Thursday, December 20, 2012

Amor Bravío #87 (Uni 82) Wed 12/19/12 "Camila is Kidnapped"

Old news in town

Dio and Isa have just been caught making out in the wine cellar by Ximena.  Dio frets about what Ximena will do with this news.  Isa tells him not to worry, Ximena isn’t going to be a problem.  Isa has her under control.  Dio is not so sure. They carelessly kiss goodbye; this time they are seen by Father Franky who puts that card up his sleeve.

The gang is all up at the balcony overlooking the bull corral admiring El Duende - Camila, Mariano, the kidlets and Yago.  Pablo and Luzma wave to them from across the way.  Adorable Ana ask, “Is that the novia that grandma doesn’t like?” when she hears the name Luzma. Embarrassed laughter ensues and the gang changes the subject to congratulate the happy couple.

Dio is in the rancho office thought bubbling to himself.   Hmm, he realizes that, indeed, the Buenaventura is worth more than El Malquerida.  Isa’s idea to seduce it out of Cayetano’s, er, hands may not be such a bad plan.  He worries about Ximena keeping quiet about seeing him kissing Isa in the wine cellar.  After all, she’s a bold one (atrevida), that Ximena.  Imagine if Dio’s secret fantasy girl Camila were to find out.  Que horror!  No, Dio decides he must do something bold to keep Ximena under control

New news in town:

Courtyard and Patio of El Malquerida:  The patio is being prepared for the big fiesta being held at El Malquerida.  Piedad, Dolores and Agustina chat amongst themselves about how they missed Piedad while she was up north.  FatherFranky wanders up to Agustina, asks if he can help and mentions how great the cheese looks.  Agustina takes a moment to promote the product and local skills of the cheese makers of Aculco.  Franky has another agenda.  He asks Agustina about how long Dio has known Isa.  Agustina tells him the pair are old friends and that Dio is an old friend of AlLocoLonso.  Franky starts to needle Agustina that it seems as though Isa and Dio are the old friends after he has seen the two of them being “very friendly” together.  He warns Agustina to be careful about letting them be around each other.  He mentions how Dio and Isa have a lot in common (criminal intent), Isa is good looking (for a viper), and any man would be attracted to her (if you are drawn to vipers or Komodo dragons).  Agustina-Self-Justina rejects the insinuation that there is any funny business between Isa and Dio.  She insists she trusts her hubby.  She adds it figures Franky is suspicious as “it takes one to know one”, so to speak (el leon cree que todos son en su condicion).   Franky (self-servingly) points out that Agustina has been too trusting and naïve with people (present company included).  Agustina steams and yells at him that he loves to put her in a bad mood (ponerme en malas).

Hallway of El Malquerida:  Ximena nearly runs down Al in the hallway in her oh-so-high-hooker-heels.  She is surprised to see him and thought he would be at the party downstairs.  “Really”, asks Al conveying he is in no mood to partayyy.  He ask her what she is doing there and she tells him she was fixing her makeup.   Al uses her comment to conjure up a metaphor and says “In order to continue the farce, eh?…. Everyone is duplicitous (two-faced) and you will all pay for it”.  Ximena disagrees and says he is unbalanced (desesquilibrarse-I think).  She wonders aloud if she ever knew him.  He wonders back at her.  He accuses her of being with him to get back at her sister Camila, not because she loved him.  She protests that indeed, she did love him until he hurt her (herir me como) like he did.   Al justifies his bad behavior and says it was because  she became controlling and cold like “her” (i.e. Camila, the hooker and whoever else he tried to be with)  when he couldn’t “be with her” .   He whines she should have been understanding with him.  He  grabs her arm and she states that it is over between them.  She is glad she found out about him, that there is justice in life and walks away.  Alone again, Al says, no, justice will be his!

Balcony over the Bullring:  The happy group is gathered on the balcony overlooking the bullring admiring El Duende the bull who has been given the pardon.  Camila, Adorable Ana, Romping Roman, Pablo, Luzma, Yago, Bratgirland Mariano  chat lightheartedly.  They congratulate Luzma and Pablo on the nuptials coming up in fifteen days.   Pablo says all is well with his mother-in-law-to-be.   They chide the children to be careful not to hurt themselves while playing and the children angelically agree.  Yago tells Pablo he is happy for him but the house misses his presence. Pablo says he misses them too, but is standing on his principles – “me is a we” whether his parents like it or not! Mariano and Yago offer to pay for the upcoming honeymoon.   Bratgirl hovers silently nearby,  pouting and glaring – we see little change with her.

