Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #96 Fri 2/21/14 JL Offers Oriana Manna From Heaven

Lo Del Pasado:

Mariano and Jaquie decide to continue dating and see where it leads.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Oriana brings Alina over to Fort Falcon for the weekly visitation.  Samuel's thug spies on JL and the family's arrival.  Things are great till Jose Luis and Ori argue about his thinking Ricardo would show preference to his own children over Alina if Ori marries the guy.  (At least Lina and he still are able to have a good time together without Oriana prejudicing the kid against him again.)  
The Widow Barragán and the head of the Syndicate's Big Dude Council, Patrick, discuss how likely Jose Luis is to keep his word about handing over the CD and keeping mum now that she's offered to keep Joquin's promise to JL about giving him his freedom from the mob.  Her only worry is that her sociopath-etic BIL, Samuel, will go off the reservation and that will lead to one of JL's trusted contacts handing over another copy of the thing to Homero de la Garza.  Then they'll all be toast.  Rosa, Joquin's widow, says the best thing to do is just forget all about Falcon, but Patrick says they can't because de la Garza is a bloodhound [pero de caza= literal, a hunting dog] who won't let go till he's got them all in irons.

Ric is there waiting when Ori and Lina return from JL's.  Ric wants to know why Lina'a in a bad mood and Ori has to admit she and JL had words over his claim that Ric would treat his daughter like a red-headed step-child if ric and she got married and they had other children.  Ric tells her it was JL's way of trying to separate the two of them again and not to pay attention to what he told her.  He of course wouldn't treat her or feel any differently towards her, he insists.  He sees this as another proof of the guy's unworthiness and orders her and Lina never to see JL again.  (Yeah?  Tell that to the judge, Ricardope.)  Oriana looks at Ric like he's lost his mind.   

That evening, Ruben, Mariano, Leonardo, and Cesar get word from the doctor that Fabi's ready to be told about her losing the baby.  Fabiola receives the bad news about the baby's being lost due to the bullet entering her uterus.  She of course takes it badly, but Mariano talks her through it.  Leo gives her love and emotional support also.    

The Widda pays a visit to JL. She offers to buy the CD from him, but he refuses the offer.  He explains that he doesn't trust Sam'l to play fair with him if he gives the CD over to her. She says if he doesn't, Sammy's likely to harm him or his family to get his hands on it. She suggests another possibility: he gives her a copy and they trick Sammy into believing it's the one and only CD.  If Sammy still doesn't honor Hubby Ho King's promise then JL will be free to do whatever he wants with the original.  

Outside, meanwhile, Eliseo's replacement John? is still spying on JL and has seen Rosa enter and then seen her leave.  He also sees JL leave immediately after her.  Johnny Juan calls Sam and lets him know what's gone on.  Sam thinks he may have given Rosa the CD.  He orders Johnny Juan to follow JL and see where he goes. 

At the same time, Oriana and Ric are at the hospital to get word from Ruben on the latest.  Suddenly Mathilde shows up, hysterical and teary-eyed, screaming at 2nes that it's all her fault her daughter was shot and lost her baby.  Leo enters the fray and claims she never cared about her daughter before, much less that baby.  In other words, what's she complaining about?  

Cesar tries to get his mama to calm down, but that just makes Mad Hilde madder than ever.  Then the nurse at reception tells her to quiet down or take the argument outside cuz it's a hospital, remember?  So, Mad Hilde turns on her and verbally abuses the nurse now.  Ruben (wishing he had a free hand to take his shoe off to get at his sock and stuff it down his ex's damned throat) hands her off to Mariano and Cesar, who finally manage to forcibly drag her away and down the hall.  

In another part of town, at Snoop Mansion, Gramps, Michael, and Sebastian get their equipment ready for a bit of B&E and safecracking at the real estate development company.  

Back in the hospital waiting area, Piero tells Leo how much he respects him and Fabi's decision to choose Leo over him.  

JL goes to his hotel suite and makes another copy of the CD. Manolo happens to be waiting for him incognito.  

