Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Amor Bravío #29 (Uni 24) Tue 9/18/12 Junior Kimodo’s Claws Come Out!

Daniel’s Campfire
Daniel sits alone at his campfire as he ponders the workings of the evildoers.  How is it possible these scoundrels would stoop so low just for power and money?  He flashes back to the murder of his wife and child, his escape from jail, meeting Camila, and now the attempt on Padrecito’s life.  He prays and wonders what else is in store for him.  He’s already involved other people and has now agreed to work with Dionicio.  He is now very repentant for having doubted Camila.  He begins to sob openly as he swears he can’t allow rage and hate to overcome him again.  There are times he feels he can no longer go on.  He prays for the strength to see this through and asks God to show him the right path.  He doesn’t want to hurt any more people.  He continues to sob as he prays for God’s help.

Hospital, following morning
D’Andres arrives to find Amanda asleep in the waiting area.  (My, he looks mighty spiffy in that charcoal gray charro suit, Ay Papi!).  He explains he’s come by to suggest they care for the Padre at the Inn and even offers to give her a little out of his pay in order to help with his care.  Amanda thinks it’s a great idea but refuses his offer of money.  She’s just as interested as Daniel to see the Padre well again.

Luzma’s School
Luzma hands the head mistress the report, signed by her mother.  Headmistress hopes Luzma’s learned her lesson.  As the headmistress walks away, Luzma explains to Irene that she forged her mother’s signature. No way could she let her know what happened.  Luzma still has to get her bloodwork (?) for the marriage license and asks Irene to come with her so they can shop for her wedding dress after that!!!  Irene readily agrees.

Buenaventura Hacienda
Mariano tells Pablo that BratGirl is going to be staying a bit longer because her “uncle” is still very “ill” and her dad asked their parents to let her stay longer as a favor to them.  Pablo worries because Luzma is very jealous of her.  Mariano thinks Luzma must learn to trust him.  After all, she’s going to be his wife.  Mariano feels that a woman’s jealousy can turn a marriage into a real hell.   Ileana (BratGirl) isn’t to blame here and if Pablo and Luzma are planning to live at Bueneventura, they’re all going to have to learn to get along with her.  Well, at least as long as she continues to live there. 

Bulls herded into pen by vaqueros (Salúd!)  (did you know the word “vaquero” is the origin of the English word “buckaroo”?)

Camila passes by as D’Andres washes a car (drat, he’s wearing a shirt, oh well).  She coolly bids him Buenos Dias , and keeps on walking.  Inside, Isadora, Alonssso, and Agustina are having breakfast.  We  see Alonsso sniffing at his plate of fruit as the ladies chatter on.  LOL!  Camila walks and dismisses Alonsso’s offer to serve her a plate of fruit.  Natalia comes in with the good news that the Padre has awakened, although he can’t move.  She’s also brought Alonssso that “picture” of Daniel.  Alonsso explains he requested the picture because Dionicio thought the death certificate might be a mistake and Daniel may still be alive.  Aggie and Camila are surprised at this news.  Camila can’t believe the authorities could make such a mistake.  She wonders why Alonsso didn’t tell her earlier, like when he asked Natalia for the photo.  He explains he didn’t want to alarm her until he had the info.  He still thinks it’s a good idea to be prepared.  What if he should show up unexpectedly?  Camila still doesn’t understand the need for the photo and what does he mean by being prepared.  Prepared for what?  Isadora jumps into the conversation and reminds Camila that Daniel is a criminal.  He’s already killed his wife.  He’s capable of anything.  Camila doesn’t think he’s a threat.  If he shows up, he’s showing up for his inheritance - an inheritance that she doesn’t plan to fight. 

Amanda explains to Tolontino about the Padre coming to stay at the hostel  She asks him to run by the clinic to fill some prescriptions.

