Friday, April 19, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #112 Thu 4/18/13 Ana Martin’s Death Stare

* Lo refrito: in the funeral home Candelaria is crying over Cristina’s coffin. She remembers back to that lame typed letter “Aníbal” sent her and she thinks that Cristina didn’t deserve the rejection of her father.
* Lo nuevo: Liliana and Big Angel are grieving at the other side of the coffin. Lili can’t live without Cris, she’ll miss her much. Opalina arrives at the funeral home, just in time to say a few consoling words to Arriaga, who’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He says he won’t be able to stay there much longer, he can’t live without Cris, and it was him who killed her. Opalina assures him that he’s always been a strong man, and now he has to stay strong for her daughter. Cris’ll always live in his heart and she’ll guide him to find a way to overcome this loss.

* Aníbal approaches Lili, who thanks him for coming, and she introduces him to her beloved grandmother. Woooo-hooooo! It’s a miracle Aníbal doesn’t get a heart attack, and geez, Candelaria’s eyes could freeze the ocean.

* In the meantime Opalina reminds José Ángel of the fact that Victoria’s also suffering. And don’t push her aside, because she’ll be the one who’ll guide him for the rest of his life. Liliana leaves Cande and Anyballs alone, and let the war of misunderstandings begin! Aníbal can’t believe that the love of his life is alive and she’s standing in front of him. However, his surprise gets even bigger when his ex lover tells him that if he didn’t acknowledge his daughter while she was alive, he shouldn’t cry for her now. Qué the hell? What are you talking about?!
* While Angel is hugging Liliana, in the café (Really? A café in a funeral home? How fancy.) are talking about Arriaga. Please, never leave him, because he still has some tough times to deal with, and Vicky is the only one who can make him happy. But Ms. Vicky thinks that she should stay away from him. No, says Opalina, Arriaga needs her more than ever. They together could start something new with a better ending.
* Inside the wake room Angel suggests to Lili that they should go back to their town. No, dad, I can’t go back there where the three of us were so happy! Arriaga starts crying again (oh, that nervous breakdown is getting closer and closer, dude), and he angrily says that look what happened because he came into the capital!
* Cande keeps firing her death stares at Aníbal, who's really, really trying to convince her that NO, he DIDN’T know about Cristina! And he thought she was dead. And he never received her letter.
* Betty, Paula, Guillbrat and two friends are standing on the grass in front of the big apartment house, and they are sending Guillo's letter to heaven with a balloon. “Cristi, I love you and I’ll miss you so much.”

* As usual, everything is about Don Aníbal. He tells Cande that she has no idea how HE feels: he just found out that he had a daughter with the only woman he ever loved, but this daughter is dead! *Viewerville: b*tch, please.* Arriaga comes up to them and introduces them: this is my mother-in-law, and this is Mr. Balvanera, I was the bodyguard of his daughter Victoria. Candelaria is impactada. Aníbal hugs the big guy and tells him that Cristina’s death hurt him much. It’s always funny to watch Enrique Rocha’s attempts to cry. *No offense, dear Rochon, we love you.*
* At the Balvaneras Roy gives an orchid *Viewerville starts chuckling: Little Orchid, get it?* to Nikki and basically apologizes for the last night. But where’s everyone? The servants and her mom went to the wake of the supersuperman’s wife. And why didn’t you go, asks Roy. Do you want me to give you a ride there? But no, Nikki can’t go to the funeral home. She likes the supersuperman much, and she really wants to give him a hug, but since she and that gardener girl can't stand each other, if she turned up at the wake, she would come off like a hypocrite. But poor Lili, she must feel horrible now. Roy hugs Nikki.
* Kendho also shows up at the wake, and she tries to play the good, grieving friend, but José Ángel quietly kicks her out. Stay away from my wife’s coffin! *Yeah!* Salsero is enjoying her humiliation because he just knows it was her who killed Cristina. Your soul is rotten, woman. But Kendra doesn’t give a damn about him.
* Polita, Jean Marie, Betty and Paula also arrive at the building and they express their condolences to the Arriagas. FF--> It seems Polita and Little Orchid are best friends again. Guzmi gives a big brotherly hug to Arriaga, and then he says some touching words to Liliana about Cristina (your pain hurts me, but you’ll get past it in the end, and you’re lucky for having had such a wonderful mother).

