Saturday, December 01, 2012

Amor Bravío #75 (Uni 70) Fri 11/30/12 It's Usn's Against Youn's! Daniel and Dio Set Their Plans to Divide and Conquer Into Motion

 capítulo 75    

Lo Del Pasado:

Dan has tried talking the stubborn Camila into giving him a chance to prove to her that fighting for their love is worth the effort.  They nearly kissed and made up but her stubborn side kicks in and she pulls away telling him that she doesn’t believe him.  He tells her her eyes are giving her away and before she can argue there’s a knock at the door.  It’s Piedad.  Cami says she knows Julian’s true identity and that he was killed with the pistol that Don Daniel gave him.  it’s time Pie tells the authorities about him and Leoncio’s threats to hurt her if she told what she knew.  She makes arrangements for Rodolfo to take her into town to Becerra’s first so he can take her to the police station as legal mouthpiece.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Ximena comes grousing into the dining room demanding unsuspecting Isadora to tell her where Alonso is cuz he never came home last night.  Isa says she doesn’t know a thing.  Al suddenly appears and shuffles in drunk.  Mama scolds about his disgraceful appearance and demeanor.  He screams back at Mama never to touch him again and that he’s as clearheaded as he’s ever been in his life right now.  And as far as he’s concerned she can go to Hell!  Xi keeps wondering where dear little Mr. Milquetoast has gone.   

At the same time, Leoncio is waking up in a barred hospital room and screaming in pain.  The doc (like those of us in Viewerville) really doesn’t want to give the perverted bastard any painkiller, but he gives in to his nurse and tells her to go ahead at the end.  We learn that he’s going to be transferred to a prison in one more day.  The nurse comments that nobody knows what might befall him—a child/niece molestor--inside…. (We can only hope for and expect the worst!! Bu-wa-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa!)

Pie, meanwhile, swears to Cami she had nothing to do with whatever happened to Trench, and adds that she’s certain that as evil as her brother is he must have done something nasty to keep her fiancé from showing up at the church the day of their wedding.  Cam understands and gives her all the time she needs to visit Fidencio’s family and fact-find so Leo Sordido can be tried and punished for that crime as well.

The chief detective on D’Andres’ case chats with his surgeon at the hospital and finds out from the doctor that D’Andres would have been way too weak to have fought with Leo, let alone de-tongue the dude.

Xi follows Lungin’ Lon back to their room and worries over him.  What’s up with the sudden change in ‘tude.  He doesn’t want to be treated like a Mommie’s boy (anymore) and he’ll tell her everything if she’d just go down and get him some breakfast while he takes a shower and gets cleaned up.  His hangover’s given him the morning after munchies.  Xi says fine.  While she’s gone he digs into the files Salomon left with him and sees the dude wasn’t lying after all.  It shows him as witnessing his daddy and Isadora’s registering him as their own bio-baby.  His whole life has been one big lousy ‘Lonso-lie!!  Sonofabuckin’bullrider!!

Outside in the drive, Luz Maria and Pie run into each other and chat.  Pie wants to know how Sra. Cami knew Julian’s true identity.  Luzma has to admit then that she overheard her and Tío Leo discussing it during the initial murder investigation.  If she told Cam it was because Padre Anselmo wanted her to.  No more secrets.  She needs to know about her father.

Pie tells her how they met when she was twenty.  Leo didn’t like her dating, let alone then getting preggers.  He was crazy obsessive and selfish.  He pretended to be happy that Fidencio was going to marry her and they agreed to the wedding date.  When he didn’t show for the ceremony, she had to believe her brother when he said the guy must have had second thoughts and had been fooling her the whole time, when he decided to back out on her.  She never totally believed that could be so now that Leo’s out of the picture, she’s going up north to check the facts according to his family’s best recollection.  Luzma says she’s proud of her and will go with her into town to Becerra’s and the police station.

Meanwhile, Cam calls Becerra to give him the heads up about Piedad and asks him to make sure that Pie’s telling her side of things doesn’t get her in trouble with the law.  He reminds her there’s still a number of things he’s got to discuss with Cam.   She says she knows but really just can’t get away right now.  She hangs up and tells herself she is going to go crazy from all this.  

Viviana and Rafael are knocking at the door now, checking on Daniel’s recuperation.  He’s doing better but the police were here, Cam says, to tell her that somebody cut out Leoncio’s tongue.  “--Yeah, it’s pretty gross news, but they believe that since it happened the same day that “Andres Duarte” escaped, that it must have been him!  I can’t exactly tell them that it couldn’t have been because he’s been here the whole time, though!  Besides, he could just talk with his doctor and find that out, but I’m almost certain his doctor will tell him the same.”  Makes sense to them and then Viv says she hopes that’s enough to keep El Comandante ese convinced. 

In the meantime, Viv and Rafa suggest not telling Daniel the news because it could upset him even more.  They ask Cam if she agrees.  She snidely says what’s it matter what she thinks.  He’s their friend and it’s their decision, right?  Viv’s been verbally slapped and Rafa feels her pain.  They ask to go in to speak with him.  Cam lets them in and walks pointedly away.   After all “he’s their friend” and she’s got things of her own to do right now…..

Back in their bedroom, Xi brings up breakfast on a tray.  Lon lunges at her and lands her with a major lip-lock.  Xi’s got to fight for air.  He tells her she’s the only one and the only true thing of his.  She’s the only one who loves him for exactly who and what he is.  He begs her to swear that no matter what, she will never abandon him.  She says of course, but what in the world’s gotten into him and why is he so worried?  He’s promised to tell her but still he hasn’t, she adds.  He says yes, but first he wants her to promise to marry him.  Happy, happy!! Joy, joy!!  He fishes out the box Mamadora gave him with one of her less expensive rings to use as an engagement ring and gives it to her.  They kiss on it when she says yes, oh yes, Alonso!  I had no idea you would ask me so soon!  Of course I’ll marry you!  (Yeah, I know.  It takes all kinds.  Some dig on Milquetoast and cheese curds.)

