Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó #90, 3/18/14: Mothers and Daughters -- A Cosmic Crapshoot

In this fairytale of ours, Angélica wished for three things:

-- A chance to cut loose and be a little naughty.  
-- Real passion -- she wanted José Luis to love her in every sense of the word. 
-- To die on her on terms, far from desperate eleventh hour interventions.

The first two wishes come true tonight.  As for the third... 

No thanks, I'm just looking.
Pedro Medina watches as his favorite program comes to a stirring climax.  He sucks contentedly on his pipe.

¡No te metas en mi vida!
Josefina could not be prouder of Dimitrio's decision to join the navy.  And it would make his father so happy, chimes in Carlota happily.  Graciela tries to make the best of it.  She'll talk to Captain Robledo about getting her baby promoted.  Dimitrio won't hear of it.  He intends to rise through the ranks by his own merit.  He warns Graciela not to meddle in his life.

Graciela, who is decked out in scarlet for her evening with Sandro, announces that she is cancelling her date so she and Dim can celebrate.  Dimitrio is celebrating, all right -- with his wife!  Ouch.

As he and Josefina stroll off together, Graciela turns on Carlota and complains that the "freak" is stealing her baby.  Sandro's sudden entrance forces her to switch gears quickly.  While Carlota scowls at the smarmy Miami Cuban, Graciela takes the opportunity to get some digs in about Carlota's appearance (she looks like crap (demacrada, haggard, worn-out) -- she ought to try putting cucumbers on her face).  She saves the best for last: she absolutely gloats that Alejandro has been arrested and poor Montserrat is just devastated.

A couple of Poles are in a bar...
...and two attractive young women wiggle around them to the delight of their menfolk.  Refugio waves bills in the air, surely intent on tucking them in some indecorous place on Esmeralda's person.  José Luis enjoys his beer and his wife's gyrations.  He slips a folded bill in Angélica's cleavage.  It's all good clean dirty fun.  Esmeralda made Angie's fantasy come true, and Angie made Esmeralda's dream come true.  Now the ladies own the place!  Esmeralda promises she will only dance for Refugio.

People-watching At TOSCA (The only supper club in Aguazul)
Sandro is surprised that a woman as beautiful as Graciela was married to a man so much older than herself.  Age is unimportant when there's love, says Graciela (thus showing that she is perfectly fluent in Human, even if she rarely has occasion to use it).  She begins to spin a beautifully edited version of Lauro's tragic illness and death, but she gets distracted when she catches sight of her bebé and Josefina at a table on the other side of the restaurant.

At that table, Dimitrio tells his wife that he has applied to study marine engineering -- it was what his father wanted. How proud he would be, says Josefina.  She doesn't care that he'll be earning very little money.  (He promises he'll be a millionaire one day -- just give him 273 years!)  She giggles.  All that matters is that he loves her.  They kiss tenderly.

Sandro follows Graciela's stare.  "They make a beautiful couple," he says. (Because Sandro is also fluent in Human.)  "Josefina is worth her weight in gold," he adds with a brilliant smile (though we suspect he isn't really using the expression as a metaphor.)

Eye --> Mind
Alejandro takes refuge from the bleak prison cell by remembering the joyful moments he only recently experienced with Montserrat and Laurito and Rosario.  The moments of love.  The promises.

Back home, Montserrat assures Laurito that it won't be long before his daddy is back with them.

Do you love me now that I can dance?
José Luis carries Angélica over the threshold and into her bed.  Then he nuzzles her like an amorous pony.  She danced for him, she says.  Now it's his turn. (Te toca.)  He'll work for kisses, he says.  He stands up and starts to unbutton his shirt. Isn't she going to take his shirt off? He turns and swivels his hips playfully.  Then he leans in for a serious kiss.  "Have I really made you happy?" he asks.  When she starts to thank him for what he has given her, he interrupts her.  Life gave him a gift when he met her.  She has taught him to enjoy every moment.  And she has taught him what it means to love.

And what comes after the dance? wonders JL. "Behave yourself," says Angie, smiling.  But JL says he is going to be a very bad boy.  He leans over her as she lies back on the bed and begins to kiss her.




"Angélica, it's time to wake up!"  He kisses her lightly.  She doesn't stir.  "Open your eyes!"  Still no response.  "Don't do this to me!" José Luis cries out desperately, shaking her, trying to elicit some reaction.  "I won't let you die!"  Once more, he gathers her slight body in his arms.  But now that body is limp and still.

Pedro's interrogation falls flat. 
Pedro has Alejandro brought to an interview room. Alejandro wants to know why a judge signed off on his arrest.  Pedro says he has a statement from known narco Samuel Barajas which clearly shows his guilt.  If Alejandro confesses that he knew what Arechiga was up to -- and tells him where the money is hidden -- Pedro will make sure he gets a light sentence.  He could be out of prison in a couple of years.  But if he won't cooperate, there's a good chance he'll spend many years inside, separated from his family, from his child. 

Alejandro stands his ground.  He demands to see his lawyer.  The money Pedro is looking for doesn't exist.  Alejandro has never participated in illegal activities. In fact, Pedro is the one who should be locked up in prison.

