Friday, June 07, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #147 Thu 6/6/13 The Snails are Silenced, but Collars have Spoken

UltraBelle Photo Shoot:  While Nelson grips her hand, the doctor listens to Nabila’s slowing heart beats.  Finally, the doctor removes the stethoscope.  She's gone, he says.  I’ve done all that I could do except for performing chest compressions, maybe giving her CPR, perhaps giving her an allergy shot or checking her throat for obvious obstructions.  Other than that, I’ve done everything that I possibly could do. OK, maybe I could have called a doctor that cared, but other than that, I did most of what I could have done.  Nelson is stunned.  Well, at least she died looking fabulous in a Valentino gown. 

Greenhouse:  Anibal has brought Candy and Lilly to visit a greenhouse approximately the size of an airplane hangar.  Sour Candy looks very bitter.  She doesn’t mind if Lilly works there, but she doesn’t agree that she should accept such an extravagant gift.  Lilly agrees with her grandmother and tells Anibal that she can’t take it.  Arriaga wouldn’t understand, she says.   

Ballsvanera Mansion:  You’re My Widdle Nicky Wicky Poo and No, You're My Big Guzie Woozie Snookie Bear are still talking on the phone.  Guzman’s got his swagger back and he’s struttin’ around his apartment like a rooster with a shed full of hens.  Nikki tells him that she’s excited about seeing him.  This makes the collar on his leather jacket stand stiff and tall, fanning out around his neck like the glorious feathers of a preening peacock.  Guzman updates Nikki on his family’s progress.  Beatriz has been discharged from the hospital and he’s going to his mother’s house to give Guillo his birthday gift.  They will see each other tomorrow night.  Nikki finishes the call by sending him an air smooch and Guzman’s collar perks up a little higher.       

Greenhouse:  Lilly leaves, she’s got stuff to do.  Anibal offers to give Candy a ride home in the limo. 

Opium Den:  Arriaga is in a great mood!  He tells Opiumlina that he and Vicky are going to fight for their love.  Opi is thrilled!  Now that he’s bagged Vicky, they’ll never run out of weed!  Ahem.  Arriaga wants to confirm that Vicky will have his baby?  Yes, says Opiumlina.  She cryptically tells him that if he keeps making small and steady installments, his 401K plan is certain to grow.

Ballsvanera Mansion-Piano Room:  Vicky is being interrogated by her little sister and Tomi.  They want all the nasty, shameful and raunchy details about her lust-filled night with Arriaga.  Vicky won’t tell.  She is saved, when Nicky, wearing an unflattering pair of paisley pants returns to the room.  Nicky informs the trio that Beatrice was released from the hospital. Vicky explains to Nicky that Leo took Guillo while she was on her honeymoon.  Adriana and Tomi vacate the room when Vicky tells Nicky that she would like to have a private chat with her. 

Paula’s Apartment-Beatrice and Guillo’s Bedroom:  Felipe and Paula welcome home their daughter and grand-child.  They excuse themselves to go to the market to get the ingredients for the rice-crispy treats.  Beatrice is cuddling her son on one of the twin beds when he asks about his father.  Beatrice tearfully explains to Guillo that Leo was involved in an accident and caught hollow-point lead poisoning when he encountered the police.  Guillo guesses that his father is dead.  Thankfully, on this occasion, we only experience a tolerable period of annoying whining from Guillo. 

Ballsvanera Mansion-Piano Room:  Nicky is still wearing those hideous pants when Vicky nervously reveals that Arriaga is her lover.  Nicky stumbles to the piano and grips her stomach after hearing Arriaga’s name. 

Another Room in the Ballsvanera Mansion:  Adrianna tells Arriaga that Vicky is very happy.  This information makes Arriaga happy.  Arriaga wants to know if girls get jealous when their fathers get girlfriends. 

Guzman’s Apartment:  Confident in the old adage that you can catch more flies with a short skirt than you can with a maxi…(hmmm, I think that I may have confused a few wives tales) Princess Lilly has gone to visit Guzman and she’s missing most of her skirt.  Has she no shame?  Well, this is awkward… the lack of material on that skirt is not popping Guzman’s collar.  Could this be her clue that Guzman really isn’t attracted to her?  Hell no!  She’s come to explain that Roy forced those kisses on her.  Once again, Guzman declares that there is no future for them.  He doesn’t care who she kisses, but he doesn’t think Roy is good for her.  Guzman stress that he is in love with Nicky. 

