Friday, October 05, 2012

Amor Bravío #38 (Uni 33) Thu 10/4/12 Amor Incipiente

Rodolfo watches as Camila approaches the Snogmobile. Alonso is talking about being discreet and, unfortunately, Ximena notices Camila and warns Alonso. He gets out of the car and Ximena gets to overhear the ensuing argument. Camila thought she'd made it clear she wants Alonso gone. She wants him out of her life and off the ranch. Well, Alonso has no intention of budging.

Isadora points out Agustina's special post-nookie glow. Agustina will only say Dionisio's the "best" guy she's ever "had." Her first husband died, and her second husband was a cheater and a bad father. She denies having a relationship with Don Daniel, who was in love with Camila's cousin Daniel's mother. So she's a little distrustful of men. Agustina says it was easy for her to jump to conclusions earlier. Isadora brushes it off and tells Agustina to think of her as a sister. They get treated to Alonso and Camila making a scene. Camila insists that while Alonso won't account for the money he got from her, she has no reason to trust him. Even if he says he'll account for all of it, Camila still wants him fired. Alonso plays "poor me" for the benefit of his mother and mother-in-law.

Luzma laments the loss of Pablo. After what her uncle did to her, she has no doubt he'd make good on his promise to kill Pablo if she goes back to him.
Agustina tries to talk Camila out of her decision, but Camila won't back down. Isadora accuses her of carrying their marital problems into their work relationship. She says Camila is being unfair to treat him they way she is. Alonso brings up his ED again, blaming it on Camila. She says his malfunctioning penis has nothing to do with her decision. More blustering by Alonso.

Rodolfo continues to keep an eye on Alonso's car and sees Ximena getting out of it.

Camila, likewise, runs into Ximena trying to sneak back in. Rodolfo hears her lie to Camila about where she was coming from. Ximena wants to know what's going on with Camila and why she's in such a crappy mood. She threatens to leave tomorrow since Camila's having such a bad time, but Camila tells her (not very enthusiastically, IMO) to stay. Ximena tries to get more of a reaction by bringing up that Camila isn't sharing a room with her husband, but Camila says she's resolved her marital problems.

Agustina vows to talk to Camila tomorrow. Alonso's feeling insulted. Isadora says they'll go to a hotel, since she doesn't even have a house to stay in anymore. Ximena comes in, asking what's going on. Agustina drags her upstairs. Alonso then turns on Isadora for offering Leoncio (que se pudre en el infierno) the money. Isadora hints at using her house for money, but Alonso gripes that it can't be sold or rented and it's useless. Isadora gets a calculating look on her face.

Camila calls Rafa for an update on Daniel, which he doesn't have. Rafa says he just has this feeling Daniel is alive and they'll hear from him soon. Rafael wants to see Camila, so he says he'll bring Vivi over soon…er, if she's back in town, that is.

Drunken Pablo is dropped off in his bedroom by his brothers. He's still begging for tequila. Rich Skank Girl has tea, but he refuses it. She sees Luzma skulking around outside and runs out to talk to her. The brothers also leave Pablo alone with is tears.

Skanky goes to talk to Luzma, accusing her of playing around with Pablo, coming back around after she decided not to marry him. She tells her to forget Pablo forever and Luzma walks off. Yago comes outside and agrees with Skanky that they can't let her mess with Pablo.

Leoncio (Ojalá que se muere lentemente) is trying to disinfect his wound with booze. Piedad comes to his room to tell him after what happened with Luzma, she thinks she's a bad mother. Leoncio (me da asco) agrees with her. Piedad says she's messed up her relationship with Luzma by always siding with Leoncio (ese pedazo de mierda), so now she's going to try to fix that. She's going to raise Luzma by herself from now on and she doesn't want him to say anything to her or be close to her. Leoncio (ese porquería de hombre) threatens to hit her, but Piedad is fixated on Luzma being HER daughter, hers and hers alone. She dodges him on her way out of the room and he sulks. Mugriente pederasta!

Alonso gets back to his room and notices lipstick marks on his flabby, underdeveloped, and hairless chest. He reassures himself that it was Camila who was the problem and threatens to prove it to her.