Once Alejandro has been taken back to his cell, Ezequiel -- who has been silently observing the proceedings -- remarks that it won't be easy to get this guy to go along with them (Almonte no va a dar su brazo a torcer, he won't let anyone twist his arm).  Pedro says they need to incriminate Alejandro and fast, or they won't be able to hold him in custody much longer.

Hiding in plain sight

Angélica lies unconscious in her hospital bed, a ventilator breathing for her.  (In fact, she is in the very place and in the very situation that she has spent the last 80 episodes trying to avoid.)  José Luis whispers to her:  Fight, Angélica!  I don't want to lose you.  He kisses her brow.  Then he walks away from the bed and phones Amelia:  Come to the hospital right away.  Angélica has had a relapse.

When JL steps outside the room for a moment, at the nurse's request, he notices a couple of police guards outside a patient room.  He guesses that Samuel Barajas must be inside and pulls rank to get past these two -- HE is the person in charge of the investigation!

And there is Barajas, weak but conscious and able to talk.  Save your questions, he tells JL.  He has nothing to say.  JL is confused -- didn't Barajas already say tell the authorities that Almonte was his partner?  Barajas is irate.  He said no such thing.  He said he didn't know Almonte at all.  The only person he ever dealt with was that traitor, Joaquín Arechiga.

Fabiola works on Virginia
Fabiola has been deeply shaken to hear that the woman she believed was her biological mother, Anastasia, may have been, in fact, her adoptive mother.  She has come gunning for her godmother Amelia.  Surely she has known the truth all along and she owes her an explanation.

It is Amelia's younger daughter Virginia who opens the door to Fabiola.  Doesn't Ginnie remember her?  Well she was just a kid the last time they met.  Amelia just left a moment ago, the girl tells her.  Fabiola doesn't mind waiting.  She scopes out the room and sees a bottle of wine beckoning her.  She walks right over and begins to open it. Would Ginnie like to join her?  Fabiola turns the corkscrew expertly all the while reading the young girl, looking for the best place to strike.  Virginia says no,  her mom would be mad.  Fabiola eggs her on -- isn't she of age?  Yes, she's eighteen.  Fabiola extracts the cork with a pop.  "Then you don't need to worry about your mother.  Besides, you look like you need this more than I do."  She pours out two glasses.  ¡Salud!

Unaware that Fabiola is alone with Virginia, Amelia arrives at the hospital to tend to Angélica.
Esmeralda and Refugio have now joined José Luis at Angélica's bedside.  Amelia enters, sobbing.  What did the doctors say?  "She's in a coma and on a ventilator -- she can't breathe on her own." 

"This isn't what Angélica wanted," Amelia says, despairingly.  Refugio comes to JL's defense -- Angélica wouldn't be alive if not for his friend: 

Señora, si José Luis no la hubiese traido a tiempo, en este momento su hija habría perdido la vida.
(Ma'am, if JL hadn't brought her here in time, by now your daughter would have lost her life.)

JL says he knows that Angélica wants to say goodbye to her mother and sister.  Amelia hasn't said anything to Virginia yet -- it's so hard and Virginia has been so upset lately.

Amelia turns down Refugio's offer to notify Virginia -- it is something that Amelia has to do herself.  First, however, she needs a few minutes alone with her daughter.

José Luis steps into the hall to give his suegra some privacy, and notices right away that the guards outside the prisoner's room are gone -- and so is Barajas!  A nurse tells him the patient has just been discharged.

Not even the chilaquiles?  Oh man...
Montserrat and Rosario have been waiting a long time to see Alejandro.  At last a guard approaches them.  Alas, the news he brings is disappointing: the prisoner is not permitted any visitors; he can't even have the food his mother brought for him.  The guard is just obeying orders.  Despite their tearful pleas, there's nothing he can do to help them.  Montse asks the man to tell Alejandro that his wife was here, that she loves him, and that she is doing everything she can to free him; and Rosario asks him to say that his mother is praying for him.

The women make their sad way home. Surprisingly, the guard actually delivers their messages.  A zombified version of Joaquín stares out from the cell opposite Alejandro's; he also seems to hear these words of pathos and hope. (Is that Les Misérables that he's reading?)

A modern executive working from home
Pedro is back home now, enjoying the spacious gardens of his new narco mansion.  We hear him barking orders into his phone: "You got Barajas out of the hospital?  Whatever it takes, you have one day to get him to sign a confession.  Got it?" 

He turns his attention to Adolfo, seated across from him.  "Tell María to get ready to testify against Alejandro."   Adolfo agrees unenthusiastically.  Pedro says he's still worried about Arechiga.  The man might crack under pressure and start to talk.  That would ruin everything.  Someone has to remind him what's at stake.  That's why Adolfo has to do what Pedro ordered.

Adolfo is definitely in over his head.  "I'd prefer..." he begins.  But Pedro cuts him off.  EZ is busy with Barajas -- Aha!  That's who Pedro was talking to on the phone! -- Adolfo will do his job and earn the salary he pays him.

