cares about. Gah!

OK. Sam got a phone call, but my DVR cut off the episode just then. Anyone able to fill in the very last scene?


thanks so much novelera for another wonderful summary,

... Sam gets a phone call,
someone tells her that her father is awake and talking,
Sam rushes out the door,

JM and Angela are making plans,
between kisses,
in the living room,
Violeta is restless sleeping with Génesis,
so Génesis leaves and jumps in JM's ?? bed,
the snake slithers up to her,
JM and Angela hear her bloodcurdling scream...


Thanks so much, Deb, for the last part of the novela.

Wow! I wasn't expecting Génesis being exposed to the snake.

It's probably too much to hope for that Darío will tell Sam about DD planning her kidnapping and that Miguel is her father. They never start letting out the secrets before they say: Capitulos Culminantes!

I am very intrigued by what Gloria meant. If JM made her an orphan, that sounded like she was a little girl, like Violeta. JM would have also been a child. ?????


Thanks so much Novelera for the wonderful recap. And also to you Deb for the final moments.

You know, I never liked Estupida Estela. I didn't even feel sympathy for her in her confrontations with Perla about the affair with Miguel. But at least before we only got small doses of her. But now, she's everywhere, all the time. I hope DD bumps her off soon.

Of course that would mean that yet another person who knows some of the despicable things DD has done would die with the secret, but I wouldn't mind this one. I do wish someone (who wasn't evil themselves or didn't die) would start finding out the truth about DD and the Reptile. I do like that Vincente has stopped being the Reptile's lap dog and that Greedy Gloria has some limits that don't go out the window as soon as the Reptile shakes her fake bonbon.


Novelera, I am also curious to see how JM, who is the same age as Gloria, is responsible for leaving her an orphaned girl. Qué?! For a nice guy, JM sure does get blamed for ruining a lot of people's lives and becomes the target of their vengeance. Why has nobody ever come after DD? Surely he has ticked off enough people, and some of them have got to be twisted psychopaths.

Poor Genesis. Things don't look good for her with this snake. Why couldn't it be the Ratita? That would have been poetic justice for the Rat.


Thanks for the recap, Novelera. If EE does get killed, production will at least save on baby oil, which she had all over her legs. Perla used it, too, and look what happened to her. Also, Reptile, but with her, I think it's snake oil.

I think the reason why Tamara didn't get upset when the Rat pinched her tush is that it's okay if a handsome cop pinches your tush. Another lesson learned for our viewers.

As for how JM could have made Gloria an orphan, I don't think it happened when they were children, but when they were teenagers. JM has never disputed that he had sex with Fernanda on a bet, so he was a bit wild back then. But I have no idea what happened. I'm going to guess that 1) it has something to do with bodyguards (such as Gloria's Dad was one), and 2) Bernardo was the one really responsible. Far-fetched? Not on this show (remember, however, I have a very poor record on wild guesses :)


Good one Hombre about the snake oil.

Hey, since Tamara started working in JM's house at the height of the Rat problem, shouldn't she, and all the staff, have been shown a picture of the Rat and told not to let him in, EVER! I know, I know. I'm asking this show to be logical. Silly me.


I was at a bluegrass festival yesterday (great music, perfect weather), and by now I've forgotten most of what happened on Friday, but here's my attempt.

Miranda puts on her wedding dress. Pati says she looks beautiful, and sure, she has a pretty face, but the dress is very unflattering, sort of a pleated, grecian frock, to above the knee, but it sort of makes her look pregnant (oh right, she is).

Gonzalo sneaks into his house, gets some clothes, a boom box, some drugs, drinks half his sister's milk and takes her cookies. Emily is sure her bro was there, but Mom says no way, although she can almost feel his presence! Hmmm.

We have a very entertaining montage, showing wedding preparations, Victor and Monica laughing and plotting, and other characters doing their thing, so the few days before the wedding have now passed. It's definitely going to be Monday, in Miranda's apartment, which Pati has sort of decorated.

Vivi's leaving! We hardly got to know her. Her mother "came back". She's Gilberto's niece and Ana's stepniece, although he recognizes Gil's a tool. Ana apologizes for some remark she made about Vivi's figure, but Vivi didn't mind, what she displays is figures (such as math), and she's confident, knowing her attraction is her brain.

Miranda doesn't want Mau to come to the wedding, but that won't stop him. By the way, he now has a certificate showing he's "an adult". Can I get one of those?

Ricardo tells Pati she should quit the lab, it's too dangerous. He couldn't quit, Vic threatened him. But he's going on a vacation with Olga, and may not be back for a while. (Actually, Victor tells Andres that Ricardo's and Olga's flight will "never make it". Uh oh!

I think Carmen and Orlando are getting attracted to each other!

Olivares tells JP, I now see you have real feelings for Miranda. I realize you're not some monster, and never did kill my daughter. After JP leaves, Olivares says to himself "Hmmph. That scum thinks he can manipulate ME. Of COURSE he killed my daughter. After I get the money, he's going down!"

Gonzalo writes a letter to Nena/Clementina, saying you're the only one I can trust. Do as I say and there will be justice. I think she's gonna go along with this, even it it means the end of Andres!

That's all I remember for now. Tune in Monday for the wedding!


Génesis shows JM and Ángela the snakebite on her forearm. JM finds Fernanda’s cousin under the bed and grabs it up so they can determine what kind of creature bit the child.

Gloria tells the Reptile her story. She was very little when her mother fell for JM’s father, Juan Ignacio. He made her mother believe he’d leave his wife for her, but dumped her when he found out his wife was pregnant with JM. She’d be happy if the Reptile killed JM because she didn’t have the courage to do it. Her mother committed suicide for love of JM’s father and she grew up in an orphanage. But Gloria still tells the Reptile she won’t let Ángela be harmed so that another child would be an orphan. The Reptile brightly suggests they kill Violeta as well: problem solved.

