Friday, February 07, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #86 Thu 2/6/14 Reunir para Despedir

After all the over-testosteroned male posturing in the waiting room, Manolo pulls rank as the displaced cop from another town who doesn't even belong there, and says HE'LL be the one to tell Inés the news that she's being released.  I'm betting he's not going to try to use it to get some nookie, either.

Inés is happy but worrying about what's going on with Lina.

Doc Veronese checks Lina out, not even in an exam room, but in the waiting room of Hermosillo's Only Clinic.  She's fine, she just needs a sandwich and to go home to Paloma's.

Homero breaks his arm patting himself on the back for getting both Lina and Inés released.  He's giddy as he tells Leo what a lying, scheming badass he is.  Leo reminds him about his precious "code," but whatevs.  Leo really wants grandpa to actually, really, for realz this time RETIRE, but Homero wants to get this one last bust…Caribbean is going down and he's putting Jose Luis Falcon behind bars.  And after that, he has no idea what to do with himself.  I mean, it's not as if there are great-grandchildren around for him to play with, and oh, Leo's so cruel for wanting him to stop doing what he loves, and can't Leo see he's lonely?  After the pity party, Homero turns on Leo, bugging him about wasting his life with all these alleged art exhibitions that never happen, and maybe Leo should actually do something useful, and hey if Leo's gay can't he just come out of the closet already and live happy?  Leo's offended and insists that yes, he IS a good artist, damnit! And for the record, he likes dipping his paintbrush in lady colors.

Lina and Tito have a happy reunion at Paloma's.

Inés happily hugs Ric out in the lobby, then Lucina, and shakes Piero and Manrique's hands.  She signs her release paperwork and gets her belongings back.  She and Ric head out together to see what's going on with Lina.  Manolo, who seems as happy as the rest of them, asks Lucina if they should go out to eat "or something."  My jaw drops as she agrees to "or something" but she clarifies that they're going to dinner and he's paying.  Well.  That has possibilities, right?

Ric and Inés celebrate with hugs and smoochies in the car, now that they know that Lina is back at Paloma's.

Joaquin's wife and daughter cry in the waiting room.  Jackie hears JL's voicemail and gets suspicious.  She asks her mom about the business, but Mrs. Joaquin didn't talk shop with him often.  She knew Joaquin had investments, but real estate?  She thinks maybe he saw a good deal and took advantage of it.  Jackie wonders why this guy wanted out, then.  They're both hoping that Joaquin survives, and Mrs. J isn't going to unplug him.  She sees Sammy circling like a vulture, but she lets Jackie in on the secret that she and her sibling(s) are Joaquin's only heirs.

Manolo uses dinner as an opportunity to pump Lucina for information.  He wants to know more about the mystery CD and begs her to tell him what she knows.

Ric and Inés arrive at Paloma's and John makes a call.

Lina and Inés have a happy reunion and Inés promises they'll be together "forever."  Anvil!

Based on John's report, Francisco sadly deduces that Ricardo took all the credit.  Too bad, Frankie.

Manolo and Lucina are in her room at Casa Bonita, getting ready to watch some XXX action.  I know this because I actually remember which CD was real and which was the fake.  Lucina pulls out her laptop and Manolo pops in the disc, saying if they have the original, then the password the hacker gave them shouldn't work.  Manolo tells her the bad news and Lucina rushes to call Raquel.  She doesn't believe it at first, but goes into her bag to get the disk…which isn't a porn-containing disk, nor a confession-containing disk, but a kid's videogame.  She can't figure out how that could have happened if only Francisco knew about it.  She's suddenly suspicious about last night's dinner.  Lucina can't keep herself from saying "I told you so."  Manolo tells Raquel to play dumb or Francisco will kill her. Pfft! Like he's not going to kill her anyway.

Ric visits Inés in her bedroom at Paloma's.  She's happy to have her pajama pants back…I mean, her daughter back!  They get all noisily smoochy and Ric adds in some heavy breathing for effect.  Oh, I must have missed something…Lina's going back to Ric's, where he expects Fidelia to protect her from Marilu.  Inés worries that Homero is somehow going to convince/coerce/force her to go back to Francisco yet again.

