Saturday, February 02, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #60 Fri 2/1/13 Kendho and Angel, Who Knew?; Let's Dance, Put On Your Red Shoes and Dance The Blues

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. Tonight we have a really fun epi, truly. Angel gets his acting chops on, Kendho has to participate, Nikki backslides a bit, Leo is a low down dirty, rotten, lying liar, the on again, off again date for Betty, Guzmi and Polita get their dance on, and Nikki and Dances show up too. Want to know more. Well, sit back, grab your Baileys and enjoy the recap, jus' sayin.

So we start this epi with Polita bein' so excited about going out with Guzmi, it's on her this time, and Lili warning Polita she could be hurt.

So we are in the studio, at M.I., with Angel and Ms Vikki and the male model for this commercial ain't showing up, which puts Ms Vikki in a bind. So she has this idea, she is the creative director for M.I. after all, and decides that Angel will do nicely, doncha know. Well, Angel tries to tell her, he can't do this, too much involved. Ms Vikki tries to explain to him it's really easy, change clothes, memorize some lines and you are good to go. No go from the Angel. Ms Vikki begs, she pleads, she whines, she cries, she'll lose lots of money, like in the millions, it's the Arno account after all, he remembers the elevator incident surely??? Even the assistant has taken a pic of the Angel with his IPad to show how photogenic the Angel is. Nothing is working on the stubborn Angel, so Ms Vikki says that's ok, and she goes, crying the whole time, but the Angel runs right after her and he feels riddled with guilt and finally caves, even though he doesn't think he'll be very good at it. He'll do it, she can count on him.

Meanwhile, Kendho is in the makeup room at M.I., just a gettin' all gussied up for the photo shoot and Mabel, the makeup artist is informing her the male model didn't show. Que pena! So Kendho, who planned this little shennigans, asks we'll what am I supposed to do now, Hmmmm??? The makeup artist doesn't know of course.

Ok, so now back to Nikki pooh, who is sadly thinking to herself that slimy gorilla, known as Guzmi, has so betrayed her, she shouldn't have trusted him, blah, blah. So now she is on the bed with her little box of chocolates and there is a knock on the door, and Guzmi calls out to Nikki. He wants to talk to her. No go from Nikki, she so doesn't want to talk to him. He tells her to stop acting like a spoiled little brat, er, girl, and she tells him she'll treat her servants the way she wants to and as a matter of fact, she is gonna call Zambrano, the other hottie bodyguard and have Guzmi removed from her door. Is that clear??? So he says Crystal and he won't bother her and she replies she wants to be left in peace, so leave her alone, okay???? She has still been knoshing on those chocolates and crying the whole time. Well, now Guzmi goes and she starts to have a hurling incident and runs to the jake! (Ed Note: Ok, I like to use corny phrases and corny humor, please excuse. So what is a jake you ask? Well, I saw a movie a long time ago called the "Orphan Train", it was about orphans or children to be given up for adoption that were from big cities. They were put on a train to take them out West, where they were to be adopted out to farmers and others that couldn't have children. One of the children called the potty the jake and it has stuck ever since.).

Ok, back to the commercial, and the Angel is lookin' kinda nervous and flubs a couple of lines, but all in all it is going well. Ms Vikki is doing a run through with the Angel for this commercial. It is evidently about an anniversary. They toast with some dark red wine, they are expected to drink, well Angel isn't drinking that, and also the Angel isn't pleased, doncha know. The director is having a cow, his name is Renato by the by. Anyhoo, Angel is having a problem with the flowers, they don't SMELL, they have no odor and what kinda anniversary is this anyhoo???? They have to have a smell, doncha know. CUT, CUT, from Renato. Renato wants Angel to follow the script, be natural, relax some and don't interrupt. Renato is being very short, and rude to the Angel. Love Renato's "luke" though, all wild and crazy hair. So Angel tells him not to talk at him like at! Lower your tone! Ms Vikki intervenes and tells Renato to be nice to the Angel, he is so doing them a favor, doncha know! So he agrees to be easier on the Angel and now wants to know where the female model is, that would be Kendho. Well, she is gettin' her hair done. Now Angel is worried he really isn't right for this, and Ms Vikki tells him to look over his lines again, he'll be fine. The Angel is worried, he is sweating and he so ain't cut out for this. Ms Vikki just wants him to relax, but how can he when Renato screams at him. Well, how can Ms Vikki help him? Well the Angel wants a little bitty change. He hates red wine and could they get rid of that and change it up to sparkling cider, I am assuming this is like Asti Spumanti. He likes that better. Well, done and done. So now they have replaced the flowers too, now they are roses and boy is the Angel pleased, but he isn't pleased with Renato, who wants the Angel to stop looking like he is reading and look like he is in love, ya know, act like it. He wants Angel and Ms Vikki to go through another run through, and where the hell is that other model (Kendho) and what the hell is taking her so longggg! There was a problem with the suits. Well, we find out this commercial is for Arno suits. The Pret a Porter kind (off the rack) in other words. They are a style in motion. So this is basically the script, thanks for the flowers, you always remember our anniversary, everyday I am more in love with you, I love the way you dress, it must be the Arno suits cause they are custom made, the pret-a-porter collection of Arno suits that are style in motion and then the narrator's voice will chime in and then you kiss, right here. Shut the front door Irene, cause, wait for it, the Angel wants to know if he has to kiss Ms Vikki, no ,not her, the model, oy vey, jus' sayin'.

