Saturday, November 03, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #78 11/2/12: An Intervention For... Rebeca??

Mimi reluctantly verifies to Eugenia that Juan is, indeed, alive and posing as Eva. Genie's hurt that he didn't confide in her, and he's caused her a lot of problems. But Mimi says Juan needs her help. Please, if she doesn't want to see him, at least talk to him on the phone.

Juan (who's taking this call in his own voice while wearing full Eva garb out in broad daylight on a busy street) apologizes but also says this has been really tough for him. Genie says it's been no picnic for her either - half the world thinks she's crazy for saying that he's alive. (Well, if everyone thinks he's dead, perhaps it's crazy to insist otherwise before finding out what's up. Seriously, what did she expect people to think, the way she was talking?)

Juan apologizes some more and explains about his mission to clear his name. He needs her help - but above all, she mustn't tell anyone that he's Eva! But Genie says it's too late - an alleged reporter, she can't remember her name but no doubt she was one of his ex-girlfriends, came by and overheard everything!

Eugenia tries to describe Rebeca to Juan, but the only clue of any substance that she can offer is that the woman had a habit of using a "muletilla" - a little catch phrase or word - at every opportunity. She said "chulita" a lot. Juan already knows who she's talking about! Anyway, Genie says, Dad won't be as understanding about all this as I am, and I need some quiet time here for myself if I ever want to get out of this place where they think I'm crazy BECAUSE OF YOU. (Mimi agrees.) So please stay away from here for a little while.

Mimi and Juan rehash at home. What's Rebeca's beef with Juan Carlos, Mimi asks. (Juan remembers the afternoon of their little tryst, when she caught him telling one of his friends that he'd just slept with some random trampy girl mostly as a favor. She overheard and cursed him with the wish that he would someday find out how it feels for a woman to be spoken of that way.) Juan simply tells Mimi that he made a mistake and Rebeca hates him.

So. Rebeca has overheard the truth about Juan Carlos; however, since it came from a woman in a mental hospital, she needs some evidence to be sure. She asks one of the Evalettes to dig up Eva's address. Then she tries to find out from Adriano if he's had sex with Eva yet. He admits that Eva is old-fashioned. Rebeca assures him that the quiet women, like Eva and herself, are only pretending. Honestly, they're like volcanoes about to erupt. Well... either that, or Eva's not interested at all. Adriano is rattled at the thought.

Then, with perfect timing, Eva calls to break their dinner date. No way, says Adriano; tonight is going to be unforgettable, spectacular, explosive, and a couple of words that Univision doesn't let us hear.

Marcela offers to return the car to the dealer. Fern says no, she can keep the new car, and he'll keep the old one along with his dignity. Then the mechanic calls with an estimate: it's going to be very expensive to fix his dignity. Marcela offers to pay half of it out of some insurance refund or something.

Evening. Rebeca shows up at the rooming-house, supposedly to apologize to Eva for the lingerie scene in the restroom. Mimi and Eva intercept her in the lobby. Rebeca rudely calls the place a dump and says a company partner ought to be living someplace nicer. "I like living here with my cousin, and I'm not as pretentious as some people," Eva replies. Rebeca starts in with the accusations: Eva is odd, she doesn't let people touch her, won't undress in front of people, she lives in a pigpen and tries to avoid attention... she must be hiding something. "I'm sure this woman isn't who she says she is. Or am I wrong, JUAN CARLOS?"

Eva and Mimi laugh at Rebeca, ha ha, as if! "You're the same height as JC, you whistle his song, you get tummyaches," Rebeca insists. And Eva only ever lets Adriano hold hands.

Eva laughs again - lots of people whistle; Santiago gets tummyaches too; everyone's tall like her up north where she comes from. Maybe Rebeca should write telenovelas! As for holding hands, Eva was brought up properly. "If I were JC," Eva scoffs, "would I come to GI dressed as a woman?"

A scuffle ensues as Rebeca finally reaches for Eva's hair, but Adriano's arrival for his hot date with Eva seems to be a bucket of cold water for Rebeca.

Ferni drives Marcela home in their new Mazda Emasculator. He grudgingly admits that the new car isn't so bad to drive, but it's kind of effeminate. (The way he's protectively clutching his briefcase in front of him, I think it shriveled him a little bit just to sit down in such a car.) Fern comes home and finds Daniel hanging out with Jennifer and Kevin. Daniel is unintentionally insulting Ferni, saying his own father prefers to provide cars and other nice things for his wife, who doesn't work. Fern angrily stifles himself by stuffing snacks into his mouth. Marcela sends the boy home.

Rebeca watches suspiciously while Eva makes a big scene of snuggling up to Adriano and kissing his forehead. Rebe insists that instead of going to the nice restaurant where Adri made his dinner reservations, they go to La Fos (or possibly La Fox) and howl at the full moon and get their freak on. She's friends with the manager and can get them a table there.

