Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, cap. 46, Tuesday, January 14, 2014: I'm gonna live, live, live until I die!

"Every decision you make is a mistake."
Edward Dahlberg

Asymmetry of information: in economic theory, a term used to describe a situation in which some people have more or superior information than others.  It tends to favor the more knowledgeable party.  

A seller may know more than a buyer.  I sell you my house but I fail to mention that my next-door neighbor is an enthusiastic tuba player and hosts weekly Polka Parties on her patio.  (Or, occasionally, the reverse may be true.  I recognize that piece of fabric in your garage sale is a headband Silvia Navarro wore in 'Cuando me Enamoro' and I grab it up for a song.) 

When the truth comes out -- as it nearly always does -- the formerly naive party may feel had, even if not harmed.  Asymmetry of information is inherently unstable.  Luckily for us, however, instability can make for interesting drama.

What happens if we apply this idea to the relationships in our story?  Let's take a look:

Municipal President Pedro Medina accompanies his new Chief of Police, Ezequiel Basurto, to the jail cells in town hall.  As the men walk, Medina confides through his habitually clenched teeth that his prisoner did him a favor by ridding him of Loreto.  The man was becoming a liability.

Once they reach the new prisoner's cell, Medina dismisses EZ. He orders JL/Antonio to turn around and show his face.  He knows that his captive is the fugitive the navy believes dead.  JL makes no effort to deny this.  He admits he is José Luis Álvarez.  "But then who is Antonio Olivares?" asks Pedro.  JL says he found him dead, he buried him and then took on his identity.  Pedro doesn't believe a word of it.  JL killed the man so he could gain entry to Alejandro Almonte's hacienda because he was his wife's lover!

JL retorts that he knows all about Pedro's dirty work.  Furthermore, the police are obligated to turn him over to the naval authorities.  Then he'll tell them how he overheard Pedro -- along with the now dead scoundrels Juventino and Loreto -- plotting Alejandro's murder. 

[This all sounds like so much bravado.  When has Pedro ever done what he was supposed to do?  And why would Captain Robledo believe anything JL has to say?]

Pedro and JL -- Asymmetrical  
JL has Pedro's number but Pedro doesn't get JL or his sense of honor. That means that even though Pedro is in a position of power, JL has the psychological edge.  May he wield it well.

Ezequiel is a little embarrassed when Pedro catches him settling into Loreto's office. But he needn't be.  Pedro promotes him on the spot.  He is the new Chief of Police -- as long as he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty now and then.  EZ doesn't mind a bit.  In fact he'd love to wallow in the muck right now.  Would the boss like him to make Almonte disappear?  Pedro sees that he and his new chief are going to get along very well.

Esmeralda goes to the city jail to scout out news on JL.  But the cop on duty takes one look at her battered face and assumes she is there to report an assault.  Before she has a chance to clarify, she spots Pedro approaching and flees.

Angélica Arechiga asks her little sister Virginia to distract their mother long enough for her to get away with the family van.  Angie is going to Aguazul.  She looks in her wallet, takes out a few bills and smiles slyly.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the Hacienda Arechiga, Angie's mother Amelia is trying to persuade Dimitrio Mendoza to stay just a little longer.  Then Virginia herself bursts in, all smiles.  When Amelia turns away for a moment, Virginia kisses Dim on the lips, then tells her mom -- who has come back in time to see this -- that he is her boyfriend.  [Way to distract your ma, Ginnie.  But blech.]  Amelia is surprised.  She thought Dim was interested in Angélica.

Alejandro is teaching his bride the finer points of riding.  The lessons are punctuated with smooches and canoodling by the river. Sigh.
Alejandro and Montserrat -- Asymmetrical 
The threat always present, no matter how joyful the moment, is the explosive information that Alejandro does not yet possess: that his friend Antonio Olivares is his rival José Luis Álvarez.  In this case, Montserrat is not favored.  Their enemies are the ones with the advantage.

Angélica calls on EZ Basura...er Basurto.  JL is innocent, she tells him, and EZ must set him free.  But EZ says that is above his pay grade.  "And if I offered you a whole lot of money?" asks Angie pleasantly.  "You want to bribe me?"  Angie nods and smiles.  She reaches into her bag and pulls out bundles and bundles of bills.  EZ's eyes widen.

That's right.  You've seen those bundles before.  And Dimitrio at this moment is discovering they have been neatly removed from his suitcase (perhaps while he was toadying up to Angie's mom.)  Grrrrr.

At the Hacienda Almonte, Nadia and Josefina are received by a gracious Rosario.  She explains that Montse and Alejandro are out riding, but should be back soon.  Josefina is anxious to reach the Arechiga hacienda where she now knows that Dim is hiding.  Carlota makes an entrance.  She casts an uneasy eye on Josefina.

Esmeralda returns to her place in Aguazul and gives Refugio the disappointing news: she wasn't able to learn anything about JL.  Refugio is still trying to get Esme to tell him what happened to her.  She still refuses.
Refugio and Esmeralda -- Asymmetrical
She has to hold back from him because he is such a hothead. She can't have an adult relationship with him.  Maybe no one can.

Angélica has made her way back home to the Arechiga hacienda.  She begs her little sister not to tell anyone what she is going to do. Virginia tearfully agrees.

Montserrat and Alejandro return from the riding and smooching session.  He excuses himself so the ladies can talk.  The Mendoza women -- Montse and Carlota -- start to apologize for Dimitrio's horrible behavior. But Fina quickly assures them they are not to blame.  And Fina knows that Dim was threatening to cause Montse serious marital problems.  Speaking of Montse's problems, Nadia asks where Antonio Olivares is.  "He doesn't work here anymore," says Montserrat.

JL warily obeys Ezequiel's orders when the new Chief of Police approaches his cell. He stands and allows himself to be handcuffed. EZ unlocks the cell.  "Get out," he orders, pointing his gun at his prisoner.  "Move it!"  JL backs out slowly, sure that EZ is there to kill him.  EZ force-marches JL to the outer gate, uncuffs him and, with his gun still aimed at his prisoner, orders him to leave.  There's a car waiting for him at the corner, he says.  JL walks a few steps backward and then breaks into a run.  A squeal of brakes.  Headlights. A young woman calls his name and tells him to get in the car.

Ezequiel reports back to Pedro that the prisoner escaped, just as he ordered.  What should EZ do with the money the girl gave him?  EZ can keep it as a tip, maybe use it to buy clothes in keeping with his new position. 
[Start with the huge belt buckle, the black sombrero, and the black pointy-toed boots, EZ. The rest of the outfit is probably already in your closet.] 

EZ is puzzled.  Why did his boss let the guy go after he went to so much trouble to catch him?  Pedro explains that JL is no use to him in jail. On the outside, he'll be instrumental in destroying Alejandro Almonte.  Once Alejandro learns that his wife's lover had been living in his house all along, all hell will break loose.

JL can't believe what is happening.  He is sitting in a speeding van with Angélica at the wheel, and she is telling him a fantastical story of how she freed him by bribing a policeman with money she "borrowed" from Dimitrio. She doesn't care whether it was 'correct' or not.  It is time for JL to start a new life and forget about the horrible things they've done to him. JL laughs that her name -- Angélica -- suits her.  But what about her family?  What will she tell them?

They won't even notice she's gone until tomorrow.  By then, they will be far away.

Does she mean she isn't going home? That's nuts!  He orders her to stop the van.  She does so reluctantly.  He tells her to turn around and go back home.  He is a fugitive and he has nothing to offer her.  Besides, he is worried about her health.  

But all she wants is to be with him.  She knows she's going to die very soon.  She wants to spend her last days with him.  That's not a lot to ask, is it?
Angélica and José Luis -- Symmetrical 
These two have opened their hearts to each other.  Is it too much to hope they escape what seems certain doom?

Back at the Arechiga hacienda, Dimitrio comes downstairs in a foul temper.  [The nerve!  They stole his stolen money!] He barks at Ginnie to tell her parents they are not really dating.  At that moment, Ginnie's father Joaquin storms in and reams him out for abusing his hospitality and taking advantage of his daughter!  She's just a child!  "I'm 18!" pipes up Ginnie.  Amelia starts to advocate for Dim.  Dim wants to make it clear.  Their daughter misunderstood...

But before he can get the words out, Montserrat and Alejandro arrive with someone who wants to talk to Dimitrio -- Josefina!

"Who is this woman?" asks Amelia rather rudely. 

"I'm Dimitrio's wife."

