Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #57 (Mex 85-86.1) Tuesday 7/2/13 Cry Me a River Grande – or – Maria Needs a Dope Slap

Version 2.0--Is now re-viewed, re-edited and re-posted.  Most of the changes came in the parts with dialog. Some scenes have been combined to facilitate the rain of tears flowing by.

Todo lo que Paso Ayer, Pasó Ayer

Esto Pasó Hoy

The Streets of D.F. lead to a Cantina Flophouse
Jorge Alfredo is still meandering the streets carrying his remaining memories of Maria in a sack and in his arms.  (We are afraid he will gift it to some street person.) But no, he goes into a unknown cantina, asks for a bottle of hooch and gets a room.  The lady barkeep takes him up and unlocks the door. It looks more like a cell.  (The Televisa Rata is in the scene and here we thought he was a goner. He looks quite healthy.)

The fellas are outside, the gals are inside.  (We notice that Pilar, El Siete Mares has joined the mariachis and has two lines.) Oscar is very upset because Maria is drinking and it’s all El Pochito’s fault.  Inside, the girls are washing that man right out of Lady with Bangs life. Back at the Mendoza apartment, Amalia is fretting again. Maria hasn’t come home.  She calls Oscar and this time he answers.

She’s on the phone as the girls emerge carrying bundles of clothing and gasoline.  They proposed to burn that man right out of Lady with Bangs life rather than wash.  They are screeching down drunk and Amalia can hear them through the phone.  She asks Oscar to put Maria on the phone, but he says she can’t come right now, because she’s with a client.  Yes, he knows what time it is, but out there, time is money and they’re making it.  He’ll bring her home safe and sound.

Oscar and Susanito take it upon themselves to light the fire—it could be dangerous.  At the last moment Maria takes the Wanted Poster of Santos out, unfolds it and adds it to the pile. The matches work; the stuff goes up in flames; Lady with Bangs cries; Maria cries; she says, Hasta Nunca, Jorge Alfredo; Lo Nuestro se Acabó (until never, JA; our [love] is finished).  Santos hears her singing in his mind up in his room and cries.  Maria watches the fire and cries. (This is just the beginning folks—it will be enough to fill a river before the hour is up.)

Mendoza Apartment
Oscar brings Maria home, crying and drunk, mumbling Jorge Alfredo, Jorge Alfredo.  Maria cries to mama. Amalia gently gets her to bed.

Cantina Flophouse
Jorge Alfredo is spending his last hours as Jorge Alfredo, before he becomes plain old Santos again.  He lies there and strokes the sheets Maria gave him.  He looks at the charro suit and says he’ll give it back to Maria the same way she gave it to him. He cries, Maria, Maria Bonita, you didn’t believe in me.  Jorge Alfredo sadly cleans and shines the hardware on the suit. He remembers when she gave it to him saying that it brought happiness to a lot of people, but it ended in a betrayal. He’s saying to himself that he betrayed Maria; he should have told her the truth, but he wanted to protect her and now he’s lost her.

Mendoza Apartment
Maria wakes up feeling rotten. Hangovers and lost loves make a horrible combination.  Why does it have to hurt so much in her heart.  Amalia is there to soothe her, doesn’t want her suffer.  Maria continues, she’s the one paying for it all.  Why did he deceive me this way, he knew I couldn’t tolerate lies.

Amalia repeats the same refrain, it hurts her to see Maria suffer. Then she rubs it in, she knew that muchacho was hiding something. Maria admits that she was warned, but didn’t listen.  She gave him her heart. What did I do wrong? Amalia is sympathetic. You just let yourself get carried away by passion (oh and all Viewerville knows what that means—must see tv tomorrow). Maria was so sure he was sincere. In my heart I don’t believe JA wanted to harm me. Amalia consoles her by saying, his looks were sincere, his words not. She tells Maria she’ll just have to forget him. Maria muses, how could he have ensnared me so tightly.

