Friday, January 10, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo Capitulo 43, 1/9/2014 - Ladron Que Roba A Ladron

Ladron Que Roba A Ladron

Want of money and the distress of a thief can never be alleged as the cause of his thieving, for many honest people endure greater hardships with fortitude. We must therefore seek the cause elsewhere than in want of money, for that is the miser's passion, not the thief s.

A Wet Death

I guess it had to end this way. Someone was going to die today and it was supposed to be Alejandro Almonte. The plan was laid between Police Captain Loreto and fugitive Jose Luis/ Antonio. “Get close to, ambush and kill Almonte.” 

The day is dark and the rain falls down noisily as it does in a tropical rain forest.  The first hard drops hit the tree canopy with a sharp sound, then, as the drops turn into runnels, the noise becomes even louder, making a slapping sound as stream turns into a torrent that rushes over each level of life on its way to the forest floor. 

The men on the ground have dressed for the rain in serviceable black nylon capes. The swishing noise of the nylon makes it even harder for us to hear what is happening. We get glimpses of the action; Loreto tells JL/Ant to shoot Alejandro, JL/Ale fires but he has no intention of harming Ale—he has emptied his gun of bullets. Loreto takes a real shot at Alejandro as Ale comes closer on his horse. Ale falls or jumps off the beast. JL/Ant loads his gun, this time for real, and calls, “Loreto!” Loreto turns to face JL/Ant and Jose Luis fires, hitting Loreto square in the chest. 

Loreto falls to the ground, dead. A drop of rain falls from his hood onto JL’s nose. It looks like a tear and it falls from the tip of his nose to the ground. A small curl of smoke goes up from the gun and Jose Luis Alvarez looks as though he will be sick. Perhaps his life to-date just flashed before his eyes. Jose Luis knows that homicide can be justified or even forgiven but its resonances will stay with a man for his lifetime. He will never be the same.

Big House
In the Hacienda Almonte kitchen, a distressed Montserrat has just discovered that the money that Alejandro left locked in his desk drawer is missing. She tells Rosario that Ale ordered her to get money from the drawer for Macario to use to pay some Hacienda expenses, but when she opened the drawer, it was empty. There were only two keys—Ale kept one and he gave the other to Monse. Could someone have broken into Montserrat’s room to steal the second key? She is afraid that the discovery of the missing money will make things worse between she and Alejandro, just when they were starting to get along.

Rosario is of the opinion that Maria must be behind the theft. Montse agrees. Nothing Maria does surprises her. Rosario offers to take the blame for losing the key, but Montserrat says she will tell Ale. She has to.

Maria comes in and Montserrat asks her if she stole the key from Montserrat’s room and all the money from Alejandro’s desk. Maria calls her crazy and challenges Montse—just who will Alejandro believe, Montserrat or Maria. Dim and Addled also come into the room and Montse tells them that she hopes they had nothing to do with the theft. 

Dim looks at Addled and tells him that he wants half. Dimitrio knows that Adolfo is lying when he says that he had nothing to do with the theft.

Rainy Forest

Alejandro walks slowly toward Jose Luis Antonio with his gun outstretched. “What happened?” he demands of JL. JL tells Ale that when he saw that Loreto was aiming to shoot Alejandro, he shot Loreto instead. There is no sign of Jose Luis Alvarez, JL/Ant tells Alejandro. The whole thing was a trap for Alejandro.
JL tells some of the truth. Loreto offered him a lot of money to kill Ale. He pretended to accept it so that he could protect Ale from the corrupt Police Captain. If he had not accepted the deal, someone else would have been hired to kill Ale and JL/Ant thought that this decision was best for the both of them.
Ale says that, once again, he owes JL his life. He will go to the authorities, tell them that Loreto is dead and he was apparently killed by the robbers who are frequenting the area. They leave, together.

Big House

Montse tells Tia Carlota that she is worried. Ale left on some errand with Jose Luis. He would not tell her what he was up to.  Tia Carlota rails on Jose Luis but Montserrat defends JL’s character—he is not a creep like her brother. Montse is worried that Ale puts great trust in JL/Ant. They are becoming friends. Ale comes in at this moment and announces that the police need to be called. Efrain Loreto is dead at the hands of the robbers who have been troubling the folks in the area. Montserrat and he leave as she tuts that he needs a bath—he is soaked to the skin.

Victor and Nadia

Angst fills the room where Nadia and Victor have just made love. She worries that she will once again lose Victor, but Victor tells her that there was a reason he repudiated her in the past. Pedro found out about them, had him beaten, implied that he would kill Nadia and had a gun put to his head to force Victor to break up with Nadia. Nadia cannot believe that Pedro knows about them. Victor persuades her that she cannot confront her crazy husband now. They have to be very discreet and find a way for her to be rid of Pedro.

Pedro’s New Minion

Ezequiel reports to Pedro that both Loreto and Juventino are dead, supposedly killed by the local robbers. Pedro doesn’t like this development at all. He wants the person responsible for the two deaths.
EZ makes a pitch to Pedro that he should be the new Police Chief because he is trustworthy, loyal,  and discreet. Pedro tells him to find the killers of Juventino and Loreto. Then they will discuss EZ’s future.


