Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #145 Tue 6/4/13 Everyone declares love for everyone else. Except Nelson.

Amores Verdaderos Cap 145, 6-4-13—Everyone declares love for everyone else. Except Nelson.

Love on the Lawn—Big Angel and Vicki finally do it! (But they don't do "it" on the lawn. They just have a picnic and smooch there.)

SUMMARY, not in order, may be condensed to preserve my sanity.

* We have a refrito of Vicki and Big Angel doing their mating dance, wandering all over the estate in various positions and smooching. Finally they make it to the bedroom and disrobing commences. We start a love scene which we don't see in detail.

Love is in the air!

* Betty is doing better in the hospital. Meanwhile, Mr. Mezclo. (Can't remember his name—the homeless guy) is wringing his hands in guilt because he didn't try to reunite Guillo with his family sooner. He prays for forgiveness. Behind him, Paula and Felipe are talking in the waiting room about how they hope to locate Guillo soon—oblivious that Guzmancito has already found him! We cut to Guzman chatting with Guillo in his hospital room.

Poor guy, feeling worried and guilty.

* Cande and Anyballs are chatting at Cande's place. She's nervous because Big Angel was asking her questions about The Letter. She wants to come clean and tell everything. She doesn't think it's right to deprive Adri and Lili from knowing they're mother and daughter.

* Fortunately, the Guzman family is very forgiving of Mezclo's actions, and are just relieved that they have Guillo back. Mr. M. just wants to see Guillo again and say goodbye to him. The family happily agrees.

No worries, dude!

* Meanwhile, back at the country hacienda, Big Angel and Vicki are blissfully relaxing in bed, talking about how much they love each other, how much they yearned for this moment, yadda yadda. Happy happy happy. They want this moment to last forever! Never to be parted!

* Meanwhile, back at the Balvanera mansion, Carlos is chatting with Adri about where Vicki is. She's at the country estate, and Adri isn't too sure that Vicki would want to see Carlos, since she doesn't like liars and Carlos sure has been one. In strolls the Furry Fornicator and starts giving Carlos lip. Calls him "Carlitos" and doesn't want to believe that Carlos is now Joan the Famous Film Director. Adri doesn't hesitate to intervene to confirm that Carlos is as much of a big wig in the film industry as he claims. The Furry Fornicator still acts all unconvinced. Seriously, why bother saying anything to this self-important douchebag? He's suffering from the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Nothing will ever convince him that he's anything less than completely awesome and superior to everyone.

Carlos is a silver-haired hottie. There. I said it.

* Vicki and Big Angel share lovey-dovey time on the lawn, having a picnic. See screencap at top of page. Vicki admits that she didn't like how eager Big Angel seemed to have her go with Carlos. She says she had a plan to get Big Angel to react, and it worked! Wink wink nudge nudge.

* More with Cande and Anyballs. She says that sooner or later Big Angel is going to get suspicious, because it'll be hard to explain why Anyballs wants to give Lili a garden, since she's just an employee. Anyballs asks Cande to give him time and he'll work it out. She further expresses concerns and doubts and thinks that it's not right to withhold info from Adri about who her real daughter is. At this, Anyballs starts to have chest pains. Drama drama. After the commercial we see that he's apparently fine, though he did give Cande a scare. He convinces her to give him a little time. He's worried that Adri will go off half-cocked and pursue legal action if she finds out the truth right now. Cande seems resigned to giving it some more time.

Anyballs schmoozes Cande.

* The Furry Fornicator gets a wild hair to go confront Vicki at the country hacienda. He takes Salsa Dude with him. Adri hastily leaves a voicemail on Vicki's cell phone, trying to give her a heads up, but of course Vicki does not have her cell on, because she's busy warming the sheets with the Big Angel.