So Puchis has come to see Kendho. Seems like Furry Fornicator has gone out to lunch with some client who is very well guarded and he didn't need Puchis. So Puchis thought he'd come by. Well, Kendho is happy he's there cause then he can help carry the gurney, with Angel of course. Not with Angel on it, but Ms Vikki, cause she is just gonna collapse when she finds out the male model took a hike. Well, Puchis accuses her of bribing one Dante Bonelli to stop him from showing up for the shoot. Oh, noes she didn't. Well, why would she do that, cause if she did, she wouldn't get paid, doncha know. Well, now there is a knock in the door and it's a person with the suits for women.

Back to the commercial! So now Angel is adamant. It's past the stage of shut the door Irene, it is more like Bar the Door, Don't eva open it Linda!!!! Angel cannot be kissin' on some woman not his wife, not only no, but hell no! As a matter of fact, a kiss is a caress of the soul! (I want to meet this writer, what a way with words, jus' sayin'). So now Angel wants some water, and they all take a break. Ms Vikki asks to speak to Renato, he can't catch a break today and asks him to cut the kiss. Well, Renato informs Ms Vikki she'll have to inform the Arno's she wants that cut, cause they are the ones that wanted that, Ruh Roh!

Boo Hiss here comes the bad part of the epi. Betty is answering the phone and it is that lyin' liar Leo of course and he wants her to guess who is calling. As if, the poor woman doesn't know. Personally, I would have taken the handset, banged it on the desk a couple of times, yelled bad connection, and hung up. I've done that, it works! So Betty asks him what he wants. She called to remind her he gets Guillo today. Well, fine and dandy, her Papa Felipe will pick Guillo up from school and will drop him on by Leo's house, not just Leo's house, her house too Cachita! Can't stand him. Where is that cast iron skillet! Till death do us part, cachita! Well she informs him in the morning she will come by and take Guillo to school. Don't bother Leo tells her, he'll take Guillo. Click. So now Betty is very upset and here comes Dances to soothe her. Wants to know if it was bad news? Well, Guillo is spendin' the night at his father's and it makes her sad, she will miss him. Well, Dances says no worries you will see him tomorrow and he has a cure for what ails her, he'll be free the rest of the night, after this shoot and how about going dancing with him, she promised to be his dance partner. Well, she'd love to, but she really can't cause she's still married to the lyin' liar even if they don't live together anymore, que pena!

So now we are back to the commercial. A woman approaches our Angel to do a touch up doncha know, as in make up, y'all. He freaks out, men don't do make up, no siree Bob they don't! People will know!!!!! They'll see!!!!! People will make fun of him. Ms Vikki has to intervene and tell him, it's normal in this bidness to do some er, beautifying so to speak, ya know hides some flaws, well Make up is for women, it is not manly, so to speak! This will unman him, lol. He'll be stained by this foreva! Ms Vikki is having to ask him pretty please again! And here comes Kendho. So she tells Vikki she is ready to go. Ms Vikki wants to know what the hell took her so long. Well, Kendho wants to know why she's gettin' yelled at, yell at Dante Bonelli, he's the one that didn't show. Well, guess what, the commercial is going forward, and guess second what, Dante has been replaced and guess third what????? The Angel has replaced Dante, cara de impactadas de Angel y de Kendho!!!!! We'll get back to them.

So now we have a little meet with Guzman, Francisco and Guzman, Felipe ya know Papi and son in front of the Balvanera manse. Frankie thinks there is something wrong, like Felipe might have gotten in bad with the big bad Turk again, but nah, not so much. Felipe hasn't been in a casino in a while and plans to keep it that way. Frankie is happy, no the reason Felipe has come to see Frankie, is well, Frankie's Mami. Felipe has been talkin' to her, and well a little meet between a boy and his mother can't be all bad. She wants her son back. Well, Frankie is pithed and Felipe wants him to calm down, well Frankie is calm alright, but his Mama is dead to him, never forget it, tell her so, and that's it he has gotta get back to work.

Now we have a happy Cris who has come to see Pauwhiner, of course. Cris has given Pauwhiner an addy to go to on the morrow for a new job! Pauwhiner is like this is Ms Vikki's addy. Well, yeah, Cris already talked to Tomi and guess what Pauwhiner gets the job as the new piano teacher, who knew! Well, Pauwhiner is worried about the scene she made there, remember her little fainting and wanting to be truthy? Well, Cris blows that off, says well, hey they probably already forgot and besides you can kill two birds with one stone. Ya know ya still got it bad, for Anyballs and you get a job. Remember if ya wanna get that man back ya work a little, ok, she didn't say that, but hey it's true. Anyhoo, like the old saying goes outta sight, outta mind, so get hoppin' already. Besides ya know you want him back. Pauwhiner just don't know. Cris advises her to give it another shot, can't hurt!