Back on the ranch, JL fills Rufugio in on the confusing events of the past few days. He promises Refugio that they will leave tonight.

In their bedroom, Ale tells Montse that, once again, JL/Antonio saved his life. Montse thinks that Ale would have done the same for Antonio. Ale is a noble, good-hearted man.  Ale has noticed her being nicer to him and he wants to know what is going on. She says she was very confused and there were so many ugly things between them. 

Ale tells Montserrat that he loves her and he asks her to tell him the same. She says she does not deserve him. He tells he that he wants to forget the past and be happy with her. They share a sweet and deepening kiss.

Later, Montserrat confesses to Rosario that she has not yet told Alejandro about the missing money. Rosario thinks it may have been Maria, but Montse thinks there are other possible suspects. She searches Dimitrio’s room and finds him gone. She is sure he has gone to Hacienda Arechiga.
Tia Carlota says that she hopes Dimitrio will prosper in his pursuit of Angelica. An exasperated Montse says that the last thing Angelica needs is a jerk like her brother. Carlota offers the dicho, “El que a un buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija”. Roughly translated,  “He who takes shelter under a good tree, gets good shelter”. Carlota is of the romantic opinion that Good Angelica could be a good influence on bad Dimitrio. Montserrat tells her Aunt that Dimitrio is never going to change. Just look at how he tricked poor Josefina in order to get money from her. Now she is afraid that her only brother has stolen money from her husband, Alejandro. She doesn’t want more problems with Alejandro now that she realizes how much she loves him.

JL/Antonio comes in the room and asks to see Alejandro. Montse leaves to fetch her husband and Tia Carlota rips into Jose Luis again. But his time, JL stops her. He says that Carlota’s sister-in-law; Graciela, nephew Dimitrio and perhaps even she have ruined his life. He had a career. He had a woman he loved with all his heart. Now he has to live the rest of his life as a fugitive. He doesn’t want to hear Carlota tell him that he is the cause of all of the Mendoza’s problems! What is done is done. 

Hacienda Arechiga

Angelica is looking wan, as she lies against fluffy pillows in her sickbed. She does not understand why Antonio did not come to see her after Virginia gave him the message. Virginia suggests that maybe he doesn’t share Angelica’s sentiments. Angie agrees, he is in love with someone who cannot return his love. But Angelica wants what she wants. She is in love with Antonio and she wants to see him now. She has to see him and tell him many things. Virginia leaves to go distract their mother so that Angie can sneak out of the house through the balcony. 

Angelica looks at herself in the mirror and weeps as she picks up her meds. She is not looking good at all.

Downstairs, Amelia welcomes Dimitrio to Hacienda Arechiga. He goes with Virginia to greet Angelica—but she is gone. Dimitrio wants to know where she is but Virginia distracts him by grabbing him and planting a big kiss on his undeserving mouth.

Hacienda Almonte, Again

Angelica arrives at the Foreman’s house just as Refugio is packing up to leave. Refugio tells her that he and Antonio are leaving today and they will not be back. Angelica looks crushed.
Antonio tells Alejandro goodbye. He is leaving the ranch. He has personal matters to attend to. Ale wants JL/Antonio to stay. He says that just today he told his wife that Antonio is a very valiant and brave man. It is not easy to find men like him. JL/Ant looks sickened by the compliment and Montserrat, standing behind her husband and looking at JL/Ant seems equally uncomfortable. Montserrat begs her husband to let JL go, he has his reasons to leave. Ale heads toward his office to pay JL/Ant when Macario bursts in and tells the assembled group that the ranch is crawling with police. They have come to arrest Antonio Olivares for the death of Efrain Loreto. Ale tells JL to lock himself in his office.

Alejandro tells Macario to get the head policeman. No one on the ranch is to say that they have seen Antonio. After what Antonio did for him today, Alejandro will not turn him over to the authorities!
EZ, the shady policeman in grey blue, swaggers to Alejandro that he knows Antonio was the last person to see Loreto alive. Ale says that he found Loreto’s body and that he is sure that local robbers killed Loreto. Anyway, Antonio Olivares no longer works on Hacienda Almonte. The police will have to go elsewhere to find him.

In the office of the Regional President, President Pedro Medina is telling Joaquin Arechiga the same story that EZ is spouting to Alejandro. He believes Alejandro Almonte is behind all this. When Joaquin insists that Almonte would not deal in cold blood, an incandescent Pedro insists that his Capitaz would! They should be arresting Antonio right about now at the Hacienda Almonte…
But, at the same time, Alejandro is telling Antonio that he cannot leave. EZ the dirty cop suspects him. Antonio should no leave the ranch until Antonio’s name can be cleared—Loreto must be shown to be a dirty cop. JL/Ant insists that he has to leave, today. Ale tells him he will have Macario take them into town in a truck, after dark. That way it will be easier for Antonio to escape.

At Hacienda Arechiga, Angie returns just as Joaquin arrives. Aguazul Police Capitan Loreto has been killed today. They found his body on Hacienda Almonte and Pedro Medina told Joaquin that the authorities suspect Alejandro’s foreman, Antonio Olivares, committed the crime. Dimitrio outs Angie by telling her parents that she and Antonio were friends. Didn’t he see her with Antonio at the Stock Fair? Angie faints on the spot. Her parents call her Mexico City doctors for advice. They are going to take her back to DF.

