Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #42 (Mex 62.2-63) Tuesday 6/11/13

Capitulo 64 & 65.1:  War is Declared

Emergency fill-in with bullet points (not necessarily in this order):

  • Jorge Alfredo wins the singing competition
  • Oscar grouses about having to have the DNA test
  • Jairo tells Oscar it's time he gave up on Maria
  • Derecho, Curtis, and their Mexican colleagues go to another restaurant to pig out [zzzzz]
  • Ana barges into Maria's dressing room with the pasted newspaper photo of Santos.  He tells Maria he wants to talk to her alone.  Ana doesn't leave until Maria asks her to.  Santos tells Maria he saw an old friend that evening.  He had been betrayed by friends in El Lay and because of that lost who he was, his very identity.   He doesn't go into the exact details and she doesn't ask him to.  He does tell her that this made him realize that his life in El Lay was empty and banal.  Now he may be a poor mariachi, but he is rich in her love and that is what matters.
  • Rodrigo worries about Gloria.  Jorge Alfredo tries to reassure him.
  • Jorge Alfredo confronts Ruben in his office, telling him that if it's war he wants, he'll get it.  [Even Jorge Alfredo isn't immune from foolish macho posturing]; Ruben is still determined to get the better of him
  • Mancia reads the cards for Amalia, saying that death is near Maria
  • Bruno drives back to El Lay, making the stupid mistake of calling Arnold
  • Giuliano tells himself that Bruno will sleep with the fishes
  • Rodrigo gives Paloma a bracelet and asks her to be his novia
  • Irasema and Susanito run into one of her old clients in the street; Susanito tells him to bug off
  • Jorge Alfredo buys an engagement ring, heart-shaped balloon, and a rose
  • Oscar gets the test results; Felicidades, es un varon!
  • Bruno and Wendy meet in El Lay; Bruno is shot
  • Jorge Alfredo is kidnapped and taken into the same black van that belongs to Roxana's husband.



Thanks for another recap, even though it was brief, you didn't miss a thing. You are a real trooper.

Oscar's face was priceless when he found out that Rodri is his! Now what will he do?

That scene with JA and Rodri was so sad and well done. Rodri is so afraid of losing his Mama.

Why didn't Wendy call 911? Really these TN characters kill me with the screaming of Help Me! and they never think to call 911 themselves. I know it's only a TN but for goodness sake!

So I wonder if Roxana's husband's henchies grabbed the wrong guy, or maybe Roxana's hubby and Rueben are associates? Hmmm....

Now I can't wait to see exactly who kidnapped JA and if Bruno died or what. Thanks again Urban!

You're welcome; I noticed the e-mail after the episode began.

If those guys were intending to grab Fernando, they have to be different henchmen. Or drunk. They should certainly be recognizing Fernando by now. I can completely believe that Roxana's husband and Ruben are associates in some way; there is the illegal activity we don't know the details of and the strip club. Kidnapping Santos would make sense in view of Ruben's stubbornness over Maria.

I like that Jairo told Oscar he should give up on Maria. These guys must have been watching him chase her for years and it's time one of them said something.

Wendy didn't call 911 because she is too stupid to live. I have difficulty imagining someone as smart and resourceful as Santos having such a stupid sister, but that would be consistent with her attitude toward him. If her pregnancy goes to term I fear for the intelligence of the child.

Bruno was a total idiot for calling Arnold, who probably ratted him out to save his own pathetic arse.

Oscar needs to step up to the plate for Rodrigo. Based on his reaction to the news, I think he will. It won't be easy because he has alienated the boy up till now. He needs this now because he also needs to accept that he will never get Maria.

UA: Tks for filling in! You caught it all. Wendy too stupid to live is an understatement!. Why do I think Ruben and Giuliano are connected to this and Santo's kidnapping somehow?

Possibly because there is a connexion between El Padrino and Roxana's husband. I have no idea where the Italian Mafia operates outside of the US and Europe. When the great Argentine novela Hombres de Honor aired on Latele, I tried to find out about their activities there to no avail.

There is a small possibility that this kidnapping is about getting Fernando's attention and has nothing to do with Ruben whom I suspect is more sadistic than even Luca Brasi or Richie Aprile.

Ruben & Lorena are a perfect match. When you can't love the one you want, kill the one they want to be with.

It was not Wendy who was too stupid to live, it was Bruno for telling Arnold. Now the bad guys know that Santos is in Mexico City. RIP Bruno.

