Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #84 Mon 3/11/13 Breaking News: Balzac Is Back! I Repeat, Balzac Is Back!

* Lo refrito: there’s a big family reunion at the Arriagas. Paula hugs Betty, Cris and Lili are happy and relieved, Guzmi clenches his jaw and exchanges uncomfortable glances with his mother, and Salsero? He just looks hot. His greasy and ridiculous Spock-like bangs situation got better a little bit. * Lo Nuevo: Paula, who’s slowly developing a sensitivity chip, decides to spare Francisco the embarrassment, so she leaves. Salsero thinks Guzmán should’ve said a good bye to her since she’s his mother, and Frankie repeats for the 1000th time that Paula means nothing to him. Nada de nada. Salsero is about to leave, too, and whoa, a miracle happens: Francisco offers him his hand. *everyone looks “WTF” in the room* The bettyguards shake hands. Bromance is in the air, yeah!

* Outside Paula bumps into Adriana, the Goddess of Vengeance and Dramatics, who’s waiting for her in front of her door. She tries to run away from her but Adri chases her down. “You can’t run from me, Paula, I’ll follow your life! What do you know about my daughter?!” Ask your father, make a scandal, whatever, but I won’t tell you anything, says Paula, who’s still mad at Adri for treating her like crap in the hospital. She enters her flat and shuts the door at Adriana’s face. Adri’s crying and begging: please, open the door, please!

* Dances says good night to his beloved Betty in the hallway, and then he asks her if she’s all right. Did that bastard Leonardo do anything to her? Bea has a flashback of Leo raping her, and she decides to keep it a secret. No, he didn’t do anything to her. Salsero swears that if the Lowlife hurt Bea, he’ll track him down and kill him! Now Beatriz breaks down: please don’t say that, Leo was telling her all day that he’ll kill her and then he’ll kill himself, and she’s still hearing it in her head. Salsero apologizes, Bea kisses him *Viewerville: awww* and Salsero kisses her hand *double awww*.

* As usual, Vicky is hiding in her art studio, she’s researching about eating disorders. José Ángel enters the room and they start to talk about Nikki. He says Ms. Vicky is a really good mom, but she shouldn’t be that worried about Ms. Nikki. She’ll be allright, especially now that she has such a strong support system behind her. Victoria smiles: oh, Arriaga, you always know how to cheer me up. However, she’s still worried for Nikki who’s so capricious and sometimes unstable. Seeing how overwhelmed Vicky is by her feelings and problems, the Angel grabs her hands and tells her, that worry not, senora, he’s with her. She’s not alone, and she’ll never be.

* At the Arriagas the annoyed Frankie tells Bea that Nikki is dating a jerk. She’s surprised, she thought Nikki was in love with Guzmán. Francisco confesses to his sister that it hurts him seeing Nikki with BoyToyRoy. Actually, he wanted to quit, but he couldn’t because he asked Ms. Victoria for money to pay Felipe’s gambling debts. Now he starts to realize what Paula had to go through when she was living with him. Whoa, Nelly! Bea smiles: so now you’re starting to forgive mum, aren’t you? Hold on, says Frankie, I’m just starting to understand her. All right, all right, says Bea. Lili joins them and tells Betty that Guillo is having a nightmare. Frankie is about to go but Lili grabs his arms and tells him sweet things: he doesn’t know what happened between him and his mother, or what happened that night, but he can always count on her. Guzmán flashes his wide smile and looks at her with a deep love in his eyes – the same kind of love one has for a cute, loyal little puppy. He kisses her forehead, praises her for being such a good friend, and then he leaves. Poor Liliana looks irritated as she repeats his words: a friend. Such a good friend.

* Victoria and Arriaga talk about the hardships they had to face in their lives: Nikki’s illness, Adriana’s problem, Aníbal being in the hospital, the loss of her mother and the loss of his parents. Angel tells her that the day his mother died he had the same kind of weird feeling that sometimes happen to Liliana: he was walking down the street when all of a sudden he had a strong pain in his chest, and he knew that his mother was dying. Oh dear, they are both in tears. Victoria states that the only good thing that happened to her lately was Arriaga. The big guy wipes his eyes and says thanks to her. But cheer up, Ms. Vicky, because everyone’s luck turns. He had such a bad luck lately (they start to laugh): he lost his house, he got arrested, he owes her a gazillion dollars. But he knows that things happened for a reason: he was supposed to meet her. Anyway, it’s getting late, good night. As soon as Angel is out of the picture, Victoria finally admits to herself that what she feels for Arriaga is something she doesn’t even dare say out loud.