Ballsvanera Mansion-Piano Room:  Nicky doesn’t care that her mother is boinking the bodyguard.  Nicky hates Lilly and will never accept her as her.  Matter fact, she would like to bash Lilly’s face in. 

Guzman’s Apartment:  Princess Lilly’s Ballsvanera blood will not allow her to accept that Guzman does not want her.  But, Guzman tries again, “If Nicky was dead and you and a nanny goat were the last females on earth, I would be the father of goatmans!”  Yes, he was harsh, but it had to be said.  He’s upset because she kept the woman that he loves away from him.  Lilly lies and says that Polita threatened her with a gun if she didn’t go along with it.  Lilly, seems to finally get it, but says that she will never stop loving him.  She hurries to the door.  He feels bad, but he doesn’t look at her. 

Odd-ette’s Bedroom:  Unbelievably, Odd-ette has accepted her fate and waits quietly in the electric wheel chair that Anibal gave her.  Who can blame her, why waste a perfectly good wheel-chair?  Estefano and Jean Marie enter the room.  It looks like Estefano will be travelling to Europe with his mother.  Jean Marie walks over to wish Odd-ette a good trip.  She backs the electric wheel chair away from him and slurs that she doesn’t want him there or with Estefano when they return.  Jean Marie seems shocked even though she’s already told him 14 times that she doesn’t like him.    

Meta Imagen-Office de Allotta Deep Bullsvanera:  Anibal tells Candy that she is still the love of his life. He wonders when they can let their families know of their love so that they can eventually marry.  She tells him that she loves him, but the only way Candiball will work is if he will tell the whole truth from the beginning of their entire relationship. 

Ballsvanera Mansion-Vicky’s Art Den:  ILOVEUMORE and ILOVEYOUMOST are cuddling on the couch, reminiscing about their raunch fest in Cuernavaca.  Arriaga tells Vicky that Opi said that they are going to have a baby boy. 

Meta Imagen-Office de Allotta Deep Bullsvanera:  Anibal is using his deep, smooth, toe-curling, baritone R&B, baby-making voice on Candy.  Fathers lock up your daughters!  Candy appears mesmerized as he explains why they should not tell the truth ever just yet.  There’s no big hurry.  He just bought a rain forest for Lily.  She won't starve, right?  Anibal turns on some mood music.  Is it getting warm in that office or is Candy just having a hot flash?  He leads her over to the couch of seduction and gently places a hand on her shoulder.  Arriaga is going to feel impotent when he finds out that he won’t earn what I spend on a pair of shoes in his entire lifetime.  He’s pulls her closer to him with one hand, forcing to look deeply into his soul piercing, dark eyes as he caresses her face with the other.  Arriaga will feel like a loser when he finds out the Lilly is not his.  Do we really want him to feel like a loser?  He reaches down deep in his heart and comes up with allotta bullsvanera.  Trust me, baby, he whispers.  Mission accomplished.  Candy is feeling gooey. 

Ballsvanera Mansion-Vicky’s Art Den:  Arriaga is trying to convince Vicky to let him make a quickie installment on his 401K plan, but Vicky doesn’t look very thrilled about the pregnancy prediction since she’s the one who’s gotta be pregnant.  Vicky admits that she’s really far from being a spring chicken. Arriaga will hear none of it and says that he would like to try for a child every day.  They discuss how their two daughters will take the news.  Vicky tells Arriaga that Nicky knows about them and with a light-hearted tone, Vicky also tells Arriaga that Nicky despises Lilliana and wants her to die! die! die!  They'll have to figure something out together.  Arriaga is just about to finish his Agronomist degree.  They will get married as soon as she gets unmarried.  Tacky.  Just tacky.  Vicky was happy with their water ceremony, but Arriaga wants more. 

Meta Imagen Reception Area:  Nelson and Salero disembark from the elevator.  Nelson is bitching.  Kendra got herself knocked up, Nabila got herself dead and he’s needs another mistress model to replace them both pronto!  He’ll lose a mint because Nabila got herself dead and delayed the campaign.  His rant is interrupted when he checks the caller ID on his cell phone.  It’s Kendra.  He turns his cell off and tells Salsero to go tell Kendra to stop bothering him.  Salsero happily agrees.  Gilda informs Nelson that Anibal is in his office. 

