Thursday, August 15, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #87 (Mex 125) Wednesday 8/14/13 Jantos squeezes him some OJ!!!

                     Everyone is gathered around an inconsolable Rodrigo.  Paloma reminds him he's not alone. She's here for him and loves him.
                     OJ speaks to Ruben who wants to meet him at JNTR.  OJ's a bit suspicious but is glad he'll at least be able to see the beautiful Maria.

                     That was quick – Rodrigo receives his mother's ashes.  Jantos consoles him, reminding him of the extraordinary woman Gloria was.  Everyone attempts to console him and remind him they're his family now.  Jantos takes him in and tells him he owes it to the memory of his mother to be strong.  Having recently lost his own mother, he knows Rodri's pain all too well
                     Keystone Kops de D.F. Detectives put together the clues:  one gun, two casings, and everything seems to point to JNTR.  If nothing else, they can enjoy a tequilita while figuring it out, right?
                     Back at JNTR, Fer frantically searches for Colosso.  He's nowhere to be found.  Elvira barges into the dressing just as Mirna used to do, wondering why the heck they're not out there with the customers.  She doesn't care to know why they're all in a funk.  She just knows there are newlywed customers out there wanting to hear love songs.  Maria warns her not to speak to her as though she were her boss, or else.
                     Paloma has fixed a dinner for Rodri and gets permission from mom to forgo her punishment in order to take it to him.
                     “Si Nos Dejan” – Maria and Jantos serenade each other as Ruben looks on.  (I love what she did with her braid!! Reminds me of when my mamita used to braid ribbons in my hair, sigh.)  They kiss at the end of their song.  OJ walks in just then and is shocked as he seems to recognize Santos.  Ruben tells him Jantos plans to turn himself in tomorrow.
                     Jantos and Maria exchange sweet nothings in her dressing room.  He loves her, she idolizes him.  She tells him for the umpteenth time that she'll wait for him no matter what! (yeah, until the next time they break up)
                     Ruben offers to deliver Santos to OJ the next day in exchangesfor some help in positioning himself in El Lay.
                     The other Mendoza women arrive to deliver Rodri his dinner.  Paloma goes to him and tells him she loves him and doesn't want him to suffer any more.
                     Ruben is in JNTR office and they exchange some legal talk that frankly goes over my head. Bottom line, Ruben reminds Jantos he had agreed to go the next day as promised.  They're told by mustachioed bartender that the cops are here to speak to the boss.  Ruben, practically salivating at this news, suggests Jantos see to this matter since he's the new manager.  He wonders, sarcastically, if Jantos is afraid of the police for some reason.  Maria offers to see to the matter but our macho Jantos won't hear of it. 
                     Jantos meets up with the Keystone Kops de D.F., who immediately recognize Jorge Alfredo Vargas, the best bar singer ever.  They need to ask him a few questions but before they can start, Maria, Elvira and Ruben join them – everyone's standing in the hallway as they explain they're investigating the murder of Fabian.  They agree Jantos would have nothing to do with this and agree to meet w/Elvria in her father's office.
                     Keystone cops explain they believe Fabian's murder is somehow connected to JNTR.  They wonder if Ruben may have had a falling out w/the deceased.  It's curious he should die the same day their partnership was severed.  Ruben is appalled to learn they may suspect him of Fab's murder.
                     Mirna laments her situation and brainstorms how she can return to the bar.  She hits on the solution:  Maria of course!
                     Keystone Kops, D.F., say their goodbyes to Jantos/Maria, swearing they won't give up until justice is served.  Jantos is relieved they didn't recognize him but knows it's only a matter of time before they realize his true identity. 
                     Outside, the Keystone Kops are aware Jantos is the famous fugitive Santos.  But the lead Kop wants Comandante Derecho to make the connection so he can get all the credit for arresting him.  He'll call him this very night.
                     Jantos, Fer, and Maria gather in her dressing room.  Jantos says they shouldn't put up with all this crime in their midst.  Maria will file a complaint the next day, knowing there are cameras everywhere and one of them must have captured the image of Gloria's assassins. 
                     Said assasin stands outside Jantos' door as his partner leaves a note taped to the door.
                     Keystone to El Lay – Derecho is advised Santos is at JNTR.  They'll meet tomorrow.  Silliness ensues as Derecho proposes to Curtis.  The arrest will allow him to retire with honors and then they can get married.  Curtis faints ---zzzzzzzz
                     Back at her home, Jantos feels as though he is at the edge of a precipice.  He just wants to be free of this and love her the way he wants to.  Destiny is calling.  He hopes tomorrow is a better day.  He kisses her goodnight and tells her not to worry about him.
                     7 Mares stands next to some homeless guy trying to warm himself at a fire-in-a-can.  Homeless guy offers him a drink.  7M hesitates
                     Jantos arrives home and sees the note on the door.  Poor Mancia is fast asleep at the table.  She tells him Rodri is in bad shape, not wanting to be parted from his mother's ashes.  Jantos reads the note after she leaves:  “We have valuable information regarding your problems at Garza Cars.   If you're interested, come to the bar La Ruleta in the hotel at 10:00 tomorrow morning. 
                     The next morning, Rodri refuses to eat.  Jantos explains he needs to leave his mother's ashes in a niche (nicho).  “Gloria was a strong woman who confronted cancer and defeated it.  You have to honor her memory and be just as strong by confronting and defeating adversity.  It's time to grow up and be a man.  I promised to watch over you because you are a worthy (valioso) young man.  You can use my family's chapel if you'd like. If you're ready to take that step, it may help you overcome this rough time.”  Rodri can only cry. Janto's continues, “No one is going to force you to do anything.  I'll support you in whatever decision you make.”  Rodri hands over the ashes. 
                     Maria prays and thanks La Virgencita for another year of life and health.  The other Mendoza women are gone and Maria pouts that no one else has remembered her birthday. 
                     Fer offers to go with Jantos to La Ruleta.  They argue over it.  Fer complains, “Es mi perro y yo lo bano.” (it's my dog and I'll bathe it)  Jantos tells Fer to tell Maria the truth of his whereabouts should she ask.  He doesn't want to lie to her anymore. 
                     Amalia notices Maria's a little sad.  And of course, she hasn't forgotten her birthday and gives her a gift:  an embroidered dress.  Fer arrives bearing a bouquet of flowers.  He assures her Jantos didn't forget her birthday and tells her where he is.  Maria's furious Fer didn't go with him. Maria insists they go directly to the restaurant to look for him.

