Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #115 Tue 4/23/13 Make a big messy scene. That always solves everything.
PUT A FORK IN IT, IT IS DONE! Blogger has been difficult for me today, so I'll leave it like this!
A few things I remember (not listed in order and may not be completely accurate):
* Refry: Lili tells Candelaria a little more about Paula's and Chris's friendship. Cande wants to know more personal details about Paula.
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Cande hears more about Paula, Chris's friend. |
* Nikki does the precisely wrong thing to do, and confides in Kendra-Ho about her feelings about the Little Ape. Nikki is starting to see through the "Guzman's a gold digger" narrative, and so the Ho has to work hard to try to undo common sense infusing Nikki's addled brain. After the Ho leaves Nikki laments that despite the Ho's urging her to stick with her "dream man" (Roy the Boy—PUKE) that she just doesn't love him!
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The huge curler look is hyper cool, captas? |
* Roy the Boy can't stop thinking about Lili. He visits her with a red heart-shaped gift pillow that says "I love (quiero, care for) you" and says some nice, caring things to her. Apologizes for being a douchebag before. Says that she is different and he's never been like this before with a girl. She's all verklempt and he seems to cheer her up. As much as I despise Roy the Boy he seems genuine here.
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She gets all verklempt. . . |
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He seems sincere. Viewerville still can't stand him, though. |
* Big Angel sees the gift pillow for Lili that says "Te quiero" and FLIPS HIS LID. Totally FREAKS OUT completely. MELT DOWN. Lili says casually that "just a friend" gave them to her "just a friend!" but he doesn't care. Candelaria has to try to calm him down. It's almost humorous and Lili looks like she's having to surpress a giggle.
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HYPER protective father mode. What is disturbing is how Big Angel says that Lili is the only thing he's hanging onto right now. |
* The FF tries to convince Vicki that they need to pretend to be happy, still. Vicki says, too late, douchebag. He tries to play the "you have a lover" card, but Vicki is not going for that. She tells him the divorce is imminent! DOUCHE. BAG. He tries to bring up finances. DOUCHE. BAG.
* The dinner with Roy the Boy's parents commences. Roy the Boy's dad makes a big gesture of offering Roy the Boy and Nikki a penthouse after they return from the Estados Unidos. It's revealed that Nikki and her blood-sucking hubby won't be living with the Balvanera's dysfunctional household after the marriage.
* Nikki can't stop thinking of the Little Gorilla. When Roy the Boy officially presents her with an engagement ring, she "sees" the Little Gorilla giving her the ring and vowing everylasting love. She's snapped back to reality when she finds herself kissing the douche Roy the Boy instead of our hunky Little Ape.
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Her imagination shows her the Little Ape. . . |
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"Oh yes, I'll be very happy to take your engagement ring, Guzmancito!"
* Salsa-Dude visits Big Angel to talk about work and stuff. Big Angel never wants to go back to work there. He feels very guilty, very very guilty. "If only I had. . ." Salsa-Dude tells him to not go there. It's NOT his fault. Big Angel asks the Salsa Dude, "how would you feel if you lost your woman?" and Salsa-Dude admits it would be very tough. Salsa-Dude says that the only person to blame is the person who "caused this" (*cough*THE HO*cough*) but doesn't say much else. Pobre de Big Angel.
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Tearful Big Angel pours out his feelings of guilt . . . |
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Salsa-Dude does his best to comfort the inconsolable Big Angel. . . |
* The FF makes a HUGE embarrassing scene in front of Roy the Boy's parents (which include Victoria's best friend Doris), claiming that Victoria has a lover. AWKWARD. Vicki is in tears, humiliated. She says to Nikki that "This is why I want you to think hard before marrying. I should have never married this douchebag 25 years ago." (Only she says it a little nicer than that.) VERY awkward.
* Anibal is SUPER PISSED about the FF's outburst and says so in front of everyone.
* Nikki can't figure out why her parents had to have this big meltdown during this big day for her. Vikki is all in tears and asks forgiveness. She swears that she doesn't have a lover. Nikki believes her.