At the same time, Cam takes another walk around that pond somewhere in her back forty while she remembers the (toe-curlingly) romantic pleas Daniel made to her earlier that morning.  She reasons that Daniel was right and that they fell in love with each other despite what they were.  "--I fell in love with him and it didn’t matter to me that he was an employee from the ranch.  I fell in love with his soul, his inner being like he says."   She prays to the diosito for advice.  “–What do I do, Lord?  Send me a sign.  I don’t want to make a mistake and I don’t want to be unfair.  I don’t want to give up his love; I love Daniel, but I hate his betrayal.  What counts more? The way he in which he approached me, or the way he made me feel?  I’m disappointed, confused, hurt."  

It’s that I’m not sure I am capable of forgiving him.   I don’t know whether it would be best to end this relationship and once things are settled at La Malquerida to simply go my own way.  It’s that I can’t deceive myself.  I still love him just as powerfully and just as deep as ever.  I surrender myself [rendirse] to you Lord.  I’m putting myself into your hands.  Tell me what I am to do.”

Back in the guesthouse bedroom, Viv and Rafa ask Daniel what he thinks of the tape.  He agrees with them that Dionisio’s trying to absolve himself from all blame [llavarse las manos=washing his hands of it].  So what do they do next, asks Rafa.  Dan tells them they’ve got to make Dio believe that they think he’s totally innocent of everything.  They’ll get the proof they need against Al and Hissadora when Dio denounces Alonso and Isadora while simultaneously trying to clear himself of all culpability.  “—But we know he isn’t innocent.”  “—Yes, and in order to defend themselves, Alonso and Isadora will give us the proof we need against Dionisio.”  The two sidekicks marvel adoringly at his mental prowess.  (Forget all the aforementioned brainpower!!  I am still marveling at those pecs and biceps!  OMG!!)  Dan modestly admits to having to force himself to think like his adversaries in order to constantly stay a step ahead of them. 

Viv mentions that Teresa is now in Chile on her fact-finding mission and has promised to keep them up to date through her brother, Padre Anselmo, so as to avoid Dio intercepting anything.   Speaking of which, Dan asks Rafa to get D’Aaron on the phone.  Dan acknowledging that without his three Musketeers, he’d be six foot under and worm food by now.  The two extend a few other niceties and then get down to bidnez. 

~~End Part 1~~ 

Dan tells Aaron he’s going to have to bother him again; that he needs Aaron to get some show of trust and allegiance from Dio.  Aaron will try but they both realize neither of those traits is listed in Dio’s personal dictionary of distinguishing character differentia….er…traits. Right…..But, Dan needs Aaron to get Dio to keep him up to date on the movements of all the others: Isa, Al, Daddy and  Li’l Sis.  “—So, you’re continuing with the plan to separate them in order to finally manage to defeat them?”  Yes, agrees Dan, it’s time for them to betray each other.  “—We need for mother and son to be at opposite ends and declaring themselves as enemies.’’  Aaron says he’ll get right on it.

D’Aaron calls Dio on his cell immediately afterwards and orders him to listen up.

Meanwhile, La Mama Metiche de Augustina is getting a bit of family counseling from Padre Anselmo.  She’s got to admit to herself, although she doesn’t want to, says Gussie, that she’s made another mistake marrying Dionisio Ferrer, despite the warnings and misgivings of her daughter, Camila.  Dio and she definitely haven’t done the marital deed more than a couple of times since they first got married.  No, it’s not that she can’t live without the marriage bed mambo, but at least when she was married to Javier, even though he lived like a kept man, he kept her satisfied and …er…sexually satiated shall we say?  The padre’s advice is to confront hubby and deal with the results the best way she can.  If there’s a problem with the marriage and/or him, then fix it the best way possible.   (A bit of old biddy advice: Buck up, babe.  Brace for it, and don’t buckle under!!)

Across town at Amanda’s B&B, Natalia is preparing a picnic basket.  However, she’s lied to Mama about who she’s eating with.  She gets a call from Yago and covers up his identity.  At the other end of the line, Illy is listening and decides to follow him and her suspicions.  (This gal needs a serious face-to-face with a brick wall.)  Yago tells Nat he’ll meet her in a few at the place they agreed on.

At lunch at los Albarran, the table talk is all about Leoncio’s missing "lengua".  Cayetano tells the others he figures whoever did that wanted to silence him over something.  Talk turns to D’Andres’s escape from the hospital and that nobody’s been able to locate him.  They agree he’s anther one who’s got something to hide also.  Finally Mariano and Ana agree they’ll invite Camila to go to the pet shop with them (despite ol’ Abuela’s opposition) after lunch to help them find a puppy.

Back at the M.Q., Hisssadora is in mid-hissyfit because Xi won’t let her into the bedroom to badger Lon over badmouthing her earlier.  She pushes through Xi’s barrier and gets a bruisin’ from Largate-Lonnie.  He’s fed up with her making him her little plaything that she’s manipulated and done whatever she wanted with!!  He threatens to throw ol’ Mamadora out on her ass if she doesn’t scramola right there ‘n then! (Yeah, I’d have loved to see that visual!!) “—Largate!  Largate!!  Largate!!!”  Xi again doesn’t understand why he’s acting this way towards his mother.  Lon tells her that he found out last night that she’s been lying to him; that she was deceiving him all his life.  And?  The document her brother had her daddy sign is useless!  So?  “Alonso, I don’t follow.”  “—You don’t need to understand.  The fact is that they’re using us to get what they want!”  Mama, Dio and Daddy Diaz!!  But, your mother and Dio are extremely dangerous, warns Xi.  That’s right, says Al and so they’re going to have to be especially careful, cuz the only way he will ever be totally free and be able to be his true self is by offing Isadora!! (As in permanently??  Murder is big-time bad mojo and, it would seem, is apparently where Ximeana just might actually draw the line.)   Cara de crazed critter de Al.  Xi notes the feverish sparkle and the spittle and turns saucer-eyed impactada. 