Isa comes in to see Maria. She sees Maria crying.  She knows something is up and it has to do with her papi. She starts to cry, No es Malo (he can’t be bad).  After mucho tears, she leaves defiant that her papi no es malo and is going to go look for him.  Maria cries.
Cantina Flophouse
Santos leaves his room and out on the street meets up with some local thug, but danger averted he makes it to the dry cleaners. When we see him next, he is picking it all up—servicio express. JA starts the long slow walk back to the Mendoza apartment to return Maria’s things.
Ana, Fernando or El Soñador’s Place
Ana is having a loud discussion with Fernando about Jorge Alfredo.  In fact, she’s furious at him for defending the rat (careful there, Televisa is very touchy about who you call a rat). Fern tries to get a word in edgewise, but she won’t hear it over her own voice.  She gives him an ultimatum—you go back to see him and you can forget about me.  Fern doesn’t want to abandon his friend and tells her he is going to look for him. She stomps out and slams the door on him as she leaves.
Mendoza Apartment Building
JA reaches the patio as Susanito is coming down the stairs.  He tries to bar him from seeing Maria. Susanito tells him that she’s shattered and he’s no longer welcome in the building. She’s suffering because of you; it’s your fault.  Jorge Alfredo gets a little testy and tells Susanito not to interfere in his business.  He’ll be leaving these things then will go and won’t be coming back.  As JA and Susano finish up their conversation in the back patio, Isa comes down the stairs and out the front, never seeing her papi.
Inside the Mendoza apartment, Amalia is still ministering to her daughter.  She tries to get Maria to drink some tea. Amalia repeats the same refrain, I know it hurts, but soon you’ll forget him and someone new will come along.  Maria says impossible, she’s a one-love-woman. Amalia is sure she will find someone else to love. Maria says she’ll never love again. They hear a knock.
Prudencia’s Hostel
There is some fearsome knocking going on here, too.  We finally see it is Isa hoping against hope that her papi will answer the door.  Just then, Fernando shows up looking for Santos. He hugs her while she cries. Isa can’t believe he’s a bad man.  She wants Fern to explain it to her in apples. He says it’s complicated. Isa wants to be with him.  All this crying has brought Irasema who also tries to comfort Isa.  If he loves her why isn’t he here with her. They try to convince her that although Jorge Alfredo left, he’ll be back.  Her famous last words are repeated, Nadie me Quiere. Isa cries.
Mendoza Apartment
It’s Jorge Alfredo at the door.  He’s come to bring Maria’s things back. Amalia says she’ll go and let Maria know he is here.  JA wasn’t expecting Maria to be home, but agrees to let Amalia tell Maria he’s there.  Amalia tells Maria she doesn’t have to see him if she doesn’t want to, he’s  just bringing back the suit and the things Maria loaned him and she’ll take them.  Maria cries and says if she sees him, she’ll die.