Malquerida Hacienda
The discussion continues. Camila is fully aware Daniel is a fugitive from justice.  She suggests they hire an investigator to find Daniel.  She thinks they may be able to convince him to turn himself in.  Isadora feels Camila’s being very naïve.  That man will never turn himself in.  Camila suggests they really don’t know why he hasn’t.  Maybe he’s hurt, or maybe he’s dead.  All they know is that he escaped and then he disappeared.  They really don’t know anything.  And after this error (about the death certificate) she really doesn’t believe any of the info the Chilean authorities gave Dionicio.  She’s convinced she wants a P.I. and Isadora agrees and Alonsso starts chomping on his claws (Salud!)

Natalia has run out to tell D’Andres about handing the photo to Alonssso and the ensuing discussion.  At least the part she heard.  She feels funny now knowing he’s the heir.  He assures her he’s the same guy and will always be her friend. 

Back inside, Alonsso wonders what Camila hopes to achieve by hiring a P.I.  If he finds Daniel, they can just return him to jail again and that’s that.  Yes, says Camila, but he’ll return to jail as an heir and can then hire an attorney who can at least work to lessen his sentence.  Isadora wonders if she’s considered that Daniel may not want to return to jail.  He may possibly want to make a deal, like maybe leaving Camila with everything in exchange for a large sum of money so he can disappear.  Camila shares that she thought of asking Daniel to either sell her the ranch or to lease it out to her, knowing full well she may end up being indebted the rest of her life.  She thinks Isadora’s suggestion would require lying to the authorities.  Isadora denies suggesting anything of the kind. 

Isadora feels that if Daniel is alive and the authorities haven’t caught him, it’s obvious he’s hiding and has surely taken a new identity.  She also suggests Daniel can sell her the ranch at a much lower price in exchange for his freedom.  It’s better to lose a little money than to be rich and in jail.  Camila disagrees.  She feels such a deal would be making herself an accomplice.  Her loving husband tries to chime in, saying what then, leaving him the ranch and letting it go to rot?  Aggie jumps in saying they should sell it.  Camila stops everyone and is determined to hire a P.I. and that’s that.  No one knows what Daniel wants and that’s what they need to find out.  Isadora rolls her eyes. 

Amanda is in with Padre and explains she now knows D’Andres’ true identity.  She also explains Daniel suspects Alonsso and Isadora are the ones behind the attempt on his life.  She tells him she’ll bring him to her hostel to convalesce. 

Rodolfo and D’Andres approach Camila, who’s deep in thought.  Rodolfo reminds her it’s time for the Tienda de Machos.  It’s a trial of sorts for the male bulls to test out their bravura and determine which will be sent to the corridas (bullfights). 

BratGirl is pithed and complains to Pablo that she feels her parents dumped her there.  She feels no one wants her here.  Pablo runs after her saying that’s not true but does admit Luzma is jealous of her.  But she’s welcome to stay as long as she wants.  BratGirl promises not to do anything to make Luzma jealous.  Then she hugs him and kisses him on the cheek in appreciation.  Ugh.  Hate this storyline. 

Bulls go through their “tienda de macho”. What the heck, Salúd!  
Camila explains to D'Andres this Tienda de Machos will help them determine which bull will be put to stud (semental), which will go to the bullfights (corridos), and which will go to slaughter (rastro)

We see Tolontino getting the meds for the Padre.  He passes by the clinic and sees Luzma in the waiting area.  Before he can reach her, the nurse comes out asking for Luzma, confirming she’s there for her nuptial tests.  Tolontino asks her if she’s getting married.  Luzma can only stand there with the deer-in-the-headlights look. 

