Thursday, October 03, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #122 (Mex 160) Wednesday 10/2/13 Santos is exonerated, Mirna’s secret is out, Rodri’s done w/Paloma. Whatever.


Refrito:  The Mendoza women (y el perro tambien) celebrate their reunion;  Colosso clobbers Ruben who announces he's planning to close JNTR and suggests turning it into a parking lot maybe. 

Fer and Ruben exchange war of words, ending with Ruben repeating that he's planning to close JNTR and he has Mirna to back him up.

Mirna agrees the bar is in its worst crisis, and indeed most businesses do see some hard times.  It would be in the owners' best interest to close at this time.  Susanito disagrees:  he's not interested in money.  He's only interested in keeping the mariachis and himself employed.  She reminds him she was the administrator of this here bar for many years, playing intermediary between them and Concho.  Fer accuses her of only watching out for her own interests.  She claims people change and actually proposes they don't close the bar and allow the mariachis an opportunity to run the bar and see if they can make a profit.  Ruben is muy impactado – not a happy camper. Mirna looks like she's got something up her sleeve.                     

Later, Maria promises Isa everything will be alright.  She thought-bubbles how curious it is that everything comes full circle.  She remembers she found lurrrve in this very room.  And in this room, she will find the strength to carry on.

Ruben is ticked off that Mirna seemingly turned on him.  She explains there's no way those mariachis will manage to turn a profit with this bar and his revenge will be complete.  He tells her she better not mess with him.  “Likewise, I'm sure” she says.

Maria injects Amalia with the last of the medication.  Paloma offers to ask Aaron's dad for an advance on her pay in order to buy more medication but Maria says she has enough saved from her job.  Yup, it's just like old times in the ol' Mendoza homestead.  Maria blurts out she's preggers and everyone's happy as pigs in ****.

Keystone Kops de DF and LAPD meet.  LAPDKK are sure Santos is innocent and that's why it's vital they catch up w/OJ. DFKK agree.

ElVirus and OJ discuss their plan.  She's just happy Maria will suffer.  OJ says she won't be the only one – Santos will suffer as well.  He instructs her to find the appropriate place, isolated and secure with the appropriate accommodations.  He figures it will be a spectacle worthy of filming. 

FF>> alert – school scene!  Aaron brings Paloma what else, a bag of Tostitos.  Rodri walks in and she rushes to him but he gives her the cold shoulder.  He's done with her.  He shuffles over to Vanessa and Cindy.  Paloma is crushed.  Whatever.

Susanito gets some good news and gives Mancia the good news that she's gonna be a grandma!  Whatever. 

Fer broods.  Ana walks in, crying and gives him the bad news and Jalisquito has run off and no one knows where he is.  Whatever.

OJ shops for a video camera and thoughtbubbles what a treat it will be to watch Maria suffer and he'll keep the proof for posterity.  Eeeeewwwww

Maria fusses over Amalia, just like the good ol' days.  Amalia says she has no choice but to work.  Colosso comes by for a visit.  He tells Maria about Ruben's plan to close the bar.  Over her dead body, she says.  She has a plan.  Gee.

Fer and Ana fret over Jalisquito some more and pray to la Virgen as he daydreams of Jalisquito singing about his guardian angel.   Fer receives a call from Justo.

School scene.  Paloma tells Rodri they need to talk.  Aaron tries to stop her.  Whatever. 

Rodri accuses her of being interested in Aaron because of his money.  Paloma's sad.  Whatever.
Some of the mariachis have joined Colosso at Maria's:  7 mares and susanito.  Anyway, Maria has come up with a plan.  What if they put together a big show like they once did to draw a crowd?    They need to promote the show and she'll handle Ruben. 

Ruben, meanwhile, is ordering someone on the phone to get as much info on Mirna as they possibly can.  (Guess the show's budget ran dry – cuz the minions for the bad guys are always on the other side of the phone and not on camera).  Speaking to himself, Ruben swears no one will get between him and his revenge.  BWAHAHA

JNTR – Mirna is on the phone with someone begging them, “Hija, I beg of you!”  She doesn't see 7 mares come up behind her.  Ruh-roh. 7Mares tells her he's always seen her as a cold woman.  He never imagined she had a ….. daughter.  “Looks can be deceiving,” she says.  “I'm a self-made woman.  I was deceived, abandoned.  I had to overcome many things to put my daughter first.  No one knows about this.  I trust you won't abuse our friendship because if you do, I won't let it go.”

Fer comes by to visit the Mendozas and is happy to see Maria is back.  He shares Justo's good news about the proof of Santos' innocence. Yay!  Whatever. 

El Lay

Wendy worries she hasn't heard from dad.  Michael tries to comfort her.  They notice Dad's computer is open to the same server that OJ used to hide his shenanigans.

