Monday, August 05, 2013

PEAM #105 08/05 - Delia Where Are You? We Need to Be Rescued from This Stupid Yuri Plot NOW!!

We have wind and rain pelting down again so I will post this header in case I can't post the recap right away. I will keep trying so talk among yourselves for a couple of hours.  Never mind, the storm cell passed quickly this time so we are back on track.  Here is tonight's offering:

A Pura Raza Española in France

Refrito - Alma questions Jesús' sudden cold change of attitude.  Viewerville questions why we have to put up with obnoxious Yuri through yet another episode with this stupid plot device, that our hero Jesús has become an avocado-less wuss.  Alma gets herself kicked out of Orion by Agosto's orders.  Yuri who inexplicably has the intelligence to have wired Jesús for sound chuckles in the back of his car as Alma screams at Jesús.  Jesús sheds unmanly tears for what may happen to his Alma and Valentina.

Alma tries to get information out of Aida who says she is only the secretary.  She hasn't a clue either but recounts how Jesús has yelled at her unpleasantly already which he would never have done before.  Patymelted shows up and feigns surprise that Alma has tracked Jesús down to Orion. Yuri and his confederacy of dunces look on from the car not wanting an alliance of any kind to form between Alma and Aida.

Back at Avon, Mari counsels her AARPStud Papi that he should stop playing up to Susana and remember how much he owes to sweet Chatita. He claims indecision is driving him to toy with both lady's affections.

Elias shows up trying to find out what is going on with Rogelio only to find out from Mari that said Rogelio is going on with Veronica, your very own wife, rubs in Maricela.  She offers to go drink coffee with him so Rogelio can errrr, finish up with Veronica.

Veronica is concerned that Rogelio has nothing to lose with his loose ways with women while she is only concerned that she end up with either Jesús or at least keep her marriage to Elias so she doesn't end to empty handed.  Rogelio says the advantage of not being married or engaged with each other is that they can have pure fun and he looooovvvves that she calls him ROGER.  They entwine their bodies and feeble plots for some irresponsible fun while the more serious plots lurch forward toward ignominy or stupidity if there really is a difference.

Pato and Alma discuss what is going on with Jesús and who could possibly be behind it.  Patymelt doesn't melt and simply revels in the renewed friendship with Alma.  Does everyone have a short a memory as Alma that only days ago, Paty was insulting Alma at every turn when Rogelio was snubbing her in favor of an advantageous marriage to Alma.

Xochi and Fernando grow ever closer in his office when suddenly she gets cold feet and wants to dash out of the office because she doesn't want to disappoint him with her lack of experience on the horizontal plane. As she sputters her lack of self confidence and backs out of his office, he reveals what we all suspected that he is inexperienced too and is indeed still a virgin.  Is this a surprise given his previous awkwardness shrouded in bluster and bragging in front of other women he wanted?

Maricela tells Elias that she is not comfortable knowing that Veronica is still staying in HIS house.  He corrects her that Veronica is in fact staying in HER house.  Mari is not so happy with this concession on Elias part, she had dreams of her in this house.  Elias tells Mari she should concentrate on someone she really loves, he isn't really that available to her.

Chatita calls Jesus to tell him that she has his old friend from New York in her apartment.  Yuri corrects her that he is the old friend from Chicago. Jesús barely conceals his fury and asks to speak to this great friend.  Yuri assures him that Chatita will be safe only when Chucho fulfills all his demands to the letter.  Chatita brings Yuri a cup of coffee with the assurance that any friend of Jesús is automatically of friend of hers. Yuri feigns immense friendship for Jesús and it seems Chatita is on the verge of seeing through Yuri as she does with most people when she pulls one of her memory lock moments.  Yuri is actually quite gentlemanly with her but can't figure her out any better than we can.

Maricela has a melt down fit with Elias complaining how she feels like a pet dog being grateful for people helping her out of her pathetic poverty and now they expect her to beg and sit up and do her good doggie tricks.  Someone can fill in what she rants about her mother, father, et. al. if anyone really cares.  She hasn't been this snooty for quite a while but clearly there is still a lot of pride, as she shakes her pretty curls in fury and walks out of the coffee room leaving Elias with a puzzled look.

Alma and Paty walk in to Avon just as Veronica is coming out of Roger's office straightening her clothes.  Paty and Veronica begin throwing insults on who has the right to see Rogelio which leads almost immediately to Paty throwing a punch into Veronica's face.  The two lovelies turn into Valkyries or Calico Cats depending on your childhood myth of choice. Blood is drawn, everyone in the office wakes up out of their stupor until the melee comes to a sudden end when Alma pulls Pati into her office and Veronica flounces out.  Rogelio comes out not understanding what has just happened and orders everyone back to work.  In the midst of the confusion, the divorce lawyer comes in and wants to talk to Elias some where more peaceful as fur and feathers settle around the office.