* The FF tries to convince Anibal that Vicki has been unfaithful. Not only does Anibal doubt this very much, he says regardless, it wasn't the time. Anibal makes a statement to Roy the Boy and his family that his son-in-law was stressed out and didn't mean it (or some B.S.) and also hints strongly to Roy the Boy that he'd better do right by Nikki or else the Balvanera good graces will cease, and that would be BAD. Roy the Boy gets the picture loud and clear.
* Doris hesitantly advises Vicki to not be too hasty to dump the FF. She suggests that parents don't break up for their kids' sake. Adri is not pleased with this bit of advice, and says so. Vicki also seems disinclined to "think a while" about divorcing the FF.
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Both Vicki and Adri are not inclined to consider the idea of Vicki staying with that douchebag FF. As in OH HELL NO. |
* Nikki has a melt-down after the FF makes a big scene in front of everyone and prays to the porcelain god (vomits). Roy the Boy suspects this and is (again) surprisingly sensitive to her. When the Little Gorilla arrives to express his concern too, Roy the Boy plays his douchebag card again and tells the Little Ape to get lost.
* Salsa-Dude visits Bea and they have some quality time with smoochies. She reminds him that she can't marry him or "offer him anything" until she's free of Leo. I believe she means that there will be no horizontal expressions of affection until she's divorced. Salsa-Dude totally gets it and says he'll wait as long as he has to. He's very much the galán. They discuss how Leo is AWOL and that may delay the divorce. As they kiss and embrace Bea has a flashback of Leo raping her. Just my opinion, no spoilers, I know nothing, but I think this is VERY STRONGLY telegraphing that Bea is pregnant! Will see if this pans out.
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Happy . . . for now. . . |
* Vikki and Anibal talk about the damning strip tease video and how that might embarrass the Balvaneras. Anibal will "take care of it" he says. They discuss the possibility of Odioette being to blame for the DVD.
* Anibal tries to convince Vicki to keep Big Angel on, AS WELL AS LILY (this is his real agenda). Sings their praises. We know he's just thinking of his granddaughter. Vicki tells him that Big Angel is disinclined to stay. We see Big Angel reiterate this sentiment.
* Adri stumbles upon Vicki's cheesy romance novel manuscript and suspects that it's a thinly veiled story of Miss Vicki and Big Angel . . .
* We end with a conversation between Vicki and Anibal, where Anibal is wanting Big Angel back and says that no one will believe that she would have an affair with her bodyguard anyway, por favor! Vicki has a guilty look on her face.
AVANCES: Look to be VERY exciting! It looks like a flashback to Baby-Swapping Day for Candelaria. I think Candy is telling herself that she can never tell Big Angel that Lili is not of his blood. Some big scene with Big Angel demanding that she tell him something . . . should be MUST SEE TV!!!!
Labels: Amores
You never miss a thing. The only thing you missed was the pillow that came with the balloons that Roller Boy gave Lili. She was holding the pillow that when Angel went off on her.
I have the personalized anvil, with gold lettering 'natch, I picked up at *Meta Mart* this evening. I can't wait to sock FF upside the head with it, jus' sayin'. What a gall the FF had. Even though Nikki isn't into Roy, he ruined the whole night for everyone. Then he looks like I did it to tell the truth. Oh, please, gag him somebody. He thought he'd get his revenge. I wish the staff would pack his bags and shove him to the curb and tell him to make his own way. Kick him out of Meta Imagen too. What does he do there, but bop the models anyways? He needs to go.
That was a lovely scene with Betty and Salsa Dude, until she thought about the rape. That was horrible! I am really hoping she isn't pregnant.
Roller Boy surprised me once again with his heartfelt gift to Lili. I am thinking he really cares for her. I think if he had the money, he'd dump Nikki for Lili, just my opinion. I think he is only marrying Nikki for the moola, just as FF did with Ms Vikki. I just hope history isn't repeating itself.
Poor Nikki. The thought bubble of Guzmi giving her that engagement ring and then kissing Roy that look on her face when the kiss ended. I don't like the fact she is praying to the porcelain throne again. I thought she was doing much better. So Sad! I really wish she wouldn't listen to Kendho and listen to her heart instead and just dump the Roller Boy.