At the jail, Justo is told he can no longer remain since Santos is out of danger.  Before he leaves, he hands Santos Maria's rebozo along with her letters.  Santos says that his thoughts of Maria are what's kept him alive.  She's like his guardian angel. 

Later, Santos is shown to his new cell – with Nando.  For some reason, he tells the guard Nando has been jailed unjustly.  Whatever, Nando asked to bunk with him and the warden agreed.  I think I got that right. 

Justo joins Michael and Wendy at the compu.  Michael assures him this was the same server OJ used.  Justo is sure they can use this info against OJ.  Now all they need is that password. Hmmmmm.

Nando dreams in flashbacks of when he discovered he was Fer's dad and when he met him.  Blah, blah, blah.  “Hijo de mi alma!”  “Padre de mi corazon!”  you get the picture.

Justo tries to figure out the password.

Santos reads Maria's letters saying she'll wait years, and years, and  years, and years.  He's her miracle of love, etc. etc.

The next morning Nando tells Santos he misses his son.  Santos says in addition to everyone else, he misses his “bro” Fer.  They discuss the injustice of their cases.  Santos is sure there's “something” that will protect them and that “something” is Maria's manto (cloak).

Justo tries to figure out the password.  Traicion?  No, it's OJ we're talking about here.  How about traidore.  Mama mia!  That's the ticket!  He finds the proof that Giuliano was at the helm of the secret bank accounts at Garza Cars.  He takes notes. 

Nando and Santos put their heads together.  Santos is sure one of the guards is in OJ's pocket. 

Justo tells Fer about the proof he's found.  He wonders why he hasn't been able to get a hold of the Mendoza women.  Fer hasn't heard about Maria's return and tells Justo no one's heard from her. 

Justo shares his evidence with someone I don't know who will share it with the judge.  Justo wants to be very careful in order to protect Santos' loved ones. 

Prisoner 20137 is being called upstairs.  He has a visitor – It's Justo and he tells him the news of the proof he's found --the guard in OJ's employ is eavesdropping--  Justo also tells him no one has heard from Maria, that no one knows where she is.  (Fer and Maria are at this moment haggling over whether to call Justo to tell him she's home.)  Santos is fretting over his bonita.  Justo is sure she's fine.  Wait, there's the phone.  It's Maria!  What a coinkidink.  He hands over the phone to Santos.  Muchos te amos and no one will ever separate us again, our love is stronger than evil, etc. etc.

Maria tells him about Ruben and JNTR's likely closure.  She also gives him more news:  she's preggers! 

The bad, bad, guard calls OJ about what he heard.  OJ is not pleased and demands the guard finish off Santos.....or else.  Gulp!  Guard looks scared.

Santos is before Judge Gavehl (snicker).  Santos is cleared of all crimes and is free to go.  OJ is clearly the one guilty of all the crimes. Prosecutor tries to object but the judge threatens to throw him out of his courtroom. No one is gonna tell him what to do in his courtroom.  Our hero's not out of the woods yet.  The judge hands down an 8 year sentence for perjury because Santos lied on the stand when he declared he was responsible for the crimes.  No trial, no jury, nothing.  I know, I know, I threw out my beanie long ago.  It's in a charred heap in my fireplace.  A victim of spontaneous combustion.  I needed a new one anyway.  Oh my.....judge still isn't finished.  Just as the prosecutor openly gloated that Justo has failed in his attempt to get his son out of jail, the judge continues.  Santos only pleaded his guilt under duress, trying to protect others, etc. etc.  He tells Santos he's free – case closed. 

Justo and Santos hug – Santos sits down, relieved.


Colosso punches Ruben in front of the Tostitos sign (that already happened, no?)
Someone's on fire.
Santos stares down the barrel of the guard's gun.
Maria punches OJ
Maria cries in the rain (that already happened, no?  But she's always crying in the rain-hard to tell)
Maria's arrested
Maria cries, “Estoy muerta!”
Ruben aims a gun across the room at Maria's back
A shot rings out as Michael and Santos embrace.  Michael shouts out, “Santos! No!”
Maria falls on her knees, crying. 



Well, it's done. This has really been a challenge but I had to see it through to the end. I'll be at Disneyland on Friday night so I probably wont' be watching El Gran Final. It'll be on my DVR but I've found that I enjoy the recaps far more than the TN.

We made it. I need a new beanie, but I made it. Wonder if Amazon carries TN beanies?

Thanks, Paquita.

I am wondering who Mirna's daughter is. If it's Isabel it would not be out of character for Mirna to attempt to bedevil Maria and her family one more time. However, it was sloppy of the writers to make us wait until this point with only two hours left.

Giuliano deserves a hell of a Karmageddon for what he is planning.

The judge should have withdrawn the charge of perjury in view of the duress, but I guess I have to be satisfied that he recognized that it was done under duress.

