Wednesday, October 10, 2012

AMOR BRAVIO EXTRA - Operation Shine the Light, Pt.1 (10/10/12)


NOTE: There may be spoilers here for any viewers who have not been following this telenovela from the beginning.  It is meant primarily to help viewers who are staying current to keep characters and their relationships and inter-relationships straight.

New Post--Update on all song themes; recent revelations; what Miriam needs to learn. Family Tree list is now near the end.


Gussie finally sees with her own eyes how Dio and Isadora have been having a fling behind her back even before Gussie and Dio got married.  He tries to keep her from telling Caye by tying her up, but she escapes back to the rancho LMQ.

Miriam has learned a lot of things (see Below).

Natalia finds out she is pregnant but Yago denies paternity saying it could have been Rodolfo’s (yeah, right).  Both Dionisio and Cayetano swear to do the right thing; Dionisio by threatening Yago with bodily harm or feigned happy wedding and Cayetano by cutting Yago off without a peso if the child turns out to be an Albarran.

Everybody in LMQ and LBV now know Pablo is the love-child of a relationship between Big Don Daniel and Rocio (the love part was her delusion, not his).  Cayetano kicks Rocio off the rancho and out of his life.

Natalia finally learns from Amanda who her bio-dad is, it is Dionisio Ferrer, aka Hector Gutierrez.  When she confronts him, he denies it at first then says it might be true and suggests she get a DNA test. He lies telling her he never knew of her existence and he and Amanda were never married.  He burns the document with the Hector Gutierrez name on it. The test proves Natalia is indeed Dionisio's daughter

Dionisio learns Alonso was not Isa’s bio-child and that Rosario, the nurse was his bio-mom.  He is not pleased.

The OR/LPN nurse where Alonso is taken after the car accident is Rosario.  She recognizes the name and the description (Lazcano, age 34) as most probably the son sleaze-ball Lazcano wrenched from her arms to give to Isadora as an infant.  She is his bio-mom.

Gussy learns that Ximena (QEPD) was wanted in Monterrey for theft and fraud and Camila reveals the theft of a large sum of money when she first arrived at La Malquerida.

Natalia learns from her mother that her father is not dead and he wasn’t a very nice guy.  But, no amount of pleading will get her to reveal his name or identity.  Amanda swears she’ll never tell.  The story will come to light, no doubt.

Gussy spots Amanda on a street in Aculco and when Dionisio sees her, realizes who she is.  He visits her and threatens her not to try to leave again, or else.  Meanwhile, Natalia has left her job at la Buenaventura and Camila doesn’t want her back at la Malquerida (because Dionisio is there), so what happens?  Dionisio, knowing she's his daughter, offers her a job in town, a big pay raise and a car.  She takes the job, the pay raise and the car.

Ximena interrupts a more than friendly kiss between Dionisio and Hissydora, but is “persuaded” it means nothing and she’d better keep her mouth shut.  FX observes as Dio & Hissy have a little tête-a-tête ending with a light kiss as she leaves to go back to the fiesta.
Unfortunately for Daniel and Alonso, Ximena overhears Alonso identifying Andres as Daniel and tells Isadora.

In episode #77, Alonso learns D’Andres’ true identity by accident in the cabaña and promises to keep the information to himself, in return for assistance in keeping him out of jail for signing the contract for land that didn’t belong to him.

Alonso finds out from Licenciado Salomon (Isadddora’s crooked notario) that he is the product of old man Lascano and a servant girl.  Al asks what his mother’s name was, and Salomon says it was Rosario. 

In episode #72, a very weak Daniel, who left the hospital without permission because Camila stayed away, arrives at Camila’s cabaña and tells her he is not Daniel's spy instead he says, "Yo soy Daniel Diaz Acosta."  He tells her everything he knows about his situation. She’s furious, but she listens.  She puts him to bed and ministers to his fever, but will not let her head forgive him.

Amanda has just received the shock that the husband she fled from with Natalia as a baby is none other than the man who is now passing himself off as Dionisio Ferrer.  It is most likely that she did not divorce him legally.  For her it is immaterial, since she has never tried to remarry.  He may be in trouble since he married Gussy in Las Vegas.

The results of the DNA test that Dan had done with samples of Camila's hair and whatever he used  for himself came back negative. Daniel and Camila are NOT related. However, if Francisco Javier Diaz is Daniel’s father AND Ximena’s father, then Camila shares a step-father with both Ximena and Daniel.
Daniel has just learned that Mr. Francisco Javier Diaz has arrived in Aculco and presented himself as his father. Ximena and Agustina recognized this gentleman as Ximena's bio-dad, as did Camila, so it is pretty certain this part of the relationship is correct.

Doña Rocio (Pablo’s mother) and Refugio, the nana, have discussed Pablo and Camila's family relationship—that Don Daniel is Pablo's bio-dad, so he and Camila are first cousins.  Rocio wants them kept apart to prevent that relationship from coming to light.

