Friday, March 14, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 87 - 3/13/14 - Get A Job!

                  Get A Job!

Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Joaquin Arechiga Had A Job

Amalia Arechiga and her children, Angelica and Virginia, have never known just what Papa Joaquin did to make a living. He kept the family in fine style and, well, such questions can make for very awkward conversations. Really. Only Amalia’s Tia Prudencia seemed to have a handle on just how Joaquin made his money.

Mayor Pedro Medina and Joaquin are alone in the visiting room in the Aguazul jail. Pedro tells Joaquin that he is nothing more than collateral damage in Pedro’s grand scheme. Pedro threatens, once again, to make Joaquin’s daughter’s suffer if Joaquin does not make the telephone call. Joaquin takes Pedro’s cell phone makes a call.
“Is everything ready? I am away from Mexico but my associate, Alejandro Almonte, is ready to meet you. I’ll text you the address.”

The call is part of Pedro’s plan to set up Alejandro Almonte, to create the perception that he is an honest and truly, cross-my-heart-and-I-hope-to-die narcotraficante.

Joaquin makes the call and then bitterly turns to Pedro and says, “I have never mentioned your name to This Guy. I am not like you, Pedro. I have not betrayed you.”

Um, ah, Joaquin, but you have betrayed others. What goes around comes around, as they say. Remember the time when you set up JL and Alejandro to kill each other, or the time when you were prevented from assassinating your son-in-law—no betrayal there, my friend—or now, when you have just set Alejandro Almonte up to be seen as a major player in a drug trafficking criminal cartel. The opinion on the Patio is that you are not unfamiliar with acts of betrayal, Joaquin.

Joaquin tells Pedro that if they arrest The Bad Guy (TBG), TBG will have Pedro killed in jail.

Maria’s Profession; Spreading Toxic Information

Every morning about this time
She gets me out of my bed a-crying
Get a job
Maria del Infeliz pays a call on Jose Luis Alvarez. She breezes in through the door and tells him that she already heard that he was investigating Alejandro’s growing operation because of the information she gave to him.  Maria tells him that he is acting just as she expected him to. Montserrat is lurking behind Maria and hears this last bit of news. She accuses JL of manufacturing evidence in Ale’s case. She is SO disappointed in him.
It sure seems that Maria has spread her creeping gloom, and, through her machinations, she has managed to darken Montserrat’s formally rosy view of Jose Luis. Jose Luis asks Maria to leave his house.
Montserrat is very vexed with Jose Luis, but he is just doing his job. He has been assigned to investigate the allegations against Alejandro and he is doing his best to do this in an unbiased manner. Montse doesn’t see it that way. She thinks that JL plans to set Alejandro up, because of her feelings for Ale. Now, Montse, how are you doing with those trust issues? I thought you believed unfailingly in JL’s absolute goodness.
Montserrat, who has never shown much talent for deep thinking, has now impulsively and indignantly decided that Jose Luis is a rotten person, bent on setting up Ale for his own reasons. She accuses him of being a liar, he denies it and these two look to be setting up for a major row. JL responds that Montserrat has forgotten who he is. He has never lied to her. He has principles. She thinks JL is playing some sort of game where he pretends to be helping Alejandro on the one hand but is secretly planning to take him down. JL and Montserrat trade ugly words. 
Montserrat runs into Maria as she is leaving JL and Angelica’s house. Maria says she would like to have some fun with Jose Luis. Montserrat tells her that whatever they have planned, it will not work!
Josefina and Tia Carlota Bond

Tia Carlota and Josefina are strolling home together through the garden. The theme of their conversation? Dimitrio. Josefina does not know where he might be. They run into Macario waiting in the garden and assume Montse is inside. Isn’t she, asks Macario to himself? They look all over and cannot locate her. Gracie says she was there with Nadia. If Macario is there it is to keep an eye on her for Alejandro. She must have slipped away from Macario to go on a personal errand.
A New Job For Angie - Club La Escondida
After breakfast every day
She throws the want ads right my way
And never fails to say
Get a job

Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Angelica and Esme check out their new business premises—La Escondida. Beanie time. Angie says that if someone had told her she would own such a tacky place she would never have believed it. Esme denies that La Escondida is tacky. “All the girls that dance here have class. Angelica thinks that if her Mother finds out about this she will have a heart attack After swing about a bit on the monkey bars, or stripper’s poles, Angelica says she loves doing crazy things; they make her feel alive. She suggests that she and Esme plan a really special night of dancing for the two best friends, Jose Luis and Refugio. The girls will put on a private show for their lovers—for their eyes alone.
Casa Mendoza
Carlota and Josie fuss over Montserrat’s absence. Graciela thinks she is probably with Nadia. Gracie steps outside to talk to Macario.  She yells at Macario and keeps his attention from Montserrat who is walking into the garden behind him, fetching as ever in a rose colored wrap dress with a lace overlay.
Back in the house, Gracie demands to know where Montserrat has been. She went to see Jose Luis, she admits.
¿Que, que? Demands her mother (with the members of the Patio backing her up in silent chorus). “Tuve que hacerlo!” says Montserrat. Montse tells the hand-wringing assembly of her mother, aunt and sister-in-law about what she learned from Nadia when SHE overheard Maria talking to Pedro about JL betraying Alejandro.
OK friends on the Patio. I dare you. Just try to figure out that last sentence before you have your morning coffee or tea.
Gracie points out that Ale could go to jail for the rest of his life and his fate is in Montse’s hands. Montse says she will not permit that to happen.
Carlota and Josie listen and stink-eye Graciela as she taunts her daughter. Montse turns on her tacones and leaves Casa Mendoza.
Bad Guy Has a Job and A Name
Refug and JL talk about Montse’s loss of trust. Refu thinks she doesn’t deserve JL’s love. The boys change the subject to the drug cartel. JL shows Refu a photo that was contained on the flash drive given to him by Pedro. It Samuel Barrejas (sp?), the Bad Guy that the Navy has been looking for years.
“Not just the Navy,” notes JL, “But the federal police as well.”
JL says that he knows Bad Guy Barrejas has been drugs for years from his father in law, Joaquin Arechiga. He sits back in his computer chair with a frustrated sigh. It seems to the Patio that this investigation is going to get JL in trouble with the two women he loves most in the world, Angelica and Montse.
EZ Basurto, Chief of Police Does His Job
EZ instructs a group of about 20 swat guys outside the beach house of Alejandro Almonte. He tells tehm that the notorious criminal Samuel Barrejas is about to visit Alejandro Almonte. He does not need to tell them what a great victory it would be for the police of Aguazul if they bring down Barrejas. He finishes with , “Is that clear?”
Dimitrio Seeks Employment
And when I get the paper
I read it through and through
And my girl never fails to say
If there is any work for me
Dimitrio Mendoza is standing in front of Capitan Robles. Robles does not understand why Dimitrio is visiting him. What does he want? Robles refers to Dimitrio as ‘muchacho’. Ouch. The captain offers Dimitrio a seat but Dimmy prefers to stand. He tells a tale.
“You know my family has many problems with money. And, Ale is not longer helping us. Dimmy’s wife’s brother took all of her money.
“I am sure that is a problem for a parasite like you,” says El Capitan. But Dimitrio is feeling desperate. He continues by saying he should have done what his father wanted him to do long ago. He apologizes for disappointing Robles, bur Robles corrects him that Admiral Lauro Mendoza just wanted Dimitrio to be a man; in every sense of the word.
Dimitrio, “It is because of this that I ask, “Please, Capitan. It would be an honor for me to be able to serve in the Navy.” Robles looks as though Dimitrio just hit him in the face with a wet fish. The poignant music swells. On the Patio, we know that Admiral Lauro Mendoza has been giving his son Dimitrio good advice from the grave. And Dimitrio Mendoza has been listening.
Casa Almonte
The tires on the immaculate black SUV crunch on the coral and sand as they roll up to Alejandro Almonte’s house. The vehicle is huge, the windows are blacked out—in short, it is the perfect car for a major drug dealer.
Bad Guy Samuel Barrejas gets out of the seat behing the driver. He is beautifully dressed in a violet collared shirt, and a wrinkle-free linen suit. He is wearing a couple of heavy high-carat gold chains around his neck as he walks to the front door of the house, aluminum briefcase full of cash in his hand.
Chief EZ Basurto’s men quietly move in behind the truck closing the net on Barrejas.
Barrejas pushes past Dominga when she opens the door and brushes past her protests as she directs him to Alejandro’s study. Barrejas says, “Arechiga contacted me. Here is your money, man.” He opens the aluminum briefcase to reveal that it is stuffed with US currency.
“Where is my merchandise?”
Alejandro tells Barrejas to take his filthy money. He has nothing to do with the filthy business that the Bad Guy has with Arechiga. Joaquin told Barrejas that they were partners. Alejandro exclaims that it is a lie. Joaquin is in jail and the police are investigating Alejandro. They have set this up to implicate him as well.
Barrejas pulls a gun on Ale. He whips out his cell phone and calls his henchman who is still waiting outside. The police have the truck surrounded and EZ Basurto himself has a gun to the assistant Bad Guy’s head. Assistant Bad Guys lies and says that everything is OK.
Just as the police are frog marching Assistant Bad Guy away to their police cars, Macario drives up behind the police. Montserrat jumps out and trys to rush past Chief Basurto to get into the house but Basurto physically detains her.
Inside the house, Bad Guy Barrejas has Alejandro at gun point when Rosario comes into sight. Barrejas takes Rosario hostage then and starts to walk outside. He tells Alejandro that if this is really a trap it was made for Alejandro too! But Fabiola comes into the room with red wine bottle and glass in hand. She uses the bottle to whack the bad guy on the head and Alejandro takes HIM hostage and walks him out to the police. He denounces the criminal and says he has nothing to do with this dirty business.
Meanwhile Ale tells Fabiola to get the briefcase. She goes to Ale’s office, opens the briefcase and spots the cash inside. She slams the suitcase shut and runs out the back door to bury the money in the beach sand. She heads back through the house to gives Rosario the briefcase. The police open the case and find it empty of all but a few papers.
Bad Guy Barrejas, playing along, claims that the briefcase only holds a few personal papers. Basurto doesn’t believe it. He asks Alejandro if he knew there was money in the case, but Montserrat accuses him of just looking for a pretext to arrest her husband.
Ale says again that he did not accept anything from that man!
Basurto sends his men to search the house.
Montserrat looks very stressed and upset as Ale holds her close.
Ed.:When you look back on it, Montserrat has looked very stressed ever since her second wedding to Alejandro.  Looking at the actress’s face, she looks harsher and older than before. Her eyes are very darkly made up and seemingly puffier. She no longer looks like a Barbie doll with huge blue eyes.  She is pale and AB has replaced her innocent moue mouth with one in which the corners always turn downward. She is not bringing the, “Oh, my, I am a damsel in distress” look, but a much harder face and presence to the part. Nice work, AB! I find myself actually believing that Montserrat is very stressed and angry right now.
Dimitrio Gets His Job
Capitan Robles tells Dimitrio that he has in still in time to be a mariner. The cut off is 30 years. He has no background for the job, but Robles will overlook that for his Father’s sake. He will start out at the lowest rank, but with time and dedication, he will advance. Robles is giving Dim this chance because of Dim’s father, may he rest in peace. Dimitrio sincerely thanks to captain. He says he will be keeping an eye on Dimitrio, pushing him every step of the way.
Capitan Robles now offers Dimmy a lesson in ethics: a sailor has to act with honesty, sincerity, gratitude. He has to be loyal and obey his superiors with a responsibility to fulfill all of his obligations. Dimitrio can think on this overnight, but if he is serious he needs to be back at the base at 6 AM the following morning. Dimitrio doesn't need to think about it—he is in!
Casa Almonte
The police are searching Alejandro’s house for the money they believe was in the briefcase. Ale asks his mom about it and when she says she knows nothing he goes to Fabiola who says she is helping him out. She drinks red wine steadily.
Montse gets the baby and tells Ale that she has seen a photo of Bad Guy Barrajas, but before she can explain where she saw the photo, Chief EZ Basurto interrupts them. They have searched the whole property and did not find anything, yet.
When Basurto leaves, Ale explodes at Fab. “What you did is really stupid Fabiola. Why did you hide the money?”
Fabiola tells Ale not to yell at her. She was only trying to help. She buried the money on the beach. Rosario asks if they are going to give the money to the police but Montse points out that it is already too late for that. If Ale does that it will give the police a pretext to arrest him.
Rosario defends Fab from Ale’s rage. If she had not hit the guy on the head with the wine bottle, Ale would not have been able to get the gun from him. They need to burn the money this very night. Ale apologizes to Fabi but tells her she made a very bad mistake.
I’ll say.
Some Bar
Dimitrio runs into Adolfo who offers to buy him a drink. Dim wants to know where Ado is getting money these days and Addled says he has a job, working for his brother-in-law. Oh and how did that inheritance thing work out for Dimitrio?
Dimitrio tells Adolfo that he is in the navy now.
Casa Almonte
And when I go back to the house
I hear the woman's mouth
Preaching and a-crying
Tell me that I'm lying
About a job
That I never could find

Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job
Fabiola is in her room, drinking red wine, when Dominga brings in a cup of tea. Fab tells her that she already has her fave drink—it helps her relax. She grills Dominga about a photo of Maria that she found in her room. Who is she?
Ale bonds with his son. Montserrat says she has to Alejandro him that Jose Luis has fooled them. Montserrat is convinced that Pedro and JL are working together to frame Alejandro. Montserrat lets Alejandro believe that it was Pedro who showed her Barrejas' photo. But we know that she saw the picture at JL’s and that Maria was a witness to that encounter. She broke her stupid promise to Ale that she would never see JL alone. 
Gimmee a break.
Navy Base
JL yells at EZ Basurto. Samuel Barrejas is a very dangerous criminal. Why didn’t EZ keep him in the loop about this recent operation?
EZ points out that they caught the criminal at Alejandro Almonte’s house. He is now a guest of the government of Aguazul. (Ed. God help him.)
The two get in a shouting match. JL demands that Barrejas be transferred to the Naval Base. He is in charge of the investigation.
Josefina’s Mansion
Fabiola visits Sandro and tells him about the day’s happenings. Sandro wants to know why she did not just let Ale get arrested? Everything will be easier for her with her cousin in jail. But Fabi explains that she has to gain Ale’s trust first. Sandro doubts her motives, he thinks she wants to keep some of the money for herself. She plans on talking to Padre Anselmo and Maria to get more information.
Fabiola appears at Adolfo’s house and Maria answers the door.
Some Bar
Dimitrio tells Addled that he is still interested in money BUT he no longer wants Josefina’s money. He has fallen in love with Josefina—she makes him feel things that he haver has before. Addie tells Dimi he has changed so much that he hardly recognizes him. Now that he is in the Navy, could Dimitrio arrest a friend.
“A friend?” replies Dimitrio. “Never.”
Beachfront at Casa Almonte, Night
Back at Casa Almonte the same night, Ale, Victor and Macario burn the money. Jose Luis walks up to the little bonfire on the beach and asks, “Are you burning evidence, Alejandro?”
Elna June


Buenas Noches:

Hope you all enjoy the recap!

Elna June

Wonderful!! EJ, You never fail to provide. Who would have thought that "Get a Job" would fit so perfectly with tonight's recap? I am impressed and charmed by your wit.

I have to admit that when you said Dim told Addled he was "in the navy now" I immediately thought of the Village People's song. (Please don't judge me patio denizens!)

It's so cool that Dim wants to actually make something of himself. Seeing will be believing.

It's late and I'm exhausted but I just KNEW your recap would be up. Gracias amiga! And thank you for the earworm[s].

Shananana Elna June! I've danced to that tune a gazillion times. Thanks for bringing it back.

My favorite line of the recap:

"I'll say."

You have a way of putting in brief zingers that really, really works. Other brief but delicious lines....

"She turns on her tacones"

"When you look back on it, Montserrat has looked very stressed ever since her second marriage to Alejandro."

True. After that sumptuous, ultra-made up and dressed up wedding, she's been looking more like a mother of a young baby. Remember how we drank cold coffee, warm orange juice and never ever seemed to get a chance to take a shower or wash our hair!? Of course Montse has tons of help, but still....

Delighted to see that Dimetrio's time of Prayer and Fasting has led to seeking for gainful--and honorable--employment. And he's in love with Josefina! Yay, yay, yay!

Thanks Ms. Elna June...I'll look forward to watching this later today. And tonight's another Fish Fry night for Lenten season so I don't have to cook. Good times!

As I head to MY job with that song now firmly stuck in my head, I will still be smiling over your delicious recap EJ. This was so good!

I almost couldn't believe it when Dim asked for a job in the Navy, but what a great way to make good to his father and "get a job". Now the only anvil, his foreboding answer to Addled. Never arrest a friend? Wonder if that may be a turning point for Dim somewhere down the road and which decision he makes.

I was rather frustrated by the whole bad guy set up. Is this going to be an ongoing game about every four episodes? Let's see what we can do to try and trap Ale again? There had better be more plot lines than that happening over the many episodes we have left.

Last time Angie tried to dance, didn't go so well as she got faint and sick. I'm not loving this whole "dance for the men folk" plot line.