Poor Angel is still all over the place and he really hates the FF. I think that's why he won't go back to work for Ms Vikki, plus he has these feelings for Ms Vikki he doesn't want to explore. He is looking disheveled and not himself. He needs to do something with himself and move forward a bit.
I like how Adri stuck up for her sister Vikki about the divorce. I think Vikki ought to divorce FF and kick him out of the house. He would fight that tooth and nail though.
I can't wait for your screencaps in the morning, Elvira, they are always so awesome : )
I have a very difficult time giving any points to Roy for dropping by to give a cheesy heart-shaped pillow to Ratiana while on his way to formally propose marriage to Nikki. Sorry, but I'm underwhelmed.
Polita stole the show last night with her perfectly timed and completely serious, "Ya está la cena." I laughed out loud and almost fell out of my chair.
Poor Jean Marie, I'll bet that he had whipped up something very tasty.
Didn't Nikki look great in her little white dress?
There was an abundance of excellent lines from which to choose but my favorites were: "I believe she means that there will be no horizontal expressions of affection until she's divorced" and "He also says (in a more benign way) that Roy the Boy must toe the line too or else he's out".
Although momentarily delighting in the Bea/Santino kiss, Bea's anguished recollection of the rape dissipated any real enjoyment. Elvira, as I also pondered the possibility of her pregnancy, I shivered as I spied a small configuration of anvils, off to the side, soberly and quietly discussing what they just observed. Sigh...
Madelaine, thank you for confirming there is no justification for Nelson's existence whatsoever "What does he do there, but bop the models anyways?" Yes. Exactly. Still, I am surprised he pulled that charade right in front of Anibal who never tolerates disrespecting of Vicky (unless of course he does it himself).
Nikki, you don't have to daydream about kissing Francisco. Break up with Roy and run into Frankie's arms. He's there waiting and wanting you. Wake up before it's too late - please.
Not sure how Lili is ever going to get a date unless the overprotective, over-reactive JA calms down a bit. He was so darn cute during his rave - I forgave him instantly.
Carlos, may I make a confession? I was rather touched by Roy's declaration to Lili. Her "moondoggie" expression was so hopeful and loving, I momentarily forgot what a jerk he is. Thank you for bringing me back to reality.
Elvira, thanks again!
As we predicted, no food was actually eaten during this dinner. I really hope all the Balvanera employees get to eat the surely delicious feast JM prepared.
I don't understand why Nikki was mad at Vicky. It's not like Vicky picked the fight. What was she supposed to do? Just sit there quietly and let Nelson attack her? Please!
I was not happy to see Nikki visit the porcelain throne again, because it just adds weight to this argument that Vicky has to stay with Nelson in order to not upset Nikki and derail her treatment. Nikki is a 22 year old woman. She should be able to accept that her parents' marriage is over, especially after she's seen how her father disrespects her mother.
And so, the writers begin to try to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear (or as they say in Spanish, dress the monkey in silk), by showing us a kinder, gentler Roy. They already did it with Salsero (remember how unbelievable that was in the beginning too), so no surprise they've started with Roy. Just as Bea is the only person to call Salsero by his true name, Santino, Lily is the only one to call Roy by his true name, Rolando. Does this signify that these two women bring out the true, caring characters in these otherwise despicable men?
I was yelling at Doris to just shut up and go away, but Adri did it in a much nicer way. I'm so glad she's around to support Vicky in this.
That Doris is some "friend." I'm thinking she's only pushing for Vickie not to divorce Nelson cause she doesn't want anything to rock the boat on her son marrying Nikki. Loved that Adriana told Vickie to go for it and tried to get Doris to scoot.
JA did go overboard on Lili. But I know small town and traditional. A decent guy would have at least come in to be introduced to the family. It's the respectful thing to do. Of course, if Roy the Boy had done that, JA would've ripped his head off.
I wonder if Bea is suffering psychological fallout from from the rape? One can certainly understand if she is.
I am extremely disappointed in Doris! Some friend! She definitely seems self-serving to me after last night. I thought it was great that Adriana supported Vikki!