Nadia comes by just as her brother is leaving.  "What's the matter with Adolfo?  He seems nervous."  Oh, Nadia knows what he's like -- he's in some kind of trouble and needs a little money.  By the way, how did Nadia and their "pet" enjoy the country house?  He wants to pay rent?  That's fine with Pedro.  The main thing is getting her pregnant as soon as possible.  And he has to be the first one to know.

Nadia (who is an intellectual peer of, say, Refugio -- or perhaps of one of the small songbirds flitting about the garden) is feeling some remorse about agreeing to their deal. 

[You know, the deal where Victor gets to be the drone who impregnates the queen bee and then disappears.  I mean what's to regret?]  

For Pedro, that is the price that idiot Victor has to pay for getting involved with a woman that doesn't belong to him.  


José Luis has asked Refugio to do an errand for him.  Refugio agrees, but with great reluctance.

Casa Almonte

Rosario and Montserrat tell Victor how they were turned away at the prison.  Victor is incensed.  He will make sure the lawyer knows about that.  Alejandro has a right to visitors.

Montserrat has to put Macario on a leash

Hyper Macario spots Refugio walking towards the house.  He yells at him to leave and backs up his words by waving his gun in the air.  But Montserrat, perhaps hearing the ruckus, comes out and agrees to see JL's friend.  Meanwhile Macario explains to Victor just who this Refugio guy is. (El perro del otro perro, the other dog's dog)

Montserrat tells Refugio how Alejandro is being maltreated in prison.  She still holds JL responsible for his suffering, convinced that he is abusing his authority to exact his personal vengeance.

Refugio acknowledges that JL has plenty of reasons to hate Alejandro.  Even so, he (Refugio) doesn't agree with everything that is going on.  Refugio decided to come here of his own accord -- José Luis doesn't even know about this visit. 

[We, of course, know that this is untrue.  Refugio is following a script written by José Luis.] 

It is important for Alejandro to know that Samuel Barajas has not yet signed a confession.  They want to force him to declare against Alejandro, but he hasn't given in to their pressure yet.

"Whose pressure?"

 It's that bastard Pedro Medina...

"And also José Luis," interjects Montserrat bitterly.

...who is trying to force him to do so.  Right now there is insufficient evidence against Alejandro.  It is very important for Alejandro to know that -- and his lawyer too.  If he confesses and tells Pedro he burned the money, his situation could get much worse.

Montserrat is confused.  "Then José Luis hasn't told them about the money..."

A sloppy, giddy wine drunk...
Fabiola and Ginnie are sloshed.  Amelia takes one look at them and knows exactly what must have happened.  She lashes out at Fabiola:  It's one thing for her to destroy her own life with booze.  It's quite another to take advantage of her daughter and her emotional fragility at the moment.  (I can't remember -- does Fabiola know about Angélica's illness?)

...and the Worst Timing Ever
Ginnie's boozy aggrieved aggression EXPLODES.  She's grateful to Fabiola for giving her something that Amelia never could -- a little attention, a few laughs. When Amelia tries to tell her that this isn't the time, that Angélica needs her, Ginnie lets loose again.  It is always about Angélica.  What about Virginia?  Who worries about her?  "I hate you!" she yells in her mother's face.  "I wish I were sick -- maybe then you'd pay some attention to me!" She runs from the room.

Amelia starts to follow her daughter, but Fabiola stops her.  Amelia's not going anywhere until she answers her question (and now Fabiola has tears in her eyes too): 

¿Me puedes explicar por que Graciela Mendoza anda diciendo que mi mamá no podía tener hijos?  ¿Tú sabes si es verdad que fui adoptada?
(Can you explain to me why Graciela Mendoza is going around saying that my mom couldn't have children?  Do you know if it's true that I was adopted?)

Angélica may be dying

Alejandro pleads with Joaquín to tell the truth -- that he is innocent.


Good evening folks:

A bit of trivia for you: the song playing during the love scene between Victor and Nadia, Mujer Prohibida, was written by Alex Sirvent and is sung by the actor playing Victor, Alejandro Ávila.

[I don't know who does the scary choral voices in the background of Angélica's collapse. A synthesizer?]

NovelaMaven!!! You are the Maven of ALL NovelaMavens!!!!

Where in the world do I begin?!

First of all, TOSCA was a perfect choice as an acronym and as THE OPERA. PERFECT!!!

Then, "A couple of Poles are in a bar..." Caray! Another zinger!!

Graciela, could she possibly get any uglier towards Carlota?! This chick Graciela is a mental basket case.

I am STILL hoping for a miracle for Angelica. Gosh darn it, something has to go right in this TN.

Sometimes, I just want to slap both Nadia and Montserrat silly.

Beautifully written, NovelaMaven; beautifully written!


...and I almost forgot, thank you for the bit of info on the song. I will have to check that out.

Who needs to even see the episode when we have this fantastic recap!



Oh Fatima! You put a smile on my cranky old face.

Fortunately for the world, as far as I know, there is only one NovelaMaven. So I guess it is not immodest to accept that I am the Maven of a class of one. [hahahaha].

Thank you so much, amiga!