Ginnie appears devastated.  Dim looks annoyed.

Outside at the Hacienda Almonte, Nadia phones Victor and asks him to join her there.  He is reluctant -- Alejandro warned him to stay away from her -- but allows himself to be persuaded.  He will come the next day.  She asks him to bring her something.  He seems puzzled by her request:  "You want me to buy you what???"
Nadia and Victor -- Symmetrical.
These two are playing fair with each other.  It's unclear whether they'll survive their common enemy, the now cuckolded sociopathic Pedro. (Nadia would get more sympathy if her thoughtlessness had not set up Esmeralda for the brutal beating Pedro didn't dare give his own wife.)

Pedro returns home and learns that Nadia has gone to visit Montserrat at the Hacienda Almonte.

Dimitrio, with his accustomed gallantry, denies being Josefina's husband.  Could he really be married to this...this...thing?

Whoa!  Josefina gives him the clout in the chops he deserves.  He's right, she shouts in his face.  He's not her husband because he tricked her! He made a fool of her!  He made her think they were married, but it was all a pack of lies!  A fake wedding -- she pokes him in the ribs -- just to take advantage of her!

Dim is defiant and decidedly unrepentant.  Josefina is a fool who allowed herself to be taken in.

Now Amelia remembers -- Fina was the woman who came to the Mendoza house looking for Dimitrio that day she was visiting Graciela.  Yes, says Fina.  And his family wouldn't tell her where he was.

Dim wheels on Montse and accuses her of selling him out.  She sets him straight: it was his 'best friend' Adolfo who told Fina where to find him.

Virginia rushes upstairs wailing.  Joaquín rushes at Dim and Alejandro has to hold him back. "Get out of my house right now!  Stay away from my daughters or you'll regret it!"

Montserrat and Alejandro apologize to the Arechiga family and leave. (Everyone is always apologizing for Dim.  Except Dim.)

José Luis and Angélica spend the night in a small hotel -- one room (at her insistence), two beds (at his).  She takes a pill furtively, not wanting JL to think about her illness.  JL may not be in love with Angie, but their affection for one another and pleasure in each other's company is clear.

Now back at Hacienda Almonte, Josefina accuses Dimitrio of being indifferent to her feelings.  He has made her the laughing stock* of the town!
(el hazmerreír: a compound noun made up of the verb, hacer (to do or make), the pronoun me and the verb reír (to laugh))

Dim repeats that it is her fault for believing him -- she even gave him the code to her safe!  She's lucky he wasn't a rapist or a murderer!

Josefina's reply has an unexpected edge: Dim has no idea of the harm she could do to him.  He doesn't take her seriously.  Instead, he proffers an apology whose irony and insincerity is not lost on Josefina.  She only hopes that, for his own good, by the time her brother Tomás is back in town in a day or two, their matter will be resolved.  

"What do you want?"

"I want one year of marriage.  At the end of it, I promise to give you back your freedom."

She adds: "I promise to make your life hell -- and you'll just have to put up with having me as your wife."

Dimitrio is surprised and scornful.  He is unwilling to play along.  In that case, says Josefina, Alejandro can decide what to do with him.  She'll be staying in the hacienda for a few days, just in case he changes his mind.

Dim, left alone, chugs from the whiskey decanter.  Pig.

Josefina tells the others that Dim has rejected her proposition.  Alejandro goes to have a talk with his vile cuñado.

Nadia thinks it's for the best.  Carlota reminisces about Dimitrio as a child, before he grew a unibrow and turned into a worthless slug.  Perhaps he is capable of change...  Montse thinks not.  Her brother is a hopeless case.  But in spite of everything, Josefina still loves him, and she wants a year to prove to herself that she can win him over.
Josefina and Dimitrio -- Asymmetrical
Early on, the information imbalance favored him.  Now it favors her.  This could get interesting.

Nadia tells Montse they should try to talk Fina out of her plans.  Montse wonders if maybe her aunt is right.  Could Dim change?  Alejandro did.  Nadia corrects her: Alejandro was a good man all along.  She smiles at her friend, happy to see she is so in love.

"Did you get what I asked you for?" asks Montse.  Nadia promises her friend she will have "it" by tomorrow.  Montserrat claps her hands.  Squeee!

Alejandro lays down the law to Dimitrio.  If he doesn't do right by Josefina, he will tell the police that Dim is responsible for Bruno Gamboa's death and for stealing Josefina's money.  

Dim is still unwilling to marry her.  Alejandro agrees that it would be better for her if he did not.  What he has to do is work at the hacienda -- with Juventino dead and Antonio gone, he is short two men -- and pay her back the money he owes.  Dim reminds him he doesn't know how to do anything and he would be a liability, not an asset.  Alejandro is undaunted.  Dim takes the deal or goes to jail.  "Yes boss!" says Dim, who has yet to have the crap...er...irony kicked out of him.  He will report for work at 6 am.

The following morning, Montserrat wakes up smiling.  She slips off her nightie and joins Alejandro in the shower.  Their lips meet... 

Downstairs, Dim dozes on the sofa.  Carlota brings him a cup of coffee.  He thanks her by grumbling that Alejandro is late.  But the words are scarcely out of his mouth when Alejo walks in and takes in Dimitrio's expensive shoes and ropita tan bonita with amusement.  Is he really going to work like that?  Pay him, says Dim, and he'll dress up like a worker.

Angelica sits on a rocky ledge and looks out at the sea.  José Luis tells her they will continue their travels by water.  There may be roadblocks on the highway, and Angie's father has probably reported the van as stolen.  Angie sees the small fishing boat he has rented. "It's not exactly my father's yacht," she says smiling.

Does Angélica really think her godmother will help him, JL asks her.  She is sure of it.  Her madrina adores her. And if anyone can help him, she can.
[Obsessive...er...observant viewers will have noted that Angélica's madrina is none other than Capt. Robledo's sister.  We haven't yet met her.  Is it too much to hope she is neither a dimwit nor a gorgon?]

Amelia is in a panic.  Angélica is gone!  She shows Joaquín the note she left behind:  She has gone to seek happiness and to enjoy the brief time she has left.  She loves them.  She hopes they will understand. "I need to live before I die."

Avances: Montserrat is pregnant!  But Pedro is determined to destroy Alejandro's happiness by revealing the true identity of Antonio Olivares.


Wow! Brilliant, detailed recap. Muchas gracias por todo. Loved your opening quote and all the astute observations at the very top.

Another great chapter -- I laughed out loud when Anjelica's father went for Dimitri's throat at the end of that wonderful little set piece. These actors do the physical stuff so well. They bring such humor to these scenes.

When when when will ANY of these Hottie McHotties take the hidden gem that is Josefina and give her a makeover? It begs credulity that this never seems to occur to any of them, including Fina. Especially since life on the estancia is something they don't really seem much interested in and they appear to have tons of free time!

I was hoping that when Carlotta suggested they go get some "aire" she was really taking Josie away for a serious session of grooming and beautification. Carlotta, among other things, happen to be quite beautiful herself.

Anyway, thanks again for the terrific recap. And for the breakdown of hazemerirer -- A laughing stock indeed. But not for long!

I'm getting a definite vibe from Basurto ... Like maybe he's interested in the chilling Pedro Medina and his horn-rimmed eyeglasses of dastardly doom!
And, yeah, though it seems highly unlikely, I would so like to see Anjelica and Jose Luis make it out of this mess alive.


Thank you so much! I agree this was another great chapter, even if it wasn't quite as flashy as yesterday's.

"When when when will ANY of these Hottie McHotties take the hidden gem that is Josefina and give her a makeover?"

Excellent question. But somebody please help her get over her Dim fixation. (You gotta admit -- the actor knows how to work a smirk.)

Basurto and Pedro Medina? I don't know. Basurto sure shows his heteroLech card when Esme is around. Hmm

Great work, NovelaMaven, and great observations.

I laughed out loud when Dimwit discovered that the money was missing. Angelica had more than his number and she is very intelligent about that stuff.

I hope she and JL have some peace before the bomb goes off.

As to Basurto, I think he might be watching Pedro looking for weaknesses. The man is like an overwound watch and the mainspring is about to go.

Monse and Nadia need to get Josefina her makeover. If they can get her into a state of some self-confidence she can really lower the boom on Dimwit.

Alejandro should not have tried this. He should just have sent Dimwit packing back to his mamma with a warning to Graceless. That might not help, but having him around is eventually going to hurt.