Ximena and Al’s former Lovenest:  Ximena sits on the bed and reflects on the previous scene with the face chewing between Dio and Isa.  She sits on the horns of dilemma – tell? or don’t tell?    What to do? … Our vixen ponders.

Balcony over the Bullring:  All are watching El Duende the bull and a cloud passes over them –  a cloud called Cayetano and Rocio.  Luzma politely greets them and they do not respond in kind.  Cayetano excuses his imposition, but asks everyone to leave so they can talk to Pablo.  Pablo asks Luzma, por favor, to leave them alone to talk.  When left alone, Pablo smartly points out their hypocrisy as they consider themselves refined and well-mannered, while at the same time  disregarding Luzma’s greeting to them (Score Pablo!).  Rocio  blames Luzma for Pablo leaving the happy Albarran home.  Pablo smartly replies that it is not Luzma’s fault, rather, their inability to respect Pablo making his own decisions where his sentiments are concerned.  Cayetano scolds Pablo for speaking to his mother disrespectfully and Pablo replies that it is they who should reconsider their behavior.   Rocio tells him this “love” is all a whim of his.  Pablo denies it and claims his love is real and that if they do no respect it he will go on with his life alone.  Cayetano jabs back that Pablo is not as independent as he thinks he is.  It was Mariano and Camila that gave him a job.  Pablo replies that he is grateful that they have treated him like family and he is thankful there are people out there willing to lend a hand.  Pablo leaves Cayetano shaking his head.  Cayetano says Pablo is more stubborn (turco) than he thought.  Pablo 5, Parents 0.

Driveway of El Malquerida:  Viv and Rafa drive up in the green buggy.  Rafa confronts Viv about the earlier kisseroo he gave her.  Viv looks a little stunned but Rafa presses on.  Rafa explains he has fallen in love with Viv without even knowing it.  He adds that Aaron was the one who helped him see this.  Vis isn’t too sure about this love Rafa is declaring – after all, didn’t he just say that about Camila?  Rafa says, yes, but that is his past, Viv is his present.  Camila bounces up and interrupts – she tells Viv to take some pictures of the bulls and explains to them the importance of the event.  She says that after being indultado, El Duende the bull is the king of the ranch (el rey del rancho) and his offspring are very valuable – just like the Monterde offspring are! –no she didn’t but the similarity did occur to me.    Viv explains that Rafa is not working on that book.  In fact, he is now writing a novela.    Rafa says that life at El Malquerida and the story of Camila and Daniel have inspired this novel.  He promises that he will be  changing the names, of course. 

Patio of El Malquerida:  Dio and Agustina having cocktail time talk with Mariano.  Dio asks Mariano if his family’s ranch is bigger than El Malquerida (cuantas hectareas? ).   Mariano answers that, yes  it is as Isa’s eyes grow with the thought of seducing Cayetano out of all those pesos worth of ranch.  Mariano excuses Bratgirl who seems to be hovering around everyone for no good reason because no one was paying attention to her anyway.  Cayetano and Rocio wander back to the cocktail hour complaining about Pablo.  Cayetano complains Pablo is obstinate (obstinato) and stubborn(testarudo) unlike any other member of the family.  Isa gets a gleam in her eye when she hear the comment about Pablo being unlike others in his so-called family of origin.

Walkways of El Malquerida:  Rafa continues to explain his novela to Camila and Viv.  He has given it a title, “Amor Bravio”, coinkidinkily!  They chat happily. Roman and Adorable Ana run after them and catch up.  Camila introduces the kidlets to Viv and Rafa, explaining  that Adorable Ana is Mariano’s daughter.  Viv asks about Roman and he explains that he does not have parents.  As the kids lead the way to revisit the bull, Viv wistfully comments on the irony that some kids have no parents and some parents have no kids, and each wants what they do not have.  Camila works on distracting Viv from her sadness.

El Hostel:  Nat and Amanda are working in the kitchen together chatting.  Amanda comments that Nat seems happy with her new job.  Yup, says Nat, but adds that she doesn’t think she will be there long because she really longs to return to El Malquerida when Daniel takes over “for real”.   Just as the sentence slips out of her mouth, who should wander in, but Daniel himself.  He is visiting to ask Amanda if he can use the phone because it is too dangerous to use at Viv’s place.   When Nat and Amanda are alone again, Nat asks why Amanda has been so sad and preoccupied.  Nat is all ears for her mamita to fill her in.

Balcony over the Bullring:  Viv and Rafa are admiring the bull and Yago seems to be admiring Viv.  He offers to take Viv down to the little viewing shack to see the buIl and take pictures.  Viv wonders if it is safe to get close to the bull and viewerville wonder if it safe to get near Yago. 