I can't wait for Ruben to meet his ugly fate.

Paquita: Yep, girl, you made it. I'm reminded of that old Alka Seltzer commercial when I say "I can't believe you [recapped through] the whole thing!" Your barely veiled snark is muy enjoyable as usual. Thanks again for your dedication and good humor!

I got some chuckles (which I find I appreciate more and more from this blog).

"Aaron brings Paloma what else, a bag of Tostitos."-- LOL! Darn! They certainly got their money's worth with this show!

All the teenagers puppy love crap "Whatever-'s" to the nth degree--LOL!!

"Judge Gavehl (snicker)" --ditto!

"I know, I know, I threw out my beanie long ago. It's in a charred heap in my fireplace. A victim of spontaneous combustion. I needed a new one anyway." LOLOL! Sidebar worthy, amiga!

Urban: I now wonder if Mirna's daughter is some other last minute character we'll never meet and if Isa was Pedro's or Concho's so that Isa might really feel a part of Maria and Pal's family by being their half-sister.

Isabel can't be Pedro's; she was born two years after he died. That was established a long time ago when Roddy came into their lives. Remember how Isabel figured that out?

Since Televisa doesn't do teen novelas anymore I guess it feels a need to add more teen stuff to the grown-up ones.

Paquita--You deserve a medal for heroics in the face of a jillion jarevers.

You picked your way through this mess and managed to give us a rundown. I agree with every single one of your whatevers, gees, and euwwws.

It looked, for one hot second that we could cross one speculation off the list--Mirna is not Isa's mother. OTOH she could have just been *saying* hija like we say honey to folks. But she did admit to 7Seas that she had a daughter. So I say, wait until tomorrow to find out!!! Juarever. (It's too late to interest me at this point.)

Paqui--Maria's arrest also already happened it was by ICE when she got deported. I was surprised she wasn't sent to a detention center first to be "enumerated."


Paquita--Emilia is our go-to gal for Beanies, hand-knit in a rainbow of colors and designs. Wistfully missing her and Mike, but a precious granddaughter is a big pull over estupidezes on Looneyvision.

Well, to my mind Isa can't be Myrna's daughter since Mirna was calling her on the phone and we know the poverty stricken Mendozas don't have one. I'm trying to think of all the female characters it might be and am drawing a blank. It is none of the Mendoza girls, can't be Irasema we saw her mother die,none of the mariachi bar girls, certainly not Evile so the only female left is the waitress Coloso had his eye on. Introduction of a new character with two hours to go would be a waste. Oops got a flash she took revenge against Ruben could it be his ex-wife? I know she had parents but she could have been adopted

Couldn't find a rope to hang myself with the teen tiffs. God will I be glad to see the back of them. And to be frank I hope i never see any of the actors again either.

OJ and Evile are not going to get their revenge. I laughed at his comments that Santos has more lives than a cat and I guess two more of them are going to be put at risk in the last two hours. Body count still stands at 8 and at least two more have to be added and I'd even like to see a third.

Plucky little Vicente may be on his way back to the DF for a reunion with his would be parents and I think the letter Susanito got related only to his swimmers. Surely Irasema would have been the one to break the news to him and Mancia that she was preggers.

Now that Santos is declared innocent he should be able to get back his confiscated assets and his bank account should be unfrozen. So there will be money available to make everyone's dreams come true. I should point out that technically he would have to go to court to get all of that done and to prove that none of the assets or money were gotten from the so called illegal acts. However since this is a know nothing about the US judicial system TN I'm betting that will never happen.


Whoever Mirna's daughter is, knows who Mirna is and knows Mirna is her mother. Mirna's not that old, so I'm guessing her daughter is a teen. There are only 3 teen girls on the show:




I vote for either Vanesa or Cindy.

Only other possibility is that Mirna is 7 Seas long thought dead wife, and the daughter in question is also 7 Seas' child.

Actually I vote for Vanesa to be Mirna's secret daughter since Vanesa has such contempt for pobres like Paloma......perhaps lashing out at pobres like her mother?


I too think Vainessa might be a candidate. Man would that be a nice case of Karmageddon. I like it, I like it.

That would explain why we've never seen Vainessa's parents, but who would she be living with?

She could have been adopted. She obviouly has some kind of family connections since Aaron is her cousin. The way i see it we should find out tonight since tomorrow should be all music and wedding.

Anon207, excellent thought about Vainessa. I would agree, that she would be the logical choice to be Mirna's daughter. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

IF Mirna and the horrible Vainessa are part of Seven Seas "family", then I think this will definitely drive the poor man over the brink in terms of drink. I think I would be aghast if I were 7 Seas and Mirna turned out to be my wife...not to mention that horrible Vainessa, either!



Paquita, thank you so very much for all of your work on this TN. I've really enjoyed reading your recaps. Will you be recapping the new TN?


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