Monday, August 20, 2012

Amor Bravío #11 (Uni 6) Mon 8/20/12 A Pact With the Devil

Note: I will maintain the episode numbering of the original broadcast in the event that anyone misses any episodes and needs to catch up with it online. This will make it easier to locate what was missed.

Lo Refrito

Camila is not comfortable living somewhere that doesn't belong to her and is determined to go to Chile to find out what really happened. Unlike her metiche of a mother and her reptilian husband-in-name-only she is unwilling to believe that Daniel is guilty without better proof.

Lo de Nuevo

Parlour: El Diablo kisses up to her and asks whether she is going to attempt to get Daniel to share the ranch or try to make a deal with him, but she does not have the money for this. Augustina rants about what use would this bastardo [Salud!] have for the ranch if he is in prison, but Camila is getting fed up with her attitude. She reminds them that there have been many examples of people sent to prison unjustly and later proven innocent. She is looking to do what she can to see he has it easier in the jail for the moment, perhaps rent the ranch from him later. “It will not suit you to make a deal with a criminal,” says El Diablo. [My word!] Augustina goes so far as to say that the best thing would be for “este tipo” to die in the prison. Camila is incredulous at this. Methinks Augustina should sign on with the dragons. However, something equally bad happens when the two ladies agree to permit El Diablo to take care of this matter as he happens to be going to Chile on business shortly.

Prison: Armed guards stand on the ramparts of the ancient structure. Daniel explains to another prisoner that he just wants a chance to prove his innocence and get out. The young prisoner tells Daniel it is basically useless to hope for justice there. You need money to survive in prison and that isn't always enough. After all, look at what almost happened last night. He has to keep his eyes open at all times because any second something could happen and he could end up “a little bit dead.”

Study: Camila is working at the computer with Maja at her side [the dog with the darker ears]. The dog has such a sweet face. There is a birdcage in the room, but we can't see the bird. Maja barks twice and growls quietly as Alonso enters and proudly shows her the psychiatrist's business card. She is happy he went, but he tells her not to tell her mother any of this stuff. The doctor hasn't made a diagnosis yet, but Alonso is expecting quick results. He asks her to move back into the bedroom; she hesitates, suggesting they should wait some progress in his treatment. We think she should move her own bedroom as far away as possible.

Prison: Daniel tells his lawyer that he needs survival money for the time being and that he wants him to contact his cousin at La Malquerida; the information should be on the ranch's website. He also needs his lawyer to talk to the prison officials to get him permission to make long-distance calls. The lawyer says he will do everything possible, but there is definitely something untrustworthy about him. Why is he wearing dark glasses indoors?

Study: Alonso embraces Camila from behind, but this looks anything but amorous. Her cell phone rings and she briefly talks with Becerra about Daniel. She needs him to find out where Daniel is being held. Alonso bites his left thumbclaw [Salud!] [Does anyone else think he'd rather suck his thumb?]. After the call Alonso is not pleased to hear that El Diablo is going down there to talk to the justice officials. He volunteered to do it as he was going there anyway. Alonso insists that he should go himself, even dismissing the idea of him and Camila going together. He tells her he wants to be with her when she makes decisions. We know where this is going and wish Camila could see it.

Kitchen: Amanda is having coffee with Padre Baldomero. She doesn't believe that Daniel attempted to kill his wife. She knew Ágatha was not the sort of woman who could have raised a criminal. She knows there is something wrong because she knew how  Ágatha would have raised him.  She'd put her hands in the fire for Daniel. The Padre feels the same way about Camila. Amanda mentions seeing a movie on TV recently that had an innocent person shanghaied into prison over an inheritance. The padre dismisses this as foolishness; who could do such a thing? [Obviously Alonso has never been in the confessional booth.] Amanda isn't accusing anyone specific, but asks the padre if he could persuade Camila to find a lawyer to help Daniel. The padre isn't sure that's possible, but we know he will try.

Abraham's Office: The room is clean and modern, with plain but new furniture, white walls, departmental banner, and a coffee machine on the credenza behind the desk. The in-box is neat and there are few papers on the desk. Long vertical blinds hang over a large window, but there is much sunlight, aided by a pale carpet. Sad music is heard on a violin and a piano. Daniel calls, asking Abraham about Miriam. He has called previously and left other messages. Abraham behaves as though he wants to hang up on him, saying he is very busy and that Miriam's condition is the same. When Daniel asks about his case, he says that is the same. He then tells him not to call again, to leave him alone, and hangs up. Daniel gets what sounds like a busy signal to us [No television or film producer ever seems to remember that this results in dead air] and hangs up.