Judy--love your remembering our young mother days. I had to go back to work at 6 weeks after my twins and that may have been my saving grace. HAD to clean up every day. But there was always that little spit up rag on my shoulder as I said goodbye and hello when home and my coats had that faint shadowing of spit up on the shoulders. Would love to see that one of these days on one of our lovely mothers.


Ah, those young mother trials, Daisynjay. I was a stay-at-home mom until my last child turned 5 and I remember difficult cocktail party conversations when academemics would ask what I was doing and I'd answer "Wiping noses and bottoms." That was always a Chat Stopper!

Spit up on the shoulder, peanut butter on your new Christmas sweater, clothes from resale shops and bleary eyes. But it was all worth it. (although there are times during their teen years when you wonder!)

Julia, I posted very late last night - your recap was marvelous.

Elna June, loved the title, related theme and excellent recap. You make the most mundane marvelous and the exciting, even more thrilling: "to create the perception that he is an honest and truly, cross-my-heart-and-I-hope-to-die narcotraficante", " Maria’s Profession; Spreading Toxic Information", "hand-wringing assembly" and "AB has replaced her innocent moue mouth with one in which the corners always turn downward" (astute observation) were but a few of my favorites.

Very dismayed at the turn of events pitting Monse and JL against each other. Am also frustrated Monse lied to Ale about seeing JL. Had hoped secrets would be a thing of the past and that straightforwardness and honesty would be the new order. I did not blame Monse for not being totally honest in the past due to Ale's obvious anger issues. But, he still has lingering trust issues and it is not inconceivable he would have gone off the deep end again had she told the truth. It was rather a no win situation.

The lovely Fina's love, devotion and utter persistence and unfailing resolve has indeed finally paid off.

Judy, your "Dimetrio's time of Prayer and Fasting has led to seeking for gainful--and honorable--employment" was perfect. Along with you and Sylvia, I am rejoicing in Dim's newly found and much hoped for journey toward maturation.

daisy your "Never arrest a friend? Wonder if that may be a turning point for Dim somewhere down the road and which decision he makes" was insightful and indeed that may well occur.

Foolish Fab. Will she make an unholy alliance with Maria? I fear Joaquin is not long for this world. I would have liked to have seen him reconcile with Angie ere his inevitable end.

Elna June, what could be more perfect than Friday? Having one of your beautifully executed recaps to enjoy and savor. Life is good.


Great work and a good theme!

I was rather surprised at the casting of the drug lord; Ricardo Kleinbaum is usually cast as someone comical. Remember his antics in CS 09?

If Dimitrio is sincere and actually makes a go of the Navy he truly begins redeeming himself. It's also the safest place for him to be both from his mother and from Pedro.

However if he ever has to arrest Adolfo, can Adolfo be truly called a friend?

Thanks EJ for yet another masterpiece and an earworm that brings back such great memories for me. I was in High School when Get a Job showed up. It is one of my all time favorites.

Well could our main characters get any more stupid? Yes, too late to turn the money in so let's have a bonfire on the beach. Good thinking. Even the generally useless Macario knew this was not a great idea.

There's still a few seats left here at Mesa María for the disappointed on the Patio.


Dear Elna June:

First I have to tell you, I loved the ear worm, marvelous choice, I must say ; ) This recap is a sparking jewel, it shines and sparkles so beautifully.

Dimmy, who knew? I thought El Capitan Robledo would laugh Dimmy right out of the office, considering that Dimmy was going to do this a while back, but ended up not showing up! This time I really do believe Dimmy is going to show up. I had to laugh at Addled when he asked Dimmy if he would arrest a friend. I think Dimmy has Addled's number finally!

I too don't like the obvious set up of Ale. I was really surprised by Fablush's actions. Take the bottle and bang the bad guy on the head, take the money and run, who knew ; ) She saved his bacon for the time being. She even went against Sandho's advice. Can't wait to se what she will do next.

Monse is looking more mature, but still has a bit of growing up to do. The funny thing about her is, she knows JL, she should have really thought about what BM was doing talking to him. Ah, well maybe someday she'll figure it out.

That scene with Esme and Angie was so cute. I am so glad Angie has one good friend she can rely on.

I really liked JL getting all up in EZ's grill about arresting the narcotraficante without JL's knowledge or cooperation. In Pedro's lust for power, I think Pedro and EZ will cross the line. I think JL knows that this whole thing is a setup and how to prove it, will be the sticking point. JL has had their number for a long time. Right now, JL is the smartest guy in this whole setup bidness.

Thanks again MS Elna June for this jewel of a recap : )

Elna June, what a great song to theme your outstanding recap! I also loved the thin column like text placement on the page. My favorite phrase was "Maria del Infeliz." Thank you for fun this a.m.

The set-up worked so well and quickly.

Wow! Fabiola saves Ale's life with the bottle blow but then sinks his ship with burying the money.

Looks like a career in the marines is just what Dimitrio needs. Maybe this will signal his turnaround.

I know we are in telenovelalandia but all I could think of after Ale and the others discussed burning the money was: CONSPIRACY.

Could they have not thought of a better place to get rid of the money than a fire on the beach at night??????

Here's hoping that Dimitrio shows up at 6:00 a.m. To start his new life.



I still want to see what Fina's degree and career choice may be. She will be so proud of her dear Dimmie, but I'm hoping she heads out to the working world as well so we can see her shine too. I'm betting my bottom dollar she is a wiz at something and will just blossom when she gets the chance to show her smarts.

Hope we get a scene soon where Graceless finds out her son is following in dad's footsteps. I somehow don't think she will be none too pleased to see her son as a pleeb/navy man and especially having to start "at the bottom".(Bet he will look smart in the uniform!) I just enjoy watching Graceless implode when things don't go her way. Should be fun times. A popcorn/margarita moment if ever there will be one.



I too can't wait to see Dimmy in uniform. I wonder if he will cut those curly locks like his bangs or if he'll slick his hair back like Refugio?

Wonderful as always, Elna June!