JL tells Refugio about Alejandro helping him. He tries to separate himself from Refugio but Refugio will not agree.

Angelica and Dimitrio have it out in her bedroom. Why did Dimmy out her to her parents? Because Antonio is a criminal and Dim cares about Angie. Angie snorts that she knows that Antonio is innocent. She tells Dimmy that Virginia likes him and that he should leave her alone.

Tia Carlota tells Adolfo to leave the ranch. She thinks he had something to do with the theft of the money. Meanwhile, Maria tells Alejandro about the theft of the money and says that Montserrat will try to blame it all on her. She cries and tries to look pitiful, as he asks why Montserrat had not yet told him about the missing money. As he goes to find Montserrat, Aldolfo finds Maria. He threatens her, “Do not even think of saying one word about me regarding the theft. Because if you do, not only will I tell Alejandro that you helped me in everything, but he will also know you slept with me.” Nice.

Ale finds Montserrat and berates her for not telling him about the missing money immediately. She tells Ale what happened. She is afraid of his anger. He tells her that he is not a monster. He is angry with the person ho stole the money, not with her. She is the most important person in the world to him. 

“Te amo,” says Montserrat to Alejandro. He has been waiting a long time to hear those words. They come together in another lovely beso. Alejandro asks why Montse suspected Maria. Montse admits that she also suspects someone else, Dimitrio. Dimitrio left today for Hacienda Arechiga. Montserrat and Ale agree that Dimmy is not as taken with Angelica as he pretends. Ale promises to do something to protect Angelica from Dimitrio.

Adolfito heads back to his room to find that he has been robbed of the money he stole from Alejandro. Meanwhile, Dimitrio gloats and counts his cash as he unloads his suitcase in his new room at Hacienda Arechiga. 

Truly, there is no honor amongst these thieves.

Elna June


Buenas noches:

This was another action packed episode. I love that Angelica has Dimitrio's number. I think she sees him for the snake he is.

Go, Angelica! Live until you die!

Guzman did his best acting of the series so far in the scene just after he shot Loreto. Very powerful acting and wonderful camera work.

I continue to be mesmerized by this show.

Enjoy the recap.



Thanks for the recaps. They're great and in depth and the jokes are a bonus. I've been to this site a few times for a quick recap when I didn't have time to watch.

I'm catching up on this novela now, but I wanted to share my appreciation.


Wow EJ, what a powerful description of JL shooting Loreto. You smacked it out of the park with that one. I agree this scene was Guzman's best so far. I also liked his scene with Tia when he told her what for.

No kidding, this really was an action-packed episode. I'm sure it was challenging to recap because there was no filler. At all. You chose a perfect title for tonight's theme. Gotta say I do enjoy all the backstabbing between los ladrones.

I think we had another first tonight. Alejandro did NOT get enraged with Montse about the stolen money. I couldn't believe how tender he was with her when he found out the money was gone from his office. It looks like Maria's little plan to get Ale mad at Montse backfired. I hope so.

I forgot to mention in yesterday's comments that I absolutely LOVE that black and white dress that Montse is wearing. She looks smashing in it, especially with those red shoes.

EJ, what an interesting quote by Blake. It's worth pondering. Thank you for sharing. Gracias amiga! I DID enjoy the recap. You are a masterful storyteller and I always look forward to your recaps and insights.

One more thing. I think we're going to need to order more chairs for the Angelica table. She is a sweet soul. I love that she seems to have Dim's number, but if she really knew how slick and unworthy he is I don't think she would send him toward her sister. I'll give her a hall pass on that one; she's a bit preoccupied with her own health, JL/Antonio, and the fact that she has to sneak out of her house.

EJ, you are a really good writer, did you know that? I have so much to learn from you, you're a master of your craft.
Perfect title, perfect describtion of Loreto's death, perfect everything!

I guess Ale's table is pretty happy now, he got the news about the missing money MUCH better than any of us gave him credit for. He didn't even suggest that Montse might have taken it, so I guess her playing nice has finally rubbed off on him, too.

Last night, for the very first time since watching, I could actually feel JL's heartache, when talking with tia Carlota. The actor really hit it out of the park with his: "Your family destroyed my life!" I felt really bad for him, especially now, after he actually commited a crime.

Adolfito is an idiot to keep all that money under his matress. I think tucked in his trousers would have been the better place for all that cash, especially with the likes of Dim and Maria roaming around.

Onefilmchic, DO come back again! We're a crazy bunch here but we enjoy our crazy just as much as we enjoy the crazy going on on screen.


Elna June...My mouth was just hanging open reading your introductory paragraphs (I know, NOT a pretty picture!) but Good Grief, woman, you write so well! I was opening the pages of a beautiful book, not reading a recap. So wonderfully written. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us so freely.

Have not seen this yet, but relieved to know the theft of the money has not caused a rift between our two protagonists. I guess now, after the marriage and two forced-sex scenes, these two are finally... But I hope the warmth will pick up soon and carry them off to the bedroom in grand style.

thanks, EJ, for another great recap. You chose a perfect title. With a friend like Dim, Addled doesn't need an enemy. There is certainly no honor among these thieves. Ale has a nest of vipers in his home.