* Meanwhile, Roy the Boy slips out to see Lili among her plants. He's trying to convince her that he's sincere, he's divorcing Nikki, and that she should give him a chance. Lili isn't totally onboard with this. Roy the Boy pushes a kiss on her, and por supuesto Nikki strolls on by to catch them. Nikki gets all snarky with Roy the Boy and makes fun of him and the little gardener. Nikki is actually such a bitch that I FEEL SORRY FOR ROY. Look what you made me do, Nikki. Nikki mocks Roy to the point where he says, "Don't, it hurts." To Nikki's credit she backs off and says that yeah, they are supposed to be friends. But then she reminds Roy the Boy how his parents are very class conscious, and Lili is just some nobody. Lili jumps in to remind Nikki that Guzmancito is also a nobody and asks her what Gramps (Anyballs) will think? Nikki hightails it out there as Roy the Boy and Lili give each other sad googley-eyes.

Way to twist the knife, Nikki. When you can make me feel sorry for Roy the Boy, you are really amping up the bitchiness.

* Some more talk at the hospital about Betty's recovery and Guillo and all of that. Paula cries over a sleeping Guillo, grateful that they discovered him before she succumbed from her illness.

* Adri is talking with Carlos on the phone. It just so happens that he likes Vicki's manuscript "Amores Verdaderos." It's very well-written. (Really?) Adri wants him to update her on if he decides to use it for his film.

* Big Angel and Vicki, back in bed, this time eating strawberries. More love love love. They don't ever want this feeling to go away. They are afraid that something will interfere with their bliss. They won't let it happen! Yadda yadda.

* Kendra-Ho can't reach the Furry Fornicator and fumes that he might be with Nabila-Ho.

* The Little Gorilla has finished reading all of Nikki's letters. He calls her up and they partially try to clear the air. He tells her that Lili lied about him dating her. She assures him that nothing happened between her and Roy the Boy. The Little Gorilla has a tough time with that, since he saw them sprawled naked on their hotel bed together. She assures him that it's not as it seems. He's not so sure. They hang up. We see close-ups of tears streaming down their pretty faces.

You cry so pretty, Guzmancito.

She's trying to clear it up for him. Will he believe her?

* The Furry Fornicator has arrived at the country hacienda, with Salsa-Dude in tow. He wants Salsa-Dude to pull out his gun and shoot the Big Angel dead! Salsa-Dude says that's not his job, and that murder might but the FF in jail, and maybe not such a good idea. The FF backs away from that plan. FF storms through the house, yelling, while Big Angel and Vicki finally decide to check their cell phones. A voicemail from Adri and a text from Salsa-Dude give them about 5 seconds warning before they hear the enraged bellowing of the FF echoing through the hacienda. Uh oh!

Just about to be busted!

As if he's got a right to be outraged! Prick.

* Just as we think that the FF is going to catch Big Angel and Vicki in an embarrassing state of undress, Vicki appears, all dressed, and asks what's up. Cue husbandly outrage and the FF grabbing her arm like the douchebag he is. He yells for Big Angel. Big Angel appears, also fully dressed but with no shoes. (LOL.) The FF starts talking trash to Vicki. Big Angel decides to give the FF a lesson in manners. Fisticuffs. The FF gets a punch to the face. We have a tussle. Vicki wants Salsa-Dude to intervene, but Salsa says, let them settle it between themselves. Finally after getting his ass kicked by the Big Angel, the FF gets his belt and tries to choke Big Angel. It looks like he's getting somewhere with that, but no, Big Angel fights him off. Again FF wants Salsa-Dude to shoot Big Angel, but Salsa ain't going for that. At last the FF decides it's time to go, and Salsa-Dude drags him away. Good riddance!

Big Angel manfully protects his woman.

The Furry Fornicator tries to do Big Angel in with his belt. But it doesn't work.

Salsa-Dude is just trying to restore sanity.

Big Angel comforts Vicki as the FF finally slinks away.

* Paula and Felipe look over a sleeping Guillo in the hospital and wonder how they're going to break the news about Leo the Low being dead, dead, dead. They decide it'll be Betty's job. She'll find a way to explain it without destroying the boy's good memories of his dad. Of course, unfortunately Guillo overheard Leo the Low reveal some of the dastardly things he'd done, which caused Guillo to run away. Well, it'll all work out.

Grandma and Grandpa are grateful that Guillo is safe and sound.