Malquerida – Alonsso’s den
Isadora has to explain to Alonssso that if he hires the P.I., he’ll have control of the situation.  Otherwise they won’t know when Daniel is found if Camila hires the P.I. Dionicio is in full agreement.  Alonsso wonders what they’ll do when they find him.  Duh, finish the job that should have been finished in Chile, says Isadora.  Daniel will die unbeknownst to Camila.  The light finally comes on for Alonssso.  He puts two and two together and this time he comes up with the right answer.  Isadora and Dionicio were involved in the whole thing, the attack on Daniel and his wife!  Why wasn’t he told?  So, Daniel didn’t really kill his wife?  Dionicio explains it all turned out in their favor.  The hit man was supposed to kill Daniel, but hit the wife instead.  In the end, Daniel was accused and that was in their favor.  Alonssso can’t understand how it’s possible to have someone killed like that.  He’s shocked.  Isadora coldly says problems must be solved and there are times that it’s necessary to get rid of anyone who gets in the way.  Dionicio asks, “Now that you know the whole story, you are our accomplice.  You’re not going to put us off, or are you? Do me the favor of not putting on this purity act.  It doesn’t suit you.” 

Back at the clinic
Luzma warns Tolentino not to say anything.  She’ll be 18 soon and can do whatever she likes and tells him not to butt in. 

Camila is in Padre’s room, crying.  She tells him she’s sure he’ll be with them for a long time.  She doesn’t understand how he came to crash into that tree after driving that same road all these years.  Padre suddenly looks up.  She tries to get through to him.  She continues to tell him he’ll get better.  He seems anguished so she tells him to calm down.  She wishes she could be the one to look after him but she can’t right now.  Soon he’ll recover his voice and then they’ll have a nice long talk.  For some reason, she tells him she’s on her way to speak to Alonsso’s cardiologist.

Malquerida – Alonsso’s den
Alonssso feels like an idiot, thinking Daniel was a murderer, when the only assassin here is Dionicio.  Just a moment, says Dionicio.  Has Alonssso forgotten what happened with the Cura?  Alonsso reminds him he never asked to have him killed and never agreed to that.  Dionicio reminds him he never advised the authorities.  So Alonsso’s in this up to his collar.  Alonsso:  “Maldito be the hour when I got involved with you!”  “What’s done is done,” says Isadora.  “That’s easy for you to say,” says Alonssso.  “You’re using me.  I can’t believe that my own mother would …..”  he becomes incoherent and Dionicio suggests he not be so melodramatic cuz that doesn’t suit him either.  Alonsso has slumped back in his chair and his devil mother asks if he’s ok.  He pushes her away but he’s panting and gets up to walk away.  Dionicio tells her to leave him alone, there’s nothing wrong with him.  Alonssso finally makes it to the door and leaves.  Isadora reminds Dionicio of Alonsso’s heart problem.  Dionicio calmly says Alonssso will take his meds and get over it just like he’ll get over the rest of it.  They just need to give him time to get over his little tantrum. 

D’Andres drives Miss Camila
D’Andres suggests she take over at the wheel.  Now that she’s gotten over the fear it would be good to practice.  Camila’s not in the mood.  He asks if everything is ok with Alonsso.  He’s asking since she’s on her way to visit Alonsso’s cardiologists.  Camila just wants to assure herself Alonsso will be ok when things change between them.  D’Andres asks if things are going to change.  She responds things will change but assumes it’s all the same to D’Andres.  No response.

Viviana’s Place
Viv is still impactada by her run-in with Bruno the Brute.  Rafa explains about using his brother’s picture as Daniel.  He’s concerned about involving his brother in all this.  Viviana isn’t really engaging in the conversation and Rafa asks what’s wrong.  Viv doesn’t want to discuss it and says she wants to be alone. 

Cardiologist’s Office
Camila wants to know about Alonsso’s condition.  Doc tells her he shouldn’t be put under any stress (dang!).  His condition is very grave.  Camila needs to know if this is a permanent situation cuz there’s something she needs to do.  Doc recommends that if she’s considering doing something that will affect him, she should wait until his meds have had a chance to take effect and better able to confront any situation. 

D’Andres helps Camila out of the car and they exchange a meaningful look, but she coldly thanks him and walks away.

Aggie’s very happy Padre will be taken care of at Amanda’s.  Camila wonders if they should hire a nurse.  Aggie doesn’t think it’s a good idea just yet.  Amanda is so looking forward to caring for him.  She thinks they should wait.  If it’s necessary, they can bring him to Malquerida if it becomes necessary.  ( nooooo!)