Amiga, you ARE the Maven to end all Mavens!!!

Of course, you knew I was sitting here waiting, right? :))

TOSCA. That was THE best. :)))


Well I didn't KNOW, Fatima, but I kind of hoped you were. And you're pretty great yourself.

As for TOSCA, sometimes acronyms are just out there waiting for you. :D

Gee, thanks, NM!! :)

A million thank yous for all you do for us. :))


Haha. Oh Nadia and Refugio. Both so sweet, so loyal, and so dumb. I've never had anything against Virginia (except her rather unhealthy crush on Dimmy) but how dare that child speak to her mother like that! That is your MOTHER. Absolutly disgraceful. Holding out for a miracle with Angie, that girl deserves to live!

Cassandra G.

Oh goodie, I knew this was going to be fantastico as soon as I saw "A Cosmic Crapshoot".

And then right into "No thanks, I'm just looking", bwahahaaa! That whole paragraph was the best in a completely demented sort of way. Oh how it made me laugh. Kudos to you dear NovelaMaven. I agree with Fatima, you are an original.

"A couple of Poles", TOSCA, "Moonrise. Sunrise. Sunset?", you were really on a role tonight. Your wicked humor punctuated with fascinating grammar and dead-to-rights descriptions made for a rollicking read. And thank you for getting your recap up so quickly! You really made my night.

I'm so glad to hear that Dimmy shunned mommy dearest. And what perfect karma for them to end up in the same restaurant. I hope Gracie ends up with a stomach ache!

I'm going to give Virginia a pass on her stupid outburst because 1) her parents really have been ignoring her horribly and 2) that witch Fablush got her ridiculously drunk.

I am definitely at the Miracles for Angie table.

Thanks NM, you rock!

Aw shucks, Sylvia. I'm relieved that "Cosmic Crapshoot" worked for you. I hesitated -- should I go high or low, high or low? I decided to go with low. [Because let's face it -- so did the writers for much of this episode.}

Thanks for being such a generous reader.

Cassandra G, I can see why you're upset with Virginia. While I would hate to be in the room with her, like Sylvia, I would tend to give her a pass. [I have a hunch that she will be harder on herself than anyone else could ever be when she realizes what is happening.]

NovelaMaven, this was a sample of your wicked humor at its best! Loved so many of your headings:
No thanks, I'm just looking
A couple of Poles in a bar
People watching at TOSCA
Do you love me now that I can dance?
Not even the chilaquiles? Oh man...
A modern executive working from home

Pedro is just a sicko! If Victor and Nadia were capable of complex thinking, they might have considered the place being bugged. Pedro is not only evil, he's too subtle for them.

The girls dancing in tandem for their hubbies was just a little on the sick side as well, but it seemed to make them all happy.

I've missed commenting on many recent recaps--all brilliant and fascinating. Thanks to all the recappers for keeping up with the twists and turns for our benefit.


Superb recap, simply superb! You have a magical way of putting the heart into each and every one of your recaps. I just loved this one.

So sad about Angie, I was hoping this wouldn't happen for a long time. I think I will join JudyB, and Fatima on that couch and sing "Kumbaya" with them : (

I still can not wrap my mind around this perverted Pedro! What a pervy sleaze and I really hate the fact he and his minions have gotten away with so much. But, now that JL knows they are trying to pressure Barajas into a false confession, he is one up now.

It is sad the way Virginia and Amelia's relationship has gone down the tubes. I can understand why Virginia feels like she has been neglected by Amelia, due to Angie, but Virginia knows how sick Angie is and the little time she has left. Virginia is also being a bit selfish, all Virginia can concentrate on is herself, due to the loss of Dimmy and her Papa in la carcel. I feel for Amelia too. She is a way better Mama than Gracie ever was. She just has so much to deal with and now she has to deal with Fablush too!

I loved Dimmy and Fina in this epi and Yay for Dimmy standing up to Gracie. I hope he keeps it up! The dinner and convo were just fab!

I too didn't like the way Gracie treated Lottie. It's shameful! Gracie ought to look in the mirror and notice her patas de gallo on that face, jus' sayin'.

Thanks again NovelaMaven for this splendid recap!

NM, I forgot to thank you for the info on Mujer Prohibida. I love that sort of interesting trivia. Sung by Alejandro Avila and written by Fina's old boyfriend from Gancho, wow! (OK I am mixing telenovelas but what the heck.)

La Paloma:

I'm delighted you decided to stop by tonight. I always enjoy your comments so much.

I was struck by your observation that Pedro is too subtle for Victor and Nadia. You're right, of course. He IS too subtle for these two. But for most people, he isn't at all subtle -- he is outrageously, blatantly obvious ) This all goes to show how DENSE Victor and Nadia really are.

The only encouraging thing about Pedro is that his insane plans nearly always go awry.

Good evening, Mads! You're up late tonight!

Thanks so much for the kind words. And yes, Gracie treated Carlota shamefully. Still, you have to give her props for sharing one of her beauty secrets with her sister-in-law. Next thing you know, she'll be tying bows around ankles and ratting her hair. (Or perhaps not.)