Helena and Lalito catch up on things. Lalito seems happier lately; he says it's because of Pluti. Helena says that they are a couple, but they're still going to take it slow. He's not going to be going everywhere with them and so forth right away. (Oh really? Isn't he pretty much always around?) They'll slowly build trust and eventually feel like a family over time. Lalito recognizes that his mother is trying to prevent them from getting their hearts broken like they did with JC.

At the restaurant, Rebeca lingers at Eva and Adri's table and makes all kinds of insinuations about what kind of hot and steamy night they should have. Eventually she leaves them. "Alone at last," Adriano sighs, but not so much... because Eva can see that Rebeca is still watching them from her own table nearby.

Eva wants to talk about business - like rehiring that binder full of women. Adri wants to talk romance. Eva offers to invite Mimi. Adri asks, doesn't she want to be alone with him? Is she hiding something? She says she's just nervous, so he offers her some wine - a "Dionysiac" which I guess is supposed to provoke orgiastic behavior. She doesn't like Rebeca watching them and she doesn't want people blabbing about them all over GI, but Adri thinks they should announce their relationship officially.

Eva goes to the restroom. Adri guzzles his Dionysiac. Rebeca follows Eva and confronts her - "you'd better not be running away." She's going to stick around all night and see how Eva deals with Adriano, who's obviously trying to get Eva into bed. Rebeca keeps howling and then tries to goad Eva into punching her and threatens to tell everyone her secret.

Eva calls Mimi for backup. Mimi doesn't want to be a third wheel and is afraid she'll be obliged to get rough with Rebeca.

It appears that Angelica is learning how to put mayo on bread for the first time in her life. The butter knife brushes against her hand, and she thinks she's going to die of an infection. She tries to get Santi to call an ambulance. Then Eva calls and asks them to keep Rebeca company at the restaurant. It seems that Rebeca is a bit depressed, and Angelica could cheer her up. (Santi is concerned about the expense, but Angelica thinks they should consider it an investment in his career.) Don't tell Rebeca I asked you, Eva says. Then she calls Renato.

Eva returns to the table and tells Adri there was a line at the restroom. Adri tries very hard to get Eva drunk, but succeeds only in getting himself bien sloshed in the process. He wants a kiss. Eva is alarmed to notice that Rebeca has left her table. Turns out she's bribing the maître d' to keep the wine flowing (she tells him it's their anniversary).

Angelica and Santi show up. Rebeca insults them, how were they allowed into such an exclusive place? "I just told them I was a friend of yours, and they let me in!" Angi says. Rebeca is confused by their efforts to cheer her up and tries to get them to leave. She says there are no tables. Angelica says she'll take care of that. Rebeca is still gaping when Renato arrives.

Meanwhile, inebriated Adri is doing his best to charm Eva. They agree it's time to leave, and manage to slip out just as as Rebe, Renato, Santi, and Angi sit down together. Rebe grumps that people like them are usually only allowed into a place like this to wash dishes and such.

Now Lucia's here. Renato waves for her to join them. Lucia lets slip that this was Eva's idea. "Yeah, isn't she the greatest?" Angi says. Eva called them all here to cheer Rebeca up because she's been ever so sad lately. Rebeca grouses and then realizes that Adri and Eva have left the building.

Next time:
No show on Monday or Tuesday; but on Wednesday, Adriano hits the sack with a very willing woman!


Before I forget... Apparantly we won't see Eva again until Wednesday. There's a finale (AdP? RpA? I get them mixed up) Monday, and I guess election coverage Tuesday. Last night's show, the previews said "on Wednesday..."


Oh! I got that it wouldn't be on Monday, but didn't realize it wouldn't be on Tuesday either. Wow. We're going to be in suspense for a while, then.

hahaha the Mazda Emasculator. That's one of the best I've heard so far. I'll have to see how much they cost.

I haven't watched yet, so I'll be back. You've made it sound funny.

Thanks Julie for this great, fantastically funny recap. Oh, my is Adri so funny when he drinks. I also liked the little smoochies on the forehead Eva had to give Adri in front of Rebeca, too funny. I also liked the fact that Eva did a end run around Rebe and called people to keep her company, so funny.

I too liked your name for Marcela's new car and Fern's dignity, lol. This is such a funny recap.

Ya know in the previews that face look suspiciously like Mimi! Is Adri so drunk he thinks it is Eva? I can't wait for Wednesday, I want to know if I am right.

I couldn't make out the logo on the car (which may have been covered up or blurred out anyway) and I really wanted to know what it was. Took me a while to identify it. Many cars look alike until you start focusing on the details, but eventually I found out it's a Mazda 3. Not particularly effeminate in my opinion, but then, I'm not as great an authority on these things as Fernando is!

What does it cost? Not much. Just all your masculinity!

Yes, Madelaine, the woman in bed with Adri looks like Mimi. I think he's drunk enough to believe she's whoever she says she is. I'm just questioning if this is really the way Mimi wants to be with him.

Julie, thanks for the excellent and very funny recap.