Here we go again.  Ric's home.  He gives Fidelia the good news and she hugs him happily.  Marilu comes in to be her usual sunshiny self.  She insults her aunt for never having had kids, for screwing up with the two nephews she did raise, and I tuned her out after that.  Fidelia's main criticism is that Marilu is heartless and doesn't care about Lina or Inés' love for her.  Fidelia gives up and she and Ricardo leave Marilu in her pit of passionless purple.

Matilde and Lila stumble into Francisco's suite with Antonio.  Antonio and Francisco promise there will be an actual office soon.  Matilde wants to know about the color of the curtains and Lila wants to know why they offered Matilde the presidency instead of her.  Antonio smoothes her ruffled feathers saying since she's not local.  A bored Lila asks where she signs.

Ric goes to thank Homero.  He knows Inés can't go back "undercover" but he needs a plant.  Ric can't think of anyone.  Manolo comes to visit and breaks the news about the CD.

Samuel hears that the real estate business has finally been officially created and he's chomping at the bit to get the money deposited.  They're in a hurry to launder a few millions before…uh, before Joaquin comes back from, uh, vacation.  Francisco just wants out and Samuel says that was between him and Joaquin, and he made no such agreement.  As Francisco's complaining to his blank screen, he hears Raquel shoving her way into the house.  She accuses him of being a criminal and he slaps her across the face before she can utter the words "money laundering."  John and Martin get the hell out of there while Raquel continues crying and accusing Francisco of stealing his CD back from her.  He blames the cops for the CD and asks her what evidence she has against him anyway, huh?  NONE!  And BTW, he never believed the baby was his and he won't unless he sees the results of a paternity test.  He kicks her out of his house and tells her to move out of "her" apartment ASAP.  John escorts her out with a minimum of manhandling.  Raquel swears revenge.

Ric and Piero wonder if Sebastian would be a viable option to go undercover.  Ric thinks he's too delicate, but Piero says Homero will be protecting him.

Antonio has coffee with a now-unemployed Escalona and convinces him to get involved in the new company with the promise of an even bigger paycheck.  This time, though, he tells him that there will be some accounting shenanigans…nothing major, a few inflated invoices.  Escalona ponders.

Mariano and Berenice wonder how Alina is doing.  Berenice would really like to get Alina living in the now and leaving the bad times behind.  She wonders aloud if maybe she could spend some time hanging out with Alina, but she has her clinic duties to consider.  Mariano's totally willing to work out a schedule that lets her have playtime when the clinic is slow.

Inés and Paloma try to console Lina about having to live at Ric's.  Paloma says Tito can go with her and she can visit every day.  Ric promises her it will only be for a little while.

The adults ditch Lina and Paloma asks Ric what his plan is.  Divorce Marilu, obviously.  There's also some crap going on with the company and their new "partnership."

Raquel sadly moves out of her depa' cursing Francisco for a rat bastard.  Lucina reminds her that as long as they have the hotel, Raquel will always have a place to stay when her latest sugar daddy gets tired of her.  As she's walking out after Raquel, Lucina runs into Sebastian and bad-mouths Francisco to him as Seb looks guilty.

Fidelia and Lina have a happy reunion.  Lina and Marilu even have a happy reunion.  Inés says goodbye to Lina and Marilu hustles her out of the room to unpack.  Fidelia goes to supervise as Ric and Inés head for the bungalow.

Samuel asks Mrs. J if Jackie knows about the bidness.  Mrs. J has never wanted Jackie or "the boys" to know.  She breaks it to Samuel that Big J left everything to Jackie and the boys in equal parts, with Mrs. J as executrix of his will (and presumably she gets to handle the boys' shares until they come of age).  Samuel is furious that Big J left him nothing.  "You have what your father left you."  "But that was only 30%!" "Too bad.  Big J always did say you were an idiot."  The doctor comes in to tell them that Big J is brain dead.  Jackie comes in just after.  The doctor says there's nothing left to do but turn off the machines.

Francisco goes to see Dr. Veronese.  He says he's been good with his meds and has been avoiding alcohol, so he begs Veronese to get the judge to let him see his daughter.  Veronese tells him there's a new judge on the case.

