Monday, June 10, 2013

PEAM #66, 06/10/13 - The Office Goes Into Counseling Mode

Chatita and Xochi(calco) discuss why Chatita is in the offices of Avon, finally she remembers that she came to see Alma.  Maricela and Marta spar through the entire professional interview, neither with the corner on professionalism or maturity.  Maricela stops out into the office and tells Susana how annoyingly that Elias grabbing psychologist is getting under her skin.  Susana is a bit worried that she was so brash in an employee interview (Marta is the one making notes on behavior by the way).

Elias is furious when he reads the demands in the divorce papers.

Alma wants to know why Chatita is there, does she need money, a loan. Noooooo, says Chatita but how lovely of you to ask.

Next interview is victim Xochi.  Marta wants to know what else Xochi wants from her job, to progress? Yes but Xochi admits that her block is probably her own personality.  In a parallel universe Julio is carrying on about how wonderful Xochi's personality is, her best quality.  The sillies tease him thoroughly, but good naturedly.

Chatita now interviews Alma it would seem.  Alma confesses that everything is spinning out of control.  Chatita tells Alma she may not be in love it might must be habit (costumbre).  Alma maintains that when one feel confusion it is necessary to act decisively so the confusion will disappear. Alma begins to talk about what if she cancelled her marriage to Rogelio and decided to marry Jesus, (no one but Chatita can bring the truth out of people with such clarity) everything would be more of a mess.  Chatita says it's like one dog with two tortas  (?? Pablo help, I didn't catch this phrase but it was a Chatita special).(!!Thanks to Audrey, see her comment to get the story of a dog with two tortas)

This truthiness session is interrupted by Jesús who tells Alma he went to the airport but zips his mouth close instead of telling her anything he saw.

Back to Marta and Xochi, Marta wants to know why Xochi feels her personality is a problem. Xochi breaks down tearfully with what a nothing she is and no one cares for her and she loved Jesús but he doesn't want any part of her.  She ends in tears and Marta comes around to console her.

Alma tells Jesus she is worried about his sudden unpredictable wild behavior when she is so worried about leaving the office in the hands of Fernando with Jesus to count on but now can she count on him when he is so crazy acting.  This seems to be a substitute for her inability to keep track of Rogelio or anyone else.

Ricardo and Gilberto, (Mr. married to the rolling pin wielder) heis going to conquer the new lovely office receptionist.  No wonder Beatice carries such a big rolling pin, she needs to knock sense into such a big pile of raw dough.

Elias kisses Valentina  in one room when in another room Veronica gets a call from Valentina's school, the teacher tells her that Valentina is suddenly not completing her work and before she was always a top student.  She also told teacher that her parents are getting a divorce the the little girl is so worried about losing her papa Elias.  Lights seem to be going on in Vero's head but it might just be the search beam to find someone to blame.

Xochi cries herself out of Marta's presence then puts on a show for Susana who is next.  She asks Jeuss if she can help him and he says yes, she puts her cell phone on his desk and they disappear.

Gilberto the fop, approaches the lovely new receptionist after assaulting the air with men's cologne. I am so glad I don't have a scratch and sniff app on my iPhone to watch/or smell this.

Vero tells Valentina after she gets Elias out of her room that the teacher says she is failing or slipping in 4 subjects. (At least I think that is what was said)  At least Mommie Dearest isn't screaming at her. She seems genuinely concerned but stern.

It turns out that Jesus' plan to get Xochi's help is that he wants her to go spy on Rogelio in Acapulco.  We flash over to the tawdry arrival of Rogelio and the licentious Patycakes who is already baked and ready for serving.

Alma once again is anxious to keep track of Jesus and questions Maricela where is everyone, learning that Jesus is in the coffee room with Xochi (where they are surmising who Rogelio really went to Acapulco with and how they can find him out), Alma approaches just in time to hear Xochi says she knows the only thing they can do?  What is the only thing we can do demands Alma!

Xochi thinks quickly and says they are talking about Veronica and her ex.  Alma is still irritated that Jesús is gossiping instead of doing the important work she assigned him.

Elias is with the lawyer who is trying to explain Vero 's demands and the generous visitation he will have with Valentina.  Elias assures him he is interested in a reconciliation which the lawyer doubts that is going to happen.  Back at Valentina's inquisition, she cries that she is so upset and fears what will happen to her little life with Elias gone. Vero for once is consoling that she doesn't know what will happen with Jesus, and Elias is probably not going to live in the house again but she will be able to see both of them.  They hug and for once there is not a terrible judgement.  Maybe Vero is becoming a better listener?

Elias' lawyer asks him what he things to gain with this divorce demand which has nothing in his favor.  He then reveals that for sufficient money, any woman can be painted as a bad mother.  This is the only thing that might get Elias custody instead to the natural disposition of the court to award custody always to the mother. Elias is shell shocked almost to silence with the coldness of this appraisal.