So now we have Jean Marie and Polita in the kitchen and Polita is talkin' bout her lurrrvvvve for the Blondie (Guzmi) and Jean Marie says ah, amor! So Polita is dancing around, lying on the floor when Nikki comes in. She asks if Polita is ok, at least, and wants to know where her and Guzmi are going. A place not too far away, its another karioke place. Nikki doesn't like Polita's singing and besides the people at the place will be deaf by the time Polita is done singing. Jean Marie is like not so much, she's great at singing. Nikki still thinks that Polita's singing is pathetic!

So now on to Betty and Felipe, Betty misses her little Guillo and Felipe misses him too. Betty is afraid that Leo the Lyin' Liar is turning Guillo against Betty and putting ideas in his head. Felipe thinks this could be true. Leo the Lyin' Liar is taking advantage of Guillo. Betty is worried that now Leo knows where she works and when his jealousy is ramped up he'll come to M.I. and cause problems. So now the doorbell rings and it's a visitor with a pizza. Who you ask? Well, it's Dances of course, how sweet. Since she didn't want to go dancing he brought her the pizza so she doesn't have to cook. Awww, I hope he gets redeemed, jus' sayin' how sweet is that!!!! So Felipe tells Betty she outta go dancing, she is, in fact, separated from that lyin' liar, and she outta have some fun. So Dances tells her, look I'll come back later, so you have time to eat and get ready! He'll go to the Balvanera Manse and give the security detail some orders and he'll be back in an hour, Okay???? She'll go but, she has to be back early, has to work tomorrow. It's a deal. Felipe really likes Mr Roca (Dances) he is so much better than that Bastard of a Leo!

Speaking of the lyin' bastard, he and Guillo are at Leo's and Leo is lyin' and lyin'. He tells Guillo he got him some candies, which Guillo wants to share with Mama, but hey, doncha know that mama is gonna do what Grandmama did to Grandpapa. She already left the house, next thing ya know she'll be puttin you in boarding school, but hey let's forget about all this sad news. Ok, I gotta stop here. I want to stick a fork in Leo till he yells and when he does I want to use my big ten inch cast iron skillet on his butt, er head, jus' sayin'. Ok, I can continue, Bailey's is such a soother, jus' sayin'. Anyhoo, Leo professes to love his boy soooo much, yuck. But Guillo can't let it go. Why would Mommy leave. Cause she is gonna do what your Grandma Paula did and go live with another guy! So now Leo the lyin' liar gets the info he wants, with Mr Santino (Dances) Guillo asks? So now Leo knows who Dances is. Guillo says he doesn't like Mr Santino, not one bit! Stick a fork in Leo!!!!

So we are back to the commercial. I guess the Angel got his make up cause he is lookin' might fine, and sooo damn handsome, ok, ok, I know get on with it. He is wearing a fab suit and Kendho is lookin' respectable. The Angel's hair is also slicked back and so now the commercial starts again. I swear they are standing side by side and Action! So the same dialogue as before, but I swear they are lookin' like someone put a broom up their butts or they are constipated, cause I tell you, I ain't gettin the vibe of an anniversary jus' sayin, and now it is clinck the glass time and then, and then...... CUT!!!! So now Angel thinks they gotta do it again, oh noes. He can only do so much. Well, Renato liked it so much, no kiss needed it was just perfect YAY!!!!! and after only 52 takes, doncha know! Hurray it is done! Everyone claps.

So now we have Dances, in his Salsa outfit, dancing around the Balvanera Manse while Tomi looks on. He is way happy, she can tell, and he asks her to guess why. It's a woman of course, is she a soulmate by any chance? And does she like to dance Salsa too. Of course and of course to both. As a matter of fact, he is going out with her tonight and then he grabs Tomi and they dance to that song Besame y Abrazme, they are pretty good, when Nikki comes in to ruin it. There goes Dances' night out. Nikki needs him tonight, she is goin' out, but will compensate him by talking to her Snappy Papi into givin' Dances two nights off and extra pesos for his trouble. He wants to make a call first, but with Nikki nah, when she says go she means go, he can call from the car or when they get there. They go.

So now we have a little meet with Angel and Ms Vikki in her office. They are having a good laugh about that commercial. He is sooo happy it is over and she is happy she met the deadline, or there would have been a lawsuit. Seems this commercial has to hit the airwaves the same time the Arno collection hits the streets. Seems Odiodette is also launching a gentleman's clothing collection and of course Ms Vikki had to beat her to the punch and as a matter of fact Ms Vikki thinks that Odiodette had a hand in Dante not showing his face today. We'll get back to them.

Ok, now we have Polita and Guzman, Francisco in another karaoke bar, and the music is great. Polita is so happy to be out with her favorite blondie. Guzmi can't believe Nikki was so accommodating, and Polita actually tells him to shut it, lol, enjoy himself and besides she'll sing to him all night long, all night, all night, all night long, right by his face to boot. Well, guess who is slummin' in the neighborhood and she calls out to Guzmi and Polita calling them pussy cats and kittens. It's Nikki of course, accidently on purpose coming to this place and she has brought her swim instructor, Jordie. Guzmi he already knows and gets introduced to Polita as someone that works at Balvanera Manse. So Jordie is gonna sing, Polita wants to sing too, Polita and Guzmi dance the blues, well not the blues, but they do dance. Nikki sits at the table and orders champagne, just until Jordie is done singing. So now Dances takes the opportunity to call Betty and tells her he can't make it to dance tonight. He tells her he is working and can't make it. She is bummed but completely understands, they can do it another time, dance that is, hey had to put that there, and she'll see him at work tomorrow.