Oh, hadn't thought about the hair. I actually like the curls, so I hope for the slick back look while in uniform. On the fence if he gets the buzzed look, but that may be part of the trainee look.

Could we just have a dedicated FinDim day--I'm so into everything that could be possibly happen with them, I really am not caring about the others. well, maybe Esme and Angie can be the side plot for that hour. I could take a Pedro/EZ/Maria/Adolfo/FABS/Sandho break day.


Fabiola was probably acting on a defensive impulse to conk the criminal on the head. She had every reason to fear a bloodbath.

However, one has to wonder what went through her head when taking the briefcase. The money is temptation in its own right, but is she intelligent enough to have taken out the money to set this trap or was she just hiding the money to make off with it later?

Trying to turn in the money would not have been an issue if the waters between the Almontes and JL hadn't been poisoned. Rosario might also later remember that Fabiola didn't show up immediately with the briefcase, but that's all academic now.

Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip ..thanks, EJ, for another excellent retelling.

I was glad to see that Dim pushed his hair off his face when he went to join the Navy. Being married to a former navy man, I am wondering if Dim has even a remote idea of what he has just signed up for. Anyhoo, after his retreat with his dad's spirit, he is at least trying to do something positive and be proactive. Hub says that the Navy taught him discipline and Dim needs some of that. He already has the love and support of a good woman...and I do not mean his dreadful madre.

Fabulush his a piece of work. She seems pretty impetuous...bravely knocking the baddie out with her empty wine bottle, but then deciding to steal the cash and bury it in the sand. Maybe the bonfire of the vanities on the beach should have been delayed a bit.

Considering that he's been a lot calmer lately Alejandro could probably have figured out that the whole mess that Nadia overheard was a set-up. Pedro is still the puppetmaster here, as he had the timing down of the arrival of Samuel and the crooked police. Nobody counted on Alejandro getting the drop on Samuel.

But Fabiola will mess this up within a few episodes; we can count on that.

Graceless will love this no matter how much she will wail about the scandal. She gets off on other people's pain.

Dear Elna June,

Thanks for another fabulous recap! I loved your amazingly descriptive and stylish retelling of all the scenes and particularly your comments to Joaquín. It's always a pleasure to read your work and so fun, too!

Your comments to the characters at the ends of your sections--"I’ll say" and "Gimmee a break"--had me laughing out loud.

Man, Fabiola is getting on my nerves. I was so happy when Ale blew up at her since it's what I wanted to do, too.

But the one-named actress who plays her-Lisette, yes?--is doing a good job though of making Fabiola both annoying and a slovenly in a believable way. I remember seeing her in AB and thinking she was a really beautiful woman, but here she's verging on looking shlumpy in her baggy outfits and the always guzzling the red wine. It's Telenovela schlumpy, of course, because she's still stunning. The character is annoying, but I like the performance.

It's petty of me, but I also really hate her haircut in this show. Surprising since most of the hair on the TN is fabulous. Carlotta's hair, especially, is looking great these days. Could Fabiola's bad cut be on purpose? I think she needs to wear more of those hats!

Thanks again Elna June, for giving me something so wonderful to read on my Friday morning!


dausynj..."a popcorn/margarita moment"....that gave me a smile on this cold still winters day.

I love the way Gracie pokes herself in her head now that Mony and Carlotta have become better at jumping out if range. In Pasion, DC carried around a fancy dolly.

Susanlynn, great comment about Graciela poking herself in the head these days.


Oh lord, I remember that doll Susanlynn. Drove me batty how she hung on to that at all times. I loves that TN, and DC played that part to the hilt. Wasn't a fan of her eventual demise. But that woman has sure nailed the ability to play these off the charts villain characters. And somehow she gives each one a subtle twist, mannerism or difference which is interesting to see.

Sort of had a horrid thought about Dim though. I wonder if he will fall under the tutelage of Refugio and JL. I'm thinking the guy may make life extra hard on our new Navy man just to prove a point. After all--Dim did make the accusation that put JL in jail and caused them all the problems they have. This initial period could be ugly. I pray that Dim stays with it and convinces them he's changed and repentant. I don't want him to even THINK about having made the wrong decision and go to the dark side again.


Thanks Elna June! I couldn't watch some of the scenes last night: it was painful seeing Montse get duped after being swift enough earlier in the week to foil Pedro and Maria's plan. Dang. They didn't let us enjoy it for very long.

I'll enjoy everyone else's dissection of this episode. I want to thank Julia Rold for yesterday's excellent recap.

I am loving the "La Fea" sub-story. LFMB was my first novela and the adoring, unwavering devotion of the "fea" and slowly dawning surrendering to love of the reformed rake is just delicious and soul-satisfying to me. I missed Dimetrios confessing his love of Fina to Adolfo, I'll have to go back and watch that.

Haven't read comments yet so pardon if this has been cited. Here's a song for Dimmie and he may indeed start at the level Smokey describes in this song which was actually put out as an answer to The Silhouettes Get a Job. I Got a Job!

Thank you EJ!

Daisynjay...I have caught the last few episodes of the Pasion reruns , and I am reading the recaps here at Caraycaray..both are excellent reminders of the good time that was had by all when Pasion was first on.

I am a little confused. Whose idea was it to burn the money ...Rosario's ? The three guys standing around the bonfire on the beach put me in mind of those beach blanket movies...perhaps because Hub and I just went to a concert with Frankie Avalon, Bobby rudely, !and Fabian.

Dim's turnabout makes me think of Jerry McGuire..."You make me want to be a better man."

I do not like the idea of Fabulush teaming up with Crazy Malria. What a match made in hell that will be.

Bobby rudely ?????,,thanks Ioad for your help. That was supposed to be Bobby Rydell.

load?????thanks AGAIN....IPAD

EJ thanks for your recap. As other have noted, your asides are just so elegant and succinct. Enjoy your musical theme and thanks Carlos and Lila for the links.

