Monday, May 20, 2013

PEAM #51, 05/20/13 - True Confessions of Love, True Confessons of Crime, and More Love and More…

The drowning of Fernando continues with candles and hosannas. Pati prepares the potent potion for Roguey in a good glass of wine.  Valentina shares her happiness at having spent some great playtime with her Papa Elias now that he is back. The mental giant in a mini girl body asks if PE and MamaBear are going to divorce.  Mama nods yes.

Alma visits the poor hospital ward offering Panfilo a private hospital to better his care.  He humbly says wait until tomorrow, his foot will probably be much better. There is no need for her to spend her money.  She asks for a hug at least, which he gladly and generously grants calling her daughter.

Fernando begs for mercy but she calls on the cosmos and divine light to bless this dunking torture, I mean baptism.  The enthusiastic acolytes keep him under so long and everyone gets scared then it gets scarier as he has disappeared when they try to pull him out.  Everyone panics as we see Fernando's body cast over a small water way then hang prone and motionlessly in the water.

Paty presents her passionate potion as Roguey drinks enthusiastically, seems he only tastes the delicious wine.

Descua and her troop run through the woods and they spot the limp body waving in the pool of water, she orders the acoyltes to hurry and save the love of her life, her future husband. Once he is heaved onto the side of the pool, in a little water still, she applies CPR with chest pressing and breathing into his mouth until he finally sputters back to life.  He asks Descua if he is dead and if she is an angel. No, I am your future wife and she kisses him declaring how she loves him.

At the cafeteria/cafe, Xochi is pouting at a table with Silly Julio trying to be friendly to her.

In the office, Alma asks Susana how she is and how her husband is. Not so good, she answers then Susana asks her if she knows what is going on between her and Alma's father. Yes, she knows some things, expresses her sorrow about the husband and doesn't seem too distressed about the part with her father.

Jesus comes into the office asking Alma if her intended has arrived yet so they can get to the church on time.. for the interview with the priest.  She says he is coming from the plane, what plane scoffs Jesus to himself

Pati watches the drugged Rogue, saying too bad about that wedding he is not going to get to… She sits back and enjoyed the country air while ignoring his cell phone ringing with Alma's name on the caller list.  Desperation leads to more and more boldness on our Pati's agenda.

Descua wonders if Fernando saw the light in his near death brush with the LIGHT.  Fernando has to confess that he only saw darkness and how awful a person he is.  He has to confess that what he most wanted next is to go to bed with Descua.  But now that he is saved, he must confess that he really, really loves Descua.  They hug.

Xochi is being romanced so sweetly by Julio but she is in a deep pout and returns to the office shrugging off friendly overtures by Jesus.  Even the other office women spurn his entreaties for understanding. Alma shows up wondering what he is feeling sorry about which he neatly turns into listening to her problem that Rogue has still not returned and now it will be too late to get to the church on time.  In distress she asks him if he will at least accompany her to the obligatory pre-wedding lessons.  Here is another great plan about to be executed.

Screeching becomes Veronica's mode once again as she tries to expel Elias out of the bed.  He assures her there is no hurry since he has no job and no where to go early.  She accuses him of trying to wear down her patience (what patience one asks) so she won't kick him out. His phone rings and the ever hopeful Maricela wonders how he is.  He admits he is home in bed and his wife is there.  Not as romantic as he would like it to sound or what Maricela wanted to hear either.

Alma and Jesus show up at the church and of course the Priest thinks he is Rogelio greeting them fondly but not allowing for a correction of identity. We all know where this is going as the class of platicas for the engaged couples is about to start.  They stand nose to nose and so romantically gazing at each other that his real relationship as he keeps stating is merely as her true, true friend that they aren't going to convince anyone.  

Fernando is on a post baptismal confession roll and begins to tell Descua of his previous criminal activities with his brother. She fears his soul will rot if he doesn't change his ways.

Pati continues to ignore Alma's calls, as does the unconscious Rogelio on the clean, green lawn of his country estate.

Padre Diego calls the meeting to order calling it "el amor in tiempos of egoism".

