Friday, November 15, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #29 Thu 11/14/13 Llegar para Sorprender

As everyone files into the boardroom, Ricardo asks Inés if that's Jose Luis or not.  She lies, remembering the threats he made.

Francisco (JL) dangles the possibility of expansion in front of the board.  He also brings up the idea of offering lower quality fabrics at a lower price, making up for it by moving a greater quantity.  Ricardo seems not to object, although he was the one who brought up the company's reputation being based on the quality of their fabrics.  What he does object to, after Inés asks what role the Caribbean Investment With Potentially Funny Money Firm will play, is that in order to carry out this huge expansion, they would have to depend on the CIWPFMF's cash, since Aresti Breton doesn't have that kind of liquidity.  That would make CIWPFMF the majority shareholder in Aresti Breton.  I vote no.  Oh, wait, crap, I'm not on the board.  Paloma comes to visit.  I'm digging the hat, babe!

Eliseo schleps Francisco's luggage over to Casa Bonita where he runs into Felipe…oops!  Eliseo talks fast and claims he got fired from being caretaker at El Descanso, so he got a job as a cab driver, and he met Francisco Castro and got a job being his "achichincle" (henchdude).  He whines about his hurt shoulder so Felipe will carry the bag and then makes a cara de "me fregué!" (I'm screwed!) while Felipe's back is turned.

Ricardo introduces Paloma to Francisco and Paloma asks Inés for a summary of the meeting so far.  Facial expressions abound.

Felipe tells Lucina that the guy who was asking about Oriana showed up with Francisco Castro's bags.  Felipe's almost sure the didn't say anything about Oriana.  Lucina gripes him out both for that and for letting Felipe hang out in the dining room, waiting for a taco.  "The dining room is for guests!  Suspicious henchdudes eat in the kitchen!"

Paloma asks if the investment group wants to come in as partners or investors.  Per Franciso, partners.  Lila and Matilde--the two with the least amount of sense IMO--urge Paloma to accept the deal because they'll make SOOOOO much money.  I'd really love Paloma to stand up, put on her shades and inform them that she's already got enough money, so…laters!  Paloma asks what Ricardo thinks and Ricardo says he's not sure they need it.  She asks for Inés' opinion and Inés says it's really up to Paloma, but she brings up the quality issue again.  Francisco  repeats that this factory will still make the good stuff, but in other countries, they'll make the more…er, economical fabrics.  Mathilde (shut up, Mathilde) says EVERYBODY does it…you buy Italian clothes and you look at the label and whaddayaknow, they're made in Korea or the Phillipines and they're cheaper.  And then the Italian designer mafia bursts into the meeting and carries Mathilde off at scissor-point.  Or not.  Having heard all that, Paloma says they're not going to sacrifice company integrity for the sake of making more money…OMG, my fantasy came true!  Paloma declares herself bored and walks out of the meeting.  Lila bitches about Paloma's selfishness and how Ricardo's dad left her with "nothing."  Antonio opines that Paloma, because of her age…Ricardo cuts him off saying Paloma's perfectly lucid.  Antonio says yeah, but she's old, and old people just don't understand young people's money-grubbing ways.  If Lila, Mathilde, and Ricardo all vote together, they can overcome Paloma's majority vote.  He also says there's time to convince Inés "who Paloma trusts blindly" to agree with them.  Ricardo tells them to go ahead and work on an analysis, "but Inés and I are never going to go against my godmother's wishes."   Ha! 

Inés walks Paloma into her office, where Marilu comes in with a tray of appetizers and chats with them for a little bit.  Ricardo comes in, asking how Paloma got there and she smirks that she took a taxi.  "Regardless of those cockatoos in there trying to treat me like an old lady, I can still get around!"  Ricardo offers to take her home and they all end up going home together, with Marilu chasing after them with the tray, whining that they didn't even taste the food and they should take some for the road.