JM puts the snake in a box with the help of Peralta. He asks Tamara who was in the house, but, this being a telenovela, she doesn’t say anything. They all rush off to the hospital leaving Violeta with Tamara.

Sam and Willy go to the hospital to see Dario.

Gloria goes to see Despicable Dad and tells him with great pleasure that Darío is not only dead, but also awake.

Creepy Ofelia comes in to see Darío. He tells her he wants to see his son before he dies. He also says he’ll denounce DD for attempted murder. He tells her DD had Sam kidnapped. The weirdo tells him she knew all along and he did it after finding out about Nora having an affair with Darío. She leans over and tells him she loves DD no matter what. [What a sicko!] Darío starts gasping. Sam comes in, but he dies without saying a word to her.

The Rat is trapped in Ángela’s old room and is desperate to get out of the house. Tamara and Violeta come into the room. Violeta asks who could have done such a thing, and Tamara says she thinks she knows and is going to tell JM when he gets back. Of course the Rat overhears this from his closet hideout.

At the hospital JM is furious with Gloria and tells her he wants both she and Flores off the case, as well as every single security person. This is a disaster.

The Reptile tells DD she’s just a chip off the old block. She understands his killing Darío. She would have done it herself to protect their fortune, if he hadn’t beat her to it.

The Rat sends Tamara a text saying he wants to talk. She sends off Violeta. He comes up behind her and grabs he. He admits to Tamara that he brought in the snake. He says he’s not Ramon, but Luis. And shoots her twice with a silenced pistol. Violeta, however, has not really left. She She sees the whole thing through a crack in the door.

The Rat calls Flores for help in getting out. Flores is, of course, furious. He tells the Rat that, if Génesis dies, he’ll turn him in no matter if it costs him everything.


Willy comforts Sam. He tells her he’s a bad cook, but a good pilot. He’s the best lover and her best companion. She accepts his comfort.

Weird Ofe comes in and asks Estupida Estela if they want some champagne to celebrate Darío’s death. The witch giggles, saying it’s doctor’s orders that DD be in a wheelchair now. Ofe tells her she’s a good actress and wonders how long she’s pretended to be what she isn’t.

We get a scene of Génesis about to cross the River Jordan calling out to her mother. She tells her father upon waking that her mother was very affectionate with her, unlike when she was alive.

Gloria puts a gun to the Reptile’s head, thinking SHE put the snake in there.

Flores distracts the guards so the Rat can get away.

Violeta is crouching in a corner in Casa Arroyo. Peralta finds her and calls Ángela. He tells her the kid is in shock and that Tamara is dead. Violeta won’t talk to her mother.

Flores tells the Rat they’ll get the last of the money tomorrow and then will leave. The Rat says he has some accounts to settle. Flores tells him he’ll be settling accounts with the police if he doesn’t pay attention to him. He calls the Reptile, and they arrange a place for the money drop.

We see a new character – a totally gorgeous papacito. He comes to the hospital and introduces himself as Gerardo Duval, the inspector who’s taking over the case. He begs JM’s pardon for all that’s happened. He’s pretty sure someone close to them is involved, and the cops are suspecting Gloria Fereira and Manuel Flores. He says he has his best team working on it and he gives them his word that he’ll get to the bottom of this.

The Reptile shows up at some kind of place with cargo containers, wearing leather pants and CFM boots. She’s carrying a briefcase with the money. She puts it down. We see male feet approaching. A guy with a hoodie picks up the briefcase. Gloria fires a round into the air, and Flores turns around. She shoots him twice in the chest.

Willy makes a terrible breakfast for Sam. It was a good move on his part, moving into her apartment. It gives him opportunities to work on her! She refuses the breakfast but accepts a kiss. Just then DD calls to give Sam his condolences. With ice cubes in her voice she tells him not to call her any more. She knows he hired the crooked investigator. Willy approaches. Apparently DD is now telling Sam it was Darío who hired the investigator [sort of true – they both were paying Ledesma] and that he, Despicable Daddy knows where their child is.

JM, Ángela, and Violeta are at the hospital. Génesis is about ready to be released. Violeta is practically catatonic. But she finally snaps out of it and tells them that her Papá is the killer.


Great recap, Novelera. The action seems to be picking up again. Can we believe that this new cop is straight? So far, we are 0 for 3 on honest cops.

I listened to EE's conversation with Odd Ofelia twice. I thought that EE said that she was going to tell DD that he needed to be in a wheelchair but that, in fact, was not true. Good luck in trying to make DD dependent on her if that is the strategy.


Wonderful recap Novelera. The episode did move very quickly. Jean, I also question whether this cop is good, since we have had a string of bad ones. At least he told JM and Angela staight on that Tores and Gloria are suspects. At least that will put them on their guard.

At first I hoped that Violeta had been the one to get bitten to teach the Rat a lesson, but this is a much better way to turn Violeta against the Rat once and for all. It's sad that a child had to witness a murder, but she no longer has any delusions about her papa.

Willy and Sam continue to be adorable. He even said he'd get cooking lessons from Ofe.

Gloria's reasons for revenge against JM...LAME, LAME, LAME! Even the Reptile didn't get the logic since JM was even born when the crap went down between their parents.

Sorry, typo: "JM wasn't even born..."


Thanks, Novelera. I also don't get Gloria's logic. So Gloria's mother loved JM's father. Where was Gloria's father? Was her mother married at that time? I guess they're implying that Gloria's father was dead. I wonder if she has anyone to blame for that. Anyway, if her mother committed suicide, that's her own doing. If every jilted lover on this show committed suicide, we'd have no cast members left. C'mon. Besides, as Vivi says, JM wasn't even born.