Who will find Bruno's AY JALISCO NO TE RAJES keychain? That is a bullseye pointing straight to Santos.

When the news of Bruno's departure hits Justo & Gracia they are going to be rocked b/c:

a) Bruno was the only one who could testify that B/A/G was the one money laundering, not Michael & Santos.

b) The father of Wendy's child is no longer here.....they will have to deal with a pregnant, whiny, hysterical & grieving Wendy.

c) It drives home the point that "they" were trying to kill Santos...and now Bruno's gone.

Since all the bad guys seem to be converging upon Mexico City, it would be a good time for Santos to return to LA.

Also, Michael needs to get word to Gracia/Justo that OJ put a hit out on him.

Once again, thank you, UA. You really are a trouper to do this for us at the last moment.

That wasn’t the same vehicle that Roxy’s husband has. He has a black Hummer; that was a regular black SUV. (What’s the difference? Hummers are huge, for one thing, and have a large grate across the front. They are very expensive and wide and squat and ugly as sin, IMO. Plus, my single friends tell me they would never date a guy with a Hummer but SUVs are okay.) I think that Ruben and/or Giuliano are behind the kidnapping. Roxy’s hubby may know them, birds of a feather and all that, but that wasn’t his vehicle.

I think that after JA threatened Ruben in his office, and Fab-not complained that now he’s pissed JA off, and that would be another potential problem for them keeping secret whatever they are keeping secret, Ruben said that he would take care of the little nobody mariachi. I think he means to kill JA and he sent thugs to nab him and take him somewhere to kill him.

Agree with Anon207, he’s using Lorena logic. Never a good thing.

Where did JA get the money for an engagement ring? (As a side note, I swear the last time I was in DF, I was in that very same jewelry shop; it is on the SE corner of the zocalo and I had them change my watch battery there. Can’t wait to rewatch to be sure.)

Madelaine, ITA that JA and Rodri scene was sad and well done. That nightmare sure was trippy, though.

Why was Bronzo so happy? It’s not like his trip to Mexico went well. He led the cops to JA several times and JA hates him and beat him up. He also found out about the baby, so I guess that is all a guy like him needs. Or needed. I think he’s a goner. I wonder if he told or will live a little longer to tell Wendy about what Santos is up to.

Someone needs to tell Whiny Wendy to stop talking to OJ.


Wendy wouldn't think there's anything wrong with talking to OJ:

a) Nobody's told her that OJ is bad news.

b) OJ is Bruno's cousin. So it's like talking to family.

Now, once the news of Bruno's demise hits Justo & Gracia, if they don't tell Wendy to be careful around OJ* they are negligent. But if they do tell her, they may fear she'll run and blab to OJ. So Justo/Gracia can't win.

At least TRY to hip Wendy to the situation, ya know?

Bronzo didn't set up his own hit by calling Arnold. The idiot who did it was TSTL Whiny who immediately called OJ and told her where she would be meeting him. OJ had extracted that promise from her when they couldn't find Bruno. This one is on the village idiot.

I too think that key chain will lead somebody directly to JAntos. There was too much emphasis on it for it not to matter. Rather than think it will be the bad guys I'm thinking maybe Justo.

JAntos is in big trouble. But something in the previews bothered me. Ruben arranged for the snatch but he doesn't know who Santos really is and that OJ and the Godfather would be VERY pleased to get there hands on him. The previews show OJ calling and apparently threatening Justo. So how does he know that Santos has been kidnapped?

Now that JAntos has vanished and for how long nobody knows Maria's JAntos haters will be on her about him running off and leaving her. Then again Fernando knows that JAntos bought a ring and had big plans for the evening. And Isa will not be convinced. Loved her eaction when Maria told them the truth about JA the crimminal. Noted Amelia's lukewarm response.

The Sue Irasema scene was inevitable. One of her Johns was sure to run into them at some point in their lives. Sue is going to have to come up with someway to shield her from that or move someplace else.

I agree that Oscar will step up to the plate, he did seem pleased when the results came in. He also made the mistake of alienating Rod and so it will not be easy for him. On the other hand now that JAntos has "disappeared" he might be able to win the boy over.

I'm wondering if the death near Maria which is obviously supposed to be pointing us at JAntos is really about Gloria. Rod's nightmare usually points in that direction.

Ana annoyed me last night. Why was she so semi-snotty barging in and tossing the picture at Maria. There is nothing wrong with the picture of JA dressed in a business suit. I think she was just bugged at Fernando for his warning about Fabnot and being pithed at one man tried to cause trouble for another.


