Friday, April 12, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #25: Forget Avon; Chucho’s Place is the New Belly-Button of the Universe

We open on Chucho looking gobsmacked at the size of the dinner bill. The maître d’ says pay up or he’s calling the police! At the mention of the P word, Chucho blanches and begs to be allowed to work off his bill. The maître d’, recognizing that a man who does dishes is worth more than his weight in gold, agrees.

Meanwhile, the thug team gets tired of waiting for their prey to appear and goes up to the restaurant to look for him. Since he’s nowhere in sight, they assume he went out a back door and decide to deliver the medicine to him at his place.

Valentina gets picked up by a nice lady taxista. She tries calling home, but no one answers, so they drive around looking for landmarks. Val recognizes the purple towers of Avon and off they go. The guards bring her to Alma, and Alma decides to take her to…Chucho’s house!

Meanwhile, the police grill Vero and find out about Val’s two dads. Since Elías doesn’t actually live anywhere at the moment, they all head for Chucho’s house, too. Zowie. I hope he has enough jelly-glasses.

Finally Jesús arrives home and who should he see on his doorstep but…no, not the thugs…no, not Vero…not Alma, either…it’s Elías, looking the worse for wear after his long evening of goat-and-beer juggling, and with chicharrones the size of Frisbees stuffed into all his pockets. Chucho takes him inside for coffee and boy talk, but they are surprised by the masked thugs, and a FISTFIGHT ensues. (Got bingo?) Now would be a good time for the police to arrive, or even Alma, who probably has a decent left hook, but no – it’s Chatita with a knitting needle and a chamber pot! She clocks the thugs but good, then literally kicks them while they’re down. Much is made of Malvino’s tattoo.

Now the police pull up with sirens blaring (apparently the new protocol for apprehending non-custodial parents.) The thugs run off, and Verónica takes over the abuse. Chatita convinces the police to take Jesús to the hospital, as he is starting to swoon. They insist on admitting him, and with HOSPITALIZATION OF GALÁN, Blue Lass and R la O have bingo in column 5, card 8! (But don’t despair, fellow binguistas – in the previews it looks as if he takes a turn for the worse, so DOCTOR TELLS FAMILY PATIENT COULD DIE may not be far behind. And of course we all have high hopes for DERAILED WEDDING.)

In other news:

- Alma, Valentina and Chatita arrive at the hospital as well, where the princess is reunited with the Wicked Witch, I mean, her mother.

- Rogue checks up on the thugs, who tell him they got a few shots in but Jesús was with a whole gang of armed and savage huns and they were lucky to escape with their lives.

- Fernando finally lures Jessiquita over to his wild & crazy bachelor pad, but the whole scenario is cut short when Rogue summons him back to the office. Yawn. Does anyone care if either one of these two ever gets lucky, ever?



Thanks so much for the fast and very funny recap.

That taxi lady sure was nice. I hope we see her again. Everyone including the security guards at Avon treated little Valentina so sweetly. I like that Alma took her to Chucho's house.

Poor Chucho and Elias too. I lol'd when he pulled those chicarrons out of his pockets. Too funny and he was drunk as a lord too. I like how they beat up Malvino and Silvero and then here comes Chatita with her knitting needle and her dish pan. I liked how she socked them a good one.

Liked how everyone ended up in the hospital. Valentina sure was glad to her her uber hygienic Mama, but I have to give credit to Vero here, she was very worried for her Valentina. If only Vero would just ratchet down the uber behavior she would be such a better person!

Jess and Fern so deserve each other, but it was weird that Jess looked like she really didn't want to be doing anything with Fern. Is she regretting this thingy she has with him, Hmmmmm.

Perfect! Better than the episode itself!

Yes! For all those who wondered, it is still November the 3rd.

For a moment I thought I was going to see the same taxist from the reward, thanks God in this TN they have two!!

Jesús has superpowers, he cooked and cleaned the whole kitchen without breaking a sweat! And looking better than before he started! Cardigan and all!! Fistfights are his kryptonite!

Elías didn't play drunk in a convincing way, neither did Alma or the guy being disrespectful at the Charity event. Direction 101?

The route from Avon to Jesús' place is very short sometimes, and very long when they want to, depending on the story.

I thought Jesús didn't lose the sweater during the fight but he did.

The police told Veronica to leave somebody in the house in case Valentina called, but Minerva was with her all the time. Who stayed?

And the news about Jesús being in the Hospital ''Club del bosque'' (Same one where Maximo went for his mini-stroke), ran faster than a speeding bullet!