* Anyball visits Odioette, who is still suffering the effects of her stroke, but can sit at the edge of her bed. She's continually screaming at him to get the hell out, but he smarmily says he just wants to show he cares. He's brought her a wheelchair, as a way of rubbing it in. I think, even though Odioette is a bruja of highest order, that all this smarminess is going to bite you in the butt someday, Anyballs.

* Adri visits Carlos at his plush bachelor apartment. There's more discussion of the fantabulous manuscript that he's reading.

* Guzmancito has come to the Balvanera kitchen to pay off his debt to Miss Vicki. Thomasina says she'll be sure to give Vicki the payment. Then Guzmancito encounters Lili. He confronts her about all her lies told to Nikki about them (he and Lili) dating. He's rather emphatically pissed at Lili. Lili cries and begs and explains that she did it for his own good! She didn't mean him any harm! She was sick of seeing him get his chain yanked by that bitch Nikki! But Guzman is rather fired up and says it was not Lili's place to do that. Lili grabs him and is begging him not to leave like that. It's kind of an embarrassing scene. Guzmancito has to literally peel her off of his arm and tell her that it was NOT OKAY what she did. Can't she get it through her head that there can never be anything between them? Lili is in tears and absolutely crushed.

* Carlos is grilling Adri about that script. She admits that she sent it to him. Did she write it? No, oh wait, yes. She obviously can't admit that Vicki did it, and Carlos can't exactly proceed to use the script if he doesn't know the author! He suspects that the storyline is based on real life, and the main characters kinda sorta sound like people of the Balvanera clan. Adri denies all of that. But it doesn't seem like Carlos is completely buying that. He says he's going to use the script. Adri is so thrilled that she hugs him. Carlos seems to have a strange expression on his face during the hug, as if some of his affections are transferring from big sister to little sister?

Adri is so pleased that Carlos wants to use Vicki's script. (Though Carlos doesn't know it's Vicki's yet!)

Hmm . . . is Carlos starting to feel warm and fuzzy for little sis?

* Nikki and Roy the Boy are cordially chatting in her room, about their pending divorce. Guzmancito knocks on the open door. He needs to chat with Nikki. Roy leaves like a gentleman, even congratulating the Little Gorilla and telling him he's a lucky man. See what you did there, Roy? You made me like you. How did you do that.

Roy the Boy is being gracious and gentlemanly and all. Who would have thought?

* We have the big smoochy reunion of Nikki and Guzmancito. He's read the letters, he believes her now. He loves her. She loves him more! They are so happy. Besos. Smiles. She wants to see his apartment. After some more smoochies, he tells her that he'd better leave now. He can't be her bodyguard the way things are. Happy happy happy.

Happy at last!

* Roy the Boy wastes no time. While Nikki and Frankie are busy exchanging elated besos, he hightails it down to the kitchen in search of Lili. She's still crying her eyes out over Guzmancito's scolding and rejection. Roy the Boy asks her why she's crying. She says it's because the Little Ape doesn't love her. Well that's totally awesome in Roy the Boy's eyes, because now she can learn that the only guy for her is him! He gets down on one knee, kisses her hand, and explains that he loves her. She looks hesitant but doesn't withdraw.

You keep this up, Roy the Boy, and I might actually start to like you!

* Big Angel and Vicki are discussing the Furry Fornicator's actions that night. They know that he'll continue to stir up shit for them—not because the FF cares for Vicki, but because his douchey pride has been wounded. Vicki wants to return back to the mansion that night and confront all of this. Big Angel votes to stay at the country hacienda for another night and enjoy their hard-earned love for a little longer. Tomorrow they can deal with all of it. The hell with it right now, though!

"The heck with that noise, we'll deal with it tomorrow. Let's hit the sack!" Okay he says it more elegantly than that.


AVANCES: More besos. Roy the Boy is making progress with Lili. Guzman and Nikki catch them swapping spit. More stuff with Big Angel and Vicki. The Furry Fornicator vows revenge. MUST SEE TV! 


Thanks for that great photo, Elvira. Ahhhhh... Love on the lawn. That picnic was so romantic...a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou beside me....better than a meal at the finest restaurant.

p.s. Vikki..relax, kick off your shoes, and put on a pair of capris.