                     Jantos meets the guy at the bar who quickly tells him their meeting will be taking place elsewhere.  The other thug shows up and escorts Jantos out at gunpoint.  He's taken to a room to meet with the person who wishes to meet with him:  none other than OJ!  Jantos promptly cold cocks him with a left to the kisser!  BAM!  Scene ends with Jantos choking him out.  


Good work, Kat.

I dearly hope that JA told Fernando where the meeting was. I am shocked, quite frankly, that he didn't follow him there. The florist could have delivered the gift.

It will be interesting to see what happens when Derecho and Curtis show up. Of course, they are more inept than their Mexican counterparts, so I'm sure we're going to spend the remaining 36 episodes waiting for all this to be sorted out.

URBAN I agree that the Mexican ineptos are a step up the evolutionary chain than Dumb and Dumber. They at least know who JAntos is although for some reason they like their counterparts in LA have somehow jumped to the conclusion that JTNR is a hotbed of crime. When Dumb proposed and Dumber fainted I almost did myself. Never saw that one coming.

I must have missed something somewhere. When did JAntos ever tell Ruben he would give himself up and to who?

I don't think the note placing thugs were the ones who killed Gloria. These two looked much more professional than street thugs and since they apparently work for either Ruben or OJ there would be as better class of killer.

Good point about hoping JAntos told Fer about the meeting place not that it will do any good since the actual meeting is someplace else. This being Novelaland somehow Fernando will find the correct place should JAntos need him.

Looks like Ana got another love letter but once again isn't told who is sending them leading her to continue to think that poor sad sack 7 Seas is the romantic.

OOps, Paquita; I got the days mixed up.