Back to the office with Ms Vikki and Angel. They are still yukking it up about the commercial. Angel is worried what Cris is gonna think when or if she sees it. Ms Vikki says she would be proud, and hey, it isn't every day someone can do this without training and another thing, he turned down kissing Kendho. Good thing too cause the Angel would have needed a periodontal cleaning and lots of Listerine. Can't bleach a mouth, jus' sayin'. So Ms Vikki thinks he is the perfect man, oooppssssie, she means Cris has her perfect man. Angel just wants to avoid any more scenes with Cris like the other day. He's had enough of those. So Ms Vikki goes to her purse, and gets that cross out and gives it to the Angel who of course, calls her a lyin' liar, jus' sayin' cause she said she didn't get it fixed. She did get it fixed, she admits she lied, and now she wants him to have it as a peace offering. Peace??? Yeah Peace, they are good now.

So on to Adri and looking at pics. Adri has one of Nikki and she says her crazy niece and then on to a pic of Lili. She says so this is Liliana. She keeps lookin' at that pic.

Next scene, it's of course Lili and Cris. They are talkin' about Adri and how her baby was taken away after birth and how terrible that is. So the Angel calls and first Lili talks to him and gives the phone to Cris who is sooo happy to be hearin' from her man, she misses him so, and those smoochies. Well, he misses her too, had to work overtime, but hey he'll see her soon. Muchos besos. And now the Angel is trying to remove that makeup from his face, and is having trouble. Guess he never heard of Ponds Cold Cream, jus sayin. I hope that wasn't a shirt he is using to remove it cause that will cause a huge Ruh Roh, when Cris sees it.

So now we are back in da club with some drinky poohs and Guzmi's phone rings and it's Betty calling to say hi. She is sooo bored, well not really, but rather lonely. Felipe is out, Guillo is at lyin' liars and she is at odds and ends. She wants to know if she is interrupting something, he says nah, out with a friend at a karaoke place. She was goin' out too but it got cancelled so Guzmi invites her to come out with him and Polita, Polita calls her her SIL, bad Polita. Well Betty doesn't know about the karaoke, she doesn't sing. No matter Polita can and hey it'll get her out, does she want him to come get her.? Nah, she'll take a cab. So he gives her the addy where they are and she goes.

So now on to Adri and Antonio who are having dinner and discussing the same ole same ole, about Anyballs. Antonio thinks that she pushed Anyballs too hard with this inhumane thing he did and in front of the family to boot. She pushed cause she wanted the name of that doctor and thought he would let it slip. Antonio would love to get that info for Adri but unfortunately Anyballs keeps it in the vault that is locked in his head, and he ain't givin that up. No way, no how. Now she wants to know if someone else possibly has this info. Nah, not so much. Then Adri tells Antonio that recently Anyballs moved home cause he's done with the other woman. Yeah, Antonio says and after twenty years to boot. Adri picks up on this, as your recapper did some time ago, and tells Antonio that woman must know something and she asks Antonio where this woman lives, she wants to see her. Here we end this epi.


The Angel and Ms Vikki are hiding out in her sanctum sanctorum while Furry Fornicator is lookin for her.

Guzmi and Nikki are in a clinch on the bed in her room when guess who walks in. Tune in Lunes to find out!!!!


Good Morning Y'all. Working on the recap. Please comment in the meantime.

Madelaine - Love the Bowie title. Looking forward to your recap.

Arriaga in heavy makeup "acting" in the commercial was a riot.

I haven't seen the episode yet, but oh your title and Nicie's comments have me intrigued!

Eagerly awaiting your recapping brilliance.

correction: Niecie's comment. (Please excuse the typo.

Love the title already, Madelaine! Can't wait for the recap. :-)

Looking forward to the recap. Don't want to watch the episode yet until I've read it. Usually what I alwas do. Thanks for everything yall do.

Ok, y'all the recap is up. Please enjoy. Apologies for taking so long.

Thanks for the recap.
Loved it!
Can't wait for Monday.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito

You are so right, Madelaine -- this WAS a fun episode. And you were just the person to do it justice. I especially enjoyed your description of the filming of the commercial. Who knew the Angel would be such a diva?

I'm sure Cris will be very proud to see her man in a commercial with Kendra.

I'm equally sure she will not look the gift cross in the mouth (though I may, perhaps, be mistaken here).

P.S. I read the last line of your recap as: "Tune in Loons to find out!!!!" Then I did a double-take and realized you meant "Monday." Funny thing -- it works both ways!

Mads- Thanks for another excellent recap. The whole JA becomes a model/actor situation was ridiculous and funny, especially that makeup. LOL! This show should be called "The Adventures of Ms. Vicky and the Angel."