Before he grew a unibrow and turned into a useless slug" was hilarious. Thanks for your astute analysis, Novela Maven. Enjoyed the discussion of assymetrical/symmetrical information and using it as a frame for the recap.

It did my heart good to see Dimi cornered by most of his victims. I'd like to see him forced into the marriage with Fina. She might be able to make a project of him, or maybe not.


No; I agree with Alejandro. Fina's too good for him.

Urban, thank you! Yes, Dim's tantrum was a hoot. That money has made the rounds, hasn't it?

[Speaking of making the rounds, I wonder if the Magic Ring has disappeared. I was expecting to see Basurto steal it off Loreto's corpse.]

La Paloma, I'm so glad you liked the recap.

As for Dim and Josefina, it comes down to whether the writers are selling Dim as flawed, but muy muy en el fondo, un buen tipo -- or -- rotten to the core. It's too soon to tell for sure, but I have a hunch our boy is going to be redeemed.

A gorgon! A GORGON! I loved it NovelaMaven!!! The visual in my mind was instant and I LOVED it!!!

Asymmetry/symmetry: PERFECTO!!!

Help me understand this one point, though: Angie paid off EZ. Does this mean that the JL's "escape" just "happened" to fall into place for Pedro? EZ was planning to let JL go anyway, but dear, sweet Angie gave EZ an extra bonus?

Loved Fina confronting the slugbait known as Dimwit. I don't want to see this jerk get off by being redeemed. I don't care if he is redeemed. He needs to pay and pay dearly for what he has done to others.


One more thing, where is The Ring? I don't want this Ring to go missing. It just HAS to be a part of the story!


Muchísimas gracias, Fatima!

As I understood it, Pedro had given EZ instructions to allow JL to escape. Neither Pedro nor EZ could have known that Angie would come along and try to bribe JL out of jail. So for them, it was a happy coincidence. And now EZ has some pin money to buy himself some big boy clothes.

And yes, we must have The RING!

NM, Brilliant title! Stunning prologue! Now I'm going to watch the program and enjoy the rest of your recap. (My local jazz station played a retrospective of Frank Sinatra today. Coincidence? I think not.)

You are SO welcome, NovelaMaven! What an exciting recap!!

Thank you for clarifying Angie's role in the Great Escape. That Pedro is a sneaky, sly one, isn't he?

The Ring...we must not lose the Ring. The writers can do so much with this Ring!! A little supernatural stuff thrown in here and there would not hurt things one bit. :)


Novela Maven, what an original and insightful recap. Thanks!

So glad that the stolen money finally did someone some good. The highlight of this stellar episode was Angelica going on the run with JC and having the adventure of a lifetime rather than sitting at home waiting to die.

I also enjoyed Dimitrio finally being forced to face the music. UA , I do agree that it would have been wiser for Ale to have sent him packing back to his mommy.

What was really disgusting was good old enabler Carlota "serving" Dimitrio a cup of coffee as he was napping at 6:00 a.m. waiting for Ale. It is just that kind of "special" treatment that helped make him into the jerk he is.

Great shower scene.


Oh dear, Sylvia. Now I have to worry about meeting your expectations. Ah well -- we'll always have Sinatra.

Jarifa, thanks so much! I think it is a mark of just how good this novela really is that an episode that focuses more on the secondary characters than the nominal protagonists is so very strong.

Good point about Carlota's "special" treatment having a part in Dim's arrested development. I tend to blame Graciela for her "bebé." But you're right. She didn't do it alone.

Novela Maven, I hadn't thought about the secondary characters really being the focus of this episode as they were. Interesting point.



This recap is fantastic and marvelous. I loved your symmetrical and asymmetrical theme for this recap. So spot on!

I too really liked Dimwit having to face the music, especially in front of others and especially in front of Fina, and so glad she slapped the crap out of his face. I too think it's a very bad idea for Dimwit to be working at the Hacienda Almonte. If I were Ale, I'd watch my back. There is a very dark side to Dimwit and he's not above using it.

So glad for Angie and JL to be making an escape. I like what she left in the letter to her parents, she wants to live before she dies. I too agree that there is something, something between Angie and JL, maybe not love, but consideration, respect, and genuine fondness that could grow to love, which I'm hoping really happens. They deserve a happy ending. I can't wait to see who this Madrina of Angie's is. I hope she is a nice lady.

It is so good to see Ale and Monse so lovey, dovey and cuddly. Sigh. We just know that anvil can't be far.

I too was really surprised that Pedro let JL go, but then again, he has his own agenda of getting revenge. He knows he's been cuckholded and so now he wants to spread the pain. I can't stand this guy. He is violent, and depraved. I hope his anvil is in spades and then some.

Josephina, even with her unibrow, is a very beautiful woman. Her main assets are covered up by her too big clothing and her hair needs a decent cut. I think if she had those, unibrow or no unibrow, she'd be gorgeous. I hope that Nadia, Monse or Carlotta start working with her. I also liked the respect that Rosy showed her too.

Thanks again NovelaMaven for this most superb recap!


Sinatra, sigh! I have most of his music on CD's. I love that voice and could listen to it all day long.

I think another love scene was axed. Montse and Ale having fun in the bathtub was too damn short.

Thanks so much, Mads!

I think we all enjoyed watching Dimitrio getting slapped around (Wait. That doesn't sound right.)

And yes, Josefina has been a great beauty all along. She just has to figure that out.

Do you think she can change her self-image from the inside out and get everyone else to perceive her differently while keeping her FridaBrow intact?

Nah. Me either.

NM, your Asymmetry of Information is a new concept for me. I don't believe I've heard about it before, or if I did it didn't make an impact on me. But it really makes sense as you explained it, and as the episode unfolded. You are a terrific teacher.

There is another thing that has been burbling in my brain since this crazy novela started, and I think it pairs well with your asymmetry of information. It is the pyrrhic victory, i.e. a victory which incurs such great cost that is tantamount to a defeat. Early on it was obviously the futile (and painful to watch) one-upmanship between Montse and Ale. At the moment I am most interested in out it is playing out with Dimwit and Fina. I hope it is Dimitrio who will pay dearly for his alleged victory over Fina.

You've put the bug in my ear and I'm pretty sure from now on I will be obsessed with the power plays, the shifts of power, and who's really zoomin' who.

Ahem..."in HOW it is playing out"

Time for bed, with visions of sugarplums whacking unibrowed losers dancing in my head.

Novela Maven,

What a fantastic recap. Gracias!
"[The nerve! They stole his stolen money!]" & "Whoa! Josefina gives him the clout in the chops he deserves" were among some of my favorites.

Very sweet and tender scenes with Ale and Montse horse back riding and smooching by the river. Ahhhh! what it must be like to spend quality time with our sexy and handsome Ale. The later scene with them in the shower was surprisingly not a dream. Yay! This time it was for real. Too bad Uni cut this scene too. Although this time they didn't edit out as much as the previous epi. They cut out more kissing, which I don't understand; it was just kissing; why would you NEED to edit that? I just don't understand.

I had two favorite scenes in this epi. My first was when Dimi found out that his stolen money was gone. I cheered and laughed when I realized how smart Angie was to 'borrow' that money to free JL. At least it was put to good use and not gambled away by Dimi. The second was when Fina showed up and slapped Dimi in front of everyone. He really deserved it!

I don't like that Fina still wants to marry Dimi. She is a pretty young lady and shouldn't have to prove her worth to anyone. Especially someone like DimWit.

I really enjoy watching Angie and JL together. She is willing to do what Montse didn't. Run away with JL. No questions asked. She just wants to be with him, and it seems like he likes being with her too. I hope that they can have some happiness together.

Off to bed...hasta pronto!

Novela Maven, loved your recap. Hottie McHotties have too many problems of their own, I guess, but down the line, when the time comes, Fina must get her makeover!!

I LOVE this tn, each day more than the last.

JL and Angie have a whole Bonny and Clyde thing going on and I enjoy them both tremendously.
Just speculating here, but what if Angie's dad decides to make a deal to protect JL while his daughter is still alive? When he read her letter, he had this pensive look, like he wasn't furious, but worried and considering stuff.
It would work rather well for JL, too, he can't be on the run forever.
I can't wait to meet the madrina, too, I wonder who will play her.

Dim and Fina are another story that I enjoy very much. When Dim was busted at the Arciegas house, I was clapping my hands and cheering - perfect timing, when he was already in hot water because of Virginia.
I hope Ale really makes him sweat on his lands and at the same time someone (maybe Nadia, one of the hotties) thinks about combing Fina's hair or something.
Then Fina can start taunting Dim with her beauty and make him fall for her.