Dio meets up with Hisssa outside Al’s bedroom.  She tells Dio that Al must have discovered something and that he’s gone totally nuts [fuera de si =out of his mind] and he’s turned completely against her.  What could he have discovered?  Hisssa hasn’t a clue; all she can say is that he’s never treated her nor talked to her that way ever!!  Dio warns her that’s now a big problem for the two of them because she was the only one who could ever control him.  The way he’s acting, he could ruin all their plans, they could lose all they’ve gained so far!!  They’ve got to find out what he’s discovered.  Dio advises her then and there that the time has come for her to decide with regard to their association.  “--Our deal is on very shaky ground.  If he’s against us he could harm us considerably, irrevocably.  So, you’re going to have to decide: either you’re on his side or you’re on mine!  The three of us can no longer continue together.”    Dio says he realizes it’s her son they’re talking about here, but that there are times when one must leave sentimentality aside, especially when a fortune is involved.  Issadora’s eyes glitter the color of gold. (Sentimentality?  What sentimentality?  We don’t need no stinkin’ sentimentality!!)  He’ll give her till that evening to decide whose side she’s on.  Cara de diamonds and ice queen de Isadora.

Mariano runs into Camila by the pond.  He wonders if she’s heard that D’Andres fled from the hospital.  She says yeah, she knows but don’t ask her any questions and she won’t have to lie to him about anything.    He asks her to spend a bit of time with him and Ana.  They’re going to buy her puppy and she did say she’d like to join them when they went.  At first Cam says she’s not in good spirits and it isn’t a good time, but then she figures the heck with everything!  She’ll go.  Mariano’s heart does flip-flops as he tells her he and Ana will pick her up out front in a half an hour.   

Downtown at the police station, Becerra and Piedad introduce themselves to Comandante Juarez.  Pie and Os explain why she’s there.  Juarez asks why she didn’t come forward before and lied about not knowing who Julian was.  Becerra speaks up as legal counsel and explains for the record that it was because she was being threatened by her brother, Leoncio Martinez.  Cara de enough said de Comandante J.  Did she know whether Leo was the one who killed Julian?  No, but he asked her not to tell anybody they knew him.  “—He was the brother of the man I was going to marry.”  Juarez says Leo refused to give a statement and he wouldn’t write one out for them either.  “—That’s because my brother doesn’t know how to read and he can’t write, either.”

Illy has apparently followed Yago into town.  She sees him meet up with Nat.  She takes a picture with her cell phone.  (Now who and what will Brat-Girl try threatening with that?  And why????  Maybe she just gets her jollies playing mean. Like I said, a flying runner at a brick wall, face first.)

Back in the waiting area of the police station, Rodolfo badmouths D’Andres to Luzma for running away from the hospital, abandoning his job like that and without a word to the Sra. Doctora, especially after all she’d done for him!!  Luzma tells him to back off cuz he doesn’t know that D’Andres didn’t have his reasons.  He asks her then if she’s put in a good word for him with Nat yet.  She promises to “discuss” it with her over the coming weekend.  (Why lead this poor, but very smart and very cute guy on like that when you already know the answer?  Sorry, Luzma, but that’s just not right.)

Across town, Pablo’s talking to Padre Anselmo about doing whatever’s necessary for him and Luzma to get married in the Church.  The padre is disappointed to find out that Rocio didn’t give a rap about his advice regarding Luz or his parents giving their blessing, biting the bullet and accepting her.

At the same time, back at the M.Q. ‘s guesthouse, Cam is getting ready to leave Dan for a few hours.  She asks him again to tell her how many of each type of pill he’s got to take and then tells him Luz will be around to feed him in a bit.  Where’s she off to?  “—Aren’t you going to tell me?”  “—Well excu-uuuuuu-se me!  I didn’t know I had to!  I’m going out with Mariano and his daughter.”  “—I didn’t realize you were such good friends that you’d be going out with his family, with his daughter.”  “—He’s become my friend because he always tells me the truth, unlike some others—“  “—Oh, really?”  “—who are lying to me!”  “—He always tells you the truth?”  “—Always!”  “—Including his feeling about you?  You realize he wants to get it on [querer con alguien=Chilean slang for ‘go to bed with/have sex with’ somebody] with you, right?”  Rather than tell him to sit on it and twirl, she demures.  “—No, he hasn’t mentioned it; but it isn’t any of your concern!”  Cara de duly verbally slapped de Danny-boy.  “—Does that mean that you aren’t going to forgive me?”  Cam ignores this and points to his two sets of pills.  “—The little bottle is the medicine you’ll need after eating.”  She turns around and exits the door.  Cara de “Crap!!”  de one rather jealous Daniel.

This time it’s Dio who’s come to check on El Loonbag de Lonso.  Lon’s told him to butt out cuz it’s a personal dispute between (ex-mama) “Isadora” and himself.  Dio says if he’s getting involved it’s because Al’s become so aggressive towards her that it bothers him.  At least tell him why he’s so upset.  Al really has to keep his emotions under control.  That’s what she always wants, Al gripes, to have control over everything—Dio, him, you name it! Dio says he should realize that it bugs him also.  Loose-lipped Al’s on a roll. “--Isadora” only looks out for herself!”  

Dio says, ingratiatingly, that he thought he was the only one who thought like that.  Yeah, bellyaches Al some more, she only acts to benefit herself!  The worst of it, commiserates Dio, is that she’s done it numerous times behind our backs, too!  He didn’t like at all the way she went looking for Daniel’s daddy on her own without telling him, and as it turns out she thought she was going to get some sort of leg up with that but it was all a bust.  Al angrily agrees and says it’s always that way with her.  Dio wheedles a bit more trying to get Loathing Lon to finally let loose with what’s bugging him.Al simply sticks with the metaphors.  Just that at times the blinders [lit. the bandages] come off and you see a person for who they really are, grumbles Al in between bites of nubby nail.  

Dio says they’re both of the same mind regarding Issa.  So, he’s going to suggest something to him.  “—Your mother was very slick in coming to look for me and suggesting this agreement between the three of us, and the way you should marry Camila.  She had nothing to lose, but you and I, yes, you and I do!  “—If this fails, I end up in jail, Dionisio!”  “—And I will lose a ton of money!  But, she isn’t risking anything.”  Al can’t believe he didn’t see it all sooner, he says, but that’s all over now!  So, suggests Dio, let’s you and I stop playing her little game and join forces. “--Whaddayasay?  Are you staying on her side or are you joining mine?” Cara de let me think about it…for a second or two…de Alonso.    


