Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #17a 8/8/12: I'm Back from Canada, and Juan is OUT!

Wow, after a week in Canada I jump back in with a busy beginning . . . A lightly battered Juan is taken in by a makeup artist, who dresses him up to sneak him in his bud's wedding. He also beats himself up a bit for being such a twit to Helena.

Cut to the marriage, with Juan sitting in the back as a soberly dressed old dude (the friend did a pretty good job) sitting with his friend, who stands out in her sequined cowboy hat. Anyway, when the priest asks if anyone objects,

She got Sebastian and Santiago mixed up! Crashed the wrong wedding! Great OOOPS moment! but on the program helena sees Juan's name!

Now, another woman barges in to say this bastard tricked me! but he actually knows this one! She's dressed quite garishly! Then he runs away!

The bad guys on the beach are pleased about their coup, and happily stroll along a beach. At playa Majagua, but they won't make any business without the woman who's idea it actually was. Plutarco slips the mayordomo a bribe. However, the man throws the money in the sand, and all the locals form up to shout the badguys down w/ "HELENA, HELENA" They realize he stole the idea!

Santiago wishes Juan were there - he'd tell me what to do. Paty baby was the perfect girlfriend, but he wasn't so sure anymore when he saw the morena. Paty gave him a big 'ol slap and a half.

The makeup friend listens to Juan mope a bit. She encourages him to call her up, listen to her say "hello," and then hang up. Which does not actually seem like good advice, but he does it anyway.

Angelica is waiting around in her lingerie, having correctly foreseen the arrival of a drunken and desperate Santiago. She calmly counts to three as Santiago desperately slams on her door screaming her name. She gets what she wants from him, undressing him as he miserably answers his phone (it's the fiancee, of course). Seriously, this dude is in no position to marry anybody.

We have some domestic scenes at the home of Juan's mustache-d  bud. Weird!

Helena visits her son at her parents' house. Her dad is as mean as ever, reminding her that she owes him the money and maybe put her to work!

Plutarco is moping about how honest the folk of Majagua are. If they'd just taken the bribe, this would've been so much easier! He looks at a sexy photo of Helena and gets an idea. Hmmm... Also, he asserts to his flunky that the project is HIS, not hers.

Side note - I really enjoy the new transition scenes of Juan getting into his drag.

A totally terrified Santiago wakes up in Angelica's love nest and stumbles out in emotional shambles that match his physical state!

Plutarco calls to... offer Helena her job back! Her mom says she should do it - think of Lalo!

Friend to Juan: You need to quit starving yourself! If you will just eat these molletes I promise to go find out something about Helena.

Helena's friend wants her to take the job offer. He calls her, and she agrees to meet him at a cafe to discuss it. He lies a lot, especially the part where he says he respects the value of intelligent women, and she agrees to come back to work there. When she shakes his hand, I get a real bad feeling about this.

Santiago's girl enters his apartment, sees him in his crumpled disarray, and yells and cries. He's a wreck, honey, leave him in the dust!

HAHA see him freak out when he sees Helena in the boardroom. Really, everyone flips, except Plutarco, who has his sneaky-cat look going full-bore. The boss (his brother-in-law) is the most mad, calls Plutarco into his office for a "damn good explanation" why the woman who led the woman-workers' revolt is back to work.

Juan's makeup bud gets a lot of info out of Helena's friend, and comes back and lets Juan know that she's working at Grupo Imperial now! They go out together (him in sunglasses) for a closer investigation, but... Helena's dad is a total ass and tells her that Helena is DEAD!

In "the Chif's" office, Plutarco struggles to explain why this woman is indispensable to a project that he himself came up with... He changes the story up a bit.


Thanks Ezra for your speedy recap. I thought that Helena's terrible dad merely said that she doesn't live there anymore, rather than she was dead. Also, Adriano was against having Helena work there because he thinks she was in league with Juan Carlos to steal Plutarco and GI's idea (rather than vice-versa).

I love Paty Navidad --both the actress and the character- as Mimi the makeup lady, and also think that knowing and respecting Juan Carlos's mother is a good motivation for her to help him. (As a fan of LA FEA, I loved when
Mimi gave Juan the Groucho Marx eyebrow thing that Lety and Fernando used to do in that show.)
It looks like from the avances that Juan Carlos is going into drag to become Helena's assistant. That should be fun.

I must say that until recently I was not liking this novela at all, but I do like the recent episodes. There is a lot of fun action, even if most of the male characters are still not likeable. I'm also looking forward to Jaime Camil in drag.

Thanks, Ezra. How was Canada?

We had a mixup, I guess; I was almost done with my recap because I thought I was filling in for Jim. Oh well. At least I got to sit down and actually pay attention to an episode for a change.