Gilberto not to be deterred, is flirting outrageously with the lovely receptionist who has a snort and horse laugh which she cannot even control when Fernando makes an appearance through the elevator doors.  Fernando even wonders aloud who is keeping a horse in the lobby.  More snorting make us wonder how attractive this poor lovely will be up close and personal.

Fernando now uses Jesús as his lovelorn consultant.  Fernando doesn't know what to do now that his brother tricked him into losing Descua and his life is ruined.  Jesús says you must start by considering your relationship with our brother and face your issues of self esteem...

Susana is explaining to Marta crying that she is not to blame, this turns out to be about losing her husband and finding love with Sebastian, Alma's father. Not exactly in that order. Marta's eyes are getting wider.

Fernando wonders if the neighbor can help him.  At first Jesus says, help from Chatita? No, no his own neighbor, this Alejandra a lovely who has suddenly appeared in his life.  Xochi steps in to interrupt and Jesus has a chance to teach a rude Fernando how he ought to respect a talented employee like Xochi.  After she leaves, Jesús continues saying the important thing whether Fernando is interested in this neighbor or not is that he begin to take control of his own life.  Jesús is taking on so many roles here they really should give him a raise for multi-tasking his way through this dysfunctional office.

We find out that Gilberto is definitely disillusioned by the lovely having the worst laugh imaginable. Later the Sillies show up enmasse at the reception desk to affirm that the blond lovely is really a palomino in disguise.

Once again Veronica barges into Avon without notices and expects Jesus to fall to his knees.  He asks if Valentina is okay and when he says I have so much to do and these important papers to take to my office.  He finally loses his temper which only turns Veronica on in the extreme at his manly anger. sheeesh….

Jesús hands Alma the papers and tells her his problems with Veronica about whether there is anything wrong with Valentina.  Alma is such a a good listener about Valentina's school problems and Veronica's presence once more in Avon, then she picks up the thread again about why Jesús might have gone off to the airport at the exact moment that Rogelio was going to the airport to go to Acapulco on business.  How curious things are, muses Jesús, what a coincidence.  She looks uncertain and he looks certain that he has to get out of her office now before more questions are asked.

Finally, Jesus and Veronica calmly discuss Valentina's school failure and that it is caused because she is so upset about the divorce.  Jesus agrees that this is logical.  Then Veronica hits him with the fact that the school expects the three of them to come in for a conference. Three?? Yes, Valentina, me and YOU….

Elias comforts and sobbing Valentina who explains her pain, fear of loss and all. Elias is sympathetic then Maricela calls and wants to meet for dinner to get rid of her so he can pay attention to Valentina. He agrees quickly to meeting which Maricela plays up with kissing the receiver while Marta approaches to soak it all in.

Then we're off to the sizzling in the sun, Acapulco tryst. As Rogelio compliments PatyCake's hot (and I mean hot) bikini, she models it to perfection and reels him in for the clutch.  A young man with a camera says oh, there is Rogelio Riodedinero (Xochi hired or is he just an oportunistic papparazzi?) skirts the amorous couple and gets some very revealing images of them openly kissing and embracing. Gee what if the store owner sees the photo??

Next time: Alma is right, everything is out of control. More tears for Valentina as she leaves with Jesús and seems to be delivered into the hands of Marta?  Jesús is on the verge of saying I love you to Alma. It's always hard to tell what is teaser and what might happen…


I posted but need to correct several glaring errors.

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Here's the fable - El Perro de las Dos Tortas

Cheers - Audrey

That tale is clearly based on one of Aesop fables. We have another one that means the same:
Quedarse sin Juan y sin las gallinas (without Juan and without the chickens). I don't know the story but we used as much as the one with the perro de las dos tortas.

:: What is Ricardo still doing at Avon? Now that he has been fired he seems to be there more than before...

:: Alma is crazy! Nobody has ever got any work done before and she was happy with that and now suddenly she wants everybody to look busy!

:: Marta tells Susana, don't worry, we have all the time in the world. A few minutes there and she has already find out that in Avon everybody has all the time int he world to gossip, drink coffee, check catalogs, walk around, tell jokes, etc? Marta is good!!

The magazine (I guess in the style of Caras!, Hola! and such) is called PIPIRIS NAIS, the way we call people (and things) who thing they're better.

Thanks, Cheryl, for helping us bear with the latest office frolics at Avon. You had some nice zingers in this one. Two of my favorites were:

"she needs to knock sense into such a big pile of raw dough."

"the licentious Patycakes who is already baked and ready for serving."

Elias and Valentina made me sad. He's been a really great dad for her and now her little world's been turned upside down. Vero's just all wrapped up in her own issues.