Pablo and Camila share a rare blood type, RH negative. After her accident being gored by the bull, he was able to give her a direct transfusion.

DON DANIEL’S LETTER TO DANIEL DIAZ ACOSTA (thanks to 5ft Latina for the translation)
Daniel, you don't know me.  Maybe you've never heard of me.  I don't really know.  I hope this revelation doesn't affect the image you have of your mother, may she rest in peace, but I can't keep it quiet.  I knew Agatha over 30 years ago. I loved her more than my life, and now isn't the moment to try to justify anything, but our encounter happened at the wrong time.  We were both married, but in spite of that, our love was clean and sincere.  I regret I didn't have the courage to confront the whole world to love her freely, the way she deserved.

With her recent death, I learned of your existence and the possibility that you could be my son won't leave me in peace.  I tried to find out, so I had you investigated.  I'd like to do a DNA test to confirm it, but that will only happen if you agree and when we're face to face, if life allows that to happen.  But since I can't wait for that to happen, in order to protect my beloved niece, Camila, I've made the decision to change my will and leave you as my sole heir, in case I die before you and I are together.

Now I need your help, and I want to ask you for a huge favor, now that I have anyone else to rely on.  I know this might take you by surprise and change your life, but I just found out my niece is in danger because she's fallen into the hands of leeches--her husband Alonso and one Dionisio Ferrer.  They've gotten close to her with bad intentions, to divest her of La Malquerida and all the goods they think she will inherit the day I die.  Camila is my adoration, the daughter I never had.  She's a woman of values and good feelings.

I feel responsible for throwing her into Alonso's arms and since at this moment I can't think of another way to protect her, I've decided to leave you all my goods, supposing you are my son.  If you're not, in exchange for your help, you'll be able to live comfortably with what I'm leaving you for the simple fact of being Agatha's son and for the love I had for her.  I know you're a good man and you'll help me get justice in case I can't do it.  When you're both safe, share my inheritance with her.  At this moment the two of you are my two greatest treasures.  I hope you can understand my desperation and receive in advance my appreciation and my eternal gratitude.  Daniel Monterde.


WHAT MIRIAM HAS YET TO LEARN (by our Vivi; added to and amended by Anita)
Which part will she overhear? Which part will Dan and/or Abe tell her? Which part will she deduce? (Miriam is very intuitive.)  She's already figured out that Dan seems to REALLY care for/is preoccupied with the folks at MQ, especially Luzma and Camila. She said this last night (phfft-when was that...before Ep.#147). That's not much of a leap to figuring out that what he feels for Camila goes beyond just caring about her (if for a minute she can just stop making it all about ME).

1) Abe threw Dan in jail and threw away the key for her attempted murder. (She knows by Ep.#147)
2) Abe lied to Dan about her being dead soon after that. (She knows by Ep.#147)
3) Dan escaped from prison and came to Mexico many months ago, rather than a couple of weeks (She knows by Ep.#147).
4) The attempt on her life had to do with Dan's inheritance and that it was Dionisio who planned it. (She knows by Ep. #147)
5) Since coming to Mexico, Dan has been involved in an elaborate and dangerous game of intrigue to protect and defend himself, Camila, Gussie, Luzma, Natalia and the people at MQ from Dio, Isa and their minions (Leo, Bruno, Al, Xi, Julian-- all mostly dead now) from getting their hands on LMQ.
6) She supposedly has a fatal flaw--a brain aneurysm that may burst any time now under 'estress.'
7) Dan and Cam fell in love and got married while they thought she was dead and just about everyone else around her knows this.
8) Dan has dual citizenship--Mexican and Chilean.

   Car accident (death)
Camila Monterde
   Car accident (with Luis, broke her leg)
   Gored by a bull/Heart attack/Transfusion
   Kidnapping/Bull Attack (kept for observation purposes)
Miriam Farcas de Diaz Acosta
   Falling through acrylic deck over the pool at her wedding reception
   Gun shot, in a coma for 8 months
Don Daniel Monterde
   Heart attack (death)
Padre Baldemero
   Car accident leaves him paralyzed from neck down (dies after by suffocation)
Ana Albarrán
Alonso Lazcano
   Heart Attack
   Car accident leaves him paralyzed from the neck down (death by euthansia)
Daniel Diaz Acosta
   Gun shot
Pablo Albarrán
   Gun shot
Leoncio Martinez
   Bodily disfigurement, treated in jail or a secure hospital wing
Osvaldo Becerra
Dionisio Ferrer
   Trampled by stampeding bulls

Rocío Albarrán
   Cerebral ischemia w/accompanying stroke
   Cramps and bleeding, suffering with eclampsia, loses the baby

Since everybody now knows that Andres is Daniel (except poor Bruno who died before anyone could tell him), we’ve substituted a new guessing game (thanks to Our Vivi, again):

Couples who no longer can be a pair on earth:

Couples we like for the long run:
Camila-Daniel (second couple to be married)
Luzma-Pablo (first couple to be married)
Viviana-Rafael (they're in lurvvve) and he's accepted Roman into their lives
Amanda-Osvaldo (she’s accepted Osvaldo, not sure if they are novios formally)
Dorotea-Eluterio (officially novios)
Piedad-Hipolito (officially prometidos--Hip asked Luzma for Piedad's hand)
Tolentino-Irene (he very shyly asked her to go for ice cream with him; she accepted)
Miriam-Mariano (they've shared house decorating, food & baby/daughter with each other)
Teresa-Dante (they did "it" and liked "it" one night after drinking to forget their longing for others)

Couples we want to see broken up:
Gussy*-Dio (DONE - but at great danger to Augustina's life)

Couple coupling but do not intend to be a couple:

Couple we believe will be together at the end:
Rodolfo-Natalia (after she ends it with Yago and admits to being blinded by Yago)

NOTE: This list is getting shorter and shorter now.
Men available for pairing:
Aaron; Yago (after he ends it with Nat--but do we really want him with someone else?)

Women available for pairing:
Iliana; Mayena (New Girl)

*Gussy does not get added to the list of available women due to the three strikes, you're out rule. She needs to remain single and do some soul searching.

She didn’t like him even before she met him (or hadn’t realized that he was Andres) for usurping Camila as heir and because she assumed that he was the bastard of Don Daniel.

She liked him when he was Andres until she found out that he had abused the trust she had placed in him by having an affair with Camila.

She disliked him once she knew he was Agatha’s son, her rival for Don Daniel’s affections.

Daniel distrusts Dio and has accused him of a number of misdeeds and crimes. Augustina is in deep denial about Dio. People who are in denial become really angry and hostile towards anyone who tries to chip away at it. This is how she is reacting to Dan.

She hates Daniel’s father, Francisco, with good reason.  He cheated on her with a good friend and stole her money—then shows up at the ranch to mooch off them some more.

She is not comfortable that his relationship with Camila started out as a lie. Camila had the same problem when she first learned Daniel’s identity. They don’t like being lied to. It took Camila a looooong time to get past it and Augustina hasn’t gotten past it yet.

She loves Camila and is trying to protect her from a man that she doesn’t like or trust. We may see that protection as misguided, but that is how Augustina sees it and that is what motivates her.

She pigeon holes people and she doesn't handle changes in people's status very well – Pablo, Amanda, Nat and Dan are all examples of that. Camila does not share this trait with her mom at all, and seems to be exceptionally good at going with the flow.
She has a hard time in general with and distain for women who have sex outside of marriage and also has a huge problem with children born out of wedlock. Even though she now knows Daniel is not a bastard, she originally pigeon holed him as that so it continues to be a problem.

Vivi has been trying to figure out the timing of Agatha being in Aculco at a critical juncture.  This is a logical timeframe to hang the backstory on.  She envisions it based on the morsels of information that have been dropped along the way.  What we cannot put into this timeline is when Don Daniel and his next door neighbor, Rocio, did the roll-in-the-caballeriza-hay thing to beget Pablo.

Agatha & Amanda:
- Amanda said they knew each other as girls/young women, and it seems Agatha spent a lot of time in Aculco as a young woman, but we don’t know exactly why.  She is Chilean. Amanda grew up in Aculco before she went to the big city and met and married Dionisio Ferrer (who at the time was using a different name, Hector Gutierrez—but we do not know if that is his real name).

- When they were in their late teens/early 20s, Agatha goes to Mexico (for university or something.)  Maybe it is there she meets Amanda and they become best friends. Agatha meets Don Daniel either in Mexico City or Aculco. They fall in love, but nothing comes of it and they part ways.

- A few years later, Agatha, who stayed in Mexico (likely Mexico City or another big city), is married to Francisco Xavier but realizes she might have made a mistake in her choice of husband. She goes to visit her friend Amanda in Aculco to clear her head and think things over. (In Amanda's memory, Agatha is telling Amanda her husband's name. Clearly he wasn't there with her.)

- Agatha reconnects with Don Daniel during this visit, but unfortunately he is also married. They don't discuss their spouses, but they realize their love is very deep and gets rekindled. They have an affair.

- Realizing this is all wrong, Agatha leaves and returns to her husband. She decides to give the marriage another chance and suggests they try that second chance in her home country of Chile.  She gets pregnant by FX.

- Once they get to Chile, it becomes obvious that FX is never going to change. Agatha decides to end the marriage. FX returns to Mexico, never to be heard from by her again.  Several months later she gives birth to a boy she names Daniel.  (It could be that FX was lying when he told Hissy that Agatha kept him informed on Daniel and had seen pictures of him as a child, even as he identified a pircture of Aaron, Rafa’s brother, as his son.)

How Agustina fits into Agatha’s story:
- Don Daniel married Agustina’s cousin Amparo. Agustina, though silently in love with Don Daniel, married the next best thing-- Don Daniel's brother.

