Wednesday, February 12, 2014

PSMA (Por Siempre mi Amor) Recap #49 (59&60) - 2/11/14- Kissin' Cousins Caught Canoodling (Well Niece and Uncle!)


Oso expresses his love for Tita.

Daffne Duck and 'Za Cone'Ja (parody of Bugs) are out together when DD has to scamper since Dante awaits her (the guy is her ride home after all!)

BrunBrun is apologizing for being the pewterschmidt of a son he has been. He no longer wants a distance between them.

Art Dad and Isa enter their lovenest, their lovegrove, their snu snu shack. LET THE LOVE MAKING BEGIN!

Tita, Bronce Mari, BrunBrun and Ally are at the table with los 7 ninitos and our Tita is giving them a lesson in etiquette. Ally chimes in with a(n) no elbows on the table and I chuckle. Forgive BrunBrun's curiousity but he asks if at very least one of those kids is Bronce Mari's and she responds with a no but explains she adopted them from the street. BB then grins and bears. (Pancakes for breakfast?)

'Za is on the phone with Estebonbon who is looking sexier than usual (must be the dimmed lighting) He tells her he has a job now and she being a doubting Tomasa questions it. He explains that (unlike some,) he can hold his own and balance it with school and only needs to prove it to himself and his new girlfriend (I'm sorry but I probably missed something. Is his new gal..Sonia? Did he commit a crime? Did he scour Grandma Minerva's comode with a wash cloth and jam it in FeVer's mouth? You have to admit we REALLY want him to but NO! However that would be better than the job he has now with Methuselah and his hazardous fling with Sonia. I'm having doubts but please correct me if I'm worng so I don't feel so stupid LOL.) and after some idle prattle, makes a funny about 'Za having to wheel around FeVer in a few years (make that months if his anvil ends up being paralysis of sorts) She grows tired in general and they bid each other adieu. Have fun with your old man. Have fun with your...whatever (Left her comebackless, good one BonBon) and there are just some heavy feels that obviously mean these two still got it for each other.

FeVer is interrogating Soni asking if she would ever cheat on him (look who's talking) and she responds with a no. He states that everytime he requests a favor, she fails him.

Oso and 'Za are getting their exercise on and along comes Marcela whom is doing the same and Oso introduces her to 'Za but she already knows her.

Some lovey dovey goo with AD and Isa.

Marcela and 'Za are walkin' and talkin' about Eugenia and Mar states Eugenia was stupendous.

Daffne Duck is just Despicable. She orders Luchita to fetch her una agua de kiwi natural with some spinach dish. Daffne then puts on her bitch duck mode(now we see who she gets it from) She tells Lucha she better find the spinach (I wish Lucha told her off with the classic ,"Up your ass around the corner" joke but that has yet to come. Let's face it, Daffne can harvest and consume the popeye vegetal over at Poo(h) Corner) and if she refuses, she will file it with the complaint department known as Arturo de la Riva and Luch will be holding a will harvest spinach for comida sign on the side of the road. Before Lucha blows a gasket, she caves and has a look of rage which says, "Very well then, I will serve you your drink (complete with spinach, spit in your omlettes and novocaine in that Kiwi Au Naturale God permits)" and Daffne just gloats that she deserves this life style. (I can't see her dying but being brutally raped and seeing the light like Mara in Cachito de Cielo will have to do. Maybe like Lisa in Pasion as well.)

Our former Marco Valenzuela (HQEDNS) Dario Colmenares (Dos Hogares) and Michael Johnson (QBA) has returned as Fabricio de la Riva in PSMA. He is always paired with a guera rubia. He buys into Soni's good girl/I'm an English teacher crock of rubbish and she is to meet Katia who is Art Dad's mom AND Oso's first wife.

'Za stupidity. FeVer is planning on moving into this new big apartment where they can be around each other in.

Art Dad and Isa are frolicking (more or less) through the magic forest they're at and along comes a convenient, halo-enlightened swing set which AD pushes Isa on. They speak sweet nothings to each other and prove that they really love each other to viewerville.