Back in the boardroom Lila (shut up, Lila) bitches about Paloma having a "mediocre" attitude…um, no, all y'all who are talking about selling lower-quality product and complaining about not making enough money, when you're doing NO WORK WHATSOEVER to get it are the ones with the mediocre attitudes.  And then Mathilde (shut up, Mathilde) takes offense at Lila calling her aunt mediocre, so she says that's "una majaderia" (nonsense) on Lila's part and damnit, she's  (Matilde's) an Aresti too and won't allow Lila to insult the cornerstone of the family.  Not that Mathilde doesn't agree with Lila, she's just not going to let Lila insult her aunt while her aunt's out of the room.  Well, of course not--that's Matilde's job!   Francisco notices that Ruben hasn't said anything and asks for his opinion.  "Mr. Castro, I can tell you from experience that whatever I say, my wife is going to criticize it and disagree with it, so if you'll all excuse me."  And just when we thought the meeting couldn’t get any tackier.  Thanks, Ruben! Francisco asks to speak with Antonio, so they shuffle off to Antonio's office.  The guys take their leave of Lila and Mathilde and Mathilde (shut up, Mathilde) says the guys should have at least invited them along, as a courtesy.  Lila agrees.  Quick, someone brick up the boardroom!

Paloma mocks the other meeting attendees, saying maybe she's just and old fuddy duddy who's afraid of new ideas, so she apologizes.  Inés laughs and says no, if Paloma doesn't want to lower the quality of their fabrics, she has every right to do that.  Ricardo agrees and says you have to analyze things carefully.  "Y'all do the analyzing…I'm not in the mood."  Before Paloma heads off to her room she insists that Inés is going to buy her own car tomorrow and she doesn't want to hear any excuses about it.  Then Paloma and her schwanky hat head for the bedroom.  Ricardo agrees that Inés needs her own car so she won't be using Paloma's.  He asks her opinion about the investment.  "I'm not a businesswoman…I think an investment like that would turn the company into a more competitive and global business.  But I'm worried that it won't work.  That we'll fail.  And as incredible as it might seem, I've never liked risks--of course, sometimes you have to take them."  Which is what I don't like about this deal--there isn't any NEED to take a big risk, aside from Mathilde and Lila's greed.  Ricardo agrees with her about risk, then asks her if she's SURE that Francisco Castro isn't her husband.  They get into a predictable argument.  "Fine, let's say he's not your husband…then who sent you the flowers?"  He tells her that she won't be able to work at Lina's school because she lacks the necessary credentials in Inés Valdivia's name.  "If you were wrong about her husband being here, then you don't have any reason to worry, right?"  Inés agrees.  Ricardo moves on to asking her what's up with their relationship.  Inés says maybe she'd rather be free and he's always asking where she's going.  "Fine, I won't do that anymore!  But I have one last question…is there another man?"  Of course not, you dolt!  "But you know what?  I don't want commitments.  I just want some peace and quiet!  And don't ask me anymore about this guy's deal.  I'm going to agree with Paloma.  It's her money, not mine."

Francisco and Antonio sit down at an outdoor café.  Antonio starts talking about what a great deal it is, but he's not going to be able to convince Ricardo.  Piero might have more sway, though. Francisco asks about Inés and Antonio tells him that Paloma had been looking for her for a long time and suddenly, a private investigator found her.  He hasn't really hung out with her a lot.  They just have a work relationship. Francisco asks about her relationship with Ricardo.  Antonio isn't sure they're still dating.  He gripes about how Ricardo never tells him anything, how he asks his opinion, but then he just pays attention to Piero and does whatever he wanted to in the first place and Paloma supports him.  He even sent ANOTHER LAWYER to Colombia for something.  Not that he knows what, but why didn't Ricardo send him, since he's the company's lawyer?  Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!  Why would Antonio think it's ok to have this conversation with an outsider? Francisco says he HAS to score this deal, his bosses demand it, and if Antonio helps him, he can earn himself a nice bonus.  "Are you saying you want to bribe me to hand over glowing reports about your company?"  Oh, it's so nice when people don't just agree to be bribed, but you don't even have to tell them what it is you're bribing them to do. Francisco swears it'll all be above-board, but yes, it would help for the reports to be "optimal."  Antonio says he can count on it.

Mathilde gripes to Ruben back home about whether she's not sure if it was more annoying for her to put up with Lila or her aunt's surprise visit.  My list was different.  Ruben reminds her that it's Paloma's company.  Mathilde (shut up, Mathilde) agrees with Lila that Paloma's way of thinking is too old-fashioned, refusing to think about new ideas, and it was useless to have Inés representing Paloma since all she does is say "Whatever you say, grandma.  Whatever you want, grandma."  Mathilde then starts in on how Ruben didn't open his mouth.  "What for?  Whatever I said, you would have disagreed the way you always do."  Ruben finally angrily says that he agrees with Paloma.  "But, but, but, the money!" Mathilde sputters as she chases him out of the room.  Or chases after him.  Whatever.