- A few years later, Don Daniel's wife, Amparo died.  His brother, Agustina’s husband, has also died. His widowed sister-in-law Agustina comes to live with him.

- When it becomes clear that even though they are both widowed, Don Daniel won't give her the time of day, Agustina falls for the first man who crosses her path and asks her to marry him.  That would be Sr. Fortune Hunter FX.

- Gussy probably was aware that when Don Daniel was young, he fell in love with that Chilena esa, Agatha. Before her death, Amparo confides in Gussy that Agatha had returned to visit Amanda and she and Don Daniel had a fleeting affair. Gussy's hatred of Agatha grows even more.

- Even though Don Daniel never knew who FX was, it's a good bet FX knew who the rich rancher his wife had always been in love with was. He might have even approached Gussy in the first place, purposely to infiltrate the Monterdes and get some of their money- partly because it was a good opportunity, and partly because it was a bit of revenge-- just like now.

- In this way, Gussy and Don Daniel would have never known FX had been Agatha's husband, though Amanda would have known him by name (Agatha might have even shown her a pic).

This sounds a bit complicated, but that's how Vivi pictures it.

The following is a brief digest of episodes (with the ##) of Camila and Daniel beginning with the intense attraction to each other, falling in love and declaring their love to each other.

D’Andres is driving a very drunk Camila home from an evening at Vivi’s house.  They have a conversation about infidelity and lost loves. Once inside the cabaña, they continue their conversation.  Finally, D’Andres picks her up, much to her protestations, and carries her to her bed.  The two are face to face. She asks if she is so disagreeable that is why Alonso was with someone else (the paid escort).  Their faces are kissing close as D’Andres ponders the question.  As the possibility of a kiss surfaces, she passes out. He puts her down on the bed and takes off her boots.  As he covers her, he leans over, but resists the temptation to kiss her and tucks her in gently and leaves the room.

Camila falls off her horse.  D’Andres is the first one to reach her.  When her ankle hurts too much to walk, D’Andres easily picks her up, while Camila protests. She puts her arms around his neck and thanks him.  He answers it wouldn’t have been right to leave her there—he does his job; he’s her chauffeur and she is his patrona. Their faces are inches away from each other.  She looks as if she would have given in if he had tried to kiss her, but he turns his head away and carries her back to the hacienda.

Camila, in a bit of a funk, goes for a horseback ride in a rain storm. She dismounts in a clump of trees. D’Andres arrives. He takes off his jacket and as he puts it around her, he pulls her to and leans in slowly for a kiss. She kisses him back. She finally stops, pushes him away and says, no, no and leaves. He calls after her, but she won't stop. Later, he wants to talk about what happened under the tree. “Nothing happened,” she says. “Yes it did,” he says, “a kiss happened.  And for me that kiss was magical.”  “It didn’t mean anything to me,” she replies. “You can say whatever you want,” he says, getting close, “but your eyes don’t lie. I know you wanted that kiss, too.” “You are sooo wrong,” she says.  She reminds him of his position at the ranch and asks him never to come near her again.  After a bath and changing, Camila walks out to the courtyard to give D’Andres back his jacket.  They run through the same conversation as before, but it’s obvious she’s rattled by the attentions of this handsome stranger, especially because she’s already admitted to her Diosito that she’s in love with him.

D’Andres enters Camila’s cabaña at the end of the day when he heard she was looking for him.  She says she doesn’t need him anymore and he can leave.  He leans over her and says, that he, on the other hand, needs her more each day.  Camila stands to face him and tells him again to leave. D’Andres ignores her and tells her he never thought “this” would happen. What “this,” she wants to know. He caresses her cheek as she continues to look at him, but doesn’t move.  He answers her, “There are things we can’t deny, things we haven’t the words for, things we simply feel, things that seize control of one. That.”  He tells her good night and leaves.  Again, Camila is rattled by her growing feelings for D’Andres. 

When Camila returns to the cabaña she is surprised and a bit indignant to find D’Andres in her bedroom, “What are you doing here at this hour?”  “I was awaiting your return to make sure you were alright, and bringing you this flower (presents it). I hope this is the one that pleases you.”  Holding the flower between them, D’Andres says, “It smells good.” “This flower doesn’t have a smell.” “But you do.” He moves closer and kisses her left cheek.  “Andres, por favor, por favor,  no, no,” she protests weakly, but she doesn’t move away. “Why won't you let yourself feel what you want to feel?  He’s punctuating his words with kisses until he gets to her lips. Their lips barely touch when Rafael enters, interrupting, –Camila!  Camila and D’Andres separate quickly, but Rafael didn't miss what had been transpiring.  Alone again, Camila fantisizes another round of kissing with D’Andres.