Meta Imagen Office of Allotta Bullsvanera:  Anibal has just about wrapped Candy up.  Things have been so hot for them that she has paused for a refreshing glass of water.  The old playboy adds the finishing touches by bringing her lady fingers to his lips and savoring each one individually.  She’s melting.  Is Anibal a stud or what?  He tells her that as soon as everything is cleared up, they will be together.  Anibal’s spell is broken when Nelson barges in the office.  Nelson reveals that he is the one who took the Candy’s letter.  He knows all about Candy, Chrissie and Lilly. 

Kendra’s Apartment:  Espanto, the hit man is there to pick up his money.  Espanto points out that Nabila’s dead, but Kendra can’t take Nabila’s place because of her big belly.  Kendra doesn’t care.  She’ll be the owner of Meta Imagen shortly.  Espanto points out that Nelson has a roving eye and they can’t kill all of his lovers.  Sooner or later, the police will get suspicious.   Kendra grabs some weight and does deep knee bends to force a premature birth.  Espanto gets weirded out and leaves.   Side note:  Kendra is exercising while wearing black daisy-dukes and thigh-high dominatrix stilletto boots. Espanto’s collar is popped extra high today.  

Meta Imagen Office of Allotta Ballsvanera:  Bitter Candy tartly berates Nelson for getting all up in her family’s business. He says that Adrianna will put her in jail for taking Lilly. Candy slaps Nelson.  Who knew that Oompa Loompas were such violent beings?  Nelson says that he’ll remain quiet as long as Anibal is generous.  Nelson implies that Arriaga is boinking Victoria, and then he leaves.  Candy lunges towards Nelson, but Anibal pulls her back.  Nelson leaves. 

Paula’s Apartment:  Guzman is playing airplanes and helicopters on the floor with his nephew.  Beatrice and Paula talk nearby.  Guzman and Guillo go into the bedroom as Victoria and Arriaga stop by with flowers.  Vicky tells Beatrice to take some time off to be with her son.  Arriaga takes the opportunity to put in a good word for Salsero. 

Kendra’s Apartment: Salsero chides Kendra for doing a strenuous P90X workout while pregnant.  Kendra lies and says that she was just practicing Lamaze with her 40 pound weights.  Salsero tells her that Nelson has lost interest in her and Salsero orders her to quit calling Nelson.  Salsero also informs her that Nabila got herself dead.  Kendra says that Nabila deserved it for messing with her baby’s father.  Salsero becomes suspicious.  He says that he will turn himself in if he finds out that Nabila didn’t die of natural causes.  Kendra’s not worried, he has no proof.  He also tells her that Nelson is about to dump her.  Kendra vigorously beats on his chest and tells him to shut up. He’s lying! Nelson would never dump the mother of his child.  The strain causes her to go into premature labor.  At first Salsero doesn’t believe her and calls her a drama queen.  He walks towards the door.  She sinks to the floor and begs him to help her.  He thinks better of it and returns to help her.

Paula’s Apartment:  Beatrice says that she only wants Guillo to have good memories of his father.  She will never tell him about the brother she miscarried.  Vicky tells Beatrice that she is a brave mother.  Guzman comes out of the room with Guillo.  Arriaga and Guzman have a loving platonic bromance moment (no collars perked up).  Beatrice introduces Guillo to Vicky.  Guillo asks Arriaga for Lilly.  Guillo wants to speak to Lilly because Leo went to the opposite of heaven with her mother.  The adults look uncomfortable.

Meta Imagen Nelson’s Office:  Anibal barges into Nelson's office.  He's now pissed at Nelson for messing up his game!  Dude, I don’t have to hire models to sleep with me like some people.  I was about to hit that and now she’s pissed off!  Nelson walks over to the door and closes it.  Nelson tells Anibal that he’s doing a poor job of keeping the Ballsvanera women in check.  Nicky is divorcing Roy and he caught Victoria in Cuernavaca kissing Arriaga. 

Paula’s Apartment:  Paula and Felipe take Guillo to the park to play with his helicopter.  Beatrice goes to bed.  Vicky and Arriaga stand up to leave. 

Meta Imagen Nelson’s Office:  Anibal will not believe it.  Nelson has solid proof!  Salsero is his witness!  Arriaga was with Vicky in her bedroom and his collar was standing at half-staff!  He got the bruise on his face from fighting with Arriaga.  Credits. 


