Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #76 Thu 1/23/14 Secuestrar para Nada

Francisco is nervous as hell about whether the kidnap plan went off without a hitch.  Mike hears him talking to Antonio, but probably can't pick up much from that end of the conversation, except the question about where Ric's being held.

Antonio's goons haul Ric to a cabin in the woods where a sweet old grandma is apparently used to this kind of houseguest.  They brush off Ric's offer to pay whatever money they ask.  Head thug wants Ric's fancy phone with GPS left alone.  Grandma gets a little cash to buy groceries with.

Dr. Veronese was summoned to the hospital when Matilde was brought in.  They pumped her stomach, but there's no way she ingested enough pills to have killed her.  Dr. V thinks Matilde needs some therapy, though.  "Clearly she has issues and she's not going to quit trying to emotionally blackmail you."  Ruben is so pissed he wishes Matilde would actually do it right next time. Dr. V tells the kids to please convince their mom to get some help.  Since Inésiana is there, Dr. V asks about how Francisco is doing and tells her that alcohol does NOT mix well with his meds.  He tells her to get Francisco to see him.

Marilu is waiting up for Ric and cries to Fidelia about how much she wants Ric, but she's not going to be that chick who goes after another woman's man.  She wants Fidelia to go after Ruben, now that he's free.  Marilu knows that the most she could get out of Ric is a roll in the hay, but she wants more than that.

At Casa Paloma, Matilde gets tucked into bed as she whines about how she wanted to die.  Cesar and Fabi aren't buying it.  Matilde even thanks Inésiana for being there, before she goes back to whining about how she hurts all over.

Marilu packs up some stuff for Lina and tells the maid to have the driver take it over.  The maid goes out, calling for Fermin and finds him tied up in the back of Ric's car.

At grandma's cabin, Ric stews.

Marilu and Fidelia get the update from Fermin and run over to the bungalow to see where Ric is or whether anyone heard anything.  Sebastian comes out of his bedroom and asks where Ric is.

The new butler tells Mike that the house phone still isn't working.  Mike plays dumb and asks to borrow his cell phone.

Marilu drops off Lina's stuff herself and tells Inésiana that they can't find Ric and some guys roughed up Fermin.  She thinks he's been kidnapped, by Francisco, of course.

Inésiana fills in Cesar and gets some contact numbers from him.

Mike calls Homero and tells him he has the video, but he's stuck in the house and being watched.

Homero wants his butler to summon Leo, but Leo is at his godmother's funeral.  Homero calls him and actually says "She's in heaven…or hell, who knows!" and tells Leo to get back to the business of the living.

Cesar tries Ricardo's cell, which grandma puts away.  One of the goon's gets ready to bring Ric some breakfast.

Inésiana wonders if they can track his phone's GPS.  She calls Homero to tell him Ricardo's been kidnapped.  Homero will try to get someone to track his phone and call her.

Grandma feeds Ric, then goes to get him water.  Ric offers to pay more than whatever the goon's bosses are offering.  He also tells them he has asthma and if they cover his mouth again, he might die, which would make him worthless.  Grandma decides they should let Tadeo, the head goon, decide, and leave his mouth un-duct-taped for now.

Piero and Mariano haven't heard anything.  They're going over to Fidelia's to check in. Matilde thinks Cesar is home for her, but he says he's there for Inésiana, because Ricardo has been kidnapped.  Paloma hears this and starts freaking out.  Homero calls Inésiana to tell her the phone is off and can't be tracked.  He thinks Francisco did it, but there's still a chance it could be a kidnap for ransom, so they're just kind of waiting for a call.

Leo comes back from the funeral, pissed, and Homero tells him Ric has been kidnapped.

Inésiana is on her way over to Francisco's, presumably, and Cesar is along for the ride.

Ricardo thinks about all the faces of people he loves.  And Inésiana is scowling at him for some reason.  He starts struggling to free himself and notices a nail sticking out of the wall.  He starts to use it to cut the ropes on his hands.

Leo brings the dog over to Francisco's.  He says Homero sent him, but Francisco won't let the dog in.  Leo tells Neron to cool it in the foyer.  In the living room, Leo dryly describes how Neron would crush someone's throat, if he gave the order.  Leo declines Francisco's offer of a drink, but invites him to the art show, while Mike puts the CD in Neron's neck pack.  Inésiana comes in, demanding to know where Ricardo is.  Leo takes his leave, giving Mike a significant look.  Inésiana accuses Francisco of kidnapping Ric to trade him for the video, which she swears she doesn't have because she threw it out the window.  As Francisco leads her into the living room, he stops to tell Mike that he knows either Mike or Matias has the video and he's going to kill whoever has it.  Outside, Leo calls Homero to tell him he has the video, but now Inésiana is over at Francisco's.  Whatever, Homero just wants to see the video already.