Daniel is getting ready to reveal himself to Camila the next morning.  Fearing rejection, he has filled her cabaña bedroom with flowers and stars hanging from the ceiling.  He has left her a note. It starts out, “Guapa: Si lloras por haber perdido el sol, las lágrimas no te dejarán ver las estrellas. Y quiero que las veas siempre para que recuerdes que, pase lo que pase entre nosotros, siempre habrá una mañana. Camila, te amo.”* She doesn’t need to be told who wrote it. She falls asleep and dreams of making love with Andres. [*Loose translation: If you cry for having lost sight of the sun, your tears won’t let you see the stars. And I want you to always see them so you remember, that whatever happens between us, there will always be a tomorrow. Camila, I love you.]

The famous meeting does not take place. That night Camila has D’Andres in her cabaña and wants to know if what he said in his note is true.  Yes, it’s true; he loves her.  She replies that she loves him, too.  In the midst of these declarations and passionate kisses, Camila tells him she wants to have a relationship with him, but only if it’s done right, after she has her divorce.  D’Andres wants to have time to clear up some things about his own past, so he’s ok with this, and for keeping their love for each other a secret for the time being.

While in the hospital recovering from the goring by the bull, D’Andres and Camila have to keep their feelings in check.  The night she is released Camila arranges to stay in her cabaña alone with the exception of a clandestine visit from D’Andres. He comes in with a huge bouquet of flowers.  Hola, Guapa.  She holds out her arms for him.  He takes her in his arms.  They begin to share kisses.  He was so afraid he was going to lose her.  She said but she survived, here she is because she wanted to be in his brazotes again, see his ojitos again, feel his skin, his lips.  They are so wrapped up in each other and in their love.  And because of this love, he wants to tell her something very important.  She shushes him with her kisses. No, no, some other time.  He does try to speak but she insists on kissing him.  She puts aside her resolve to do things right and gives in to her passion for Daniel when she realized that there might not have been a tomorrow. She wants him to spend the night with her. He does and they make love for the first time, although Camila confesses the next day it was not the first time *she* made love to him. He enjoys her little story about her dream the Noche de Flores and waking up with Maja. Ay, papi!! Te doy mi alma, para que hagas lo que quieras de mi! 
Daniel tells Camila the truth about his whole background, while never revealing he is the "cousin" Daniel she's been waiting for to step forward and claim his inheritance. He holds this information back on Padre Anselmo's advice that he not reveal himself to her until his situation in Chile is all cleared up.

A very weak Daniel has left the hospital while recovering from a gunshot wound and arrives at Camila’s cabaña.  He tells her everything he knows about his situation.  She’s furious, but she listens.  She has to decide whether it is more important to listen to her head or to her heart.

Daniel has moved in with Viv and Rafa.  In a scuffle with Bruno, he reopens his wound and Camila is called to treat him.  She's still keeping her distance, but when she finds out he's going to turn himself in to the authorities, she goes to him and admits she can’t live without him.  Me rindo; me rindo a mi, me rindo a ti, a nuestro amor (i.e. I surrender).  Daniel tells her he’s glad she listened to her heart. The reconciliation extends to the Scooby Doo gang.

After a very amorous reconciliation, Daniel gives her the medallion he’s been wearing as a symbol of his love and commitment, since he doesn’t have a ring to give her.  Then drops to one knee and asks Camila to marry him.  She accepts.  Next morning, the Scooby Doo gang, now including Camila, has a group hug over the news.

Both Camila's heart and head were right. Her head told her there is something about this guy that didn't add up, he's hiding something, he's up to something. Her head was right. She remembers being really mean to him in the beginning, questioning all of his actions. Cami hired him against Al’s wishes, almost to spite him. At the time she didn’t know he was the same tipo she thought was stalking her at Vivi’s. Al & Leo assigned him to work mucking out the stables, hoping he would resign. When Gussy found out he was the same tipo she almost ran over on the road working at the ranch, she wants to reassign him to be her chauffeur. The letters of recommendation were given to Gussy. Cami tried to fight her mom on the decision, but Gussy would not be swayed. Once he was closer to the ranch house, Dan worked hard to get under Cami's skin and gain her trust. She fought it for a while, but then attraction and love won out. Plus, everything she observed about him from that point on showed her that he is a good person.

This is where her heart took over. She still resisted for a while, even when she admitted her feelings for him. She then decided to take things slow. But after her near death experience (where HE saved her) she decided to throw caution to the wind, and threw her whole heart (and body) into a relationship with Andres. Her heart was not wrong. Dan/Andres is a good person and he does love her. All of this is bound to cause confusion for her as she tries to come to terms with the fact that her initial suspicions about him may be correct.

Abraham hated Dan because he wasn't Jewish and thought Dan was after Miriam's money. That didn’t change after Dan converted to Judaism and married her.

If a gunpowder test had been done on Dan, there would have been residue on his hands because of his struggle with Julian.  Julian wore gloves, so it would have been just one more proof Dan was the killer.