Watching Malria do her innocent act for gullible Ale was disgusting. That trace of a smile she gets after he turns away is infuriating. I have had enough of her.

Monymony has a beautiful wardrobe, but it always seems to me that she is all dressed up with no place to go and nothing to do.


This quote from yesterday' newspaper made me think of the polite and respectful atmosphere at Caraycaray ; "The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it." Edward Bulmer-Lytton

Elna June: I savored every word of your splendid recap. One of your comments was so vividly descriptive, I had to repeat it immediately: “The first hard drops hit the tree canopy with a sharp sound, then, as the drops turn into runnels, the noise becomes even louder, making a slapping sound as stream turns into a torrent that rushes over each level of life on its way to the forest floor”. What a sublime painted picture.

"Angelica is looking wan, as she lies against fluffy pillows in her sickbed" and "an incandescent Pedro" were but a few more of my favorites.

Sylvia and Judy, I was also very shocked when Ale didn’t launch into (another) tirade to Monse about the missing money. I thought sure this would culminate in (another) imperious scolding/argument but was relieved when that didn’t occur.

Are EZ and Pedro related? Same grim expression, steeley eyes and devoid of personalities. Hmmm. Colorless vilains both.

A little surprised that Dim was able to steal the money from Adolfito without being detected. Some grim satisfaction in that Adolfo and Maria are left high and dry. And broke.

I liked your comments about JL Adriana Noel. I liked JL from the beginning and my respect for him as grown. He does not have the heart or soul of a murderer and having to kill Loreto will always lay heavy on his conscience. The fact that he did it to save Ale only cements the fact he is a good man with incredible bad fortune (In my humble opionion). My wish is that he spirit Angelica away and that they both have the chance for a happy life together, no matter how long or short that might be. (No spoiler, I am 99.9% certain this will not occur).

Sylvia, please let join you at the Angelica table with you – “sweet soul” indeed. Perfect description.

How are JL and Refugio going to elude the police and escape with their lives?

Susanlynn: While I agree with Sylvia that I thought Monse looked beautiful last night, I had to smile at “it always seems to me that she is all dressed up with no place to go and nothing to do”. You are right there.

Elna June, Friday is always a good day but you have increased the feeling a hundred fold by giving us this masterful recap.

Happy Friday all!


What a masterpiece! Your description if the scene in the woods was spot on. Like JudyB, I too thought I was reading a beautifully written novel. I am amazed and in awe if your writing. I feel very lucky to have you as a recapper.

I really felt heartache for JL last night. First after he shot Loreto, because you could really see it in his face. Up until now he had only been an accomplice, but after shooting and killing Loreto, he has blood on his hands, and I don't think he ever thought he would have found himself in this situation. Especially since he commited this crime to save the life if his supposed rival. I honestly feel bad for the guy. I am glad that he told tia Carlota how he feels about her family and the way they treated him. It needed to be said.

I was not surprised when BM went to Ale with the chisme about the missing money. She is a very good liar. She is really getting on my nerves. And those fake tears of hers will one day come back to haunt her.

I was kind of surprised that Nadia was not aware that Pedro knew about her extra curricular activities. I hope that Victor and Nadia survive the storm that's brewing inside Pedro's head when he finds out that they were together again.

Ale and Montse look so good together. Last night we were privy to several moments of delightful and loving scenes. I loved the fact that Montse helped Ale when he came back drenched from the storm. It was a tender moment between them when Ale told her how much he loved her, and she said she didn't deserve him. And then they kissed...awwww!!!!!!! And I was very happy that later on Ale told Montse that there was no reason to be afraid if him. If course not, Ale is just one big, muscular, manly teddy bear. You could see the happiness in his face when Montse finally told him "te amo". These two love birds are really getting close. I am hoping that they will soon be sleeping in the same bedroom. JudyB, get ready, I think there are some more romantic scenes coming up for our couple. I've been waiting patiently on the patio at the Alejandro table with my "I LUV ALE" sign in hand.

Back to sleep...hasta pronto!

Excellent work, Elna June! The description of the shooting was perfect.

Whoever complimented my forest description yesterday, thank you, too! Excalibur is one of my favorite movies of all time.

I agree that this scene was brilliantly done and Guzman gave a great performance here. He is truly a man with a conscience that will be troubled by this for the rest of his life. Thanks to the domino effect of their actions, Dimwit and Graceless should both face hefty Karmageddons.

I know that Mexico doesn't have capital punishment anymore but if it did I could see JL and Refugio ending up like the ending of Breaker Morant.

It's a pity that Nadia can't find out anything about Pedro's nefarious activities. She could at least tell Monse and Alejandro might have a shot at taking constructive action.

However, we have too many episodes to go.

Elna June, wonderful recap. Thanks!

What a lucky night for Dimitri! He tried to make out with both of the sisters and double crossed his supposed best friend. He sure looked happy and confident packing his bag.

Maria's blah blah we've known each other since we were kids- I dIdn't take the money same old same old -was sickening.