Ric tells Ori that he's started divorce proceedings.  Their biggest worry now is which manse they'll live in.  

Back at the hospital, Lucina gives Cesar back his check and tells him she knows he cannot afford it and anyway, Raquel's got somebody else to get money from.  She advises him to get a DNA test done ASAP because she's certain the baby isn't even [ni siquiera] his!

The Oceans 13 Gang enter Premier Investments Company.  Grampa Snoops struggles the first couple of times getting the safe there to open. The night watchman walks into the office unexpectedly and they have to hide till he exits.  Third time's the charm though and Snoops finally gets the safe open.  Unfortunately, the CD isn't there.  They spend the rest of their time looking through the documentation they find.

Lucina returns to the B&B and Raqi gives her grief over telling Cesar that the baby probably wasn't his.  They argue that point and Lu says it's not fair of her forcing him into giving most of his hard earned cash over to her for a kid that probably isn't even his.  Raqi reminds her she's the one who's preggers and needing to maintain the kid.  Lu says talk to the hand and reminds Raqi that she got knocked up cuz she wanted to, so not to whine about it to her.  Raqi warns her not to keep sticking her nose in where it shouldn't be.  Lu says she's thinking of telling JL that Raqi's been asking for money from the real baby-daddy and gets Raqi to back off.  Raqi admits she still has hopes that JL will eventually marry her.  Lucina tells her she's dreaming and leaves, shaking her head in disgust.

The next day, Oriana agrees to meet with JL for some sort of important discussion. 

At Snoop Mansion, Snoops explains to Manolo what he discovered in the documents although the CD wasn't there like they'd hoped.  There was evidence of them doubling up on the numbers and the billing for some things.  That is the evidence they need for money laundering charges. Manolo reports that he saw JL enter the hotel.  They figure JL has got a suite there and that that's where he's been hiding the CD.  Snoops says he's going to request an official audit of the development company now that they have sufficient evidence to begin an official investigation.  

Ori drives to the park, where she and JL have agreed to meet.  Piero and Ric are stopped in traffic and just happen to notice her getting out of her car and that her security team are nowhere around.  Ric also sees JL's car parked nearby and green with jealousy, decides to get out of the car to follow her.

JL, looking damned fine in that steel blue-grey sports-jacket, tells Ori he's tired of the current situation and wants it to end.  Just then he sees Ric and Piero walking towards them and says he thought she was coming alone.  Ric jealously tells her she's got no bidnes secretly meeting her ex. JL tells Ori he'll chat with her some other time.  Ric snidely tells JL there won't be another time.  JL just looks at him like give it a rest, Bozo, and leaves.  Oriana jumps at Ric now and asks him what's his problem.  He's not the boss of her!!!   He yells back at her and demands to know exactly what her ex had to talk to her about!!  She's just a fool to let him get her involved with him all over again, he screams. Well, if he'd have butted out she screams back, she might have found out what he wanted,!!  She struts off at that point and ignores him demanding that she come back there that instant.  (Sheesh.  Time to break the engagement and cut your losses, girlfriend!)  

Piero, who has been watching from the sidelines warns Ricardope that he's on thin ice treating a woman like that.  Ric reiterates she was meeting him in secret and he has a right to know why!    Piero tells Ric to back off playing inquisitioner or she's going to eventully tell him to go to Hell.

Over at the hospital, Mad Hilde finally makes it into see Fabi.  The first thing out of her mouth is another insult about Leo and his true intentions.  Fabi tells her she's not up to arguing.  Maddie tries changing the subject to the lost of her baby,  She gripes that it was all 2nes's fault  and then tries convincing Fabi to complain to Paloma about that so she'll finally get wise and throw her out of her will on on her ass.  She took what was theirs, the baby, the inheritance, whatever.  Fabi refuses to be manipulated and tells her mother that she brought that all on herself, that 2nes had nothing to do with it.  The worst of it is that Mama still refuses to recognize the error of her ways.  She's still manipulative, negative and vengeful witch.  Maddie tells her to watch her mouth.  Leo walks in on them at that point and Mad Hilde hisses and growls back at him.  Visit over.  Fabi sends Grouch-hilde on her way.  