* In the kitchen Angel asks Dances with Sunglasses about the rescues mission. Salsero says that Nelson didn’t give him a permission to leave but he left anyway, and he doesn’t give a damn about Nelson. *Because he’s that cool.* They’re both glad that Bea is safe and sound at home, and my radar sense bromance again. Arriaga’s phone rings, it’s Paula who begs him not to tell what he overheard in the hospital. Aníbal didn’t know about that he had another daughter, and he’s the one who has to decide what to do about this new information. Don’t worry, says the Angel, Ms. Victoria won’t hear about it from him. What won’t I hear about, Arriaga, echoes Vicky from behind of him. BOOM. Boom, boom, boom. *Viewerville: seriously, dude, that was one of the lamest lame things you ever done in this house* She wants to who he was talking to and demands him to tell her the truth. Arriaga doesn’t want to lie to her so he rather won’t say anything. She feels betrayed, she doesn’t get why he can’t trust her, and she didn’t expect something like this from HIM. It’s not loyal.

* In the meantime the Furry One visits Kendho, who greets him in a slutty-hot nurse outfit. Because you know, he said he wasn’t feeling well, and his heart is broken, so he needs a doctor. And she know how to make him feel better. Nelson is totally charmed by her… ehm, talents, and while he’s complaining about Victoria’s cold treatment *by the way, Barbie, if I was you, I would be worried about his feelings towards Vicky* and staring at Kendho’s tits, he doesn’t notice that the blue pill she gives him is Viagra. Because Kendra wants his child. Ewwww.

* Victoria spent the night on the couch of her art shop because she won’t share her bedroom with Nelson again. Tomasina says she should buy a more comfortable sofa. Nelson enters the room to tell her that he spent the whole night in the hospital *Viewerville: eyeroll*. Vicky is surprised: really? Yes, my dear, really, and now I’m going to take a shower and go back to Aníbal. *Viewerville: what a great guy you are, aren’t you* He tries to caress her face but she isn’t interested in his touch.
* In the bodyguards’ bathroom the hot guyz are discussing Beatriz, Leonardo and Paula. I’m sorry, but I still can’t concentrate on what they are talking about, because I’m too distracted by these mancandies. Again, Salsero and Angel asks Guzmi about his mother. He desperately wants to change the subject, but Dances, who obviously has a strong mother complex thanks to his horrible mom, and Angel, who thinks a mother is sacred say Frankie shouldn’t treat Paula like that.

* Estefano is crying over Balzac’s photo. Nobody called or gave him a clue to help him find his beloved dog. Where are you Balzac, where are you?

* I tell you where is he: he’s on the street following a nice-looking chef who’s wearing a headcloth/cap/whatever, carrying a bag of delicious food, and looks just as likeable as Estefano. When Jean Marie notices the little dog, he falls in love immediately and gives him some food. And Balzac? He officially adopts the guy and follows him home.

* The Ikkis are having breakfast together in Nikki’s room. Okay, Nikki’s having breakfast and Vicky’s watching her. Neta asks her mom not to tell RobRoy about her illness. She’d die of shame if he ever found out that’s something’s wrong with her. And she promises she’ll never throw up again. She’s all about Roy, Roy, Roy, who’s so great, and everything is so cool with him. He mustn’t know about her bulimia.

* In the meantime the supercool BoyToyRoy is complaining about his demanding father to his best friends. He wants to make a lot of money to be free at last. His friend points out that in the last two years he made much money, but it turns out Roycito loves to spend hard, because “you only live once” and “we are young”. Roy loves to go to the best clubs and loves the look on everyone’s faces when he invites them for champagne. Oh, and he loves taking hot girls to his yacht, too.
*Victoria isn’t fond of the marriage plans, and she hopes this isn’t one of Nikki’s infamous impulses. Like when she kissed Guzmán. Oh noes, says Nikki, please don’t talk about him, she doesn’t even want to think about him, okay? All right, darling, says Vicky, but she’s worried she’s just playing with Roy like she was playing with Frankie. But Nikki knows that she can trust Roy, he isn’t like Guzmán who only wanted to use her. It’s a totally different situation, mom.
* Yeah, totally. Roy’s friend tells him that he will have to work hard, train a lot and win a lot of tournaments to have money… Or get a rich wife, says the BoyToy. A nice girl from a rich family that adores him.