Lila complains to Berto about having to put up with Matilde for the whole meeting.  He says she should have taken him with her, that way there would have been more people in favor of the proposal.  Um, dude, it doesn't work that way.  He gloats that he also knows some stuff about Inés…not that he's going to tell Lila, since she cut him out of the deal.

As Francisco arrives at Casa Bonita, he talks to Eliseo via cell and finds out about his crappy excuse for being there.  He forbids him from coming near Casa Bonita.

Francisco checks in at the desk and Felipe tells him that his bags have already been taken up.  Raquel comes up and brags about their awesome cook, so he can have Mexican food morning, noon, and night…plus drinks in the courtyard.  Raquel escorts him to his room.

Fabiola tells Sebastian that her mom didn't let her out.  They argue about who needs to call whom and Sebastian calls Mathilde an ogre. Fabiola agrees.  Sebastian invites her to his apartment so no one will see them and report back to Mathilde.  He gets angry that she has to ask "permission" for everything, but gloats when she calls her dad.

Raquel tells Lucina that their big fish has arrived.  Lucina wants to interrogate him, since the guy at El Descanso has now shown up as Francisco's hench.  Raquel explains it away, but Lucina thinks it's too much of a coincidence.  Despite all the paperwork and other info he's handed over, she still wants to talk to him.

Lina tells Paloma that they have to have her party before school gets out or she won't be able to invite her friends.  She has a big plan, but Inés tells her not to take advantage of Paloma. Paloma waves that away.  Lina wants a big inflatable castle so she and all the girls can be princesses and the boys can be princes and Tito can be the dragon that chases after all of them.

Lucina finds Francisco in the dining room having a drink.  She turns down his offer of a drink and tells him it's quite the coincidence that the guy who dropped off his bags this morning was working for the guy who bought their old hotel in San Carlos and was asking about their friend Oriana.  Francisco follows Eliseo's story and says he met him in a cab and hired him.  Lucina plays the "ditzy broad" card and tells him to just ignore her, she doesn't know what she was thinking of.  Felipe announces that Berto has arrived.  Francisco confirms that this is the Berto who's Lila's brother and then says to himself that this is a godsend.

Ricardo tells Piero and Padre Plaid that he doesn't like the idea of lowering the quality of the merch.  Padre Plaid says he doesn't have to take the deal if he doesn't like it.  Ricardo says that even though Inés says that Francisco isn't her husband, she's been weird.  Piero wonders if maybe Inés is lying to protect him, but Padre Plaid thinks maybe Ricardo is overlooking the possibility that Inés isn't in love with him anymore.

Inés is working on her laptop when her cell phone rings.  She doesn't recognize the number, but answers.  It's Jose Luis.  He wants to know why Ricardo sent a lawyer to Colombia to investigate.  "Are you sure you're not lying to me?  Does he know your story too?"  Inés says she can't think of any reason Ricardo would have done that, but since Ricardo doesn't know about her, then it doesn't have anything to do with that.  As far as anyone knows, he's dead, and she told him and Paloma that Lina's dad is dead.  "Are you sure you're not lying to me?  Ok, fine, find out why he sent the lawyer to Colombia and convince your fake granny to take the deal."  Inés refuses.  "Then face the consequences!"  He tells her she'll have a lot more to lose than he will.  "You're a frickin' criminal, dude!  If they think I am too, then Paloma will adopt Alina and we'll both lose her, and MY daughter will live a happy life with people who actually love her!"

Ricardo thanks Piero and Padre Plaid for visiting with him.  They take their leave, after Ricardo promises to keep them informed.  Inés calls Ricardo and angrily demands to know why he sent a lawyer to Colombia.  "We talked about this!  We're looking for your signature on the paperwork for the account where the smuggling money is."  He thought she would want to clear things up as badly as he did.  Inés says maybe he slipped the paperwork in with their mortgage paperwork and the signature really is hers.  "So, how'd you find out I sent a lawyer to Colombia?  Who told you?"  She hangs up instead of answering.  She doesn't pick up the phone when it rings again.

Piero spots Sebastian and Fabiola walking out of Sebastian's apartment building and kissing before Fabiola gets into a cab.  His cell phone rings and Ricardo demands to know who else knew they sent Manrique to Colombia.  Piero says in the first place, everyone in the office knows everything and someone told Antonio.  Piero figures it must have been someone from contracts.  "He even got upset at me because you didn't send him instead.  I told him I didn't know anything about it."