Another episode of must see TV. I was on the edge of my seat, afraid Nelson would grab Salsero's gun and shoot JA. I don't think we've seen the end of this.

Elvira: Gorgeous screen shot.

I'm not a fashionista but have a few fashion comments. Carlos' cravats are distracting. We shouldn't be trying to distinuish the patterns rather than concentrating on what he is saying. Also, I did a double take at JA's shirt which appeared magenta on my screen. However, I sat back and sighed. The man looked divine. Few men could pull off the color, but he did so handsomely.

susanlynn, great idea! I'm still chuckling but I doubt Vikki has any such casual wear in her wardrobe.

doris, I was surprised Salsero hung back as long as he did while weakling Nelson was choking the life out of JA. I agree that Nelson is sure to try something else. The man just doesn't get it. He's been outsmarted, outmaneuvered and outpowered by JA at every step. His only chance will be the element of surprise combined with reinforcements. Perhaps Leo's posse is available.

Elvira, cannot wait to read the recap.

I'm so enjoying this and the recaps and comments have been amazing.


Diana - Carlos' cravats are a hoot. I think it's the writers'/wardrobe dept.'s sense of humor. Remember when that was "the luke" of old Hollywood directors et al?

JA looked hawt in that magenta/purple/plum/"equis" shirt. The man must be a "winter." And eat Wheaties for breakkie. ;-) ~sighs~

I thought Odette was in Switzerland. Did I dream that?

Odette eats broken bottles for breakfast.


If I were Vikki, I would have grabbed the nearest lamp AS SOON AS Nil started choking my man and bashed the little weasel on his pointed, cowardly head. why wait, vikki...defend your lovah, girl !!!!!

I have a very big backyard...just perfect for a picnic. Do you think Big Angel makes house calls with his picnic basket ? Shirt and shoes not required.

Wow, what a romantic episode.

José Ángel and Vikki... I smiled at the discussion yesterday about the propriety of the consummation of their special friendship... but although I'm usually a scold about such things, in this case I say, go ahead you crazy kids. Don't forget, the snails have decreed that a child will result from this coupling... well, we're surely dwindling down to the last few grains of sand left in Vikki's biological hourglass.

Nikki and Guzmancito... what can I say? These two make me beam and feel all warm and gooey.

Ratiana and Ratboy... hey I'm on team Roy... getting down on one knee? He's won me over.

Adriana and Joan... maybe if he loses the scarf and the smirk.

but the couple of the evening...

Odette and Aníbal. What a thoughtful old geezer... a deluxe wheelchair. Even those of you who despise him have to admit ... this guy oozes class. I can't get enough of this pair. They had me in stitches.



Carlos--Even though I'm anxiously awaiting Elvira's take on the activities last night, after reading your short takes--who needs anything more?

(Oh, wait, I just saw that Diana has posted. Another classic for the record: "He's been outsmarted, outmaneuvered and outpowered by JA at every step." BTW, Leo's entire posse is currently unavailable. They are in the clink.

Doris, JM told the kitchen crew that Odette was "going" to Switzerland for rehab. We won't know if that is going to happen until it happens.

It was quite clear by her movement that her right side is paralyzed--she used her good left hand to move it. Her ability to speak, though is amazing. In what, 4 months of rehab, locally? However, this is something we've noted before in other tn cases--speech recovery seems to come back first and it's restored to it's original perfect diction.

I could hardly concentrate on QBA after last night's wonderful AV episode. I'm so glad Vikki and Jose Angel got their animal lust out of the way and were able to have some truly tender moments in bed, playful and then to plan a picnic--only Arriaga can do that on such short notice. Vikki looked happy--even if she didn't change her clothes.

It didn't take either of them long to start using the familiar mode with each other. I think Vikki went first.

Frankie--I was afraid you were going to leave without going to see Nikki. I was sure there was going to be another "misunderstanding" when you saw Roy in Nikki's bedroom. It was a long time coming, but you two finally acted as though you were both on the same wavelength. Whew. You look good together.