The best part of last night - Angie taking the money. I was laughing out loud when I realized that was what she was planning to do. That money sure travelled - and to think that it originally belonged to Ale and it somehow helped JL get out of jail (even if he would have been out regardless).

Again, I have to stress how much I love this tn, it's such a surprise to me. And the great recappers only make things better.

Wow...another stunning recap. Thoughtful analysis, key concepts to ponder, vocabulary lessons and lots of wit. Sign me up for a second helping!(or maybe the all-you-can-eat buffet)

"Ez doesn't mind a bit. In fact he'd love to wallow in the muck right now."

"(Everyone is always apologizing for Dim. Except Dim.)"

"Carlota reminisces about Dimitrio as a child, before he grew a unibrow and turned into a worthless slug"

Just some of the gems, RecapMeister. Will look forward to watching this later in the day. But your recap was a real breakfast treat. And a helluva lot better than my oatmeal.

Oh and thanks for the Dahlberg quote. Reminds me of a quote about marriage...to the effect that probably every person we marry is the "wrong one" given that if we had had more information, we would have chosen differently. But nevertheless, one's actual partner is one's soulmate, because this is the person you're destined to learn life's painful lessons with.

Not sure that point of view will find many takers, but it's an interesting perspective.

This asymmetrical information theme-BRILLIANT, NovelaMaven.
Delicious recap.

Favorite lines:
Way to distract your ma, Ginnie. But belch.
Start with the huge belt buckle, the black sombrero, and the black pointy-toed boots, EZ. The rest of the outfit is probably already in your closet. (I would have added, "Just go buy a Snidely Wiplash costume"!.)

Carlota reminisces about Dimitrio as a child, before he grew a unibrow and turned into a worthless slug.

"Yes boss!" says Dim, who has yet to have the crap...er...irony kicked out of him.

Love the way Ginnie and Angie hoodwinked evil Dimwit, and congrats TN writers, finally a little justice! My, that money is making the rounds.

NovelaMaven, it's difficult enough to brew a concoction to the peak of flavor, but you added the right amount of sugar and spices to perfect it. And deliciously. Savored every sip and the embedded vocabulary was greatly appreciated.

"habitually clenched teeth", "JL has the psychological edge. May he wield it well", "he'd love to wallow in the muck", “toadying” (simply a great word) and "cuckolded sociopathic" were among my favorites. Asymmetry of information was an exceptional theme. Excellent!

"These two have opened their hearts to each other. Is it too much to hope they escape what seems certain doom?" I fervently hope they do! Refugio and Esme and JL and Angelica are the couples I am rooting for. Perhaps we are asking too much for eternal happiness for JL and Angelica, but may love enter JL's heart and may their destinies be intertwined together while they are on this earth.

Sylvia, "pyrrhic victory". Fascinating and an excellent point amiga. You are so insightful.

I loved that Angelica took the money! The con got conned. What a smart move on her part. Agree Jarifa, that it's about time the money benefitted someone who was worthy. Dim and his reprobate counterpart now have nothing. I am smirking myself (take that Dim) in betting just how long Dim will last at menial labor. I suspect he will be truly married to Josie within the next episode or so :). I totally agree with you Madelaine that she is indeed a beautiful woman (albeit in frumpy clothes and fake facial hair) and we must utilize our beanies to actually think otherwise.

Judy, you have given us an interesting point to ponder "one's actual partner is one's soulmate, because this is the person you're destined to learn life's painful lessons with". Thank you - I will be digesting this for some time today.

My favorite scene (of many) last night was Angelica and JL on their freedom ride. Perhaps I am trying to see things simply because I want them to be so, but I think I did see a spark from JL - an appreciative laugh and admiring glance that will hopefully turn into much more.

NovelaMaven, thank you for giving us another reason to smile today. I always look forward to your recaps and once again, you have provided us with everything we would want and more.


Yes, indeed, but where is the ring now?

We haven't seen any forensic personnel. Basurto probably was there to help remove the body, so perhaps he is in possession of the ring now. I'm sure it's either him or Pedro.

BTW, nice touch with the scorpion medallion, which might actually belong to the actor (SS is a Scorpio).

Here's also hoping that the stolen money has some bad karma attached to it. One wonders whether it's something ill-gotten by Don Benjamin.

wow...may I just say ..wow. I always learn so much from your clever and insightful..not to mention hilarious recaps. Today I learned a new concept..asymmetry of information. I suppose another classic example would be every class because the teacher hopefully has more knowledge of a subject than his/her students. Uh-oh, that reminds me that I have to get to school.

P.s. I am trying to process that quote..."Every decision is a mistake." Is this the reason I have always had trouble making decisions?

Ok. It's official. Watching novelas and reading the Caray blog is intellectually stimulating and not just entertaining! Hot damn NovelaMaven! This recap rendered in the context of analysis of the power differential between characters is freak-ing BRILLIANT! (say BRILLIANT in a sharp falsetto! :D) Oh. my. word! Love it, girl, Love. It! Thank you!

Great lines: "The nerve! They stole his stolen money!"

ITA about Nadia. I don't like her anymore. I think she is spoiled and not as bright as she should be. Her parents probably warned her about Pricko and she wouldn't listen., I know I'm probably saying this to feed my ire but what she did to Esme is unforgiveable! And the noive to have her lover come out to the Almonte place. Is she planning to stay a few days? Is she planning to revolcar with Victor out at Montse's? Another inconsiderate, self-centered and stupid "decision." This really fits your opening quote!

This from Fina was chilling and, I hope, prophetic: "Dim has no idea of the harm she could do to him."

Lastly, NM, I'll have to be more observant because I did not pick up that "Angélica's madrina is none other than Capt. Robledo's sister." Ouch!

I await your and others' take on Fina's strange offer and all the other exciting developments.

Oh. One last question: Was the shower scene cut? Thank you for removing the last shred of guilt for becoming a novelera!


Judy..Another interesting, thought-provoking quote about marriage. Was it James Thurber who said, "Love is what you have been through together." And my favorite quote from "Highlander The TV series, " Who you are can depend on whom you meet."

I must motor now or I will be late for work. ..later, gators.

Susanlynn, I love that Highlander quote. Never heard it before.


Susanlynn, I also like the Highlander quote - new to me and a gem.



Should we consider Nadia's pleasure at defying Pedro a Pyrrhic victory? So far, she hasn't personally paid much of a price, but Esmeralda and Victor have footed the bill for her. Also, she may have nudged Pedro forward in his passion to destroy Alejandro (though he really didn't need a lot of nudging).

Healthcare economists talk a lot about asymmetry of information in reference to patients and physicians, for example, or patients and hospitals. How do naive patients know if they are getting good care? (The bean counters offer formulas and markers of 'quality,' and providers learn to 'teach to the test' -- but that is another story. It is much more fun to think about What Alejandro Knew and When He Knew It.)

Thanks so much for your Before and After visits. I do love the way you become engaged in an episode and a recap. (Not too engaged, I hope. "visions of sugarplums whacking unibrowed losers dancing in my head" can cause insomnia. Or so they say.)

Ahhh! Love all the insights from everybody!

Adriana Noel: "When he read her letter, he had this pensive look, like he wasn't furious, but worried and considering stuff." I noticed that, too! I hadn't paid much attention to Angie's dad before that but that message sure struck a nerve in him!


Dear NovelMaven,

Once again, many thanks for a fabulous, funny, intelligent recap that is always the best part of my Wednesday morning and makes my subway ride fly by as if my place of work were next door to my home.

I used to have trouble reading on the subway since I got motion sickness, but I never do reading Caray Caray recaps and comments. Must be all the fun and positive energy! In addition to giving me endless delight, teaching me Spanish, and providing insightful observation, this recap also cured my motion sickness!

I loved so many of your great, quick character descriptions: "As the men walk, Medina confides through his habitually clenched teeth that his prisoner did him a favor by ridding him of Loreto"

And also: "Start with the huge belt buckle, the black sombrero, and the black pointy-toed boots, EZ. The rest of the outfit is probably already in your closet."

These were two of my favorites.

Was intrigued, too, about your ideas on asymmetry of information and how that's playing out in the relationships between the characters. I really liked your analysis that it's actually J-L who has the edge over Pedro because Pedro is so hung up on power that he can't value the greater strength of love and honor.

J-L really has been through it all. He has nothing else to lose and in some ways is the most free character of all even as he is a fugitive on the run. I think this is why he is bonding so strongly with Angie and why their scenes together are so strong. Facing the reality of her own imminent death, she knows all that's left to her is her life and is also free.