I liked the scene with Ale and Montse where he explained that his anger about the lost money was not directed at her.

Aunty Ann, I sure agree with your take on the JL situation. It is sad.



Jarifa: Enjoyed your Dimwit comment: "He tried to make out with both of the sisters and double crossed his supposed best friend. He sure looked happy and confident packing his bag."

He sure did...


Dear Elna June,

Thanks for another superb, image-laden, and gripping recap. I especially loved your opening with the vivid description of the forest and the rain and including these lines about J-L:

" A drop of rain falls from his hood onto JL’s nose. It looks like a tear and it falls from the tip of his nose to the ground. A small curl of smoke goes up from the gun and Jose Luis Alvarez looks as though he will be sick....."

There were more fantastic details embedded throughout your richly textured writing.

I agree with you and many others that Guzmán did a great job here. Like a few others, another of my favorite scenes was when he defended himself to Tia who had lashed out at him unfairly. Tia was great in that scene, too. She could tell she'd been wrong to be angry with him. I agree with Adriana Noel that I really began to feel for J-L's character here. And, Diana, as you comment, I hope he gets some happiness with Angelica, too.

So happy to get some tenderness and love between Ale and Montse. Judy B, I hope you are right that they are about to be carried off to the bedroom in grand style, as you so aptly put. It would be good to feel certain that their relationship is finally on the upswing. And, AuntyAnn, I'm with you and many others with my sign.

Susanlynn--thanks for sharing that wonderful quote about conversation.

Once again, Elna June, thanks so much! Your terrific recap today is the biggest part of what makes the conversation today possible.

Susanlynn, "she is all dressed up with no place to go and nothing to do" is a superb observation. Did I spy her burned red number in the handful of clothes she gave to Rosario?

Also, great quote about conversation. All forums should put that on their main page.

Adolfo lost all his money to Dimwit. However, Maria still has her wad of cash so she could, theoretically, be discovered with it. OK, that thought just put a smile on my face!


Sorry I can't join on the JL bandwagon. Yes Dim/Graciela are to blame for part of his problems but so is he. Had he not broke out of jail with Refugio, shot that person and now Loreta he wouldn't be in his huge mess. If he had the avacados from the start he would stay in jail and try to prove his innocence instead of making things even worst. He "lost" Montserrat from the moment she met Alejandro. The looks, flirtatious, kisses etc I don't believe they would have last that much longer.

Watching "Peter Pan" with the three-year-old. Let's see...Peter Pan = Ale. Wendy= Monymony. Tinkerbelle = Malaria (Tink REALLY wanted Peter Pan and tried to mess Wendy up every chance she got). Captain Hook='Pedno. His right hand man Sneed is the only police guy left now that Lareto is gone JL and Refusio = two of the Lost Boys The crocodile who pursues Hook relentlessly may turn out to be Viktor or maybe our no nonsense Macario.

Telenovelas are really just fairy takes for grown us, no ?

Sylvia and Julia R....I am glad you liked the quote.

Good Morning Elna June:

Wow! This recap is fantastic. I too love all the description of this capitulo, I haven't seen it, but it feels as if I have! You kept me on the edge of my seat this whole recap! I still think you and Ms Maven are secret bodice ripper writers ; )

So much happened while I was out of town. Loreto dead, Juvie dead. I am not liking EZ. He doesn't seem to have the, how shall I put this, discretion that Loreto had. I bet Pedro was looking askance at him when he was asking for Loreto's job.

I am so glad that Ale and Monse have come to an understanding, you know not going off on her about the money. I am so glad they are growing closer.

I too have changed my opinion of JL. He saved his rival's life yet again, stood up to the Tia. I too hope he and Angie have a wonderful life. I too will be sitting at the Angie table. She is a very sweet soul.

I loved the title to this recap Elna June, a robber robbing a robber, Ha! I can just picture Addie's face when he discovered that money gone. And Dimwit counting the cash!

As far as Maria goes, I hope this comes back and slaps her in the face. I too think she's got that money in her room. I hope Ale finds it and gets her to explain where it came from.

Thanks so much again, Ms Elna June, for this fabulous, recap. I agree with JudyB, it was like reading a terrific novel.

This is my THIRD time trying to post without the blogger telling me that someone else is trying to post at the same time! I give up!

Elna June, I've written twice now why I think this was an absolutely splendid recap. The opening paragraphs describing the rain was PERFECT!

I could see it, smell it, and hear it in my mind's eye!


Busy work day, but took a quick break to munch and read today's reap. EJ, this was masterful. The description of the shooting was so poetic and touching.

Though I'm happy that AleMon are making nice and he didn't implode over the stolen money, I can't help but feel this is the calm before the storm with these two. The rug is going to pulled out from under them somehow, someway, soon I think. Too many nasties in the way, and of course the ultimate secret of JL. Argh!

Poor Angie--this is so unfair. There's always that one truly tragic character, and I have a feeling she is fitting that bill here. Glad she told Dim to get lost. I'm sure he'll just move on to Sister #2. Jerkwad.

ShutUpTia!! Anyone else getting tired of her?