El Diablo's Study: Alonso stands between the guest chairs, biting a thumbclaw [Salud!] as El Diablo pours himself a drink from beautiful crystal decanters on the sideboard against the back wall. The luxury of this room is a sharp contrast to the efficient look of Abraham's office; there is an guilt-framed picture of a ancient urn on the rear wall, more pictures on other walls, other objets d'art (including a figure of a spotted cat taken from Montero Manor), antique-looking doors, comfortable-looking leather-covered chairs. There is less sunlight in the room and the carpet is crimson.

Alonso: What do you mean, offering Camila assistance with her cousin? What are you trying to do?
Dionisio: It seemed a good idea to me to appear to help your wife by meeting with the authorities. I'm going to Chile anyway so I offered to do what I can.
Alonso (mildly sarcastic): It's a coincidence you're going to Chile?
Dionisio: To Chile, and other countries in South America. (Alonso folds his arm over his chest again and bites a claw) What I will do is smooth out [alisarse] the claiming of the ranch for Camila. Remember that I an losing much. I have invested much money in this project, Alonso, and you agreed to deliver the land to me.
Alonso: I don't forget such things. What I couldn't anticipate is that the decrepit old man Daniel would leave it to this bastard son out from under us. [Salud!] Who would have supposed that?
Dionisio (subtly condescending): Enough with the commercial. You had better be grateful that I am making the deal to further our plans.
Alonso: It would not serve us for Camila to rent this place from her cousin. What we need is for the ranch to be ours. (points to his own chest, the arrogant little twit)
Dionisio: What do you think? I'm making this happen.
Alonso: Very well, very well, very well. Contact this Daniel Diaz Acosta (starts rubbing his head, turns to the door, then back) But can I ask a favor first? Don't talk to them again about this matter. Not Camila or anyone but me. (points to himself).

El Diablo nods subtly, but clearly sees that Alonso truly lacks cojones.

Prison: Daniel and his cellmate (the young prisoner from the earlier scene) talk about his mala suerte. He says he has to find a way out the place. The cellmate laughs, saying they all dream of that. Most prisoners in that place are there por eternidad [which probably means life without parole or they never stand trial]. Daniel has higher hopes, as he is thinking that his lawyer is doing what he requested.


La Malquerida: Mystery/horror high pitched minor-key music is the background of Alonso telling Camila that he isn't happy at Dionisio getting involved in this. He changes the subject to wanting things to be normal between himself and Camila. He starts kissing her [aack!] and she asks that he wait until the doctor says it is alright to try again. She doesn't want things to go badly again, meaning a repeat of failure followed by him treating her badly. This annoys him, and the music becomes a little louder as the violins take over. She really wants things to work.

Near-full moon.

Master Bedroom: A love song plays as Alonso sleeps (or appears to). Camila gets out of bed. Her nightgown is neither rumpled nor ripped so we can surmise that somehow she was pressured into moving back in to the master bedroom by her metiche madre. A love song is heard. She gets up, puts on her wrap, and goes out on the balcony to look at the moon. It's been three years since Luis died.  She remembers the day she bought her first bridal gown and met Luis outside the shop, then Don Daniel, then Alonso's early courtship. He is shown , with her on the balcony bench, almost looking business-alpha in a black suit and pale striped shirt, when he tells her that the friendship he felt for her has become love. (A nearby fountain almost drowns most of this out) The moon was in exactly the same phase that night. More recent images come in, showing them getting out of the cab in front of the honeymoon hotel and him comforting her on the day of Don Daniel's funeral. She finally returns inside and noting that Alonso is asleep [in red pyjamas. We all know that alpha males never wear pyjamas in the presence of their women].

Daytime. Bulls running across the land and butting horns to ranchera music. [Salud!]

Near the bulls: Camila looks at them with the cute ranch hand we saw earlier. I don't understand exactly what they're talking about other than it's about the bulls and doing things as Don Daniel did. We get some close-ups of these excellent beefy specimens destined for the bullring. Leoncio (the old man in the serape) arrives to tell her that her mother is ready to go into town. She thanks him and exits. The ranch hand turns away, but Leoncio whistles for him to return, as though he were a dog. They clearly do not get on. Leoncio accuses him of being lazy and says he will keep an eye on him. [Is this about the fact that the younger guy is handsome and his clothes are clean? QTH?  Note to Camila:  If you've read DH Lawrence, this ranch hand is the guy whom you should play Lady Chatterley with.]