OK, Vikki, if you don't do capris and barefeet [more's the pity] , how about peddle puishers and flipflops . Work with me, girl. Ticktock, your biological clock is ticktickticking, and Big Angel is counting on the boy forecast coming true. Unless the ''BOY'' in his future is....ROY..yikes. hi Carlos~~~I still can't stand Jimmy Neutron [aka Roy the Toy Boy]. He's a tool . Lily evidently drew the short straw. I am fine with Carlos/Yawn minus the cravat. As for Odette, when my mother had a stroke [at age 89], she recovered her speech almost immediatley but needed rehab to get back the strength in her leg.

Carlos: I just let out a huge belly laugh. Yes, wasn't Anibal beyond thoughtful gifting Odette with such a chair? And the big bow on it? A lovely touch.

Anita, I am wondering how Odette could possibly consider leaving for Switzerland in view of Anibal's kind, caring compassion. ;)

Love this blog.


Count me in too on panicking that Studpuppy and the model were going to have ANOTHER " we don't seem to speak the same language" issue and just keep going around in the same endless circle. I think my grin was as big as Guzman's that they finally got it happening. Mumsy and daughter--so sweet.

Tonight should be a scream with Lily-white and Mr. Double fault getting caught. I was yelling "Busted" at my TV. And glad that Guzman sort of let Lily have it too for her little manipulations. With her attitude and manuevering lately, I'm not so opposed to her and Royboy getting together.

Nelson is just sad. I mean, talk about clueless. He really thinks he's hot stuff and powerful and can beat someone up that is twice as strong as he is. Poor little guy. (I think Salsero held back because he secretly wanted to see JA beat the crap out of Nelson.)



Roy is starting to win me over. IN fact, I have phoned in a reservation at his table on the Patio. ;-)

I wonder what Roy eats for breakfast.... Apple Jacks? Sugar Frosted Flakes (to put a tiger in his tank)?

We've got two or three months left of this telenovela? There will be LOTS more opportunities for misunderstandings/kidnappings/hospitalizations/etc. to separate our protagonists before El Gran Por Fin.

It was awfully, terribly nice of the writers to throw us some bones this week, though, and bring some things to resolution-of-sorts.

Paula was looking rather good last night; a softer look about her face and/or hair. Is that my imagination or did anyone else notice?

"(I think Salsero held back because he secretly wanted to see JA beat the crap out of Nelson.)"
Daisy - I think you are right!!!

Arriaga looked delectable last night.

Nobody else read below accept for Susanlynn, because she started it.

Susanlynn, my friend. Easy access. That's why she didn't wear the pants. I think they did something next to the picnic basket. Remember when he laid her down in the grass. Well, pants would have been inconvenient for his planned activities.


OK, Salsero works for Nelson, but he likes Arriaga. If Salsero didn't like Arriaga, I bet he would have stepped in. So, in order to appease Nelson, he had to act like this is an old school fight and as men, we let men settle the score. That's how I interpret it. I don't think it had anything to do with him wanting Nelson beat up. If he helped Arriaga, he would have had to give Nellie the gun. I don't know if I am making sense.

OK, one more thing and then I'll shut up. Vicky is a powerful woman and she only has one phone call from her sister? Her phone has been off all day.

P.S. Arriaga looked delicious in that shirt.

Wow, that was a delicious-looking picnic! And enough for 20 people, at least! It must be nice to have a household staff to supply you with fancies and then discreetly disappear.

I was not too sure about Salsero when he was just letting Nil-sense attack, but then when he calmly told Vicky "don't worry", I laughed. He obviously knew the rabid one was going to get walloped, and he wanted to watch! I don't think that mean little monster realizes how much his bodyguard detests him. Nelson is a bratty child who thinks he can get everything he wants by throwing enough tantrums.

I'm SO glad Frankie and Nikki have finally made up, and that he told Lili off for her lies.

Fine with me if Lili and Royero get together. They are both annoying and wear tight red pants. They're meant for each other!

Daisy, I love your nicknames.


Carlos- "Nikki and Guzmancito... what can I say? These two make me beam and feel all warm and gooey."

Same Here *sigh*

I smiled like no other. Nikki and Guzmancito was so natural for me even when Nikki giggled :)

Team Nikki/Guzmancito


I bet Polita eats Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs. It would explain why she's always bouncing off the walls.

Oh, that screencap. :) Thanks, Elvira!