J-L and the actor have REALLY won me over. I loved the scenes with Montse and Ale, too, and am happy for their happiness, but I was more moved in this particular episode by the situation and honest feelings of José-Luís and Angélica.

Thanks again for your great work!


As a parent of a child (now adult) with a developmental disability and having gone through the "special education" system for over 24 years (and working as a consultant to other parents) I have always noted and decried the power differential and the asymmetry of information between parents and school personnel. The lingo says parents are equal and important partners in the education of their children but it simply does not play out that way because of the myriad of ways schools "out-power" and overpower parents. In my other life I was a Medial Social Worker, Novela Maven so I appreciate the illustration you shared as well. Sorry for being kind of OT. Okay. Back to work!


JoseAngel and AuntyAnn:

You know, I didn't really notice any cuts. The shower scene was brief but lovely.

In general, when the televised episode starts with more than a few seconds of rehashed scenes, we can guess that we are in for a bowdlerized version of the original. Last night, the rehash was quite short (I didn't bother to cover it in the recap since Urban had already described the scenes beautifully on Monday.)

AuntyAnn, I am glad you enjoyed the recap.

Adriana, thank you!

"JL and Angie have a whole Bonny and Clyde thing going on"

Nice! I love the image, or at least the cinematic one. (The real Bonnie and Clyde were a pair of heartless thugs while JL and Angie are ALL heart.)

My dear JudyB:
When I publish my memoirs, may I quote you on the back cover?

Better than oatmeal!

I've been mulling over what you wrote about marriage:

"one's actual partner is one's soulmate, because this is the person you're destined to learn life's painful lessons with."

It may be early in the day for d e e p thoughts but I have to say I like this idea very much. Thank you, Judy.

Thanks for the nice words. I was kind of surprised when Virginia said she was eighteen. I was thinking she was a couple of years younger than that.

BTW -- best typo of the day:
"Way to distract your ma, Ginnie. But belch."
Way better than the original!
[NM snorts in an unladylike fashion]

Angelica's madrina is the sister of Capitan Robleto? We have to hope for JL's sake that they're not close and don't live near each other. That could be his doom. Angelica and JL could be driving right into the OK Corral.

Nadia is very naive and her parents very blind to have allowed and/or encouraged her to marry Pedro. She will have to find out about him beating up Esme just as she now knows about Victor.

What I'd like to see is Nadia, Monse, and Josefina joining up against the abuse. Monse knows that Alejandro suspects that Pedro is behind the attempts on his life, but while Nadia may have the courage to tell Pedro off she may not have the ability to spy on him. Telling him off may have nixed that possibility.


Thank you once again for your gracious and generous comments.

"I am smirking myself (take that Dim) in betting just how long Dim will last at menial labor."

I am delighted at this image. Diana -- our Diana -- sitting close to one of the space heaters on The Patio, sipping a steaming beverage and smirking!

So do you think Dim will actually break a sweat? (Or at least a nail?)

Good morning, Susanlynn,

I actually took "asymmetry of information" out for a test drive with a certain academic I know, and he was also quick to apply it to his world.

I really like the Thurber quote: Love is what you have been through together.

I was just going to say that a love like that is the opposite of telenovela Instant Magnetic Attraction. But maybe not. Maybe we'll see that kind of love develop between JL and Angie.


"Thank you for removing the last shred of guilt for becoming a novelera!"

Whoa! I feel so powerful now!

And to veer OT a moment too --
Yes, absolutely. The battle cries of 'Patient Autonomy!' and demands for 'Transparency' are often hollow in the face of the fundamental asymmetry of information.

Hey, I don't know if the shower scene was cut or not, but I'm fairly sure that if you play it twice, you'll get your money's worth. [Grin]

The shower scene was short in the original and revealed nothing for a censor to get upset about.

When TV censors take scissors to a scene they usually don't bother doing a redub on the music bed. That is usually how you can tell if a scene has been chopped up.

NovelaMaven, I am chuckling away (and yes, smirking!)at the mental image I'm conjuring showing Dimwit trying to shovel (or other such pedestrian task), his uncoiffed curls even more askew, actually breaking a sweat!

I can only hope the writers are kind enough to show us the minute or so he might actually work so that we can put this unexpected image in our "vault" for future viewing.


"one's actual partner is one's soulmate, because this is the person you're destined to learn life's painful lessons with."

I will have to ponder this JudyB. What about those who don't stay with their partners? Do they still have a "soul" connection? Would like your thoughts, please. :)

I am still scratching my head at Fina wanting to be with Dimwit. She must have some kind of plan, but I don't see Dimwit being worth the trouble. Fina must see some redeemable quality in Dimwit that I simply do not see.

We now have two tainted and cursed objects: a) THE RING and b) The Stolen Money.

In keeping with the symmetry/asymmetry theme that the wonderful NovelaMaven has introduced, I feel that two objects are asymmetrical and that a third is needed to close the circle and form perfect symmetry.

What will that object be?

I so hope the writers continue to follow the trail of THE RING and THE MONEY.


Oh wow, Julia Rold -- CarayCaray recaps as a cure for motion sickness! We could make a fortune, hanging around airports and trains stations like the old-time hare krishnas and selling them to weary travelers. "Better than Dramamine!" we'd say, and twice as sedating!

Oh wait. The recaps are free, aren't they? Drat. Back to the drawing board.

Thank you so much for your kind words. (It is particularly heartening when a fellow recapper validates one's parking ticket around here.)

I agree completely with this observation of yours:

"I loved the scenes with Montse and Ale, too, and am happy for their happiness, but I was more moved in this particular episode by the situation and honest feelings of José-Luís and Angélica."

Urban, Is it Pedro who wears a scorpion medallion? I didn't even notice. I'll have to take another look.

It's interesting about actors sometimes using their own belongings as props in a scene. I remember that after "Triunfo del Amor," Daniela Romo revealed that the huge pectoral cross she wore as the evil Doña Bernarda was actually her own.

It's not even 8:00 a.m. here and there are already so many insightful comments and quotes to ponder! I had never heard the Dahlberg quote before but I like it. It kind of takes the pressure off all the decisions I have been making lately, and have yet to make. (We are facelifting two bathrooms and a kitchen, replacing windows, selecting tiles and fixtures, house paint, etc.) Since all my decisions will be a mistake then who gives a fig?

NM, let's keep an eye on Nadia and see how her "victory" over Pedro plays out. You make a great point about others footing the bill for her alleged victory.

Speaking of footing the bill, it totally sucks for Alejandro that he is bankrolling JL's escape. He doesn't know it, but still. Oh well, at least we got to see Dimwit get his stolen money stolen. Go Angie!!

I have noticed Pedro's scorpion necklace. I suppose if it really does belong to SS then we will only ever see it again on him and we won't get the pear robe syndrome with it.

I do hope that Angie and JL get a little bit of fun before the anvils come crashing down. They are my favorite couple right now.

Novela: This recap is so original and brilliant.

The travelling money is hilarious. First Adolfo, Dimi and Maria steal it from Ale. Then Adolfo steals it from Dimi and Dimi gets back at Adolfo by stealing it from him. And, finally, our Angel steals it from Dimi to ransom Jose Luis. So, who will take it away from Basurto? And, what has happened to Maria's portion?

Nadia, girl, what are you thinking? You live with one of earth's most vile creatures and throw it up in his face and drag Victor with you? Yes, she does appear to be selfish. Just go see a lawyer and get the marriage annulled. Pedro can't buy off every judge in Mexico.

I think that the avances also showed that the boat that Jose Luis rented was taking on water. Let's hope for a rescue at sea.

Sylvia, it IS liberating to accept that "Every decision you make is a mistake." It is a sort of updated version of MAD Magazine's "What Me Worry." Alfred E. Neuman lives!

Fatima, I'm also anxious to hear JudyB's thoughts on your question about soulmates and broken relationships. My own take on it --

It is an antidote to the romantic -- and, in my opinion, harmful -- ideal that we each have a soulmate floating 'out there.' The idea is that the people we forge a life with are our soulmates. I'm not sure that we need to (or even should) restrict the concept to a single person. Judy, does that make sense?

Pasofino, I am so glad you enjoyed the recap. The previews show JL and Angie in a leaky boat, you say? Oy vey. As if they didn't have enough problems.

What happened to María's portion of the money? I'm pretty sure it's hidden in her Wonder Bra. She's much too canny to hide her stash under the mattress.