The Nicky-Guzman romance would be more interesting if they had these little adventures too, instead of their boring domestic drama involving fake blonde boyfriends and the household staff.

I felt so bad for Bea and Salsero-- all dressed up and nowhere to go. Bea looked especially pretty, and SG has great hair. Hopefully, they'll also get to have some fun at the karaoke place when she arrives, but I doubt it as they'll be under the unapproving gaze of Guzman.

Judging by Univision’s latest ratings, we are obviously not the only non-Hispanics/Latinos watching telenovelas. See the following news on ratings last week.

Univision Ranked #2 In Adults 18-34 Last Week In Primetime:
For the entire primetime ratings week (January 21-27, 2013), Univision ranked #2 among Adults 18-34, out-delivering ABC, NBC, and CBS. Also, for the third consecutive Friday, the network ranked #1 on Friday among Adults 18-34 and Adults 18-49.

At 8 p.m., Univision’s novela POR ELLA SOY EVA (For Her, I’m Eva) helped Univision rank as the #2 network for the hour (M-F) among Adults 18-34 and #3 for Adults 18-49. POR ELLA SOY EVA averaged 4.3 Million Total Viewers 2+, 2.3 Million Adults 18-49, and 1.1 Million Adults 18-34.

Univision’s 9 p.m. novela AMORES VERDADEROS (True Love) helped Univision rank as the #3 network among Adults 18-34 and #4 for Adults 18-49 for the hour (M-F). AMORES VERDADEROS averaged 5.0 Million Total Viewers 2+, 2.8 Million Adults 18-49, and 1.3 Million Adults 18-34.

Univision’s 10 p.m. novela AMOR BRAVIO (Fierce Love) helped Univision rank as the #1 network for the hour (M-F) among Adults 18-34 and #3 for Adults 18-49. AMOR BRAVIO averaged 3.9 Million Total Viewers 2+, 2.0 Million Adults 18-49, and 904,000 Adults 18-34.


Mads, I hereby dub thee super-recapper.
I just happened upon this episode and EY's hamming in front of the camera as a model had me in stitches. I just know that he was having the time of his life when shooting this episode. He is so charming and funny in comedic roles, even though I'm sure this was not meant to be a comedy. Viewerville is indebted to you for working a double shift Mads.


Madelaine - Thanks for a fun recap. Friday was hilarious and your recap is too. So appreciate you breaking up Nikki's toilet visit with the jake story. Also, loved your 1, 2, 3 breakdown of KendraHo finding out the shoot was on and with whom.

I was actually glad to see Nikki take some action and follow Guzman to the karioke bar. And glad that, instead of one her vapid friends, she brought the nice swim instructor. But not give Salsero a moment to call Bea? Please.

I guess the editor is going to cut and splice bits among all 52 takes, cause in that last take Angel looked like he couldn't stand KendraHo. Loved his eyebrows :D

Now that you mention it, Niecie, JA did look like he was wishing he had on a full-body condom in those scenes with Kendra.

OTOH, he sounded and looked great with la señora Victoria. He really sold his lines when he was looking at her.

Wouldn't it be ... um ... interesting if they end up using the early takes, the ones with JA and Vicky?

Fabulous job, Madelaine. It was a full episode with not FF opportunities and you covered every scene wonderfully. Thanks for including the "a kiss is a caress of the soul". Best.line.ever.

Leo is evil. Pure evil.

I can't wait to see what happens when Bea shows up at the club.


Madelaine - Thank you for the recap. A lot happened in this episode! I still haven't had time to watch, so maybe today.

NovelaMaven - Oh,,,, that would be interesting (NOT!) if the JA-Vicky takes are used. Cris would probably go ballistic again.

Madelaine---you always come out a winner, every scene great and great lines to explain the scenes.
I loved---and guess what, and guess
second, and guess third.
Angel would have needed a periodontal cleaning and lots of Listerene.
Flipe is out, Guillo is at lyin' liars and she is at odds ends.
These were all great but my favorite was--Polita calls her SIL,
bad Polita. That one had me laughing for five minutes.

So Angel wants to avoid any more scenes with Cris like the other day
and then he takes the cross back. Am I missing something here? That's
just the thing that will give you another scene/war with Cris. Dumb A$$.

Back to Thursday---Carlos, Ipana smile. That was great, I haven't seen or thought about Ipana in years. I had to search out and play some old Ipana Bucky Beaver commercials. What a laugh.
the gringo


I agree with the others that the first take with Angel and Victoria will be used, and yes that would cause Cris to loose it again. And then she sees her Angel wearing the Victoria necklace. OMG!!!!!

Mads--You just keep giving and giving...and giving it your all. This was a funny, action-packed episode. I enjoyed your recap thoroughly

Loved the make-up session for Arriaga. Vicky insists on putting her heart on her sleeve (or with the look in her eye), although she uses the script to get her feelings across AND hide behind. Arriaga was definitely affected. Thank goodness (for once) Kenho showed up (for their sake) at just the right moment. It's a good thing V&JA were able to defuse the intensity back in the office and agree to have the little rift be a bygone and to be friends with benefits (--except for the s*x).