Labels: Amores
Yes, indeedy those screencaps are adorable as was Jean Marie with little Balzac. So glad Jean Marie has him now. But what happened to his beautiful little outfit with the beret? Can't wait for your always wonderful recap : )
For now, I'll just say I love the chemistry between JA and Vikki. The sizzling chemistry the smoldering looks. Sigh.
Looks like Balzac was savvy enough to shimmy out of his outfit so he wouldn't be a target. But I'm still surprised JM doesn't recognize him from Estafano's ad.
Did not like Salsero and Arriaga getting on Guzmancito's case about his mama. Understandable as they don't know the facts but, hey, back off and give him a break.
I don't think that Jean Marie saw the ad. It was on the back page of the newspaper that he was reading.
I'm guessing some mean dog made him strip and is now wearing his stylish outfit.
You all remember the discussion we had several days ago about language that may play in Mexico but is offensive and racist here, right? Well ... I looked at the preview of "Porque el amor manda" and was disappointed to hear the same phrase: "trabajar como negro".
The context: the mobster guy, learning of Jesús's situation, remarks:
"Entonces, estás trabajando como negro para vivir como blanco."
So I watched the scene on tv last night and guess what? They bleeped out the word "negro" in the Spanish audio. They also represented its absence in the Spanish captions with a series of dots. [ ... ]
In the English captions, they said: You're working hard now so you can live well later. (or something like that.)
So the good news:
UNI knows the phrase is offensive in the US. And maybe they will think twice about using it at all in the future.
The bad news:
Well as I said -- they did it again.
NovelaMaven - Wow, at least they bleeped it this time.
Great Hanging Avocados, chicas! Isn't it time to put on your big-girl pants?
[snurkle snort]
Nonetheless, I was soooo happy to see Bal-zac, too! Brightest moment of last night's episode.
The scene between JA and Vikki was probably the most intimate yet. Sparkle eyes and all.
I think the only pairing about which I really care is Salsero and Bea. Their scene last night was great.
Over at Por Ella, the bad guy/guys
have been delt with and have paid the price, Lucero has gotten married and all the rest are now living happily ever after.
After a long three day weekend of anxious anticipation it's good to be back at the Balvanera mansion checking up on Nikki and trying to uncover some of the secrets that are hidden there.
OH! Over the weekend I called and talked to Jean Marie and asked him
if he could make a couple of trays of hors d'oeuvres and a couple of trays of his sweet cream treats for
the Amores patio crowd in the states--his reply, "no problema." He would be happy to and with a big discount price, I immediately said YES! He told me that they would be packed carefully so that they would be ok on the flight over. They are already paid for, someone only has to pick them up at the airport tonight in time for
Tuesday's episode. Enjoy.
Dr. Carlos---Did you see nurse Kendra last night? She's looking for a job. Do you have any openings? There is always a need for nurses.
Yes the big dogs took Balzac's clothes for sure but he's ok now and will get a new wardrobe soon.
I noticed that nurse Kendra had the little blue pill for Nelson last night. My guess is that he won't be 4F for long.
Question---If Kendra gets pregnant and Vikki finds out that it was Nelson, will that drive her into Angel's arms? My guess is yes.
the gringo
What I love about Angel and Vikki is that they talk to each other, really talk to each other, like say a husband and wife do. It's funny she could never say these things to FF and Angel couldn't really say these things to Cris, especially working for and things happening for a reason.
Can't wait for your part 2 Aribeth. This part 1 is so fab.
The best part of the show is still ahead of us: lots of circus, lots of drama, lots of fantastic scenes. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the ride. :)
"Question---If Kendra gets pregnant and Vikki finds out that it was Nelson, will that drive her into Angel's arms? My guess is yes."
Viewers said 99999 episodes ago, when she was still oblivious to Nelson's infidelity, that as soon as she finds out that the Furminator sticks his FFFF into other women, she'll immediately throw herself into Angel's arms. And that didn't happen. :) They were tempted (especially Vicky in that infamous scene in the art studio), but they stayed on the narrow path.