Fabiola gets home and Mathilde asks where she was.  "A friend's house, doing homework.  I told dad."  Ruben interrupts the interrogation and Mathilde informs him that he has no right to give Fabiola permission to go to a friend's house.  Fabiola stutters over saying she was at Susana's house and Mathilde demands Susana's phone number.  Ruben agrees with Fabiola that that's ridiculous and besides, it's not like she got home so late it's worth starting a fuss over.  Mathilde insists, so Ruben tells Fabiola to just give it to her and get this over with.  Fabiola admits she wasn't with Susana, she went for ice cream with Sebastian.  Mathilde smacks her daughter across the face and screams at Ruben that his daughter just made a fool out of him and went "de cusca" (like a slut) with that good-for-nothing Sebastian.  Ruben tells Fabiola to go to her room (in a run, hide kind of way) as Mathilde screams after her that she's going to send her to a convent school.  Ruben shakes his head sadly at Mathilde.

Fabiola comes into Paloma's room crying and asks for help.

Inés goes to church to pray for having lied SOOOOO much and needing to lie some more about Jose Luis' identity.  She asks if she can really count on Paloma taking care of Lina if she feels so deceived.  She asks God to please take care of Lina, even if He can't forgive her.

At Casa Bonita, Francisco plays with a match and pumps Berto for information about Ricardo.  Berto doesn't have much to say about his aunt and Marilu, but he does know that Sebastian isn't really Ricardo's brother, but his son. "Ricardo got with the gardener's daugher when they were kids and his parents passed Sebastian off as their own.  Seems the girl is mentally ill.  Sebastian told Raquel and I about it when he was drunk."  Berto tells Francisco he doesn't know a lot about the people at the company.  He used to hang out with Piero, but he hasn't seen him.  Berto doesn't know Antonio.  Francisco says he has to make the deal, he's just trying to figure out who's the toughest bone to break (toughest nut to crack).  Berto says Ricardo, who's very loyal to Paloma.  "I heard she's not happy with your proposal."  Francisco asks about Inés influence over Paloma, but Berto says that depends on whether Inés is willing to exercise it or not.  Francisco asks about the blackmail.  Berto confesses he didn't sleep with her, but he knows some stuff about her.  And he'll trade his info for money.  "Con dinero baila el perro." (Money makes the dog dance.) "Y tu quieres ser mi perro?" (And you want to be my dog?)  "A los perros si se les trata bien, son muy fieles."  (Dogs can be very loyal if you treat them well.)  Francisco says it's going to depend on the information.  Raquel interrupts their conversation to come have a drink and complain about how much she had to do to get ready for the Canadians, eh.  She asks Francisco if he likes to go clubbing, which he doesn't.  Berto says he does, but he doesn't have any money to party with at the moment.  Raquel pouts.

Marilu is holding down the secretary's desk and takes a message for Ricardo.  The patterns for the new styles of jeans are ready and they need approval.  Ricardo comes in and Marilu tells him that Paulina is in the file room.  Ricardo asks if Francisco left with anyone yesterday.  Marilu says he left with Antonio and then flakes on giving him the phone message.

Paloma wants to go with Inés to drop Lina off at school and then go buy Inés' new car.

Ricardo asks Antonio what he's found about Caribbean Investment Company (which almost sounds like he's pronouncing it Caribe Embezzling Company).  Antonio found out some info on the Internet, but not the names of the partners.  They've been in business for five years and making money hand over fist.  Ricardo questions the reliability of information on the Internet.  Antonio says he asked for a report from the Chamber of Industry.  Ricardo tells Antonio that one of the most important things in a business is the discretion of the high-level executives.  Antonio agrees.  "Then why are you telling people that I sent a lawyer to Colombia."  Antonio denies it and says he only talked to Piero about it because he'd gotten his pigtails in a twist over it.  "Maybe Piero's the one blabbing about it.  Who would I even tell about it?"  Antonio says he'll quit if Ricardo doesn't trust him, but Ricardo tells him it's not a big deal and just get the report on the Carribbean embezzlers finished.

Paloma and Inés check out cars.  Inés takes a call from Ricardo.  He insists on coming down to the dealership to help them car shop.  Paloma is grateful.  She turns to the sales rep and says she wants a safe, tough car.  "Do you want it bulletproof?"  Inés lobbies for a simple car and lags behind as Paloma and the sales guy get ready to talk heated seats and chilled cup holders.