Inside Natalia tells Camila that Alonsso’s been holed up in his room all afternoon. 

Outside, a letter has arrived from Chile for Camila and D’Andres signs for it.  Leoncio tries to intercept, saying he’ll tell the boss if he doesn’t hand over the package.  D’Andres ain’t budging.  He says he’s working under the boss’ orders.  He warns Leon not to come looking for him – cuz he won’t like what he finds.  BAM!  Ooooh, I love it when he’s forceful.

Camila finds Alonsso crunched up on his bed.  He’s taken his meds and will see the doc tomorrow.  He’s been thinking about that divorce and he announces he’s ready to accept it!

In the Kitchen, surrounded by Tostitos, Piedad is fixing something yummy when Leoncio walks in.  Leon says he really wants to get rid of D’Andres.  She tells him Luzma went to see the Padre.  He’s shocked to hear this.  Isadora comes in to give him some “instructions” from her son. 

Outside, D’ Andres opens that letter from Chile.  He doesn’t like what he sees.  He calls Dionicio to tell him it’s Daniel’s death certificate.  Dion instructs him to keep it for him and asks how things are between Alonsso and Camila.  He wants to know when he can see Camila alone.  He doesn’t explain further.

Isadora tells Leoncio that Padre hasn’t said anything.  He tells her about the envelope D’Andres is hiding.  She tells him not to worry about the chauffeur.  Leon insists he wants him gone.  Isadora tells him he’s not in a position to be asking for anything.   She explains that tomorrow she’s going to begin paying him for the botched hit on the Padre in small portions so no one will suspect.  Leon’s not happy with this arrangement.  She explains it’s better this way.  Otherwise how would he explain such a large sum?  He objects again, and she puts him in his place.  She reminds him that the Padre is still alive due to his ineptitude (ineptitud)!  As she walks away, he repeats to himself, “Ineptitud?” duh.

Back upstairs, Camila’s can’t believe he’s serious.  Alonsso assures her he is.  He only wants to make her happy.  Camila’s wary and he tells her the only thing he wants is for her to be his – even if only for one time.  (oh no, he didn’t)  “Como?” is all she can say.  How can he ask that of her?  Alonsso figures all her problems will be solved, so he’s really not asking that much.  She tells him she can only have sex with someone she loves and she doesn’t love him!  “I love you,” says Alonsso.  “I desire you like no other.”  She can’t believe he’s asking this of her.  If this is his condition for granting the divorce, then she doesn’t know what they’re gonna do, because it ain’t gonna happen, ever!  JAMÁS!  He wonders if he disgusts her.  It’s more than disgust, she says.  It’s disappointment, rage, anger.  She doesn’t understand him.  She can’t believe she didn’t realize who he is and how he is.  Right back at ya, he says.  He feels the same of her.  Alrighty, then, if she won’t have sex with him, she’ll need to give him something else.  He’s not about to walk away from this marriage empty handed.  He asks for a part of her inheritance.  Achis, Achis! 


I, too, felt like starting a camp fire and sitting around crying and praying for God's help in getting through Camila's long, drawn out, indecision about divorcing Alonso. Now he has upped that ante to "sleep with me one more time" and give me part of something you don't own...and yes I will give you a divorcio. Well, if this doesn't thin the herd for Camila I don't know what will. Get rid of the creep and send his mommie packing.
A Dion and Aug trip to Europe couldn't happen soon enough for me.

Great recap, too.

Thanks for the recap. It was all just blah, blah, blah for me last night.



We knew that Alonssso would come up with some delaying tactic about the divorce. Quite apart from knowing that he can't cut the mustard we know that Camila won't give part of anything she doesn't own.

No way will Augustina go to Europe without either Camila or El Diablo and he isn't budging as long as he knows Alonssso is bungling. She is also not smart enough to not stand in the way if Camila tries to boot the dragons out of La Malquerida.