Oriana later surprises JL by suddenly showing up at his place to finish their discussion.  He asks her if she really plans on marrying this guy.  Is she sure she really wants to?  She snipes back at him to just hurry up and tell her what it was he was so eager to tell her. He takes her by the hand and walks her into his office.  He sits her down and explains how he thought he was free and clear of the mob, but because of Samuel Barragán, he's still got his head on the chopping block.  They agree Lina should never know the things he's done while working for this syndicate. He asks if she really feels nothing for him any longer.  She says yes, she does.  She feels embarrassed for him.  That wasn't the answer he expected.  

Meanwhile, Malaboo Marilu-lu is at trial and receives her sentence.  She gets 25 years for attempted murder of 2nes and grievous bodily harm to Fabi, causing the death of Fabi's baby.  Viewerville notes that Malaboo-hoo is the only one crying about her sentence.  (Bye-bye you loo-loo looney bird.  Don't bother to write and we'll nix the need for any postcards at this end!)

Back at Fort Falcon, JL tells Oriana that she's the only person in the world he trusts.  He swears her to secrecy.  He shows her the CD and a copy he's made.  He explains one is for Ho King's wife as proof to his cojorts that he is not a threat to them and that they can leave him alone.  The other is for Homero should anything happen to him.  Why can't they just give it to Homero now, she asks.   Because, he answers, he's a man of his word and promised Rosa Barragán that he wouldn't, in order to protect her children from all the negative publicity, you see.  She's a good woman, despite the rest of it and they don't deserve that.  Of course, if anything undue happens to him, all bets are off.  

Ori doesn't want to accept it.  Better that he give it to Mariano, she suggests. No, says JL, he only really trusts her.  She tells him he's done a lot of harm, but over all she really doesn't want to see him dead.  He looks at her as if to say, “--well then....”   She reluctantly takes the CD from him.



I don't watch this telenovela, but I wanted to thank you for posting this recap. I know that it isn't easy to do. I appreciate the time you took to write it.


Thanks, Jardinera.

I hope JL's life insurance is paid up (if, indeed, gangsters can get life insurance). Sammy the Bull will definitely be after him.

MADhilde doesn't stop, does she? All she ever does is spit poison.

AuntyAnn: Welcome! Having you comment like this really makes it all worth while! We hope you'll join in the discussion with the next telenovela.

; > )

UrbanAnthropologist: Yep. Methinks now that JL has come full circle, he's probably totally redeemed and like all good dawgs, will go to heaven in the end. I am hoping he'll escape somewhere with Raquel, but Sammy is totally loco weed.

Mad Hilde is a hopeless gritch, but she does love her daughter. Unfortunately, she will no doubt be shunned by her daughter and never understand the reason why, other than it was all 2nes's fault.

Thanks you, Jardinera, for your usual fine work. I do not know if I will be able to watch this eppisode with a quick trip to my mom's that I had to make. I feel like I have seen it after this wonderful recap.

JL is a ruthless guy but also has a sense of trust in some, including Oriana, that has continued throughout. I can't see him being saved but would like to see a complete turn-around and redemption. Ricardope really needs to learn some manners. Loved your advice for Oriana.

Ricardo and Paloma share a tendency to insist and to go around people that I guess their money has allowed them to do. Oriana is showing some guts again and isn't taking it from Ricardo -- a good thing!

Jardinera - Great title. Your recaps are always fun. Love the wordplay, like "sociopath-etic" and "Grouch-hilde."

Ricky was out of line "forbidding" Oriana anything, but I'm on the fence here. Ori accepting the CD from JL AND keeping this secret from Ricky could cause a wedge if/when Ricky finds out. JL put Ori in a bad position. She was right that Mariano would've been a better choice.

But I see Ricky will continue annoying me till the very end. I think Viewerville is supposed to see Ricky trying to keep Alina from seeing JL again as him loving her like his own kid. But to me he's forbidding cause he hates JL.