Apparently Berto doesn't do laundry either.  He sniffs a shirt and proclaims it good enough before stuffing it into a drawer. As he's about to pop his safe open, he gets a knock on the door. Francisco brought him an envelope of cash, so Berto spills that Ricardo knows Inés real name, but will deny it to protect her, even though she killed his father.  Berto refuses to say how he knows that.  "Fine, I saw her.  I saw Inés, Oriuana, whatever her name is, she shot him."  He claims to have been there on Lila's behalf to find out if Gabriel was cheating on her or not.  "And why would she shoot Gabriel Sanchez?"  Berto says it's because Gabriel tried to rape Lina.  That big lying liar!  And he hit on just the right lie, too because Francisco is  outraged that that idiot tried to rape HIS daughter.  "Your daughter?"  Dun, dun, dun!

Tomorrow: Paloma thinks Inés went to visit her husband; Francisco threatens Berto to keep his mouth shut; Ricardo finds out Piero lied to him for years (about Maria?); Inés gets into a car and an argument with Francisco and possibly gets run over running out of the car to get away from him.


I'm exhausted. These people talk a LOT!

Thanks so much Kat. Great work getting the important details of all these conversations. It was like watching a chess match, and each side kept scoring points with valuable pieces of info.

Wow! The way Berto came up with that vile lie, I am now again sure he's the murderer. He played JL perfectly.

Good for Ori for sticking to her guns about not swaying Paloma to accept the deal. I wonder if she can secretly make some legal provisions to have Paloma or Ricky become Alina's legal guardian should she go to jail. I am sure Paloma would agree to that, even after the truth comes out.

Great Job, Diva! I'm always laughing, when I read ("shut up, Lila/Mati).
These people really talk a lot.

It looks like: JL has an ally: Antonio. How many people are here with money hunger.

Berto's lie was very rough. Disgusting man.

I liked Ruben's answer in front of JL about his opinion. He told the truth, and with this, he admitted he is a henpecked.

Tomorrow I'm sure we will have an eventful episode.

Ori should get a bullet proof car. It's not unusual at all for people with money in Mexico to do that these days, with the increasing violence and kidnappings. And given who her husband is, she should take all the precautions she can. Some of his Colombian "friends" might come looking for him and for her.

Thank you so much for the recap, Diva.
I have computer problems, so I might get behind on watching.... gonna have to rely on the recaps more than ever - thanks God for smart phones and wifi!

Of course JL would find an ally in Antonio - the two bad guys joining forces, it's only natural

Vivi, I think Oriana SHOULD really start to think about Alina's future IF she's no longer around. She keeps mentioning how afraid she is that if she goes to jail, the girl will go to an orphanage. Couldn't she sign a document or something, make Paloma her legal guardian in case something happens to her? No matter how upset Paloma might get over her lie, she'd never turn her back on Alina.
- I'm so dim - I read your comment and then started writing mine, practically repeating what you said... not deleting it now, though, took me too much time to type it :)


Just edited the typos out of the recap. At least, I hope I did!

I think signing over Lina's guardianship now would be a smart move and give Oriana a LOT more bargaining power and the power to fight the charges. And the sooner she does it, the fewer charges she'll have to face! Ah, but of course, that's not going to happen because the writers can't figure out how to make drama out of that.

Thanks for another great recap, 5 Footer! You had me giggling throughout. And thank you so much for the dialog translations. Even with subtitles, there is a lot I miss in this one. So much happens so quickly. I love the pace of this one.

I want unqualified admin assistants to wander around my workplace offering trays of appetizers. Then it would seem more like a cocktail party and less like work, which I would prefer. I’ll have to mention it to my boss.

If these people can keep all their lies straight, good on them. After last night’s lying free for all, my wee brain is getting confuzzled.

I think Oriana made a huge mistake in not telling Pretty Ricky about JL being in town. For her own sanity, she needs someone, just one person, to whom she is not lying. If I were here, I’d throw in with Ricky and let JL try to blackmail me all he wants. Ricky is no fool. He dealt with the other blackmail threat to her really well. She needs to take steps to get Alina a legal guardian and anything that JL does to her means that he also goes to jail, so what is he really going to do.