Near the Haciena: Camila comes away from the house and is ambushed by Alonso, who grabs him from behind. He clearly gives little thought to his wardrobe, as he is wearing the sane clothes as the day before when he met with El Diablo. She is startled, than clearly annoyed at his manner [which is certainly not conducive to romance].

Camila (pulling away): Ay, Alonso! (he laughs)
Alonso: Stop that! What were you thinking? (laughs. She mocks his laugh briefly)
Camila (catching her breath): That was too abrupt. [brusco] I was hoping that we don't default on the confidence my uncle had in me. (ranchera guitar and violin music begins) Despite the circumstances I still want things to excel.
Alonso: Why are you thinking this? We should do as well as ever; neither should anything go wrong.
Camila: What are you saying? (suspense music begins; it's high and in a minor key)
Alonso: That nothing will happen.
Camila: That nothing will happen? What does that mean, Alonso? It's our prestige, well, the prestige of my uncle, but that's how we live.
Alonso: I know, I know, say we encounter a problem here what do we do as an alternative to this ranch if it has the capacity...
Camila: Alonso, why are you saying this? I don't want to convert this ranch to anything else.
Alonso: No, no, I'm not talking about anything specific, Camila. Simply, I don't want you to worry. We'll leave things as they are but you need to recognize that all things have a cycle; things change.
Camila: Yes, you're right. Nothing more will stop me from defending what my uncle has built.

Prison:  The lawyer gives Daniel the phone number of La Malquerida. Daniel asks him to check up on Miriam. The lawyer says that it looks obvious that Commandante Farcas doesn't want to keep him informed, so he will investigate this himself.

Study:  The phone is ringing and Alonso enters the empty room, angry that Natalia is not there to answer the phone. He picks it up and it's Daniel, calling from the prison pay phone. Alonso looks very apprehensive when Daniel identifies himself but recovers quickly and asks whether he is calling about an upcoming bullfight. Daniel tells him it's personal and he wishes to speak to Señorita Camila Monterde. Alonso tells him she is not here and that she works elsewhere. At the request for her direct phone number he tells him he isn't sure he is authorized to give that information. Alonso tries to get him to give his information. He tells him he will need to contact his lawyer, and asks him to tell Camila he called. He then asks with whom he is speaking. Alonso ignores this question, signs off with a promise to deliver the message, then hangs up. Daniel is confused as he hangs up. Alonso turns around to see Natalia in the doorway with a cup of coffee. He demands to know where she was and what she heard. She explains that she had heard him yelling for her, but she was getting the coffee. Since the phone stopped ringing he must have answered it himself. He sarcastically tells her he did, then said it was a wrong number. She puts the cup on the table and tries to get him to sign some documents in a folder. He waves that off and exits. She wonders why he's in such a bad mood. The music turns into that high two-note leitmotif that indicates curiosity. Natalia picks up the phone and checks the latest activity, obviously recognizing that it is something of importance.

Caretera: Augustina is driving (at least she's useful for something) and Maja paces on the back seat [Since this dog has pale ears it's obvious that two or more dogs share this role].

Augustina:   I'm glad that Alonso is seeing a specialist about his snoring [ronquidos] so that things will go well with you two. With luck you'll be back together soon.
Camila (expression that says she'd rather not talk about it):   No, I think we're going to have to wait a while, Mother. (turns back to facing forward)
Augustina:   Well, then be patient. But I have to say it would make you feel better to start driving [manejar] again. It's time you did that.
Camila:    The truth is I'm not interested. You drive me, I almost don't leave the ranch; I don't need to.
Augustina:    But you need to get over this fear. It's for your security and so do don't have to depend on someone else to drive and take you places. It's difficult to see this in you when you are so independent in everything else.
Camila:    Mother, I don't stick my nose in anyone else's life. (love theme of Camila and Luis is heard)
Augustina: I know, but what happened with Luis – may he rest in peace – was an accident.
Camila:    Mother, I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel ready to yet. Could I ask you to stop asking about stuff that's not your business?
Augustina:    Very well, very well. Would it help to get some medication for this? Shouldn't you get some pills for well, getting back – ?
Camila:    Pills? What pills? You have a box full of pills.
Augustina:    Some that will get you back to where you came from. Time has been flying by. I don't want you to be like this when my grandchild arrives.
Camila:    Are you serious?
Augustina:    I'm serious.
Camila:    You haven't heard me, have you? It's going to be a long time before that happens. Perhaps you're demanding this?