Welcome (back) to the Boytoy's table. :)

I did a little bit of math, and it seems AV will end in July. (Unless Uni changes the schedule.)
07/22 - 179 (Monday)
07/23 - 180 (Tuesday)
07/24 - 181 (Wednesday)

However, the last episode is 3 hours long, so I don't think it'll air on Wednesday.

Cyn [Sin]''''Ha''''You are wicked naughty . You will not believe this, but after I wrote the capri/peddle pusher advice, I actually had the same wicked thought that you suggested. ``Susanlynn who has no servants and has make her own d*** picnic

Julia: "Fine with me if Lili and Royero get together. They are both annoying and wear tight red pants."



We have seen Vikki in pants, in prior episodes, but a dress ... better ventilation if nothing else. ;-)

Second best line evah......'I promise I'd never stop kissing your mouth.'' sweeeet

Cyn, you know I had to peek at your comment to Susanlynn--Of course you are right. I'm sure that 92% of the women seeing Vikki in her Consumation Outfit were thinking the same--air circulation; just what is needed on a hot day!

Boy you ladies sure notice clothes,
I didn't even think twice about a magenta shirt last night---and why have there been so many comments about Joan's ascots? I think that they look suave.

Or would Carlos say Euro Trash?

I agree, another Diana classic.

When I was watching last night I said that this was a Victoria in Texas episode---No doubt about it.

One final thought, no question, oh
two questions.
#1--Where was that place JA y Vikki
were at? It doesn't look like the big pink hacienda.
#2--I didn't see any caretakers there, so who prepared the picnic?
the gringo

Vickki missed her chance last night. She should have picked up the heaviest object in the room and beat Nelson senseless, putting him in a coma. I cannot wait until he's gone.
I also thought it was a bit much for her to be so concerned about the possible repercussions of her adultery with Arriaga. Of course she may be thinking of her darling Nickki's reaction (to say nothing of Anibal's). And I guess she also knows that Nelson could indeed try to murder Arriaga since he did ask Salsero to shoot him!

Yesterday, I lied when I said that was my best episode, cuz I watched these two eoisodes one after the other and got a little bit confused. I was so smitten with love for our Amores Verdaderos. Perdon.
I enjoyed those spanking words for Liliana by Guzmancito. I have said all along that what she and Polita did will hurt them ultimately. and sure enough, Ouch!!!! Guzmancito's word hurt so much. So who's next, Polita?


They were at the Balvanera house in Cuernavaca. Oh, to have their real estate holdings! I assume there are staff there, although we never saw them. Someone is keeping the place nice and the Balvaneras seem to have plenty of help at all their homes. Since they seem to rarely visit that house, maybe the staff there are less up in their business and just hang out in the kitchen or the staff quarters until they are called to deliver two wheels of cheese, a cartload of fruit, wine, and several loaves of bread.

We are supposed to believe it was Arriaga who prepared the picnic. :) He said he organized it with every food he found in her fridge. Now the big question is:

Did he sack the fridge at the Balvanera mansion in DF, he put everything into his car, he drove to Cuernavaca, and while they were humping "on the bed, on the floor, on the towel, by the door, in the tub, in the car, up against the mini-bar" (from the classic song "I'm f***ing Matt Damon), the delicious fruits and cheeses were boling in the trunk? :)

And that picnic looked like it had been organized by Martha Stewart.

Well, that would explain why the main house refri only had like three things in it when we saw someone open it! Actually I don't remember if that was before or after Arriaga left.

Maybe the fancy cars these people drive have built-in coolers in the trunk?

Maybe the Cuernavaca house cook is running a grilled-cheese sandwich delivery service on the side to keep herself occupied, and she's going to come back from her errands and be all "HEY!" when she notices the week's cheese supply is missing.

I thought that the place in Cuernavaca was the same place that Vikki had arranged the cozy getaway for her and Nelson, but because he got tied up elsewhere she ended up there alone with Arriaga who got stuck in a river under a fallen tree in a storm...

However,it took a boat ride to get to that place and this place did not... help!