Yes, Anon, someone needs to tell her because she doesn't know. And she has already told him too much.

I wish that Justo and Gracia had told Wendy that Bruno had confessed to them. I think that they didn't because he asked them not to, but why they would want to honor a request from the guy who destroyed their son's life is beyond me. But, of course, if anybody ever communicated information in a normal way, we wouldn't have much of a TN, would we?

I think that photo of Santos was significant because nobody in Ana's world owns such a suit. Only rich people dress like that. It makes his story about being a humble mechanic implausible and raises a lot of suspicions about who he is and what he has told him.

It is also dangerous because the LA cops told Ruben and Fabian that they are looking for a wealthy suspect. Fabian and Ana may get together. Ana may blab to Fabian and he may put it together that JA is rich and who he is. Or Ana could just blab to people in general and the info reach Ruben somehow.

I would have liked to have seen JA or Maria tell Ana not to tell anyone about the photo or she could put his life at risk. Maybe that would stop her from blabbing, but as it is, there is nothing to prevent her from gossiping about it, so she probably will.

DCG, maybe OJ is calling and threatening Justo without knowing that Santos was kidnapped. Santos called OJ and that could have triggered the call. Plus, he knows Santos is in DF and is headed there himself, so he probably thinks he can carry through on threats to Santos.

I think Justo and Altagracia were either trying to shield their stupid daughter or were convinced that she wouldn't believe the truth.

There was no good choice in this situation. The best solution from a legal perspective would have been for Justo to have frogmarched Bruno to the police to tell them the truth, which would have landed Bruno in the slammer. Giving him an opportunity to make it right was a huge mistake considering that he led the El Lay cops right to JNTR. If Bruno doesn't live long enough to tell the right person any piece of the truth, Santos is back to Square One.

The only possible reason I can think of as to why Justo made this choice was to spare his family and his own career any further scandal. Big mistake, because I don't think it could have gotten any worse after that courtroom scene where Wendy made such a scene. Of all the people involved in this I think she is even less deserving of Santos' forgiveness.

He doesn't even know that yet.

UA, good thoughts. I agree completely.

I also agree that Whiny is less deserving of forgiveness then Bruno. She should have known her brother better and at least in my family blood is thicker than water and no one would betray a family member on as little "evidence" that Whiny had.

I think the reason Bronzo was happy on his way back to LA is that he realized he had someone who truly loved him as he did her and he had to make it right. I saw that kind of realization dawning when JAntos sang to Maria. In his convo with Arnold he pretty much told him that he was going to fess up and they would all go to prison, that they had destroyed JAntos life.

I think Justo and Gracia didn't tell Whiny the truth because Justo wanted Bruno to man up and do the right thing and Gracia was afraid that the truth would break Whiny's heart. She certainly couldn't have known that someone would kill the man and really break her heart and that the truth on top of that would be devastating. They have to tell her now if for no other reason than to protect her from OJ. It would be better if with his dying breath Bruno tells her because him she would believe.

So the body count begins - just one so far but I'm betting the next one will be Whiny's baby.

If that baby is ever born, I hope Maria and Santos get to raise it. Wendy has no sense of responsibility and would make a terrible mother.

Whiny and Bronzo's offspring. Ugh. That's too unpleasant to contemplate.

Decie Girl, I did see something going on with Bruno when Maria sang, but I didn't know how to interpret it. I like your take on it. I did note that it was QBA, the same song that she sang when JAntos first arrived in the bar. It sure seems to cast a spell on boys from El Lay - and probably all others.

There was discussion on the Monday night thread of whether or not Justo would approve of Maria.

Some said he would, and some said he wouldn't.

I think Justo WOULD and WILL approve of Maria, regardless of Santos' experiences or not.

While wealthy, Justo & Gracia never struck me as people who would look down on others because of their status or bank account.

And even if Justo had a mind to reject Maria b/c of her humble background, Gracia would shut him down.

The only Garza I see having a problem with Maria's background would be Wendy, and even Wendy hasn't really acted snooty like that. Whiny & spoiled but not like Elvira.


I agree I think Justo and Gracia would welcome Maria and her family with open arms. There isn't a trace of snobbery in either one of them. Whiny might have a problem, not because of Maria's background but because she would be taking her brother away from her. Back when Justo and Gracia got a message from Santos he mentioned he had fallen in love, They were thrilled but Whiny got a snotty jealous look on her puss. I'm actually looking forward to the meeting between them all. One thing for sure is that Isa will charm the pants off them.