NovelaMaven - Love the asymmetrical/symmetrical theme. My favorite: "[The nerve! They stole his stolen money!]"

I tuned in last night with no idea this episode would make me laugh so hard. Angie robbing Dim and Fina outing him before the Arechiga's – yes!!!

Can't stand Dim, but I do like that he openly let Fina see how easily he can fake sincerity and called her out on the stupidity of trusting him with the safe. I predict redemption, cause maybe there was some tiny spark of care for Fina that caused him to do this, like he was warning her not to be so doofus next time. I would say revealing his lousy self to Fina brought the pair closer to being symmetrical.

but I think I did see a spark from JL

Diana, I see it too. I love when love comes unexpected like this.

Finally joined the six minute club and I must say I'm not calling the editor an idiot this time. That would've earned an R rating in the US and definitely not for non-pay TV, but it’s nice that one can see it online.

Fatima. As I recall, that thought (I haven't given the exact wording) was from a letter Tolkien wrote to his son. I suspect the context was maybe said son was chafing in his marriage and thinking he'd wed "the wrong person" and Dad was trying to encourage him to hang in there and make the effort.

Unfortunately, there are many times a marriage doesn't last, even when one tries everything to save it.

I would say nevertheless, that your spouse, however disillusioning and imperfect, was your soulmate because you had to find the deepest, wisest, strongest part of yourself and develop it even further, in order to survive the breakup of your home and family. And regardless of the brevity of the marriage, that person will always be a part of you. And if there are children...well...

So then the challenge is to decide whether this particular soulmate (doesn't mean there is only ONE)is going to be a toxic, degrading force in your life or simply a searing, white-hot challenge that turns your dross into gold.

Anyway, that's my take on it. Who knows what Tolkien would say?

Ah, now that I've completed this comment, I see that yes, NovelaMaven understood it as I did, including the "not just one soulmate" thought.

And Fatima, I noticed I used the term "your" but I was not referring to YOU...only to a generalized "you".

Pasofino, "travelling money", snorf! You are so right. If the writers don't track the travelling money and travelling ring then we will have to do so.

Mention of the boat reminds me, huge kudos to JL for taking off his boots before jumping on the boat. That is completely realistic and absolutely something that a true marinero would do. I was amazed that someone thought to include this detail.

NovelaMaven, I like your take on the relationship/soul mate question. I think there is something in every relationship that matches what we need at given points in our lives. Needs change. Relationships are dynamic. To me, "soul" relationships implies relationships of a higher order. I can't see having more than one "true" soul relationship in one lifetime (but we know that there are no absolutes!). There are no guarantees that we will even get that one "true" relationship.

I marvel at those relationships that do have that level of connection. I think they are very special.

I actually see the relationship between Angelica and JL as more special and meaningful than the one he had with Montserrat simply because of its honesty. Angelica knows in her soul what she sees in JL. JL has been to busy surviving the horrible wrongs perpetrated against him, but I think his mind's eye is seeing a different picture now.

The Alejo/Montserrat relationship has the poorest foundation of the two. I also think that despite Alejo's anger and misbehavin', he has much more inner substance than Montserrat. Angelica has more inner substance than Montserrat.

I think the Angelica/JL relationship is fascinating for more spiritual reasons. Alejo/Montserrat still have a long ways to go.


JudyB, I like this: "I would say nevertheless, that your spouse, however disillusioning and imperfect, was your soulmate because you had to find the deepest, wisest, strongest part of yourself and develop it even further, in order to survive the breakup of your home and family. And regardless of the brevity of the marriage, that person will always be a part of you. And if there are children...well..."

Very, very well said! Thank you. :))

Not to worry. I knew you meant the collective "you". :)


To Anonymous who wrote about dealing with the Special Education system, even if OT--sorry!, I say I know exactly of what you speak, sister! Been through it myself -- yes yes and yes. Tends to make an already stressful situation that much more anxiety producing. And quite often enraging, Mexican soap opera style!

As for Dimi, I too think we are headed for possible redemption. I suspect that he is in fact Ale's half-brother and that the business of having to work for him may finally teach Dimi a thing or two about becoming a real person. Who knows? I hope so. I like the young actor, who needs his own makeover really as much as Fina -- He looks like a younger, slighter version of the once terrifically goodlooking Rei das Novelas Brasileiras -- Tarcisio Meiro. Could be his son.

And the ultimate in unbalanced distribution of knowledge and the reveal I am most looking forward to -- Rosario and Alejandro! And Maria's reaction -- I can hardly wait for that one. Kudos to Gretel Valdez for being so generous in creating such a detestable creature.

Maria de Andrade that was Lila talking about special ed. :)

And I looked that actor up. Dim does remind me of him and I've seen him in one of the few Brazilian novelas I've watched. (OT: if there is a Brazilian Caray-type site, I don't think sharing a link on here would be a problem. Thanks!)

I could slap Dim most of the time but was interested to see a not-so-well repressed smile flitting across Ale's face as he proposed the job and chided Dim about his clothing. Ale doesn't want to despise his wife's brother and he does need the help. I hope Dim will be too bushed to make mischief! Guess we'll see!


Great lunch reading material, NM! and great comments! loved your asymmetric and symmetric format.

As far as why Pedro let JL go... well, it can only work out in his favor either way. But I bet his plan is to let JL go, then spark the anger in Alejandro so Alejandro will go on a hunt for JL's head and kill him himself, then Pedro might even be able to frame Alejandro for murder and get rid of both birds. HE might even be interested in Montse for himself so that would be the ultimate prize... just my 2 cts worth. Great recap and comments, thanks for the lunch reading fun.

Niecie, thanks so much!

The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Dim will, in the end, be redeemed. It will be a long and winding road, of course. Consider:

When the writers had him pointing a gun at JL and he opted neither to shoot nor to cry out and alert the police, they were making a point. It isn't that he was too scared to act (although he WAS scared, as anyone would have been); there is something in him that balks at doing the ultimate wrong.

If he had killed JL, Montse would have hated him, but his aunt and mother would have called him a hero. Why would he care about Montse's opinion?

And when he was trying to justify his killing Gamboa as 'an accident,' I think he was telling the truth. He has killed but never intentionally.

By the way, JL has got to stop yelling "Mátame, mátame" at people or one of these days, someone is going to call his bluff.


"And the ultimate in unbalanced distribution of knowledge and the reveal I am most looking forward to -- Rosario and Alejandro!"

What a great point! When you think about it, Alejandro has been on the losing end of the information balance again and again. I guess we'll soon see how resilient he really is.

JudyB, thank you for expanding so eloquently on the subject of soulmates. I'm so glad Fatima raised the question so you could have a chance to answer it so thoughtfully.

Sylvia, isn't it fun when they get the small things right? As if someone is paying attention or cares about the craft? [So often the opposite happens: as soon as a story meanders into your little area of expertise, all the mistakes are so glaring and you just have to look away. It is such a relief to come to this page and say "You did good, Televisa!"]

Hola Marta! Nice to see you here. Glad you enjoyed the recap. You could very well be right about Pedro's intention. It looks like we'll find out more tonight.

Dear Novela Maven:

This was, quite simply, a brilliant essay on the theory of 'Asymmetry of information'—using the practical situational application of the human dramas in our telenovela.

Marvelous, ab fab.

I love that you have taken on the mantle of a 'novelera'. I wear mine with pride. When a show is written and acted as well as 'Robo' we have a marvelous chance here at Caray Caray as a community to discuss and ponder greater life issues.

A profound thank you to you, Novela Maven, for giving us a topic such as the power dynamic in relationships to discuss. How lucky we are that you lend your fine brain to the Caray Caray community.

JudyB: Your quote on marriage is fascinating. I have never heard that before, but intuitively it resonates.

I do not believe in a 'single soul mate' concept—for me it smacks of a determinism that I cannot contemplate. But he idea that you can WALK with a partner, knowing their flaws intimately and choosing the companionship anyway is very powerful indeed. It lends a bit of personal sovereignty to the experience of being in long term relationship or to walk alone, single.

Really great comments, all, who have spoken before me.

On assymetry of information in our little story, I agree with you that Maria A. got it right. Alejandro does not yet know that he will have an unconditional advocate in his mother, Rosario. I also love how Rosario has fallen a bit in love with her princess-like daughter-in-law. Ana Berta is doing a great job in the role.

I dread the Ale blow up when he finds out about Jose Luis, but I look forward to him puzzling through the moral conundrum he is in with JL/Ant. He owes the man his life 3X and I think he will forgive and help JL long before he forgives Montserrat.