Sylvia, I love that trivia too. Six Degrees of Alex Sirvent?

And I like it when they end up echando la casa por la ventana on the music budget by providing an individual theme song for each couple. I'm not very smart about music, but I know it's a key part of my emotional response to a novela. (And I love the main theme of this one.)

What a recap! I'm glad I checked the blog before going to bed. The recap was awesome. I envy your writing style, and I love the titles within the recap.

Best part of the epi was Dimi telling his mother to stay out if his life, and then inviting Fina to dinner. It was so sweet when Dimi took Fina by the hand as they left. The look on Gracie's face...PRICELESS!

Worst part of the epi...Angie having to go to the hospital. It doesn't look good, especially since she isn't breathing on her own. Maybe Angie being on her death bed will make Joaquin change his mind, and he will confess the truth. It would be nice to see Ale get out of jail, and he can hook up with JL, Refu & Dimi to bring Pervy Pedro down. I really don't want Ale to spend months or even years in prison.

More later. I am falling asleep.

Off to bed...hasta pronto!

Again, our recappers give us something so much better than what we had viewed ourselves. Fantastic recap NM. Crapshoot indeed.

Dim, Dim, Dim...what can I say. Put a smile on my face, which was the last time I did that all evening. Lord, this TN is depressing in all other plot lines. Just throwing back at his Mumsy every attempt at interfering in his life was a pure joy to behold. The REAL pride in Fina's face was lovely too. Unfortunately, I guess they are in too good of a place to be on our screens for long. As upset as Graceless was to see her son happy, healthy and actually making something of himself with Fina's influence, my guess is she will try to undermine that relationship and we'll be seeing THAT on our screens. Those two need to move out and fast!

Dear Angie. I fear this might be the end of our sweet girl. Too much of the plot lined up to get us to the end I think. We will lose a bit of sunshine in this TN. She just lit up the screen -- a wonderful job by the actress.

My fear is that where we are going is that Ale is in the slammer, JL becomes the rich widower and his radar will turn him in Monse's direction, thus causing the triangle to form again. She may not want any romantics, but others will use this to their advantage. Cough, Maria, cough Pedro.

Speaking of whom...too much on the screen. He's like the main character lately. Enough


Excellent, NovelaMaven!

I will fall on the side if those more understanding of Virginia. She has really been shoved aside and ignored, seems like for years. Precisely in the teen years when she needed her parents most. She lost her best friend and daily companion when Angie got married. Despite being the good kid, her parents never seemed to acknowledge this. She's in a lot of emotional pain-- she too has suffered through Angie's illness-- but her parents can't see past their own pain. I'm afraid the job Addled is supposed to do is harm Virginia, and she's just run out of the house, upset and drunk. Easy pickings.

Glad Angie had her one amazing, fun night before passing. I think JL will release her from he hospital bed prison once her mom and sister have had the chance to say goodbye.

Loved Dim and Fina. If I were Sandro I'd be creeped out by how Gracie was eyeballing her son and his wife, as if she were the jilted ex lover.

Excellent, NovelaMaven. My favorite lines:

Age is unimportant when there's love, says Graciela (thus showing that she is perfectly fluent in Human, even if she rarely has occasion to use it).

He promises he'll be a millionaire one day -- just give him 273 years!)

(Because Sandro is also fluent in Human.) "Josefina is worth her weight in gold," he adds with a brilliant smile (though we suspect he isn't really using the expression as a metaphor.)

Pedro is back home now, enjoying the spacious gardens of his new narco mansion.

Do you also suspect that Sandro has his eye on the Valverde fortune, too?

Glad you also noticed that Graceless gloated over Alejandro's arrest and Monserrat's anguish. This woman is soulless.

Daisynjay, we're on the same page about where this could go. I can easily imagine Graceless getting peso signs in her eyes at the prospect of JL inheriting Angelica's money but I can also see him staring her down and telling her that thanks to her earlier efforts at ruining his life she won't see one centavo of it.

Maria could probably help create a hell of a script about the time she and Alejandro were away and there probably were no witnesses to contradict it now. That is grim.


NovelaMaven: An interesting, relevant, thought provoking title.

Your heartfelt, stunningly crafted recap elicited a wide and full range of emotions. I went from being sad to laughing to nodding in appreciation and delighted agreement in 60 seconds flat. What a thrilling ride!

My eyes teared up when I read Angelica's wish list, especially "To die on her on terms, far from desperate eleventh hour interventions". Oh my.

But after "No thanks, I'm just looking", "Pedro Medina watches as his favorite program comes to a stirring climax", a smile appeared and did not leave. "A couple of Poles are in a bar" and "thus showing that she is perfectly fluent in Human, even if she rarely has occasion to use it" were astute and creative.

We all crave the spoken word. Hearing that we are loved and valued soothes our hearts and minds. There are times however that actions transcend words as evidenced by Jose Luis last night. When he sat on the bed with Angelica, he laughed joyously and heartily, his smile radiating happines. I was startled. Had we ever heard such a laugh from him before? I think not. In that moment, I hope Angelica saw and felt what we did. Whether fully cognizant of it or not, Angelica is the love of his life.