Aida questions Jesús' attitude further, he talks to Valentina via Skype and I kept expecting to see Yuri pop up on the screen with the little dear but she only wants to see her Papi Jesús and tries to understand that he is so busy just now.  Aida continues to tear down Jesús' barriers afterward and Jesús looks ready to cave to her plea to help him if he will only tell her what is wrong with him.

The Lawyer wants to know why Veronica is fighting with the lover of Rogelio, Elias doesn't really have a clue but maybe it will make him think later.  The lawyer thinks that if Elias can catch Veronica having an adulterous affair with Rogelio, he can get his house back, and easier pathway to get custody of his daughter.  He explains that Elias can get both without paying one cent to Veronica if he can build a case of adultery against her.  At the same time Veronica's lawyer is assuring her that she should be trying to get more than the house, the daughter and all the money from Elias.

Xochi frets about Jesús not being his old friendly self even telling Fernando she is so worried about her special FRIEND.  Fernando is such a goner he no longer reacts with even a bit of jealousy.  Xochi frets, while Paty comes out and gives Susana a snide goodby as she gives us her famous flounce and bounce walk out of the office in her hawt red dress.

Rogelio relives in sexy detail Veronica's capitulation to entwine herself with him.  He calls the green phone just as Veronica finishes her gold digging conversation with the lawyer.

Alma tells Elias that she isn't feeling well and doesn't have the head to continue their project just now.  He asks if it is because Jesús has rejected her.  She wants to know how he knows this.

Jesús almost tells Aida something but tells her that she is better off not knowing what is wrong.  She advises him that he should keep focused on being with those he loves most.  He agrees but there are things that cannot be overcome right now so he can do that.

Rogelio keeps trying to call Veronica while bragging about his progress in foiling Jesús to his lawyer.

Veronica walks into Jesús' new office saying a little bird told her about his new job when he questions gruffly how she knew about it and why is she there, he has a lot of work to do.

Yuri is being handed a second coffee from Chatita that seems to be in a snifter this time while he talks sot Malvino about the progress he is making.  Chatita keeps asking Yuri questions about how he knows Chucho.  So she asks in great innocence if they met at the Japanese restaurant that Chucho worked at.  Oh yes, he slaps his knee, the Japanese restaurant.  Well that is odd since Chucho worked in a MEXICAN restaurant (idiota).

Next Scenes:  Ooooohhhhh nooooooes, Yuri has Chatita down in a choke hold so we can only hope something was in that snifter besides Chiapas blend coffee.  Elias and Alma start to piece together that Jesús is being threatened when he talked so sadly to Valentina, told Elias he couldn't come for a while and rejected Alma so cruelly.  They soon conclude that it must be something to do with Rogelio…


Cheryl, thank you for another beautiful photo and a great recap. I missed the promos and don't like the idea of Chatita being threatened. My favorite part of this episode was when Paty punched Veronica in the mouth. That was good!


Tks Cheryl

I have been wondering why Jesus hasn't called Delia the parole person.
I guess that makes too much sense.

Hi Cheryl, I love the photo, such passion and movement.

Favorite Cherylism: "she doesn't want to disappoint him with her lack of experience on the horizontal plane". Very cutely said and oh, so true!

OK, I was surprised that Fer is a virgin. Although really I shouldn't have been. As you say with all his bluster and posturing he was the classic poseur.

I heard a new (for me) word tonight. Patymelt called Rogue Mister Mitómano, mythomaniac or pathological liar. Cool!

Thank you Cheryl. I'm so thankful when you are able to take time out of your busy schedule to give us one of your wonderful recaps.

Jarifa, I liked that part too! To Vero's credit she sure wasn't a wimp about it. I liked Chery's comparison to Valkyries and Calico Cats. So true.

Vario, no kidding, Jesus and Delia were so "close" at one time. The previews make it look like he might snap out of the stupid coma. Possibly with Aida's help.

"Close" meaning she was tracking his every move. I guess Delia's been a little busy lately but she needs to get on the stick!

Thank you Cheryl for yet another picturesque recap.
I love your photos.
I'm glad that the storm passed.
I hope that Chatita did put something in Uri's drink because this story line is beyond ridiculous. I'm glad to see Delia in the coming attractions finally.
Enough is enough.
The cat fight was hilarious and I do hope that Vero gets caught committing an adulterous act so that Elais and Val can live happily ever after.


Thanks so much for this fab recap and the wonderful picture!

I agree with the Cap'n about Delia getting off of the stick. I hate that Yuri is threatening everyone that Chucho loves, especially the helpless Chatita and little Valentina.

I too liked the fight that Patymelt had with Vero. I am soooo happy Pato hit Vero so hard, Vero had blood on her lip, serves Vero right. I also like the fact that Pato fought off the urge to go and see Rogue while she was at Avon. Good for her!

I was shocked, I tell you shocked to find out that Ferny is actually, gasp, a Virgin! So I guess all he did with Jess was just smooch, lol. This will be an interesting tete a tete with Ferny and Xochi.

I hope tomorrow brings the downfall of Yuri and everyone else with him!