Poor Jose Angel! He needs time (and probably therapy). He knows about Kendra but won't say anything. He is so conflicted! He, as well as the rest of the cast, are very good actors, the writing has been great, and also the direction. It's a great TN. The recappers are spot on!
Another excellent point Vivi.
As love has been the salvation of many redoutable characters, it may be so here. There is no doubt that Bea was the start of Salsero's redemption. If and how far he will be redeemed and if indeed he wil be saved is uncertain.
Although none of us are behind the pairing of Roy and Lili, it could be that (gulp!) Roy actually falls in love as well.
I would have been willing to buy into the Boy making an awkward but sincere adolescent gesture of affection if I hadn't known he was on his way to pledge his troth to The Other Balvanera Girl.
Good for Miss Vikki! She explained the DVD to Aníbal. He has no doubt that she is telling the truth. (Good for the Old Man!) But neither one suspects that Kendra is involved! Yet.
I liked Polita's "Ya está la cena" too. It's always fun when she seems to be auditioning for a role in a drawing room comedy and everyone else is in a lost Marx Brothers movie (Maybe "A Night at the Manicomio"). But it was odd, don't you think? They were already AT the table.
I think she should have come in with the first course and had the tray overturned by one of the overwrought Balvaneras. Food fight!
I'm not sure I found the raving JA as charming as you do. WE know he is right about the Boy. But his message is going to be drowned out in all the noise. [Bah. Lili will do what she wants to no matter how the message is delivered -- unless the Arriagas go far, far away ...]
A pet monkey, Vivi? Really? Ooooh.
Gotta give the self-serving money-grubbing Pavias credit… they'll sit thru anything just to get the Balvanera money.
Nelson is an über jerkola and he sure did a good job of showing his rear end. Now he has Anibal ticked off at him. (the only good thing Nil-son has done!) Kudos to Anibal for telling Nil and Roy they both better toe the line.
I got the idea, from the promos, that Cande was telling JA that Lili is not their kid.(?)
Bea probably has PTSD on some level, after everything she has gone thru with Leo. Most likely she IS pregnant. Isn't it in the telenovela rules that someone must have a baby by the end?
Ah, Roy-ero. Maybe in a different life and different circumstances he could have been a nice guy.
FF continues to be an arrogant jerk. Your mistress, whom you continue to have relations with is pregnant, but you are the aggrieved party? May an anvil so large you are forever trapped under the earth all on you.
Though I often don't agree with my friend Carlos on his list of loveable female characters, I am with him about Roy. I think Roy only want to take her virginity and that's what is intriguing to him.
Mads - I so hope you are wrong about Bea being pregnant.
Vivi - your comment about the men in this TN yesterday was spot on and hilarious. And I am concerned about this fantasy of the love of a good woman turning very questionable men into upstanding citizens. While its great the women can bring this out in these men, they (especially Bea) deserve real TN princes.
Diana - I hope you are well and ITA JA's rant was funny. Did you notice how Lily laughed at him?
Did Anibal say to Vicky that he thought the tape was from Odette and FF was in on it too? If so, I hope to see Anibal make FF's life miserable.
And JudyB, praying for your peace and joy.
Yes, but I think Vikki was the one that said she suspected Odiodette of taping that scene in the hotel, and Anyballs I think said he wouldn't put it past her. She has always had it in for Anyballs since he dumped her. They don't know of Kendho's involvement.
ITA with you on this fantasy they are selling women and girls that a good woman can change a bad man. I guess we have to wait to see how the writers resolve things, because it cetainly doesn't look like they have a happy ending in mind for Bea and Salsero, and that makes me very sad for Bea.
I missed the Nelson thing. Oh, wouldn't that be great if they blamed the FF for that DVD. For once I'd be happy they blamed the wrong person!
Many thanks to Marta yesterday as well.
I"m behind as usual and depending on recaps. Thanks for all the details.
I'm sure it's old news, but the new 7PM one is a remake of MariMar.
"Your mistress, whom you continue to have relations with is pregnant, but you are the aggrieved party? May an anvil so large you are forever trapped under the earth all on you". Here, here! Huge applause from the patio.
Doris, I was anticipating a MEPS style dinner and I was not disappointed. I think everyone did a great job.