More 'Za stupidity but OMG she is about to have her bells rung and gong banged by FeVer but has the tiniest amount of dignity and common sense (we're talking Octavio Narvaez from CI small amount of common sense or even more diminutive) to stop FeVer from infecting her with his name disease and to let him know it's too soon. He agrees more or less. (It's funny how she had come VERY close to being plowed in the most gentlemanly way by Estebonbon and would've regret nothing hadn't Esteban himself stopped in his tracks but with FeVer you can tell how uncomfortable being pinned against the wall and grabbed at the pelvic part by him no less made her extremely uncomfortable and remorseful.)

Fabricio and Katia plan to meet with Soni very soon.

Oso/Katia past Momma Drama. He looks at a pic of himself with a, "my how I've aged." expression and tells himself the past is in the past (LET IT GOOOO, LET IT GO!)

Nick is beginning to lose any faith I ever had in him (I really still ship Gabs/BrunBrun and Ally/Nick) by speaking cynically about Isa to Gaby (seriously dude, to quote Jennie Garth in What I Like About You, I liked you when you were gay)-(and had Odette Longoria as your victim-of-stroke mother and Jean Marie as your significant other.)

(I have NO idea where to place this but there is a fun montage thaat was cut out with Esteban unknowingly working with the evil -diamondintherubblemuch,- 'Za flriting and playing with disaster, 'Za riding a horse with Marcela, Mari on the phone with Cuca, Illeana nursing Daniel on his time of need, A REALLY fun looking soccer game with Tita, BrunBrun, Bronce Mari and los ninitos while Katia watches from afar and it's all fundamental more or less. I love it! Even the cute plop on the couch part with 'Za and FeVer. A bonus mention is that the three chicas 'Za, Daffne and Illeana pass by BonBon and Cristian. Ill hug Cris and when BonBon walks up to the 'Za plate, he strikes out but Daffne helps him take his base with a kiss on the cheek. I like this part since it even makes the bad guys look humane as Soni is getting to know Fabricio better.)

Gabs and Isa plan on taking Isa to get tested. She doesn't want to go alone and she won't.

Soni in her clad black dress is ready to go out with Fabricio to meet mom and when they meet she sees how happy and in love the two (or at least one) is.(are) Fabricio describes his feelings as being in love a thousand times. He believes Sonia is God's gift to him. If he had a clue. Soni spots a pic of Oso on the mantel and asks who is he to Katia. Kat then explains who he is and Soni is astonished.

Balthazar and Oso with their usual comedic Niles-and-Maxwell schtick.

(IDK where to stick this in but it wasn't cut out. Kat straight up marches to Oso and tells him she wants to marry him again and rekindle their old saggy candle.)

(This as well- Gisela and Mother Flower MeanMa pay off all the debts for bingo/poker/BingoKer/PokeGo)

Oh wait the MeanMa part fits PERFECT since it's the opening act for another moment we've ALL been dreading. Illeana just watches with a perturbed expression as Bronce Mari and DannyBoy meet and lean in for a taste-bud-trade'n'taste. JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME (!!!!) Tita and the Padre drive pull up and blow their holy gaskets! Tita responds to the lip-lock, tongue-tussle, kisser-kiss, mouth- off with a "WELL SHUT MY MOUTH!" and runs up the stairs like they've set out the hounds (if ANY time were appropriate for Carlos Benavides to say Ay Dios Mio, now would be appropriate!) They separate the boca biting boy and giddy gummed girl asking how in the sam hill did you get Tita's address? DannyBoy responds with an "Aldo told me," (That Aldo is on thin ice!) and Tita banishes Marianela to A-Soni's dream cloud, B-Her room, and C-La Vecindad. (Pensative Music plays) B-HER ROOM! Those who voted Papaya- Thorton Melon, do you have any idea who that is? Rodney Dangerfield's character in Back to School. Damn you Willem DaFoe and Tori Spelling!