Great job Jardinera. I'm so glad that Piero said what I would have said to Ric. His Oriana obsession and his desire to control her is at a really scary level now.

Oriana should still give the cd to Mariano, without anyone knowing she did. But one odd thing about this 'cd'. The refer to it as a cd but then they say it's a video. Writers, they are not the same thing.

One very minor correction, it wasn't JL who almost came into the office they broke into, it was the nightwatchman.


Dear Jardinera654, THANK YOU for another fab weekend recap! I still love "Fort Falcon" and really got a kick out of this one: "Piero tells Ric to back off playing inquisitioner or she's going to eventully tell him to go to Hell." I don't know, I just couldn't stop laughing!!!

I think the writers are making Ric look like a fool cuz he sure is acting like one. handsome and what a waste.


Thanks so much for another excellent recap, Jardinera. I always look forward to your weekend recap... a special treat.

I thought Ric had told Sammy in an earlier episode that there are ten to twenty copies of the CD but now he's just now getting around to making a single copy?

Alina has become her daddy's girl again and they both seem to enjoy each others company. How much harm could it have been for her to go ahead and enjoy a hamburger with her dad?

I would have thought with just a week left that Rick would have become more appealing but here his annoying characteristics just seem to be getting worse. Has there been any growth?


New telenovela alert!

De que Te quiero, Te quiero
It will star Juan Diego Covarrubias and Livia Brito as the protagonists. It will premiere March 10th replacing MPV.

Ricky is being protective of his baby. He knows that Jose Luis is going to beat her a$$ or kill her dead when he finds out that she's knocked up by Ricky. He's gotta protect his seed. She's the crazy one. Let's hang around a guy who's gotta hit out on him. Let's go out in public with him! I would trust him even though he falls off of the wagon every other week. Rick might be jealous, but I understand his concerns.

Cyndy, ITA with you re Ric. He's protecting his seed, Lina, and Oriana. The character development of the protags was very inconsistent, so we never really got to see everyone grow up.

I've always seen JL as a bad guy despite his looks and the fact that he wasn't ever really blatantly sinister. To me I've always been Team Ric despite the brain dead person dressing him in ascots because he has always put Oriana and Lina first. JL never does put them first and when he's called on it, he always blames other people. Even again by giving Oriana the CD, despite the fact that she said give it to Mariano, who's a supertrustworthy person, a man, and not his wife, he insists she takes it. He's blatantly putting her in danger to save his skin.

Ric would NEVER put Oriana in a situation like that pregnant or no. Ric has always tried to mitigate Oriana and Lina's problems while JL adds to them. JL isn't sneering and killing loads of people, but everything he's done always put Oriana and Lina in harm's way-putting the shady bank acct in Ori's name, which started the mess they were in; when he came back when Lina and Oriana were in Mexico and wanted Oriana and Lina to lie some more to protect him; setting up the car accident that could've killed Oriana, and of course, kicking Tito, leaving him for dead and then lying about it.

I honestly think if Ric hadn't latched on to Oriana JL wouldn't have wanted her back. I also think Ric does love Lina like his own now because of how he was with her after she was adopted-helping with her homework, being affectionate with her, and especially when he said to Lina while she was asleep that if he was glad he had her as his daughter even though he couldn't be with Oriana.


I'm finally caught up, and better able to enjoy the wonderful recap. Thanks, Jardinera!

Ricky is out of line in the way he tries to keep JL out of Ori and Lina's lives. I'm glad that Piero and Ori called him out on it. I agree that the writers are waiting a long time for him to learn his lesson, but I agree with J that Rick puts Ori and Lina first, while JL is constantly putting them in danger. Giving Ori the cd is putting a huge target on her back and putting her in a very difficult position with a lot of people.

Every time Mati is given a chance with her kids, she royally screws it up. But I think Cesar and Fabi are kind hearted enough to keep giving her chances. At the very least, they'll cry at her money laundering trial.