La Malquerida, outside:  To a four-note leitmotif of similar rhythm, Alonso checks that he is unobserved and then cuts the telephone lines outside the hacienda.

Street:  Camila and Augustina park and exit the car, Camila with Maja on her leash. Camila tells her mother she will meet her in a half hour and exits with Maja. Isadora Dragon appears and the two toxic mothers greet each other.  Mama Metiche tells her she is beautiful, and looks too young to be Alonso's mother.  Staccato violins are heard. Mama Metiche then (as we could easily predict) spills the frijoles to Mama Dragon about the marital problems of their offspring. Mama Dragon – whose pup was not previously forthcoming – is surprised, but careful to hold back total shock. As soon as Mama Metiche mentions snoring she pretends to have a light-bulb moment, saying “Of course; Alonso snores like a lion!” Mama Metiche says he's gone to a doctor and she hopes this is the only problem they will have at the beginning of their marriage.

Feed Store:  Camila thanks a vendor, taking a bag of feed and leading (dark-eared) Maja out. Another dog passes by and Maja takes off, Camila falling down. She gets up and successfully calls Maja back. Viviana appears, asking if she's alright. [I really hate that pre-Raphaelite curly hair on blonds; it makes the smartest women look so ditzy]. Camila's knee has been skinned and it's bleeding unrealistically, but it's nothing serious. The two women recognize each other from the day in the cemetery and introduce themselves to each other. Viviana offers to help Camila with the injury so it doesn't get infected; she lives nearby. Camila agrees and they exit together with Maja, whom she scolds for flirting with the other dog.

Iglesia, outside:   Mama Metiche talks to Padre Baldomero, who says that they need to help Daniel. He's sure the young man has a bad lawyer. She still wants to believe that he is a killer and a criminal. [For this we say the interfaith prayer Daniel needs: Oy, vey, Maria!]

Lazcano Lair:   Mama Dragon is on the warpath.

Isadora:  What is this nonsense that you and your wife are having problems that she left the bedroom?
Alonso:    Not now, Mama, right now, (turns her around and starts to shove her toward the sofa) I'm here to tell you something.
Isadora:    What happened?
Alonso:    Daniel Diaz Acosta. He called from the prison to talk to Camila.
Isadora:    What?
Alonso:    It's fortunate I was there. He called the office phone (makes a nervous gesture grabbing the back of his neck) I don't want him to have any contact with her.
Isadora:    No, no, of course we can't permit that.
Alonso (mad look in his eye):    I don't want Camila to help him out of jail whether he sells her the ranch or not.
Isadora:    Of course not! That would sink our plans.
Alonso:    It's not just that. If I don't comply in handing over the land as I promised, I could end up in prison. (tries to take her hands, but she pulls them back. He grabs his neck with his right hand, as before.)

Viviana's Apartment:  She leads Maja into another room while Camila admires the photos on the wall. Viviana tells her she is a photographer. She returns with first aid supplies and they sit on the sofa and talk. Viviana knows La Malquerida; she spent time there taking photos for a book about fighting bulls. Camila suggests she call her for a visit and says she'll give her the phone number. Viviana says she has to go to D.F., but will call when she gets back.

Lazcano Lair: Mama Dragon hands a drink to her pup, who is now sitting on the couch. Horror film music is heard.

Isadora:   Your idea to cut the phone line to the office was excellent. Only change the number and keep that information off the web page. (starts to massage his back as he sips the drink. At least he still has his clothes on.)
Alonso:    That this jerk tried to kill his wife and is in the jail, is a big stroke of luck, for us. [golpe de suerte] How are we taking advantage of it?
Isadora:       We'll see, son, we'll see. (leans her head against his temple from behind) Now, relax. If he tries to call Camila he will not be able to communicate with her. (suddenly straightens and heads for opposite sofa) Now explain to me about your snoring. I don't believe that story. I've asked you before if there is a problem between you and I see you haven't told me the truth.
Alonso (looking angrily over the rim of the glass):    Very well. (puts the glass on the table) I'll tell you. (hides his face for a few moments)  I have problems with impotency.

Mama Dragon's eyes widen and she turns away slightly.

Prison Workshop:   As they make wooden crosses, Daniel and his cellmate talk. Daniel explains he's getting in touch with someone who can get him some money and possibly get him out of there.

Lazcano Lair:   Mama Dragon is surprisingly calm.