Vivi, I'm very excited about the monkey. You of course recall that Nieves (Gancho) had a monkey. Before that, Peregrina which starred África Zavala, feature a monkey who was a very important feature in the plot early on but then just disappeared without explanation later on in the show.
Loved that Vikki implicated Odette (correctly) and that Aníbal added Nelson (incorrectly, but OK by me).
Boys like Roy think they can have their cake and eat it too (pardon the distasteful pun). It's all around him in his culture. Men should marry well and have some chick or chicks on the side. Anibal did it, FF does it, and I wouldn't put it past Roy's papa, either. Remember when Joselyn teased Doris about not even taking her nightgown off to make love to her hubs? Me thinks he knows someone who does.
What Anibal added to that little tete-a-tete with FF was that Roy had better treat Nikki well or the other well is going to dry up then he said that goes, for you, too, Nelson, the FF. So, FF is between a rock and Anibal and it's not a pretty sight if he gets squeezed. FF can't repeat his treatment of Vikki and get away with it.
Anibal knows Nelson is an adulterer, but it was ok as long as he was discreet about it. He's warning him to lay off his daughter with those accusations of adultery--especially when in his mind, Vikki would never fall for a mere bodyguard (all brawn and no brains he surmises).
Anita, La Dama del Queso
Yesterday---Anonymoes 4/23/13 3:36 EDT---Loved your take on things. I especially liked your assestment of Roy but for Lili's sake, I hope you are wrong.
Not much was eaten last night. Polita, Jean Marie and Balzac must have made out pretty good though.
Although not in the Nikki camp yet,
well maybe one foot in, I must say that princess Nikki looked stunning last night, but the porcelain throne? No Nikki No.
I have been thinking about all of the Salsero comments from yesterday
Anonymous 3:36 had some interesting thoughts but from most,
the future looks very bleak for him
It looks as though he has painted himself into a corner. Could it be that he will die protecting Bea from Leo and thus go out a hero?
Three cheers for Adri last night.
Anita, I purchasing a large skillet from *Meta Mart* I want to whack that snake Nelson. This guy is despicable.
I know that Mr. Capetillo is getting a good some of money to play the part---someone has to do it but I could not. OMG! what a duche.
Help---Do I have this right? Anibal
thinks that he can choose the husbands and oversee the husbands actions of all the Balvanera women.
Yesterday---Anonymoes 4/23/13 3:36 EDT---Loved your take on things. I especially liked your assestment of Roy but for Lili's sake, I hope you are wrong.
Not much was eaten last night. Polita, Jean Marie and Balzac must have made out pretty good though.
Although not in the Nikki camp yet,
well maybe one foot in, I must say that princess Nikki looked stunning last night, but the porcelain throne? No Nikki No.
I have been thinking about all of the Salsero comments from yesterday
Anonymous 3:36 had some interesting thoughts but from most,
the future looks very bleak for him
It looks as though he has painted himself into a corner. Could it be that he will die protecting Bea from Leo and thus go out a hero?
Three cheers for Adri last night.
Anita, I purchasing a large skillet from *Meta Mart* I want to whack that snake Nelson. This guy is despicable.
I know that Mr. Capetillo is getting a good some of money to play the part---someone has to do it but I could not. OMG! what a duche.
Help---Do I have this right? Anibal
thinks that he can choose the husbands and oversee the husbands actions of all the Balvanera women.
the gringo
Remember the days when I would madly refresh the page? (my what an annoyance I must have been.)
"(my what an annoyance I must have been.)"
NO!!! You were and continue to be our Snap, Crack and Pop Girl. (I get to be the annoying one. Will you take my word for it or do I have to find some obscure Sanskrit quotation to prove it????)
Vikki is disappointed at the news. She thought Nick-Roy would come live with them at the mansion (bad idea, mom--you and FF have to resolve your looming problem)--there's plenty of room (yeah, with Anibal AND Adriana there--plenty of room for tempers to flare). Nikki nixxes it--she wants her own place.
Can't wait to see where Arriaga is going to fit into all this.
BTW--just give us some of that Sanskrit in black and white.
Sure thing, Anita. As soon as I get that devanagari font installed on my computer ...