I am royally peeved that we won't have another episode until Friday. Couldn't they have preempted AdP once instead of this one twice?

Great recap, Paquita. With all these people now calling Daniel by his real name (not just Rafa and Vivi but also Amanda and Natalia, as well as the Padre when he's able to speak), I can't believe his identity will remain hidden much longer. The only thing that makes me think it might is the photo of Rafa's brother. I have a feeling that the brother may indeed wind up in danger, but that can only happen if Daniel isn't outed.

I wish the Bratgirl subplot would disappear. It's like an annoying insect that I'd like to swat.

BTW, it looks as if we will be without Amor Bravío tonight and tomorrow night. Univision is doing some kind of program involving Romney tonight and Obama tomorrow. I think the other TNs are OK, it's just the 10 pm slot that has been preempted.

The others are on, as far as my cable company knows.

This is annoying.

Bratgirl is a junior version of Ximena so far but could grow into a Gala (of Refugio). Thus far a good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit her immensely but her behavior will escalate; we can be sure of that.

Getting back to Alonssso, he wasn't married long enough -- and in name only at that -- to demand any compen$ation. Camila can easily turn this back on him and say that any such demand will make her seek an annulment, which would disclose the reason she can get one.

Thanks for the delicious recap. I'm disappointed that the 10 o'clock spot got preempted yet again. I wholeheartedly agree with the comment that the Bratgirl subplot is like an annoying insect that you'd like to swat. Well put!


Thanks for the recap Paquita.

Wow, after watching Alonso have a meltdown when he learned what his mother and the devil did, it didn't take long for him to be a jerk to Cami again, did it? ITA w/Anon 7:45am that she needs to go back to her quickie divorce with a side of annulment.

UA - yes Abismo should be pre-empted instead. It's so silly now we could all use a break from it.

Juanita - Spot on with your assessment of the Bratgirl plot. Make it go away.

I wish the writers would give us a bone. Allow at least one couple to be happy for a few episodes instead of having the baddies menacing all the time.

Thank you Paquita so much for the recap, I love your title!!

I agree with the others that too many people are calling our hombre Daniel... I actually haven't watched the episode yet and didn't know it is preempted until Friday. How disappointing.

BTW I agree that Bratgirl is annoying but I think the Pablo/Luzma/Bratgirl theme is going to become somewhat important to the story.

Thanks, Paquita, for a great recap. Poor Padre, lying in bed, knowing so much, but unable to say anything. I do hope he makes it to the end of this TN.

Christian de la Fuente is impressing me more and more as this story moves on. His acting is much better in Amor Bravio than in CS 2009. "He warns Leon not to come looking for him - cuz he won't like what he finds. BAM! Ooooh, I love it when he's forceful." That was a great scene, and you captured it perfectly.

UA - thanks for sharing pictures of your cats; they are quite a striking pair.

Loriloo - ITA that the Bratgirl plot has purpose - to finally lead us to meeting Pablo parent's. But its still annoying.

Thanks Paquita, I love your recaps. You such a terrific job.

I know everyone is so sick of me saying this, but Cristian De La Fuente is soooooo cute. OMG. When he smiles I completely melt. Those dimples and eyes are making me so weak. OY!

When Dan was washing the car and Camila walked past, as Dan was watching her walk away I kept saying to myself "Look back at him", and she did. Both were busted.

Paquita, I was thinking the same thing when they were showing the bull trials. Salud! I could have finished a whole bottle of wine with those long scenes.

At least Alonso is appalled by his mom and Dion's killing. I hope he ultimately turns on them.

Fabulous recap Paquita.

I felt for poor Dan during his campfire scene, but considering he had just begged Rafa to use his bro's picture, I was a little miffed at him too. He's begging God not to let anyone else get hurt, and yet he's dragging some innocent guy into this mess. With a P.I./killer (whom I'm sure Dio will hire) on the case, I'm not so sure Rafa's brother is going to be so safe in that little remote town way in the south for much longer.