So was this an exciting episode? I haven't seen it yet because I have to wait for my husband to wake up before I can. Maybe I'll make a lot of noise in the kitchen 'accidentally'.

Jardinera, I loved your title. "Divide and Conquer" is definitely the name of the game. It even could be said to extend to BratGirl, who is apparently trying to divide not only Pablo from Luz Maria but also Yago from Natalia. She (BratGirl) apparently followed Yago surreptitously to his meeting with Natalia and took a bunch of photos of the two of them kissing, being close, etc. I'm not really sure why she's doing this--i.e., does she want Yago for herself or does she simply want to cause trouble for him and/or blackmail him into helping her with Pablo. The photos aren't really all that compromising, so I'm not sure what she hopes they'll accomplish.

Good old Dio: I loved it that he had almost identical conversations with Isadora ("let's dump Alonso") and with Alonso ("Let's dump Isadora"). And Team Good Guys seems to be trying to be creating similar havoc among the Bad Guys.

And then there were the avances, showing that Daniel reveals his identity where perhaps he shouldn't. I'm not sure how something can thicken and twist and the same time, but that seems to be what the plot is doing. I love it!

I'm really looking forward to your recap.

Juunita- ITA with the plot twist that looks like it's coming on Monday. Not to be missed for sure.

Love the divide and conquer plan. It's already happening. Not like it was really hard to turn these babd guys against each other. They've been doing it from the beginning, but hopefully now the good guys can benefit from it.

Dan getting all cave man jealous and asking Cami where she was going and with whom, and being really annoyed that it was Mariano, was cute.

Bad guys will probably laugh when AlonSo (as Festus Hagan would say, "the sort of feller you've got to walk upwind of even if there ain't no breeze a blowin'") blabs Andres is Daniel Acosta, assuming, of course, that Hissadora isn't sufficiently chaffed yet to off her not related sonny boy.

How many more soliloquies by the lake will Camila take?

Luzma seems to have taken over as foreman.

At first, I was peeved that all the killers moved in the mal house but now it appears it will be much more fun this way as they won"t be able to stand each other.

So, Agustina thinks there might be a problem with her marriage. Who would have thunk it.

And, could we please break the TN stalker law and ship whats her name back to mama 'cause she can't get Pablo, if she had any sense she wouldn't want Yago, and apparently there isn't another suitable male within 50 miles that she could latch onto.

Hubby finally woke up and I was able to watch. Love the divide and conquer theme. I'm not sure if Al will spill the beans about Dan. First, it depends on what Dan tells him after he tells him who he is. He may say he wants to align with Alonso and Ximena. Second, Alonso isn't on the same team as Isa, and probably not really on the same team as Dion either. We don't know yet what's in Al's mind.

I wish Viv and Rafa would have a talk with Camila about what they know. Cam needs more info.

I wonder if Bratgirl thinks she can bribe Natalia with the photos in some way that she thinks will help her with her financial problems. But I can't figure out what she is planning.

And it was a delight that the show opened with the repeat of shirtless Mr Hottie with what I describe as his 'I'm so cute that I can do whatever I want to Cathyx' face he had on.

LOL! Cathyx- I thought that face was just for me. Well, we can share him. More for us anyway, since Camila doesn't want him right now.

First part is up and I'm rapidly working on part 2!!

Wow! Fabulous part 1 so far Jardinera. I am always impressed by how you manage to come up with new nicknames for Al each week. LOL!

This is the second time someone has had chilaquiles served to them as hangover food-- last time was Nana making it for Yago. I don't have a hangover, but the recipes for chilaquiles that I see online for sure sound mouth watering. Yum!

Thanks for the translation of Cami's thoughts/prayers. I thought it was very profound and very honest. She is admitting the love is real, but she doesn't know if she can forgive the deception. One should not go back into a relationship with someone if you can't forgive them. Otherwise you will continue to make yourself and the other person miserable by always thinking about/bringing up the deception.

Thanks for the first part Jardinera. I think all of you recappers are doing such a great job with such a convoluted plot. I'll bet this TN is more difficult to recap than the usual mindless tripe of the usual TNs.

After reading this: "Yes, and in order to defend themselves, Alonso and Isadora will give us the proof we need against Dionisio." I'm more convinced that when Al walks in on Dan at Camila's, Dan will take advantage of getting Al on his side at that moment.

Vivi in DC- I will share my telenovio with you and anyone else who wants him. That's the beauty of tele-amor. It's whatever you want it to be. And right now, I'm in Cam's bed with him making sure he doesn't get another fever.

What sign will Camila get to tell her what she should do? How about when she comes back to her room, Dan is standing there naked with a strategically placed flower.

I think it would have to be a strategically placed bouquet of flowers...

Vivi, lol.

Okiedokie you naughty girls! Parte dos is up. This week's episodio wasn't so complicated for a change. Yay!!


JARDINERA, What a fully, funny and smart recap! Lots of talk and lots of action to cover and you did it so well.

Since Isadora went so completely off the rails, it's clear that Dio is the smart one in the group of bad guys. He's going to have a time pitting himself against both Alonso and Isadora and countering the smarts of the Justice League. I just wish that Camila was more in-the-know; she really needs a long sit-down with Daniel, Vivi and Rafa. No matter how badly she feels, and I'm with her on that, she needs to be tuned in as the nooses tighten.

I did enjoy the conversation between Padre and Agustina. She is more disturbed by Dio's physical estrangement from her (she and Francisco were always good in the bedroom, Good God!) than his nastiness.

I think that the Alonso/Ximena duo has so many interesting possibilities as things heat up. Neither is a sympathetic character but the linking of their interests and separation from everyone else should have some intriguing results, particularly as Isadora has already planned to do Ximena in and Dio is ready to have Isadora do away with Alonso.

As a dog lover, I hope that we get to see Maja and the new pup on Monday.

I like those two- Alonso and Ximena- together. They're a little disturbing, but in a cute way. not like Dio and Hissadora who are just ick.

But Lordy! Not only do we need a chart of who is or might be related to whom, but we need one showing who is on whose side. No wonder these bad guys can't quite get it together. They keep changing teams! It's making it fun though. Can't wait until Alonso tells "mommy" dearest about what he knows.