THanks, CYn, for that fast, furious, flippant recap. So....Nikki is okay okay? With SUperman leaping tall buildings with Supermommy ? ...HMm, I wonder what the chances are of my kids ever calling me Supermommy. Kendra is a piece of work working out with the weights doing deep squats. I cannot even imagine what her anvil will be. Hello, Karma, my name is Kendra. And do not get me started on that smarmy , little weasel Furious Furball. He is starting to look really crazy. Also, he did not waste much time grieving over Nabila, did he ? [word id''' apt reference to this tn]

Cynderella: You have outdone yourself. I'm searching for superlatives and inspired is at the top of the list.

Not sure where to begin but: "Guzman’s got his swagger back and he’s struttin’ around his apartment like a rooster with a shed full of hens" and "This makes the collar on his leather jacket stand stiff and tall, fanning out around his neck like the glorious feathers of a preening peacock" were spectacular!

"Bitter Candy tartly berates Nelson...: and "hollow-point lead poisoning" were also among my favorites. Fantastic recap.

Of course, you nailed the pathetic non-attempts of the doctor to revive Nabila. That entire scene was cringe worthy but as you noted "at least she died looking fabulous". Susanlynn, other than looking stunned (instinctive under the circumstances), I didn't think Nelson looked at all concerned (except for the affect this would have on his wallet).

Nikki's histronics must come to an end. Here Vicky confides her love for JA, and rather than trying to be happy for her (as Vicky is for her and FG), she rants and raves about Lili. She should be reveling in her love from Francisco, not whining and sniveling about Lili. Basta!

I fear Lili will take the news even more to heart for the same reason. I'm sure it will be difficult to try and accept Cris is being replaced. And Lili, Vicky and JA still do not know Cris was a Balvanera. That is certainly going ot muddy all the waters.

I really love the Guzman family. As Carlos and Vivi have pointed out frequently, Bea and Francisco are kind,loving and wonderful children. You can see the good father Felipe was and the kind of mother Paula could have been. I'm hoping Paula's illness is not fatal.

I hope Vicky goes back at Anibal when he questions her about JA tonight. What a hypocrite.

And yes Susanlynn, Nelson's mannerisms and behavior is even more feverish than usual. Let's hope he totally unravels soon.

Happy Friday all!


Cynderella - Thank you for the recap! And literary symbolism. BwaHahahaaaaa! May I suggest the subtitle be "Love in the Time of Collar-a"? ;-)
"This makes the collar on his leather jacket stand stiff and tall. . . "
" Nikki finishes the call by sending him an air smooch and Guzman’s collar perks up a little higher"
" Espanto’s collar is popped extra high today. "
Collar??? Ummm... riiiiight..... Nice literary symbolism. LOL

Nik's paisley pants did sort of steal the attention, didn't they. Drew my eye right to them.

Guillo scenes = FFWD--->
And shameless product placement -again- with the LocoMotion(?) toy of Guillo's.

I rather expected Lili would take her dress off,in her effort to woo Guzman.

Nikki reacted to the Vikki/JA reveal, as I anticipated. No doubt Lili's will be even worse.
Ah, well, the honeymoon is over and back to real life, Vikkiaga!

Thanks so much Cynderella! I also loved the bitter Cande tartly bit LOL!

I wasn't paying attention to the collars!

I'm really surprised Aníbal is planning to marry Cande. It goes against all his "rules" about mixing with the lower classes. Unless its just another giant smokescreen of his.....

I loved Niki's paisley pants! I usually don't like her clothes at all LOL!

Audrey - There is no way Anibal will marry Cande. Smokescreen City; just another manipulation technique.

Hilarious, Cynderella. My favorite line came early:

"Well, at least she died looking fabulous in a Valentino gown."

I wonder how Nikki will react to Nabila's demise? Shalala, shalala?

That Dr. was taking his stethoscope off her chest and shaking his head even as she was expiring her last breath. And the folks at Meta Imagen seemed totally oblivious and unconcerned. I guess it's not uncommon for super models to drop dead right after a photo shoot.

I smiled when I saw that Odette was using the bestest wheelchair ever. Even though Aníbal has his heart set on Cande, I think that he and Odette make the perfect couple.