Fernando confesses further that Rogelio is probably going to call for an exorcism when he finds out that he and Descua are continuing their relationship and marriage plans.  He further reassures his savior/love that he is deeply in love her but he fears if he takes her advice to confesses all to the authorities he will end up in jail for a long time.  She promises to stand by him.  He confesses that he never felt capable of such love before.  They pledge eternal something or other.

Pati finally wakes up Rogelio taunting him about his meeting at the church.  At first he doesn't remember anything about it, the drugs must have been powerful to make his head hurt so much. He rushes around trying to regain his brain and she smirks with satisfaction.

Sillies Julio and Ricardo tease each other about who is more beautiful Maricela or Xochi.  Julio waxes poetic about Xochi's long, long hair and beautiful eyes.  Ricardo is still voting for Maricela, but this is probably good that two sillies are not focused on one secretary but merely competing on descriptions of beauty.

Padre Diego wants his flock to leave understanding more about their marriage intentions and more over about love.  He uses my favorite term that they will become each others media naranja (half of the orange, aka, soulmates) Cell phones go off and the priest insists that they all turn off their cell phones for the duration of the lesson. He keeps calling Jesus Diego. They all turn them off. When the maniac behind the wheel, Rogelio insists that Pati call Alma on his phone but alas the phone is out of service range so he can only drive badly and stress while Pati plays would be helpful.

Of course, Padre Diego calls on "Rogelio" and Alma to demonstrate walking amiably and amorously in front of all the class as the first to answer questions. Jesus dispatches his role with complete sincerity and so does Alma.  The class applauds their loving appearance. Wow, Padre and all the class have a shock coming if Rogelio and Pati actually arrive before the class breaks up.

Silly Ricardo asks Maricela most sincerely how her Papa is and offers help. She infers that her very rich father doesn't need his help, but seems grateful (for her) He begs to talk to her and asks how things are going with Elias.  She admits that Elias has gone back with his wife for now.  Just then his cell phone has a message that he owes over 13,000 Pesos on his credit card so it is being suspended since he has not made even the minimum payment.  He screams, Maricela ties to quiet him, maybe nearly aware that she may have caused the catastrophe.

Roguelio's very bad, awful, terrible day continues apace as he and Pati tote a gasoline can, walking along the road in search of a gas station. She quips that he may have blown his chance at a wedding since he didn't make it to the church.   yet…

Padre presses on Alma and "Rogelio" not to be shy in answering questions for the group.  He wants them to tell how they met.  Was it love at first sight.  Absolutely assures, Jesus.  With sincerely loving gazes at Alma, he relates the bucket of water rescue on their first moment.  for once he is freed to tell all the wonderful lovely things he remembers and what he thinks of her, how wonderful, beautiful, understanding she is and how she is his guardian angel that saved him.  Now he looks deeply in her eyes as he confesses his love forever, then she says she loves him too and the crowd claps and chants besos, besos. And boy, oh boy, do they give it up for us.

But wait, tomorrow it won't be all violins and angels, in spite of empty gas cans in the hands of schemers and idiots, Roguelio arrives at the church looking breathlessly for Alma to be told by Padre Diego that yes, Alma is here, inside with her fiancé. Pati hides but listens, all is not lost, maybe she can derail this wedding yet?


I missed all but the last 20 minutes so thank you, Cheryl, for a great recap. I especially liked: "in spite of empty gas cans in the hands of schemers and idiots"

Well, Jesús finally buttoned up his shirt and added a tie but it would have been much better with a black tie as compared to the purplish tie that really did not match the magenta. Truly not an outfit to be worn in public outside of the Avon offices.

Paty is really doing well in trying to derail the wedding. She has all sorts of things up her sleeve and I like her character more and more. I wonder what she is going to try next.

Of course I had to love the Alma-Jesús moment at the prenuptial class. I wonder what Rogelio's reaction is going to be wwhen he sees Jes2s with Alma and if Alma will give him an automatic excuse/pass for missing it.


''my disgustiness is my best feature''

Well... get your stones ready because I have never been a Colunga fan, and I am afraid after this TN I never will! Plus, he badly needs ANEW night repair eye creme.

It may be December indoors but outside is hotter than August!!