Paloma calls Mariano to tell him that Ric has been kidnapped and Inésiana is over at Francisco's.

Mike reassures Francisco that the video wasn't in Matias' room.  Inésiana insists she threw it out the window.  She keeps bringing up Ricardo, which just keeps upsetting Francisco.  He does say if she wants Ric back, she'd better give him back his video.  Mariano muscles his way into the house.  Francisco mocks him, saying that Mariano is in love with Inésiana and is trying to save her from him.  Mariano realizes that if Francisco is offering to trade the video for Ric, that means he has him.  In Francisco's mind, though, since he, himself, doesn't have Ric, he only knows who does, that's not the same thing.  He's not intimidated by Mariano calling him an "accomplice."  Inésiana flips out and slaps Francisco, who returns the slap and gets attacked by Cesar.  Francisco tells them all to get out of his house before he kills them.  Francisco seems shocked at what he did.  On the way out of the house, Inésiana begs Mike to give back the video.  Francisco demands to know what she said to Mike and accuses him for the umpteenth time of having the video, giving it to Joaquin, etc.  Mike is now at least telling the truth when he denies he has it.  Francisco wants to beat the crap out of him, but Mike has had enough of his lip and gives him a few decisive blows to the family jewels and the back of the neck.

Homero can't get past the security on the DVD.  He'll have to fly it to DF to get an expert to look at it.  Leo is pouty that grandpa won't be coming to his exposition.

Head goon comes back to the cabin.  Ric hears that they haven't gotten further orders and that his contact isn't really the one in charge.

Inésiana begs Homero to give back the disc, but he refuses or all her hard work will be for nothing.  Mariano also argues there's a life in the balance, but Homero says they're going to wait until the last minute before they do anything to Ricardo.  Inésiana is sick of hearing about "the operation."  Cesar joins in to gang up on Homero and beg him to give back the damn disc already.

Head goon decides to call Antonio on Ricardo's cell phone, which draws everyone's attention to Homero's computer.  Leo knows the area where Ric is being held.  Homero won't do anything official, but he calls Manolo and tells him to get his butt in gear.  Mike shows up as the other guys are offering to join Manolo.  Mike says his cover is blown, since he had to beat the snot out of Francisco.  Homero gives Mike a gun and says he's going with Manolo.

Ric is still furiously trying to cut his ropes and finally gets himself untied.  He hears the goons saying they're going to feed him and waits behind the door to attack goon #2 with poor granny looking on. He locks the two of them in the room and makes his way out of the cabin.

Homero reviews the map with Manolo and Mike.  Leo cancels Homero's plane to DF and tries to invite himself along on the hunting trip--bows and all--but Homero refuses.  Before they leave, Mike apologizes to Inésiana and says he didn't want to betray her.

Head goon gets back to the cabin and hears from his kid that their prisoner locked granny and goon#2 in the room.  Head goon goes out to search for Ric.

Inésiana fills Paloma in on the latest developments.  Cesar counsels optimism.

Out in the woods, Ric and his gun and his dead cell phone evade a couple of goons.  A dry branch gives him away as rain starts falling.

Manolo and Mike pull up near the cabin and start their 2-man assault on the cabin.  Mike realizes Ric got himself loose.  Manolo guesses where Ric might have gone and they go out to find him.

Ric leads the goons on a chase through the woods and shows off his mad hurdling skillz.  He is, unfortunately, taken out by a tree branch.  One goon goes down with a single shot to the head.  Goon #2 tries to hold Ric and gunpoint, but Leogolas saves the day with another of his trusty arrows.  After that, Mike and Manolo get their turn to shoot the guy up.  Just so they don't feel left out.

At Francisco's, he's still stressing.  He calls Inésiana who (Why?  Why?  Why?) tells him she doesn't have the video, but Homero does and he's going to hand it over to Intelligence in DF.  Francisco hangs up the phone and tells Antonio they're screwed.

Homero gets the call from Leo that "they" rescued Ric.  "WTF is 'we'?!  I told you not to go!"  Eh, whatevs.  These kids today and their propensity to get involved in dangerous rescue missions.  I don't know why they can't just listen to loud music like we did back in my day.  Homero sees no more reason to wait and goes to catch a plane.