Daisynjay, sometimes I want to cheer Tia and sometimes I want to say ShutupTia! However I like her character and she is firmly on Montse's team. I also like how she cuts Maria no slack at all. I like how she is confident in her opinions and doesn't easily back down. However, we saw last night that when someone gives it right back to her she can stop and think about the situation. I think she has a good heart. Now she just needs something to occupy her time so she is not such a metiche. Maybe a job like helping out at the school that has yet to be built.

Dear Elna June:

What gorgeous prose, my friend. You have written so many brilliant recaps, but this is certainly among the best. I know others have already remarked on it, but I can't keep myself from gushing -- your opening -- A wet death -- is the kind of superb prose that can only come from a poet.

A drop of rain that looks like a tear -- so perfect. We know this is a man who doesn't cry. It feels here as if nature has taken over and is weeping on his behalf.

Thank you too for the excellent title and the telling quote from William Blake. And as our wonderful JudyB has said, "thank you for sharing your gifts with us so freely."

Elna June! This is absolutely exquisite! I know the episode ended but I wanted to go on and on reading! I love your style! Thank you so much! I only wish I were back in my comfy recliner but alas, holiday and snow days are finally over!

"Dimitrio outs Angie by telling her parents that she and Antonio were friends." I'm sure someone already noted this but this was a flashback to the scene in Montse's home where JL was named as the suspect in the killing of Gambino or whatever his name was. I agree with JL, his life really hit the skids when he got involved with the Mendoza's. I've come to like and respect JL and I'm glad he told Lottie off. I don't think it will stick though, Lottie truly doesn't see what a dangerously disloyal, conniving piece of crap her nephew is!

And, she's baaaaa-aaaack! BM is back to bitchiness after a day off to grieve fratricidal uncle pervy's execution! Ooooooh you contemptible wretch you! I would have loved to see your face fall when Ale so sweetly told Montse she didn't have to fear him and that his anger is at the theif. So there! *pppppbbbbbtttt* (I stick my tongue out in your general direction!)

And the first "te amo"! I'm going to replay that when I get home. Ahhhhhhhh! I think we all may need to savor that moment cause maybe the ca-ca is about to hit the fan?!

Thank you EJ. Can't wait to get home, re-read your recap, rewatch a few scenes and enjoy the comments!


Susanlynn, I think we should be selling posters and shirts and all manner of things with your excellent quotation:

"The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it." Edward Bulmer-Lytton

That so perfectly captures the spirit of The Patio. Thank you.

Daisynjay, I have always had mixed feelings about Carlota. But as Sylvia has said, at least she is capable of stepping back from an entrenched position and realizing she has been mistaken.

Actually I think she is dramatically very important as a listener (so we don't get thought-bubbled to death) and perhaps as a catalyst (though the reaction she provokes is not always the one she intended.) Her individual story is not that interesting, though it might be nice to see her spread her wings a bit.

Writers! Thank you for confounding our expectations. First you show Maria laying the groundwork: "Someone stole your money and your wife is going to blame poor little moi." And then you show us Alejandro rising above her bait and our suspicions: He trusts Montse and is only angry at the person who stole his money. Yay!

We are on the road to True Romance. If only we can solve that pesky José Luis thing...

Once more I'm in awe of your skill as a writer, Elna June. Your descriptive narrative of this episode is beautiful and enthralling.

I fail to see that a crime was perpetrated by JL. As I viewed it, Loreto foolishly and carelessly committed suicide.

I don't think that María is being treated fairly by the writers. I'm perfectly willing to accept that she is deceptive and devious, but I have a difficult time believing that the María we were initially introduced to would have entangled herself in such a stupid way with Adolfo in the first place. Yes, I can see her robbing the cash drawer to pin the blame on Montserrat. I can even see her having sex with Adolfo as a little entertaining diversion. But linking the two makes no sense.

She had no desire or need for the money. Her purposes would have been better served by stealing the money and planting the full amount in Montserrat's room... maybe in a way that Rosario would have been the one to find it.

If she had an itch that needed scratching, Adolfo had already made it clear that he was more than eager and willing.

Well, what's done is done... let's at least hope that she didn't get pregnant by that boob.


EJ- Oh my! I just knew that I had to set time aside to carefully read your recap. As others have noted, I felt that I was reading a prize-winning novel from the very first beautifully crafted sentence. Thank you, amiga, for sharing your talents.

Mads- Welcome back! We’ve missed you.

I was so surprised and pleased that Ale chose to believe Monse about the money, instead of flying off the handle. I had to laugh when he asked why she thought he was some angry monster. Maybe because that’s the way you’ve acted until now, dude. LOL! In any case, the exchanged te amos were sweet. Judy- I like how you describe that after the ugly beginning, Monse and Ale are finally dating. Last night was the first time since Monse made up her mind to try to make her marriage work, that Ale recognized and acknowledged it. Let’s see if they can both continue to make progress.

I cheered JL when he told tia off. I like Carlotta, but she has a big blind spot when it comes to the bad stuff her family members have done.


NM...yes, exactly so..Tia is saving us from death by thought bubble. good one. I think that the role of the unmarried auntie living with her sibling's family is not very accurate for a novela set in the present day. Unmarried women now live on their own in most places...but still not all. In Mexico, do unmarried women still not live in their own homes ?