Abe uses the insurance policy on Miriam’s life as one more proof Dan was the killer.  He doesn’t change his mind after Dante tells him it was Miriam who took out the policy.

Dan's friend Dante told Abraham Daniel had no reason to kill Miriam for money because he was coming into a huge inheritance from Mexico and was going to leave the day after the shooting to claim it.

Even though Dan was a convert and was on his way to claim a huge amount of money, the two "objections" Abraham had to Dan, Abe doesn't care because he wants Daniel away from Miriam.

There is no proof that Miriam is dead other than what Abraham told Dan at the prison.

If Miriam IS alive, that really puts Dan in a bind because he loves Miriam but he also loves Camila. Which one will he choose and would Miriam even want him back? Could he even go back to Miriam, with what happened with her brother?

If Miriam is still pregnant it gets even stickier because Daniel's not going to abandon his child...but Miriam still may not want to be with him. Or maybe she would, seeing the whole situation as her brother's fault?

It seems there were never any charges filed against Daniel in connection with the murder/attempted murder of Miriam.  So far, Teresa has learned that no police/arrest file/records exist on Daniel Diaz Acosta.

a) Teresa needs to find out for sure if Miriam is alive or not.
b) Teresa needs to find out why Abraham is on a leave of absence (i. suspicion of wrongful incarceration in the DDA’s case;  ii. or taking care of a not-dead Miriam). 
c) Daniel can't really be a fugitive from justice if he was never charged in the first place.  The fact that there are no charges filed against Daniel kind of indicates that Miriam is probably not dead. If Miriam WAS dead, and her husband has disappeared, wouldn't there be murder charges against him in absencia?
d) If Chilean officials are/were investigating the jailbreak that led to the escape of Daniel Diaz Acosta there would have to be a paper trail. Since it appears no charges were ever filed against Daniel for him to be locked up in the first place, there might be an investigation into WHY he was there in the first place, leading to suspicion on Abraham.
e) Dante will be important for Teresa to find out information about Miriam.  Since Miriam bought the life insurance policy through him he would know if she was dead or not. If she did die, and there were no charges ever filed against Daniel, Daniel is the beneficiary of her life insurance policy.
f) Dante could've also raised questions about the charges(lack thereof) against Daniel (leading to Abraham's "leave of absence)
g) Since Daniel is a dual Mexican/Chilean citizen, I wonder if Osvaldo will invoke that to get Dan out of trouble for entering Mexico illegally?


The villains initially thought they had a simple plan. Don Daniel was an old sick man who was going to die soon (or they would help along) and his only heir was a weak/heartbroken young womon who was going to be easy to manipulate and/or get out of the way. It was relatively easy to use her grief to get her married to Alonso. They signed a contract with the developers, which was pretty easy to do as Alonso was the manager of the ranch and could make it look like he was acting on behalf of the owner of the ranch.

The signing of the contract was key. They can't get out of it, or they (really Al) go to jail for fraud. Plus, there is a LOT of money at stake. They must get their hands on the ranch at all cost because of this.

They did not count on Don Dan changing his will or on Camila turning out to not be such a delicate flower. That threw their plans off and everything since then has been an effort to save their butts and salvage the signed contract. They've had to make it up as they go along ever since their original plan went down the crapper.  So far, they’ve been lucky that bureaucracy (with a little bribery from Dio) has tied up some of the approvals and the developers have to wait.

MUSICAL THEMES AND SINGER (Thanks once more to Our Vivi’s encyclopedic knowledge)
Daniel-Miriam love theme, ‘Jamás Abandoné,’ by Laura Pausini
Daniel-Miriam sad love theme, Te Digo Adios’ by Laura Pausini
Luis-Camila love theme, ‘Tan Sólo Pido,' by Samo
Daniel-Camila theme & main tn theme, ‘Cuando Manda el Corazon’ by Vicente Fernandez
Daniel-Camila love theme, ‘Divina Tú’ by Carlos José Macías Núñez
Daniel-Camila love theme, ‘El Hombre Más Hermoso,’  by Ale Rojas
Daniel-Camila sad love theme, ‘Amarte Así,’ by Carlos José Macías Núñez
Daniel-Camila sad love theme, ‘Olvidarte Jamas,’ by Carlos José Macías Nuñez
Daniel-Camila cabaña very sad theme, ‘Mil Vidas,’ by Carlos Macias & Fernanda Castillo.
Alonso-Ximena love/hate theme, ‘Te Odio,’ by Sofi Mayen
Pablo-Luzma love theme, ‘Volver a Creer,’ by Silikon
Pablo-Luzma sad love theme, ‘Quisiera,’ by Silikon
Rafael-Camila love theme, ‘Qué no Daría,’ by David Cavazos
Rafael-Viviana love theme, ‘Algo de Ti,’ by David Cavazos
Mariano-Camila love theme, ‘Tu Perfume,’ by Carlos José Macías Núñez
Mariano-Camila sad love theme, ‘Amando sin Amar,’ Juan Pablo Manzanero
Yago-Natalia love theme, ‘Todo no es Amor,’ by Merche (ironic, although has a bouncy tune)
Yago-Natalia sad love theme, ‘Si te Marchas,’ by Merche
Rdolfo-Natalia love theme, ‘Quererte me Hace Bien,’ by Original Banda El Limón
Hipolito-Piedad love theme, ‘Paranormal,’ by Original Banda El Limón