Loved the Mazda Emasculator. I drive a Mazda myself, but it's not new and shiny.

I don't think I'd seen the actor playing Adri in anything before. He is just hilarious and even steals some scenes from JC/Eva.

La Paloma

Julie, thanks for the very funny recap.

I am afraid that Rebe is no match for Eva but it does make for a fun filled episode.

I cannot believe we have wait four days to find out who is bed with Adri. My money is on Mimi!

Rosemary Primera


Thank you for the recap, Julie.

Loved the recap, Julie. And let me join the chorus --your Mazda Emasculator line was a hoot. So was Fer as he stuffed those chips in his face when Daniel kept talking about his father & mother. Marsela was terrific as she tried to point out that there are other ways for spouses & families to relate - ways that are less macho.

My money is on Mimi as the romantic recipient of Adri's ardor. He'll probably be confused -- thinking that he bedded Eva (and making Rebecca believe that) but haunted enough by memories of Mimi's attributes that he will begin to be even more tempted by her.


Thanks for a very creative recap and also explaining the word muletilla--that was a new one for me. Your term Mazda Emasculator surely fits the situation. I loved Eva inviting some company to keep Rebeca occupied. I wonder how relentless Rebeca is going to be since she is sure she has the goods on Eva. Sure looked like Mimi with Adri in the promos.


Will Adri know who he's with? True, they might do a Rachel/Leah. But another possibility is, "If you can't be with the one you love..." Remember that the last time he was heartbroken he consoled himself with some bimbo. It didn't fix his heartbreak, but at least we know that's him MO. In the real world, a person can only take so much rejection before they go shopping elsewhere. But of course this is a TN where obsession and stalker behavior is a virtue.

For a villian, Rebecca's not too bright, is she? Her big plan to prove that Eva is a man is if Eva refuses to sleep with Adri. That's the best she can come up with? How about the chair trick? Bend over, rest your head against a wall, pick up a chair, and stand up. If you can't do it, you're a man.

If 'Becca were smart, she'd start asking herself WHY Juan came back to GI, if he's risking being sent to jail. She already suspect that Pluto was part of the fraud. Given Rebecca's nature, she would quickly conclude that Juan must want revenge against Pluto. And as such, "The enemy of my enemy is my ally." Instead of pulling Eva/JC's hair, she should try to get Juan to help destroy Pluto.


Rebeca could have pulled Eva's hair at the restaurant. The fact that she didn't makes me question whether she's completely sure of Eva's secret identity. Because if she had been sure, she would have had nothing to lose by grabbing the wig.

Julie - terrific recap. Let me chime in that "Mazda Emasculator" is a gem.

Adriano is a hoot when he's smashed. I hope the previews are only teasing and that Mimi slips out of the bed before going through with the deed with Adriano. I know she likes him, but sleeping with him under the guise of Eva is too much.

Thanks for the recap, Julie!

That was a very entertaining show, almost as entertaining as the recap. Angie used to drive me nuts but I've grown to really enjoy watching her antics. That huge bandage on her finger after her mayo cut was pretty funny.

Adri/Eva are always funny, especially in restaurants, calling for the check. I agree, the actor who plays Adri does a great job.

And, Paula H, what is that trick? Do you pick the chair up in front of you or behind you? I've never heard of that one!

It definitely looked like Mimi in the sack with Adri. The big question: is she an Eva switcheroo or does Adri know it is her? And, will she get pregnant (another big question)?

Mil in NC

I think that if Mimi goes to bed with Adri it will not just be because she is falling in love with him, but also because she wants to help out her friend, JC. JC/Eva gains so much leverage and info. from his/her relationship with Adri. However, Mimi would be putting her pride and dignity at risk and JC would owe her big time!!!

Mil, here are the instructions from
1.Stand with your toes touching a wall.
2.Placing one foot behind the other, take two steps back.
3.Have him place a chair between you and the wall.
4.Bend at the waist and place the top of your head against the wall.
5.Lift the chair.
6.Stand erect.
Women can do it. Men can't.

Here is a poor quality YouTube clip.


I think the idea is for Mimi to keep Adri company until he passes out. He probably won't be able to perform anyway, but it won't matter because he won't be able to remember either. The next morning, however, he'll be convinced that he spent a hot night with Eva, and Rebeca will be forced to find another way to prove what she thinks about Eva - if she still even believes it.

But even if that is the idea, there are a million ways it can go wrong!

Paula H - had my husband try the man test and the results were inconclusive. His feet are so big he can't reach the wall with his head! Luckily I don't need the test ;)

Mil in NC

Mil, that's one of the things I've read - the cause is two-fold.
A. Men have a higher center of gravity.
B. Men have proportionally bigger feet so they stand farther from the wall for their height.

Hey, y'all has anyone heard from TJ? If not I can put up a header to discuss tonight's recap. I won't do a recap, everyone can discuss what went on.


I am back from the darkness and cold.
I will recap tonight.
Thank you all for your well wishes.

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