One small correction: Eduardo didn't say Helena was DEAD. He said she doesn't live HERE anymore.

I'd like to point out that Juan Carlos, former chauvinist, has now been rescued by women at least twice since he "died": first by his mother and now by Mimi.

And now Pluto is depending on Helena to save his skin. (I don't expect him to see the irony of this.) Perhaps Eduardo will learn his lesson the same way, somehow.

Mimi said something about having been unjustly accused and arrested and locked up. Anyone know if this is a reference to some previous role Paty Navidad has done? It would fit right in with all the other little self-referential jokes they've been doing.

oh no! I'm so sorry, Julie, I thought this was my night... Wow, that must be so annoying to write up a recap and then find another one sitting in its spot! Yikes!

Good catch on the death/residence thing!

LOL, Ezra... you're the Tuesday guy now, right? So you actually went beyond the call of duty to recap tonight! And I got to knock off a little early.

Plus, you got the gist of that last scene in Adriano's office, which is lucky for me because I couldn't follow it. (I frequently run out of steam just before the last scene anyway, but Pluto was lying so hard he didn't make any sense to me anyway.)

But Adriano bought the whole thing. Of course. I wonder if Antonia will poke Pluto's story full of holes tomorrow night?

At present, I see no redeeming qualities in any of the adult males in this tn. JC's transformation into Eva will certainly allow him to empathize with women, hopefully mirroring his internal transformation from male chauvinist to respecter of women. But what about the other men? I hope Adriano, Santiago, Fernando, Modesto, and, most particularly, Eduardo have changes of hearts, especially since they influence young men like Lalito and Fern's young son.

I applaud the strong, smart women like Helena, Antonia, and Mimi. I would love to see them inspire Señora Moreno to stand up to Eduardo!

Thank you for the recap!

Thank you so much Ezra for this great recap. I just knew Mimi had something to do with JC's mama. I am so glad she is helping him.

That wedding interruptus was a hoot, especially when Helena found out it was the wrong wedding, lol. It was just an excuse for Santi to turn tail and run.

I agree with Sally about all the men in this TN. I am hoping too that JC learns to respect women, I think he is doing some of that already.

Putz face, how appropriate the locals at the Playa wouldn't take the bribe, lol. But poor Helena he is going to milk her for all her info and then claim it as his own. I hope too, that JC "Eva" ends up as Helena's assitant and stops that from happening.

Adriano is just dumb. Why is he running this company anyway. The guy is clueless, I guess he relys on everyone else to get things done, and if he is really relying on Putz face, his company will be in ruins toute de suit.

Eduardo is the worst. What a jerk. Bastardo infeliz is a good name for him. I hope eventually Helena is on her own two feet, takes Lalito and sticks it to him, and has Silvia move in with her, or better yet, Silvia kicks him to the curb and as Julie said the other day, put him on the curb with the trash!

Thanks for the recap, Ezra. You always give us a succinct summary.

As Sally and Medelaine mentioned, we have a whole lineup of clueless and/or obnoxious men in charge of the women working/living under their control. I expect that the women will gradually turn the tables on them, which should provide education for the men and satisfaction for most of us in Viewerville. Obviously, our JC will be the key victim of this grand experiment. OK, I'll cut the long-winded blah-blah, but I'm almost dancing in glee and anticipation. C'mon show, let the games begin!
La Paloma

I agree that the men here are hard to take, but Girl Power seems to be the theme. The receptionist wife of JC's friend (Fernando?) seems to be more in tune to what's going on, Helena knows more than Plutarco, and I expect Plu's wife to be running things by the end of this.

The smarter boys will change their attitudes and Eduardo will be left alone getting his own damn drinks. Jerk.

I hadn't planned on watching this one but am enjoying it. Nice to see something light for a
change. And one where maybe everyone won't end up pregnant at the end.


Forgot to snarl about Bastardo infeliz grouching to Silvia at the dinner table something like "are you going to serve me now?"
Dude needs a frying pan to the head.
La Paloma

I offer a few more predictions.

Santiago won't end up with Paty Bebé nor with Angelica - it'll be Lucía.

Eva will become a wedge between Pluto and Adriano. Part of the reason Pluto hates Juan is because Adri loved, respected, and trusted Juan, and he followed Juan's advice, which lessened Pluto's power. Right now Pluto leads Adri around by the nose. When Eva arrives, I think she will evoke the same attachment Adriano had for Juan, and Pluto will again be sidelined.

I noticed that Mimi calls Juan "J.C." (jota-ce), for both Juan Carlos and Jaime Camil. Didn't you just love how they played off each other? Especially in their last scene, when they talked about Helena working at GI.