Ric is convinced that whatever else Marilu might do, she's not going to mistreat Lina.  He's going to file for divorce in a few months.  It sounds like he's expecting Francisco to have been busted by then.  Lovey talk, noisy smoochies.  OK, seriously, there was a sort of…sucking sound.  And then Ric says he wants to make love, which is a sucking sound of its own.  Quick cut to "after" and Inés asks if he used a condom or not.  Woman?!  Were you not there?!  He didn't, but not to knock her up on purpose.  She complains that he didn't ask her if it was ok.  WERE YOU NOT THERE?!

We cut immediately to Inés being woken up from a sound sleep by a call from Ric, whining about how he really wasn't trying to knock her up.  He asks her if she's going to take the pill, but she'd never deny her child a chance to live.  That's…not…how…it…works…beanie…failure…imminent…danger…danger!  Inés is also pretty sure that she's probably not going to get pregnant from doing it without a condom just the one time.  That's…not…how…it…works!  She's determined to know why, since "they'd" always used a condom before, why not this time.  Were you not present at the time?!  Ric says he just…forgot in the heat of the moment.  She can't believe he would forget something so important.  Did…?  What…?   You were standing right there at the checkout and you somehow failed to notice that he was handing you the groceries without bagging them?  You put the groceries in the basket, did you not?  How did you not notice the distinct lack of either paper or plastic?  "If I'm pregnant…" Inés begins, then hangs up on him.  Because that's what you do in a mature relationship when you're suddenly faced with the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy.  First you put all the blame on the other party, then you refuse to have a conversation about it.  Ric is thoroughly confused.  And not just because he's purely decorative, because I don't understand any of that mess either.

Samuel calls Francisco and summons him to Santo Domingo because Joaquin is dead.

At the reading of the will, Jackie finds out that she and her brothers have inherited all of Big J's worldly goods.  Big J surprises me by putting in the will that his wife, a sensible and intelligent woman, will know how best to guide his children.  Almost makes me want to shed a tear.

Back at the office, Samuel and the assembled bidnessmen toast to Big J's memory.  I feel his toast is inadequate, so I propose one of my own.  If you wish, please raise a glass with me to the memory of Joaquin.  He was a no-good, ho-loving, bongo -playing rat bastard... but at least he was a better alternative than Sam.  To Big J!  Francisco introduces himself to Jackie, but stumbles over what name to use.  He realizes Jackie has no idea what her father's bidness was.  He brings up the promise that he doesn't expect Samuel to keep and asks her to meet him for breakfast the next day.  Samuel tells Mrs. J that he doesn't want The Fox becoming friends with his niece.

Tomorrow: Marilu reveals her real feelings about Lina; Marilu refuses to let Ric go; a potential shootout between Francisco and Sam.


I am both tired, and tired of a lot of the nonsense the writers are feeding us. My beanie fell off about five exits back and got run over by a semi. It is what it is.

If...Oriana has heard the rippppppp of a condom wrapper being opened every time she & Ric had sex, and didn't hear it this time, she could've easily stopped and said Whoa, where the condom at? (Ric might not have easily stopped though...)

I could understand if someone like Fabi didn't know if a condom was used or not but a 30ish woman? Oriana, please have a seat. It is just as much your responsibility to make sure Ric wears a condom as Ric's.

Marilu is like a lot of women who sneer at other women who don't have a man or kids. That's where her "power" comes from, the fact that she's "desirable" to a man...except Marilu's NOT.

Please don't have Sebastian going under cover. Pump him for info, but I don't think he should go undercover.

Samuel needs to have a stadium of seats if he thought Joaquin was going to leave him everything instead of his KIDS. I hope Jackie & Mrs. Joaquin took note of how eager Samuel was to pull the plug on Joaquin.

Joaquin...will play the bongos no more...


5FT - I looked forward to your recap after last night's loony conversation about the condom. Loved your comment: wasn't she there? And then, the ever insecure Ricardo wonders why she might not want to be pregnant given the unending mess they are in.

The Marilu change in character has yielded some of the best names in recap-history, but it does strain belief. She's so nasty and rotten to everyone!

I agree with Anon207 - please don't send Sebastian under cover. Like Raquel, he's already got a target on his back. No need to hurry it along. He's turned into one of the better, more interesting characters lately.