But I really want to find out what D'Andres gets by telling Alonso the truth about his identity as per the avances. More division for sure, but can Alonso switch sides? Again? The writers must have a heck of a Justice League-Evildoers chart in their office.


Thanks, Jardinera for the thorough and clever recap. Even though I cheat by watching the episodes with the CC on, I still miss significant details, and your recap filled in all the missing parts.

With the evildoers growing more evil with each episode, I found myself wondering what the writers have in mind for ultimate punishment. The finale of Refugio last night revealed what was served up for las malas of that series (Julie and Gala). I have to say that it seemed somewhat more charitable than the horrific disfigurement by fire, coupled with lifelong incarceration, often handed out (StuD, MESP). It's going to have to be something major for Hissy, perhaps a bit less so (?) for Dio.

Alonsoengañado, on the other hand, seems like he’s being groomed for major reconsideration of his allegiances, and perhaps even partial rehabilitation. He’s definitely in line for Slimeball of the Year Award, but as others have pointed out, he does seem to have a glimmer of conscience. And if having Hissy as (non)mother from hell doesn’t qualify as extenuating circumstances, I don’t know what would. I can’t wait to see what he does after learning DDA’s real identity. Maybe he’ll be mollified by the fact that his ex didn’t fall for un simple chofer, but for the real owner of the ranch!



Great point. Alonso's manhood may be elevated by learning that Andres is not simply a chauffeur. LOL



Anon: thanks, but I cheat also!! LOL!! My Spanish teacher always promoted CC and unless you've been brought up as bilingual, I can't imagine a way to put sound, sight, and a memorized vocabulary together better than using that.

TL: Tee-hee!! "Alonso's manhood may be elevated"...might I vary that a tad by adding 'sense of' to 'manhood'????? LOLOL!!!

Gees, Juanita, you said it! I'm with all the rest of you wondering what in sam hill causes D'Andres to finally spill the identity beans to Al.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera! I loved your observation - "Forget all the aforementioned brainpower!! I am still marveling at those pecs and biceps! OMG!!" ITA & LOL.

Vivi and Cathyx - You both are too funny so keep your comments coming ;) And you'll have to share Dear Dan with me too.

I know Cam hates the deception but I hope when she calms down and hears the extent of what has been going on around her she will change her mind. Remember she couldn't handle when Dan told her Padre B was bumped off and the first botched attempt. And no one has told her that her bull mishaps was another assassination attempt. Unfortunately I think it may take another death, hopefully not Becerra, for her to realize that their enemies are deadly and frightening.

J. Unintended pun, but Alonso's a man who has had his "elevation" problems in more ways than one. LOL

Can't wait to see Alonso's and Daniel's encounter on Monday.

Karen, there is no way Cam will be able to resist those baby browns for long. He had me at I'm sorry.

I agree with Kelly, Al and Xi are good together. They are equally materialistic but not sadistic.

I think Dan will recruit Al to his side, promising a cut in the money if he turns on Isa and Dion.

Wonderful recap, Jardinera! Very complete and filled with lots of Jardinera gems, including lovely alliteration and all the riffs on "cara de" and "Alonso." Not to mention combinations such as "Cara de crazed critter de Al."

And I totally agree with your take on BratGirl: "(This gal needs a serious face-to-face with a brick wall.)" Amen!


Great stuff, Jardinera.

Bratgirl is probably going to try to blackmail Yago. She knows that Rocio won't approve of Natalia any more than she approves of Luzma. Predicting that this won't work because Yago doesn't take her crap.

I miss Maja, so I hope we see her on Monday. I've been hoping that Camila would get a male dog of the same breed and there would be puppies like this one.

I think we will see Alonssso's birth mother at some point; we're not even at the halfway mark of the series so there is time to bring this in. Personally, I think he should be relieved not to have Hissadora's DNA. He's still a Komodo dragon, though.

I do not think Daniel should reveal his true identity to anyone else until Teresa clears things up in Chile.

OMG! Urban that's adorable! I'm kind of excited for the puppy shopping. I hope we get to see them. :) And Maja too.

I agree that Al and Xi make a certain sense together-- way more sense than he and Cami together. But they are both so screwed up that it's unlikely to work in the long run.

Jardinera- I love the second half of the recap too, including my favorite little jealousy scene. Notice the last time Dan told Cami someone (Dio) wanted to get with her, there was no hint of jealousy at all. Of course, who would believe that Cami would ever return Dio's feelings. Blech! But this time he was very worried. Don't worry Dan. She may be mad at you, but she's not blind. Why would she go for Mariano, when she has a half naked hunk in her bed?


Urban: That pix of the two fluffy balls of fur is absolutely adorable! Thanks for the link.

Vivi, although Mariano can put his shoes under my bed anytime, ITA that why bother when there's a half-naked hunk o' burning luhhhver already warming her sheets!!!
BTW: did you all see the advances and the camera angle by chance of the confrontation between Al and the one and only DDA? He fairly towers over little Lonnie!!

Avances can be deceiving, though.

There is nothing cuter than baby animals. Ana should have a good time shopping for a puppy. Rocio is going to hate this.

Can't wait to see Monday's episode. I wonder what will happen with Alonso, and also if Camila can find it in her heart to forgive Daniel.

When Piedad discovers the truth, she'll likely have more than enough reasons to have her perverted brother Leoncio in la carcel.

I hope on Monday, it will show scenes of Teresa in Chile. It probably will or it probably won't. I hope justice can be made with Daniel, and his innocence can be proven. Wonder what Aaron will do with the tape recording of him and Dionisio?

Jardinera - Thanks. Love the Lonnie riffs.

UA - Those pooches are adorable. Just makes me hope Maja reappears even more. Seems like she'd catch Daniel's scent in the cabana and scratch the door for a visit.

Bugs me that Natalia is going along with lying to her mom. There's nothing wrong with her dating Yago. She shouldn't be so accepting that his parents wouldn't approve. Too bad she can't see how lame Yago is not to stand up to his parents.

Amanda is likely to think that Yago would take advantage of her. Natalia isn't stupid, but I don't think she has a lot of dating experience.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera!