I haven't been able to watch this for weeks, but everything I've seen and read from Matilde tells me she's gonna end up learning her lesson way too late. She is way too hard-headed and 'own-way' as my Jamaican aunties used to say. She refuses to listen to reason and insists things must go her way even when she's wrong. Her blaming Ori for Marilu shooting Fabi shows her nonsensical reasoning and her greed; she's only blaming Ori b/c she wants Paloma to blame Ori by disinheriting her and give Fabi and mati more inheritance money. This is especially despicable given the fact she called Fabi all sorts of whore when she became pregnant. I don't think Mati hates her kids, or Ruben, but I don't think she loves them either.

ITA Fabi and Cesar will cry at her trial but will keep her at arms length.

Jardinera thanks so much for your recap. I must ask where you are from based on your "red-headed step child statement." It seems to be a regional saying. I've only heard it once before and it fascinates me.

Yes Ric needs to stop acting like an idiot but he has sacrificed for Oriana. And JL keeps putting his family at risk. He and Sammie just need to take one another out and end this.

I don't understand how Ricky is in the wrong. I think he's jealous, but he's looking at the situation using his brain. Jose Luis is involved with the mob. They kill people. He doesn't want his baby, his woman and her child in danger. If she continues to hang around Jose Luis, something might happen to her. She is the idiot because she believes in the OLD Jose Luis and keeps giving him chances. She doesn't see the Jose Luis that stands before her. Didn't Hometown tell her that Jose Luis is the one that shot him and whacked his driver? Duh! He's pulled a gun on Ricky right in front of her and he gets a bit violent with her when he can't have is way. She keeps giving him chances because she remembers the "good times".

Thanks Jardinera for a terrific recap. I totally agree with your point of view about our Galan.

Sounds like he has given 2nez a "verbal restraining order" against JL. In real life a man with Rick's jealousy & control issues would be dangerous. IMO 2nes is jumping from the frying pan (JL) into the fire Ric).
ITA: "Sheesh. Time to break the engagement and cut your losses, girlfriend!)"

IMHO Ric's becoming insanely jealous for fear she's going to fall back in love with Jose Luis cuz she still sees the "old" JL and part of her really does still care for him and can't make the mental/emotional break from him, tho' Ric's fear for the sin-namon bun, Oriana and Lina's safety re the mobsters he's aligned with obviously plays a major part as well. Got to say tho' that DZ's higher pitched voice is making Ric sound more like a whiner rather than a hunky he-man and wise protector type. This is irritating beyond belief. That must be a good part of the reason I am still team JL.

Karen: I lived and worked in SE Tenn. for 5 1/2 yrs and I think I picked it up there.

I didn't know where else to post this but does anyone know when the Premios TVyNovelas is going to air? I'm most excited to see best villainess. I think it's down to Chantal Andere, Veronica from PEAM, Elizabeth Alvarez, Marjorie de Sousa, Laura Carmine and Malillany (Elvira from QBA.)

Corazon Salvaje: The planned PTVYN date is 23 March after a week DQTQTQ's final, so DQTQTQ can also compete.

Here is the Premios link:

Cathyx: Tks! I corrected. Forgot earlier.

Cynderella, Novia de???, I second your comments re my guy Ric. :))


I think Ricky is driven into rage by JL for two reasons: 1) the guy is a dangerous criminal and a danger to Ori, Lina and all around him; and 2) jealousy. The jealousy and pissy attitude overshadow his valid worry, and ticks Ori off because it appears he doesn't trust her and is trying to control her.

She doesn't love JL anymore, but I agree, she does have trouble accepting that JL is a cold blooded criminal (which Rick can see). I think a more accurate definition of "lastima" is that she feels sorry for JL/pities him. No man wants to hear that, but JL has yet to finally accept that. Instead, every time he sees her it's baby, baby please, we can have what we once had. He's just as annoying as Ricky with all the begging, especially since Ori has not given him any encouragement since he came back into her life. He needs to give up on Ori, and if he really loves Lina, then he should put her safety first and get out of her life too. As long as he's tied to the mob, he will always be a danger to his ex and his daughter.