"“If Nicky was dead and you and a nanny goat were the last females on earth, I would be the father of goatmans!”

Heh, heh.


The only thing that made me think otherwise was that he told FF so, no?

Audrey - Anibal will say anything to get what he wants. JMO of course.

doris: "Vikkiaga" - HA!

Carlos: "I smiled when I saw that Odette was using the bestest wheelchair ever". I have to agree, you are totally right, Anibal and Odette belong together. Still chuckling...

Audrey and doris: I though Anibal's proposal was sincere...That's what I get for being gullible. It never occurred to me he wasn't being truthful. I mean, not that he's EVER lied before :)


Diana, I'm with you, I think that Aníbal is sincere in his plans to marry Cande. She is, after all, the love of his life.

I keep saying this... he truly loves and wants the best for his family... unfortunately his judgement has not always been the best and he's not real good at taking advice.


"... not that he's EVER lied before :)"



Amazing recap Cynderella. My favorites...

"Guzman’s got his swagger back and he’s struttin’ around his apartment like a rooster with a shed full of hens."

"She cryptically tells him that if he keeps making small and steady installments, his 401K plan is certain to grow.

"Confident in the old adage that you can catch more flies with a short skirt than you can with a maxi…(hmmm, I think that I may have confused a few wives tales)"

" Nicky hates Lilly and will never accept her as her."
You were right Niecie.

"“If Nicky was dead and you and a nanny goat were the last females on earth, I would be the father of goatmans!”"
Wow, did my Guzmancito really say this, I didn't catch that part. But if he did, it had to be said.

So much more, but those were the highlights for me lol

I'm just as giddy and happy as Nikki and Guzmancito are if not more :)

Team Nikki/Guzmancito


Cynderella - you are amazing! You had me laughing right from the beginning with your title ("Collars" - so clever, who would have guessed?)

Loved Candiball and Vikkiaga and of course Odd-ette.

Lili and Nikki are both acting like spoiled, entitled teenage brats. It's going to take the next 30+ episodes for them to grow up.

Opi's prediction about Vikkiaga having their own little bundle of joy didn't thrill Vikki, and she's right about the age issue. Maybe, after Kendra goes wherever she's destined to end up, Vikkiaga will raise the little spawn - it will be Nikki's sibling.

I think Anibal was sincere about marrying Cande. He and Odd-ette are too volatile to live together. He does need to get on with his "Plan" to exorcise FF from their lives, although right now FF provides a huge amount of comic relief.


Cynderella, you've done it again! Hilarious! Loved "He could have called a Dr. Who Cares". And so agree about Nikki's pants. Congrats, wardrobe dept., you've managed to find the one pair of pants in the world that aren't flattering on Nikki!

Did anyone else notice that when Arriaga and Vikki were in her "art" room and he went in for a big kiss, when he pulled back his face was COVERED in makeup?? Her skin is much lighter than his and obviously they had her powdered up. I think she was even trying to wipe some of it off as she caressed his chin. Too funny!

I've never understood Espanto's and Kendras relationship. Does she really have that kind of cash to pay him to commit murder? She's getting an allowance for crying out loud! And unless Espanto works for peanuts, this is a real beanie tightening moment for me.

I love having Nikki and Guzman actually happy together. They are so cute with such great chemistry. Can't we just have a few more episodes before the anvils start falling??!

Thanks again, Cyn! You are awesome!


"Beatrice tearfully explains to Guillo that Leo was involved in an accident and caught hollow-point lead poisoning when he encountered the police."

That comment made me burst out laughing and had people coming to see what was going on!

Poor little guy: Crissie ain't going to be seeing his daddy in heaven.

I am embarrassed for Lili since she has no shame of her own. Guzman is not into you, girlfriend. Do we need to explain it with apples?

Holy Toledo, Cow, Moley, CYN-SIN, you were on fire last night/this morning. It was a good thing I choked on toast instead of spewing coffee all over my screen. And it all started with...The Snails are Silenced, but Collars have Spoken.

Of course I had to double check on Arriaga's 401K plan. So, his financial adviser told him it will grow into an hijo. They get pretty big. He'd better start planning for college Ahora! It was so cute watching him cradle their imaginary child.

The missing skirt scene was to die for, but not quite like Nabila got herself dead. How does Espanto do it? He's an even colder s-of-a-b than iron-pumping pimpess Kendra. He calmly takes the money then, did anyone notice, forgot to take it when he left?