Alma shouldn't be in the 7 pound mode, trying to save everybody's lives, in this TN, doing so prompts people to wish marrying you. What would she do if Marisela decides she wants to marry her as a way to thank her? (And getting some money, at the same time, of course)

Discua's attire had a hoodie. I wonder where do they use it and when. Also, I am afraid Discua lost her tic, she didn't winked once in all of her scenes (and this time she had plenty). I also hate that 8 track they played in the background with Ninel's song. It gets on my nerves!

So, Alma can not drive by herself? I am getting tired of her using Jesús as her driver. I know he loves to skip work and be with her under any excuse, but this is ridiculous! I wonder what would have happened if she goes to that Church by herself...

This gives me an idea. What about a TN where the protagonist start poor but she never finds out her father is billionaire because he really isn't, and she ends up living under a bridge instead that running a fashion house with thousands of employees and a castle in Liechestein? I would pay to see one where non of the bingo cards show up and where the opposite happens, just for a change!!

Pablo That tn was called Teresa, or any other tn where there is an anti-heroine. Otherwise the audience wouldn't be very happy is the heroine ended up under a bridge at the end. Unless she was like Maricela.

Excellent recap Cheryl! I am so glad they started off with Fernando's baptism-drowning since I didn't see last episode and it sounded hilarious. The scene didn't disappoint. I'm glad he came clean with Biscuit and told her the real reason for him starting on the path to the light-- to get into her pants. I now totally believe in his transformation.

I had another big laugh at Rogue's half sunburned face. LOL!

I just can't understand why Alma continues with this farce of a relationship with Rogue.


Thanks for your fab recap.

I too think Ferny is on his way to redemption. He is so totally different from when he started out. I'm glad he told Bisqua everything too.

I too laughed at Rogue's half sunburned face and I'd like to hear him explain that to Alma, lol.

Glad Julio and Xochi are spending time together, but don't like that the secretaries are dissing Chucho again.

Loved the whole pre-marital class with Chucho and Alma. I loved the way she cried when he was telling her how he really felt about her and how they met. I too can't understand why she doesn't just kick Rogue to the curb. She will not be happy with him.

Had to laugh as Elias was getting his phone and Vero sprayed him with her floral disinfectant. He really needs to get out of the bed, find a job, and stop loafing around. I think he is afraid if he leaves the house, he won't be able to get back in again. It's almost like he is defending his turf.

Madelaine, Maybe Elias is afraid Vero will change the locks. It is his house after all and hers by marriage to him. She seems to assume total ownership. I am not liking their plot thread much.

Pablo you seem kind of discouraged today. I am but only in parts of the plot lines. I think Pati is amusing and now the Padre Diego class is charming and about to be hilarious. Also remember that to some of us, Colunga looks young. He is in great shape for his age and if you see his father, he won't get much older looking. The telenovelas don't always cast for age appropriateness for sure.
When I am typing as I watch, I don't see all of the visual gags, too bad I missed Rogelio's one sided sunburn.

Cheryl, thanks so much! This episode was a hoot, and your recap was a work of art.

Favorite lines:

- The drowning of Fernando continues with candles and hosannas.

- She calls on the cosmos and divine light to bless this dunking torture, I mean baptism.

- They pledge eternal something or other.

- He rushes around trying to regain his brain and she smirks with satisfaction.

- And boy, oh boy, do they give it up for us.

My favorite parts of the epi were Juio making fun of the way Maricela talks -- he is so funny -- and the fact that when Fer called Rogue, it came up on his phone as "Idiota."

Es decir, "Julio." Ay.

Soooooo....why does this TN feel like we are heading to ultimate episodes? Thanks Cheryl for your funny recap. Needed something a little lighter to view last night.

Who knew Fernando would be my favorite character after this many weeks? Discua is a little strange, but they are kind of sweet together.

I still like Elias, but he's now getting on my last nerve with the bed sitting. They built up the possibility of the therapist, and then...nothing. Just get off your duff already man. take some lessons from Ferny.