Maria is indecisive. Finally she gets up and makes her way to the door, but hasn’t made up her mind yet.  (We think she might not, but since we saw in yesterday’s avances that they talk, hurry up.) The music helps build the tension.  Meanwhile in the living room, Jorge Alfredo asks Amalia a favor, to say goodbye to Paloma and Isabel, while she extracts a promise from Jorge Alfredo that he isn’t going to come around any more.  She admits that she never had a good feeling about him, but she truly wishes him the best and will have him in her prayers.
He turns to leave and Maria appears. They have to talk. She asks her mama to leave them. He just came to give back all her things. She goes and gets a box.
JA- What is the box for.
M- I’s not a box, it’s a coffin. Hand me those things.
JA-Here is the pillow I used when I dreamed of you.
M-That dream no longer exists.
JA-The pillow case that protected those dreams.
M-It didn’t protect us very well, did it.
JA-The cover...
M-On this cover we made love, a memory of a great love. I shouldn’t have surrendered to you, I should never have given up my pure love (i.e. virginity).
JA-You gave me that because you loved me.
M-But now, no. Who did I make love to? Jorge Alfredo or some fugitive from justice, hiding from me who you really are. 
JA-I know you are bothered by all this, but I love you.
M- You came to me when you needed help.
JA-And you saved me with your love.
M-I helped you and I fell in love with you.
JA-I only needed help, but I fell in love with you.
M-That love, as you call it, hid a big lie that killed all my illusions. Give me the rest of those things.
JA-Here is the sheet embroidered with your name, the most beautiful name in the world.
M-A name you killed with your lie.  I gave you love and you paid me with pain. Tell this heart of mine you didn’t lie.
Jorge Alfredo can’t answer. He hands her the colorful blanket that he used to protect their love, her tenderness, her caresses, her hopes…
M-That is already dead. I believed in you and you paid me by betraying me.  Give me the rest.
JA hands her the charro suit.
M-When you wore it you gave voice to my father, you gave light to my life, then you extinguished it.
JA-I can’t live without you.
M-You’ll have to learn; love never dies? We died for love.
Maria pulls out the first rose JA ever gave her, all marchitada (withered, faded), like their love.
JA-Our love doesn’t deserve this.
M-Our love no longer exists.
He tries to kiss her, but she pushes him away.
M-Here, I’m giving you back your heart, I don’t want it anymore.
JA-I know you love me. I can see it in your eyes. You are hurt, but you continue to love me.
M-Yes, but not a love filled with lies. I hate lies.
JA-I was going to tell you the truth, but was afraid you would reject me.
M-You didn’t trust me, this woman, who would have given her life for you. You are unforgiveable.
JA-I’m asking your forgiveness.
M-It’s finished. We loved each other intensly. What did you want of me, to live like a fugitive? Like you?
JA-No, I don’t want that for you.
M-See? We can never be happy.
JA-Before the Virgin and the memory of my mother, I swear I am innocent. Forgive me.
M-No, not now, maybe after you prove your innocence. I can’t promise I’ll still love you, but leave now and I don’t want to see you again.
Jorge Alfredo, now Santos de verdad, leaves. The sun is shining. Maria closes the door on him, turns back and cries. Amalia emerges and wants to know what happened. She tells her mother that her dream of being happy with the man she loves is over.  Amalia says she knew that was going to happen.  Then she wants to know what Maria is going to do with the box. She’s going to hide it. Even the charro suit.
She never wants to see any of it again. Amalia reminds her how it represents a great love and real love shouldn’t be slandered (maldecir). Maria did it for love and it’s something she should remember.  Why, Maria wants to know, it hurts too much.  Because, Amalia tells her, she did the same thing, sorry that she had loved so much, slandered it and then look what happened, that love had never been betrayed. If we never acknowledge it, it shows we never really loved that strongly. She tells Maria to respect that love. Amalia acknowledges too late that when she saw Jorge Alfredo, he is hurting, too. She felt sorry for him.  He really loved her. Maria stands her ground.  It’s finished, mama, it’s finished.
Santos pauses on the sidewalk to look up.  No serenata now, but Maria approaches the window and looks down.  She sees Santos looking up. She gently puts her fingers to her lips and he gently touches his heart. He turns and walks up the block.

MARIA IS A DOPE to let him go. (I noticed she didn't "bury" the rebozo JA gave her, nor the silver victrola player.)
Prudencia’s Hostel
Isa is still crying, this time very loudly, as Fern’s cell phone rings.  It’s Justo calling from El Lay. He’s shocked to hear that the little girl’s father has disappeared and that Santos and the father are one in the same. Justo sputters, Wendy overhears.  What? He’s stooped to adopting children now? Justo learns that his disappearance is tied to Maria. They broke up when Jorge Alfredo wasn’t who he said he was.  Justo begs him to look for Santos, money is no object.
Santos decks the only friend he has left in all of Mexico
The little stick does NOT lie.


Maria & Amalia are a bunch of silly drama queens. Santos would be doing himself a favor by running away from Maria, never to return.

Maria doesn't love Santos/Jorge Alfredo and never did. She's in love with the idea of love, with drama. If she truly loved Jorge Alfredo she would've listened to what he had to say instead of branding him a delinquent & demanding he prove his innocence before seeing her again.*/**

Fernando needs to leave Ana alone too, because she's another one who doesn't like to LISTEN.