Got so much to do. Will read the comments and be back later. Just wanted to salute your talents. And I see your good buddy Susanlynn was first up to send you greetings and salutations, in capris, no less. You'd think she'd need a lot of air after this episode.


Thanks everyone for you kind comments. Please go back and look at the scenes where I write about the collars. I was being funny, but very serious. When Guzman was talking to Nicky ALL of his collars were popped. I think he had three collars and the collar on the leather jacket was really exaggerated. But when he talked to Lilly (she was wearing the same dress, so I assume it was the same day in TN land), all of his collars were down and they had removed the collar from his leather jacket. It was the same with Espanto. His collar was very exaggerated around Kendra. That's why I noticed them.

Anita: "iron-pumping pimpess Kendra" - perfection.


Thanks, Cynderella! You are always hilarious. I loved all the quips everyone has mentioned.

I think if Guzmi DID explain it to Lili with apples, she would just get all starry-eyed and sigh, "He brought me apples! He loves me!"

So did Nikki and Frankie really not get together the entire day? How long could his visit with his sister and nephew, who both just got out of the hospital and need to rest, really take?

Nikki is sure taking her maturation one step at a time...or NOT, if the step is a stepsister. She does realize that she is an adult and her family is rich, so it isn't like she's going to have to put bunkbeds in her room and share with Lili, right?

Barbara--Hmmm, you've got me wondering about Kendra's spawn. She may have been totally mistaken and it's a little MIO that's about to emerge.

Susanlynn is the only one allowed to look at this comment.

Did you notice that Vicky put on her pants? She didn't look to keen when Arriaga was telling her about the baby and how he wanted to work on it every day. He couldn't keep his hands off of her in Cuernavaca. The poor girl is probably exhausted! I'm surprised he could find her for a few days after returning home. She probably needs a nap or three.

Katy--Kendra has been in a few robberies, I'm sure. She still has Miss Vikki's hoard of jewelry she can carefully fence up norte.


Nobody mentioned this one, truly guffaw worthy, "Anibal has just about wrapped Candy up."

Diana etal, I'm not a Nicky fan; however, I get Nicky's feelings about Ms. Lilly. With all things equal (let's pretend Nicky is not married). Even, if Guzman isn't interested in Lilly and Nicky has won, if I were Nicky, it would really bug me if a skank kept coming after him. Lilly doesn't even care and will do it IN FRONT of Nicky. OK, he's not interested in her now, but if she keeps trying and he gets drunk (I'm talking to you Damien from Abismo), and men always get "drunk", there may be an accident and I might have to kill her. Sorry, I had a flashback, but I'm not bitter. ;-)

Doris, I try to avoid Guillo scenes like the plague. The only reason I watched this scenes yesterday, was because I had to recap them. How did you pay attention long enough to even notice the train he was playing with?

P.S. If Novela Maven reads this. I have a confession to make. It's embarrassing. I accidentally watched a Guillo scene and I GOT MISTY...there I said it. When he and Beatrice reunited...I needed a tissue. I feel so dirty.

Audrey, how could you not notice Nicky's pants? They were so loud! Also, Nicky, the character could not have looked in the mirror. Those pants made her look very wide and heavy-bottomed (not in the good way). A bulimic person would have had a fit!

Cynderella - Thanks for my afternoon delight. I'm definitely going to have to go back and watch the collars. Some of my favorites:

“I’ve done all that I could do except for performing chest compressions, maybe giving her CPR,…”

“If Nicky was dead and you and a nanny goat were the last females on earth, I would be the father of goatmans!”

“Arriaga is trying to convince Vicky to let him make a quickie installment on his 401K plan,”

I'm actually glad Opalina confirmed that Angel's varoncito will come from Vickie. Like all babies, Kendra's baby deserves a good home, but I hate the thought of Angel somehow winding up raising a child of the woman that murdered his wife. But it was funny when Angel told Vickie there's no rush, cause the clock is indeed ticking.

Count me in on the view that Anibal is smokescreening Cande about marriage. I believe he does love her, but his No. 1 priority is to keep her mouth shut. How long would Cande keep her mouth shut if she were a regular fixture in the Balvanera family, everyday seeing Adri hunting for her daughter and Nikki treating her secret cousin Lili like dirt? Anibal's just stalling for time while he figures something out.