Just a quick check-in to post that I believe that while Camila may very well need a break, she was purposely sticking it to Daniel when she said that she was going out with Mariano. As Vivi in DC reminded us, Daniel(Andres) has told Camila in the past about guys who like her, and he made it very clear that he notices these things ... because he's a man. I felt like she "slung" that information at Daniel ... in a "you hurt me, so what if this information hurts you" kind of way.

Cathyx - Cam's will power has been admirable. Though its funny to see her moments of weakness when he's asleep, her anger will prevent those eyes from seducing her any time soon.

UA - thanks for the link to the adorable puppy and his mom/dad. They are both quite beautiful.

Though Natalia knows her mom, we all know this lying about Yago will come back to bite her.

Yes netgirl I think Cam said told Dan about her "date" to hurt him.

It definitely doesn't make sense that Maja wouldn't be there; she's Camila's baby and wouldn't want to be in the main house without her. She also loves Daniel.

My first landlord had a dog like her. They didn't let her have puppies once they found out that this breed tends to have large litters (as in 8-12).

UrbanA: Whats the breed of Cam's dog again? Can't remember.

She is a Great Pyranees. This is a herding breed.

Lovely recap, Jardinera. Thank you. Loved "His hangover's given him the morning after munchies".

I am falling behind on some of the plot. Perhaps I need to wear my beanie more.

Why the big manhunt for D'Andres? So what if he left ("escaped from") the hospital? Was he being held there?

There's Camila telling Piedad it is important to tell the police the truth, yet she is hiding Dan.

Under what pretense if D'Aaron meeting with Dio? Does Dio think D'Aaron wants to sell the ranch to him?

I know there was a day we talked about the music. Did anyone ever identify the cute whistling song for Yago and Natalia? What song were you guys saying the female vocalist is too screechy?

So many questions.

R la O

Rosemary, they are looking for D'Andres because he needs to make a statement about the shooting, and they want to see his ID, which we know he doesn't have.

D'Aaron wants to meet with Dion because he's making Dion believe that all Dan wants is the money from the estate and wants to deal with him. And Dion thinks that he needs to do it in secret because he's wanted in Chile and is a fugitive in Mexico. But we know that Dan also wants to divide team badguys so he's meeting him to talk about what Dan wants.

RlaO- This plot is so complex and ever changing (th plots of both the good and bad guys), I am sure we will need to go over it many times.

There isn't really a big manhunt for Andres, but the police had been waiting for him to be well enough to get his statement of the shooting. The police needed Andres' id to officially make the charges as well. It wasn't suspicious at first that he had no id, they just figured they'd wait till he was able to speak to him for him to produce it. But, when Leon turned up tongue-less the same day Andres disappeared from the hospital, it seemed logical to the cops that Andres went after Leon in revenge for the shooting.

This created two concerns for Cami and the Justice League.
1) The authorities would be after Andres Duarte as a suspect in Leon's mutilation.
and 2) The cops are already after fugitive Dan Diaz for his case in Chile.

That means D'Andres will not be safe under any of his identities. He can't come forward to the cops as Andres because he has to actually prove who he is. This is the reason Dan was never able to come forward about the murder he saw Leon commit, because it would open him up to questions about his identity.

Cam is hoping that the doc saying it's impossible for Andres to have hurt Leon will be enough for the cops to stop seeing Andres as a suspect, and to only see him as a guy who skipped town before declaring about a crime that was committed against him. Luckily, Pablo is able to make a declaration. Otherwise, Leon would go free.

Cathyx and Vivi - Thank you so much. I like the complexity, but try skipping a day or two, and you're lost! Unlike The Pit where you could miss it for a week and Elisa would STILL be crying.

Jar--Always look forward to your recaps. You always treat your characters the way I would want them treated.

Cristian would look great in my bed, too.

Kelly--I will give it a whirl on Operation Shine the Light as to the changing allegiances of our trio of minimalminds (as opposed to criminal minds). Give me a day or two.

RLO--If you get too far behind, you can check OSL as well for any new revelations or updates.

Thinking of revising and updating our Names for Alonso list. I've been neglecting it.


Thanks Jardinera for another of your wonderful thought provoking recaps. Speaking of thoughts, 2 favorite lines that made me LMAO:

1. “Dio says he realizes it’s her son they’re talking about here, but that there are times when one must leave sentimentality aside, especially when a fortune is involved” 

2. Juarez says Leo refused to give a statement and he wouldn’t write one out for them either. (I recall Juarez’ frustration when Leo wasn’t cooperating. I say somebody needs to check out Juarez’s credentials).

It makes me happy that Alonso is out for revenge. After signing the divorce papers and planning to marry Ximena, what reason would he have to pay Cami a visit other than to rat out Dio and Isa?

I would advise Vivi to ask for a private meeting with Cami. That way she could tell her all the emotions she was feeling when Cami was sharing all the intimate details of her romance as well. But the way Vivi is only making appearances with Rafa no doubt gives Cami the impression that the relationship between Vivi and the guys was more important than the friendship between Cami and Vivi.

In real life I would love a cute, adorable mature for her age child like Ana. On the contrary, I don’t care for her “match maker” skills here. She loves her father dearly and when she sensed that he was attracted to Cami, it consciously or unconsciously became her desire to find a way to help bring those 2 together and what better way than spending time together shopping for a puppy? And with Cami being a vet, I’m sure both Mariano and Ana knows that relationship won’t end with the purchase.

Last but not least, let me say I think Amanda can count on receiving a copy of Bratgirl’s photos.


Anita, I think your OST is on the sidebar that my phone can't access, right? I will look for it when I get home. You know I lurrve your lists. I am still mourning The Emporium and Tal*Mart as well as the Freesnow Gazette.

I surprised myself for openly rooting for Alonso last night. Maybe it won't be as bad as we are expecting for Daniel to open up to him. He and Cami could also make nice with *their* sister in the process. She looks like she is regretting playing with the Big Dogs.

Thanks, Jardinera, for the fabulous recap. So many great comments so I'm not going to repeat them. Only want to say that I'm enjoying the change in Alonso. The guy is a good actor, and I hope he socks it to the Lord of Darkness and Mommie Dearest big time.