So now, Gloria a) wants money from Fernanda, but stops that after some lesbian sex, b) pretends to have sex with JM to get him to lose Angela, c) tries to kill Luis, and d) now kills Flores. This is one messed up "chief cop" or whatever she's supposed to be.

We know nobody will believe Violeta, since they have "proof" that Luis is dead.


Most of the cast is at the wedding, looking very beautiful in solid colors, lots of bare shoulders, very summery. Before going to the wedding, Liz talks to her parents, Ricardo and Olga. Ricardo sort of wants Olga to stay with Liz, and Olga is very kind to Liz, apologizing for competing with her. She now sees how grown up Liz is. It's all very tearful, which of course sets us up for the plane flight. Yes, Ricardo is flying a private plane, just him and Olga, and of course, Victor messed with it. At the end of the episode, down she goes!!!! Yes, Victor is very good at getting rid of witnesses.

Speaking of witnesses, Mau comes to witness the wedding just as the preacher asks Miranda the question. Do you take this man...forever? She pauses WAY too long, but says okay. There's a forced kiss, and they're married. Mau is devastated again.

That night, he stalks their apartment, wanting to see if they're going to have sex (they're not). Olivares is watching, and alerts JP, who lowers the drapes. He leaves the room for a moment, and Miranda seems to say to herself, I'll always love you (meaning Mau), but I think at this precise moment he was pressing his ear to the window, and may have thought she meant JP.

At the wedding, Ana had some stomach pain. No! That evil Julia has started her plan to somehow feed Ana drops every day, to make her die a slow and painful death!

Victor has a talk with Pedro, and assures him that Andres will do down, but the two of them can't be tied to any of it. I don't believe this for a minute. Victor's just a little too smug (and Andres a little too evil) for Victor to get away with it.

Leo and Liz are really in love now. Too bad Gonzo isn't going to like this.

Nena does come to Gonzo's pad, and wants him to explain in one minute. He does, informing her that not only is Andres cheating on her, but he's a murderer. He murdered a guy in cold blood right before Gonzo's eyes. He had Gonzo kidnapped and imprisoned. I'm not sure what Gonzo is going to want Nena to do, but he does tell her that if she doesn't do something, Andres will kill her, too. He then goes on a rant about how he grew up poor, can live without food, luxuries, can take physical pain, but the one thing he'll NEVER forgive is betrayal! (look out, Liz and Leo). He tells Nena he knows Liz and Leo are together, and she fumbles for words.

Olivia, working on the case, tells Orlando that yes, she's convinced that Andres is the mafia kingpin. but they don't have solid proof yet. And they have to move fast. After the murders of Gia, Indio and Billy, there are very few witnesses left!


Thanks for the nice words, guys.

Jean, I thought Estupida Estela was telling Ofelia that Despicable Dad had (wink, wink - nod, nod) had a recaida or setback in whatever heart problem he had way back when. The sense of it was that she, as his nurse, not any doctor, had come up with having him in a wheelchair in case there was blowback on Darío's fall from the building. I didn't get the sense that she was deceiving him about needing to be in a wheelchair, but that he'd go along to demonstrate his feebleness to any cops that might show up.

Yeah, Vivi, people in novelas very often have grudges lasting generations against people who aren't alive any more - and then go after their children. I agree, Willy and Sam are wonderful to watch. I'm SO glad she's softening toward him. But I wonder what devious plan DD has. Surely he isn't going to actually let Sam and Willy know where their child is, as he fears this will unite them.

Hombre, I think the Reptile DID give Gloria $1 million. When she got the first demand from the Rat and Flores, she said something like: "A million to you and now more to these guys. There's a limit to what I can do." It's unclear to me whether the Reptile "came across" only the once or if they continue to be sexual partners. Telenovelas, when they touch on gay sex at all, are very discreet about showing anything in case they offend any conservative Latino viewers.


I watched the first episode on MUN2. Did anyone else? I also bought a used copy of the book it's taken from on Amazon. Have to confess I bought it in English translation. Takes me too long to read a novel in Spanish. It's called Leopard in the Sun by Laura Restrepo, writer of The Dark Bride, which they made into Flor Salvaje.

The back story to the revenge between cousins is much as described in the novel, except that Miguel Varoni and the guy playing his cousin are much better looking than described in the book. The scenery is much as described in the book.

Writing credit is for Roberto Stopello, who also worked on Doña Bárbara, Más Sabe el Diablo, and also Corazón Valiente. He may be the head of the writing department and thus gets credit for these. I'm not clear if he writes every single word. But he's certainly been involved in novelas taken from good books and ones that I've enjoyed.


Hombre, I watched the episode last night hoping to see Miranda not marry JP. Rats! What a dunce she is. I know it's because he has the ob/gyn lying about the date of conception, but still.

Plus that was really crappy that he supposedly overheard Miranda talking about loving someone and assumed she was in the room with JP.

CORAZÓN VALIENTE – martes - part 1

As we predicted, neither JM nor Ángela believes Violeta that her father killed Tamara and put the snake in JM´s bedroom. Génesis even asks if Violeta is crazy.

Greedy Gloria kills Flores even as he begs her to spare him. He denies her accusation of trying to kill Génesis but doesn´t reveal that the Rat is alive.

Despicable Dad tells Willy and Sam that he knows where Sam´s child is. Willy tells him to quit going after Sam but Sam is desperate to find her child (¨their child¨) as Willy keeps correcting her.

Odd Ofélia sprinkles Darío´s ashes in the sea.

The new police papacito, Duval, tells JM and Ángela that Flores is dead and that not only is GG under suspicion but so is the Reptile. It certainly doesn´t seem that smart to blab to everyone about who is under suspicion before getting the evidence.

The Reptile has a much different reaction to Violeta´s statement that the Rat killed Tamara than the rest. She clearly believes it.