Ximena complains about how badly Camila is treating Alonso. Agustina admits that Alonso has ED. Ximena is shocked. Agustina begs her not to say anything to Camila.

Andres spies on Camila hanging out in bed. He watches her stick the rose in her water jug. How she doesn't see him through that sheer curtain is beyond me. Also, dude, we've got enough creepy guys on this show, so the Peeping Tom routine is just slightly distasteful despite your sinful good looks and your incredibly hot bod hiding in that traje de charro. Just saying.

Camila visits Osvaldo. She tells him she wants to fire Alonso and asks if she has the authority to make that decision. He says all she has to do is cancel the joint checking account they had set up in order for him to spend the necessary money on behalf of the ranch. (So why all the fuss with her signing over 3 million? Or was it that they needed both parties to agree in order for him to spend the money?) He realizes that Camila didn't ask him for a divorce lawyer's name on behalf of "a friend" but on her own behalf. And while he's sad that her marriage is ending, he's also relieved. Alonso is friends with Dionisio and now that Osvaldo has checked with the Chilean government, he knows no death certificate for Daniel Diaz Acosta was issued, so he suspects the certificate is false.

The ranch hands wonder what happened with Luzma's wedding. D'Andres thinks something fishy's going on. Rodolfo says he saw Ximena get out of Alonso's car and heard her lie to Camila about it. He can't figure out why they wouldn't have gotten out of the car together.

Osvaldo doesn't know what Dionisio's motives are, but he does find things suspicious. Camila wants to ask before she jumps to conclusions. Osvaldo is also worried about Dionisio dating Agustina, especially because Dionisio tried to buy the ranch from Don Daniel years ago.

Isadora tells Dionisio about Camila firing Alonso and kicking them both out of the house. He laughs his evil, no-good ass off and hints heavily that it's Alonso's problem. Isadora asks him to burn her house down so she can collect on the insurance. Dio doesn't have a problem with that, though he doesn't think it will net her as much money as she needs. "Now, maybe if you add in that 300,000 pesos you never gave me…." Isadora still refuses to explain where that money went and says she and Alonso will take care of it.

Scorpion tattoo guy grabs Amanda rather threateningly after breakfast, but he only asks her to wash his clothes for him.

Alonso goes into his office and finds a Post-it tucked into his laptop. "Bella would like to see Sebastian in the stables." If they were in a stable, loving relationship with each other that would be cute. Unfortunately, they're a pair of money-grubbing parasites. Natalia brings Alonso his coffee and tells him that she found out that Viviana has been renting her house for a year, but Rafael has only been renting his for three months. Alonso thought bubbles that Rafael came to town right about the time that Daniel escaped from prison. He insults Natalia's coffee and storms out of the office.

Isadora leaves Dionisio's house just seconds before Camila drives up. The maid answers the door and lets Camila in.

Amanda goes into tattoo guy's room, picks up his laundry, and snoops around. She finds a wad of cash and his passport, thought it doesn't look a whole lot like him. She sees the stamps for Chile and steals the passport, putting the cash back in the box on the table.

Dionisio ushers Camila into his living room and offers her a drink. She tells him she wants an explanation. "Where did you get the fake death certificate for Daniel Diaz Acosta. The Chilean authorities didn't issue a death certificate for him, so where did you get it and with what intentions." Dionisio maintains that the Chilean authorities sent it to him. He's not surprised there are no records and suggests it's a government coverup of their mistake in assuming Daniel was dead. Dionisio tells Camila if she doesn't believe him, they can call the government official in Chile and talk to him about it. He starts dialing what I'm sure are random numbers on his cell phone and this gets Camila to back off. She changes the subject and asks why he never told them that he had met Don Daniel and wanted to buy the ranch from him.

Alonso goes out to the stables to meet Ximena. He says he was dreaming of her all night. "Of course you were, since your bed was empty and you've never made love to Camila, it's understandable." Ximena strokes his ego, telling him he's a magnificent lover and she just wishes she could have thrown it in Camila's face, but well, she didn't want to put them at risk. The consolation prize is a roll in the hay. Literally.