Thank you everyone for your helpful and insightful comments! I'm going to start making the screencaps and filling in the blanks on this episode now. Should take a while to get done.
Sara, nice to see you, amiga! :)
What a "dinner" (which involved no food). When Neta Equis is the one with the most maturity and sense of propriety, there's something wrong.
I thought it was Royero's dad who offered them an apartment in Mexico when they returned from abroad. I thought this was just a display to keep up the appearances of wealth, and that when the time came to deliver on it, he and Royero would already have their paws in the Balvanera fortune...somehow...or maybe that they just need the wedding to be a done deal and then they don't have to keep up appearances and they think the Balvaneras will be compelled to help them because they're family? I don't know. This is a shaky plan, at best.
I'm not buying that Roy is nice or sensitive, at all. I think he is selfish and he has figured out that he has to pretend to be empathetic to get what he wants.
Julia- You are correct that it was Roy’s dad who offered the apt in Mexico for them. I also wondered what his game plan was and where the money for the apt was going to come from. Many episodes back Anibal offered them an apt in the States, NYC I think.
Mads- Your comments about what Anibal could have done got me thinking. If we accept that Anibal did what he thought was best for Adriana out of a father’s love (I’m still not buying that), there are so many more less hurtful ways he could have ensured that Adriana completed her education, was separated from her baby-daddy, and had a good cover story for her child that would silence wagging tongues. Instead he chose the most cruel solution possible when he isolated and imprisoned her, stole her baby, and faked the baby’s death, leaving Adri to forever live with the grief. It was just downright sadistic what he did to his own child.
If we accept that Anibal did what he thought was best for Adriana out of a father’s love (I’m still not buying that)...
That is still my contention. It wasn't wise, well thought out, or even close to humane, but he didn't do it out of hate, but rather very misguided love.
He will no doubt pay for what he's done and I'll bet when he dies...which he most certainly will... not only will Adriana weep, but so will we, right along with her.
On Anibal, even if he truly believed he was doing the right thing for Adriana at the time, he's had many years to reflect and realize his error. At this point, I think he just wants to avoid disillusioning Vickie and winding up disgraced for his crime.
Well of course Doris (which rhymes with "poor us") is tied to Milton and would sell her soul for him, a man who's a lowlife like FF. How can we expect such a ghost of a human being to be a real friend to Vicki.
OK, andale Vicki---we have what, three more weeks in this novela? Let's stop talking about tramites de divoricio and let's make it happen. You can at least start the paperwork now even if you don't want to finalize it until after Nikki's nightmare wedding.
Looks like tonight we're going to see how Liliana got to be in the Arriaga family and what happened with Adriana when she gave birth to her.
I can't wait to see la malcreada de Kendra get her just dues.
Nikki looks so elegantly beautiful!!
For a while I was afraid Vicki might be hit by the chair that Nelson grabbed and was holding with the feet upward (or aiming at). Does anyone think of this the same way I did? Didn't he look like it but changed his mind?
Can't wait for tomorrow regarding the baby switch.
Is the Brenda Ana tn (Corazon Indomible) going to be recapped> I hope and am looking forward this tn.
I am very late to comment, but thanks for all these marvelous screencaps, they are just fab as always.
You weren't the only one that thought he was gonna hit Ms Vikki with that chair, but I think he knew if he did, he'd be up the creek with Anyballs, lol.
Yes Anyballs did offer Nikki and Roy his apartment in NYC : )
I plan to watch it, nightly recap or not.
If we can't find enough recappers, maybe Melinama will let us put up a weekly discussion post, as we had on Amorcito Corazon. It found its audience among Carayers, even had some quick abstracts done of the episodes.
NYC apartment, donated by Anyballs
Mexico DF apartment, promised by Milton (although we don't know if he can financially follow through).
Which makes me wonder. Does he expect the Balvanera faucet to just turn on the minute Nikki says acepto? Apartments don't come cheap, how is Roy going to explain needing that much money and then have nothing to show for it (given that daddy "provided" the apartment).
Do you think the Pavias intend to tell the Balvaneras, that woops, the market went south and they lost everything??? It might work.
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