I am glad that you like the quote. I thought of Caraycaray immediately when I read it.



Thanks so much for dropping by. Do stay and comment when you have more time. Your appreciation is much appreciated (smile).

Cap'n Sylvia: (EJ gives a bow to her mentor and Caray brass)—I am so glad you enjoyed the description of the shooting. I thought it was so well done that it deserved a little extra attention. UA had also written about it the day before, but the scene was cardinal. It feels like those happenings will set the direction for the next part of the storyline. Alejandro just had his life saved for a third time by a man he thinks he hates.

He has a long way to go to make the slate even with Jose Luis.

I am loving the show and missing recapping with you.

I will join you at the Angelica table. I love her naive but tart take on the world around her.

Adriana Noel: Thanks for your kind words. As a writer, I feel like I am only an apprentice, but I continue to try to improve my work.

The problem, as you know from your experience recapping, is that there is no time for the recappers to indulge themselves in writing voluptuous descriptions—we have to get the recap up. I will sometimes work it a bit for the intro but until/unless the show gets into filler material, all we have time to do is tell the story pretty straight.

And a fine story it is!



JudyB: YOU are a writer,and a hell of a recapper my dear! I can only say thank you so much for your generous praise. It is a pleasure to walk with you in our little virtual community.

Susanlynn: You are a blog treasure. I look forward to seeing you and reading your wonderful comments everyday. The quote you chose is so perfect, I am going to quote it again:

"The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it." Edward Bulmer-Lytton

Elna June


"Ale just had his life saved for a thjrd time by a man he thinks he hates,"......would you like another big , heaping helping of irony ?

Today's word to prove that I am not a robot ...ovaryw..que ?

I am so glad you enjoyed the recap! You are one of the nicest people I 'know'—you always have a kind word for everyone. Your comments reflect a very tender heart, indeed.

Like you, I was shocked that Ale did not rip into Montserrat about the missing money. I did find his rhetorical question to her, "What am I—a monster?" to be disingenuous. Monster, no, Alejandro, but Montse has good reason to be scared of your anger.

Like you I loved Susanlynn's observation about Montserrat, that she is 'all dressed up with no place to go'. But boy is she an added ornament to the Hacienda. The woman looks great in her Barbie clothes and tacones.

Aunty Ann: You are too kind (EJ blushes). I really enjoyed the sweet scenes between Ale and Montse last night as well. The two actors are wonderful together. Now if the writers will just build this attraction into a relationship I will be pleased. Each protagonist is going to have so much go forgive the other. maybe it will take all 180 episodes to get there!

UA: Thank you for the compliment! I can see that your forest scenes were influenced by Excalibur.

I thought Guzman really knocked his scenes out of the park. And when he followed the shooting up with a verbal smackdown of gossipy and vapid Tia Carlota, I nearly cheered. Jose Luis is no innocent but we saw his human pain when he told Carlota that the Mendoza's ruined his life. Carlota reminds me of one of those 18th century ladies who was addicted to laudanum. SHE often seems more addled than Adolfo.


EJ....Awww...thank you. I am happy to be told that I am a treasure..anywhere...anytime. We all need a little validation from the universe from time to time. "I exist; therefore, I am " is just not enough some days. One of the nice things about Caraycaray is how generous recappers and commenters are with their compliments and kind, comforting thoughts. In a world that is sometimes harsh, everyone needs a little TLC...even if it is the cyber kind.

I liked your quote from Blake. One of my favorite poems is "Tiger! Tiger Burning Bright." I first read it in college when I was 19 . but it still swirls and twirls and burns in my head from time to time. Blake was a creative and fascinating character. I believe that he did etchings . He also was a gifted artist besides being a poet.

Even though I still think that the role of the tragic figure JL was miscast, I agree that last night's performance was well done. This guy has been walking around with a big , black thundercloud over his head, so the scene in the rainy, gray forest was so perfect for that scene. I couldn't stop this tune from rambling through my brain...Raindrops keep falling on my head......

P.s. One reason that I have trouble posting comments is that my Ipad keeps trying to make real words out of the letters I need to type to prove that I am not a robot.... technology....meh.

EJ, I enjoyed reading your recap. I like how you and Urban make me feel like I am reading a novel. BUT, I also like reading your recaps when you can't stand the characters or think the plot is silly. You can be really funny on those recaps. Anyways, I'm rambling today as always, but I just thought today's recap reads like a novel. OK, back to my obnoxious self..... theory was correct! Monse rubbing up against Ale makes him purr! After she gave him some "grateful kisses" for saving her from the fire...surprise surprise, Rosario (sans the goat) is back in the house.

Last night, he rejects the thought that she stole money from him. Although he is always justified, I too thought that he would have "gone off" on her. If she had stolen the money, she could have bribed some people to get out of the house. She would have money to run away with Jose Luis. Yet, he bought her story without tossing her room.


All: I will be gone from comments for a while but I leave you with Blake's quotation in order to consider the 'character' of the two thieves—Dimitrio and Aldolfo.

These two morally bankrupt thieves are NOT just stealing for the money, tehy get something out of the CON itself. They could make more money in the drug trade.

