Saturday, August 25, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #28 8/24/12: Eva's crusade for proof

In my efforts to condense, I jumbled things up a bit; so some of this may be WAY out of order.

Mimi is selling Avon at Grupo Imperio. She asks the blue dresses about Adriano. They tell her he's okay, but he's nicer to younger women. She thinks he just hasn't met the likes of her yet! They compliment Mimi on looking good for her age and say Eva is well-preserved. Mimi asks them about Max Montes, her cousin Eva's second love.

Helena takes her mom to register at the Vocational School for Grownups.

Antonia tells Eva she thinks her husband is fooling around with Helena. Eva tells her to find more proof. While Toni naps, JC has Mimi come to the house. He'll go to work and find out if something's going on between Helena and Pluto. He has doubts - Plutarco seems to worship his wife. Mimi reminds JC that Helena thinks he's dead, and she's not going to mourn him forever. JC has Mimi stay with Toni to keep her out of trouble.

Toni wakes alarmed to find Mimi at her bedside, but is okay when she finds out she's Eva's roommate. She explains that she's upset because her husband is cheating. "If you wanted high fidelity, you should have bought a stereo," Mimi tells her. Mimi says men are all awful, she was cheated on, she cried, but then she realized she could be just as happy without them and her suffering was over. Better to be alone than in bad company. When the right one comes along, she'll make an effort, and until then she'll keep laughing.

Adriano sees his little chippie, Paola, giving a friendly-looking goodbye to a classmate in front of her school building. Adriano doesn't look happy; he confronts her. She asks if he's jealous; he backs off, recalling that they have a non-exclusive relationship. Anyway, she claims that she prefers older men. And she's excited because she just graduated - she's now a licenciada of tourism! (I feel like the whole point of this scene is to assure us that she's not underage.) She wants to go someplace where they can be alone.

So they get busy at his place. She says (again) that she loooooves mature men. But now they're done and he's ready to give her the heave-ho. He says he's going to be late for a meeting. She pouts; he resists. She asks him again for a job and whines about Eva. Adriano defends Eva. Paola flatters and teases him.

Later, he's driving her somewhere and she suddenly insists that she wants to stop here. She kisses him hurriedly and runs off. Before he has time to think about it, Adriano gets a phone call from a long-lost friend, Jesus de Garreta, who wants to party and introduce him to some young ladies.

At work, Helena is watching the DVD JC made in front of the clown face. Pluto sees from the doorway and is taken aback. He retreats into the hallway and hears the blue dresses talking about Max Montes. They're going to search all over the Internet and find him to cheer up Eva. Pluto says he knows Max, so he'll take care of this himself. But it's a surprise! Don't tell anyone!

Eva comes back from lunch just in time to see Pluto in Helena's office, holding her hands and telling her to forget about JC. After an extended but discreet display of disgust in the hallway, Eva bursts into the room to interrupt. ("I'm not interrupting, am I?") She tells Pluto that she was just visiting his wife - the one he promised at the altar to love forever - she's depressed. He should give her a call.

Alone, Eva grills Helena about her relationship with Pluto. She shouldn't let him touch her hands, because he's a married man and people will talk. Is Helena SURE she's not interested in Pluto? Is she SURE he's not interested in her? Helena insists they're just friends. Eva scoffs, "oh, hahahaha, a man and a woman, friends? In all my life, I've never been able to be friends with a woman," Eva declares. Helena is surprised. Eva quickly covers, says she's just quoting a celebrity.

JC's parents, Eugenia and Modesto, are disagreeing about what (or not) to do with JC's belongings, given that Eugenia is convinced that JC is alive, and Modesto still doesn't believe she's seen him. She really wants to go to JC's place. Modesto leaves her alone for a moment; she picks up the framed photo where JC hid his note. "What did you hide, Juan Carlos?" (I can't tell if she's remembering seeing him hide it, or if she simply notices that the photo is lumpy.) She takes the back off the frame and finds the note.

The next time we see Eugenia and Modesto, they're at JC's old apartment, and she's collecting all of his photos. (Hoping to find more notes?) She tells Modesto that's all she wants. Apparently, she hasn't told him about the note. Then she finds the engagement ring JC wanted to give Helena.