Also, Gussie better watch out. She's coming close to joining my hit list with the way she's treating Cami:)

Anita - Thanks again for the OSL reminder. I went over there and was awed once again at your organizational skills.

There is a Mr. Bean comment on there that I don't even remember making, but it's signed by me!

Are we all thinking SO WHAT? if Amanda gets a picture of Nat and Yago? And SO WHAT if Rocio finds out about them? This big secret relationship HAS to be the stupidest plot line, although I do like this couples scenes and can't stop whistling that song.


I'm not worried about any of Bratgirl's plans. So far they have all been major fails. She needs a new hobby other than the Alberran boys and their novias.

Jardinera, your recaps are one of the best parts of the weekend. Thank you, thank you. As usual, I love your "Cara de…"s. "Cara de duly verbally slapped de Danny-boy" and "Cara de “Crap!!” de one rather jealous Daniel" were good, but I agree with Juanita, the BEST was:

" Cara de crazed critter de Al. " LOL!! So funny, so descriptively true!

I also laughed over this Al comment: "His whole life has been one big lousy ‘Lonso-lie!! Sonofabuckin’bullrider!!"

I like Natalia, but I agree with RLO. The whole Nat/Yago thing is like "So what?". And I really dislike their song. It's so jarring and out of place every time I hear it. I'm probably wrong but I think Nat is still destined to be with Rodolfo.

cathyx, you make me laugh with your soliloquies on CdlF/Daniel.

Jardinera, you mentioned that Mariano was taking Ana to a pet shop for her new puppy. I didn't catch that. I hope not. On the scale of political incorrectness from 1 to 10, that rates at least about a 9 for me.


Jardinera, your recaps are one of the best parts of the weekend. Thank you, thank you. As usual, I love your "Cara de…"s. "Cara de duly verbally slapped de Danny-boy" and "Cara de “Crap!!” de one rather jealous Daniel" were good, but I agree with Juanita, the BEST was:

" Cara de crazed critter de Al. " LOL!! So funny, so descriptively true!

I also laughed over this Al comment: "His whole life has been one big lousy ‘Lonso-lie!! Sonofabuckin’bullrider!!"

I like Natalia, but I agree with RLO. The whole Nat/Yago thing is like "So what?". And I really dislike their song. It's so jarring and out of place every time I hear it. I'm probably wrong but I think Nat is still destined to be with Rodolfo.

cathyx, you make me laugh with your soliloquies on CdlF/Daniel.

Jardinera, you mentioned that Mariano was taking Ana to a pet shop for her new puppy. I didn't catch that. I hope not. On the scale of political incorrectness from 1 to 10, that rates at least about a 9 for me.

Are the theme songs for Natalia chosen because the actress is actually the singer? She seemed to have a very similar (loud) theme song in CME.

Thanks much Jardinera for the fun recap. I had to read the "sonofabuckin' bull rider" twice to get it straight, LOL.

Alonso and Ximena are indeed adorable together - kind of like a pair of weasels, LOL!

The Mr Bean comment was mine. I think that Alonso looks like Rowan Atkinson.

Barbara, my love for CdlF comes from the heart.

From the heart Cathyx? Or from somewhere lower, hmmmmm?

Wait, maybe I'm talking about myself. :)

Vivi- the first time I saw him I knew I would have imaginary sex with him.

LOL!!! Cathyx, girlfriend, we are tracking on that. :)

Hey did you notice in the scene when Dan was pleading for forgiveness and they showed his hand grab Camila's elbow. He had what looked like a tattoo on his wrist. it almost looked like a rubberband, but it looked like a tattoo instead. They actually did a closeup of his wrist, almost like they were showing it to us on purpose.

Listen to you girls talk nasty on Some People's Sabbath. I am hoping Daniel is posing, as suggested, with one or a bouquet of strategically placed tiger lillies tomorrow.

Cathyx - lol I'm pretty sure you didn't sign my name to the Mr. Bean comment (although I have signed an imaginary person's name to a letter I wrote a neighbor about barking dogs), so I guess we both see Alonzo as looking like Rowan A!

Could it be Natalia actually singing that song? I have grown to like it, which is a good thing as it is going around and around my head. For some reason I can't remember her CME one. I'll have to go back to the montage Vivi found and see if it sounds like the same gal. Is this Natalia/Yago song the one some of you were saying sounded screechy?

This comment has been removed by the author.

That's 'Todo no es Amor'... I think the title to the song may be a clue to the longevity of the Nati-Yago relationship.

Audrey, " pair of weasels". Good one.

Sorry abt the double post.

OK, cathyx and Vivi, the sum of the two of you together is even more fun than the sum of the single parts. Huh? You get the idea, I think.


OK. I actually looked through the listing of songs, and decided to delete my comment because I think there's a spoiler in the songs listing. A song we haven't heard yet for a couple that hasn't formed yet. Oops. Sorry about that. Anyway, let me just repeat the info about the songs without the link.

The Nati-Yago song is called "Todo no es Amor' by Spanish singer Merche. The screechy Dan-Cam song is "El Himbre Mas Hermoso' by Ale Rojas.

The two songs that the Natalia actress had in CME were both by Silikon. Silikon sings both the Pablo-Luzma songs.

That's 'El Hombre Mas Hermoso'...

I just came back from a 12 minute 12 second trip to La Bonita (YouTube's Canciones de la novela Cuando me Enamoro). Remember Antonio the Bullfighter? There he was in his outfit! Remember Lazaro? And I did not think Matias was cute at all, but loved Gustavo in LQNPA.

It says Adri and Matias' song was sung by Silikon, so I googled Silikon and got to see really bad lip jobs and boob jobs. It didn't sound like the Adri/Natalia gal though, but it could have been.

Nope. The actress in not in Silikon. Silikon sings the two nice Pablo-Luzma song. Very different than the two songs for Adriana in CME that they did.

Lyrics to the Nat-Yago song. It's basically a girl beginning to think the guy she's with is not worth the trouble and doesn't really love her, but she'll give it a bit more time to see.

Todo No Es Amor:
Lo confieso, me molestan cosas de ti.
Te las digo y me contestas, “yo soy así”.
Todas las mañanas me besas sin ganas en la habitación.
Es recompensa porque te despiertas de muy mal humor.
Y la verdad algunas cosas no me van.
Perote miro y se me olvida lo demás.