*Maria rejecting him until he proves his innocence might be the motivation Santos needs to clear his name.

**But he should clear his name for him, not Maria because even when he clears his name, Maria will still throw a drama fit b/c he hid his true identity and Amalia will think of something else to hold against him.

Am looking forward to reading the recap. But I needed to first come by and had to come and say, GIVE ME A BREAK, MARIA!!!!!1!!!

Nothing happened in this episode. Nothing. Just lots of crying. At least according to the avances something finally does happen tomorrow! I can hardly wait!

Look forward to tomorrow's full treatment. Maria is one soggy senorita. Isa was extremely screechy about her lost papito. Ay yi yi.

Give me a break!
"Go prove your innocence then come back, maybe I’ll still love you, but leave now and I don’t want to see you again???" Come on, Santos, man up! His answer to her should've been, "I AM going to prove my innocence, because I am innocent. And don't worry about 'maybe' still loving me. If you don't know me by now ... you know the rest. You don't have to see me again, either, because if I don't have your love, faith and trust right now, I don't want it later. Ojala que te vaya bonito, Bonita! Hasta la pasta!"

I agree. Santos gave her many chances to hear him out and she shut him down. Why did he not remind her of that?

Susanito might have heard him out if he had attempted to explain it to him, but Santos needed to try once more to get through to Maria.

I've cut Maria a lot of slack for inexperience so far, but she needs to look at the existing facts. If she still has any ideas about a career in law (which I doubt she will end up with) she needs to learn to do that and to be objective about it.

There were at least two scenes missing from last night's episode:

-- extension of Santos' brooding in the cell
-- Fernando's arrival at the pension. He knocks at the door and Prudencia comes up to tell him that Jorge Alfredo left for good. She opens the door and shows that the room is bare, but clean. Jorge Alfredo did that himself. Saying that the place isn't the same without him she closes the door, declaring that this room will not be rented to anyone else. Fernando walks down with the ladies, telling them he will look for Jorge Alfredo.

Well, tonight Maria sees the positive results on the pregnancy test. Per TN cliche she will try to keep this from Santos. However, with Susanito as a neighbor that will be difficult at best.

Loved the recap, Anita! Perfect!

Yeah I am sick of Maria too. Poor JAntos. Though he is being a drama queen too. But the poor guy just lost his mama. Man, talk about kicking a guy when he's down!

It looks like Amalia is softening towards JAntos. I wonder if this will stick or what?

I also think that Isa (the little sister, right?) may be the one to help mend this rift.

Isabel seems to have the majority of the IQ points in that household, at least for the moment.

But she's not immune from drama queen crap either. "Nobody loves me!" is the most ridiculous thing I've heard out of her. It's obvious that all the Mendoza women love her. She just misses having a father. I guess most of her playmates have dads and -- contrary to many misconceptions -- girls need fathers as much as boys do.

Something else occurred to me the other night and I forgot to mention it: All the mariachi guys are single. Not a mystery due to their frequent frat-boy behavior, but does anyone else think they will all be matched up by the time we get to the end of this tale? Maybe one or two with one of the mujeres enganadas from Monday's episode?

Thanks Anita for the recap, I'm waiting for the detailed discussion later!

I haven't watched the episode yet but it might just be better otherwise I think I would have throw something at the screen and don't want to replace it just now.

I can't beleive Maria told Santos to clean his name and she might love him just then.
If I had been Santos my answer would have been turning around and walking out on Maria forever - ¡Hasta nunca bonita! - .…but he's just too lovesick for that.
Maria needs a major smack down or for Santos to leave her, that'd put the fear of god into her!

Amalia - now that Maria sent away JAntos for good - changes her tune?
Too little too late lady! Should have started with this from the beginning.

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Well in the midst of all that girding of loins and gnashing of teeth on the part of our beloved Maria, I thought for sure one of them was going to start singing.

Speaking of songs, that one by Roy Clark seems appropriate for Santos...thank god and Greyhound she's gone.