Please Vivi, tell Rafa what happened with Bruno! I hope Rafa stays on her case and makes her tell him what's wrong.

The BratGirl plot has a purpose, I agree. We now know she's not just after Pablo for the heck of it. Her parents are broke and this is all a plot of theirs to get BratGirl married into Pablo's family to have access to their money, and who knows what else... So in a way, Pablo is like Camila-- a trio of bad guys is plotting to get him married to one of them in order to get their hands on his money/inheritance. Question is, what do they plan on doing to Mariano?

I'm glad that Cami could read from the Padre's eyes how anguished he is about something. I think she did a good job trying to calm him and assure him things will be fine. Of course she can't possibly know that he's scared and anxious for her LIFE!

This trio of bad guys (Dio, Isa, Al) will for sure turn on each other. They are already doing it. Dio and Isa often cut Al out of decisions. Now Al is trying to strike out on his own and cut the two of them out by pressuring Cami to pay him off in exchange a divorce. He better hope mama and Dio don't find out about this. Dio would bump him off in a second. Mama Dragon might think about it for two seconds, then bump him off. She thinks he's useless anyway.

Did she not once say that love does not exist? I would not doubt that she would do him in if he stood in the way of a few million pesos.

Paquita--You have set us up with your recap in excellent fashion. You tell it like it is and manage to find humor in what otherwise is a serious romantic drama.

>(My, he D'Andres] looks mighty spiffy in that charcoal gray charro suit, Ay Papi!).

>D’Andres washes a car (drat, he’s wearing a shirt, oh well).< I was thinking the same thing.

Should we surmise you are a bit enamorada de el, along with cathyx, me and I think Anya is coming around, too.

Camila can't make it any clearer to Alonso that she can't stand him and he's nuts (or actually may not have any) when she sits down at the breakfast table and won't let him serve her? What on earth kind of a propuesta did he make over the divorce. He's either very stupid or very clever. Right now, Camila holds both the annulment and the civil divorce cards--no nookie, nada de nada. Just one time a marriage makes--consumation achieved. Stay away from him Cami.

Thank you Paq, for how the bulls are divided up. Silvia talks so fast and this is one lexicon I'm not familiar with. I pray we do not have to witness any bullfights.

We have a two-day drought ahead. I'm planning a little something for tomorrow. If it doesn't work, I'll post it as a comment.

Nice crying scene by this male actor. Realistic sobs and tears and no lace hankie.
I was so surprised by Al-Loco. Not only did he show a childlike response to mommy is a killer but he actually came up with a pretty good idea, not a great idea but a pretty good one. If all is lost and only the biggest baddies will go the route, I'm (Alonso) going to get some little something and get gone before the police bring the handcuffs.
Now a great idea would have been to take that cash from the safe, empty Mom's account of the assassin payroll and get gone. Punto.

Karen, thanks. My furbabies are very beautiful and they know it. Fortunately they are equally affectionate. Figaro is very playful and loves his cardboard box and bits of paper.

Thanks, Paquita. Great job on a good, good episode. I am enjoying this novela and hope that there aren't as many delays, cliches and forays into nuttiness ahead as in many other novelas. Love Anon's statement about wanting to cry and pray for help as we wait for Camila to do the real good deed and get away from this guy.

My favorite scenes from last night: first, the ineptitude line so well said by Isa and so well repeated by Leo -- great. And Daniel's face when Dio talked about approaching Camila alone. It is a revolting prospect.

Paquita: You had me chuckling a few times with this one, amiga! Also thanks for defining rastro -- couldn't find it in the time I had and so much appreciated in this context. Dittos to what Anita and ViviDC quoted.

Anita: Glad I wasn't the only one wishing I had 1/2 Speed as an option on my recorder whenever I have to watch a scene with Silvia. I generally end up rewinding multiple times and hope for the best.....

Glad to read I'm not the only person with that problem.

Urban: Love the furbaby, life-long cat lover that I am. So do my two tabbies, LOL!