AlejoP, I hope you join us over at "Robo" once our MPV ends. It is a very difficult TN to watch at times and so very different from our MPV. Anyway, think about it, amigo. :)

I have to say again that I am going to miss my Tito El Bambino SO much! I love that little doggie!!


Sorry, Fatima, Sorry....

1, I am tired in the 4th quarter of MPV. I am totally uninterested, and I hate the bodyguards, therefore I didn't watch Corazón Valiente on Telemundo. But I return for the final week.

2, Robo, I started it, but I finished it after 24th capitulo. It's not my cup of tea. I like none of Televisa TN now. I liked Amor Real, but this new version I disliked. But a good point is Sebasian Rulli, who I preferred much more than Colunga. But I often read your comments, I like the smart os funny comments! :)

Now I am watching 3 another TNs (one by TM, one by TV Azteca, one by Telefe), and those are fully enough for me, because I am not up to date of its. I feel that 3 are too many at the same time.


Well, Rick the Mitt is so jealous that he can't work,sleep,or eat without his future baby momma next to him..... Rick the mitt fell so hard for big butt Orines that he is as loco for her, as Marilulu is/was for him.

But I now hate to see Ricky Mitt with Orines... I hope their is a twist at the end, and Oriole/Oriana dumps him, and leave town with Magic Mike, the boygaurd, or Mariano Rivera, the ex priest....I wouldn't mine seeing her and Joe Louis exit the scene together....with half of Granny Poloma's money.

That's how much I have grown to dislike Rick.... BTW, for real, their are men who are as jealous as Ricky in real life.... I think that type of affection is dangerous.

AlejoP, I understand, but I sure will miss you! I hope you check in when we get some new TN or if you get tired of the ones you are watching now. The one that is to replace MPV will probably not interest me as a) I don't like the comedies and b) Livio Brito doesn't strike me a ready to carry the lead part.

Check in with us, OK?


Lee Fox, I know their are crazy men like Ricky out there. That is so hot! If a man is not kind of jealous of you, he isn't that interested. This preacher that I knew bragged that his wife was a good wife. Before he was "saved", he would stay out all night long. When he came home, his wife didn't say anything. She didn't even ask where he was or who he was with. My grandmother pulled him aside and told him that woman who doesn't ask where you were who you were with after you've been out all night carousing...doesn't give a shot about you. Think about that. I'm not talking about stalker jealousy, but there has to be some kind of possessiveness some where. I'm done.

Thank you, Jardinera! I know I'm very late to the party, but I do appreciate all that you do.

I think the problem with Ricky is not what he is doing, but how he is going about it. He whines and he's psycho jealous, which normally is a really big red flag, but he's still a lot better than JL, who also whines and is psycho jealous, but is also a murderer, abusive, nutcase.

So my issue is with Oriana. She's such a cow-eyed, passive wimp. If she can't figure out that there could be another man who would be better than either of these losers, then she deserves whatever she gets stuck with in the end.

Hey Cyn,if a man is jealous of you being around others, it's because he does not trust you or is insecure...But many womem think it's love....

I think that some jealousy is good. I know a swinger who swears up and down that he loves his wife. So I asked him if I could borrow his jaguar. No, he said that car is special to him. Hmmmm. So I can't borrow your car, but anyone can borrow the wife that you "love". In Ricky's case, he doesn't care if she's around people, he just doesn't like when she's around her psycho husband. He knew that Mariana had the hots for her, and he didn't throw a fit.

Hey Cyn again....Being a swinger is much like a sexual orientation...straight, gay,or bi...different rules apply.

Ricky did get jealous when Oriana met with Mariana, and accused him of having the hots for his woman.

Cyn, I respect your position on this matter. Allimas, so many men are of the extreme jealuos nature as Rick the mitt, that many women has confused it with love.

A man who loves you, and you love him back, will show no jealousy or insecurity, but will Provide and Protect his woman from all who is a threat to her well being...This in not being jealous.

I have enjoyed this discusion, more conversation, and more details can come at :

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