Big Angel is a Renaissance man...a man for all seasons..a BoyScout. Therefore, he is creative,, clever, resonsible, cautious , and prepared. He either has a gigantic thermal bag or the servants are also always ready for a banquet and he cleaned out that previously wellstocked frig. Or.....magic.

Arriaga drives an old truck, so unless he put a cooler in the truck with goodies from the main Balvanera home, he could have found the kitchen and "scrounged around" for their picnic.
It looked like the house had a big green space inside the surrounding building (like a plaza inside a square)whatever. Nice house. Nice shirt, nice romance and nice taking care of FF.


Peeps, Peeps, let's forget about the picnic and get back to Breakfast.

You guys were smokin' yesterday!

Arriaga arrived in his red & white pick up truck. Nelson recognized it right away. Vikki's seemed to be her white mini-van. So "if" Big A, Large and In Charge, brought the picnic with him, it was "air freighted" to the desired location in the bed of the truck.


SF--Thinking like someone else again. It seems to be a malady with me.

No worries.
I find it interesting to see where the conversation goes and what people comment about.
Of course the Vikki/JA romance is what we've been waiting for, but noticing little things (like the chair - lol) make it more interesting.

It's nice that the house is about a mile long, so Vicky and Arriaga had time to get dressed between when they heard Nils yelling and when he arrived at the bedroom.

When is somebody going to give Bea the good news that her son has been found? I would think that would propel her into a speedier recovery and spring her out of her despair. Come on, family, get with it! But I guess this is another tn rule - bad news, you get instantly; good news, not so much!

Isn't that just like the saying...Bad news travels fast. I agree that Guz should have dashed to Bea as soon as he confirmed that it was Guillot and that he was okay.

HA...The computer changed Guillo guillotine. How apropo.

Late to the party, so I have nothing more to add, but I am loving the conversation about proper ventilation (or access) and the magical picnic.

Carlos- The house where JA got trapped under a tree was another house- the lake house. Not sure about the location.

I also thought JA looked marvelous in that shirt color. Great color for him. Vicky didn't seem too concerned about Anibal's reaction to her relationship. Just Nikki and Lili. I don't think she gives a flying fig what Anibal or Nelson think about it.

I think Anibal was totally faking his heart incident to scare Cande into agreeing with him and keeping quiet. Now he has Cande and Vicky waiting until he comes up with some "plan." Yeah, right!

Vivi - Anibal's little heart "event" was convenient, especially how he recovered so quickly.

So these people have at least 3 gorgeous homes. Lucky ,richierich ducks. ALso, I agree that watermelon is the big guys color.

Elvira--Words with pictures. How heavenly can that be!! Thank you for the recap.

I always love reading your recaps and your captions are oh so witty, as in..."Big Angel comforts Vicki as the FF finally slinks away."

Here are some good ones:
...The Furry Fornicator gets a wild hair to go confront Vicki at the country hacienda
...Nikki is actually such a bitch that I FEEL SORRY FOR ROY. Look what you made me do, Nikki.
...Roy leaves like a gentleman, even congratulating the Little Gorilla and telling him he's a lucky man. See what you did there, Roy? You made me like you. How did you do that.

I'm not quite there yet, but I don't mind looking at him anymore, with his sly little sideways smile. I keep wanting to remember him as the neat kid Anibal in CME, then I feel better about him.


Lots of great comments, everyone!

The recap is complete now! And with ample screencaps! Sorry it took so long. It was one of those days. . .

Pictures may be worth a thousand words, and yours definitely are, but the words you added are worth at least a million words. I'm glad you didn't use that many, though, because it would have taken me so long to read it that I would have missed next week's recaps.

In less wordy words, I love your concise wit!

Fabulous pics and recap Elvira. Muchas gracias.

Elvira - thank you for the recap! I appreciate all the work that goes into it. I Love the screen caps, too.

Thanks, Elvira....Great, funny recap. I truly was laughing out loud.

Thank you for the recap, Elvira!

Ayyy! Little Nikki happy at last!!!make that "Ikkis".
What a blissful episode.

I consider Nikki's snarky bitchy comment to Roy just a brother sister teasing, nothing more. I also consider Guzmancito's scolding as like an older brother to a younger sister and nothing more.

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