Pluto asks Onesimo to do a background check on Eva. Research her resume. She's too nosy. Pluto lets on that another woman is taking Rebeca's place. Onesimo guesses it's Helena. Pluto will conquer her at any cost. Onesimo asks if he can have Rebeca then. (Onesimo needs a friend with a better sense of humor.)

Helena and Eva are apparently going to Playa Majagua on Thursday (whenever Thursday is). Helena says she's going to the Tourism Comission to see someone named Victoria. Eva seems excited to hear this. Helena also tells her that Pluto offered her JC's old job, the VP of Operations position, and she rejected it. Eva is impactada.

Helena asks Eva to destroy the DVD and get rid of the little keepsake box. Eva urges Helena not to forget the people who mean so much to her. JC was important in her life. Helena says JC's dead now and she should bury all his stuff with him. Good memories? All she has are pain and questions. Maybe he never loved her. Eva entreats her to find out whether he died a liar, or loving her with all his heart. "Rid yourself of the doubts. What have you got to lose?"

Marcela is typing like a madwoman at her desk. Loafing, Fernando asks for something to eat. She tells him she's busy working. (He should try it sometime!) She offers him some cookies from her purse. He complains that he has to find them and they're cold. Boo hoo hoo, it's tough being a grown man! He watches her work over her shoulder and says she's making mistakes. He'll take care of them if she gets him a coffee. Disgusted, she gets up. He sits at her computer... and I shudder to think what happens next. We don't find out tonight. (I'm worried he'll wreck her work, but perhaps he'll just play a few rounds of Minesweeper, if he can handle the responsibility.)

Some blue dresses are in the restroom, talking about visiting JC at the cemetery. Helena asks Jackie how well she knew JC. Jackie has nothing but good things to say about him. She dated him long before he helped her get this job. She was a table dancer, and she wanted to change her life. JC gave her that chance, and asked for nothing in return. Some people say he was a bum, but he really had a heart of gold.

Helena asks Jackie to look up an address for her (we don't know whose).

Eva and Mimi on phone. Rehash. Eva's bummed that Helena wants to get rid of JC's stuff, doubting his love, etc. On the other hand, Mimi reports that Toni is feeling better. Eva tells Mimi to keep Toni entertained, so Mimi decides to give Toni a new Avon face. All Toni can think is how Pluto will like it. Mimi says, don't do this for him. Do this for yourself.

Pluto calls Max's girlfriend, wife, whatever to ask about Max. She doesn't want to tell him anything. So then he calls Max himself (I don't get why he didn't try him first) and asks if he knows anything about this Eva woman. Max says no, and based on the description, she's not even Max's type. He doesn't remember anyone like that. Pluto tells Max to disappear for a while. "People are looking for you, and we could both be in trouble."

Helena meets with Victoria at the Tourism Commission. Vic's been dying to meet her. She seems very well-informed about what happened with Helena, JC, Grupo Imperio, and the Playa Majagua competition. "JC must have really loved you to have done all those things they say he did." Helena is confused. JC deceived her. Victoria is not so sure. She and JC were "more than friends" for years, and the last time she called him he said things had changed, he had met a woman and was in love. "I bet he was talking about you," she tells Helena. But now they'll talk business.

Jackie calls with that address Helena wanted.

Onesimo reports to Pluto: All those places on Eva's resume were real companies, and they're all up north where she says she's from; but they've all gone out of business. Onesimo asks if he should hold Eva's feet to the fire. Pluto says no, not just yet. He wants to know a lot more about her first.

Mimi reveals the New Antonia to Eva. She looks pretty much the same to me except her hair's down. Eva makes Toni swear never to hurt herself again. "Get your self esteem up. You're great."

Ah, so that was the mystery address... JC's parents' house. Helena visits Modesto to learn more about JC. Modesto is civil but cold. "I thought I had brought him up right, but he turned out to be a criminal." Modesto is disappointed his son let his friend Adriano down. Also, he tells Helena, "I knew JC better than anyone, and I know you wouldn't have lasted together. You were nothing more than one of his caprices." Sadly, Helena bids him a hasty goodbye; but as she makes for the door, Eugenia recognizes her and calls her by name!

Next time:
Eva to Helena: "Tell me all that's in your heart. I am Juan Carlos!"