* At home the still teary-eyed Victoria tells Tomasina what happened between her and Arriaga in the funeral home. She understands him, but his words hurt her much.
* At the wake Paula approaches Aníbal, who looks very pale. Do you need help? Anyballs says that he can’t get ill, he needs to find out so many things. That letter and that detective! But Paula knew about Cristina, didn’t she? Why didn’t you tell me? She tried to tell him, says Paula, but his arrogance always blinded him. But now she’s devastated, too, because she loved Cristina. Aníbal feels horrible because if he had known about this, he could’ve done so many things for Cristina. But… Whoa! *Anyballs has an epiphany moment* This means Liliana is my granddaughter! In the meantime Lili and Cande are talking about Paula. Candelaria thinks that if she had met her under different circumstances, they would’ve become good friends. The two women come up to Aníbal and Paula. Liliana thanks to the old guy for coming, and tells him that Cristina really loved him. As if she had known him her whole life. Cande has another death stare-impactada-creepy moment, and Aníbal is about to cry, but he can’t BECAUSE ROCHON CAN’T CRY. Anyway, they are cute. Aníbal tells Lili that she can count on him, and the girl kisses the old rascal.

* At the Balvaneras Vicky and Tomasina talk about Opalina’s slightly inappropriate advices. Vicky wants to stay by Arriaga’s side, but how could she get close to him without hurting him more?
* At the wake everyone expresses condolences to the Arriagas and everyone hugs everyone. FF --> Okay, I can’t take anymore, I hate funerals and wakes. Weddings, too. *Oops, that was my inner sociopath.* Finally Adriana joins the club. She and Lili tightly hug each other, and then Little Orchid introduces la senorita to her grandmother. While Cande and Adri are hugging each other, we hear Aníbal’s inner monologue: if Adriana knew that this girl was her own blood… *Viewerville: you know nothing, Jon Snow, errrr, Aníbal Balvanera.*
* We get an absolutely heartwarming scene with the Ikkis. Mom and daughter are lying in the bed and they are talking about the horrible tragedy that happened to the Arriagas. Nikki is truly sorry about Cristina’s death and she's even more worried about poor Liliana. If Neta ever lost Victoria, she would freak out so much. That emptiness and that pain! Please mom, promise me that you’ll always be with me!

* But the writers don’t want Viewerville to feel too good, so we are blessed with another lovely Kendra-Furminator scene. It seems Nelson is concerned about Kendho’s condition and the baby, but then he starts whining about Victoria (as usual). Arriaga lost his wife, now he’s free to start a relationship with his wife! *Man, Kendra is your LOVER, not your marriage consultant, okay?* But Barbie has a great idea: show the striptease video to your daughter. Ugh.

Labels: Amores
A great screencap already. I am sooo looking forward to your recap for this epi. It will be stellar I just know it : ) This one was hard to recap too. So sad throughout.
You nailed the screen shot. Fantastic. I've always liked Ana Martin but think she is going to be a revelation here. She has been riveting. Love to see her in a scene with Bea - two great actresses who would set the screen on fire.
While I thought it entirely inappropriate Vicky went to the hospital, I think she had to show up at the wake. I cringed when she walked in but understood that she had to (and needed to) make an appearance. I gather JA dismissed her but I could not figure out exactly what he said.
If I were Paula, I'd be far more worried about repercussions from Cande than what Anibal will do about the letter. As her death ray stare indicates, she is not a woman to be trifled with.
The excellent acting continued last night - everything seemed all too real and Lili was terrific as well.
As the entire Balvanera clan (sans Nelson) showed up, I was a little disappointed Nikki did not go to support her Superman. I was relieved to see she was upset though and used Lili's proper name.
I'm sorry I'm rambling but this has become my favorite telenovela and I'm so enjoying the recaps and comments - the highlight of my day.
This episode actually made me cry-- the last one didn't. Maybe I was paying closer attention. But it was actually Guillo's scene that started up my tears. I couldn't believe it. I thought it was very smart of Bea to allow Guillo to say his own private goodbye to Cristi (as he called her) since he couldn't attend the wake.