I don't think Marilu's change in behavior is necessarily out of order. She did move to another country to get Ric's attention. Who picks up and moves to another country to get a guy's attention? So the looney behavior was already indicated.

Then she wasn't too cool with the idea of Ines at first, either.

Her being mean to Fidelia is because Fidelia sees right through her and she needs her to go. Marilu likes telling Fidelia that the house is Ric's so Fidelia can't tell her what to do & Fidelia needs to go but um...Ric's let Fidelia live in the main house for years while he resides in the small bungalow in the back so I doubt Ric will tell Fidelia to get to stepping.

5Ft Diva! You are HILARIOUS! HILARIOUS!!! Thank you so much.

I just hate that the writers have dumbed down Oriana. I hate it. There's no excuse.

I agree with you 5Ft, there were way too many beanie moments.


Kat- I haven't read the comments, or even the rest of the recap. But I HAD to comment after reading the whole sex/condom passage because I am laughing hysterically. How did you read my mind? That's exactly what I was thinking last night. LOL!

I think the pill Ricky was speaking about was the morning after pill. Guess who's going to be pregnant soon? It doesn't matter anyway, since this whole thing wraps up in a few weeks. Marilu will probably be bumped off, and Ori and Ricky will be walking down the ailse before there's a baby bump.

OK. I'm done now, and I'm not laughing like a mad woman anymore. :) Excellent recap, Kat!

What will Jackie do once she knows her dad was a criminal and that's where his, now her, money came from? Take up where he left off? Give away all her worldly assets to charity? Help the police bring down the whole organization from the inside? She has a lot of choices.

5ft - Thanks. My favorite: "He was a no-good, ho-loving, bongo -playing rat bastard... but at least he was a better alternative than Sam." One note: in the clinic with Berenice, "Manolo" should be "Mariano."

I will miss Joaquin and his bongos. His wife and daughter are so devoted to him that I almost forgot how he always partied with his secretary on his desk.

Just when I finally stop being annoyed with Ricky, he drives me nuts again. Yep, Ori should've been awake during the sex, but Ricky is not a spontaneous guy. My take is he intentionally did not use a condom cause he wants a family with Ori. I would like him better if he'd just own up to this in the phone call. He's proven his love a zillion times and they both know that's where they're headed anyway. It does seem like there are different writers than from the first half of the TN.

Right now the person I care about is Raquel. She seems determined to keep going after JL till he offs her.

Great job Latina, that whole condom conversation was mind boggling. I thought Ines said I am pregnant, Sí estoy embarazada and not if I'm pregnant, Si estoy embarazada. The ccs don't always use accents on the letters, so it could have gone either way.
Maybe Ric just was out of condoms and that's why he didn't use one.

They should try to get Escalona to spy on the new company. He seems hesitant in going rogue.

Raquel can't be any stupider going to JL's and accusing him of stealing his own cd. She has no right to it.

Ok so not only ok you hear the foil tearing, wouldn't she have had to wait for a few seconds while he strapped himself? This is stuff I simply heard about mind you. I don't know how things work since I was raised by nuns.

Cynderella, apparently so was Oriana. How could an educated woman in her late 30s be so ignorant of this? Come on writers.

Did anyone else recognize Joaquin's doctor as Edgardo Tejeda-Eliezer, without his signature dreadlocks? He was Costeno in Gancho, and Elvis in Destilando Amor.


Thank you all for the feedback so far. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one staring at the screen in disbelief.

Maybe they didn't have sex in the same room together. Maybe they're not mammals.

Hey, Ric, don't be insulted that she neither took responsibility for condom usage, nor noticed that you didn't either...just be grateful she noticed you had sex at all!

The writers must've also forgotten Ori's sage counsel to Fabi on protection. Ori consoled Fabi since it was already too late, but she did look incredulous that Fabi let Sebas not use protection. I hope Fabi goes "na-na-na-na-na!" when/if Ori gets knocked up too.

Thanx, Diva! :) It was great.

Ricky is like a teenager soul in a mature body, but after this condom story Ori is similar. ITA with the 1st comment of Anon2007. And the sex is different with condoms or without condoms, it might feel.
I read once rumores Ocampo and Zarattini had disputes because Ocampo's team had to start recordings and Zarattini hadn't enough material. I think it may be a reason, why the second half is rough-and-ready.