Moros en la costa- Nobody is watching, proceed
Calmantes montes- Take it easy
Colgado de la brocha- Having things to do
Estropajo- Loofah
Nica (bacinica)- Potty, the recipient people used to have under their bed at night to avoid getting up to the Outhouse...

Bomba (another word for Ho) is a word Carmelita Salinas uses very frequently in her everyday life. Now it has permeated to the TN. First Chatita and now bomba, what's next?

Great work Blue!

Pablo- Yes, in English that's called a bed pan or chamber pot. Which just adds to the humilation that the guys were beat up by an old lady with knitting needles and a bed pan/chamber pot.

That Valentina actress is really cute and can really cry. I was almost moved to tears as she cried on the corner for her mom. Thank goodness that smart and nice taxi lady drove by.

Looking forward to Vero meeting the real Alma. Just how hard will it be for her to tear her eyes away from Alma's boobs?

I assume Vivi is referring to Veronica's recollection of Chatita's bra, but at first I thought it was just a reference to comparing herself with her former man's new lady. Veronica need not fear comparison with any other woman's looks. A while back there was talk of her and Jesus having been hippies or bohemians when they were together before motherhood seems to have awakened Veronica's inner nurse Ratchet. That's when it hit me, I realized who it was that she'd been reminding me of: Michelle Phillips. V isn't her doppleganger, but there is a certain elegant quality to her look that, together with the long straight hair, reminds me off Mama Michelle.

Yep. I'm talking about "The Bra". :) Agreed that Vero has nothing to worry about in the looks department. But she is quite obsessed with that bra.

Gracias mucho Blue Lass

2 more names for chamber pot o bacinica, slop jar, thunder bucket

Made the chamber pot correction; thanks. Pablo, I wondered about the incredible reappearing nursie as well -- I had to strike a line about leaving someone behind to answer that filthy phone when she popped out of the police car. Continuity problem, I guess.

I am still thinking about Marisela and how she has been able to lie, specially in Monterrey, where even when the city is big, everybody knows everybody. People from the richest area, San Pedro, is always on the cover of Magazines (similar to HOLA in Spain, etc.) and sunday paper supplements are always talking about them. They visit television sets regularly and by now, someone should have noticed that Marisela has never been seen anywhere... I am sure she has an alibi to cover that, but I would be very suspicious...

You got me at gobsmacked -- one of my favorite words & a memory of my first husband -- a leprechaun from County West Meath. Now I have to go read the rest of your recap.


Kudos, Blue Lass. I read the rest & it's wonderful. I especially liked --they all head for Chucho’s house, too. Zowie. I hope he has enough jelly-glasses

The fight was pretty funny -- especially Chatita & her chamber pot.

I also enjoyed the whole world converging on Chucho's house and then on to the hospital.

I too was wondering if Vero would put two & two together when she meets Alma -- and wheter she would be fixated on boobs again.

The taxista was very sweet and, of course, Valentina was adorable and sympathetic.


Blue Lass, thank you for your quick and very entertaining recap. I am going to have to take a look at those bingo cards. You guys have taken novela viewing to a new level.

Chatita might not be with it much of the time but she sure does know the signs of a concussion! The thugs surely were no match for her with the chamber pot. She was the best part of the fakey fight. Of course I loved Jesús and Elías joining forces.




Much fun Blue Lass....and like Güera, loved the "hope he has enough jelly glasses" quip.

Little Valentina is too maternal hormones go ballistic every time she wails. Thank God this is a comedy and they don't draw out these children-in-danger stories.

Very realistic also, in that she was fairly calm with a stranger (Alma) but when she finally found her mom, she could let go and wail to beat the band. That's just how children, even babies, react.

Pablo, thanks as always for the vocabulary. You are a treasure.

Is there another possible translation for "colgado de la broche"? Given the context, I thought Jessica was saying "we left him hanging" in other words, we left him stuck with the whole bill, "on the hook for it".

Of course, a lot of time my contextual guesses are wrong, so that's why I'm especially grateful for your help.

Thanks. I like it better, in this context, seems a lot more meaningful.


Thanks, Blue Lass. Very snappy and crisp. Well done.

Wow, Valentina can wail with the best of them...the kid really has a future in TNs.

I really like the nice taxi-lady. She is cute and smart...I so hope that she becomes a regular.

I want another trip to the restaurant in which Elias found gratification... but this time less frantic. I'll have a beer and some of that roasted goat.