Thanks, again, NM, for this superb and thought-proving recap.

Elna June


Oopsie, that second comment I wrote about being a novela was intended for Lila. I know our Maven has Novela-Pride.


Dimwit was more afraid of the ultimate consequence of killing JL: going to prison. Also, leaving him alive increases the odds that Alejandro will learn the truth and reject Monserrat, which would probably please Dimwit. Monserrat is their father's pet and he can't handle that.

As for whether he is also the child of Benjamin Almonte, that remains to be seen. We still don't know when Graceless had her affair with him; we only know that it was when Lauro was away for extended periods of time.

But I'm sure we can count on a medical situation to reveal that eventually if that's what the writers have in mind.

Good point about Matame Matame on JL's part. He seems ready to pack it in, unfortunately -- so desperately sad and self-destructive over his loss of the girl. Gives even more spice and tenderness to his affair with Angelica who is also it would appear on the way out.

And thanks for the heads up about Lila. I am getting old -- making spelling mistakes, getting thing confused. LOL. On the other hand, I would so make Josefina proud with my simple make-up techniques and have Dimi howling at the moon for her. Veronica J. is gorgeous.

And, not to be contrarian or anything, and not to discount the many joys and benefits of long marriage and going through life together, but, for real, what I miss MOST about my youth is the ability to just love the hell out of someone without it having it be so much work all the time.

I love the heat and passion and simple silliness of Mexican soap operas. The acknowledgement that what happens between a man and a woman doesn't need to be explained or complicated. It either is or it isn't when it comes to the recamara. And I also love how supportive they appear to be of the bond between mothers especially and their children. It's retablo time all the time and this is why these stories work when they do. This one is just outstanding in every respect. Without question, the best soap opera in any any language I have seen in a very long time.

And these recaps are just unbelievably well done.

I know of no Brasilian blog site for novelas but I could poke around. Hope I'm not breaking any rules by mentioning any of this. The resemblance between Osvaldo and Tarcisio is uncanny.

AuntyAnn: re: that scene. I may have the ep # wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was in the bedroom. My Spanish is nearly non-existent so I might be totally off base, it's just that my ears perked up when I heard "Maria" and "familia". His demeanor wasn't aggressive, so I thought he might be telling Mons that though Maria was like family, he would trust Mons. I tried to find the ep, but can't find completed versions of the ones I think it might be.


Oh Maria, "what I miss MOST about my youth is the ability to just love the hell out of someone without it having it be so much work all the time".



Thanks, EJ, I will be in awesome company!!

:D Lila

Thank you Maria, love your "love the hell out of someone" sentiment as well. Thanks for poking around for a Brasilian blog site whether you find one or not. The whole world of Brasilian and Mexican novelas has been one of my greatest pleasures in the last few years. It's just so great to have found y'all to "watch with".

:D Lila (Uuuuf! I'm supposed to be working on a project. . .Aunty Ann, I'm hooked, too!)

Well, I am back from another asymmetrical experience teaching ESL.The beginning of every semester is extremely asymmetrical. Often resulting in me coming home with a great big asymmetrical headache.

wow, Maria, May we quote you ?

By the way, Viktor seemed surprised by Nadia's request to bring her something. Perhaps, she asked him to buy makeup and a big scissors so that she can do a makeover on Josefina.

Ahoy, Sylvia..I noticed that JL threw his boots into the boat before he boarded, but I just figured his feet hurt. Your comment made me think a little, and then, it came to me that one would not want one's boots on if that boat sank. There is definitely some asymmetry of knowledge going on between you and me regarding boats and sailing, Captain. Do you remember our discussion with Carlos about parch versus pills when I was about to take a cruise ?


Lila....OT...I have a friend whose son has Asperger's syndrome. She solved the asymmetrical knowledge problem by becoming the PTA president. I also have a friend who worked as a special ed advocate trying to ensure that special ed students received the services that they were entitled to. She worked with students, teachers, parents, and administrators, so her job was not an easy one.

Novela Maven this is another gem. Your topic of asymmetrical information was quite apt for this episode.

I loved that Angie stole the money from Dim. Though I'm not seeing Dim's potential redemption, his constant smirking give the impression he believes he's the smartest guy in the room.

Dear Elna June:

You are, as always, much too kind. I think I just lucked out with the episode -- some lend themselves to thematic ideas and some don't. I'm glad you don't think I made too much of a hash of it.

I would say that it is the comments today that are 'ab fab' (Dare I say 'damn fab'? or is it too soon?). I particularly like your observations about Rosario:

"I also love how Rosario has fallen a bit in love with her princess-like daughter-in-law."

and also about Alejandro and his likely reaction to the JL/Antonio reveal:

"I dread the Ale blow up when he finds out about Jose Luis, but I look forward to him puzzling through the moral conundrum he is in with JL/Ant. He owes the man his life 3X and I think he will forgive and help JL long before he forgives Montserrat."

Urban, you may well be on to something in your analysis of Dimitrio's motives.


What Diana said. :D

And no, you aren't breaking any rules. We go with a slight variation on the old Henry James quote:

Three things in human life (and CarayCaray) are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. [And also no spoilers and Blog Mom doesn't like gossip.]

Hi Susanlynn, yes I do remember our conversation about patch vs pills!

Hi Karen:

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate the kind words.

Yes, Dim does have a PermaSmirk. He'll definitely have to expand his repertoire of facial expressions if he is to be seen as a candidate for redemption.

The irony is that he is never the smartest guy in the room. (Maybe not even when he's alone.)

Lila -- Totally OT but when it comes to doing what needs to be done for your child okay to be this Maria and that Maria and then some. I was respectful when I needed to be and a crazed lioness when I felt he was not getting what he needed. It was uncomfortable here at home and led to not many hot recamera moments with my husband when he felt I was going too far but, like Rosario, I went there when I felt I had to and I'm not sorry I did. My son's okay now and making his way. One's desire to make it better for them never ends. This way of being went on and off for some years. Last year of grade school not great. Last year of Middle School um pesadelo for sure. It got better in HS and I was able to breathe, eat, and sleep again. Hang in there if it's still going on and a big abrazo.

For the rest, yeah, the need to be happy in the bedroom is something essential and that one thing that I miss more than anything else and never talk about. Eis ... las novelas and the need for Rulli and Levy.

These days I make homemade gnocchi and Persian rice and tend to my house even more meticulously. Would I trade a lot of it for one good night with a super galan even at my age? Por supuesto and viva el Mexico!

And am just concentrating on the ring thing which I had forgotten about.

For the rest, if these recappers are not writing professionally they ought to be. And now I will go away for a bit. I get kind of manic with all the juices.

Susanlynn and Maria, thank you, thank you so much! My son has Autism and Epilepsy and I'm not quite an advocate but mentor parents and help them find resources. I know we all have different challenges and these stories and you wonderfully brilliant and articulate people are balm after the battles!

Oh. The project? Power outage at our main office, internet down. . .Oh sh.....sugar! Hee Hee! I'll try to be strong!



I loved this, "But nevertheless, one's actual partner is one's soulmate, because this is the person you're destined to learn life's painful lessons with." I myself have learned so much since being married, more than I ever imagined. And not just about my husband, but about myself and my family. Thank you for your fascinating insight into relationships.

I will keep looking. I will go over last weeks episodes.

The more comments I read about JL and Angie, the more and more I am liking this pairing. I loved the stare that JL gave to Angie after she picked him up. She was driving and JL just looks at her for a few silent seconds, then he smiles and says something about her name really matching her persona. She is an angel that saved him from certain doom.

Like so many of you, I am totally loving this TN. I can't imagine those of you watching that don't speak Spanish, or are learning Spanish. What a treat this must be for you. I watch because of the superb acting, the relationships that are formed between all our beloved characters, the drama and for all the telenovios of course. Now I also watch to share my viewing experience with all of you guys. A million THANKS!

Back to work...hasta pronto!


I just spent the day with 600 people- experts in higher education and data. Yet, I come here, and I feel like this is the smartest group of people I've ever encountered. What wonderful ruminations on asymmetry/symmetry and love. Thank you, NM, for inspiring such wonderful conversation. And thank you, everyone, for contributing such wonderful food for thought.

My favorite parts of the episode were Angie and JL, and Dim getting screwed over and slapped down. I think after one day of working, he'll go back option #1-- marry Fina.