Anibal did need the heart attack pills, but he hung on. So much irony in so many of those scenes, especially him thinking if only Adri knew she was hugging her niece. And we the audience thinking if only HE knew that he was really hugging Adri's child, the grandchild HE threw away.
The question is, will he tell Vicky and Adri the truth (as he knows it) about Cris and Lili?
"death ray stare" - great description, Diana.
Looking forward to watching my recording of this episode. Must See TV.
Loved Jean Marie and Polita. Those are folks you want on your team when you're grieving. Guzman too.
Loved the scene with Guillo. Very real.
Diana - JA said to Vickie something like "honestly, I know you're sorry but right now it's just hurting me so I beg you to leave." She said she understood and just wanted to say that he could count on her if he needed anything.
Also, Niecie, thank you for the translation. I think JA and Vicky did the right things. She by appearing and he by acknowledging her but knowing it was best that she leave. Sigh.
Doris,be prepared to shed tears. It was a tough episode to watch (I say shuddering as tonight's episode seems like a pure sobfest as well).
I'm guessing that Aníbal was there to order the Dr. to get rid of Adriana's baby. Strange that he didn't run into Cande while there.
I wonder if Cande even realized that the baby she had procured for Cris was a Balvenera. There wasn't a lot of recognition (meaningful closeups or spooky music) when Adri and Cande were introduced.
It seems clear that Aníbal is not aware that Lili is Adri's daughter. I wonder how much the Godfather knows.
I really hope we get a flashback to that day.
I know that it's unfashionable here, but my heart went out to Aníbal and Paula last night... both realize that they have made grave mistakes.
I didn't quite understand why José Ángel was so openly hostile and rude to Kendra last night. I know that he has ample reason to dislike her but he is not aware of all that we are.
JA has always disliked Kenda - knowing she is Nelson's amante and then having Cris work for her just added fuel to the fire. I'm sure he surmised Kendra may have been behind Cris saying she wanted a separation. I wasn't at all surprised how he treated her -he has never hidden his feelings when he doesn't like someone. I can only imagine what he will do when he finds out Kendra had Cris murdered.
I thought I was the only one that felt that way about Anyballs and the Pau. I too think they deeply regret what they have done and the secrets. I really think, just my own opinion, that the Pau has resigned herself to a life without Anyballs. I really think she wants to have a second chance with Frankie. She has already made her peace with Betty and Felipe. Frankie not so much.
I too liked the scene with Guillo,his little friend and his Mama and his friend's Mama. It was very touching, and darn I had to use another box of tissues for this one.
It was a tough episode with lots to digest. I felt verklempt again with this episode. I will miss Chris—I always liked her spunk!
I am not too surprised that Big Angel gave Kendra the stinkeye. He's never liked her, has given her that "eye" before, and I think that today, of all days, he's just not in the mood for B.S. I don't think it's any more complicated than that. He has no tolerance left for polite niceties for people he knows are brujas. (If he only knew the half of it!)
It was interesting how Guzmancito was comforting Lili on losing a mother, since he's lost one too, but in a very different way. And of course Paula overheard all of what he said! She does deserve what she's getting; but I do think she's sorry for it now, now that it's too late!
I wonder how things will develop between Candelaria and Anibal, now that I think she suspects that maybe all is not as she assumed, since Big Angel was *working* for the Balvaneras. (Why would Anibal allow that if he knew that Christina was his daughter?)
Should be an interesting episode tonight!
Oh, and I was so glad to see Polita back to her loving self with Lili. I'm glad the chill has thawed there. It reminds me of an old friend of my dad, friends they were for years, and then they had some stupid falling out at work. That thaw broke when my dad had a heart attack. The old friend was back and everything was as if the rift had never happened. Let's hope that is the case with Polita as well. Lili needs her friend!
And it was so nice to see Jean Marie there too. What a sweetie he is.
night. Most of the characters are so lovable, with the obvious exception of Kendra, who I can't bear to watch.
I just sit and think of horrible deaths for her to suffer.
Chris loved Arriaga so much and was so sweet and even
JA isn't thrilled with Paula, but he understands that her sadness and sympathy are genuine and heartfelt so he went out of his way to comfort Paula by acknowledging that she was Cris' only friend (though I'd count Bea too).