Phone call between Mexico and Chile: Daniel is talking to Teresa who tells him she has found Dante and is going to meet him.  Daniel tells her that the pair of them are muy amigos and he wants Teresa to see if Dante will give him a hand.  Teresa says she will.  Daniel says he is uncertain if Dante will consider that Dan is innocent of the alleged charges against him in Chile.  Teresa says she hopes to bring Daniel good news after her meeting with Dante tonight.

El Hostel: Nat and Amanda are talking about Osvaldo’s warmies for Amanda.   Amanda is surprised by his feelings and never thought to reconsider romance.  Nat encourages her, says she is still young and attractive and should give Osvaldo a chance.  Besides, someday Nat will be married and leave the house and she doesn’t want her mamita to be left living alone.  Amanda wishes Yago would have been the right fellow to marry Nat, protect her and take her far away.  Nat wonders why Amanda is talking as if Nat is in some kind of danger and needing this protection.  Amanda starts her confession to Nat.  She tells Nat that she has been lying all these years about Nat’s father being dead.  Nat, predictably, has a cara impactada!  Que? Amanda continues the confession and says Nat’s father is not such a swell guy after all.   Nat wants to know….. “Quien es mi papa?”   Dan walks into the tense scene and asks “Algo paso?”  Nat tells Dan the shocking news she has just learned.

Observation Room at the Bullring: Viv takes pictures of the bull. Yago takes pictures of Viv. 

Random Tree at El Malquerida: Rodolfo leans against a tree watching Yago flirting with Viv in the distance.  Bratgirl circles and then pounces.  She proposes that she and Rodolfo pretend to be novios so that Nat will be jealous.  Clever Rodolfo asks what is in it for Bratgirl.  She lies and tells him that she is madly in love with Yago.  Rodolfo ponders this proposition and whether or not he can stop calling his soon-to-be-maybe-novia Usted.

Patio of El Malquerida:  Ximena grabs a glass of wine and starts to leave.  Isa trails behind her and asks her where she is going, she belongs with the partay crowd.  Ximena tells Isa to stay away from Dio.  Isa laughs at Ximena and agrees and suggests it is no problem as it is just a passing fancy and they have no real love for one another.  Isa gets back to the dirty business at hand and asks if Ximena has called Bruno; Ximena has.  Isa warns her that no one can see him (duh!), or else! Isa takes leave.  Agustina approaches and asks what is going on between Ximena and Isa; Ximena denies anything is going on while Isa watches Ximena’s explanation to Agustina from afar.  Ximena does not disappoint her - this is good for Ximena’s wealth and hell-being.

El Hostel: Nat is now crying on Dan’s shoulder and I know I should be sympathetic but it is sort of tedious.  Dan says give it time and the two of them will work it out, don’t judge her mom, and one day you will understand she did it for your own good.  Why is Dan always delivering this message?  He leaves her alone to lick her wounds. Upstairs Amanda is putting a massive guilt trip on herself.  She thinks she should not have lied to Nat all these years and she hates Dio.  Dan-the-do-gooder shows up here and comforts Amanda.  He assures her that Nat will understand, just to give it time. Amanda is grateful to Dan and I am grateful this tedious topic is over.

Pathway at El Malquerida: Camila and Viv are strolling along and it seems that Viv has told Camila about the kiss between herself and Rafa.  Viv confesses she is confused and that it is because of feelings she has about Aaron.  Aaron has been so inspirational (inspiradora), helped her get over her fear of Bruno and has been good to her.  Camila is not so sure that Aaron is the one for Viv, but shakes her head about how curious Viv’s problem is – deciding between two brothers  - like a novela.   Maja comes up and everyone asks her opinion about what to do.   Viewerville  thinks that if Maja could talk, her advice would be better than half the characters at El Malquerida.  Camila’s phone rings with Daniel on the other line.  He asks if he can speak to the most beautiful rancher in the country, no, world.  Camila says she wishes Dan could be there to celebrate with her, but alas, it is not to be.  Dan tells her to enjoy her well-deserved triumph.  They share a few words more and then Mariano walks up and announces it is time to eat.  Camila, Maja and all the rest stroll jauntily to the dining patio.

Shaded Gateway in front of El Malquerida:In the shadowy bushes of the ranch, Ximena lets Bruno, dressed in black,  in through a gate.  He asks if she has the money.  Of course, she tells him, but you have to finish the job.  He stupidly agrees. 