Thanks to Audrey and thanks to Pablo for tonight's fables. I like el perro y las tortas, it's a good cautionary tale but hopefully won't make Alma stick to the old and easy choice for fear of losing everything. A second preview I saw tonight after the episode had finished showed Veronica kissing Jesús with all the enthusiasm on her part and as usual none on Jesús' side. Alma shows up to see it so that will probably retard her progress of self awareness even further. It seems like Xochi and Fernando are not the only ones who suffer from lack of self-esteem, it is sweeping through Avon like an Avian flu.

La Paloma, I agree that little Valentina's plight is the one that makes me sad too. The adults are making their own stupid mistakes but she is helpless to avoid what they throw at her.


Thanks for this most marvelous recap! I always love your descriptives, so funny!

I think Vero should have included Elias in the teacher meeting too. After all, now Valentina has two dads, not just one. This is the problem it seems, even though Vero knows this, she is purposely excluding Elias from the family dynamic. Even though Elias can't stand Chucho right now, I think he would go for Valentina's benefit. Looks like this divorce is going to be a humdinger.

Poor Xochi. I feel for her, but she is growing stronger, I hope she and Fernando get lots of self esteem. They both could so benefit from it.

Marta is good as Pablo said. She can get everyone's little secrets can't she? I really like how Marta and Maricela were mimicking each other. I do like Maricela when she does the Ayi Haaaaa! And Marta mimicking that was so funny.

Chucho is multitasking isn't he? He is at everyone's beck and call too. Want something done? Ask Chucho he can do it, he's the ticket.

That poor receptionist, I think her name is Yvonne. I felt so bad for her and that snorting laugh. I actually have a friend that snorts when she laughs, but not quite that badly and only when something is hysterically funny.

Xochi called someone in Acapulco about Rogue. I'm not exactly sure what was said, but she said something about him being there. I don't know about the pap, but he seemed to know who Rogue was and started taking pictures. Those two were so careful at the airport and so careless in Acapulco. I wonder if these pictures will come to light.

OT: I have seen that same ginormous rolling pin before. It was used in Zacatillo by some woman and she was waving it around much like Begonia was here, lol.

Thanks so much for the El Perro de las Dos Tortas.

Cheryl, thank you for the great recap and also the beautiful bird photo.

I agree that Chatita always speaks the truth: they all need to start listening! Too bad Alma keeps closing down and getting more controlling the more unsure she is of her impending wedding (doom).

Audrey, thank you for the link to the fable.

I loved the photographer snapping away in Acapulco. Will Alma ever see the photographic evidence against Rogelio or will this end up being just another tease in a comedy of errors and bad timing?

On to another episode!!



Cheryl you're a treasure. Great recap on some real head-scratching moments.

Little Val just broke my heart last night. That sweet actress is wondrous and so believable. Elias was so wonderful with her. Vero sort of "got it", but she's still working her own agenda and that bugs me. She may love her little girl, but she loves herself way more and wants her own way. Her attitude at the office was ridiculous.

And so was Alma's. Since when do people in that place act like little worker bees. She needs to get out of that office more...but it's really just taking out her own inability to act on her feelings by taking it out on the object that is causing that confusion.

And don't get me started on those psych interviews. Xochi really let it all come out bless her, but that "hug" by Marta sort of cracked me up. How to reach down without hair messing or crushing the front of your inappropriate business wear 101.

Please don't have Ferny fall for "the neighbor".


Loved this, Cheryl. Lots of funny lines.

I think there were two hugs between Xochi & Marta. The first one was very awkward and just as Daisy described. The one at the end is the telling one. It was the same reaction Xochi has to Juio - a self protective mode that Xochi goes into whenever anyone approaches her for a hug - except for Jésus.

I was wondering also about Vero telling Jésus that the school wanted to see the three of them -Vero, Jésus & Vale -- The teacher distinctly asked to see Vero and Elias and then added a request that Jésus also come in. That's not the impression Vero left with Jésus.

Valentina was so good in her crying scenes in this epi. What a sweetie.


Great descriptives:

ginormous rolling pin to knock sense into that big pile of dough (he DOES look like an aged doughboy)

lights going on [in Vero's brain] or search beam looking for someone to blame?

Pattycakes already baked and ready for serving

Palomino in disguise (they're blinded by the bosom, then deafened by the laugh...too bad, boys!)

I thought the actress playing Xochi was superb last night. Forthright when explaining her intelligence and capability, grief-stricken when revealing her lack of confidence, clever and delightfully conniving when figuring out how to get the goods on Rogelio and whoever he was with in Acapulco. Quite the agent 007.

And don't get me started on the Valentina scenes. Her pain was so palpable, I couldn't bear it...even though I know she's only acting and it's only a "story". Just too too painful.