The Rat is concerned that Flores hasn´t returned from the money pickup. Some lady friend of Flores arrives and the Rat sends her out to find out what happened. She comes back and reports that Flores is dead.

Apparently the Rat has a friend who is a cage fighter. His name is Vikingo. Vincente solicited both the Rat and Vikingo way back when but Vikingo bowed out when Vincente made it clear that the job might include murder. However, Vikingo is willing to help the Rat escape after he makes various people pay. His first target is the Reptile and Ángela will be the last one.

CORAZÓN VALIENTE – martes - part 2

Estúpida Estéla lords it over OO saying that if she inherits something from Darío, she could quit being a servant and leave the house. OO says that she will leave DD and the Reptile´s house feet first. One again, EE accuses OO of being in love with DD and the two ladies exchange slaps.

The Rat fights in the cage.

When Sam is told that the Reptile is a suspect, she hatches a plan to put a ´chip´ on her phone so that her calls can be monitored.

GG comes to see the Reptile. She doesn´t want to return the money that the Reptile raised to pay off the blackmailers. The Reptile warns her that if the Rat is alive, they need to be careful.

Nelly is now working for Vincente.

JM tells Ángela that he is going to pretend that he is in love with the Reptile.

Sam and OO (representing her son, Rodrigo) go to hear Darío´s will read. Darío leaves most of his estate to Rodrigo with only a small pension to Sam.

JM tells the Reptile that he wants to leave Ángela and need the Reptile´s help.

Willy makes a cute and very sincere declaration of love for Sam and she finally forgives him.

The Reptile finds the Rat´s lair.

A kid arrives at Sam´s apartment. Is this her child?


I don't have time for a recap today (maybe tonight), but for now, I'll just quickly summarize:

Pati is actually super rich. Her parents set up a wedding for money between rich families, and she ran out of it in her gown. She has been living like a poor person. Joaco is surprised, and there's some comedy as he jokes about her being a society gal.

Julia's drops are affecting Ana. Little Bea almost eats some of them, but Julia stops her just in time.

Diego apparently does love Alejo, at least when he's drunk. Alejo says he has to decide, he shouldn't go with Nora if he's really gay.

Mau gets drunk again. Last time, he almost had sex with Olivia. This time, he DOES. Carmen told Olivia to go to the trailer, and she did, dressed to kill. She seduces him, and later, Pati and Joaco catch them naked, and Pati tells Miranda. Grrrr.

Andres ties Nena to the bed, accuses her of infidelity with Gonzo. Nena actually did kiss Gonzo again. When he told her how Leo and Liz were going to pay, she asked why he isn't doing the same thing, in kissing her, but he didn't get it.

Gilberto tells Theresa that Ana's going to dump on her, and kick her out of her vice-principal job. Theresa doesn't totally dismiss this possibility.

That's all for now.


Thanks, Jean. Really good recap!

That was a very touching scene at the end of the episode. I still suspect Despicable Dad is pulling a fast one and that's not their real child. But what would that buy him? If they think it's their real kid, they're going to be united about it even if he's the wrong kid.

At least Sam has forgiven Willy. Gosh, I hope DD doesn't now bribe some bimbo to say she's having sex with Willy. I suspect he isn't going to give up until the last.

I keep expecting capítulos culminantes or something like that. Not sure how much more they can squeeze out of this. If it were 2 weeks longer, it would be a good novela in my opinion - well paced and fairly interesting throughout.

I was happy to see Vicente tell the Reptile that she was on her own now, and no more favors. I also think GG has tired of her. It was funny that she didn't give back the money.

I suppose this JM pretending to fall for the Reptile's scaly charms is a device to prolong the plot, but it sure is lame!

Poor Ezekiel Montalt (Manuel Flores). Except for Herederos, he's had brief roles and been gunned down soon in both La Reina del Sur and Corazón Valiente.


Many thanks Jean for the great recap.

Novelera, I also can't figure out what DD would gain from a fake Sam/Willy son (vs the real one), but I wouldn't put it past him. This whole thing is suspect.

You would think, that having learned that Gloria and Flores are crooked, Angela and JM would also start to doubt the police declaration that the Rat is dead. Unfortunately, these two are lacking in the brains department.

Tonight, the Rat and the Reptile in a cage. Oh goody!

Things are not going well for the Reptile-- Greedy Gloria took more of her money, and keeps forcing her to have lesbian sex; Vicente refuses to be her lackey; and the Rat just won't die. But now she has hope that her plan to make JM fall in love with her is working. Ha!


I know what you mean, Novelera, about feeling like we should be heading into into the final weeks of the novela but last night's episode was only #54. For a normal novela, that is less than half-way through. What are they going to do for another 50+ episodes?

We've had quite a lack of that novela staple: pregnancy - only Isabel's brief one and Nellie's false one. Any or all of our featured ladies: Sam, Angela or Emma could get pregnant with all the drama that comes with pregnancy & birth.

Presumably, this Rodrigo character is going to show up a some point.

We'll see.

Novelera and Jean,

Thanks for the great recaps.
As usual, enjoy all comments.

Love seeing Sam and Willy together;
awesome couple !

CORAZÓN VALIENTE - miércoles - part 1

"I am Lucas," says the kid to Sam and Willy. "I am your mother," replies Sam, "and he is your father," pointing to Willy. "I don't know you two," says the kid.

The Rat asks the Reptile if she knows how it feels to be buried alive. He covers her mouth and nose not letting her breath to give her an idea. The Reptile says that Greedy Gloria made her attack the Rat and bury him.

Sam asks Lucas to give them the opportunity to get to know her and Willy.

The Rat makes the Reptile confess all her crimes and records it on video.

Ángela and JM are following the locator that the Reptile is carrying but they get caught in traffic.

The Rat ties the Reptile up. He rapes her and says that he is going to kill her.