I'm rooting for Salsero & Bea now, they are beginning to connect or she wouldn't be reminding him that she is still married, tho separated. I think DWS is sincere in his attentions to her. He can redeem himself in my eyes by keeping Kenho at a distance and beating Leo to a pulp. Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the Guillo/Leo problem. Guillo will have even more of a reason to dislike Salsero if DWS goes in that direction.

Vivi, I agree with you on the Guzman-Nikki relationship. Spats without a resolution layered upon another spat gets old. On the other hand, she's already been saved from a kidnapper and a potentially dangerous pool accident by the Gusanito. What else would we wish for them? Maybe he should become her piano teacher after all. So far it's about the only time she's been nice to him for more than one hot second. Too bad the Polita hug spoiled that.

Do we know if Nikki can actually sing? (Remember I didn't come into AV until about a month ago.) I betcha it's a set up and we find out she can.

I have a potential new t-shirt for sale in Meta*Mart:

Don't look a gift cross in the mouth (attrib. to NvMv)


Thanks for this wonderful recap, Madelaine. Very well done.

When I saw that Nikki was going to go to the karaoke club, I was elated but in the avances it looks as though she is going to drink too much and that is something that we nicolistas really don't need or want. I had imagined that we would get to hear her sing.

In general, I enjoy the bad guys as much or more than the good guys but Leo is someone I have a genuine dislike for. Not only is he vicious, he is incredibly immature. I can't imagine how Betty ever hooked up with him in the first place.

And as much as I like kids, I'm really having a difficult time warming up to Guillo. Ordinarily I look forward to the scenes with children, but so far, not so much with him.




"Do we know if Nikki can actually sing?"


As much as I adore Nikki, I think I like her piano playing about as much as I do her singing.


Carlos- I also caught myself having "not so nice" thoughts about little Guillo and tried to remind myself that his little world has been turned upside down, not to mention the little mind games his slimy father is playing.

It's true Nikki(Eiza) doesn't have the strongest set of pipes, but I don't mind admitting that I have the entire Lola album on my iPod (she even does a duet with Aaron "Beltbuckle" Diaz.) Most of her songs are those infectious type tunes that I love.

Anita-Will you be taking pre-orders for the the "Don't look a gift cross in the mouth" t-shirts?

Oh shoot PS to Carlos- I forgot to say, though, that despite my efforts I'm still annoyed by Guillo.

Good afternoon, Madelaine,

Fabulously detailed and funny recap. I laughed out loud when I heard Polita say, "cuñada" without batting an eye as soon as she learned that Bea would be joining them. Bad, Bad, Polita, indeed! That gal is shameless and apparently uncontrollable.

I need to inquire exactly where we are going to have the MetaMart;
I missed the beginning of the discussion, but I was wondering if we could possibly incorporate the MetaMart with a Flea Market or a mini State Fair complete with all the musical acts named earlier and add in the karaoke. I wanted to include one more act: PauWhiner and the Whiners (if it has not already been mentioned). We could also have prizes for the horses and lots of competitive games for Lili and Nikki.

I would really love to have an auction to showcase our better
offerings, and I was thinking that Gringo could auction off that cross if he could get his hands on it.

I was also wondering if we might have a square dance with Carlos as the Caller. Possibly Salsero could adapt his moves and then move on to Salsa. I'll be sitting at Bea's table and urge her to be careful the next time around.

Enjoying all comments as usual

Anita- True, Guzman did take a bullet for her and saved her from drowning in a pool. But unlike Vicky and Angel, who have adventures together where they have to work together to solve a problem, after which they gain greater respect for each other, Guzman saving Nicki's life is often a one off deal, followed up by five miuntes max of good feelings between them before Nicki reverts to brat mode. You would think a guy saving your life, TWICE, one of those times putting his own life in danger, would earn him a little more respect. But, alas, not with Nicky.

Anita---Eiza/Nikki has recorded two
albums. 1st. Contracorriente in 2010. Her 2nd. Te Acordaras De Mi
in 2012.

Carlos---I was wondering if you them. I have her 1st album and will have her 2nd album soon.

Florida---Auction the cross. LOL

Vivi---This gringo is helping to push Univision's ratings.
the gringo

Hey everybody--I know Eiza can sing fairly well and softly, but will they allow Nikki to sing, that's all I meant. It was supposed to be a haha moment.

Auction, State Fair, Flea Market--Hey this is a one-person operation, Floridia--these will all require major promoters and contracts, galore. You're putting a big burden on my shoulders.

I'll see what I can do in the next few days.

If we have a state fair, can we show some of the bulls from La Malquerida?

Pie baking contest would already have a natural winner, no? Humble pie.

Auction would work, too.

Flea market would have to be held outside the fairgounds and Meta*Mart is down the highway a bit.

We could possibly stock them all with one-of-kind items and memorabilia.

Any suggested product donations will have to be labeled for which venue they belong to.


Anita, I did not realize that this would all fall on your shoulders, but should you not find other volunteers, I am certain that you can handle it. I see that you've already put your organizational skills to work re the locations. Borrowed bulls sounds fine and I really like the pie-eating contest. I don't know whether you placed some of Ms Vicky's paintings in MetaMart, but I think the picture of the Big Angel would net a fine profit at auction - help with some of the other expenses...or possibly get Chris back into her house. Perhaps Vicky could donate her services painting portraits of happy fair-goers.