Dionisio claims that he had a business relationship with a tourism development firm that was looking to buy some land in the area. He says that offers were made to all the major landowners, not just Don Daniel, and that he never dealt with Don Daniel directly. He begs Camila not to distrust him as he has no one in this world except for her…and Agustina…and now Ximena. He vows to always protect them.

Irene tells Tolentino that they found Luzma, but she didn't marry Pablo after all. He thinks she must have come to her senses, but Irene doesn't agree. She tells him that Luzma's dress was wet, torn, and bloody and she thinks something happened to her. She tells Tolentina that Luzma needs them now more than ever.

Luzma goes to church and confesses to the new priest that she lied to everyone. She told them she changed her mind about marrying Pablo, but the real reason she didn't marry him is that her uncle Leoncio (ese poco hombre) stopped her, that he raped her and threatened to kill Pablo if she told anyone.

Natalia is trying to pass through the kitchen, but Leoncio (el malnacido) gets in her way and says she could at least let him look first before he lets her through. Natalia tries to ignore his disgustingness, but he grabs at her. His intentions are thwarted by Rodolfo, who shoves Natalia behind him and tells Leoncio (ese desgraciado) to back the hell off or he'll let Camila know what's going on. He says he'll protect Natalia with his life. Leoncio (que se le lleve el diablo) gives Rodolfo a shove as he leaves the kitchen. Rodolfo repeats to Natalia that he'll protect her with his life. That one's a keeper, Natalia, don't let him get away. Although, I think this has gone beyond "Do it again and I'll tell the boss." I'm pretty sure he knows Camila well enough to know that she wouldn't want to wait for another offense.

Padre Anselmo is moving with the times. He says he'll absolve Luzma, no problem, but he is adamant that she has to turn Leoncio (que no vale un comino) in for his crime. She's terrified he'll make good on his threat to kill Pablo. "Exactly! You can't let a would-be murderer walk free!" Lest she think he's expecting her to deal with this on her own, he says he'll go with her. Luzma is too freaked out at the idea and goes running out of the church. She runs into Tolentino and begs him to forgive her for getting him in trouble. She says she just wants him to forgive her and stay away from her.

Skank girl tries to get on Pablo's good side by bringing him food, but he's throwing darts outside and wants to be left alone.

Mariano goes down to the bank to pick up payroll for his workers. Camila is there for the same thing…and to make a change on the account. They greet each other and smile like dopes.

D'Andres sees Vivi on the ranch. He tells her Camila went to town…alone…and drove herself. Vivi's thrilled about this. D'Andres encourages her to get started on the plan, since Agustina and Dionisio are in the living room right now.

Dionisio's telling Agustina about Camila confronting him. He defends her, on the grounds that her husband was unfaithful, so it's only natural for her to be distrustful. He tells Agustina that even though Alonso is his friend, he's going to support Camila. If she doesn't want to see Alonso, they should respect that. Agustina frets that Camila's a veterinarian, she doesn't know anything about running a ranch. (Nice show of faith there, Ag.) Dionisio proposes he take Alonso's job as administrator. (Riiight…didn't you say you didn't end up buying the ranch because you realized how much work went into running one and you didn't want to get dragged down by it?) Dio says he's going to take care of them and protect them from everything. Viviana comes in and says she knows Camila's not there, so she'd like to take advantage of the fact to invite the two of them to a surprise dinner for Camila. Rafael is throwing it to thank her for all her help with the book. Agustina accepts on behalf of herself, Dionisio, and Ximena. Dionisio looks really uncomfortable at the repeated use of the word "surprise."

Camila has apparently explained to Mariano about firing Alonso. He mentions that his own ranch's account is shared between himself, his dad, and Pablo. And no, Pablo's not doing all that well, but anyway…he asks who's going to be the new ranch administrator. Camila says she really can't handle everything by herself, so she'll need to hire a new one. Mariano offers to be her new administrator, free of charge.

Tomorrow: Mariano is falling for Camila, but so is Daniel…the battle is on! The dinner party from hell, complete with a Daniel Diaz Acosta photobomb!