Adored the screen shot of Santino, Bea and Guzman where Bea is beaming and thrilled that Francisco acknowledged the new love of her life.
"Goddess of Vengeance and Dramatics", "bromance" and your poignant "Victoria finally admits to herself that what she feels for Arriaga is something she doesn’t even dare say out loud" were marvelous.
It was truly a lovely moment between JA and Vicky. "sparkle eyes" indeed Doris!
What a shame the above moment was all too brief thanks to Vicky's untimely arrival to hear JA's promise to keep Paula's truth from her. She was obviously upset and disappointed! And really, he has no defense.
Had Santino been just a little bit calmer and had spoken to Bea more gently, encouraging her to share what Leo did to her, Bea might have told him the truth. I'm not blaming Salsero, but he let his heart overrule his head in such a crucial moment. Ack.
Gringo, how kind of you to be so concerned about finding Kendra non-suitable employment. :) She must have a large closet of fantasy gear. I can only hope we've seen the last of her little outfits. Maybe I imagined it but I thought Nelson was trying to stifle a laugh when she first grabbed him. I hope they are all having fun making this.
Can't wait to see JM making Balzac the new King of the castle.
Looking forward to reading Part 2 of your recap tomorrow Aribeth. This was great.
Madelaine: "What I love about Angel and Vikki is that they talk to each other". Yes - so true and very well said.
Actually Kendra declared herself a physician last night although her outfit was like nothing I've ever seen either a Dr. or a nurse wear...not that I'm complaining...
Aribeth as has been mentioned "Bettyguard" is just wonderful.
Loved your "..Adriana, the Goddess of Vengeance and Dramatics.." and "Vicky hiding in her art studio," yeah, where everyone knows where she is.
And also, thank you for Vicky's last thought. I missed it. Of course a woman is going to pick up on her feelings about a man before a man will pick up his feelings about a woman--especially one as devotedly one-woman man like Arriaga. There is only one horrific way to change that, if Cris doesn't go ballistic. Arriaga says he's lost so much--I hope this doesn't portend the end of Cris. I really like her.
Just wanted to comment that I thought Estefano could hardly contain his own giggles as he had to deliver the, oh where oh where has my little dog gone....
When Kendra brought out the (unprescribed) little blue pill, first thing I thought was Anibal will get company in the cardiac ward.
I don't think Kendra will get pregnant, but if she does I don't think that will drive Miss Vickie into Angel's arms (though she is sure headed for them). Vickie doesn't care one whit what Nelson does, outside of doing what's best for Nikki. Her only concern would be how such a pregnancy would affect Nikki. Compare how Vickie handled Nelson's infidelity versus Angel's supposed macking with Jocelyn. She followed (stalked) Angel, but hasn't even bothered hiring a detective or checking Nelson's phone messages to see who he's boinking. She just doesn’t care.
Right now, Guzmancito is my man. Love the way he responds with steely clenched-jaw silence when folks get on his case about his mama.
I wish Arriaga would think about divorce cause I like Cris. He's already had a preview of what Cris would do if she knew the truth about Vickie: leave him and try to take Lili, who wouldn't go. So he'd be free and with Lili. Yeah, I know it's not the TN rules.
I’m going to pay more attention to how everybody pronounces “Balzac” from now on. :D
I DO admire the way we are all honing our listening skills here. :)
So there are Bettyguards??? oooh -- now I have to read ahead. I usually wait for the whole shebang but I HAVE to see it right away!
Brilliant recap Aribeth. I also liked Bettyguards. At this point, she needs bodyguards more than any of the Balvanera-Brizz.
It seems like Kendra decided to do just the minimum for her outfit this time, considering the last times Nelson has either failed or failed to show. With this outfit, she could have easily gotten rid of the accessories and gone off to a club...or work, since those are the kinds of outfits she goes to work in. It's a shame 4F never saw the cat outfit. He might not have needed that Viagra.
When she gave him the Viagra, I wondered if he had already taken some and was going to become heart attack victim #2. Oh well!