Raquel is a foolish woman, after JL took her to the illegal abortion clinic (cap79), I would ignore the men, but the money dictates. I hope after this slap, she starts to think.

Thanks Kat, this is hilarious. I enjoyed your take on the condom thing. Remember Inez's frank little chat about such things with Fabiola awhile back?


"This is stuff I simply heard about mind you. I don't know how things work since I was raised by nuns."

Now I think you're the one being cute and you're not even talking dirty.


Alejo- I really hope that slap is enough for Raqui to realize JL is not playing around, but I fear she will try to get back at him and end up dead.

Fixed the Manolo/Mariano switch. I miss the plaid shirts. It's throwing me off.

Yeah, Fabi owes Ines an "I told you so!"

Vivi, thanks for pointing out Edgardo Tejeda-Eliezer as Joaquin's doctor. I liked him in Destilando Amor. I will have to take another look at his scene.


I also meant to acknowledge this nifty line:

"And for the record, he likes dipping his paintbrush in lady colors."



I don't why this always happens with Maria Zaranttini…whether it's because of the producer, time constraints or something else, her novelas always fall apart as we reach the second half.

It's a pattern: exciting, original, quick paced novela runs out of steam two months after it starts because it moves too fast. Then there's the lull period where the writers are trying to come up with something new for the second half and nothing is moving. Then there's the final stretch where everyone acts out of character, the plot goes haywire and it's a one shot straight to telenovela hell.

Maybe it's the burden of the original story, you have nothing to fall back on, only yourself and your ideas. They should plan things more in advance or this pattern will forever continue.

As for this novela, I say the lull period (case de Fidelia period) was a lot more exciting than LFDD and Sortilegio's.

The thing that gets me going the most is Marilu. She has had no reason to make such a crazy, quick change in character. But alas when the villains are few and you have nowhere to go, time to turn a good guy into a crazy lunatic for the sake of drama.

Vivi...The actor playing the doctor was also in Alborada.

Anon- Yep. I remember him from that too, but he really didn't do much in that other than being background candy. I never saw Destilando Amor, but when he popped up as a hot wrestler in Gancho, many commenters there mentioned his role in Destilando as the hero's brother-in-law. I guess now that he's cut the dreads, he's moved on to more serious roles, like doctors. :)

Thanks, 5ft. I still haven't found the chance to read this but I definitely wanted to thank you!

Thanks, Carlos...I was determined to work a paintbrush reference in there w/r/t Leo :D

5ft, thanks for a recap that adds spice and humor to the boring twist this story has taken.

Cyndi, it looks like you and I might have read the same sex book. I remember reading that if the woman guides the little Ricky where it’s headed, then she’d know whether or not it was covered before it reached its final destination.

I wouldn't know but it sounds like it would work.

I only kinda sorta sometimes watch this show, but I read all the recaps. They are a real treat!

I join you all in your disbelief. What the frack, Ricky and Oriana? Not to mention, if she's so adamant about not getting pregnant now, why are they relying only on condoms? No IUD, no pills, nothing? Someone competent needs to have a chat with her...and with Fabi, too, because I worry about Fabi's having gotten her info from someone so vague and clueless.

Julia: Relying only condoms...One of my flatmates had a girlfriend, and they have been together all time with condoms, because the girl refused all other contraceptive methods. She always said she hadn't used pills because of its side effect, for example it can cause overweight or anything. Their relation has taken for 3,5 years and they used industrial quantities of condoms. When they bought it, they halved the price. I think this part of the story is believable, but that Ori didn't notice Little Richard was uncovered, it is hair-raising.

I know some people use just condoms and luck out, but I think someone who REALLY, REALLY doesn't want to get pregnant needs to know it isn't failsafe. Not that anything but abstinence really is, but condoms have a fairly high failure rate compared to other methods. If the writers want us to think the characters aren't idiots (which I guess is unlikely, given other things they've done), they could at least have them discuss these things with accurate information, even if they then make mistakes.

Yes, Foxy! It's information you can learn from reading is remarkable!

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