But of course, what fun would that be? So she hops aboard the crazy train and off we go. Gotta have the drama. I have definitely felt all the screws tightening in the last few episodes.


Thanks 5ft, there was so much fast and difficult dialog, I had to read parts of the recap in order to understand what was happening while I was watching.

I wish Oriana had confided in Ricardo too. Now she's in so deep, I don't know how she's going to make it through.

I'm also really hoping Ricardo is smart enough to not trust Antonio and know that Oriana is lying about hubby in order to protect Lina, doesn't make the deal with the devil with the investment money, figures out where Oriana learned about hiring a lawyer to investigate Columbia, and that Lucina doesn't believe JL about just meeting Eliseo in Mexico.

5ft - Great recap. There *was* a load of dialogue. Love the way you zipped through the heart of it.

I too think Oriana should tell Ricky. I know she's scared, but Ricky has proven he can be trusted and that he can be shrewd.

Ugh, how unprofessional is Antonio? Ricky has a blind spot when it comes to his old friends.

So Berto's vile lie caused JL to reveal himself. Didn't expect that. Berto lucked up there cause I think he was only dredging up a logical reason for why Oriana would shoot a perfect stranger.

Not nice of the Padre to suggest to Ricky that Oriana may no longer be in love with him. Padre Plaid, you know full well Oriana is not flighty like that.

I missed last night's episode due to the show 'scandal'. Awesome recap Diva Latina. Nice and sassy. Just the way we like it.
seems I missed quite an episode. Battle lines are been drawn. why won't Ines/Oriana trust Ric? She did before. JL reappearing shouldn't really change anything. It's not like he can claim his rights. He is a wanted dead felon. I would call his bluff if I were 2ines. Berto the dog! Wasn't part of the deal for not going to jail for blackmail, silence? Hope Ric finds out he blabbed about Oriana. I love the way dots are connected on this TN.


Paloma was gangsta. Told them she was bored by their meeting, got up and left!

Crazy Eyes done spilled the beans, now Berto knows the truth about Oriana & Crazy Eyes.

Ruben is basically like "hey why have an opinion when Matilde's going to overrule it anyway?"

Paloma is the first novela Paloma I've come across who isn't a Pathetic Paloma.

Father Fist is in love with Oriana so his motives for telling Ricky 2nes isn't in love with him anymore may not be pure.

Anon207- That hat and that cane especially made her look gangsta. :) I love how she breezed in, said her peace, said she was bored, and breezed out with her entourage (Ori and Ricky). She was like the Godfather.

Thanks so much! Your recaps are always a treat. If only you had the superpower to make certain characters actually shut up when you tell them to.

What I love about this show is that even when I am frustrated with the main characters, I can understand why they are the way they are. Ricky tends to be a little too demanding and controlling, but I can feel his frustration. Oriana is making some bad decisions (I wish she would tell Ricardo the truth about Francisco!), but I can see how all the stress she is under could make her confused and less rational. Neither of them is doing things that are just blatantly oblivious or idiotic for no reason.

Ricardo does have a pretty good sense about people, but he seems reluctant to poke into some things. Like he claims Antonio is his friend, but he seems to know that he isn't to be trusted. He didn't send him to Colombia, and he isn't confiding big secrets to him the way he is to Piero or Mariano. But so far he isn't willing to say that Antonio is not his friend.

Likewise, I think he's fairly sure Sebas isn't his son, but he isn't willing to find out for sure when knowing could shake the whole foundation of presumptions so much of his life and current psyche has been built on. Change is uncomfortable, even when the status quo isn't that great.

I loved the expression the guy at the desk at the Casa Bonita made when Raquel headed upstairs with JL. Like he was realizing it was, in fact, a bordello.

I like that Paloma is taking a stand against cheapness and sweatshops in other countries, and that Oriana and Ricardo are backing her up. Of course Matilde would think that it's great as long as it makes her some cash. She probably can't tell the difference between cheap junk and nice stuff anyway, as long as it has a designer label on it.

Thanks Kat for a dynamic recap. This episode was a tough act to follow for me but you deciphered it very well. Can't wait to see how Berto is going to lie/modify his story. Although I like Inez, for some reason, her plight isn't keeping on the edge of my seat. Even though Ricky is smothering her, I think she's being mean to him. I feel bad for him.

Thanks for the recap Kat particularly interpreting all those conversations. Since this is a smart tn with cat and mouse games throughout, knowing what people are saying is so important.

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