Was surprised Dim went to the navy but happy he's found an honorable job unlike his friend. Good foreshadowing of what may happen in the future w/Dim and Addled (would you arrest a friend, but, as Daisynjay noted, I hope the writers can move away from Pedro trying to frame Ale repeatedly every few episodes.

Add me to the list of those who are upset Monse was so easily duped after seeing through Maria's last ploy. Maria continuing to torment her as she left should have been another clue to the set up.

Elna June – Love the “Get a Job …Sha na na na” theme. I know no matter what transpires on screen, the recap will rock. Thanks for putting some fun in my afternoon.

Since Monse is daff enough to fall for Maria’s setup, I can understand her confiding in Ale about what she learned but blabbing it to the whole Mendoza clan (Graciela, Tia, etc.) was just plain dumb. Monse, how about strategizing alone with your husband first before going off half-cocked.

Unlike Monse, Angie will not doubt JL if this lie travels to her. I’ve given up on JL dropping his Monse obsession so I’m just glad Angie’s got a project. LQLVMR must be seeking more male viewers with this pole dancing thing.

I liked Fabiola last night. What can I say, I like a woman who clunks a bad guy in the head and runs off with his money. I also like that she challenged Sandro. Fabiola’s greedy and likes her wine, but I think she’s got potential. Dominga seems to like her too, so I see this as a good sign.

EJ- I don't know the song, but will take a listen later when I'm out of the office. But I very much enjoyed your retelling of the episode and how you wove in the song lyrics.

I know what Fab did was impulsive, but wouldn't Basurto have thrown Ale in jail, no questions asked, had she not hidden the money? That would have been the smoking gun Ale's enemies were looking for, and exactly why Pedro instructed Joaquin to instruct his contact to bring Ale the money. The only reason Ale is still free es because they didn't find any money in the case or in the house.

However, had they found the money hidden in the sand, it would have been even worse for Ale. So I guess in that case it was a bad thing for her to do. We'll have to see how JL reacts to finding Ale burning the money tonight.

I thought it was funny how Fab admitted to Dominga that tea wasn't really her drink of choice, while sloshing her wine around and slightly slurring her words. I wonder if Monse and Ale have yet caught on that Cousin Fab has a little problem with the bottle?

Go Dim, go! Get that job. Make your wife and dead papa proud. I thought when Dim said he would never arrest a friend, he was implying that he no longer considers Addie a friend. The look in his eyes and the inflection in his voice made me think this. "A friend?...(pause and a penetrating look at Addie) Never."

Thanks, Elna June. It was painful to watch Montse and Ale backslide into stupidity, but your retelling was as enjoyable as always.

Sylvia, I had the Village People song in my head, too.

Burning the money was stupid. Ale should have just left it there, and let Fab go back and take it later, or just left it there to rot, whatever, but just ignored it and then if anyone ever found it he could claim ignorance. Going out to burn it obviously just gave him another chance to look guilty. Also, EZ is a crappy cop boss. All those officers and he left the back door unguarded? I think he thought this was going to be simple, just show up and arrest Ale.

I hope Josefina gets a job. Carlota, too. Doesn't Tia think it's about time she took responsibility for herself? Plus I want everyone in the family to have independence and money except Graceless.

I was hoping Ange and Esme would change up the strip club into a nicer dance club. Their biggest idea is to put on a "special" show for their dudes? Is this going to be a simultaneous deal? They'll both be dancing with both guys in the audience? Kinky.

Great theme, EJ!!
I am with the others, Go Dim Go!!! make a man of yourself and a man that Jos can be proud to love.
I like the fact that he has fallen in love with her deeply enough to confess it to others without her having a makeover. Just the way she is...
sort of like LFMB, i agree there is some similiar lines there.


Marta- The best part of Dimi freely admitting his love for Fina, was Addie's response that he totally understands because he was starting to fall for her too. He didn't laugh it off or think it was ridiculous. If only Fina could see how she put both of these cads under her spell.


I am glad to see everyone this morning. Thanks to all for coming by and commenting.

Sylvia: I cannot believe you stayed up so late, sweetie, but I am glad you got a kick out of the recap theme. Actually, I was making a tongue in cheek reference to the Village People song! My brother-in-law is a life-long friend of the 'Construction Worker' and his family. We make Village People jokes around here all the time.

JudyB: I can just see you dancing to 'Get A Job'! I'll bet you have some great moves. Giggle— I love your comment on Dimi's 'time of prayer and fasting'.

Daisynjay: I am glad you enjoyed the recap! Did you catch the part of Dim and Adi's convo where Dim admitted again that he and Adi set Josefina up? I think that Dimitrio no longer thinks of Adolfo as a 'friend'. That is how I took that reference anyway. I LOVE OSVALDO!

Diana: Happy Friday AM, wonderful Diana. Like you and Daisynjay, I am a little dismayed by the 'lather, rinse, repeat' nature of the plots against Alejandro. Kinda boring, no?

Urban Anthropologist: I so appreciate hearing that you liked a recap! A nod from a highly-skilled recapper like yourself really makes my day. See my above note on my theory of Dim and Adi's 'friendship'.

Amigo Carlos: So glad you grooved to "Get A Job'! Mads usually gives us acute earworms—I decided to borrow a page from her book. As to your rhetorical question, I think the main leads are idiots but I would not be on them being at the nadir of their stupidity at less than halfway through our l-o-n-g novela. Grin.

Elna June

Mads: You know I stole the earworm device directly from Cap'n Sylvia and you! Short bow.

The plot has definitely veered toward the stupid. Without the solid structure of a Caridad Bravo Adams storyline I am afraid the writers may go far off course.:(

Jarifa: So glad you enjoyed the recap. I am blushing to say that I think the column text was an accident, but, if you want to give me credit, great! When I saw it I was afraid I might get in trouble for 'formatting'.

And burning the money, on the beach, at night? C'mon! ITA about that move being wacko.