I was delighted at Dimitrio taking his wife to dinner and even more so, that he seemed truly happy to be with her.

Although nothing Graciela does should surprise us, I was rather taken aback by the obvious jealousy she exuded. I thought she might toy more with Sandro, her evening meal, but Dimitrio had her full attention.

And her behavior toward Carlota was despicable Fatima. I wish Carlota would go off on her own. She is an intelligent woman who is fully capable of working and making a life for herself.

My heart went out to both Ginny and Amelia last night. Sylvia, I am not going to fault Ginny - of course she should never speak to her mother that way but she has been neglected (although unintentionally) and of course, she is hurting for her sister as well. Agree though Madelaine, Ginny should be putting Angelica first but let's hope this was a one time meltdown. Amelia has her issues but her daughter is dying so I will not criticize her for her transgressions at this time.

daisy, yes, Angelica did indeed light up the screen last night. I don't want her to suffer though. As NovelaMaven pointed out being in the hospital in a coma was the thing she dreaded most.

Oh yes, Ale and Monse. Guess I should mention them? Sorry but everything else that occurred last night had their scenes on the back burner (IMHO).

I was going to timidly ask if Pablo Montero was singing the Nadia/Victor song and of course I would have been wrong. Thank you for letting us know it was Alejandro and that Alex Sirvent had written it. Sylvia, wouldn't it be nice if Alex and Veronica got paired together again in a future TN? Hey, it's worked for Rulli and Boyer, why not them?

NovelaMaven, thank you for another amazing recap. You have my sincere admiration and appreciation.


Good morning, all. Thanks, Novelamaven, for yet another snappy recap of a rather grim and bizarre episode. Speaking of grim, I have the news on...also grim. However, your clever retelling is appreciated. I love so many if your observations. My favorite ..."No thanks. I'm just looking."HA

As the mother of two girls, I cringed at Virginia's drunken attack on Amelia has been dealing with a sick child for quite awhile , a husband in jail, and who is now dealing with Angie's collapse. Fabulush has just sunken to a new low. Evidently, she likes to have a drinking buddy and saw Virginia as a willing partner. I wonder if she will buy Virginia a hat. Leave her alone, Fab...Virginia has enough problems. We all knew that fab would cause trouble, but I was not expecting this particular trouble.

Poor Gracie is losing control over both of her children and taking her frustration out on Carlotta . I really sympathize with Carlotta . she has spent most of her life living with this toxic person who continually uses her as a punching bag . Carlotta seems to be very passive in her reactions to Gracie, but I believe that may change.

The dual pole dancing recital made me a little uncomfy. Perhaps private performances might have been a better idea than the double date presentation. Watching your best bud watching your wife girating and wiggling around a pole ???? I do not care how close you are...that is probably never a good idea.

Pedro puffing away on his pipe and observing Viktor and Nadia was icky. Voyeur. I kept thinking of the lyrics.."I always feel like somebody's watching me..." Who sang that ?

Well, I have got to get going to work. I am teaching count and noncount nouns and articles today before I start the reading chapter on the three types of loneliness (depression). I will check comments when I get back home.

NovelaMaven, thank you for such a creative recap from "a couple of poles in a bar" to "TOSCA" to "not even the chilaquiles" and on and on.

Loved Dimitrio telling Graciela he was taking his wife out to dinner to celebrate and Graciela having to witness that dinner while out with Sandro.

Hated Fabiola for barging in and getting Virginia drunk. I couldn't believe how Fabiola just marched in like she owned the place and was instantly drawn to the booze.


If I were Amelia at that moment in the last scene I would have thrown Fabiola out on her arrogant ass. "You enter my house when I'm not here, drink my wine cellar dry, and corrupt my innocent daughter," etc. That would be the absolute limit for me. Especially in view of the current tragedy unfolding.

As to how she should answer the question of Fabiola being adopted the perfect answer would be that it wasn't her place to tell her that. Anastasia should have told her that when she was five or six. How would Amelia know that Fabiola hadn't been told? She wouldn't.

Which leads again to this question: In Mexico, at what age is it normal to be told you're adopted?

Urban, I totally agree that Amelia should have kicked Fabiola out. She had no business being there period if Amelia was not there.


Oh NovelaMaven..Yes, there's only one NM and she's a crackerjack. How do you come up with these headings? Pure comic genius. You should have been headlining in the Second City revue back in the day, before becoming a wife and mother! Maybe you were? ¿Qué sé yo?

2 outta 3 is not bad, though, for Angelica. But once you're on a respirator, the end is near, in my experience. Granted this is telenovela medicine, but still....

Loved "No thanks, I'm just looking"

"Graciela in SCARLET (yes, very Gone with the Wind is our lady)

"A couple of Poles are in a bar"

fluency in Human

one of my favorite songs! Do you Love me, do you Love me, now...that I can...daaaance, daaance daaance, hup, watch me now!...