Which Francisco now finds out about when he calls Homero's house and the maid tells him that he's gone to the airport.  Francisco decides to take his gun and have Antonio drive him to the airport to catch Homero.

Mike and Manolo agree that Leogolas shouldn't have invited himself along, though Ric's glad.  He borrows Leo's phone to call his godmother and tell her he's fine, he's on his way to see her, and just tell Inésiana that he won't be long and he loves her and sends her smoochies.

Paloma calls for Inésiana to tell her Ricardo has been found and he's on his way.  Matilde, always looking on the bright side, asks if he's still in one piece, cause, you know, they sometimes cut off a finger or an ear.  Inésiana activates the phone tree and calls Marilu, who jumps up and down with giddiness.  Lina is out back playing with Tito, Sebastian, and Berenice.

Manolo, Mike, and Leogolas drop Ric off at his place.  Ric doesn't want to go to the hospital or anything.  He figures Berenice can check him out.  Ric thanks the dudes.  Manolo says they need to go give statements, but Leo refuses, saying it's not like anyone reported the kidnapping anyway.

Inside, Ric gets a big hug from Lina and then Sebastian.

Homero's driver has noticed the car following them.

Antonio doubts that Homero would drive a car like that.

Homero tells the driver to slop down so they'll pass.

Antonio passes, then blocks the road.

Homero's driver gets out.  Antonio, from under the hood, says the battery is dead.  Francisco shoots the driver, then Homero, as Antonio starts blubbering.  Francisco gets his damn DVD out of the case and gets into Antonio's car.

Tomorrow: Francisco is pissed that he's not allowed near Alina and he blames it on Ric; Francisco vows revenge against Inésiana; Ric says everything they did was all for nothing.


Sorry, this one's a little dry. I'm still getting over last week's cold. The pacing on this show is just brutal...really feels like they're trying to cram it all in and rushing towards the end.

This is great! So did he kill Homero?

He definitely shot him twice in the chest, but he didn't check his vitals or double-tap, so there could still be a possibility that he's not dead.

What an action-packed and drama-filled cap that you did justice 5Ft. I was so in my feelings every step of the recap. I'm a week behind on eps but will watch this one asap when Uni puts it up mañana on novelasyseries.

More cool points for my Ricardo. I love his street smarts. He told the kidnappers he had asthma so he could be less confined and think up more solutions, or use his mouth to free his hands, and ended up pretty much rescuing himself. It's actually a good excuse if you're ever kidnapped just like they advise women to yell 'fire!' if they're being attacked/sexually assaulted instead of 'rape'. Who says tns aren't educational?

I can't believe JL slapped Oriana in front of all those witnesses. Ric would've killed him on the spot with his bare hands if he'd seen it- there's a reason Mariano still hasn't given him back that gun. I'm sure when Ric gets back and hears about the slap he's gonna get real hostile with JL.

Does Cesar and Ruben know Oriana isn't Ines? It seems the Camargos are the only ones in the family that don't know about Oriana. You know Matilde would try to use that info to hurt Oriana to get back in her family's good graces.

Matilde, if you're gonna do something wrong, do it right. Nuff said. She just refuses to learn and is just alienating her family. Why can't she just lleva la fiesta end paz.


What a tremendously fast paced recap, 5FT Diva!!! My head was spinning. You are right. Things are moving so quickly and you really did this justice!!! We hope you feel better, too. :))

I don't want Homero to die. Sometimes, he has been a bit of a brat, but I do not want him to die.

So, you jerk Antonio. What do you think now about your involvement with JL?!

Could someone please clarify for me why Oriana told JL that Homero had the DVD? What am I missing here?

Sebastian HUGGING Ric?! So, in one episode, he is instantly redeemed?! Good grief.


Why did Oriana tell JL where the DVD was? To prove that she really didn't have it. That's it. There wasn't a good reason and you're not missing anything. Oriana just got obsessed with convincing JL that she really didn't have the video to trade for Ric.

Cesar and Ruben don't technically know about Oriana/Ines, but I would think by now, they've figured out that something's up.

To be fair to Sebas, I think him getting stabbed REPEATEDLY and left for death by his grandfather and having AIDS is enough of a karmageddon. It certainly has mellowed him out. I want him to apologize to Fabi, acknowledge and financially support the child even though they should NOT be in a romantic relationship.

Agreed! Seb and Fabi do not need to be a couple in order to raise their child together.