Urban: Great point about what went through Fabi's head when she took the briefcase. ¿Quien sabe?

Susanlynn: So glad to see you today. I hope you are finally having some relief from the endless winter! Again, I think the dynamic duo's services are wanted in Aguazul. Although Dim grew up as the child of an admiral, I am sure you could give him some home truths about life as a sailor. Mads, too, will probably have some ideas on that front.

JuliaRold: Gracias, gracias! I SO enjoy your recaps as well. Smile. Your comments about Lisset are right on target. I couldn't agree more with all you said, not least about the hair. One thing I do like about Lisset though; she sports a much more realistic body image than most antagonistas in the TNs. She is a beautiful woman.

Lila: I am glad to have been able to fill in the blanks on those painful scenes that you could not watch. Since when has Montserrat believed anything that came out of Maria's mouth instead of JL's sworn word? Huh?

Karen: So lovely to see you. Thanks for coming by. I hope the dreadful winter has not got you down and that you are experiencing better weather in Penn. these days. I wonder how many times they can do the repeat on Pedro + (fill in the villain du jour) join to get Ale. This might be a more effective plot device is Alejandro was a pure and noble protagonist. I was thinking that Ale has a lot to atone for and some time in jail might do him good—if it doesn't get him killed.

Niecie: You made me LOL with this, "LQLVMR must be seeking more male viewers with this pole dancing thing.

I liked Fabiola last night. "What can I say, I like a woman who clunks a bad guy in the head and runs off with his money."

Great comment. Fabi seems more like a train wreck than a person of absolute evil. She will probably go off the rails for a while until she gets sober and realizes she has support. I predict her redemption at the VERY end, but that she will get up to all kinds of stupid before then.

Vivi: Thanks so much for coming by. I see that I repeated your comment re: Dim no longer taking Adi as a friend. I read that scene the same way you did.

Julia: So glad you enjoyed the recap. ITA—burning the money was imbecilic. If incompetent EZ no longer had his men watching the house, then why not take the money off the property altogether? Ale is supposed to be maga-rich, so unless the bills were marked there would be no way to prove that it was not Ale's in the first place. Remember that he left a large pile of cash in his desk drawer for Adi/Dim/Maria to steal.

As to the Angie buying La Escondida plot; the whole thing requires a titanium beanie for me. Rent it for the night, perhaps if you want to do a little kinky tease for your husband? What can they turn it into? I guess it could be a dance studio. Are there enough women in Aguazul who want to learn to pole dance to make a go of it?

Ding, ding,ding! That is the sound of my questions pinging off of the inside of my titanium beanie.

martaivett: It is so nice to see you. Thank you for commenting. I know you are always busy recapping. I, too, love the LFMB theme with Josie and I love that he fell for her WITH her unibrow. Big smile.



EJ and Vivi:

Good point on the Addie/Dim conversation. Thanks. I'm not sure AdMan picked up Dim's subtlety though--not the brightest bulb in the room, so if push comes to shove, he may be surprised that his "friend" won't save his butt.

Julia, I like your point about Tia. Now that Dim will have a job, the reason she gave Graceless for hanging around is not really valid anymore. Fina gets employment, all the more so. Her only other "nurturing" job would be head over to Monse's. But Rosario, I think, is firmly planted as the Grandma in Residence and has the job of Chief Spoiler and Cuddler over little Lauro pretty well locked up. So unless FinDim get a little bun in the oven soon, and I think it's entirely too soon for them, she may floundered. What I hope doesn't happen is she gets rather displaced and despite advice of others looks to Bazurko or some other no-goodnick (as my dear dad use to call them) as her new path in life.



Nogoodnik—Wonderful compound word! Thank you for that. I am going to add this to my vocab.


Under the heading of All Things Considered I doubt that Capitan Robledo would assign Dim to Refugio or JL. JL seems capable of holding his temper but I wouldn't put him to that test now knowing that his wife is dying.

I'd like to see a miracle for Angelica.

As far as eavesdropping goes, I'd like to see someone catch the bad guys out for once.

Julia, I was thinking the same thing: They'll both be dancing with both guys in the audience? Kinky.

I'll have to go to yesterday's comments and see what y'all thought of that creepy voyeur scene with Pedro. Yuuuuuck! After that a near-foursome looks tame!

UA: I second your vote for a miracle. I think it was Julia who suggested a "miracle pregnancy" for Angelica. It is really far out there but I LOVE that idea. ¿Como no?

As to all who have commented on Fabi's addiction, we saw that PSA plot point recently On La T. as twin Magdalena was a very troubled alcoholic. It remains to be seen if Fabi's( future) indiscretions can be forgiven. After all, the writers are rehabbing Dim. Who woulda thunk it?



I, too, am ready for a miracle for Angie. I liked the original idea for a miracle pregnancy. Now I'm thinking that there is some miracle exotic dance that will affect her in such a way that her body rids itself of the cancer.

Loved the precious scenes with Dimmy and Fina. About time.

"In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas......"

anita, your comment about a miracle exotic dance made me smile. Maybe if she holds a crystal in each hand? Joking aside, I'm all for a miracle cure too.

EJ, your BIL is friends with the "Construction Worker"? So cool! We've really got the dance song theme going today, with anita singing the chorus!

What a great way to celebrate Pi Day, Elna June! What an excellent job! You've got everyone on The Patio up and dancing. On one side, we've got the Doo-wop crowd and on the other, The Village People fans.

I'm glad you chose "Get a Job" as the framing device for the episode because it let us focus on the part of the story we are all loving right now - Dimitrio becoming a mensch, realizing that he actually is in love with Josefina at the same time as he becomes worthy of that love.

Until I looked at the comments, I hadn't given a lot of thought to Fabiola's redemption. But now that I think about it, I like the idea. Unfortunately, we have a long way to go before we get there (IF we get there.

Thanks again, Elna June. Really nice work.