Viv’s Crash Pad:  Dan returns to Viv’s place.  Aaron tells him he is thinking of moving out.  Dan wonders why.  Aaron explains that Viv and Rafa shared a kiss and they need time to figure out what they mean to one another without him hanging around.  Dan agrees that Aaron’s idea to stay at the hostel is a good one to avoid third wheeling.

Grassy field of El Malquerida:  Bruno stupidly pulls on a black mask to match the stupid black clothes he is wearing in broad daylight and sneaks off.  He stalks Maja and approaches her with a syringe in his hand.  He comes up behind her and gives her the shot.  She succumbs to the sleep-inducing drug.  

El Hostel: Osvaldo has come looking for Amanda and Nat tells him she is locked in her room.  They talk about his offer of a job, that she already has one and that it is too bad he was too busy to help her out earlier.  He asks what if something is wrong and Nat is glad to discharge her discontent at the news she has received from Amanda about her dad.  I would rather watch Maja chew her bone.

Celebratory Dinnertable in the Patio at El Malquerida: All the gang has gathered at the dinner table.  Camila thanks the attendees for all their hard work.  She wants to make a toast to Don Daniel who made all this possible.   They all clink glasses and a mariachi arrives to serenade the fiesta thanks to Mariano.  Camila excuses herself from the table to grab another bottle of wine.  Ximena approaches and asks Camila what is wrong with Maja.  Que?  Maja was fine just a few minutes ago.  Well, Ximena tells her, she is acting strange and is in her cabana.  Camila leaves the party to attend to the supposedly ailing Maja.  Meanwhile, Isa seizes the opportunity to be extra nice to Cayetano with another promotion of the local cheesemakers of Aculco saying "Would you like some cheese?" while batting her eyelashes with visions of pesos in her eyes.

Isa’s Den of Iniquity at El Malquerida: AlLocoLonso is pondering silently in his room… He has decided to search Isa’s room for evidence that will implicate her in the plan to take ownership of the ranch from Daniel and Camila.  He searches, talks to himself and pounds the furniture in frustration. 

Camila’s Cabana: Camila runs in looking for Maja.  She finds her lying on the floor, lethargic and motionless.  It is clear that Bruno has planned to drug the full-sized Newfoundland and carry her across the open field to 
Camila’s cabana in broad daylight in his black ninja suit. While Camila attends to Maja, we see the camera follow some boots walking slowly across the floor behind her.  The boots approach and Bumbling Bruno grabs Camila from behind with a cloth soaked in some kind of sleep-inducing potion.  We see Camila’s boots dragged across the floor and we know she is in those boots on her way to being kidnapped.  We hear a ping on the floor and see that the promise necklace Dan has given her has fallen off and is left behind.  The camera freezes its shot on the medallita.

Future news in the pueblo:

Everyone looks for Camila.  Isa gloats.


Excellent, Mena. My favorite lines were:

When left alone, Pablo smartly points out their hypocrisy as they consider themselves refined and well-mannered, while at the same time  disregarding Luzma’s greeting to them (Score Pablo!). 

Viv wonders if it is safe to get close to the bull and viewerville wonder if it safe to get near Yago. 

I'm hoping that was just a sedative and not a poison that Bruno shot Maja with. Either way I'd give him a death sentence if I were on the writing team.

This was a brilliant plan except... The medallion will be recognized by Vivi and Rafa as the one Dan gave Camila so Dan can't be accused of the crime. And let's face it, Alonssso is too scrawny to do this kind of a crime. He also probably would be afraid of Maja.

Thank you, Mena. Great recap and wonderful asides.

I'm with UA on Maja. She better recover and her tormentors punished! What a beautiful dog.

So we have the kidnapping and news pending from Chile. Lots of tension and possibilities with these two developments.

I am guessing that Ximena, Roccio and perhaps Alonso are all next up on Isadora's death list.

Vivi was thinking it might be Aaron. Hmmm. And the look she gave little Roman made it look like her might be in her future.

Why on earth would Amanda drop the bombshell about Natalia's evil father and not tell her exactly who it is? This doesn't protect Natalia or mitigate the effect of the lying over the years. I suppose she thinks that knowing Dionisia is the father will attract Natalia to him? But no knowing makes her an even more vulnerable target.

At this stage, hearing that El Diablo is her father will make Natalia gravitate toward him. The big paycheck and the car were the beginning and he planned it perfectly.

Amanda will freak when she finds out that he is now Natalia's boss. However, we also know that Natalia could be El Diablo's weak spot. But Amanda will need to tell Daniel about the threat because he is the only person here who can effectively play that card.