Willy doesn't trust anything his father does so he wants proof that Lucas is his son. Sam, however, feels that Lucas is her son and thinks that Willy's caution is really a lack of feeling.

The Rat asks the Reptile how she found out where he was. She throws Violeta under the bus by telling the Rat that Violeta saw him kill Tamara.

The Rat puts the Reptile in a box, nails it shut and buries it.

In a weird scene, Génesis tell Violeta that she believes her that the Rat is alive. Génesis hatches a plan, apparently based on a movie plot, where she and Violeta will find the Rat and reform him. The kids dress up as grownups and try to escape the house but are caught.

Sam wants Lucas to stay at the house with her but he wants to go to his house and Willy offers to drive him.

In a pretty amazing piece of deduction, Ángela and JM figure out that the Reptile is buried and they dig her up (with their hands) and free her from a nailed shut box (with no tools). She is unconscious but alive.

Duval arrives at Bernie's house to question the Reptile about what happened to her. She makes up a story about being carjacked by a stranger whose face she couldn't see because he was wearing a hoodie.

In the car Lucas tells Willy that he isn't his son. He also doesn't want to answer Willy's questions about DD's involvement.

CORAZÓN VALIENTE - miércoles - part 2

JM is being attentive to the Reptile. The Reptile asks JM how he found her. He avoids answering. The Reptile tells JM that Gloria is in love with her but she likes men.

Lucas comes to see Willy. He says that he will give Sam a chance to get to know him but not Willy. Sam tells Willy that if he causes her to lose Lucas, she will never forgive him.

Gabriel keeps getting money from Emma for expenses related to her art exhibit. Peralta is suspicious but gets blown off.

The Rat gives Vikingo some money but is impactado when Vikingo tells him that the Reptile is not dead.

Vincente, apparently drunk, comes into where JM is with the Reptile. He tells JM that everything that has happened is JM's fault because of the Reptile's obsession with him. The Reptile gets rid of Vincente and she and JM kiss.

Nelly comes to JM's house ostensibly to visit Génesis but she plants a microphone in the main room and tells Peralta that Emma is not right for him. Emma comes in and denies this. She asks Peralta to set their wedding date but he refuses.

We see Ofélia giving Lucas and a woman, presumably his adoptive mother, instructions from DD. Does this mean that Lucas is not Sam's child?

JM and Ángela meet with Duval. They conveniently explain how they put a tracking device on the Reptile and how JM is pretending to leave Ángela and get together with Reptile. We first see Vincente listening to the mike that Nelly planted and then we see that the Reptile is there and she is impactada at hearing JM's betrayal.

Sam is alone in her apartment with the dog. She puts on her earbuds and falls asleep listening to music. Apparently, she didn't lock the door. Someone opens the door, sneaks in and grabs Sam. I didn't recognize him. Where is the dog?


Thanks, Jean! I thought those little girls were cute in their dress up outfits and hats.

Yes, it appears that Bernardo has again paid someone to pretend to be Sam and Willy's kid.

The Rat was smart to tape the Reptile. I guess that's why she didn't tell anyone that he's alive and tried to kill her.

I hate Gabriel and hope he gets thrown in jail for fraud.

When Vicente went to Vikingo's place to find Luis, Luis left ONE SECOND before they entered the room. You'd think they'd notice something. But no, and Vikingo said Luis was dead.

I think the good guys have to stop with all their plans (like JM's to pretend to love Fernanda, the little girls to solve things, basically every plan the good guys have had. Even the bad guys' plans don't work too well, although they usually have initial success. The only things that seem to work are Sam's chips.

Of course, the cops have no clue, either. This whole show must make the audience feel very smart in comparison with the characters!


Thank you for the recap. This TN puts me to sleep, always the same ole thing, have they introduced anything new? this could have all be settled weeks ago. I get upset because I then fall asleep when Relaciones comes on, which is far better.

But the two little girls have proven to be precious and not those whiny kids they usually have on TNs.

I love Sam and Willy, but am bored with JM and Angela.

Now if they would only quickly pull the plug on Angela's mom, that would perk things up. She's reminding me far too much of the mom, Elvira, from the dreadful El Talisman, just waiting for her to start wearing headscarfs.


Since Liz's parents are away, Leo and Liz have had a beautiful night of love. Unfortunately, this happiness may not last. First of all, Ricardo and Olga's plane has disappeared, and they're presumed dead (I'm hoping they're alive on some island, but we'll see). In the morning Leo goes back to his house.

His mother was tied up all night as punishment by Andres. In the morning she frees herself, but he starts choking her and beating her, telling her she'll pay. Leo hears her cries and calls the cops. He then rushes in, and hits his Dad with a baseball bat. Andres recovers, and points a gun at both Nena and Leo. Meanwhile, Pedro gets the call that there's violence in the Maximo home, and calls Victor. Vic is ecstatic, tells him search the house, and look for a gun behind the bible in the living room.

Sure enough, the cops arrive and handcuff both Leo and Andres. Andres says Leo attacked him, and doesn't think he has much to worry about. But after he leaves, the cops instantly find the gun, and later Andres is informed he's in big trouble. They found ANOTHER gun at his house, which may have been used to kill Manuel Blanco!

Gonzalo notes that Leo has left, and surprises Liz just after her shower. He terrorizes her, forces her to have rough sex, then tells her he knows she's betrayed him with Leo. He shows a big hunting knife, and wants revenge. Liz is scared beyond belief. Things aren't any better when her phone rings, and Orlando says her parents may be dead.

Gilberto, however, is overjoyed at this news. He remembers how Ricardo's life insurance will provide for $3 million that Teresa can administer. He tells Julia he's going to get close to Teresa, and get that money for himself and Julia. And he's succeeding, by bad mouthing Ana. Ana berates Tere for letting Gil live at her house (he's paid 3 months in advance). Tere shoots back, well isn't it a fact you want Santiago as your Vice Principal? (in fact, it's not). But Ana gets offended, and after Tere leaves, Ana DOES ask Santi to be her VP.