The wedding classes were cute, predictable, but cute. (I found Pati and Rog a bit more fun to watch though). So now the main twosome are full-fledged in lurrvvvv and each knows definitely how the other feels. Somehow, though, Alma will be stupid and still stay with Rog because of her worthless sperm donor, and Jesus will be all moony and heaven help us, may even head back with Vero??

Again, where does this plot go anymore? How many more episodes to go?


Elias did tell Vero that he's not leaving the house because he knows she would change the locks if he left. She thanked him for the great idea. So I understand his reasons, but hope he gets out of this funk soon. It's getting old. Although seeing him with Val is always a treat.

Maybe HE should change the locks on Vero! That would be fun to see. What does she do all day anyway? Follow Minerva around giving her orders?

Ah Cheryl, What Blue Lass said! She quoted so many of my favorite lines. I too loved it when Fern's number is identified on Rogelio's phone as "idiota"

Elias actually told Vero that the reason he won't leave the house is because she would change the locks so he couldn't get back in.

Little Valentina's face is so expressive. She is so adorable.

I loved the scene where Jésus got to tell Alma exactly how & where he fell in love and how much he loves her now. That was very sweet -- and quite the kiss. But, of course, there will be deniability since he was supposedly playing the part of Rogelio. So Alma can go forward with her wedding to the wrong man because she can sweep this beautiful declaration of love aside as "play acting."

I too loved Julio's imitation of Maricela. He was also very sweet with Xochitl. I've always liked this actor so I'm glad they are giving him a bit more personality and likability.


Oops. I see our comments crossed, Vivi & you already addressed Elias & the changing of the locks. I like your idea that he should do it himself.

Oops. I see our comments crossed, Vivi & you already addressed Elias & the changing of the locks. I like your idea that he should do it himself.

Double Oops -- how did I post that twice?

Cheryl, what a joyous and thoroughly entertaining recap. I'm going to "Ditto" all of Blue Lass's favorite lines.

Pablo, you are going to drive yourself crazy if you continue trying to make sense of all the silliness. However I am glad you are keeping track of Discua's tic and am dismayed to hear she went a whole episode without winking.

I look forward to some power plays between Roge and Discua as they vie for Fernando's fidelity. I think poor Roge doesn't stand a chance.

Would love to read what Jesus said to Alma. Does anyone know if the person who translates the dialogues into English is working on this TN?

Thanks, Cheryl. I actually liked this episode a lot, but I'm glad you found plenty to mock! Pledging eternal something or other, indeed.

However, I'm with Daisy in that I'm getting a serious ultimos capitulos vibe, and I know that real ultimos are still a LONG way off.

Which probably means that things are about to blow up in a HUGE way.

Here's hoping they blow up in a fun, entertaining way and not a tedious, long-winded stupid way (which seems more likely).

Here's to a perfect summary, Cheryl. Blue Lass got to all the best lines first.

But these are runners up:

...Here is another great plan about to be executed. [could you have meant executed as in made dead?]
...Screeching becomes Veronica's mode once again as she tries to expel Elias out of the bed. [screeching couldn't have been a better descriptive word for her]
...She says he is coming from the plane, what plane scoffs Jesus to himself. [and he'll have to admit the sunburn came through the plane window, cause the sun don't shine inside Avon offices]
...Roguelio's very bad, awful, terrible day continues apace. [but apparently he wasn't *too* very late for the classes--Paty you should have doubled the dose]

Ommmm--i-Gott-in-Himmel: No Chatita this episode. I guess she was resting her feet.

Pablo, I wasn't counting, but I did notice that Discua wasn't blinking in her close-ups. Here's what I think. She was cursed as a baby by a bad night-time witch with this tic. All she needed to be realeased from the curse was to have the love of a good man who has seen the Light. The witch probably guessed that by gifting her with that body, that hair, that face (except for the tic), the wrong sort of men would be falling all over her. (It probably didn't happen that way since her congregation is full of really nice, good looking men and women who've seen the light--oh well, another theory out the window.)


My favorite line: They pledge eternal something or other.

Thanks, Cheryl! Great job como siempre.

Yet another kiss that doesn't "count". Sigh.

Did that bear any resemblance to real Catholic pre-marriage classes? Prove to the group how in luuuurve you are?