Mena- Great job with what was a set up episode. Loved Pablo telling off his parents. He also told Caye that he wasn't stupid and realized he had spoken to the others ranchers to close any other possibilities of work for him. In that whole conversation he's the one who looked like an adult while they looked like spoiled, rude children.

Traveling Lady- It does seem that Roman may end up being Vivi's future child. They definitely had a moment.

I don' t think Cam was pushing for Rafa over Aaron. She simply asked if Aaron had also spoken words of love, which Vivi admitted he had not. Cam was also pointing out the very delicate situation of being in a love triangle with brothers.

Cam's face when Yago came on to Vivi was hilarious. What a dog. He's got to know everyone at MQ knows what he did to Nat. And I can't figure out what Bratgirl has planned now. Has she given up on Pablo and Yago is her new target? Good luck with that!

I think Amanda is not revealing Dio's identity because he threatened her not to. But I don't see how telling Nat half the truth is going to help. She should have just kept quiet. Did it look to anyone else like Amanda was copping a feel on Dan's chest when she was crying on him? I know I would. :)

Urban- Carolina made a great late comment on yesterday's recap about the theme of protecting loved ones in this tn. She points out that Nat- Dio is a wildcard at the moment. You both are right that Nat may end up being Dio's weak spot. We'll just have to wait to see how their relationship develops.

Great recap, Mena! I have so many favorite lines. Some have already been mentioned, but there's also all your appropriately sarcastic remarks about Bruno dressing in, um, inconspicuous black in broad daylight and his plan while dressed in black to drag a big white dog to Camila's cabin. Probably my favorite line was "this is good for Ximena’s wealth and hell-being."

I wasn't surprised when BratGirl approached Rodolfo with her plan. She clearly wants to get revenge on Yago by breaking up his relationship with Natalia. What I'm not sure about is whether she has decided that she wants Yago for herself. Her mother has clearly given her marching order$, and I guess any Albarran will do in a storm.

As for Roman, yes, it seems likely that he will wind up being adopted by Vivi and whichever of the two hermanos she chooses.

I was hoping that Maja would bite Bruno when I came up to her. I guess we can forget about her as a watchdog. She's much too trusting. Where is Bruno hiding Camila? Perhaps Maja can redeem herself and get back some watchdog creds by finding Camila (and, with any luck, biting Bruno).

The plot is really moving along.

Mena - Terrific. Some of my favorite lines: "i.e., Camila, the hooker and whoever else he tried to be with" and "a cloud called Cayetano and Rocio." Thanks for the vocab.

Amanda has always been a fine, supportive mom to Nat, so Nat should give her mom a break and realize there must be some grave reason why she had lied that her dad was dead. Nat has no patience with her mom, but lots for Yago - Grrrrh.

Franky continues to crack me up. He may be no damn good, but he gives Gussie good advice.

Bruno cannot make it out alive, not after what he's done to Maja and Camila.

Sure hope the Scoobies stay smart.

Thanks, Mena. I love the comments you make (under your breath).

That's a funny observation about the similarities between El Duende's family and the Monterde's.

BINGO alert - Character Says Title of Show. Of course at this point we're going for Blackout. Does kissing at a lake count as Kissing on Beach?

My first landlord and his wife had a dog like Maja and she was a really sweet dog. However, she was so friendly they thought she would be completely useless as a watchdog. "If a burglar broke in she'd probably lick him." As far as I know, they never had to find out.

I'm going to guess that Bruno will turn up again at La Malquerida and Maja will ID him by his scent. However, if he talks in front of Camila she's likely to recognize his voice.

Not to mention that she should probably suspect a set-up when she remembers Ximeana coming to her about Maja. There would be no reason for her to do this, as she would have had no reason to be at the cabana during the party.

Why the hell is Bratgirl still at La Buenaventura and attending a party as though she were an Albarran? This makes no sense at all considering the chain of events that ensued from her actions.

She's still there because Rocio and Cayetano are still treating her like an honored guest. Idiots! The rest of the Albarans ignore her, and I'm not sure if all the MQ people know what role she played in Leon attacking Luzma.

Thanks Mena great job. I like your score keeping with Pablo and his parents. I say he won every point too.

I seriously doubt Ximena would be perplexed about telling her mother about Dion and Isa. As evil as Ximena is, she wouldn't have any problem keeping that secret quiet.

Why hasn't anyone asked Roman what his parents names are, when did they die, how did they die, Where is he from, does he know the name of the town he lived in, etc.? And then investigate it a little? For all we know, he could have been abandoned or gotten lost. This is odd to me.