There were two things I really liked about this episode:

1. I enjoyed the recurring theme of Eva telling people to look for proof. She told Antonia to find proof of Pluto's infidelity; she told Helena to find proof that JC either loved her or was a liar; and of course there's still JC's own quest to prove his innocence. At the same time, Pluto is also trying to get the goods on Eva. He knows she's up to something, but he's not sure what.

2. I loved how everyone was allowed to use contemporary technology to drastically shorten the duration of several storylines that otherwise might have gone on forever while everyone wrung their hands helplessly or just ignored obvious warning signs. Looking for Max? Google, Tweet, and Facebook him! (Pluto nipped that one in the bud!) Suspicious about the new employee? Another problem that need not take endless months to solve.

I'm remembering Destilando, when it took the harpies FOREVER to realize that Gaviota had been right under their noses at the tequila place as "Mariana Franco"... or in Fea, how long it took Ariel/Daniel to find out about the lien, the shadow company, and its owner. Such storylines are good for building suspense, but realistically, the minute someone gets suspicious about this sort of thing, they start looking - and it doesn't have to take all that long. (Even before we had all this technology, TV detectives were solving much more elaborate mysteries in an hour!)

Oh! A third thing I really liked: No Eduardo!

Thank you for the recap, Julie! Another enjoyable episode. I was so glad, that after Modesto was so brutal about his son, that Eugenia caught Helena. I can't wait to hear her side!

When Eva was telling Helena, "Nooooo, nooooo," it sounded like he was mimicking somebody. Like in Tontas where Camil used the "Tengo miedo" line that was from a YouTube that went viral in Mexico. Anybody know if the "Nooooo, nooooo" comes from something else? My husband heard the line said exactly the same way in another show, but we're thinking both got it from another source.


I imagine Eugenia's story will be much nicer than Modesto's - if Helena sticks around to hear it. She looked pretty stricken after what Modesto told her.

Interesting that she accepted Modesto's scorn so readily, and was just as quick to doubt Victoria's praise. It's as if she's forcing herself to hate JC so it'll be easier to get over his death.

I wish I hadn't been so quick to delete tonight's show - I don't remember how the noooooo nooooo went. (I didn't pay much attention to their scenes together tonight - they were cute at first, but they were too shrill and they went on for too long.)

Thanks, Julie. I liked the way you summarized the various "find the proof" storylines.

I hope Helena will listen to Eugenia :& I wonder what's in that note.

I also agree that the conversations from across the office with Eva calling "Licenciada!" are shrill and annoying. The writers probably thik it's high comedy but I don't. I hope they stop soon.

I'm trying to type the "prove you're not a robot" characters for the THIRD time. I'm sick of them!


The folks in Mexico must have a love affair with Avon.....

For the record, Avon's skin so soft is the only product woth buying. It keeps the mosquitos away.

Hi Julie. Thanks for the condensed recap. When I condense I never bother about getting things in order.I usually just try and follow one character's trail all the way through. (No one's complained yet.)

Loved your asides to Fernando. His scenes are so incredibly annoying. I hope there aren't actually men like that but I suppose there are. Even here, I know a gal whose husband lounges in the family room and just shouts out "Eleanor, beer!" whenever he wants a new drink.

Mimi's line "If you want high-fidelity, get a record player" was a hoot. And since the sociology books say that in Mexico, "infidelity is the norm", the lady has a point.

There's a good bit of comedic clutter in this, but I'm still enjoying it, and I certainly enjoyed your recap my friend.

I suspect that Eva's shrill yelling is Juan's plan to get rid of the barrier. Helena put Eva as far as possible from her in the office, plus the divider is between them. When the yelling annoys her enough, Helena will move the divider or move Eva.

I have to say, the Avon commercial was far less annoying than most TN imbedded commercials.


If I had an assistant who yelled as much as Eva, I'd put her in a different room!

The Avon commercial was fairly brief and less awkward than some of the ones that were in Familia. There's nothing like having the two stars crowd in front of a computer monitor and watch a commercial on the monitor. That was not only tacky, but LAZY. (I'm remembering an even lazier ad in MEPS when we watched someone view a Prilosec ad on TV. If we don't get to see the TV show she's watching, we shouldn't have to see the ad!)

Thanks for the recap, Julie.

This is only the 2nd episode I've watched, and I'm enjoying the La Fea feel.