I would really like to see Fina become a bombshell, ensnare Dim, make him suffer, and then dump/divorce him. Unfortunately, the problem with this plan is that she actually still loves the jerk, and would likely fall into his arms if he started showing her any attention.

I'm pretty sure the thing that Nadia asked Victor to buy is a pregnancy test, at the request of Monse. But Victor must have really panicked there for a second. LOL!

p.s. I hope Fina gets a fabulous makeover, and Dimi spends all his time begging her to take him back because he wants her for reals this time. And Fina keeps him on his toes and in limbo about whether or not she will take him back.

Okay, now back to work(for reals this time...hasta pronto!

Oh man! A pregnancy test! Of course that's it, smartypants Vivi! (Why didn't I think of that? Sheesh.)

Thanks for the nice words. If I had anything to do with eliciting these remarkable comments today, then I'm going to give myself a pat on the back. This is quite a group we have here.

I also figured it was a pregnancy test. I loved the look on Victor's face! LOL!

Vivi,....oh...you are probably right about the pregnancy test. If that is what Nadia asked Vik to buy, I am sure he must have panicked. I suppose that there isn't a CVS or Riteaid anywhere near the hacienda. As for the makeover, I guess Monymony will just have to open up her makeup case and share her lipstick and mascara with Josefina.

I had to giggle about your comments about the interesting conversations that happen on Caraycaray. Sometimes, I mention comments made here in cyberspace to my real life friends and family , and when I do, I often get some very odd looks. Who said what ? we do go off on some fascinating topics besides getting a little wild and crazy about deleted scenes and damn adjectives. Caraycaray is a good place to come after a long day of reality when the world is too much with us,

Concerning the shower scene which supposedly was not edited...I guess it was a short shower. Monymony and Ale must not have been very dirty. it's nice to know that they are environmentally conscious ...SAVE water; Shower with a friend.

Speaking of censorship, the cable channels are getting scary. There was full frontal male nudity on Spartacus....YIKES...TMI, and you never know what kind of wild thing you will see on Shameless. Then, I watch retro TV (Donna Reed, Patty Duke, etc.) and think of how much TV has changed.

"I also figured it was a pregnancy test"

Well now you're just rubbing it in, AuntyAnn. Apparently I'm the only fool on The Patio who couldn't figure it out.
[hee hee]

I am calling dibs to sit next to Vivi for the next test. What a mind you have, Vivi. I remember that when you first started commenting here at Caraycaray years ago, I thought that you were a lawyer because your remarks were always so logical. You also have an unbelievable memory.

Some of you are mentioning a Brazilian novela blogsite. A couple of years ago Uni aired a Brazilian novela called "India", and it was superb. They dubbed Spanish over the Portuguese.

Hey, Novelamaven !!!!!....standing right here. !!!!! Remember that I thought Nadia asked him to buy makeup and a scissors for the Josefina makeover.

Pasofino- Carlos and I are pert of a small group here who watched India. He did a few recaps of it, and we would have many offline e-mail conversations about it. Loved that tn.

Sorry Miss Susie, I didn't see your hand. Come on over and have a glass of chablis at the Clueless table! The Patio is buying.

LOL, Susanlynn! This site has taught me to better multitask. I crank out a page or two of a proposal or work e-mail, and then dive back into CarayCaray to see what you smartypants have said in the last hour or two. It really is an addiction. When the conversation gets as high quality as it did today, I can justify it. ;-)

Pasofino I didn't se "India" but I saw "Viver a Vida" in Portuguese and I understand it's on hulu+ dubbed in Spanish ("Viver la Vida"). The beautiful, eclectic mix of contemporary American, Brazilian, and French music in the sound track has made me loathe to check it out. Viver is, for me, absolutely the best novella I have ever seen and the music was so much a part of that I'm a little afraid to see what dubbing did to it. Viver is absolutely astonishingly wonderful! If anybody knows of a Portuguese hulu+ please let me know!


Pert? Part, is what I meant to write. Well, Carlos can sometimes be pert. One of the definitions I found is: saucily free and forward. Sort of like his favorite, Maria (or any of the man other bad girls he worships).

Novela: what an interesting theme for the recap. I loved it!

I like Dim working at the hacienda. I’m hoping it will make a man of him.

Madelaine: there’s a Bollywood actress—Kajol—who is known for her unibrow and she’s beautiful. So I agree with you re: Fina’s makeover.

I’m really loving this JL and Angie pairing. NOW he’s a character that I like and admire.

I wonder if Joaquin realized that Angie had a point. It was her life to live as she liked for as long as she has.

JuliaR: liked your take on JL and Angie.

I’m one who believes that there is one soul mate for each of us, but they aren’t necessarily in your present lifetime as a romantic partner. They can be a friend, sister, uncle, etc. Personally, mine is my ex-husband.

When Ale finds out about JL, will he suspect the baby is not his (not a spoiler—previews showed Mons telling Ale she was preggers).

Sylvia: finally finished Friday’s ep’s comments. I’ve fallen in love with accordion music, too. I’ve been watching the old The Lawrence Welk Show on PBS (I remember watching it when I was a kid). He seems like such a darling and it’s so much fun to see the different clothing and hair styles—the show was on from the 1950s to the 80s (I believe). I totally got hooked on Myron Floren and his accordion. I want to learn to play, now.


AuntyAnn: thanks so much. Don’t go to too much trouble on my account, though.

I really liked that scene in the car with JL and Angie. When he genuinely laughed, for the first time that I can recall, I thought, “she’s the gal for you.”

Vivi: I remember a phrase that caught my attention. When the female protagonist (can't remember her name) was cast out of the mansion because of her sexual indiscretion, she went to a haven for women who had similar problems and said, "Necesito abrigo". I have not been successful in getting a good translation. It literally means I need overcoat. Anyone got any ideas?

Pasofino- Abrigo does mean overcoat, but it also means shelter/refuge.


Pasofino- I feel that Monse is walking a similar tightrope that Maya was walking in India. Maya, of course, had even more to hide and to lose since she actually had been impregnated by her ex and had fooled her husband into believing the baby was his. I feel the same sort of fear for Monse, when Ale finds out JL had been under his roof this whole time, as I did for Maya as her great big lie was coming unraveled. She too had come to fall in love with her husband, and out of love with her ex/her first love.


Vivi: I feel sorry for Monse already.

I hate hate hate the middle parts of telenovelas where everything goes to hell in a handbasket for our main characters. If this were a book, I'd skip to the end. Right now. Somebody's going to have to hold my hand during the tough parts.

We'll hold each others' hands, JudyB. Maybe we need a "everything's gone to hell in a handbasket and we're about to blow a gasket" table!

:D Lila

Novela Maven,

There are no fools on the patio. Just us fools that are head over heels over my telenovio, Sebastian Rulli, aka Alejandro Almonte. Man is he sexy!

Thanks for the recap, Novela Maven!

Monse, is going to literally die! I do love me some Alex, but there will definitely be some "furniture moving around in that house. There will be a "misunderstanding". Monse should have run away. Oh well.

AuntyAnn, I am a bad girlfriend. I didn't even know or care what is last name is. I just like staring at Alex.

Sign me up for the "Hell in a Handbasket" club!! I've already mentioned that I have to read the recaps first before I can see the episodes because they can be so painful to watch (i.e., Esme getting battered by Pedro).

Do I have to sign an oath like the one Cynderella Novia de??? wrote for her club?



Shhhhhh Fatima! You guys keep getting me in trouble with the EAAAB club patrons who think that everyone should get a trophy for participation. Don't mention the contract! LOL


I'm right there with you. I also HATE the middle parts where our protagonist fall apart and the bad guys keep getting away with their evil doings. I am turning to the last page. NEXT!

Rough waters are ahead, but we will stand strong!

I am with you guys. I can stand the rain if there is a little sunshine breaking through the dark clouds from time to time. I think that we are in for a downpour. Boo . Combine this depressing middle part of this novela with the winter that many of us are trapped in and......things are ......bleak. Help.

Contract? What contract, Cyn? Did moi mention a contract?!

Fatima :)

Hi, all, I've just discovered this site. I'm a fan of Sergio Sendel (at least - his acting!). I am using Una Famila Con Suerte to learn Spanish, and have just started watching Lo que la vida me robo. I love Sendel's Scorpion necklace in this. ;)

I am very grateful to find this site! Always follow the recap since triunfo del amor! I am a fan of telenovela from Jakarta, Indonesia :)
I have been looking for Esperanza Mia in Caray, Caray but cant find one...Could you guys help me?

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