AMANDA (owns and manages the hostel Amanda in town):
Mother of Natalia
Best friends with Agatha Acosta
Married a man named Hector Gutierrez, fathered Natalia
Fled to Aculco with Natalia and opened the hostel in parents' old property
Natalia thinks her father is dead

AGATHA ACOSTA (died several months before Daniel received word of his inheritance):
Married a Mr. Diaz
Had affair with Daniel Monterde
Reconciled with Mr. Diaz & moved back to Chile
Mother of Daniel Diaz Acosta, born several months after reconciling with her husband
Later divorced him and he is presumed to have gone back to Mexico

DANIEL DIAZ ACOSTA (hunkalicious stranger who shows up in Aculco)
Son and only child of Agatha and supposedly Mr. Diaz
He doesn't know if he has any half-brothers or sisters
Doesn’t know if his father is alive until episode #61
Has fallen in love with Camila
He is older than Camila and Ximena

AGUSTINA (moved to the ranch with Camila, Ximena wouldn’t join them):
Mother of Camila, by 1st hubby Humberto Monterde, Don Daniel's brother
Mother of Ximena, by 2nd hubby Mr. Scam Artist Diaz, who took Gussy's money & left
Cousin of Amparo Monterde, wife of Don Daniel
When Agustina's husband died, she made a play for Don Daniel (whom she had been in love with secretly), but he never saw her as a potential new mate. He was still in love with Agatha
Agustina met Mr. Diaz. They married. He took her for a fool, had an affair with her friend and stole her money. But stayed long enough to father Ximena.
Novia of Dionisio Ferrer and got a quicky wedding to him in Las Vegas

DON DANIEL MONTERDE (owner of La Malquerida ranch)
Camila's uncle (but not Ximena's)
Married to Amparo, Agustina's cousin
Had no known children at the beginning of the story
Had an affair with Agatha Acosta (Daniel's mother), while she was visiting Amanda, while both were still married to others
Learned Agatha died & had a son named DANIEL, born shortly after their affair was over
Assumed Agatha's son Daniel was HIS child (why else would she name the kid DANIEL?)

Half-sisters through their mother Agustina
Camila's father is Humberto Monterde (so she is related to Big Dan Monterde)
Ximena's father is Francisco Javier Diaz (so she is not related to Big Dan Monterde)
Camila is older than Ximena

FRANCISCO JAVIER DIAZ (Shows up in Amanda’s Hostal in Episode #61 at the invitation of Hissadora)
Putative father of Ximena and Daniel; if true, Daniel is older than Ximena
Daniel takes Rafael’s word that this is his bio-dad, since he's never known him; Rafa shows him a
photo of FX, and a very pregnant Agatha.
FX assures Issadora that the photo she shows him of Aaron is definitely his son Daniel
Camila shares the same step-father with Ximena and Daniel

CAYETANO ALBARAN & ROCIO (owners of neighboring La Buenaventura ranch)
Parents of Mariano, Santiago & Pablo*
Considering the age gap between Mariano & Pablo their parents must be really old (Mariano is probably 40, Pablo 20).
*See recent revelations above

Eldest son of Cayetano Albarán
Falling in love with Camila
Has a daughter Ana, age 11
His wife died when Ana was 5 and according to her wishes, left Ana with her maternal grandmother

ISADORA LAZCANO (Hissssadora, golddigger & manipuladora extraordinaire—has no limits):
Widow of Sleazy Lazcano, who forced her to accept his child with a maid as hers
Alleged mother of Alonso, Camila's husband and longtime administrator of La Malquerida
Alonso believed until episode #75 or #76 that Isadora was his bio-mom

Alleged son of Isadora Lazcano
Married Camila as part of a plot
Separated and divorced from Camila
Started an affair with Camila's half-sister Ximena

DIONISIO FERRER (Braggadocious Blowfish; El Diablo)
Friend of Alonso
Lover of Isadora
Novio of Agustina; married her for convenience
Covets La Malquerida and Camila

Luis, Camila’s fiancé was killed in an automobile accident on a highway at night while Camila was the driver. She felt responsible and became depressed, so her mother moved her to La Malquerida at the invitation of her uncle, Don Daniel.

Viviana (photographer) & Bruno are divorced; they had a baby named Octavio who died b/c Bruno beat the hell out of Viviana while pregnant with Octavio; he has found her and has begun to menace her. Bruno also knows Ximena.