Mimi told Juan that his mother's talent runs in his veins. That's similar to something Camil often says of himself - he got his performing talents from his mother through the umbilical cord.

I just have to say you all are a dedicated group of recappers! JPCruzer has his Wed recap posted now as well! Glad to see this TN get a full team.

I may be able to stand it now that we're at the point where Helena gets a real job working on her project. Sorry, I couldn't handle the Argentinian Juan Perón schtick even though I know many of you loved it. I love the idea of Helena finally being in a position of some power and that Plutarco has to support her and those other ninny-heads at the office have to deal with it. I hope she and Antonia become fast friends. I also hope the "Eva" personality is not too silly and is instead somewhat believable, but we really have no idea yet, what she's going to be like.

I also hope the "Eva" personality is not too silly and is instead somewhat believable.

Don't hold your breath, Audrey. Jaime Camil is not a paragon of restraint and reserve.

Welcome back Ezra! And thanks for the recap. So dedicated, you recapped on the wrong day!

I thought this episode was one of the best so far. Minimal Bastardo, and great comedy. I was cracking up during the whole Angelica-Santi scenes. Carlos de la Mota is so good at physical comedy.

Just read JP's great recap too, but it's not tagged. Can someone tag it for him? Wonder if we can combine the two recaps somehow?

Thank you recappers. And thanks to you commenters too.
I don't believe Ed will have any character change because, unlike all the other chauvanists, Edwardo does not LIKE women. He married to use a woman for physical AND material needs. I expect that Silvia will have some character change and cause a power shift.
The marriage I'm enjoying is JC's married buddy and the receptionist. Can't remember his name but he has expressed similar disregard for women's capabilities. However he works well with his 'better-half'. He depends on her, takes reprimands and correction from her. Although he fronts a "serve me" attitude we see his wife with raised eyebrow when that happens. A kind of "watch yourself buddy" look.
I thought that Helena told her buddy that she is taking the job to look for evidence that this company stole her project. What I didn't understand is Plutos' explanation to Adriano as to why they need her,

That's what I heard too, Bonney. She's hoping to find out what happened.

Pluto's explanation to Adriano was hard for me to understand. Not sure if that's because I was tired or if it was because it didn't make much sense. I think he did mention that the people at Playa M liked her. And he told Adriano he's going to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't steal any more projects. Ha!!

Paula H said...

Don't hold your breath, Audrey. Jaime Camil is not a paragon of restraint and reserve.

ROTFLOL! I consider myself warned!

I adored Ricardo Margaleff's "Dra. Jelatina" persona (the flighty affectionate therapist who showed up to help Gretel in Llena de Amor) very much even though she was quite over the top. Probably my favorite female impersonation ever. The actor just blew me away.

I'm curious to see whether I will "like" Eva.

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On JP's blog post, Güera said, I was out of the country for a couple of days. So, I missed the fake death & fake funeral. Also I missed how Juan & Mimi got together. Can anyone tell me how he met her?

Güera, nothing fancy. He checked the classifieds and found a room for rent.

Bonney Churros, interesting observation about Ed vs. the rest of the men on the show - that Ed hates women while the rest just have disdain for them.

I have to wonder if Onesimo will start digging in his heels. He's dissatisfied because Pluto hasn't paid him much for his work, only empty promises. Onesimo has a WHOLE LOT of dirt on Pluto. He could parlay that into a nice fat pay-off. Or he could grumble to some bartender about stealing Helena's project for Pluto and not getting paid, while someone overhears him.

If I have a chance in the next few hours, I intend to replay the final Adriano/Plutarco scene and post my conclusions here, since everyone is wondering about it.

My gosh, they're multiplying like tribbles!!! JP, if you see this, could you please delete all my "This comment has been removed by the author" posts, so I don't look like quite so much of an idiot? I know I double posted. But seven times??? Caray!

Bonny Churros- JC's married buddy is Fernando and his wife is Marcela. You are right, he acts all macho in front of other guys when she is with him, but get them alone and there is no more of that, lol. They are cute.

I too cracked up at that wedding. Too funny and what Santi did afterwards, he shouldn't marry anyone I agree with Ezra. The guy needs to sow more wild oats and Vivi is so right about Carlos de la Motta, he is great at physical comedy. He was even funny in Destilando Amor, even though it was a drama.

Thanks Madelaine. The wedding was a blast. They all showed amazing ability to be comedic without slapstick stuff. And Helena's embarrassment that went right into 'actually it's your fault'mode was so true to life! !!!
Best telenovela wedding since Manana Para Siempre when the bride had a melt down during the bride and groom dance! ...nope, I'm wrong. That one is still the best in my memory.

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