Maybe Vicky's pome's could go up for bid---and possibly Nikki would donate a box of her chocolate's.
the gringo

poem's -- sorry
the gringo

I'll bet Kendra would donate the ginormous oso peluche to the auction.

This fair sounds awesome. Bulls and everything! I volunteer the Furry Fornicator to shovel the bull$#!+. He's an expert.

Will Meta Mart be stocking a wide range of short shorts and sheer tops? I just don't know what we will all wear otherwise.

Thanks for the suggestions and donations.

gringo--All Nikki could donate would be the wrappers, the chocolates would be down the toilet.

Ah yes, Big Angel's full length oil portrait--I have some interns who, for a fee, will convert them to paint-by-number canvases and we'll churn them out for the Low-Brow Art department (paints and brushes will be extra).

Of course, in addition to the Low-Brow art Dept, we're going to have the book nook and poetry corner--a full line of Balvanera products (product placement in tns coming soon--contracts are in the works).

Madelaine: Ahhh, another picture perfect title. Your recap mirrored the events of the episode to a "t". This was well written, extremely detailed and just great!

You never fail to notice all of the details: "I hope that wasn't a shirt he is using to remove it cause that will cause a huge Ruh Roh, when Cris sees it". Interesting and great point.

The rehearsal scenes with Vicky and the Angel were lovely. Imitation mimicked reality for these two but certainly not for the Angel and Kendo. I howled at: "So the same dialogue as before, but I swear they are lookin' like someone put a broom up their butts or they are constipated, cause I tell you, I ain't gettin the vibe of an anniversary jus' sayin..." That was great - we all know how he feels about Kendra - he did a great job but showed absolutely no affection toward her at all.

Leo scares me. I literally cringe every time he comes on the screen he is intimidating physically and mentally. There is nothing nice or appealing about him whatsoever (totally agree with you Carlos - how could he ever have hooked up with Bea to begin with?) He must have exuded some charm which he obviously no longer has. Guess it's a great credit to the actor. I keep shaking my head, hardly believing this is the same actor who played Francisco in Destilando.

Madelaine: thank you for brightening my monday morning amiga. This was wonderful!


Good Morning Y'all and thanks for all the great comments. What a great birthday gift!

Anon 11:49: Thanks for the great comment.

NovelaMaven: I lol'd at the Tune in Loons. I almost put Esta Lunes, maybe I'll do that next time. I hope Cris doesn't look the gift cross in the mouth, but if she finds out it is a family heirloom she'll blow.

Vivi: I too felt bad for Betty and Salsero. Poor things. I too wonder how this will turn out when she sees Salsero there and Guzmi will for sure be watching over them. Thanks for the ratings too. I think that more people watch these TN's than we thought. I also think there are lots of lurkers here too, that don't comment.

Yola: Thank you so much for your comment. I have been saying all along that this TN is more a dramedy and a one of a kind. Comparing Por Ella and this TN, I have to say Amores is funnier. Amores is a hoot to recap.

Neice: Loved the Angel's eyebrows too, lol. He looked so debonair, but I really think didn't want to stand that close to Kendho, ya know the cooties, lol.

NovelaMaven: Had to laugh about the full body condom, it's those cooties, lol.

Sara: That line was to sigh over, wasn't it. I just had to include that. It was so romantic, sigh.

Doris: I think Cris would go ballastic even though how he could "do" anything with Vikki with all those people : )

Gringo: Glad you liked all the lines. I had to put that in there about the Listerene and the periodontal cleaning. Kendho is sooo sleazy. It will be interesting to see what Cris does once she sees that cross. But I think we all know what will happen.

Anita: Angel and Vikki have so much chemistry, but Angel has decided to back off some, as in Thursdays epi. We'll see how long that lasts.

Anita and Vivi: Agree with you about Nikki/Guzmi. Their little tete a tete is gettin old. I think maybe once Nikki sees a doctor for her bulimia we may see these two grow closer cause I think she will lean on him more.

Carlos: So agree with you about Leo the lyin' liar. I don't know how Betty ended up with him either. He is truly scary and no wonder she gets the deer in the headlights look everytime she has any contact with him. I'm just glad she has more friends now that wouldn't hesitate to take Leo out. About Nikki and the singing. She does sing the ending theme song and I think she is quite good.


Sara: I agree with you about little Guillo. He wasn't so bad in the beginning but now since the lyin' liar is trying to destroy his mother in little Guillo's eyes the poor boy is scared. Guillo is not that old, I'd say he is about nine at the oldest, seven at the youngest. I feel really sorry for the little guy.

Floridia: Polita was so funny, about leaning in to see who Guzmi was talking to and saying SIL. I wonder what Betty will think of her once she meets her. Can't wait for that.

Julia: You had me lol'd for awhile about the Furry Fornicator shoveling the bull hockey, too funny and so perfect for him. Hopefully it is a day he forgets his boots, lol.

Sara: So agree with you about Leo. He is pure evil.