Anyone of you that think that Dimwattage will amount to anything in the Navy besides AWOL is in for a rude awakening I'm afraid.

Likely his loved ones will be threatened by Pedro and he will be forced to become a mole by that eunoco.


NM, thank you for reminding us about Pi day. I fear it's a little early for the official telenovela pie cart to arrive in Aguazul. Maybe Nadia will make a mud pie (or better yet a "cow pie") and throw it in Pedro's face. Tia Carlota can make Graciela a rhubarb pie...without using sugar. Fina can make Dim a nice big Humble Pie.

Does anyone have any special pie plans? Usually I make a pie in my deep dish "pi" dish, but it is packed away indefinitely and I don't feel like heating up the boat by baking anything. I am lobbying to go out for pizza "Pi" tonight. That's about as inventive as I'm going to get.


I'm making chicken pot pie for dinner. Our office was supposed to have a pie party this afternoon, but it was cancelled because not enough people wanted to bring pie. Everyone probably wants to get out of the office and eat their pie somewhere else!

I'm also planning to see the new Veronica Mars movie, aka a P.I. movie, which opens today, but I might save that for tomorrow instead. I love Veronica Mars.

Sylvia and Julia,

Good for you! I'm glad to know there are others upholding the Pi Day traditions. [Of course as crusty as Mr. Maven and I are, it is Pi Day every day in our house.]

Sylvia, I am particularly impressed with your personalized Aguazul pie suggestions -- it is clear you have everyone's NUMBER. (You're not just a cutie pie -- you're also a smarty-pie!)

As crusty as you are. Hahahahaha!


Great plans Julia. I like the P.I. idea a lot, very clever. I wish Veronica Mars was opening here in La Paz.

What do you get when you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?

Julia, I imagine you get a pumpkin pi.


Haha! Crusty...NUMBER...I like it! Pumpkin pi...brilliant! I might be a little stale to be a cutie pie, but I'll gladly gobble up the smarty pie. I'm in good company, lots of smarty pies out here on the patio, where the fun is infinite. Now, if only our Lo Que La characters weren't so irrational.

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Gah! Sorry to repeat myself. It's a miracle my comment didn't load 6 times, heh. Everyone must be getting back to their boats and surfing the internet, it is SO SLOW. Anyhoo, if my words can be heard I hope y'all have a great Pi Day!!

UHoh..math jokes. Am I at the wrong site ? No one warned me that there would be math terms, but I would like a piece of pie. I have never baked a pie, but my mother was a terrific pie maker. She always made our favorite pies for our birthdays. My dad got apple. My sister and her hub got lemon meringue. Hub got cherry. I got peach or apricot. Yum. I miss those delicious pies.

Julia..that briefcase full of cash was probably meant for us. One of us should have been at thar midnight bonfire.

Wouldn't it have been cheaper for Angie to just have one of those poles installed in her bedroom ? By the way, I saw Esme posing in a very skimpy bikini on Hoy. She is very fit.

Finally...may I join in the singalong ? " We want you...we want you...we want you as a new recruit..."" I have done a a lot dancing to The Village People.

Please don't be too hard on me for telling this old story that was very popular in our Texas rural family when I was a child but it's appropriate for today's celebration of π:

The family's first high school graduate was home for the holidays after being off at a prestigious college back East. The family had gathered for Thanksgiving dinner and his father was so proud of his son getting this education that he asked him to stand and recite for the rest of his gathered family some of the knowledge he'd acquired whilst away at the university.

The lad was somewhat abashed but stood up, thought for a moment, then quietly uttered:

"π r², daddy"

His father was chagrined.

"Lordy mercy, we've wasted our money sending you off to that snooty fruity school. Son everybody here know that pie are round... cake are square."

Sorry, but it had to be said.


Today we got to the movies for the first time in a long time. I voted for Single Moms because I wanted to see how William Levy did, but we went to "Nonstop" with Liam needing instead. P.s. There was not one preview that I wanted to see. What is happening to movies? many are sci-fi, horror, or blood and guts. Meh

Needing ??? Thanks Ipad...that's Neeson. oldie but a goodie.

Bwahahhaaa! Can't believe I've never heard that one Carlos, and I grew up in Silicon Valley. Thanks for sharing.


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Carlos, you are so right. It needed to be said.


Susanlynn, I thought you were the rational number among us. And yet you chose Liam over William?

Oh well, at least you were thinking rationally about that briefcase full of cash.

[Oh and I see that Sylvia is still living in that echo chamber of hers. nyuk nyuk nyuk]

Gol durn it marina internet. Stop double posting my comments!!

Novela maven. It was Hub's choice. I was voting for Sweet William, but be was off on a TANGENT. (that's a math term, right?...I still cannot believe that I gave birth to a math major.)

Pie R round , and pie R good.

Elna June,
I am very late to the party. Thanks for the excellent recap. I had my comment all nice and done, and I thought it was sent. But I'm at work and I must have gone into a weak wifi spot, and I just realized my comment got lost. Grrrrr! Anyhoo, gracias for the recap!

I am looking forward to more Dimi/Fina scenes. And I agree with those who think that Dimi might not consider Addie his 'friend' anymore. But it would still be difficult for Dimi to arrest or bring Addie down if those circumstances did arise.

Montse, what happened? The other day you did such a good job seeing right through BM's bullsh**, and now they just pulled a fast one on you. Why did you go confront JL? What good is that going to do? I think Montse should be forced to take Laurito with her at all times; it might make her think twice about being so impulsive in her decision making process.

I am not sure if it was a good idea to burn that drug money. But then again, what do you do with all that money? I would feel guilty keeping and/or spending it. One things for sure, JL sure did show up at the wrong place & the wrong time.

More to say, but I am busy...

Off to work...hasta pronto!

Did someone say pie?. I make a pretty good sweet potato pie, and blueberry pie. Right now I could go for a slice of apple or key lime pie. Yum!


ITA, "Pie R round, and pie R good."

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