Santi has other problems, in that he was in the library and behind the stacks saw a crouching Miranda and Mauricio kissing! Yes, even though Miranda knows Mau slept with Olivia, when he comes to see her, the attraction is so electric, she can't stop herself!


Muchas gracias Jean.

Arturo left with Willy. That's why he wasn't in the apt when the unknown man came in.

Hombre, I agree that the girls were very cute. I bet their plan made more sense than JM's. And now the Reptile knows.

So I guess DD's plan is to use fake (?) Lucas to drive a wedge between Sam and Willy. Whatever. I'm kind of ready for this whole thing to wrap up, or for a least a few of the storylines to be resolved. Throw us a bone writers!

Truths that need to come out:
-The Rat is alive.
-The Reptile is behind all the deaths in JM's family.
-Ofelia, Vincente, DD, the Rat, and Gloria have all known about/helped the Reptile in her murderous ways.
-Vincente was the one who caused the Reptile to lose her baby.
-The Reptile killed Sol's brother.
-Ofelia let Sol die.
-DD killed Dario.
-DD was behind Sam's kidnapping/Diego's death.
-Sam and Anegla are sisters.
-Flores was working with the Rat.

If just one truth was revealed each week I'd be happy.


LOL Nellie! Yes, I would not mind if Estela was bumped off. Have you noticed how her "bump it" keeps getting higher and higher the more arrogant she gets? Get comparison to headband wearing Elvira in El Talisman.

That's "great comparison..."


JP has a little exercise in his drama class (since Sebastian is leaving to go live with his Mom in D.C.), where the kids pair off and tell each other something intimate. Sebastian tells Nora he really loves her, but felt he was betraying his dead brother Rodrigo). Alejandro tells Diego to come out of the closet, but Diego resists. Sofi tells Yesi she's changed, and for the worse. Yesi says she's always been second plate, but know she's going for the gold (Victor). Yes, replies Sofi, but do you love him? Hmmm.

Julia decides she's tired of giving Ana a slow death, pours ALL the poison into her coffee. That'll kill her, she thinks, or at least make her sterile!

And at the end of the episode, JP is in the library with Miranda and Mau, and starts bad mouthing Mau to stop harassing his bride. He insults Mau, and Olivia shows up, and defends Mau, telling JP to shut up. Miranda says stop it you all, this conflict is not good for THE BABY!!!!


Excellent recap, Jean. You always catch those details I miss. I hadn't even thought about the stupidity of JM and Ángela being able to get our almost out of breath snake out of the box without tools.

The lengths they go to in telenovelas to keep the characters apart! I recently read a quote by a telenovela writer saying that the basic premise of telenovelas was an impossible love.

The latest estupidez was Peralta telling Emma (a very fragile person) in front of her rival that he didn't want to set a wedding date. He couldn't have said "We'll talk about that later, mi amor"? All along he's bent over backwards being supportive and then the writers have him do that to her?

Actually, I didn't think the episode was boring. I get a kick out of all the plot twists they come up with every episode. LOTS more happens than in other novelas I've seen. The Reptile being buried alive was interesting and reminded me of Gabriela in Fuego en la Sangre, whom they also showed inside the coffin trying to get out.

Another keep them apart strategy seems to be Sam accusing Willy of having no parental instincts when he's just trying to protect them from another deception by DD.

Vivi, excellent job summarizing all the secrets in the novela. I'd add to that: what's up with Rodrigo? How come Ofelia had a child, presumably younger than Fernanda and no one in the cast appears to know a thing except DD?

And I also could scream every time I see Estela. She's insufferable.

I agree, Hombre, about hating Gabriel. The smug little SOB deserves a very long jail sentence.


Thanks Vivi, you know I thought I was imagining the growing bumpit, glad to know.

BTW, Aylin keeps seeming to get buried in a box in her TNs, she was previsouly buried in a casket and placed in the ground in Marina. I won't tell the outcome in case Telemundo decides to rebroadcast.


Thank you Hombre, I was waiting for your recap. Saw the library scene, next thing you know it's after 11 p.m. and the news is on. Very much appreciate your recaps.

Thanks Jean for the great recap. With everything moving at breakneck speed, I feel like we need to catch our breath and see some plot resolution once in awhile. For example, Dario's hospital death scene was a perfect opportunity for a whispered confession of some kind. But we got nuttin'. What was the point of the death bed scene if we don't get a death bed confession???
J in Oregon (where normal people confess on their deathbeds)

CORAZON VALIENTE- I'm with you, Novelera. At least so far, I don't find this novela boring. It's silly but most novelas are. I hope we don't have a repeat of the Mi Corazon Insiste pattern where apparently the novela moved along briskly until right after I started watching and then it got repetitive and boring. ;-)

I would add the following corrections to Vivi's excellent list of truths to be revealed:

DD was behind the original kidnapping of Sam when Miguel died, not the one where Diego died;

Vincente pushed the Reptile down the stairs on DD's instructions;

Besides Sol's brother, the Reptile also killed Renzo, what's his name, the policeman and the woman at the police lab.

Then we have the mysteries that need to be solved:

I would put Rodrigo in that category as well as the DD, Ofelia, Fernanda relationship. Is the Reptile the child of DD and Ofelia?

There was some mystery with Isabel being abused by her mother and her siblings not coming to her funeral. I don't know if they are going to follow up on that since she's dead but it is pretty unusual to have an elaborate back story that just goes away.

I'm hoping Estela is the next victim of somebody!!

I agree with you J in Oregon - both of Sam's parents expired without revealing anything. What a waste of a deathbed scene.