Perdon! I forgot the definitions, though I'm thinking you'll guess most of them...

Incipiente = budding
que se pudre en el infierno = may he rot in hell
Ojalá que se muere lentemente = hopefully he'll die slowly
me da asco = he makes me sick
ese pedazo de mierda = that piece of shit
ese porquería de hombre = that disgusting man
Mugriente pederasta = filthy child molester
traje de charro = cowboy suit
ese poco hombre = not much of a man
el malnacido = that badly born (should never have been born)
ese desgraciado = that disgrace of a man
que se le lleve el diablo = may the devil take him
que no vale un comino = who's worthless


Gracias, Kat. This was quite an episode.

Leoncio deserves to be boiled in oil. However, the best we can hope for is that some future victim channels Lorena Bobbitt.

Rudolfo is a keeper. Not just gorgeous, but chivalrous. Natalia needs to take another look.

We're now getting to the part I hate, where the heroine begins trusting the villain. Becerra needs to do some more homework on El Diablo. If only Daniel felt he could trust him...

Thanks so much Kat, and thank you for voicing all the insults to Leo all of us at home were yelling at the tv.

I don't think that Camila totally believes Dio. Her face at the end of the conversation was not one of complete trust. I sure as heck don't think she'll agree with her mama that he'll run the ranch. But the story does require her to be a bit trusting, otherwise there would be no story. She would run Al, Isa, AND Dio off the ranch and out of their lives, and they would have no hope in getting the ranch-- other than Isa having Camila killed now that she has the new will made. I do believe Isa's her eventual plan, but not just yet.

Glad that new Padre is on the ball about how one reacts to rape and threats of murder. Now let's see what he does next.

Can't wait for the DDA photo bomb. They are all going to be freaked out.

Thanks, Kat. I always look forward to your recaps. Thanks for vocab, too.

I am really enjoying this novela because of the acting and because our victims are fighting back. Even with lapses into trust-where-it-shouldn't-rest (e.g., at least a little from Camila to Dio last night), there's a plan to get the "malnacidos". Even sweet Amanda is stealing the passport! The balance among the many plans and levels of knowledge and action is great fun.

Can't wait until tonight. I just hope that the pace and plotting continue in the same vein.

Great recap, Kat! I'm away from home for the next six days and not able to watch the TN, but reading your recap makes me feel I'm not missing a thing. Indeed, I'm gaining some exceedingly useful Spanish phrases :-). Muchísimas gracias.

Kat thanks so much for your recap and the various insults to one of the most despicable TN characters I've seen. As someone noted yesterday, I despise tio more than a murderer.

UA - ITA Rudulfo is a keeper and Natalia needs to get on that quickly.

Yes Traveling Lady it is fun watching to good guys plan and fight back. I haven't seen this scenario in a TN and I'm loving it.

Vivi- I also was happy the new Padre seemed to give good advice and let's hope he continues to make other good decisions.

Juanita - enjoy your travels.

Great recap, Kat. Thanks for the vocab.

Good girl, Luzma for telling the priest. It’s good for her to tell someone and she needed to tell someone who wouldn’t (couldn’t) betray her confidence.

I wish Skankgirl would leave Pablo alone and go after Yago. Plus, if she wants to get Pablo, she’s going about it in the wrong way.

I’m in agreement that Dan is acting a little creepy.

“If they were in a stable, loving relationship with each other that would be cute. Unfortunately, they're a pair of money-grubbing parasites.”-Amen!!

Amanda stealing the passport is scaring me.

“’Do it again and I'll tell the boss.’ I'm pretty sure he knows Camila well enough to know that she wouldn't want to wait for another offense.” So true. I think Leo’s one of those pervs who likes to deflower virgins or once he’s had a girl, he moves on to “fresh meat”. Hopefully, this means he’ll stay away from Luz. Rodolfo will continue to protect Natalia. I think if Leo did do something to Nat, she and her mother have such a good relationship that she would confide in her. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Leo is the worst kind of scum (trivial note: Nat was not wearing yellow).