Anyway, wanted to thank you for such a wonderfully suspenseful recap. My hubby forgot to rehook the cable back and I was sleeping off the flu bug or some such and missed mucho. Thanks for the filling in. Your description of the ending was powerful and I appreciated "He's gotten his fear fix from her".


I can't believe I have to go two days without seeing my telenovio.

I hope this TN keeps up with this more mature story. I hate it when the writers introduce a farfetched plot and expect us to go along with it. So far, this one is doing great. Keep it up writers.

Cathyx: ITA, the writers are doing it just about perfect.

I'm so disappointed about not seeing AB. Oh, well.....

Looking at Elisa and Damian in a clinch, I wonder how long it took them to get in a very intimate and amorous position with Damian not touching!!!



Tenuous question: What happens to el rastro bull? (that's got to be too tough for food market)

Bonney- Pet food.

Is it really that much tougher than regular beef just because it's more muscular? I guess from the exercise instead of grazing like regular cattle do.

My tv guide is showing this show to be on at 10:00pm tonight. But they are advertising that it won't be on until Friday. Which is true?

The announcer is right Cathyx. Tonight will be like last night. Last night they interviewed Romney. Tonight President Obama. No Amor Bravio.

If this works right, my debut as a poster on the "front" page will be unveiled soon for all Amor Bravio fans, as well as Weekend readers.

Anita- Are you taking over one of the nights? Are you sharing it with someone?

Paquita - Thanks for all the dialogue, especially at the dinner table.

Two scenes had me laughing: 1) Camila with hands in pocket rushing by Andres washing the car - she was so cute trying to suppress her feelings for him. 2) Leoncio: "Ineptitud?"

I can't believe Viviana's never told anyone about Bruno's abuse. Hope she opens up to Camila.

Thank you Cathyx.

Cathyx--No Bravio recapping for me. It's toooo intense. I wouldn't be able to do it justice.

My poor little pen is being kept busy with Refugio. I finally got up enough nerve to post my own recaps rather than keep asking other recappers. But, I also didn't want the pressure of posting the same night I write it up on the first time out, so I decided to do something less stressful.

I did a similar compilation for Dr. Alvaro Nesme in CME and folks seemed to like it.

What I like so far:
* That so many of the good guys appear to have brains and can add two and two together. It's a refreshing change, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the plot will develop if it's not based on everyone being unbelievably obtuse.
* The setting--I always love a good rancho, and this one, with its bull-raising, has a nice distinctive angle. Plus any location that means that the men have to wear special costumes is good in my books.
* SN is always to the good, and there seem to be nice sparks between her and the galan. (Who doesn't do anything for me, personally, but he's nice to look at.)


What I don't like so far:
* The gang that can't shoot straight is kind of getting on my nerves. Dionisio can't help but be fun to watch, but honestly I skip over the others. Perhaps it's that my favorite kind of villian is like the mother in La Otra or even Fina and Roberta in CME--the ones that are integrally part of the family and so can't be disposed of so easily. The ones that have everyone fooled about saintly they are, and whose crimes include emotional manipulation rather than just murder and swindles. In this story I keep thinking--Camila, divorce Alonso and then kick him and his merry gang to the curb. It looks too easy.

* The lack of subplots. Until Viv's ex showed up, there was a total of one subplot--Luzma and Pablo. (I actually like them a lot, although I can be allergic to teenagers in soaps.) Ximena's "story" is all character-developoment so far, with no subplot developing around her. Agustina and her suitors--that's been totally centered around the rancho and Camila. As for Viv and Rafa up till now--doesn't anyone else get frustrated that we're watching two attractive and presumably intelligent and talented people being so obsessed with Camila and her problems that they can't come up with any problems of their own? Thank heavens for Bruno's arrival in this regard--and I thought the first scene between him and Viviana was excellent--what happened physically made sense and wasn't pure cliche.

By the way, could it be that always takes a while for subplots to develop? I usually watch a telenovela by first viewing the abridged DVD version and then searching for more episodes on line. This is the first time I've watched one from the start.

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