That's right. Miguel, not Diego! Not only did BOTH Sam's parents die without revealing any of their secrets, so did Sol. That's what's so frustrating. Everyone dies before spreading any info, leaving the protagonists even more ignorant each episode.

There are things that could be revealed without really affecting the rest of the story, like Sam and Angela being sisters. They now know Sam's mom and Angela's dad had an affair, so why not go all the way? There's nothing at stake. No inheritance issues, etc. Why not let them have this happy little reveal?

I'm still entertained by this tn, but they are riding a real fine line right now where the story could get really stale, or they could punch it up with some real reveals and plot movement forward (not in circles or backwards).

"JM puts the snake in a box with the help of Peralta. He asks Tamara who was in the house, but, this being a telenovela, she doesn’t say anything. They all rush off to the hospital leaving Violeta with Tamara." This was one of the dumber things. JM picks up the snake; Pablo is right behind him with the box, but JM carries a very dangerous snake downstairs and THEN puts it in a box. Duh?

I think the writers are very inventive; they keep resurrecting people who should be dead dead dead. There have been several times when I thought they should go the the últimos capítulos, but I guess they are going to drag it out. Too bad.

I'm very tired of JM and Angela, and still enjoying, like others who have written, Sam and Willy. I'm getting good at FF-ing through some of the longer Angela/JM scenes.



This was a powerful episode!
Let's start with Mauricio. He's at the police station, Olivia having told him that Andres Maximo was arrested. She says the gun they found at Andres's house seems to match the weapon that killed your father! And it had Gonzalo's fingerprints on it. Mau lunges towards Andres in the hall, You killed my father! He's restrained, as Olivia takes him aside, reminds him there are other explanations, but she'll fully investigate.

Later, Mau goes back to confront Miranda, who had just said something about "the baby", and had her tummy rubbed by JP. Are you pregnant? Yes, she admits. So, we're going to have a baby? he adds hopefully. For the rest of the episode she tries to tell him it's JP's baby. At one point she says, if it WE'RE our baby, I'd go to jail and they'd take away the baby. He has doubts for a while, then says, wait. You couldn't be just pregnant, you're pretty far along, if it's not ours, you had to have sex with me and JP at the same time! With tears streaming down her face, Miranda says yes, she loves JP, that's why she didn't use protection when she had sex with JP, but DID the two times with Mau. Mau is completely destroyed, and leaves, saying he's learned his lesson. Miranda can hardly contain her tragic emotions.

Andres meets with his lawyer, quickly deduces that Victor has betrayed him, and tells the lawyer, call Henry. Kill Victor and Monica immediately! Otherwise, I'M dead! (can you really tell your lawyer this?)

Victor thinks damage control, tells Yesi to stay in the apartment, no matter what. Of course she immediately follows him. She catches him kissing Monica at her place and blows up. So, you're cheating on me, and with this whore? She's Andres' mistress! Vic hustles Monica out of her own place, tells Yesi, no, honey, you're the one for me. I just found out that Andres is setting me up! I'm the victim. You and I have to go far away, together. He then shows her his gun, saying, do you want to go as my lover, or as my hostage (rehen)?!!!!!

After terrorizing Liz and forcing her to have sex, Gonzalo lays into her about being with Leo. You slut! You were my princesa! How could you? She says you're wanted for killing Manuel Blanco. Oh, that, of course. I'm innocent, it's Leo's Dad who did it, and he also supplied drugs. You have to keep quiet. The phone rings, and Orlando informs Liz her parents' plane went down! Liz goes to the police station.

Once there, she sees Leo, who's handcuffed. They kiss, and she tells him Gonzalo was with her, and terrorized her, but she doesn't want to talk, she's so scared. But Leo blurts out to Orlando, Gonzalo's appeared. He scared Liz. And my father's involved. Even if he's goes to jail, there has to be justice!


Orlando sadly informs Liz that the plane DID go down, the bodies were found at the bottom of the sea, and her parents are dead! This is a powerful scene, Teresa is also destroyed, although Liz snaps at her as if it's her fault.

When Gil hears, he's ecstatic, taking out the life insurance policy on Ricardo. He calls Julia, we're in the money now! All we have to do is play our cards right, get the money from Teresa, and we're in like Flynn!

Julia coolly gives Ana her coffee, Ana wondering why Julia is being so nice to her now. We know. That coffee is poisoned, and Ana drinks every drop!

Nena visits Andres in his cell, he says you've got to support me in your declaration, honey, without my money, think where you'll be. And all our years together. Oh really, she says, cold as ice. I know everything. I know you have a lover. I know you had Manuel Blanco killed. And I know your company supplies the drugs that killed that boy! But tonight, I'm going to sleep in my bed, without fear, for the first night in a long time!!!

Pati is shaking with fear. She tells Joaco she thinks Ricardo was killed! She says he gave her a key to some important stuff, but she's scared to look. Joaco shows her a gun he got from his cuate, says, I'll protect you, I don't care if I go back to the carcel, let's see what that key unlocks. They get some papers and a dvd. The papers detail the drugs the company was making. In the DVD, Ricardo looks at the camera, saying, Pati, if you're reading this, I may not be around anymore. This lab is making drugs which kill teenagers. And the person who forced me to keep making them was Victor Andrade!!!!!!!


I'm going on a vacation, and may not be able to recap for a few days, although I'm hoping I can watch the shows on the internet and recap the day after they air. We'll see. This show is SUPER exciting!


Anciana I am with you all the way. I am bored with JM and Angela. The only different thing JM did last night is actually bring a bodyguard with him.

Give me more of Sam and Willy. There seems to be energy there.

I'm very upset for the actress who plays Angela, I thought the character would become much more, and she just seems to be stuck in the same ole spot.