Bratgirl wanting to pretend to be Rodolfo's novia? Class-A snob would never stoop that low, and no one would believe her. She's been very vocal about why she didn't think Luzma should be with Pablo. And it had everything to do with class level.

I was hoping that Alonso would look out the window and see Bruno taking Cam or at least seeing him carry Maja to the cabana.

Cathyx- I believe Roman told Ana when they first met that his parents were dead. In any case, now that DIF is taking his case, that's the logical stuff they'd investigate. No need for the BV or MQ people to put detectives on it.

Rodolfo was just as unbelieving that Bratgirl would want to be seen dating someone in his lowly class. Plus, I was never that sold on her hating Luzma for her class, so much as hating her because she had Pablo-- the guy she wanted. Bratgirl played up the class thing with Rocio, who she knew would latch on to that excuse for separating the lovebirds.

Bratgirl with her Orange Hair doesn't know how many OrangeHo names we could recycle in her behalf. She just stands there like a big nothing. I am worried Rodolfo may get hurt yet again.

Maja was laying there acting all out of it in her scene, and she almost pulled it off, but she just had to sneak a peek. Too cute.

RlaO- Maja was adorable in much of this episode. I also saw her sneaking a peek as Camila was dragged off by Bruno. LOL! She had a lot of fun running around with the kidlets , Rafa and Cami, and it was cute how she just popped up and poked her head in while Camila and Vivi were speaking about love. I wasn't sure that was scripted since she was supposed to be occupied hanging out with Rafa and the kids. Then when Camila answered the phone, it looked like Maja wanted to speak to Dan too. When Camila had her back turned to her on the phone, she jumped all over Vivi to shower her with love. What a cute cuddly dog.

Vivi- I'm glad you saw that too! I had to rewind, it was just so sweet.

I hope that if I'm ever kidnapped I am not wearing a denim corset. That looked very uncomfortable to be in for the party, let alone for days sitting on the floor.

Please someone buy Natalia a scrunchie for when she is preparing food. All that long hair hanging down in front as she chops chops chops drives me crazy(er).

I don't know whether to be impressed that Bruno was able to carry that polar bear across a ranch that is looking bigger with every new camera shot, or annoyed that he didn't think to lead the dog into the cabana first. Not like Maja would've objected. This is clearly not a guard dog. Camila needs a doberman. Better protection and less shedding.


As always, thanks for the kind comments and I return the same to my fellow recappers. I have been running on empty since being sick. I am left with a nagging cough. UA, Paquita, 5Ft and Jardinera, you all continue to inspire me with your talent and diligence getting these recaps out and cleverly at that.

My favorite part of the epi last night was Maja. What a big beautiful furball! Don't you just want to hug her giant furry head and scrub at her fur? I too, laughed when she sneaked a peek at the kidnapping scene. She was thinking what an knucklehead Bruno is in his ninja suit. I think she knows he's going to fumble the ball, yet again (remember the microphone fiasco), somewhere down the road in life, so no need to bite him now and pay with her own karma.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but I think Aaron had a blooper line when he was talking to Daniel. I think he said Pablo instead of Viv when talking about Rafa sharing his feelings. I might play it back when I get a chance. He glanced away to the "stage wings" right when he did it.

Woofs and wags, Mena


One last remark about furball Maja - the shedding would be bearable, but the one downside to this type of poochie is the slobbering. They realllly drool. But what dog lover wouldn't just carry an extra towel?

I just hope that people don't recognize Daniel's amulet and think "Andres" is the one who kidnapped Camila. I think Dan is going to have to come out of the closet and reveal himself so he isn't locked up for Camila's kidnapping.

Vivi, I'm not saying that they need to put detectives on it, but if you stumbled upon a 10 year old boy who is on his own and he looks like he's been on his own for a while, wouldn't you have natural curiosity to ask all those questions? I certainly would. And more questions than that.

Rosemary, I'm with you on the long hair hanging loose thing. Drives me nuts, especially when she's always moving it out of the way.

I got ya Cathyx. I guess I just don't want to waste any more mental energy or screen time on the curious case of Roman X. Let the Padre and DIF take care of it. ;-) Plenty more plot to deal with, or screen time to give Maja.

Natalia's hair is like her comfort blanket. She kind of hides behind it and fiddles with it when she's nervous.

Thanks Mena, your recap was so funny. I giggled at the thought of Bruno in his all black ninj-outfit, carrying that big dog in the hot sun all across MQ.

As for Brat girl, I don't think anyone (except Rocio) cares what she does or who she dates. She might as well be invisible.


Thanks for your recap, Mena. Hope you're feeling better.