Isadora:    Are you telling me that you have not made Camila your woman? (he nods, unable to face her) Alonso, this is very serious. You have to do something about this immediately.
Alonso (finally looking at her):    I have. I have. The doctor said it's nothing physical, so he sent me to a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist, as though I were some madman he can do with what he wished.
Isadora (emphatic, bordering on angry):    If he can cure you you will go to him. An unsatisfied woman can be worse than a demon.
Alonso (mumbling, so I'm not sure what he's saying):    I've never been as tense as this. If everyone like this psychiatrist knows talks about how I'm having problems it does not suit us, understand that! (Music sounds like demons on the run)
Isadora:    So therefore, get her out of the city. You must have total power over your wife. You must make her yours.
Alonso: I know that. I know, I know, I know! Never have I had a problem like this before, Mama. This has never happened to me until Camila.
Isadora (sarcastic):  Yes, so , what do you think, Papacito? Camila is your wife. The frustration this could provoke in her could cause her to up and annul the marriage. (He hides her face and she yells) I'm talking! Open your eyes! (He looks up reluctantly) Hurry up and fix this. (in his face) I don't care what you have to do. Because otherwise you will regret this for the rest of your life!

Somehow it doesn't seem likely that Alonso knows the Venus Butterfly.

Parlour: Augustina, Camila, and Maja [the black-eared one] have returned. Madre Metiche is already expressing disapproval of Viviana as Maja settles on the couch next to Camila. Or rather, tries to get her to play with her. Alonso enters and he joins Mama Metiche in her disapproval. Camila is somewhat incredulous, as she meets no new people on the ranch and her only friend there is her dog. [Dog danger alert] As Mama Metiche and Alonso use some hand sanitizer [Whatever for?] she says something about how the world all knew about Camila and her beloved Luis. She then realizes she has put her foot in her mouth about something. Alonso sees Camila playing at making the dog smile and says not to touch the dog's mouth.

Study: Alonso enters, asking Natalia for the papers she wanted him to sign. She shows him the folder and as he opens it he tells her that they need to change the office phone number. Furthermore he wants the telephone number removed from the web page, leaving only the e-mail address. She is suspicious of his actions, but carefully withholds her reaction.

Some time later in Chile

Prison: Daniel's lawyer visits, telling him he has attempted to call La Malquerida but hasn't received a single return call in a month. Perhaps they believe he is guilty. Daniel suggests he contact Osvaldo Becerra, but then suggests that he go to Mexico to handle the inheritance for him. The lawyer tells him he wants to help him but that he doesn't have the budget for this. As it is he's had to pay for every piece of information he's acquired. Daniel suspects that Abraham might be causing problems, but the lawyer's response to this is that now he understands how things are. Daniel asks him to get Abraham there to meet with him even if it's the last time so he can make him understand that he loves Miriam and didn't try to kill her. The lawyer tells him he will talk to him, but doesn't think he can promise much.

Parlour: Viviana arrives and presents a framed photo to Camila. It's supposed to be erotic, but we're not getting a view adequate to form that opinion. Alonso enters, Camila makes the introductions and.... Alonso asks if the woman in the photo is dead, saying that this is in bad taste.  Camila looks embarrassed.

Prison: Abraham showed up after all and for the last time. He tells Daniel that he will shortly be sentenced and very soon. Because Miriam is dead.


The Great Escape, with help from Daniel at the computer, with the Devil at the gate.


alisarse.....             to smooth out
brusco.....              abrupt
golpe de suerte.... stroke of luck
mal gusto....           bad taste
manejar                  to drive
ronquidos....           snoring


Gee, does anyone else think that Mama Dragon is giving us a few clues?

Thanks for the detailed recap. I was only listening with half an ear. Working on school stuff.
So I don't know about clues, but I do wish the creep had accidentally cut the power lines and moved that story line forward faster. ZZZZt for the SSSS.

I think that the lawyer looks like Jack Nicholson.


UA-Thanks for this wonderful detailed recap. I like how you do the detailed conversations. I wish Alonso had electrocuted himself cutting those wires. I can't stand that guy so creepy.

I am glad Camila found a friend. Viviana seems so nice. Love Camila's dog, even though it's so big.

Mama Dragon is so horrible. And El Diablo too. I too think Mama Dragon is giving us clues. I don't like the advice she gave to Alonssso. It sounded like rape to me.

I hope Camila never sleeps with Alonso. Who would want to, he is so creepy and snakey. I don't blame her for not wanting to do it with him. I agree Urban I hope she gets a new bedroom on the opposite side of the hacienda. That cowpoke is sure cute.

UA thanks for the recap. I liked your line "We all know that alpha males never wear pyjamas in the presence of their women."