Methuselah is revising BonBon's work when he enters the room and the eerieness of this makes me think Snow White and the Peddler QUAG(mire)(Queen/Hag)

Post Testing- Gabs and Isa chitchat- Rada Rada Rada- like a femme verison of Art Dad and BrunBrun minus the pillow talk off screen-whoops did I say that out loud?

The three chicas meet and discuss a beach trip Oso has planned for them. (Three girls on a beach trip planned by an oldie with loin burn. Sound delightful!)

Dante and FeVer discuss BonBon and evil plots to which Dante obliges to more or less.

(Cut out scene thrown in because Soni's with her BFF whom we haven't seen in a while! Hey gurl, what 'chu still doing friends with this piece of work? I hope you are the death or demise of our lovely Sonia! OK I'll just leave you two now, arrivaderci! )

(Something Interesting- FeVer called Soni and she didn't answer due to her being mad at him. Some idle prattle later and Gonzo suspects that FeVer is going to murder her. He denies that and says he has other things in store. Cue- evil laugh and thunder clap!)

('Nother cut out scene- Something interesting. MamaFlowerMeanMin no longer wants to play in Karina's castle. Gisela beckons her but she'd rather play bingo (so it was poker!) and get this- doesn't want any broncas with/for Andie and Mao. Speaking of which, where are those 2? Minerva, good day. But Miner-I SAID GOOD DAY DAMNIT! and her meaningful swagger with that leg so bad it's good is off. (She was much tamer than that thought, it's like Comet Haley!) Gisela who for a second is stunned brushes it off and goes back to stick her hands in the same fire she just was in. Some girl was watching them the whole time and has an evil sultry look like she is ready to blackmail. Minerva-giving up so early in the game though? Maybe she'll be like Kevin Costner in No Way Out or to a lesser extent, Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellweger or Jude Law coughCOLDMOUNTAINuncough-.)

Sometimes, you wonder. Art Dad is now talking with mom about the past and how she wants daddy dearest back. ome screaming later and we still haven't reached a conclusion.

The episode is almost over. I just have to compile this. Tita is more than beating around the bush with telling BM about why she was scolded for kissing DannyBoy. She just comtemplates telling her and hugs her. Padre actually gets around to burning the bush and break a novela rule and lets Gil know that Daniel united uvulas with BM, his niece, daughter of Soni, granddaughter of Gil. (You know, LQLVMR did an incest kiss right? And Llena de Amor-orsowethought- and Al Diablo con Los Guapos- but it was some dizzy blonde's joyride to spite Miligols. What is Angelli Nesma's deal with incest BTW?)

So Final scene, Gabs and Isa are having a deja vu with not knowing who's corrupting them and G somewhat bashes FeVer like before (feel the Deja Vu) and Isa joins in on it. Curse of the devil, he calls and Isa is spastic. After some discussion, FeVer asks Isa where to meet her and she stays frozen.


Avances- according to Ally, it looks like TITA'S GONNA BE A GRANDMA! That heart that gave and gave finally gave out at the news! Borlas and Dante conspire some more. DannyBoy asks why can't Bronce Marianela be his sweetheart to Cuca. Some lady shoots a gun at something (most likey an inanimate object) and Oso has written AD a letter. Gabs doesn't trust FeVer ALL OVER AGAIN (I'm telling you, DEJA VU!)


Thank you, Corazon for another fabulous recap. Thank you for adding in the cut scenes. You have such a knack for nicknames.
"BrunBrun is apologizing for being the pewterschmidt of a son..." is priceless!
The Daffy Duck reference with Lucha and Daphe is hilarious.
The whole recap has kept me giggling.
You were right to stick in the Osvy and Katina. Now she decides to come out of the woodwork. Really???
Thank goodness for Gaby's persistence, she can solve the Feo/ Javier debacle.
What's going on with Nick? He is having financial problems? He is starting to unravel? Hmmmm!.

Thank you!

Thanks Corazon! Do you do these from your phone? That’s impressive. Part of your recap from last week got pinned to this one. Thanks for the cut scenes. The passage of time one was particularly important because obviously enough time had passed for both Dan and Tita to heal, and for Fab to move to D.F., find a new job, and start a serious relationship with “English teacher” Sonia. Stupid Uni edits.