Diana: I too think he is way worse than de la Vega, Francisco de la Vega. Leo is very intimidating and to use your child to get info is way beyond cruel and to fill his head with all kinds of lies. It is all to make poor Betty miserable. I hope this storyline doesn't drag out.

I wanted to add some comments about Nikki. I think this time she didn't throw up on purpose. I think she actually was hurling from her upset stomach from all that candy and being upset with Guzmi for supposedly being an "evil gorilla" for lyin' to her. She didn't actually force herself here. I hope this doesn't mean she is starting to have more health problems and I too don't like the fact it looks like she will be drinking and maybe doing something foolish.

Oh, and about the Meta Mart, I want a shirt that just says OKAY! and Captas! I am at the Adri table right now. The poor thing is so lost and is trying to cope to find her daughter. I also visit the Betty table to make sure she is ok and to help her look out for horrible Leo. I also flit to the Nikki table to see what is going on and also visit the Vikki table. But the best table on that patio is the Jean Marie/Polita/Tomi table. Learning all about the Chinese horoscope, eating Jean Marie's marvelous petit fours and listening to Polita sing and give her homespun advice : )

Madelaine - Happy Birthday!

I'm at Crissie's table eating pozole.


thanks so much madelaine, i will need to read this later when i get back, but my dvdr did not record friday's ep and i only caught the last 10 mins, just before they finally got a 'cut' that they could use in the commercial. so i will read your recap to get up to date. but from what i did watch, the Angel/Kendrat commercial taping was a hoot... lol. thanks again!


Happy Birthday, Madelaine !

It is also my granddaughter's 14th
birthday today. I see that you will have a busy night celebrating and table hopping.

All the Best!

Madelaine: A very, very happy birthday and a prayer the coming year brings you much happiness.


¡Feliz cumple, Mads!

Look for the Meta*Mart truck outside -- your package will contain:

1 hyper-mega oso, slightly used.
1 very slender volume of the complete verse of Victoria Balvanera
1 box of petit fours
1 case of non-alcoholic sparkling cider
And all the pozole you can choke down.


Thank you for the recap, and I wish you a very happy birthday, Madelaine! :)

By the way, Raquel Morell (Tomasina) also celebrates her birthday today.

Also happy birthday to Floridia granddaughter! :) Go Aquarians! (A fellow February kid.)

Thanks y'all for the great birthday wishes : )

NovelaMaven: I just got that truck and are those petit fours to die for, jus' sayin'. The bear is going to have to go to quarantine and be disinfected before he goes on my bed as a decoration, the slim book of poems will make good nighttime reading and hey I didn't get the pozole, I got Cris' chiliquiles instead, wooo hoo!

Neice: So enjoying the chiliquiles but boy are they hot!!!

Diana: Thank you so very much Amiga.

Floridia: Best wishes and happy birthday to your granddaughter on her 14th birthday. Ah, to be fourteen again, never mind, I like how old I am now : )

Aribeth: Didn't know it was Raquel's birthday too, no wonder I have this ifinity for her, lol.

I will be doing lots of table hopping. I also heard there is a bodyguard table on the Patio, with the Angel, Guzmi, Zambrano and of course Dances. I want to dance with all of them, but I think Dances will surely be a treat. : )


Wise Child has some plants she would like to donate to the Mart. She's worked and revived Crispina, Ernestina, Tolentina, Serafina, and Josefina. She would also like to get rid of a Venus flytrap named Kendrina.

Anon 2:12: lol'd about the Venus Flytrap named Kendrina. That was so great, lol.


How terrific! A MetaMart truck at the door, laden with goodies...
that's right up there with a visit from the Prize Patrol.

Thanks, all for the birthday wishes for my nieta; we celebrated yesterday.

Aribeth, what is the date of your cumpleañps?

Happy Birthday Mads!!!!! :)

Happy Birthday, Madelaine!


Madelaine--Happy Birthday!

I'll send you a t-shirt with Okaay? Captas? on the front and Neto on the back. We have it in black letters on red or white letters on green.

Don't forget the forbidden cheese and yogurt never to be allowed in the Balvanera manse. I'd like to purchase some at the Meta-Mart considering Big Angel and Jean Marie's endorsements. Big Angel even wore the yogurt well on his face.

Thanks to all the recappers for the witty recaps. Love them. Happy Birthday, Madeline.

Usually lurking, GinCA

Oops, Madelaine not Madeline.


GinCA--The cheese and yoghurt drink would go great out on the Patio tables.

Vivi, Carlos, Anita, and GinCA

Thanks so much amigas and amigo for the birthday wishes.

wow! sounds like i missed a doozy of a good time at the office recording studio... would have LOVED to see Kendras's face at seeing Angel there... lol!! and i can imagine his issues with the plastic flowers and the drinks and the KISSING!! thanks, amiga! I feel up to date as if i had seen it.

Oh oh, FLASH 2/4/13--Miss Vickie is painting again. I guess she figures Meta*Mart's Art dept. needs more inventory!!

(Floridia: 2/17.)

Since we are ordering tee shirts, i want one that says 'Neta, Nikki!... presiona el boton y borrate tu misma, mijita. Captas?'

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