Cindy, yes the lawyer does look like Jack w/his silly sunglasses.

Mads - the dog is huge but looks like a sweetie.

Oh, and Urban, do we think that Miriam is really dead? Wouldn't they have charged Daniel with murder instead of attempted murder? I wonder if Abe just told him this. Abe must really hate Daniel to put him thru all this bs, especially since he knew of the inheritance from Mexico and refused to acknowledge it. What a chump.

UA, I'm scanning the recaps, since I'm not really following this one. However, I'm intrigued by the fan photos that head up your recaps. Tell us more, please...
La Paloma

Madelaine, Miriam went from unconscious to coma, so death is the usual next step in the process. Especially in this type of story when Daniel is meant to end up with Camila. He will need time to get over losing Miriam before he is really ready for a relationship with Camila; there also needs to be time to determine that they have no blood relationship. Since both of them married in religious ceremonies, widowhood will be the only release for both.

Camila could -- and should -- file for that annulment ASAP. However, I think Alonso could challenge it on the grounds that he is seeing a shrink for his problem. I could see Padre Baldomero responding with a suggested success deadline of six months.

Prediction; not spoiler: Alonso will attempt to rape Camila at some future point. The way he likes to sneak up behind her has creeped me out from the beginning.

La Paloma, the fans at the top of my posts are mine. I collect them and use them in the hot weather and I typically carry them to the opera. The ones I've posted in this blog were purchased in Spain and I led off with the ones that have pictures of bulls. When I've gone through all the ones from Spain I will probably go back to the first one and cycle through them again.

Urban- Wonderfully detailed recap! I have also been enjoying the fan pics, so thanks for telling us the origin.

I want to punch Abe in his sanctimonious face. I don't even have sympathy for him losing his sister. But poor Daniel. Looks like we'll have a prison break soon. I wonder how the other two prisoners who have befriended Dan will use his computer skills to accomplish the prison break?

Yes, they are using two different dogs to play Maja, the cutest one with the dark ears. I guess there are laws about how long an animal can be used on set, just like babies. They are both lovely dogs, the the darked eared one is the prettiest. Both Gussy and Alonso are grossed out by the dog being in the house and that's why they were using hand sanitizer. But the Alonso actor obviously either loves dogs or was highly amused by Maja trying to get SN to play, because he could barely stay in character and keep a smile off his face. If that's the most "in character" scene they could use, I bet he was cracking up most of the time. SN is having a ball with the doggies.

I'm glad that she now has a friend in Viv. Someone who's an outsider and can probably pick up on stuff that Camila is missing.

UA, thanks for another helpful and lightning fast recap. Loved your inserted remarks, especially "[For this we say the interfaith prayer Daniel needs: Oy, vey, Maria!]"

I suspect you're right about the likelihood of Alonso raping or at least trying to rape Camila. I guess that the act of violence may turn him on enough to, um, perform.

I'm a little confused by Daniel's lawyer saying that he's been trying to call La Malquerida but hasn't received any return calls. If the phone line has been cut, how can he even leave a message? Or if the phone line has been fixed but the number has been changed (as Alonso asked), how would the lawyer know the correct number?

BTW, thanks for the vocab. One small correction: "manejar," not "manajar."

Urban: Just great.

Daniel has to escape from that prison because Abraham will constantly think of ways to keep him locked up - such undeserved hatred. I didn't know if he was telling the truth about Miriam or not.

Also, it looks like Dionisio will miss the opportunity to have Daniel killed in the prison.

I really enjoyed listening to Daniel and his prison friend converse. Their accents are beautiful and both of them are understandable. OK, I lived in Chile for almost a year - but, that was eons ago.

Nothing like having your sex life - or lack of it the topic of conversation at dinner. And, how humiliating to have your own mother tell you to get on with it. Yuck.

I am guessing that at some point Camila will have to drive in order to rescue herself or someone else. I'm surprised she hasn't seen a shrink about this and her continued feelings of guilt about Luis' death.

I suspect that at some point Alonso will use Camila's phobia about driving against her before that happens.

UA, thanks for sharing your lovely fan collection with the "fans." Also smiled at your interfaith prayer "Oy vey, Maria."
La Paloma

I forgot where I first read that one, but it's a joke between me and a friend who recently converted from Judaism to Catholicism. I made rosaries for her and her family.

I am now thinking that in addition to being a komodo dragon Isadora is also a preying mantis.

Thank you, Urban Fanthropologist. :) No [salud!]s for the claw-biting, though?