Catch the probably awesome recap later.

Does anyone else think it significant that Maria didn't burn the stuff he returned? After burning the wanted poster you'd think she'd want to do that. Instead she puts it in a box and shoves it under Isabel's bed. Why not the back of a closet (or don't they have one in that tiny apartment)?

Thanks for expanding and expounding on the episode now. I'm about ready to go review the epi to see what I managed to garble.

Anita - Thanks. Excellent title and detailing of the sobfest.

My favorite scene was Coloso on the phone with Amalia. He was so cute trying to prevent Amalia from knowing Maria was wasted.

I'm pithed at Maria too, but it must be a bad feeling to find out you gave up your long-held virginity to a guy who didn’t give you his real name. But it is totally out of character for Maria not to at least offer condolences on the death of his mother.

Again we are all in agreement that Maria is an idiot. Amelia got what she wanted so I was surprised when she went to get Maria when Santos returned the things. You'd think that any woman who hated her daughter's love and you could see it in her face would have taken the stuff and slammed the door in his face. But no Miss Flip Flop goes to get Maria.

Maria really must think she is something. She storms in and tells JA we need to talk. What she should have said is I'm going to talk and you are going to listen to all my stupidity. That clear your name and then come back after all the it's over you're dead to me shows she is just a wishy washy as Amelia.

Couldn't believe how cavalierly she handled the suit. I assumed it would immediately be returned to the Suit Shrine of Lying Men.

Santos shows his good breeding by having all the things cleaned and in the missed scene clearing up the room. Most guys would have either left the stuff for the old ladies to give back or stuffed them in a pillow case and returned them for Maria to wash.

Poor Fernando just can't get a break from Ana. I had hoped she would be reasonable to listen to him and then being a gossip tell Maria but nope she reverts to her all men are rotten and storms out. This after god knows how long of being in love with the guy and now she has him. Twit.

Poor Isa, she so desperately wants a father figure in her life and nobody seems to get it. She was so heartbroken but she is the only one who knows that it doesn't matter what Santos called himself he is a good man. The others in and out of the house are all tied up in words not deeds.

Very disappointed in Susanito. Turns out he is another one of Coloso's sheep. Yes, all the guys have known Maria for a long time and this strange dude rides into town and she get hurt, mostly of her own making which they don't know but never in my life have I seen a group of men get so involved and upset about a woman friend, sister having love problems.

Ok--It took longer than I thought. Maria sure had a lot to say, but most of it we'd heard before. Chew on it folks.

I'm beginning to agree with Anon207 that this love came to her before she was really ready for a mature love. She'd gotten acustomed to the frat-boy hijinks of her fellow mariachi band and this threw her for a loop. Right NOW, she doesn't deserve Santos. Since we know they are to end up with each other, what will she have to do to prove her love has been resurrected and is now steadfast. Lord help them if they ever have another major crisis in their lives. Oh, yes, THE LIE that Isa is not theirs....Now who's calling the pot dirty. I'm sure Maria will justify it by saying it was a lie to "protect" Isa, an innocent lie that didn't hurt anyone. Where have we heard that one before? Oh, yes, Santos.

Amalia got what she wanted but she isn't going to take so easily to the next phase of their lives.

I truly don't think she wants Maria to be happy with a man. She is willfully blind about the fact that Maria never felt this way about Oscar. Could she possibly have serious issues about having to face that Maria is a sexual being?

There was one more missing scene but I will hold my peace on that until tonight's episode's article is up in case they show it out of order.


Interesting thought about Amelia having problems with the idea of Maria being a sexual being. I think you are right. She is a bit prudish herself although how she had two kids is a mystery. LOL. Since Maria blabbed about giving her virginity to Santos during her harangue last night now Amelia knows it for sure. She of course has suspected it eons ago before the deed actually happened. I remember her asking Maria about it but last night I'm pretty sure she had her ear pressed to the door and of course she has added nausea, fainting equals pregnancy.