I understand that Mexican culture sees mothers as sacred, as JA said. But they have to realize that not all mothers see their motherly duty as sacred. Paula may be tearful now, but she abandoned her kids. Felipe didn’t steal them from her, like Leo with Guillo. She chose to go live the high life with her rich lover, and to leave her children behind with her gambling addict husband. It’s nice that Bea forgave her, but really, what Paula did is unforgivable.
"The bettyguards shake hands. Bromance is in the air, yeah!"
And with pictures yet!
If Paula is developing a "sensitivity chip," it seems pretty Frankie-specific. I'd say she was operating off the "nasty broad" app in her dealings with Adriana, the Goddess of V & D (not to be confused with the Goddess of VD -- that would have to be Doc Kendra).
Salsero "doesn’t give a damn about Nelson. *Because he’s that cool.*" Ha!
It's almost touching how much Nelson trusts Kendra. If Vikki gave him a pill, he'd probably order Salsero to have it analyzed before swallowing it. Oh well, who cares? In the end, Kendra's the one who'll have to sweep up the hairballs. [Or maybe that will be a job for "Cristine."]
Agreed about Paula as a mother. And Salsero is hardly one to talk. We all remember his using the "dying mother excuse" -- not exactly the behavior of someone who holds maternity sacred, no matter who his mother really was.
It's been said before here: Frankie will have to let go of his hatred for Paula because it is hurting HIM, not because she in any way deserves to be forgiven.
" Tomasina says she should buy a more comfortable sofa." Best line of the night!
Okay, our BoyToyRoy is a YOLO kind of guy. Gah.
Kendra and Balzac should have a "model off", to see who best wears those ridiculous outffits.
Physician, salve thy heel.
First, harm no "do".
A runway face-off, perro to perra? You just know that Kendra would bribe the judges, Vivi!
"I'd say she was operating off the "nasty broad" app in her dealings with Adriana, the Goddess of V & D"
I dunno... It was mean to let Adriana suffer in front of the door, but I always roll my eyes at the way the Balvanera sisters react to Paula. Okay, their father has always been a cheater. Okay, when their mother died he was travelling with Pau-Whiner. But it happened 20 freaking years ago. Paula was a loyal sidepiece for two decades. Gawd, how could they hold such a strong grudge for so long time?
I love Adriana, but if she had been insulting me in the hospital, I would've reacted a little bit bitchy, too. Paula is far from being a great human and deserves the crap she gets from Frankie, but she doesn't have to put up with the two drama princess sisters, too. And she obviously doesn't want to torture Adriana forever, after all, she always wanted her to find out what happened to Lucía.
So in my opinion Adri deserved what she got in the hospital in that previous episode. But Paula should've opened the door after a few minutes. She had her vengeance, and Adriana most likely was ready to have a conversation like a civilised person.
Heh heh heh...she said Balzac...
Elle and Julia-Make yourselves comfortable! I'm glad to share a table with y'all. I'm *so* glad I wasn't the only one having trouble keeping it together every time Estefano cried over his Balzac. He'll be so happy Jean Marie has his Balzac.
er. Sorry.
Julia-You are so, so right about the Balvanera Babes. Vikki especially...she clings to daddy, but HE'S the cheating dirtbag. Yeah, Paula has some blame, but not the viciousness Vick and Adri subject her to.
Thanks so much for this marv part too of your recap.
Good point about Frankie, if he did let go of his anger, he would be less troubled. It is hurting him. Nikki's wishy washyness also hurts our poor Frankie.
Kendho and that nurse/doc outfit too funny and the little blue pill, lol. I'm surprised FF didn't have a side effect. I was going to put reaction, but well, you know, lol.
BoyToyRoy is an FF in the making. Can't stand him. I hope Nikki so doesn't get involved with him more than she is now.
Just loved your: "*Viewerville: seriously, dude, that was one of the lamest lame things you ever done in this house*" " mancandies" and "Adorable. Aren't they adorable? Of course they're adorable. :" - on target and great fun. I'll remember "mancandies" - great, great word!
Mothers are such a factor in our galans (and galan wannabes - Santino) lives in this novela. Sinners, saints and a mixture of both. The mother in the mix whose past, silence and knowledge that may or may not be revealed has the potential to rock the world of many. Paula. She appears to be a pivotal player but we are not yet sure where she will spin.
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