Channelsurfing between Uni and TM made me miss chunks of this, so I want to be certain of something Madelaine alluded to: the only onscreen verification of Miriam's death was when Abe told Daniel about it at the end of the episode, right? There wasn't an actual scene showing her body? As doomed as Miriam is/was, I can't see them whacking her offscreen...not to mention the pregnancy. But they don't need her on-canvas right now either, and Abe hates Daniel's guts no matter what, so...are we looking at a Mariana Aceves (El Talisman) situation here where she'll pop up as an amnesiac or something around episode 80?

(Unwanted mental image: Isadora making Alonso sit down and watch an instructional video on sexual techniques. I totally blame you for this, UA!)

I don't believe that Miriam is dead yet; I think Abraham is just telling Daniel that so he can:

A) stop Daniel from calling him for updates on Miriam

B) separate Miriam & Daniel

C) railroad Daniel into the Chilean carcel system.

I believe Miriam will die in order for Daniel / Camila to get together but I don't believe she's dead just yet.

Also, it looks like Daniel is busting out of jail tonight.

I hope Viviana is wearing a wig or a weave because her hair looks awful.

OK, I think we can add the claw biting to the drink list. I'll edit that. That would guarantee viewers being completely borracho before the last segment.

Off-screen deaths are not common in novelas, but it makes me wonder what motive Abraham would have for lying about this. I don't think he had any control over her inheritance, nor do I think he has a property large enough to do what Mathilde did in Yo Compro Esa Mujer. We'll see if there is a funeral scene tonight; traditional Jewish funerals are almost the next day.

I agree about Viviana's hair, but nothing looks worse than the wig worn most recently by Marlene Favela. That looked sooooo fake.

Drink cues

1. Large CGI block letters are used to identify a location;
2. a montage of running bulls appears onscreen (excepting the opening credits);
3. Alonso bites one of his claws (fingernails). (I see I missed that the first time; just corrected this one.)
4. The word "bastardo."

Should we add "delinquente" to that list?

I lvoed that scene with the dog on the couch. The dog was trying to eat Camila's shoulder the same way her LizardMan husband did. Except the dog is way cuddlier.

How great is it that Natalia knows about caller id? And the internet! She's going to be a BIG help here.


Thanks UA for your great recap. I have to admire good character actors for what they do. Flavio Median, AKA A-Looser-So, really does a great job playing a complete Nut-Job. The nail biting is perfect as is that thing he does when he puts his hand behind his neck and leaves it there making him look even more psychotic. He has the creepy face that is perfect for the role.

Leticia Calderon, of course, has the perfect face to play a female ogre and eyes from some species of reptillian aliens. I despise the characters that Median and Calderon play, but I admire them for their acting

Leticia Calderon was an ingenue with depth back in the day. I first saw her in Yo Compro Esa Mujer from 1991 and she gave Ana Cristina some depth that most young actresses can't.

I went into shock at her episode of Mujeres Asesinas. I wish Univision would bring that series back.

UA - thanks for the great recap. I'm also thinking that Mama Dragon is laying down clues for future events. LC is playing this role to perfection, and to me she's more evil and frightening than the devil himself.

Perhaps Abe told Daniel that Miriam is dead to encourage him to admit to murder. It is not uncommon for police to lie to suspects to get them to confess. Abe did not seem grief-stricken when he told Daniel that Miriam was dead. He seemed more hateful and hostile.

Didn't you just want to slap Alonssso when he dissed Viv's picture?

UA – love the way you tell the story with grace and wit. Appreciate the detail and vocab.

I'm wondering too if Miriam is really already dead. Abraham only came because Daniel asked him to. As much as he hates Daniel, seems like he would've come on his own to spew venom at him as soon as she died (“You killed my sister and I’m going to see that you rot in here for it...”). With the Great Escape and presumably being on the run, I can see why Daniel wouldn’t be able to check the facts.

Love Maja. I got the feeling it wasn't in the script for her to be so playful on the couch with Camila. The other day they made growling noises for her with Alonso but clearly she was smiling.

Alonso's weirdness is fascinating to me. Someone earlier, sorry don't recall who, said he reminded them of Tony Randall. He's starting to remind me of a cross between Tony Randall and Peter Lorre.

Thank you UA. A lot happened in this one. I don't think Miriam will die before she tells what happened that night. Daniel will never be cleared otherwise. So I'm voting that she is still alive.