I don't think Anyballs is gonna tell Ms Vikki or Adri about Cris. Remember Ms Vikki's yelling about his amante? I don't think he wants to rock the boat. I wonder though if he will acknowledge, at least privately, Lili? We still have roughly 68 episodes to go, so it will be awhile before anything comes out, I think.
The last thing I saw was Nikki feeling bad, and saying that she'd like to go and be supportive and give her condolences, but after her history of being mean to Lili, she worried they'd think she was a hypocrite to show up at the wake. Then she said how terrible Liliana must be feeling. Nice moment of empathy from our fresa brat.
I got the feeling that Candelaria saw ... something ... when Adriana and Lili approached the casket together; they really do look so much alike!
I still have no sympathy for Paula because even last night, she refused to take responsibility for hiding Cande's letter to Anibal. I 'tried to tell you, Anibal, but you were too prideful'. No, Paula, you did not try. At all.
It was heart-warming to see Polita there, comforting Liliana. I hope this is a sign that Poli is over her snit.
through my mind.
I like to think of myself as a nice
guy but I have been told that at times, I have rough edges so to speak. I don't strive for those edges, it just turns out that way sometimes. I guess that is the reason that I could identify with Cristina. She was and wanted to be a good person but just didn't think things through sometimes or stop herself soon enough at times.
Mistakes were made but never with a bad or evil intent--as
I said, Cris wanted to be a good person. And soooooo
Victoria in Texas---I know that I have been rough on Nikki the Brat Princess. Sometimes her bad attitude really gets to me. However---swiss cheese
brain might be a little hurtful so,
I will not say that again. I would hope that Nikki would go a little easy on Lili. If that happens, it would go a long way in changing my opinion of her. Brat Princess? She still is for now but if she changes, I will take a seat at the
Nikki table out on the patio and join in with the Nikki/Guzman cheering section.
I have never seen Ana Martin before this novela but I must say that dagger stare was something to behold. It was riveting to say the least.
Acting was superb last night. Everyone did a great job, not over the top just fine, very fine acting.
Aribeth---I will be waiting to jump on each and every word of your recap. I know that it will be great, they always are. Thanking you in advance.
the gringo
Without Opalina's prodding, these two might not have a future together. Wait ... does destiny need prodding?
" Wait ... does destiny need prodding?"
Exactly. Opalina has been much more that just an all-knowing spectator. She doesn't seem reluctant to stir the pot when it suits her. I've never trusted her and her little bag of snails. I don't recall much if any of an exchange between Cande and Opalina. Surely they know each other.
I wonder at what point Candeleria will be held accountable in this complex situation? She is not exactly innocent you know.
Well yes, Aribeth, we do have a few months to go before we get to do any happy-ever-aftering.
What a great recap! And I loved your screencaps, of course. And I enjoyed your riff on Enrique Rocha crying problem. Ha!
One small detail I noticed last night: Cande told Aníbal she had talked to his SECRETARY! So Aníbal -- assuming his heart holds up long enough -- will first accuse Gilda/Hilda/Whatever. Will GHW crack and give up PaulaToo?
Cande was planning to spill ALL the beans -- will she keep some beans for herself now? She certainly FEELS plenty guilty. (The only people who don't feel guilty, of course, are the truly guilty. Because they are sociopaths verging on psychopaths.)
Thanks so much for this excellent recap and all the great screencaps too. I don't like funerals and wakes either, but I do love these weddings in the TN'S.
I loved your line of "Viewerville Bitch Please" and the inside joke about the Orchid Roy the Roller Boy gave to Nikki, lol.
This epi was so sad too, and I get the actual funeral to recap tonight, ay yi yi. I'll have to have some Baileys as fortification : )
I agree with you about Candelaria, she is by no means so innocent. She did remark about Adri being the true Mama of Lili. So who will spill first, Anyballs for Cris being his daughter, I don't think he will, he's afraid his daughter's will have his head. Cande, I don't think she will either about Cris or Lili. I can't wait for their parentage to be exposed! But then again, look what happened to Cris. If Kendho ever finds out about Lili, I will be worried for Lili.
I liked the little snuggles with Ms Vikki and Nikki, so sweet and Nikki was very nice here too, about Lili and about Cris. She does have a heart.
Loved how everyone showed up for the wake except for the FF and we just knew Kendho was going to show up. I really liked what Salsa Dude told her too and also the Angel. The Angel really knows what she is about, except for the murder streak of course.