Speaking of which . . . maybe this has come up previously (or perhaps it's my imagination) . . . but Ava seems to be exhibiting some "Letty-like" behavior, such as covering her mouth when she giggles.

Yes, Eva is something of an awkward clown, much like Lety was. Many of the plot and performance elements appear to be borrowed from or inspired by Fea, yet it still seems fresh and doesn't feel like a ripoff at all. That is quite a trick!

And I think we are all enjoying the good pace, too. Not all of the stories are moving along quickly, but there's always something going on. Rehash scenes are brief, informative, and usually include something to move us forward. I wish all TNs could be this way!

Julie, thanks for an excellent recap with some useful analysis.

Couldn't believe Fernando whining because the cookies were cold. He's been way too pampered.

Despite Eva's tall frame, she's coming across as a very convincing woman.

Hope Eugenia can convince Helena that JC did truly love her.

La Paloma


Thanks for the recap! I missed the whole thing so I really enjoyed catching up. I agree that the pace of the action is great. It's also nice knowing there won't be any lame plot extenders coming up!

Mil in NC

I'll bet Eugenia gives Helena the ring!

I hope so, Paula. It's been fun, but I'm ready for a change of mood.

Julie, Thanks for the recap. I miss quite a bit of what is said and love to get the real story with such a great recounting.

I've been trying to watch Amor Bravio when I can since LQNPA ended but despite my fondness for Silvia Navarro, I just am not really liking it. This show seems like a much better alternative despite being 28 shows behind! I guess I'll have the fun of a lot of recap catch-up!

Mimi also mentioned not.only the fidelidad of a stereo but of un perro. Sage advice.

Julie-- great recap. I liked how you condensed this one. I never get it in order either. It is easier to do it by character or story. I too was glad there was no Eduardo! Whenever he comes on screen, I cringe. Can't stand him. I agree with you about Destilando too. I loved that TN, but they were mighty slow, there. They even had internet. I too was surprised that Pluto started investigating Eva. He doesn't want mis planes ruined.

What is up with Adriano, and the young women? That is a big yuck factor. He is old enough to be her Dad.

I didn't like Modesto bad mouthing his son. That was really bad. Never talk ill of the dead, he should know this. I hope Eugenia gets to tell her that he was a great guy. Yeah, I know he was a big Don Juan, but with Helena that was changing.

Can't stand Fernando. I am hoping he doesn't screw up Marcela's hard work either. Do Santi and Ferni ever work? It seems they only argue and want to fight with women.

I've been trying to figure out Adriano's subplot. We COULD take Paola at face value, but somehow I don't think she's for real. I'm wondering if her "open relationship" thing is a scheme to hook him through reverse psychology. Either that, or the scheme is to get a job at GI and then when things go sour, sue or blackmail him for harassment. (I don't know what the laws in Mexico are exactly, but a good schemer can find an angle!)

Work ethic of Santi and Fernando: Santi prepared that first report for Helena, the one where all the calculations were wrong. And he wrote notes all over his hand. That probably took him a good ten minutes. The busiest I ever saw Fernando was when he was helping JC scam Helena. He threw some of GI's business her way (via JC). However, Pluto found out - it was one of the things that JC got blamed for.

So, those two are capable of screwing up simple tasks when properly motivated. You'd think that would have annoyed JC, but maybe they were good company for a guy with a heart of gold. (As long as he didn't ask too much of them!)

I think the hard work of the up and coming women in the company-- Helena, Marciela, and "Eva", will drive the men to step up their game too. And the little chippies too, who up till now have only been asked to look pretty as the walk the hallways.

Julie- This open relationship thing is a total scam on Paola's part. Adriano finds it fascinating and refreshing and he's hooked. She definitely has some kind of end game. She's not as dumb as she makes herself look.

Yes, "She definitely has some kind of end game." But what? That's the hard part. Any ideas what her little brain could be plotting?

The ultimate end game would be to get him to put her in his will - marry him, if necessary - and then hasten his demise in some manner.

Normally I'd say that's too dark for a comedy, but it's pretty much what Pluto is already doing to Antonia.

Julie- I'm thinking what you're thinking about Paola.

What would be cool in that scenario would be for Antonia to figure out what Paola is doing, and warn her brother - and then, so as not to die from irony poisoning - realize what Pluto is doing to her.

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