No one mentioned Cam's braided hairdo (unless I missed it). But I think she's had better styles. They showed a shot of the back of her head...I thought it was awful. I didn't even like it from the front. Thank goodness she's pretty.



Mena, thanks for the great and humorous recap. Lots of great comments also, most of which express my views and opinions to a T.

On the other hand, I’m willing to cut Natalia some slack on her behavior and the handling of her emotions. Being lied to about her biological father is a life altering emotional situation . Generally speaking, girls learn how to treat men as well as how they will allow a man to treat them from the relationships they have with their fathers. I can also identify with Nat in that I’ve been swept off my feet more than once by a real life version of Yago.

The fact that Amanda has lied to Nat all these years is the reason that Nat is unknowingly working for Dio. Despite Amanda’s intentions, it’s difficult for me to believe that in the long run the lie was for Nat’s own good.

Although it’s difficult to believe that Dio has any love for anyone, I believe that he cares for Nat as much as he can care for anyone


Thanks, Mena, for a great recap!

Some of my fav bits …

"Viv wonders if it is safe to get close to the bull and viewerville wonders if it safe to get near Yago."

"Viewerville thinks that if Maja could talk, her advice would be better than half the characters at El Malquerida."

"She says that after being indultado, El Duende the bull is the king of the ranch (el rey del rancho) and his offspring are very valuable – just like the Monterde offspring are! –no she didn’t but the similarity did occur to me."

LOL! The similarity of a big, guapo male, punctured with a hole in his torso, going to Mal-Q for a life of stud services occurred to me …

When Mariano cuts short Cami’s lovebird chatting with Dan, she hands him her phone. That seemed odd. I am not sure why she would do that, but I never saw her get it back. So that would mean that when she is kidnapped, she is without her phone?

I’m surprised that Daniel doesn’t know if his best bud Dante will think he is innocent or not.

What the *hell* was Ximena wearing?

LOL, Kelly! If ever anyone needed a doberman, it is Camila. Or maybe a labrador. Maja is adorable, but all that fur would need brushing constantly, and I can’t even imagine the burrs and sticks and ticks and other rancho stuff that would accumulate in that fur that you’d have to cut out of it. In reality, she’d have huge chunks of her fluffy fur missing. A doberman? Would be perfect. And nobody as sleazy as Bruno would get anywhere near without having a limb chewed off. Sorry, Maja fans. I am a pragmatist.

I re-read my last comment and hope it doesn't come across as blaming Amanda for lying. I believe she did it out of love for her daughter. It's merely my opinion that it was not a good decision for Nat.

Vivi, I am so glad you read my post from yesterday. I thought maybe it got buried because I'm on the west coast and I posted so late.

There was more love-protection talk in the last episode. I think the scene between Amanda and Nat was meant to somewhat mimic the misunderstanding between Camila and Dan.

And I also thought of a few more examples of people who don’t love-protect those that they should.

In that scene when Alonso is trying to rape Camila, he tells her he loves her and as she fights him off, she screams at him several times ‘this isn’t love’. Later, we see Al remembering the scene and he hears Camila screaming that again and again.

At some point, Bruno also, in a very similar way, tells Vivi that he loves her and she scornfully tells him this isn’t love.

And when Al asked Dio what’s going on between him and Isa (last week?), Dio says he has slept with her, but there is no love because Isa isn’t capable of love (or doesn’t know what love is - something like that). This suggests that Dio may actually be capable of love.


Carolina- Yep. Her phone is probably sitting right at the table between where she and Mariano were sitting. I think she just handed Mariano the phone (that he gifed her) so that she could bend over, take the leash off Maja, and then take off running with her.

Foxy- I think all of our good guys are learning that a lie, even if it's meant to protect someone, still hurts and can cause a whole LOT of trouble in the end. Dan and the Scooby Gang learned that the hard way, and now it seems that it's Amanda's turn.

Carolina- Our last comments just overlapped. Great comments from you yesterday and today. ITA.

Lying for love - there's a lot of that going on.

When Amanda told that story to Natalie, she probably never expected her real dad to show up. If he never did, that lie may have benefited Nat or at least not hurt her.

Dio's interest in Nat maybe just to use her to get at Amanda. But he also may truly care for her. That makes this the most interesting subplot for me.

Dobermans are guard dogs; they're not really companions. Maja is a herding dog but she's mostly a companion meant to be lovable and playful.

Besides, in TNs and other entertainments dobermans always belong to the evil ones.


Mena thanks for the great recap and hope you fully recover from your cold.