"Nadia (who is an intellectual peer of say, Refugio--or perhaps of one of the small songbirds flitting around the garden)"

Just a treat from beginning to end. Very painful scene with mother Amelia in hospital. Glad it was short. Totally understand Virginia's reaction. And she needed to get it out, drunk or no.

Me? Not bothered at all by the dual pole dancing. It was a moment of good, clean, dirty fun as you noted. And I loved José Luis gamely going along with Angelica's request for a dance later. Thought he did quite well, as she slipped off his shirt, flexing his tattooed muscles. Humor in the face of mortal illness, sex in the face of impending death? Bring it on sez I.

Thanks for an awesome recap of a very painful episode. The writers are still giving damn little sweet with the bitter, but we trudge on...

Fatima--this note is for you. Missed your comment last night. Otherwise engaged. But I'm amazed at our linkages. On the trivial side, I too have Wichita State winning it all. They manhandled us (OSU) last year so I'm picking them to win it all, but just barely...against crusty ol' Michigan State.

Now on the Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Man up and read it, my friend. The language will just knock you out. Page after page there are passages of pure poetry. Amazing. This lady is a genius and then some.

The subject matter is our Achilles Heel, I don't deny it. But you just have to wade in there and face it. The story, the narrative will carry you, believe me. This is a very powerful book. I haven't finished it yet, and it's taking a strange turn at the moment, but I'm hanging in there. Steven King gave it a very interesting review, comparing it to Oliver Twist. So go for it, lady. I'll link arms with you and we'll sing Kumbaya and then dance to Happy if Life starts to seem really dire.

Thanks so much, NM!

I'm with JudyB on favorite lines:

Nadia (who is an intellectual peer of, say, Refugio -- or perhaps of one of the small songbirds flitting about the garden) Amen, sister!

I also loved that you discovered a SECOND supporting actor who sings his own theme song. Wasn't that you who discovered Refu sang his? Wow these actors are talented. I kind of liked Victor and Nadia's song. It was different and it suited them.

Thanks for a delightful Tuesday miring telenovela treat!;)


Morning not miring!!!

Omg and yes I know it's Wednesday! The Monday no school snow day has my days all scrambled. I should just lurk and not comment!!!!

Thanks so much for this hilarious recap, NovelaMaven. This TN has flirted with distasteful from the very first episode and now is submerged in slime and yet you have found a way to make it cute and fun. What an incredible talent you have and continue to reveal for our enjoyment.

So which is worse, Pedro's icky plan or the fact that Victor and Nadia are cooperating with him? Oh... right... Victor's going to pay the rent.

Dance night was just a tad kinky for my taste, but if it brought them joy... fine.

I cringed as Fabs made herself right at home as she uncorked that wine... I think the word gauche applies nicely here. Ginnie looked somewhere between stunned and appalled as she watched her.

I smiled as Carlota looked disapprovingly at Sandro when he came for Gracie... she needs to take a closer look at her own current galan. It's not like she hasn't been warned.

Rosario is annoying me more and more. She simply weeps and whines and wrings her hands.

OK, Dimitrio is completely smitten... now let's get a new hairdo for Fina.


Diana, it is extremely painful to watch how Graciela manhandles Carlota. I keep asking myself why Carlota stays, but she herself has said it is to help Montserrat and Dim. Nonetheless, she should find a new home. The toxic level is increasing with each day. A body can only take so much, as we both know. I so appreciate your kind and very thoughtful comments. :))

JudyB, amiga, AMAZING the linkages we have. Absolutely amazing. Ok. Will breakdown and get The Goldfinch. I heard the author interviewed on NPR, but can't remember if it was Bob Edwards or Terry Gross. Either way, I thought that I had to read the book, but...

I'm telling ya, I am pulling for those SHOCKERS!!!!!


Whoops...that should have been Stephen King, not "Steven". Never said I was a good speller. Google it and read the review, Fatima, just because it's witty. The opening line and the closing will give you a good laugh.

Graceless is a monster. Was she Livia in a previous life? She won't last as long; she hasn't the brains.

Dear NovelaMaven,

Thanks so much for another fabulous recap! I felt terrible for Angélica and her relapse, but still your transition from her night of passion with J-L to her coma really had me laughing:


Very, very funny!

Loved your great description of Pedro, too, as "A modern executive working from home" and tons of other lines. The entire recap was smart, stylish, informative, funny, and delightful to read. As always on Wednesday, I thank you so much.

I enjoyed the scene with J-L busting some moves for Angélica--not as big an effort as she made to learn a whole pole dance, but still he tried and was willing to be spontaneous. It's interesting to me how he ONLY ever laughs when he's with Angélica. With Montse he's always pleading and serious and never as appealing. With Angie, he clearly has FUN. Thank god he's beginning to understand that more fully. Just hope she doesn't die too soon, but things don't look very good.

How interesting, too, that Alejandro Áliva sings Victor and Nadia's love song. I would never have recognized his voice, but I'm glad you did!

Thanks again, NovelaMaven, for your fantastic take on this episode.


Is Alejandro Avila's name in the credits as singing that song? I thought it was someone else in Noveland.

I guess we can kiss the miracle idea goodbye for Angelica. Too bad because she got the biggest raw deal after Rosario.