I’m feeling sorrier and sorrier for Mariano. He’s going to get his heart broken, unless this TN takes a 180 and Cam ends up with Mar.

Vivi: “I don't think that Camila totally believes Dio. Her face at the end of the conversation was not one of complete trust. “ I was thinking the same thing. Good on her.

Of course the padre is awesome. He’s my Jacinto.

This TN has something major happening every day, it seems. Just like CME. To the point where you’re wondering how they can sustain it for the bulk of the eps. CME managed it great.


Rene Strickler may have a few extra pounds and a thinning hairline, but when he smiles, oh boy! He has a beautiful smile. His smile is like Cesar's voice. It makes up for the years, hairline and pounds, and makes him look like a total hunk.

I find Rene very attractive. I'm one of those odd women who really isn't into the buff guy. I'm usually not into blonds, either, but RS is one of the exceptions, on that front.

Thanks 5Ft. I enjoyed your comments in Spanish. Your description of Alonso when he was looking in the mirror had me laugh out loud.
'Alonso gets back to his room and notices lipstick marks on his flabby, underdeveloped, and hairless chest.'

I'm with you on the part when Dan was watching Camila through the window. I kept thinking 'Don't go there, please'. We don't need more creepos.

I'm wondering what Amanda will do with the passport. Hopefully she can bring it to someone who can look up this guy's history with the law. Not sure who that would be though.

Mariano can look moonfaced at Camila all he wants, but Dan is the man.

I can't say I think that Rene Strickler is very goodlooking. But he looks like the kind of guy who could never pull off playing a bad guy.

Just saw on IMDb that Fernando Colunga's new TN, "Porque El Amor Manda" is scheduled to start in Mexico on 10/8.

Piedad looks like an old Demi Lovato.

Mariano looks like the Mexican Tyler Perry.

Luzma looks like Sandra Echevarria's little sister.

Wow, Camila's got 3 1/2 guys sniffing around her: Dan, Rafa, Mariano & Alonso (only cuz he's her husband. but Ol' Yella is spouting around Ximeany now)

Thanks for another great recap, Kat. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one to think that Dan's tompeepery was a bit creepy.

cathyx, René Strickler was Mauricio in Amar Sin Límites, a rather icky-crazy bad guy and was very convincing.


Sorry to be late with the ever-growing list of compliments. You keep us informed and up to date.

I also enjoyed the descriptive phrases in Spanish for Leoncio (el mas ascoso pretexto de un ser humano en el mundo). I'm positive that most of us at some time or other have had an occasion to use one of these useful phrases.

If Camila hadn't wanted anyone looking in, she should have pulled the heavier curtains (or gotten some)--and also, she should lock that outer door to her cabana. It keeps real creeps out. D'andres really only wanted to know what she did with the flower...very innocent...ya.

This is the first time I've seen RS in anything so I have no other him to compare himself to, but I like his character, warm, open, generous--just what Camila needs as a friend. Hope she doesn't send him miscues or that Dan isn't the mini-jealous type.

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Kat for a great recap. The translations are so helpful. I copy and save them. Monday's episode should be GOOD. I can hardly wait to find out about the Daniel Diaz Acosta photobomb! I'm ambivalent about him revealing his true identity although that probably isn't the plan since Rafael's brother (can't think of his name) is a major player in the plan and we haven't seen a lot of action on his part yet
The scene with Dan sneaking into Cami's room planting the rose, sniffing the cover, and later spying on her reaction was far from romantic (even when performed by a gorgeous hunk who happens to be the main reason I'm watching this novela!!)


Foxy- The show is on tonight. It's just Abismo that isn't on tonight.

The galan in Refugio also did the creepy stalking of the heroine in the beginning (still sort of does now too). When she was a maid in his house, he would hang outside her bedroom door for long periods of time, and woul even go in after she was asleep and stare at her. Really wish tns would stop promoting this behavior.

Vivi: I agree. Even if the intent isn't evil, it's still crossing boundaries.

Thanks so much for the enlightment Vivi. Don't know where I got the idea, that this novela was preempted. If I had missed it, I would have been muy disappointed.

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