J desde NYC, agree with your points re Sebastian. It just happened a tad too quickly for me. You know. Sort of like a flip of a switch.

5FT, thank you for your thoughts re Oriana tell JL about the DVD. I was beginning to wonder if I had missed something!

By the end of this, I just want Oriana and Ric to stop their WHINING once and for all!

JL is losing it and losing it badly.


Latina, your recap was great, don't worry about it being dry. I find myself thinking the same while I write a recap - I can never use my usual snark because there is no darn time with all the talk and the action and the twisty twisted OPERATION.
This show might be just 100 episodes long, but it already feels like it's much longer.

I hope Homero is not dead, even if I don't really appreciate how he has been using untrained civilians (mainly Oriana) to settle a score with his nemesis, Joaquin. If he was so good at his job, why couldn't he catch the bad guy before? I guess jeopardizing some innocent lives is better? He didn't seem to like it too much when his own flesh and blood, Leo, got involved, huh?

Leogolas is inspired. Correct me if I'm wrong but I swear there were two chest shots, then JL came around, got the DVD and fired a third (I assume) head shot.

If Homero is dead I will be pithed.

Things are getting crazy but I still love this!

5Ft -- Dry??? Para nada.
A great recap of a crazy, busy episode.

I loved watching Homero and the driver ambling along in what looked like an old car. At that moment Homero looked like an old man without the power he used to have. The anvil was clearly hovering and of course the worst followed. I can't imagine how Homero would not be dead but he's a tough old bird and this is novela-land.

Ricardo and Oriana do have whining down pretty well. I am eager to see what happens now with so many of the secondary characters. Will Fidelia and Ruben get back together? Hints here and there. And Mariano? And poor Marilu?

On Marilu, Oriana looked stricken on hearing how much Marilu was worried about Ricardo. She is going to balk at their divorce.

Great stuff, Kat. I always end up with some kind of whiplash after doing episodes like this one.

I hope Homero survives this one. I also get irritated with his deficiency in empathy but that is the kind of detachment required for what he does, or did.

Like Ruben, I wish MADhilde had gotten it right. Of course, we all knew this was done purely for show and she needs a nice long stay in the manicomio because that is the only thing that will keep her from torturing her children.

JL needed a giggle jacket before this but now he needs a jail cell. He's sealed his own fate.

Kat thanks for your recap that was anything but dry. ITA w/Sara in that Leo as Leogolas was inspired.

I must briefly snark about the events that lead to Homer's possible death. Why would the maid tell Homer's whereabouts to an unknown caller? The driver said the car had been following them so why did both of them fall for this trap? Isn't Leo supposed to know about traps like that?

I really hope the old guy isn't dead.

Hope the fact that Maddie hasn't changed means either she'll be in the manicomo or do the job right next time.


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Thanks Kat, I think you handled this rather disturbing episode quite nicely.

Sara, indeed, JL did fire a third shot at point blank range so I'm afraid poor Homero is toast unless he was wearing a bulletproof vest and somehow JL managed to miss with that third shot. Or maybe it's time for another Mariano Miracle. Ironic after his glibly observing that Leo's madrina was already in Heaven... or... Hell.

Hey Homero... Next!

So Leo doesn't have to make a statement after shooting someone in the chest with an arrow because the kidnapping wasn't reported? Ummm... OK...

So how long will it take for Ricky to suggest to Inés that they make love?


Thanks 5ft. Great job for a crazy episode. Now the last 20 episodes were all for not because everyone is right back where they started from except Mike is outed now, so they're even further behind.

I think that JL shot the briefcase lock the third time he fired so he could open it. But Homero took a shot right where his heart is so I don't think he could survive it.


I missed all the shows last night, so I'm relying on the recap. This wasn't dry at all, Kat. I can see all the madness from your wonderful descriptions. This sounds like a very crazy episode!

Carlos- Your last comment had me LOL. :) Some people eat when they get stressed. Ricky likes to have some Ori loving when times get tough.

Homero has to go out at all times wearing a bullet proof vest, right? I mean, this is an old dude who always has his gun ready.

Right now I'm not caring what happens to Oriana because she was so STUPID in telling Jose Luis that Homero had the tape and outing Mike.

Vivi, good thinking, a bullet proof vest. Let's hope so.
Anon207, I definitely agree with you.

Sorry Carlos, I see you thought of the vest first.

Here's another reason I think that Fabiola and Sebastian will be together in the end, they're both HIV positive. And it's possible that no one else is.


Let's hope that Homero thought of the vest first.