A few clarifications:
-Este does not have a girlfriend, and it is definitely not Sonia. He was just making that up to make Ara jealous, and it worked. He did look very sexy during that phone scene, but Pablo Lyle has a sexy mischievous smile. One of the things I like best about him.
-Katia is NOT Art’s mom. She was Osvaldo’s lover while he was married to Art’s mom, and apparently she’s the mother of Art’s (unknown) half brother, Fabricio. Art refused to believe Katia’s story because he does not believe Os would do something so underhanded like cheat on his mom, and abandon a child. Katia left him letters she and Os exchanged as evidence of the affair.
-Padre did not tell Gil about the relationship between Dan and Mari and who Mari is. He told Tita. He didn’t mention the family’s last name, but he mentioned that Mari’s mom/Dan’s sister is named Sonia, and Mari mentioned that Dan’s dad was in the military. All of these were enough clues for Tita to realize the Sonia they were speaking about is THE Sonia. That added to her worries about the Mari-Dan incest drama, because we know how Tita feels about Sonia.


Padre and Cuca still do nothing. They thought that just by sending Mari off to live with Tita, and Dan being out of commission while he healed, they would forget about each other. Uh huh. These two are idiots. Tell Gil!!!

Este has done such a good job at work that now Efrain says he wants him to bring in his own clients. That would make Este look more guilty when this scheme blows up. He goes from being an innocent pencil pusher employee, to an active participant in whatever scam Efrain and Feo are running. I so do not want that to happen.

Corazon- You are right on when you point out how eager Ara was to make love to Este, yet her instincts made her balk at taking that next step with FaVier. The slime was happy to know he will be her first.

The apartment FeVier is renting is Isa's condo. That's why she and Gabi freaked out. This is WAY too much coincidence for them. Gabi told Isa she should kick him out, but Isa pointed out that she has no valid reason to evict him. Plus, he hasn't tried to contact her again since his company installed the software. Then, boom, he calls. I want this dinner to happen now. How would FeVier pull it off? How would he explain to Ara that he didn't know who her parents were, and vice versa? De la Riva is not that common of a name.

Oh, further proof that Ara is not over Este, she told Este that he's a good guy and she doesn't want him being taken advantage of by some girl who's just with him because he's making money. Yet, she doesn't get that he doesn't want her to be taken advantage of by some old dude who's after young/fresh meat (and her money, and revenge on her parents). She better not do the horizontal tango with Feo!

CS, this was fantastic!

"pewterschmidt of a son”, “ lovegrove” and "doubting Tomasa" were among my favorites. Loved the title and although the epi was another downer your recap sparkled.

I also agree Este looked especially debonair last night. My heart goes out to him - he did nothing to have this terrible vengence rain down on him.

Vivi, thanks for your comments. I did not understand about Este's "girlfriend" either.

Fev groping Ara in such a crass and disrespectful manner should have been a definite turn-off. I think she is more in love with the idea of Feo than the actual person she believes him to be. I just loathe what he is doing to her and Este (not to mention poor Isa).

Tablet jefa, I also have high expectations that Gaby will make deep inroads regarding Feo/Javier. Someone has to!

Not liking this side of Nick and Gaby certainly did not like his comments on Isa. I sense a detachment shortly (no spoiler).

Thanks again Corazon! You rock.


Thanks for your recap. Very entertaining and confusing. Keep up the good work.

Gabi has now had a couple of moments where she did not like the ugly things that have come out of Nick's mouth-- way back over ten years ago when he assumed taking her out to dinner meant he could get into her pants; when he told her he dumped his wife because she became depressed; and now that he's trying to talk smack about her BFF. Plus this preoccupation with money that's making him all jumpy and fidgety. He also convinced Art and Bruno to do something risky with the construction project that would give them access to the profits more quickly, or some such. I wasn't paying a lot of attention, but Art was uncomfortable about the risk. Obviously, Nick needs some fast money, and he just might put Art and Bruno’s business at risk.