Oh, one little thing. When Cantu came to Rogue's office, he was there to tell him he will have a new "money contact" in the United States, but Rogue didn't want to talk about it in the office, I guess Rogue is scared that Delia wired it while he was in jail, and both of them left to talk in a more private place. I hope Delia finds out about this new development somehow.

Sorry typo, I meant on the stick, not off : )

Thanks Cheryl....I really enjoyed this and totally agree that we need to be freed from the Yuri plot. I'm hoping Chatita's potion puts him on his arse! Wouldn't it be cool if she figures it out based on the restaurant slip up!! Gertie

I believe Chatita was sharing some of her rompope with Uri but I'm afraid it may have affected her faster than it did that big hulk. Was he kidnapping her? Does Raymunda see what happened?

I watched the avances three times!!!

Is Chucho dressed up like Zorro? Looks good!

Yes, Cheryl!! Please, Delia, anyone get us out of this stupid plot. Most of these hitches have been cleared up relatively fast, so this one better sink next episode. I can't abide listening to Ury anymore and the whole "Chucho keeping silent" is just...oh well. We all agree this needs to stop now. And may Ury go the way of Discua.

I just wait for the FerChi moments now, and last night's was cute. Those two need a good quiet sit-down out of the office and talk all this through before someone starts messing with them.

And I didn't feel the least bit sorry for Maricela why? Oh, let me count the ways. Right now, I see no one for Elias ( except maybe Aida?), and frankly, I'd rather keep it that way then hook him up with Mari temporarily or get back with Vero, the wretch.

GIRL FIGHT!!! You know, if security would just not let any old person in who doesn't work there, and doesn't have business there, maybe it would actually become a place of work. WTH was the lawyer meeting Elias there? I had to park the common sense on that one. Also, love (not) the way the minute Rog and Fern walked away after telling everyone to get to work, they all jumped up to gossip. 'Bout sums up that workplace.

I so love Aida. Not sure if Chucho will last at Orion, but honestly, rather have Alma move over to Orion or have the companies merge so we can keep Aida around as a long-term character.


Great work Cheryl. I’m glad the storms passed quickly. I hope that this plotline will pass just as quickly.

We have hope, now that it looks like Aida (a competent secretary), Alma, and Elias will work together to figure out what the heck is wrong with their damsel in distress, Jesus.

I am glad that Elias finally ended it with Maricela. He was never really into her romantically. He likes her, despite her lies and pretentiousness. She should be grateful that someone like him wants to be her friend and wants to support her. It’s not like she doesn’t have a guy who really loves her (who knows why), and whom she also likes, waiting in the wings—Ricardo. I don’t feel one bit sad for her.

We got a lot of clues early on that although Fer has circled the bases a lot, he’s never hit a home run. We also know from Jessica’s reaction, when she finally saw him in the buff, that he is VERY impressive. I’m sure he and Xochi will have lots of fun gaining “experience” with each other.


Vivi, I loved your "damsel in distress" description.


Double thanks Cheryl for a great recap and a great picture...and all churned out in the midst of a great storm evidently.

How well you caught our distress with "Jesus sheds unmanly tears". Yes, for most of this telenovela, Colunga has had to act way too unmanly. For us Alborada and Amor Real veterans, it's downright unbearable.

Your prose was marvelous.
"Confederacy of dunces"--great description (and better than the book!) as well as "fur and feathers settle around the office". Such a rich word picture.

Didn't see that part but think I will seek out Paty's boffing of Vero. The latter is so unbearable these days.

Thanks for a great recap and a great read, amiga.

Thanks, Cheryl, as always, an enjoyable read and accurate recount of that which is emitted from the Orthicon Tube.

The highlight for me, of course, being a Male Chauvinist Pig, was the cat fight and I hoped in vain that Panfilo would set up the kiddy pool and someone would fill it with green jello for our combatants. Alas, 'twas not to be.

Jesus - gone utterly stupid - should figure out from the timing of the Yuri phone calls that he's being both visually and electronically observed. Do we know if Yuri was ever a contractor for the NSA?

Let's hope the super-efficient Aida doesn't get frustrated w/ Jesus and walk. She may well be a key player till the end of this one.


Thanks for all the kind comments and perceptive observations. Well, my favorite part by far was Paty landing her fist in Veronica's face. I agree she is most annoying. The choreography of the fight was excellent on both actresses parts.

Judy, since my first TN was Alborada, I too have certain expectations for Fernado Colunga roles. He is too silly by far in this plot so it is hard to stuff down my disappointment.

Isn't it odd that the Fern/Xochi romance is the sweetest now? Talk about two annoying characters in the beginning.

Cheryl, FC is no Luis Manrique in this one, that's for sure. I wonder if he got tired of playing the long-haired, bodice-ripping galan? I sure wasn't tired of it, lol!

Mike, I liked the catfight the best too. I hadn't considered jello, but I would prefer that some jello shots be passed around instead. Hey, I'm from Venus, what can I say?

Cheryl, interesting observation about Fern and Xochi, that they are our favorite couple. For now. I don't think Alma and Jesus will ever be our favorite couple, yawn.

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