I have a patient who goes flea markets and apparently sometimes there's a a guy there who cooks large chunks of pigskin in a huge deep fryer...basically like those chicharones Elias had in his pockets I guess. She brings me huge bags of the is to die for.



I have a week's worth of recappers to thank. Every one has been enjoyable, and just so well written. Thank you Cheryl, Julie, Pablo, TJ and Blue Lass. And Madelaine, in case I haven't thanked you recently. You all are so appreciated.

Many years ago Mike's dad gave him a chamber pot and Mike kept it under his side of the bed. Thankfully, he never used it for its intended purpose. Too bad I never realized it would work as well as my iron skillet!

I'm enjoying this novela, sound effects and all. We almost expected to see 'Batman sound balloons' - BAM! POW! during the fight scene.

Gotta hunt up my bingo card, #15.

Oooo Emilia...don't give them any ideas...

Looks like you're off to a very good start with #15, Emilia -- and you've got UNSUCCESSFUL MURDER ATTEMPT, which is a new one on me!

Great Re-cap.....I saw this episode... Pablo thanks for reminding us that only 3 or 4 days has pasted as the plot moves on this show.....

The characters spend a lot of time in the same clothes, poor Alma has wore the "yankee" pinstrips now for 4 episodes. She loves strips, but I don't think it does her body shape any good. Alma is a "thick" chick, also sexy, but the strips give her a strange look from some angles. And it seems like she has toned down the dark eyes a bit...maybe the black eyes is her club look.
( Mayrin Villanueva, would have made a better Alma.)

I am still waiting to see Jessy, either comme out of the secretary uniform, or wear somthing else...An outfit simular to some of Pati's seams like Pati changes her clothes two or three times a

(BTW Pati is the sexiest of all the females so far, with Jessy a close second, but I still think XoChil will get the ultimate "makeover" that sends her to the top of the list.)


PS Guera, Judy B. and all other big dancers, lets start getting ready for Big D. next year...2014

One more thing....

Although entertaining, what is the real plot of this show???

Blue: Thanks for the recap. Helps a lot since I have a tendency to fast forward through a lot of the scenes.

I don't think Val would have gotten into a taxi with a man.

Loved that Elias turned up at Chucho's.

Loved how Chatita kicked the thugs when they were down.

Rewound the scene where Val sees her mother because it was so poignant and noticed she came into the room already crying. She was calm before. Looks like the actress was getting ready for the moment when she sees her mama.


Blue. Thanks fir the recap! I don't indulge in the bongo game but I would you are right that we'll be seeing quite a few predictable cliches in this TN.
I have to admit to having a real Jeanie moment with Elias showing up on Chucho's doorstep. Isn't big E pretty well off. Gees he could check into the nicest place in town. Veto the one with the bucks? She may gave been hippie girl once, but she could gave been a rich hippie girl hanging with a poor guy. Did we ever get her parental background?
Have to love how everyone gets won over by our Chucho.


Sorry for the spelling. Typing on a kindle in a moving car and the auto select doesn't like me today. :(

Thanks Blue Lass! Fun, wacky, rollicking recap just like the episode. This is a fun show. Val does indeed have the wah! wah! thing down. She is a cutie and did help bring some sympathy for her Mom. I was somewhat surprised that Jessica was acting standoffish with Fern. Wha? Will be fun to see the fireworks between Vero and Alma at the hospital.


Blue Lass thanks for the recap.

I also enjoyed the taxi lady and hope we see her again.

It was a beanie moment when Elias showed up at Chucho's house as he seems to be well off. Perhaps he wanted to bad mouth Vero with someone else.

Thanks Blue for a funny recap of the madcap moments. I always enjoy your work.

Would someone explain the bingo game?

And Daisyinjay, I hope you were a passenger in the car with your iPad and not the driver, haha.

I think Elias needs human warmth and contact after living with the ice queen and I think Jessica is concerned in part that she is seeing Fern taunt her with promises of the job back but no proof yet that he will come through so I think she is smart to hesitate to put out. Also he isn't really that fun and I bet Jessica is a fun loving gal when she isn't being mean girl. She does have a nasty streak in sticking Jesus with an expensive restaurant bill. Afterall, HE didn't do anything to her, it was her own laziness and stupidity that lost her the secretary position. Alma couldn't tolerate her terrible work ethic.

Cheryl, the bingo cards are here:

Julia made them. You just pick one and print it out. (R la O & I always play card 8 because we share a birthday: 8/8.)

Blue, Thanks for the site reference I will look it up.

And my birthday is 8/9 !! I always thought it was about the onset of cold weather in November...

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