I am thinking of the end of "The Sting", one of my favorite movies of all time. In the Sting, the lead characters, also thieves, were avenging a mob murder of their old friend by conning Irish mob boss Doyle Lonnegen.

After the successful sting of Lonnegen, Newman asks Redford if the con was enough to even the score for his dead friend. I cannot recall the exact quote but Redford responded with something like, "No. but almost..."

If someone recalls the exact quote please correct me here.

My point is that for a con artist, the con itself may be nearly as important as the actual monetary gain.


Thank you EJ! As usual, your laser focus was on the most poignant moments of the night: JLs face after he killed Loreto and that great convo with Tia.

Susanlynn, I texted your quote to both my teenagers!

Carlos: YES to Maria framing Monsy with the money. Thank heavens you aren't one of the writers!;). I was afraid Maria would pull the old "I saw Montsy sneak out of your office with a bag of cash" on Ale and really do some damage. We got a pass last night.

I volunteer at a free clinic and today when I asked a patient for quince doLARes for her new card, she was all "Como?!" She then politely explained its DOlares!!! That's what I get for learning my Spanish on TNs! We are always talking about suffering and do-LOR!;)

Thanks again, EJ. Your writing is simply a treat to read!

This is a superb recap. Cap'n Sylvia, Carlotta gets on my last nerve with her bad ideas and meddling. She does serve one purpose: she is a go-between who relays information that others digest.

Hmm..laudanum...Was that Blake's drug of choice or was he an opium user like so many of the poets of that time...Shelley, Keats! and do not get me started on Lewis Carroll..

EJ..When you mentioned "The Sting," I couldn't help but think of last night's convocation and the pompous English teacher who did a presentation on using pop culture in the class room. He showed two scenes from "The Apartment" and asked how the teachers would use it in their classrooms. He kept commenting on those who actually saw it in movie theaters as "long in the tooth. ". He is an obese , unattractive guy who thinks he is very funny, smart, and clever...big,fat fish in a little pond...a real life annoyance and one of the reasons I sometimes prefer the truly funny, smart, and clever folks I interact with at Caraycaray.

Katy...HA...what will your teens say when they read that quote and what will they say when you tell them where you saw it ? I collect quotes. When I find one that speaks to me, I write it down in my journal. I read through those quotes from time to time, When I frequented a forum about Highlander: the TV series, I used to post a daily quote. Most people liked the daily quotes, but one woman didn't , so I stopped. I sometimes use quotes in class to teach vocabulary. I also use riddles.

I used to keep a diary when I was 16, but I can't get myself to do that. maybe my New Year s resolution should be to at least list a few things that I am grateful for everyday in addition to jotting down the quotes that I find.

Susanlynn: my son already sent me a funny "WTH" pic of himself and my daughter (the one who could take note), has probably shrugged it off and moved on to the next snap chat-Instagram-tweet!

Elna June - Thanks so much. A delight to read.

JL's brown eyes shown so intensely in the rainy scene of the shooting that I was checking for signs that the camera folks had extra lighting on him, but nope. I agree with all who say he was superb in this scene.

I loved when Angelica pulled the bed blanket over her head to be rid of Dim.

I've been thinking Nadia is a big wimp, so I was surprised and pleased at her sarcasm with Pedro. But now that she's sleeping with Victor, I guess she’d better watch that.

Nadia is between a major rock and a hard place. She needs to get away from Pedro in order to have a life. I'm guessing she doesn't have much access to her family's money or she could have done so already.

If the local police weren't so corrupt I would advise Alejandro or Monse to call them out on Dimwit. If either of them sees that one pack of stolen money in her possession she could be made to rat out Adolfo who would certainly rat out Dimwit.

But by the time they catch him who wants to bet that he will have gambled it all away?

Elna June, what a splendid read. It was moody and gothic and nuanced like it was a book the show was based on.

JL finally won me over a little with his performance last night. Before I mostly just wanted him to go away, but now I find I care a little bit about what will happen to him and how he and Refu will survive after they leave. Are they really going to cross the border? That's so dangerous. I think they should take Esme with them to Mexico City, where they can disappear into the crowd. Maybe Esme can take over La Mala Noche, since Fedra from LldA is a goner, and she can hire the other two as security or something.

So glad Ale was finally calm about something. Now if he would just open his eyes about Malaria's real nature.


You'd think Aldolfo would be smart enough to see what she is really about, wouldn't you?

Forgot to mention this, but I also believe that both he and Dimwit get off on pulling off the con as much as they want the money.


Thanks so much to all for dropping by and commenting. I have a busy day today and I will be slow to answer comments, but I will catch up with you allafter the work day is over.

Hi, Julia Rold:
Thanks for your kind words. I am so glad you enjoyed the recap.

Hi, Jarifa:
Thank you for you kind comments. ITA with you on Mal-ria's (thanks Julia!) playing the childhood friend card one time too many. I think Alejandro may just be a little tired of Mal-ria's program.

GG23: Interesting take on the JL/Montse pairing. Could that romance have survived the test of time? I doubt it, too.


Just getting to post but wanted to let you know EJ that this was wonderful. Thank you so much for such lovely prose!

Though I'm happy Ale didn't blow his top, I think we're going to get more pain than pleasure from his relationship w/Montse as there are so many episode left.

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