I agree Maria was never prepared for mature, real life love. Real love is messy, emotional with pain and joy. Maria got the idealized Principe Azul, flawless human being who would worship at her feet all installed like the Suit Shrine by Amelia. Frankly if I were Santos It would always be in the back of my mind that when hard times came Maria would be headed home to mama.

Yes to big Isa lie. I do so wonder how they are going to explain that one away when ll of them are so judgemental about Santoa great sin. And I agree it will be the protect excuse which they refuse to accept from Santos who really is protecting them from harm.

I asked this before but couldn't get information about this online: What can the law do to Amalia for adopting Isabel without due process?

If I were writing this series I'd have Ruben do something on this as a way to manipulate Maria. Not that it would work, but it would definitely provoke Santos into taking action.

UA--There are many cases of private adoptions where maybe not much documentation is available, at least in the past.

I know of a case where a new baby in a large family was "given" to a childless sister and her husband, but this was 30 years ago.

Out in rural areas of the country, it is probably not unusual for aunts/uncles, cousins, nieces/nephews to be given babies or related children to raise, especially if the mother dies. Whether anything is ever said or an adoption became legal, we need an abogado to tell us.

Since we deal with this all the time in tns, it may be one of those urban myths that nobody ever says anything and the revelation of a secret is done for shock value.

This is probably not possible any more. We're dealing with a tn whose original story was written in 2006, but where those occurrences were around for generations. Perhaps legality was less of a problem.

Besides Isabel here on QBA, we have MC/MA and Solita on IC, Lili on AV, and even Xoxchi on PEAM who has a questionable parent--but at least she has always been with the mother who birthed her (or has she.....?).

UA--Oooops, I see I didn't answer your question. There may be nothing the law can do. Here, the issue of 'kidnapping' would come up; attempt to contact bio-parents; the child would be removed from a happy home (presumably) and put in foster care and fostered out at 18 to fend for his/herself.

That doesn't even address the fact that there is nothing known about who the real parents of Isa are and whether either can be contacted.

Believe it or not, I can actually see Maria becoming a family law lawyer. She'd always be on the side of what is best for the child.

That definitely sounds like an appropriate specialty for her... if she makes it through law school.

Are we even sure an adoption took place? Let's see Amelia finds a baby on the doorstep, takes her in and raises her. Somehow I don't think she spent a lot of time looking for the parents. She might have lied and claimed the baby was by her dead husband and somehow got papers for Isa. If there is anything questionable, the adoption could be negated and Isa put into the system even though she has been a member of a family for all of her life.

Ruben to get something to hold over Maria could investigate but the question is how would he be tipped of that something was amiss. So far as we know, the doctor who treated Isa knows she isn't a Mendoza, JA being the only one whose blood type matched could raised an alarm, and of course the three older Mendoza's know. I'm not sure any of the neighbors or Coloso's sheep know anything about how Is became a member of the family.

The truth has to come out somehow but the question is when, why and what will happen to her. Considering that she thinks nobody loves her the revelation should be devastating to her.

I think there will be some revelation soon; Santos wasn't the only blood type match for no reason.

I don't remember whether Ruben was present when the revelation happened. I think he knows that Santos donated the blood.

Decie--Neither Amalia nor Maria ever mentioned an official adoption in their conversation about Isa. Amalia found her on the doorstep and took her in.

Still amazed that Paloma, even at the age of 5 or 6 wouldn't have found that a little strange. Even I knew where babies came from at age 5 because of all the pregnant women around me then having babies and the bump was gone.


That's what makes Isa's story so interesting. How did the senior Mendoza's get her into school if they had no legal papers. I'm pretty sure they would have had to show something - Mexico seems obsessed with papers. I still remember how many papers we had to show when i got married there many years ago.

Amelia may be a hypocrite but even I have a hard time imagining her getting forged papers.

It is also ridiculous that Paloma knew nothing up until the hospitalization. As you said even if she was only 5 or 6 and I keep thinking 7 or 8 she must have asked questions which would mean Amelia and Maria must have tossed some whopper lie to get her to think all these years that Isa was her sister. Then again brains don't seem to run in the family.

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