Te seguiré,
si tú me quieres bien,
si tú me das el corazón.
No todo es rosa en el amor.
Te seguiré,
si tú me quieres bien,
si tú me das el corazón.
No todo es rosa en el amor.

Es un caballero,
él es un señor.
Todo un personaje,
roza la ficción.
Solo conocerle y nada más verle
me hablaba de amor.
Peca de impaciente
y es que poco muerde el pedro ladrador.
Voy a esperar,
que no me quiero adelantar.
Y si esto es cierto,
el tiempo es el que lo dirá.

Te seguiré,
si tú me quieres bien,
si tú me das el corazón.
No todo es rosa en el amor.
Te seguiré,
si tú me quieres bien,
si tú me das el corazón.
No todo es rosa en el amor.


RLO--re Mr. must have been looking at the list of names for Alonso. I remember that. It was hysterical.

How about, from an early episode, >Alonso is a real sicko and sleaze, but he's doing a fine job<

Operation Shine the Light is under Amor Bravio Extra and has the family trees, associations, assumptions, recent revelations, backstories, who knew Andres was Daniel (just before Camila found out) and Camila's head & heart talk (to herself). Now I'm working on the evil empire alliances. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN ONE PLACE--UPDATED OCCASIONALLY


Cathyx, I'm a bit confused by your Sun Dec 02, 09:36:00 PM EST comment. Are you aware that it is a fact that Dan and Ximena has the same tatoo? Dan's is on his wrist and Xi's is on her leg/thigh. Sorry if I misunderstood your comment.


Foxy - Dan and Xi have similar birthmarks in the places you noted. So if Al tells her about Dan/Andres's claim she may realize Dan is the real deal since their father has the same mark (some where we don't yet know).

Cathyx was talking about his tattoos. Hope this helps

I marvel at you commenters. You know all the actors,even know them by initials, novelas by initials. Someone commented something about Elisa and I was wracking my brain as to who she was. I finally remembered -- and it was one of the last novelas!!! Ha! Ha! I can't keep up with you guys.:)

I'm very impressed....



The tattoo on Dan's wrist that I'm talking about is a straight line that rings his wrist, and it almost looks like a rubberband. It's odd if it's a tattoo, why have it? and why did they seem to show a closeup of it?

cathyx: I remember seeing the red rubberband thingy and thought it was a string--one of those things the actors wear as a visual symbol to "remember the x,y, or z cause", which is fine if you're out of character--BUT NOT if in character and filming IMNSHO. : ? )

Thanks for the song and singer info Vivi. I looked up the actress after I posted and realized she hadn't recorded any songs so obvio my theory was off. It's funny though, because all this while both my hubby and I have been imagining Natalia singing it.

In looking up the Natalia actress, I remembered she had been brought in as a sudden replacement for Wendy in CME. I had forgotten all about that.

R la O - we all lamented that Matias (Jose Ron) was missing his hair in CME, and it was a relief to see that thick black hair back in LQNPA, and I thought his goatee looked awesome on him as well. What spectacular coloring he has - especially with those eyes. Jose Ron is here in the Valley as a judge in some modeling thing this month. He looked really dreamy in the poster photo tacked up on a restaurant door.

Ann in NYC - we often use acronyms for each novela in the recap titles, so it becomes easy to remember the shorthand LOL!

Cathyx and Karen, thanks for the clarifying my confusion. Cathyx you plainly stated Tatoo, but my brain went straight to birthmark. Sorry about that:-( Is it obvious that I'm a newbie?


Foxy, now that I had time to think, I wonder if that is supposed to be his birthmark. They seemed to make a point of showing it, which I thought odd at the time, but if it's supposed to be his birthmark, then that would explain it. But it didn't look like a birthmark to me at all.
Ok, now I'm going to have to rewatch it and see it again.

His birthday mark is a half moon shape on his inner wrist. I think what we're seeing is what Jardinera said-- a really thin and faded string bracelet.

I think they just showed the closeup of his hand on Cami's elbow and moving up her arm to show that he was making progress. She stopped the kiss, but she didn't stop him from touching her at all, like she did the other day.

I just rewatched the part and even paused the tape where Dan's hand is on Camila's elbow and it's definitely not a string or a rubberband. It looks like a tattoo. It is drawn on his wrist. I know CdlF has a few tattoos, so it must just be one more.

Ann in NYC -- Using acronymns also saves wear and tear on fingers hitting keyboards.

I had noticed it too, cathyx, and thought "That's new". Since we'd never seen it before, maybe it does have some significance to the show and they henna'd it on temporarily. But what could it mean? He's really a Chilean drug lord? I don't think so. He's part of the Babysitter's Club? No, not that either. Prison gang? No way. Hmmmm.

I remember Iliana saying she was going to get revenge on Iago for not backing her story up re: calling the man who shall be nameless. She's probably going to expose him to his mother or try and blackmail him which, like someone commented before, probably won't work because he won't care. Immature revenge plans from an immature person.

I was watching a movie on Hallmark Channel last night and the guy had one of those one to two day beards, like Mariano. I found myself amazingly irritated, shouting at the TV: "make a choice, for goodness sake. Either shave or grow a beard!!! Sheesh!!!


Maybe I should have said a big boy beard.

Amen to that. All through FELS and TdA I kept screaming at Pablo Montero to shave already; clean-shaven he looks like a fairy-tale prince.

Who the hell decided that five o'clock shadow to two-day stubble was sexy? Must have been someone who didn't want to shave.

Back to Ileana: Yago has her number.

I think the red string on the left wrist is to ward off evil and has its roots in Kabbalah/Judaism. Since Daniel adopted Miriam's faith, he's weaing it. But it's not workin'. Madonna wears one and some other tn star was wearing one in a novela as well as I recall.

Just want to add my two cents worth to the red string Dan was wearing. It's as Anon 2:24 said to ward off evil and is connected with Kabbalah/Judaism. I've seen many celebrities wearing the red string.


Just want to add my two cents worth. The red string Dan was wearing is as Anon 2:24 said to ward off evil spirits and is connected with

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