Cynderella---Thank you for the recap and all the laughter that goes with it. Cynderella, you should be on Laugh-In. Oh my gosh--
The snails are silenced, but the collars have spoken. I'm still laughing.
Arriaga in the opium den--your 401K
plan will grow.
And--Meta Imagen Office of Allota Bullsvanera had me rolling on the floor. Mr. Cabrera is sure a lucky guy.

I was laughing so much that I could hardley think of anything to say. All that I can remember is that Nelson thinks that he has Anyballs by the, well you know. I don't know what is comming but he is sure going to be surprised when he finds out that he isn't holding
all aces.
the gringo

I think that Anibal loves Candy AND he's manipulating her because he knows that she loves him. He's shrewd.

Cynderella, What a fabulous recap with your characteristic intelligent humor to keep us all spraying our coffee at the nearby monitor. I should read your work only on my iPad, it is so much easier to clean the whole thing off. Your allusions alone are so literary and wonderful.

Lilli and Nikki are too annoying and too alike. I just can't wait for them to find out they will spend the rest of their days as step-sister cousins. Maybe Vikki will produce a boy-o for them to bond over. Or the suggestion that Kendra's devil spawn will need a foster home, which sounds icky but I wouldn't put it past these sadistic writers.

I just hope Beatrice doesn't get bent out of shape when she learns that Salsero is filling in as a midwife for Kendr-ho and has been too involved in Furr-n-Forni's doomed schemes for so long. They are one of the couples that seem well suited for each other since they both have suffered so much in the past that they are likely to be really grateful for whatever love and relationship they can salvage after the fit leaves the Shan.

Thanks Victoria, I'm not a Nicky fan, but I like when Nicky and Guzman are together...Does that make sense. They seem to like one another and he doesn't act so serious and she gets a little goofy. I guess I like there chemistry.

I think Espanto is doing Kendra's bidding at a discount rate, but with the promise of many riches to come when (dream on, K) she marries Nelson, then kills him to inherit the whole Balvanera fortune (because Adri, Vikki, Nikki and Anibal will just suddenly disappear in a puff of smoke).

On the other hand, maybe Kendra and Nelson will be involved in a fatal auto accident and die, along with their driver (Espanto). The only survivor will be Baby Mia, who will be raised by Vikki and Arriaga. She will receive a lot of love from everyone, because nothing is her fault, but she is a bad seed, who will start her evil machinations at the tender age of five but will be so beautiful and angelic-looking that nobody will ever suspect her. She will grow up to be the spitting image of her mother and her story will be told in the sequel - Amores Falsos!

Cynderella---If you are never asked
to be a guest on Laugh-In, you could be one of the shows writer's.
The people would love your jokes and witty commentary.
the gringo


Anon at 4:18--You should send in your potential script to Yawn/Carlos. He's badly in need of new material, once he finds out that over Vikki's (maybe pregnant) body will he ever get the rights to Jose Angel's and her story.

Remember Triunfo de Amor when William Levy happily raised the offspring of the two evil villains, Ximena and Guillermo? Now granted, he thought it was his for a few days but still....I think something like that is going to happen here. Somehow that baby is going to make its way into the Balvanera household and they will all go gaga over it. I can't imagine Kendra "Insanity Workout" Feretti with a baby for five minutes. She's way too narcissistic.


Cyn~~~~~I finally am back home and have caught up on the comments, Yes , I did notice that Vikki had her pants back on and was definitely looking less than enthusiastic about Big Angel's idea of making a baby and his offer to work overtime. [The guy is such a giver.] Maybe Vikki should get a pair of jeggings...or borrow Nikki's paisly pants. Also, I am getting the feeling that you and I [like Captain Sylvia and I] would never be allowed to sit together in study hall. [I'm talking me and Mary Jane S. ALL OVER AGAIN....... She always started it.]

Thanks Gringo,

I appreciate it!


Thanks Cyn, lots of fun reading your recap. I am in love with the Nikki/Guzmancito pair. It's true, that Nikki turns very goofy when she is with him. Remember when they were at the hacienda together.
So the truth came out why Nikki hated Liliana and vice-versa. It's all about Guzmancito Right on! Cyn.

Thank you very much for the recap, Cyn!

Too many hilarious lines to choose.

"Love in the Time of Collar-a"

I like the idea! :)

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