As much as I can't stand Aranza for what she's done over the past 10 years I cringed when FeVier started putting the moves on her. He looked at little too happy at the prospect of being her first.

Of course, that was anticipation of really putting one over on Isabel and Arturo.

Lucha needs to tell Isabel and Art about Dafne's entitled demands. She's a nasty piece of work and needs to be squashed like a bug.

What do we think Sonia wants from Fabricio (before she knew he was Art's bro)? She seemed to really be enjoying the attentions of a nice, straight-laced, handsome, upper middle class man who's her age, and pretending to be an average Jane. I mean, she went to meet his mom, like a normal person! Of course, now that she knows he's related to Os and Art, she'll try to use that to her own evil advantage. But I was surprised she actually started a relationship with the guy before she could use him for any evil gain.

TJ- I just realized this post doesn't have a label, and is likely why a lot of poeple haven't seen it today. Can you please label it.

Thank you Corazon---Another great recap to start the day with. Corazon, you had several lines that stood out to me and made me smile.---frolicking through the magic forest---Tita and the padre
drive, pull up and blow their holy
gaskets.---Three girls on a beach
trip planned by an oldie with loin
burn. LOL

Thanks Vivi for filling in the cracks.

The apartment FeVier is renting is Isa's condo. Does Isa own the building and FeVier is renting one of the units or is FeVier just renting in the same building
that Isa lives in?

WOW!!! Dafne really does think that she is a Kardashian. Too bad she has turned out to be the way she is.

A time jump? Daniel all healed up
already, Tita too. Que? This is sure getting chopped up. I'm going to email Univision again. I must even though I don't think that it will do any good. I got no reply the last time.

Tofie from yesterday---This TN will be over before Bruno gets thru puberty so he's out. Good one
the gringo

The time jump isn't an edit; it's a montage.

I think Sonia was disappointed when she saw Fabricio's digs. He's not as rich as she had hoped. She might be looking for someone rich who isn't too much older and easier on the eyes than the Raisin. One of the few normal things she's done.

Thanks for the recap Corazon.

I am so vexed with Padre and Cuca!! Their silence has kept Mari from being loved by Gil which meant she was treated badly in the orphanage and then on the streets. While its a great demonstration of evil happens when good people do nothing, it makes me what to shake them silly.

Wow, didn't see Katina having Art's unknown half-brother coming!

Gringo- Isa owns the condo unit FeVier is renting/leasing.

Vivi- thanks for the heads up. I corrected the info from last week. :-)
As always, you are a life saver.

Don't forget the label, TJ. That way more people can find Corazon's recap. Thanks so much for posting, amiga.

Corazon, thank you for that funny recap.

Feo is underestimating Isa, Gaby, and even Aranza if he thinks they're stupid. I'm ready for the three women to take him down like Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda did to their nasty boss in "Nine to Five."

Thank you Corazon for the recap, especially filling in the gaps made by the Uni editors. We should alert Carlos that the monkey is back!

BonBon is incredibly handsome; he looked quite sizzling hot last night.

As for Fabricio, lets not forget one of his best roles as Raul Hernandez in Angel Rebelde (2003). I fell in love... and even more so with Marcos in HQEDNS... so I would like to offer my services to personally drop the anvil on Sonia because I'm just sure she is going to hurt my boy!


Victor Noriega (Fabricio) was also the villain in Palabra de Mujer. He was a grade-A douche and drowned Amairani's villain. OMG I'm just remembering Susana and Victor worked together in El Amor no Tiene Precio. Really long (think LFMB) one which got moved onto another channel! I also agree about Marco. He and Claudia in HQEDNS had some of the best love scenes I've ever seen. What I wouldn't give to see them in porn together LMAO.

I thought Victor's/Marcos' best pairing in Dinero was his partner in crime, Chavez. :) They were an absolute hoot and had great chemistry. Sort of like a fun house mirror version of Efrain and Feo.

That didn't take too long because Sugar Daddy got whacked.

I'll post a recap for tonight's episode.


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