Decie, I don't recall anything like that, either. No way would JA promise Ruben anything like that. It's Ruben blowing smoke again.

The Mexican police might think that JNTR is a hotbed of crime because of their misconceptions about JA. Money laundering is hardly on par with violent crime.

The two street thugs are not the ones JA was meeting.

Thank you Paquita, for keeping a clear head through all this messiness. You made it a fun read anyway.

So now we know from the refrito that the all-in-black crew (and The Man in Black looked delicious) was at first waiting in the "Medical Forensic Center" or something like that. JA picked up the folder and the scene closed.

Then the party moved to a room with lattice partitions and Roddy was handed the box with his mother's ashes.

Poor JA, he's lost his little nido de amor and his one bed. But I guess he won't be needing it tonight?

What I got from the Ruben wants JA to turn him in also is a two-parter. A day or two before when JA finds out that Ruben is the attorney for the bar and has to work with him, there is something about meeting with officials and maybe handing in the financial report (?) or paying the back taxes (?). JA has no problem with that (he says--but is probably a bit worried about meeting with officials of any kind). Whatever the word was, it was not assesoria, but I could have sworn it started with an -a- but I didn't get any further than that.

Last night, Ruben is challenging him to keep his promise to take care of the matter personally. (Note that Ruben is picking the time for all these meetings.)

I finally believe in JA and Maria's deep feelings for each other, on the stage at JNTR and off in the dressing room.

If they are together, united for the long haul, then something else will pull them apart physically, like jail or a sequester. Looking forward to tonight.

ANITA Speaking of that bed the other night wasn't JA saying something about having to get a bigger bed, the one he had was too small.

You're right about the Ruben JA convo in the bar when JAntos found out he was the lawyer for the bar. It did involve the fines or taxes or whatever. The funny thing is you tend to take the scene at face value and forget about it and then something comes up later on and you think what the heck is that all about. I just took the conversation at JNTR as Ruben trying to lord it over JAntos as to who is more important to the bar, the lowly administrator or the mighty lawyer. What my husband always called the mine is bigger than yours conversation.

So Mirna thinks Maria is going to be her ticket into the bar. I guess she forgot how snotty she was to her especially after she allied herself with Elvirus. Now on the other hand Mirna could tell Maria and everyone else the truth about the infamous wax job and get back at Elvirus for throwing her out of the bar.

I had to laugh at the meeting between Elvirus and OJ. He obviously didn't think much of her while she on the other hand thought he was hot stuff.

She would go for those cold blue eyes of his.

I hope Mirna does spill the frijoles. Elvirus needs to be put in her place... behind bars. She stole money that got two waitresses fired and was responsible for Maria's "accident."

Decie Girl - on your comment from yesterday re: the rose petals -
Not to belabor a point, but I, too, thought at first that they were in the Susanito/Ira scene but if you look at the screen caps, you can clearly see that it is JA with the bare leg and Maria with the bare back among the rose petals. Also in the closeup, Maria's hair ribbon is very evident, as are the petals next to her head. Then, in the morning ... nothing!


I'll be almighty frustrated if neither Elvius and Mirna don't end up in the slammer. Both of them have committed numerous crimes. It always galls me in novelas when secondary characters get away with their crimes because the focus is on the main characters and their problems and they run out of time to tie up all the loose ends.


Right you are. I went back to the screen caps and blew them up and it is clearly JS so the whole thing is a really bad example of cutting and editing a scene. There were no roses in JAntos place and Maria certsainly didn't arrive carrying a bunch of them so the whole thing which was supposed to be romantic looks like a screwed up mess. That is really bad continuity. And of course no evidence visible the next morning. For shame. That has to go down as one of my altime worst screw ups.

Decie--It can't be that bad (but bad enough). The rose petals, I mean.

I've had to stifle some guffaws when I see a seduction scene and the guy has a million candles and has them all lit by the time the girl comes out of the bathroom (can't remember which tn, and it's late....)

It must be one of those Telenovela Laws--There must be candles and rose petals.

Did you notice all the candles lit in the corner--and I'm just looking at the screen shot.

See you diehards tomorrow--amigas.

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