I sort of like the idea of Sebastian apologizing to Fabiola profusely and the two of them getting together. After all, she was kinda smitten with him before it got all ugly.


cathyx said:
"Now the last 20 episodes were all for not because everyone is right back where they started from except Mike is outed now, so they're even further behind."

Ugh. That's a depressing observation.

I like your thought that JL's third shot was to open the briefcase. When I saw the ches shots, my first thought was "vest". Then JL delivered that third shot and my heart sank.

5ft - Thanks. I missed a lot of last night's episode.

Sure hope Homero and his driver survive. I figured Homero and Paloma would hook up in the end.

JL has sealed his fate. But, wow, those green eyes in the black hood -- crazy mesmerizing. And when he pulled off the hood, what a handsome profile. I can see why Ricky couldn't believe for the looongest time that Ori was done with her husband.

Reality, are you rooting for Matilda's idea for Fabi to put her healthy baby up for adoption when the girl has the means and resources to raise her baby well herself?

I realize I may have not had my eyes on the TV enough, but I thought the 3rd shot was shooting open the briefcase--and what a wimpy briefcase if it only needed 1 shot to open!

I was so happy with Homero's staff when we first met them and they seemed trained to not be the typical servants that Eliseo was expecting...a little small talk and you know all the inner workings of the house...and then the maid gives out information that NO ONE needed to know!

Susanlynn, I will barf if Alex boinks Maria. I don't like her BUT I understand why he would need to do it. In his mind, he has no one but her. If I were him, I'd even be suspicious of Victor. He's been hanging with Nadia, the friend of his enemies. How does he know Victor hasn't crossed over? The priest did.

Ok, I loves me some Alex, but Rulli has way too much botox in his face. His forehead doesn't crinkle. Is it just me? It doesn't wrinkle when he's angry or when he cries.

Great Re-Cap 5ft.....

I am sure Homer Run had a bullet proof vest on ViVi....

But why now does Orines wants to stop lying....
She started "chirping" to Joe Luis, and just could not stop. She told on herself, nearly told on "Be like" Mike , and told on Homer Run.

New title:
The Truth, and Nothing but the Truth....for Now On, All Day - Every Day.

P.S.,Note to Pretty Ricky: (There is an old saying in the southern US). "Scared men don't gamble, and Jealous men can't work"

Once again, i find myself on the wrong tn. Susanlynn etal, please pretend that you are reading about Robo and we are discussing the Robo tn.

Even if Homero survived the gunshots because of a vest, the key piece of evidence seems to be gone with JL.
But could the wily Homero have concealed the real disk somewhere in the car and a fake one in the case? Not likely but then Homero is very clever.
And if he is dead, well, RIP.
JL is now definitely guilty of at least attempted murder if not a double homicide. Questions who will kill whom? Will Joaquin knock off JL or JL shoot Joaquin?

Thanks for the recap. I just watched the episode and I find myself asking the same two questions everyone else is asking: 1) Why did Ori tell JL that Homero has the video? and 2) Why did Homero's maid tell JL that he was on his way to the airport?!? I think he will survive though so we will see what happens.

Leo is now officially my favorite character in this TN after saving the day two episodes in a row. Homero should give him more credit.

Great recap 5 ft and quite juicy in my opinion. You described very well what I see as "one big mess".
1) I agree that Sebas is proving that he's not beyond redemption. With all of the advancements made with HIV research and treatments people are living longer and healthier without developing AIDS. For that reason, I don't think that 2 people both HIV positive makes for a good match if that is the most important thing they have in common. Also, I'm curious .. wouldn't they still have to use precautions since there are different strains of the virus?

2) Despite all of Matilde's faults (too numerous to name), I think that Ruben is verbally abusive to her and out of place putting her down in from of their children. Notice they have learned to demean her the same way. They (including Paloma) blow every opportunity to get rid of her once and for all. IMO they deserve each other.

Anon at 4:00pm, I like the idea that Homero would have planted a fake dvd except he wasn't expecting to get stopped on his way to the airport and he wasn't able to make a copy since he couldn't open it.
Also, don't forget Joaquin's brother threatening to kill him too. And in most likelihood, I predict he will be the one to kill him since he's a bad guy who needs to go down.


"...wouldn't they still have to use precautions since there are different strains of the virus?"

No. Besides, since Sebastian was the source of Fabiola's infection, they are both carrying the same strain.


Thanks Carlos for clarifying. It makes sense that if you catch any infectious disease from someone else, then you have the same bug/virus.

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