I hope that escape scene is for real, and not ending up with them getting caught and sent back. But if Dionisio was there to know about Daniel's escape, that will follow him to Mexico too and Dionisio may turn him in. Who knows though.

I was actually nervous when the dog was on the couch with Camila. I kept expecting to see it hump her, lol, but I suppose they would have cut that out of the taping if that happened.

I still contend that Alonso looks like Mr Bean with those weird faces he makes.

I'm trying to figure out what creepy poncho guy is up to and what his purpose is. Nothing about him makes sense.

Great recap as always, UA!

Thanks Vivi for pointing out that they're using two dogs in the cast. Thought I was seeing things.

Speaking of which, I LOVED the scene with Maja and SN on the couch. SN looked so natural and comforable with Maja. I absolutely laughed when Alonso pulled out the sanitizer! So funny -- i get the same response when I play with my dog (she's a Chihuahua, huge difference from Maya).


Absolutely, Anon!

Alonso has some serious issues with women. His law degree and family money might have attracted some in the past, but I'm going to bet that a combination of his control issues, lack of sexual talent, and -- perhaps -- inferior equipment made them bail.

One thing we do know with his clothes on, he'd never perform in Solo Para Mujeres.

Shout out to Bill C. oh please not another Mariana amnesia/coma story. As "great" as that was for El Tal I wouldn't want to see another one of THOSE stories.

I just wondered about the Miriam death, cause they never showed it. I thought maybe Abe, being not such a fan of Daniel's, might have said it so Daniel would stop asking about Miriam and stop calling Abe. I don't know, we will have to see.

Maybe I've been watching Law & Order too long, but suppose she stays in a coma for 6 more months and the baby is born: She dies right after that but -- in true TN fashion -- she's alive long enough to tell Abraham that Daniel was trying to get the gun away from the perp. That would leave the matter of the inheritance and if he can get phone records to find the calls from Mexico, Daniel could be in the clear.

He still things he's a fugitive until Abraham finds him in Mexico during the ultimos capitulos.

Urban- that is a good theory. You know how the writers like to drag these stories out until ultimos capitulos. I just don't want Abe to be a crooked cop and want him to see he is wrong about Daniel so he can eat crow.

Anyone know when a new show will be starting?

Anon- Considering that two of the shows just started and the other two still have a ways to go, there won't be a new show for a while.

Thanks Vivi. Wonder if I could catch up on this one. The last one I watched was the one where Danielle Romo had the son that was a priest. Can't remember the name.

UA: I also thought they might keep Miriam in a coma until the baby is born.

Still not getting into this one. Think I just might not be in the mood for a TN right now. There's really nothing to complain about with this one--just my not liking SN being so subdued. But then I wouldn't like to think she was a one-note actor either.


Robey, it's not high def but here is a place to go.

UA - Thank you for the excellent, detailed recap and the lovely fan photo.

I loved the scene with the dog and all of the dog-related comments, including the presence of two dogs that seem to look different and the vulnerability of the dog now that it's getting a lot of air time and plenty of continuing love from Camila. What a good, calm actress SN is to have the dog chewing on her and licking her throughout the scene.

Lots of action in the first few episodes and good set-
ups for many parallel stories. Looks like the cattle breeding is another potential area of conflict on the ranch.

I am enjoying this novela so far and hope that we can keep up this pace. There seems to be a lot of unanimity about our hope that Camila never sleeps with Alonso and our doubt that Miriam is dead. I had the same question as you, UA, about the baby surviving -- too many Law and Orders here, too.

Maja is a smart dog and she senses that Alonso is a reptile. I dearly hope she can protect herself from him and/or his evil mama.

The two mamas with boundary issues are creepy. I almost lost my lunch when Mama Metiche talked about her grandchild. Alonso must not be allowed to reproduce!

The story is moving along nicely. some good suspense and what looks like a potential jailbreak. Alonso is a disgraceful man. Making a scene and being scandalous around all those people in Viviana's house.

Is it just me or Camila and Alonso talk way too fast sometimes?


No, it's not you. I have problems with them and frequently have to listen multiple times.

UA: Thanks for the link.


UA: This was a terrific read and I have so many favorite lines from it!
"We think she should move her own bedroom as far away as possible"

"Obviously Alonso has never been in the confessional booth"

"including a figure of a spotted cat taken from Montero Manor"

"Note to Camila: If you've read DH Lawrence, this ranch hand is the guy whom you should play Lady Chatterley with"

"the interfaith prayer Daniel needs: Oy, vey, Maria!"

not to mention alpha males not wearing pj's!!

Thanks for the the chuckles!

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