I loved your scoring of Pablo's discussion w/his parents but I would have given him more points. Especially when his dad tried to make him feel bad about getting a job from Cam & Mariano. His response, as noted by our Vivi, was so great as he was fully aware of how they continually tried to sabotage him. When Isa drops the real father bomb, they will look even worse if that is possible.

UA, we may have to agree to disagree about dobermans making good companions. I've know a couple who were wonderful pets, smart and loyal and very loving. You just wouldn't want to get on their bad side. And I have known a number of the livestock-herding and guarding type breeds who were very ADD and didn't seem to bond very well with people. They've been bred to be much more interested in animals than people. Just my opinion.

As for the TN rule that dobermans always belong to the evil ones ... well, I am sure you are right about that and there is nothing to be done about it. :)

Carolina, You are so right about the Maja breed. They must have a groomer on the film set that takes as long to clean her up as it does to do makeup for Ximena. We have collies at home, so trust me, it is true! As previously mentioned, this breed also drools. Camila's best bet is to train Maja to step or sit on intruders. If that doesn't work she can learn to herd them into the bull pen.

Mena, sorry I'm so late. Read the recap--it has your stamp all over it. Thank you--you were sick????

I'm off to celebrate a friend's 90th birthday. Her son got a mariachi band to come and play. It's supposed to be a surprise, but we'll know after.

Haven't read even half the comments, but I can tell everyone is worried about Maja. Cam will probably take care of herself or be rescued by some guy. As Anon207 said, if Camila is gone for more than a few hours, Dan will probably feel the urgency to come forward. She's the one he was trying to protect.

Bruno is definitely up to no good again. Hope he does not do to Camila what Leoncio did to Luzma. Otherwise, we'd have two perverts on the show.

If bratgirl Iliana is really using Rodolfo to get her revenge on Yago, what's next? Is she going to use him to get rid of Luzma so she can seduce Pablo? I really hate Iliana, she is a bitch and she's beginning to get on my nerves.

Bruno himself could use a smack on the head for kidnapping Camila and stalking Viviana.

I wonder what's going to happen between Isadora and Cayetano? I just hope they don't become lovers. I also wonder what will happen if Cayetano finds out Pablo is not his son and Rocio cheated on him? I cannot even imagine what will happen.

Can't wait to find out what happens next after the kidnapping scene between Bruno and Camila. I hope he doesn't kill her.

There'd really be some action if Daniel and Rafael could kick Bruno's a**. Can't wait to find out.

I also want to find out what will happen with Amanda and Natalia, I wonder what Natalia will even say or think when she finds out Dionisio is her father.

Once it becomes known that Cami is missing, I'm sure that Mariano is going to check the cell phone and find out that she last talked to Daniel from Amanda's place. Sure looks like Dan can't be ruled out as a suspect.
UA, I liked your comment that if Bruno showed up at the ranch Maja could sniff him out, or perhaps Cami would recognize his voice if he had spoken during the kidnaping. But, I don't think we'll even have to wait that long considering how the bad guys like to rat each other out. Either Xi or Isa will tell Dio or Alonzo and then ... well I'm sure you know where I'm going with this scenario :-)


Dobermans can be friendly! We had one when I was a kid and that poor dog put up with a lot of crap from us. I mean, sure, my mom had to get rid of her because (mom claims anyway) that she (the dog, not mom) nipped at the heels of one of my brother's friends. But that kid probably deserved it. I hope they let Maja find redemption by biting the heck (or other parts) out of Bruno. Good girl, Maja!


Fabulous recap Mena!

Two quick things in this episode.

1) I loved Camila's boots!
(Even though she was being dragged away by her kidnapper. The boots were cute!)

2) I love Daniel's hugs accompanied by triple kisses on the head for his adopted family, "Mom" Amanda (kiss kiss kiss)and "sis" Natalia (kiss kiss kiss).

I forgot I was going to comment on the comment about Amanda groping Dan's chest when he hugged her. It looked to me like she was shielding his shirt from her eye makeup. He might have needed the shirt in the next scenes and didn't want it smudged.

Oh Cathyx, I guess that's the practical reason...I'll just keep thinking she did it for other reasons though. :)

Vivi, I'm with you. If he would hug me, I would take advantage of the situation and cop a feel too.

I don't think that dobermans and children are a good mix even though I do like the breed.

Mena, that is so funny about how Maja might deal with intruders. Maybe if she sat on them, they would suffocate from her fluffy-isimo fur? Or she could just lick 'em to death.

My MIL had a golden retriever with a personality like Maja. A wonderful dog. Neither my hubby or I had ever met her when we arrived at their home and the MIL and FIL were out. The dog just wagged her tail and wanted to be petted. She was a gentle soul.

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