I loved the hug with Adri and Lili, talk about how much they look alike. They really do! If only Adri knew who she was hugging.
I do like Opalina, she is a catalyst for the storyline and for the characters. I like how she gave the same advice to the Angel and Ms Vikki. The Angel though is filled with grief and guilt and I think it will be some time before there is any relationship with the Angel and Ms Vikki.
Leave it to the Kendho to be givin' FF advice. I. can't. stand.them. Where is the anvil or piecart or flying anvil to knock them out foreva?????
Mads- Cande didn't thought bubble about Adri being Lili's mom. I really don't think she has any idea whose baby was given to Cris. The doc just probably told her that there was an unwanted baby that was just born, as Cris's baby died, so why don't we do this switch while Cris is still out of it. I think the missing doc will be the key to getting that truth out.
Vivi - thanks for your info from yesterday.
FF is so disgusting. You only love yourself b/c no self-respecting parent would show that video to their child! I hope ends up with some STD and poor!
Cande knows about the baby switch. Once she hears Adriana's story and learns that HER baby was born in the same hospital and on the same date as Lily, she will be able to figure it out.
...Candelaria’s eyes could freeze the ocean...
...Cande keeps firing her death stares at Aníbal...
Those are mighty powerful images. I wouldn't want to be in KenHo's shoes when Mama Death Ray finds out her hand in Cristina's demise.
...Really? A café in a funeral home? How fancy...
It's probably a recycled school or reclusorio, judging by the architecture out front, so they probably just refurbished the cafeteria. I wonder if anyone can come in and use it or is it only for mourners. In any case, it was very convenient for Opalina.
Doris--I agree that Paula didn't really try hard to tell Anyballs the truth about Cristina. But let's give her a little tiny bit of slack--that's the only leverage she had to try to get the information of what happened to Adri's baby.
Niecie--You are so funny--about the Salsero/Kendra hair pulling comment.
Anyballs has promised Lili to be there for her--without telling her she's his granddaughter, at least for now. I hope she doesn't find this creepy.
This was a fabulous episode in terms of the writers' creativity. It was like the intersection of a giant series of freeways in which all families were brought together and the roots and tentacles of their dysfunction and how they intersected with everyone else's dysfunction was revealed. Bravo writers!
Biggest shocker for me in this episode was that Entitled Esquincla, AKA Nikki, actually displayed some empathy toward Liliana whom she loves to call "Ratiana" or "Roxana" or whatever "ana" comes to mind. Gee Nikki, there are other people on the planet, and they have feelings just like you do. Bravo Neta.
Very glad to see Polita put aside her anger to once again be Lili's friend. But was there ever really a doubt that she wouldn't?
I expect Candelaria will remain in town from this point on. Will she move in with Lili into Vicky's apt? Will JA want them to stay in Vicky's apt? Will JA want to go back to work for Vicky? Will JA be able to live under the same roof as Vicky again? So many questions to deal with once they have laid Cris to rest.
“Candelaria’s eyes could freeze the ocean"
"…let the war of misunderstandings begin!"
I was disappointed that Tomasina didn't attend the wake, but maybe it's better she didn't as I'm sure JA knows that she's aware of him and Vickie and that would just make him feel worse too.
My guess is Nikki will continue to be human when she sees Lili, but then she’ll need to borrow Roy the Boy’s cellphone…
"They together could start something new with a better ending."
Maybe I've been a bit hard on Opalina... she thinks a lot like I do:
Thanks Aribeth - I'm still catching up with the recap.
All I can say is Rest in Peace, Cristina.
As for Nikki, I have said this all along and so does Tomasina, the girl has a heart of gold. Her being a brat is just veneer. She is funny, bratty, and mean at times (when provoked or hurtingly jealous but she is not perfect_) But she is sensitive and loving too. I have faith in her.
Even though Cristina got crazy from time to time, she really was a good person with a good heart. It is a shame she had to go.
Nikki is a spoiled brat, but I still cannot help it that I like her.
Enjoyed your insights and conversation translations: "And don’t push her aside, because she’ll be the one who’ll guide him for the rest of his life". Hmm, I am glad Opalina is there. Right now, JA is wallowing in guilt and "O" will be the guiding force in helping him see the light.
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