Aaron (NGO-Peace Corp-hippie commune type) & Rafael (published author) are brothers; Aaron agreed to help Daniel and recently starred as "Daniel Diaz Acosta," aka D'Aaron. They have been living with Viviana, but have decided to move out to give Vivi some space to think about her future.

Andres Duarte & Daniel Diaz Acosta were cellmates in Chile. During the jailbreak Andres died & Daniel assumed his identity. Daniel had enough time to erase his records before the break, so technically Chilean officials are not looking for him (but could be looking for Andres Duarte…). Daniel Diaz Acosta recently finished his role starring as "Andres Duarte" aka D'Andres.

Miriam Farca is/was Daniel Diaz Acosta's pregnant wife. Shot by Dio's henchman, Julian, we don't know if she really is dead or not...that's what Abraham Farca, Miriam's brother told Daniel while in lockup. She and her family were Jewish and the only way he could marry her was to convert to Judaism. They had a traditional Jewish wedding in Chile.

Dante, an insurance agent in Chile and Daniel’s BFF. Was out of touch when Dan was put in prison. He told Abe that it was NOT Daniel that took out the life insurance policy on Miriam, it was Miriam herself. We do not know what Abe did with that information. Meets Teresa in Chile.
Luz Maria is Piedad's daughter & Leoncio's niece. Luzma and Pablo Albarán were in love and going to get married secretly when the story begins. We know Luzma's dad was Fidencio, who left Piedad pregnant and stood her up at their wedding. Leoncio’s flashback shows him garroting and shooting Fidencio in order to keep Piedad at his side (sick). He told Piedad Fidencio was no good and had abandonded her.

Hipolito, Fidencio’s best friend has reconnected with Piedad when she came to check out Fidencio’s story in his hometown. He confirms that Leoncio killed Fidencio because he saw him do it.
Julian was Dionisio’s right hand killer henchman who shot Miriam in Chile and was in Mexico looking for Daniel. It turns out he is/or was Fidencio’s twin brother. Leoncio recognized him and shot him dead, while Daniel and Rafa watched from a hiding place.

Lic. Becerra, family notario, was in love with Agustina, but rejected by her in favor of Dionisio. He now recognizes Amanda’s special qualities and wants a relationship with her. She's hesitating.

Teresa, attorney, sister of Padre Anselmo, has come to help Daniel clear up the problem in Chile. She is an old friend of the Albarrán family, as is the Padre himself, who went to school with Mariano. Mariano had been in love with Teresa before he met his wife, now dead.
A Joint Venture by Amor Bravío fans
Posted by Anita


Everybody--We did this to help new comers and old timers alike who keep getting confused by the family relationships swirling around Camila and La Mal Querida.

Instead of trying to remember where Vivi posted the relationships--and she did it several times, for our benefit, we thought we'd put it all in one place, along with Anon207's Family Tree. Treat this as your Playbill and refer to it when in need. We'll try to update it as we go along.

Thanks so much everybody who contributed. It's great to have this info all in one place to make it easier to refer back to.

Right when we think we are dropping IQ points watching *some* TNs, we get to see how truly brilliant we all are, being able to keep track of this complicatedcast of characters.

Thanks so much for the referral guide.

Thank you for allowing my memory to save face.... Mena

Excellent; thanks for doing this.

¡Muchísimas gracias a todas!

Thanks! I have a feeling these relationships will keep getting tanlged!

Anita thanks for posting this!

A million thank yous for this Anita, Vivi in DC and Anon207!! I hope I didn't miss anyone. If so, it was not intentional.

Now...I think I watch this without feeling so hopelessly lost!!

Another Anon

Thanks, in case I watch more than the occasional snippet I do now. I think of the evil husband of Camila as the twin of the "Mala Suerte" guy on the insurance commercials.
La Paloma

Anita, Anon 207 and Vivi:
What a great service you have done for all of us—thank you.

This was just in time for me as I was beginning to break my brain on the question of Ximena's and Daniel's relatedness.

I still do not have the answer to that question but now I can conceive how Camila and Daniel may NOT be cousins.

Right now I love this show.



La Paloma, you are right. The stupid Alonso looks just like Mr. Mala Suerte of commercial fame!

Another Anon

Muchisimos gracias por esta información muy útil

I think Alonso looks like Mr. Bean.

thanks guys! this is so incredibly helpful, and also kind of fun. it took a few readings to get it thru my dense skull what you were saying about DIAZ. i had forgotten that part of DDA's name.

-mai tai

Feel free to keep the comments going as we proceed towards the light, hehe.

Anita Dahlink - This is mahvelous!

I've read these along the way when you posted them separately and am amazed at what a compilation it has become!

I offer thanks to you and those who are smart enough to offer additional info.

Best study group ever!

Anita- I'm so flattered to have my random musings included in your Shine the Light project. This is great amiga!

If you want more of Camila & Daniel in one place, I'll be happy to provide it.

If there is anything else any one wants, I'll try to provide it.

Am working on an update to what we thought of Alonsososogone.

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