Jesus and Alma are sweetly boring, but larcenous Paty and randy Rogelio still bring the fun to this.

Now hurry back Discua before Fernando does something stupid!

Oh yes, and fabulous picture, Cheryl, in addition to the clever recap.

Thanks for the recap Cheryl. And Audrey thanks for the fable.

I like that Marta can have lucid moments and seem professional and hope she assists Xochi.

Güera - Thanks for mentioning the fact that the teacher asked for the 3 adults and not Vero's version of things. Though I don't want Elias to compromise himself to get custody, he and Chucho should get Valentina before the narcissist Vero

Thanks for the recap and the photo! What a pretty bird! (Pretty birds love being told how pretty they are!) I had a hard time concentrating on this, but I got that:

1. Yvonne snorts when she laughs, sounds more like a pig to me than a horse but at least she has a sense of humor!

2. The teacher wants to see BOTH daddies and how does Vero think she's going to get away with shutting Eli out?

3. The guy taking the pix was a paparazzo that Xochi had called with a hot tip for his gossip column, or something like that... so in other words she's getting him to do all the snooping for free. At least I think that's the deal.

ALL the rest of it, including all of the sessions with Marta, totally went either under my radar or over my head. I don't know whether it's me or the show, but I've had a lot of trouble keeping up with the details lately. :( Fortunately, I know they'll bludgeon us with any points that are actually important...

I think at one point Xochi was talking science theory with Marta. Xochi is one intelligent girl. She reminded me of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. I don't even know why she is a secretary and I think Marta was wondering the same thing. I don't know how far Xochi went in school but she should have continued on. Maybe her Mama held her back from going further. After all she is her Mama's main support.

Mads, now that you mention it, I also remember Xochi telling Marta about some geography, the capital of Myanmar, etc.

I wondered whether her "smartness" was genuine cleverness/inventiveness or if she just knew a lot of trivia. But she also had the idea to put a paparazzo on Rogelio's trail, so I'm guessing she's damned smart.

I don't suppose she could afford college, given that she's supporting her mother. (Which again makes me wonder why Xochi's salary is sufficient to pay for their apartment, but Panfilo could only afford a shack, but never mind.) You'd think Xochi could have gotten into college on a scholarship, but maybe her self-esteem was so low that she didn't even think to try.

Vero is amazingly self-absorbed. Poor Elias. He thinks he has a happy family with a loving wife whom he loves and suddenly she doesn’t want him, she wants someone else. She doesn’t love him, she never loved him and now she’s going to take his child away from him. And to top it off, she has the nerve to smirk at him about it!!!

Hate the Vale crying scenes. She’s so good at it.

Now that Marta is acting like a loon, don’t like her for Elias. Actually, don’t like Vero, Mari or Marta for Elias. They need to introduce someone else for him. Or maybe hook him up with Alejandra (love at first site, perhaps?) or the cute lady taxi driver.

Xochi was so cute as she leaned in a little to get a hug from Marta. That’s as much as she can manage.

From the ep before: did Panfilo look jealous when Susana was talking to Sebastian?


Thanks, Cheryl! Nice birdie pic!

I knew for sure that Marta was going to the dark side when she said "Estúpida!"

I think Xochi also told Marta that ostriches' eyes are bigger than their brains. I would guess her mother discouraged her from going to college. Probably insisted it would be a waste and Xochi would be a failure, so she'd better do some secretarial training and get to work providing for mama ASAP. That's my guess.

I hope she does work her way up in the company. At Avon, The Company For Women, there should be more women than Alma in the upper ranks. Xochi is smart; it was great how efficiently she figured out how to get dirt on Rogue and executed her plan. I think at one point, she was calling through a list of Acapulco hotels and asking for him to figure out where he was staying.

Rogue and Paticakes are very entertaining antagonists. I loved his mean little impression of Juicy. Rogue seems so much happier, too, when he's away from the office and Alma. He wasn't being a total crabcake to Pati, for once.

The teacher definitely said she wanted the three of them at the meeting: the three adults.

In response to Marta's question about whether she was happy/satisfied with her job, Xochi said that she would like and was intelligent enough to run the division and as an example she started spouting off several areas of her knowledge, including the quantum theory of physics. She is even smart enough to figure out that what was holding her back from advancing (and keeping her a secretary) was her personality and low self-esteem. She even knows that her low self-esteem is a result of the way her mother has treated her and is still treating her. Xochi is no slouch in the brains department.

The writers are definitely opening up some possibilities for Xochi to bloom and develop whenever Marta's reports are turned in. However, her rivalry with Maricela may keep her from being appropriate with her evaluation of the smart though thoroughly phony Maricela. It will be interesting to see if Rogelio will merely ignore the analyses or Alma will prevail because I believe she truly wants the employees to improve their lot and work to a higher potential.

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