A Bronzo, Whiny offspring alas would be seriously lacing in the brains department. WTH was Bruno thinking, he gets back from the DF all fired up to do the right thing and has his love meet him in a parking lot? For God's sake he could have at least met her at as Starbuck's or some place but no they stand around in a deserted parking lot, in LA no less, for who knows how long — it did get dark while they were there. In his wildest dreams BB couldn't never have thought his own cousin would off him even after he said they had to confess. Somebody should have told him you don't get out of deals with the Mafia without being sure you are safe.

I'm still almighty curious to see how they are going yo add Alejandro Ruiz's character into the story.

You did a great job, UA! I finally caught up with this episode. I knew that Bruno's days were numbered. The anvil over his head was getting rather obvious. Poor Wendy, though, to see it all go down!

Uh oh, poor JAntos being ushered into the back of that ominous black vehicle! The avances look ominous! Off to read the rest of the comments now.

Does Alejandro Ruiz sing? Based on a possible spoiler I read a while back I have an idea what he will be doing, but I won't say.

At least he isn't being typecast as a priest.

Ruben is creeping me out more every episode. I predict that he and Fabian are going to be at each other's throats before the story ends.


Thank you UA for the recaps. I watched it last night and your bullets were brilliant.

Can you please explain to me what "frogmarch" is?

I love Susanito b/c that actor fascinates me. I first saw him as a youngster in El Amor no Tiene Precio which in fact, also had Victor Noriega (Michael) and the actress playing Gloria. I also recognized Isarema, without the ho wig, as Jaime Camil's ex-wife in Las Tontas no van a cielo.

I may be the only one rooting for Bruno, dumb ass, but I really don't want him to die. Maybe during that time lapse in the parking lot, afternoon turning to night, he told Whiney the truth. Great name for her by the way...


Alejandro Ruiz was shown the other night as a mariachi looking for work at AJNTR.

I'm guessing that Alejandro Ruiz will end up in the mariachi bar and wonder if he will have or has a relationship with anyone there. it just struck me could he be one of Irasema's brothers?.

I've seen him in a lot of things playing all kinds of characters both good and not so good. He had one of the best death scenes I ever saw in Esmerelda with Nora Salinas doing the dying. I read that even the crew cried while filming it.

Great idea! That sounds like an excellent possibility. I'm guessing he will be the older of her two brothers.

Counting the hours until tonight's episode.

The Alejandro Ruiz character said he was from Veracruz. Can anyone remember any of the mariachis saying that they were from Veracruz? Or any mention of Irasema's home state? It was sort of conspicuous the way he said that.

On Monday, I said that I think Justo would most likely accept Maria, but possibly not if he doesn't understand (or until he comes to understand) how profoundly Santos has changed. And that he has learned his lesson about giving his son unconditional support. I don't remember anyone saying they thought he would reject her.

Both Gracia and Justo are good people and thoughtful, supportive parents. I think they would be happy that Santos is finally marrying no matter who the bride is. When Wendy read that email to them, Gracia wondered who, and Justo's response was that she has got to be wonderful to have won Santos' heart.

Wendy's reaction to the email was just to Santos saying that he forgave her (or something similar) and she took offence. She thinks he's the one who needs to be forgiven, not her. I don't think she was reacting to his news about being in love.

However, I will say this. A wealthy family may not be 'snobby' and still not want their children to marry someone of a much lower social class. The family may personally like the person, but Mexico has a rigid social class system, and such a marriage could set up the new couple for a life of snubs and cruel gossip. The parents could have concerns on that basis and not themselves be 'snobs'.

I’ll also say this. Any one working in the foreign service is very, very aware of social conventions and very, very much follows them. Mexico has an oligarchy and Justo is a part of it or he wouldn’t be consul in LA. It is difficult if not impossible for outsiders to be accepted into it, and Justo would know this very well.

In the opening episode, Justo nags Santos about getting married and mentions that muchachas from all the best families have fallen in love with him, so he’s had plenty of opportunity to find a wife. That indicates the sort of woman that he expected Santos to marry before this whole situation came up. As long as he understands that things have changed, then I think he is smart and flexible enough to change his expectations. It may not be easy for him to accept Maria, but I do think he will.

Gracias for covering this one UA! I haven't actually seen the episode, and since I've read the recap now, I may skip it. Sounds like an excessively high degree of filler and very little plot advancement...par for the course.

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