What the heck kind of baptism does Biscuit's group run that they can LOSE someone in the water?! And for being so concerned about Fernie, she sure wasn't in any hurry to jump in the water and rescue him herself.

She prolly didn't want to get her hair wet.

I was impressed with Discua, actually. All this time, I've been waiting for her to make her move, but it's looking as though she doesn't have any ulterior motives after all. When Ferni talked about turning himself in, she didn't try to talk him out of it, or try to get him to turn his ill-gotten gains over to the church for "cleansing," or anything like that.

Tk you Cheryl, very funny

I caught a quick glimpse of FC's papá
on Cristina, do you know of any pictures? I also thought hunkísimo was going to age beautifully.

Pablo, I love every arruga y patas de gallo on FC's handsome face. He had way too much botox for StuD, glad its worn off.

I still think his face looks too tight, like there was a facelift. I just have nightmares that he'll overdo it and end up looking like Burt Reynolds!

Think Bruce Jenner

Ah, we're all crazy about "they pledge eternal something or other", Cheryl. And well we should be. That was just delightful.

I have a feel most of us were so dazed when we got fell in love and got married that all we pledged was "eternal something or other" also Very dangerous.

This sentimental fool has to admit I found Jesus' declaration of Rogelio Love to be quite touching (gather you did not feel the same way, Pablo). The two leads do an excellent job of googly-eyeing one another, and our mischievous Pati is marvelous as always. I would love to be fluent enough in Spanish to sound like her when she's razzing Rogelio. Too funny!

Thanks for another great recap Cheryl. And I well understand missing physical humor by taking notes so assiduously. I missed a very funny move in Gancho for just that reason. Fortunately, all my readers noted it!

How is it that Paty manages to be adorable even when she's doing really reprehensible things? I loved her patter while she was drugging Rogue's wine..."Adios, matrimonio...bye-bye matri...nos veeeeeemos..."

Pati is the most fun because she's the only character who's actually committed 100% to something. Everyone else is holding off on something they want, pretending they want something they don't, or both. Paty is the only one giving it her all.

Well... okay, after seeing the light last night, maybe Fernando is about to start doing that 100% thing too.

And Chucho and Alma looked like they might be heading in that direction.

Eli and Vero and Mari and Julio too, maybe... Mr. Susana is going to kack any day now and then Susana and Sebastian will be free to join the party...

Hmm. So when I said before that everything was on the verge of blowing up big-time, maybe this is it. Everyone drops the pretenses and goes after the people they really want, whether it's a good idea or not. Here's hoping everyone else will be as fun as Paty is!

Julie, ITA that Pati certainly seems committed. That girl is definitely goal-oriented. I wonder if Pati will be a "careful what you wish for" sort of person. Meaning, does she really want Rogelio and would she be satisfied if she got him, or does she enjoy the chase and all the subterfuge? Her character is interesting because she seems to care about Alma, yet she's boinking Alma's guy behind her back. Maybe Pati thinks she's helping Alma by trying to impede the wedding? Any psychologists out there who want to take a crack at Pati? Where's Elna June when we need her?

I think Paticakes is, at her core, very selfish. However, I do think she has some affection for Alma, and might actually feel at least a little bad about the betrayal if she thought that Alma was really in love with Rogelio, and if Rogue were more deserving of her. So, in her own twisted way, she is trying to help Alma by keeping her from marrying Rogue. I think she would just tell Alma what a rotten rat he is (she does keep trying to get caught), except that if the affair is exposed and it is her fault, then Rogue will get mad at her and Pati won't win the prize pig, either.

I also think that both Rogue and Pati are hooked on risk and game-playing, and they wouldn't enjoy their relationship as much if it weren't sneaky.

After that long-long-long kiss between Chucho and Alma, I was widhing upon a star that I could see the words THE END!!
After all, aren't most of the TN issues solved?
Xóchitl and Julio are going to allow themselves to better know each other; Marisela probably ends up with Ricardo because in her head Elías has returned to Verónica; Fernando has swear to right his wrongs, Pati wil get more than gas for Rogelio, and so on, and so on...

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