Have to ask, when was the last time Angela's Ma saw her granddaughter? Wasnt she always with her in the beginning of this TN, or does she have to be attached to DD all the time?

Love the jefe, he is some delicious eye candy.


Thank you Hombre for great recap. Have a great vacation.

I clapped when Leo told Orlando. YEAH, YEAH, YEAH

I was blown away yet again by Patti, I felt her terror on viewing the video from Ricardo. It just reminded me of what acting is all about.


Thanks, Hombre, you describe the scenes so well I can visualize them.

I can't believe Miranda said that to Mauricio - that she used protection with him but not JP because she loved JP. In the first place it's ridiculous because she told him many times how much she loved him. Anyway, this part of this novela drives me nuts and, if I were watching regularly, I'd need a bottle of Tums per episode!

CORAZÓN VALIENTE- jueves part 1

The guy who sneaks into Sam’s apartment is the mysterious “jefe” that she and Peralta are always calling. He's a hunky jefe, too. He had to sneak into Sam’s apartment to tell that a bad guy that the Sam sent to prison for trying to kill his wife is out of jail and bent on revenge and may even now be watching her apartment.

They say that hell that no fury like a woman scorned and the Reptile is furious that JM is just leading her along. She tells Vincente that she has decided on murder/suicide. She will kill JM and herself at the same time.

Nelly leave the house after spreading as much venom as possible against Emma. Peralta tells Emma that he can’t marry her because 1) he can’t live off of her money and 2) she could never live in a small apartment on his salary after being accustomed to all the luxuries she has. Emma agrees with this analysis and tells Peralta that they can live together in her house for now.

Jefecito tells Sam that she needs an experienced bodyguard to project her - him. He will be her shadow day and night. Willy is not pleased about this. So now we have the exact same situation as when Willy was being threatened by the Mafia guy, DD hired a babe bodyguard for him and Sam was jealous.

The Rat watches the video he made of the Reptile confessing her crimes. [She’s goes in chronological order but she leaves out the lab technician. The cop whose name I couldn’t remember yesterday was Marshall.]

The Reptile leaves the house. DD, Vincente and Ofélia are all worried about what she is going to do.

In several very stupid scenes, Ángela is jealous of the lengths that JM is prepared to go with the Reptile (including having sex with her) to bring her to justice. JM tells her that his plan is to ask the Reptile to help him kill Ángela. That will show that she is a killer.

CORAZÓN VALIENTE- jueves part 2

The Rat intercepts the Reptile at gunpoint. They have a very amusing conversation:

Rat: Es increíble que tú estes viva;
Rep: Es increíble que tú no estes muerto;
Rat: Me enterraste;
Rep: Me tu lo mismo;
Rat: Me golpeaste;
Rep: Me violaste;
Rat: Me engañaste;
Rep: Me robaste.
[good review of the preterite 2nd person singular, familiar form in -ar verbs.]
Rep: Somos a mano

Rat: It’s incredible that you’re alive;
Rep: It’s incredible that you’re not dead;
Rat: You buried me;
Rep: You did the same to me;
Rat: You hit me;
Rep: You raped me;
Rat: You deceived me;
Rep: You robbed me.
Rep: We’re even.

Finally, the Reptile tells the Rat that she wants him to be her ally. She needs his help to kill JM and die with him.

Sam and Jefe leave Willy and get in an elevator which gets stuck. Willy follows Sam and calls her name. Someone knocks him out. Sam gets out of the elevator, finds Willy and takes him back to the apartment. [If the bad guys knocked Willy out and disabled the elevator, why didn’t they do anything else?] Jefe wants Willy to go somewhere far away. He is a weak spot for Sam.

The Reptile invites JM to her beach house in Malibu where they can be alone.

More jealousy from Ángela and she has a bad feeling (mal presentimiento) about the plan. DD writes to the Reptile and asks her not to kill herself. The Reptile decides to die with her cat.

Willy is driving Lucas to school and Lucas tells him that he isn’t Willy’s son and it’s all a lie.

Sam and Ángela find the microphone at JM’s house and destroys it.

JM is at the beach house with the Reptile. Ángela calls him but he doesn’t take it. The Reptile drugs JM’s champagne.


Excellent recap, Jean!

I love Fabián Ríos in his role as Willy! It was so cute what he said to Sam (and for the Jefe's benefit as well) when he planted that passionate kiss on her before leaving. She looked a bit uncomfortable and said that the Jefe was right there. He replied that Arturo had taught him to mark his territory.

I was wondering if maybe the Jefe may actually be interested in Sam. He gave a couple of looks that could be interpreted that way. I hope I'm wrong and he's just a super honorable guy.

Emma and Peralta were in his bedroom and, in a funny scene, she found a perfect apartment in BEVERLY HILLS! Jon Ecker is good when he gives Emma a double take when she does something incredibly lame.

Yeah, the whole JM pretending to fall for the Reptile and Ángela getting angry and believing it's true is very boring.

So the Reptile has the Dead Rat staying in her bedroom now and nobody in that house notices?

So, Jean, you thought the Reptile drugged JM? I was thinking she put poison in it. We'll see.


Loved that conversation between Fernanda and Luis in the car... Me golpeaste. Me violaste. Me engañaste. Me robaste... for a minute it reminded me of some fun quirky tn couple like Sam and Willy, and was one of the more amusing scenes of this TN so far. Like some others have said, I'm getting kind of bored with most of this TN, but keep watching for Willy and Peralta. Well, and now I'll be watching for more Fern/Luis banter...


And what is up with the "death by deliberate placement of venomous snake" thing?? Is this a typical TN device? After the numerous attempts in LQNPA (which made me giggle, each time they brought that ding dang snake out), and then it shows up in this one! Oh, telenovelas, how I love you!!

By the way, where have I seen Gloria before? Has she been in any recent telvisa or telemundo novelas??


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