I need to see Alex Sirvent on my screen again. He's such a cutie. But apparently, he's too busy writing/composing his music and doing musical theater. Would love to see him and Veronica J. (Fina) back together on screen as a couple.

NovelaMaven – Angie’s been one of my favorites. Loved how you broke the sad news, with her three wishes. Other favorites:

“No thanks, I'm just looking.”

“perfectly fluent in Human”

“Do you love me now that I can dance?”

“A zombified version of Joaquín stares out from the cell opposite Alejandro's; he also seems to hear these words of pathos and hope.”

How awful that Angie’s whole other family has fallen apart at this moment. I too understand Ginny (unfairly) lashing out at Amelia. Fab showed how self-centered she is getting the girl drunk. Fab, how about drinking alone? I sure hope Ginny and Fab don’t become fast friends after this.

The dual pole dancing only works for me if I assume JL and Ref were strictly only goggling their own woman at the pole. But, hey, this is a fairy tale, so of course they did just that. Plus, Angie “is a bit of sunshine in this TN” [Thanks, Daisynjay], so I go along with anything to see her happy. Surprised she's going so soon. Shame to the TN is wasting the chemistry that she and JL have. Not looking forward to JL back to chasing Monse.

Carlota and Fina need to compare notes about Graciela. I’m up to here with them taking her insults.

Nadia is nuts. She’s willing to get pregnant and let Pedro be around the kid?

I actually just read that Alex wrote quite a bit of the incidental music for this tn, as he did for Abismo. I also liked the love song he wrote for Abismo, Junto a Ti, which he sang with his wife. I know he did music for Llena de Amor too. Seems like a great combination of skills/gifts to have—good looks, acting ability, singer, composer, and lyricist.

Dear Novela Maven:

"A couple of Poles are in a bar..." If you had written nothing else but this phrase—this would still be a magnificent recap.

Really. Seriously.

" Age is unimportant when there's love, says Graciela (thus showing that she is perfectly fluent in Human, even if she rarely has occasion to use it)."
"Do you love me now that I can dance?"

I found that whole theme to be so poignant last night. What... Jose Luis has finally realized that his wife is a priceless treasure? I hope the writers have realized that Angelica is the best character in the telenovela, but, alas, it seems her contract mey be up. How sad.

"Not even the chilaquiles? Oh man."
Another priceless sidebar-worthy crack. I giggled AND guffawed.

"Nadia (who is an intellectual peer of, say, Refugio -- or perhaps of one of the small songbirds flitting about the garden) is feeling some remorse about agreeing to their deal.
[You know, the deal where Victor gets to be the drone who impregnates the queen bee and then disappears. I mean what's to regret?]"

On Nadia, I can only agree with our recapper's assessment of Nadia's intellectual prowess. Now Montee is no Google programmer, but she seems a bit less dim than the beauteous Nadia. You will recall that Mani the cat adores Nadia, and last night he yowled on command when she appeared on the screen. I also have to admit that I love the way that the show's stylists have dressed Nadia. She is in tone and in brain "light as a feather'.

Finally, I highlight this section:

"...and the Worst Timing Ever Ginnie's boozy aggrieved aggression EXPLODES." Poor dear Ginnie. This young woman needs a little love. And if Angelica dies, it looks like Fabiola will replace Angie in Ginnie's life.

'Woe betide.
I see Ginnie going over to the dark side.'

Novela Maven, thank you for giving me the simple sweet pleasure of a beautifully crafted, wickedly well written recap.

It is Wednesday morning, I get my coffee and sit down. I pick up the laptop and turn with anticipation to Novela Maven's magnificent recap.

Thank you so much, NM, for giving your time to recapping. You give us so many smiles, laughs, tears and wry grins. A regular pleasure—and a shared one—is a pleasure indeed.

You are a treasure.

Elna June


Hola amigos!

I am trying to stay warm by reading your wonderful comment and not thinking about the snow that I'll have to drive through in a little bit.


Thanks so much for the kind words.

I'm afraid I have to agree that Angie's situation looks pretty bleak.

On the other hand, I have great hopes that Alejandro will get out of prison soon, if only because the prison scenes are such a downer for the audience. Besides, although our boy looks good in anything, we all know that BLUE is his color. :)


"My fear is that where we are going is that Ale is in the slammer, JL becomes the rich widower and his radar will turn him in Monse's direction, thus causing the triangle to form again."

Mine too. And yet…wouldn't it be great if Angie's love were transformative and JL surprised us all by realizing that SHE -- and not Montserrat -- had really been the love of his life? (Pfffff. Who am I trying to kid?)

Wow, I hope your guess about Ginnie being Adolfo's target is wrong, but I fear you nailed it. Ugh.

As for Sandro being creeped out by Graciela's behavior -- I would say that, on the contrary, he was delighted by it. He is watching and gathering information and vulnerabilities, just like Fabiola, only with a bit more finesse. He could give Graciela lessons in predation.

Oh yes, I'm sure Sandro has his eye on the Valverde fortune. I suspect that rather than try to marry into it, he might try to involve Tomás in some shady deal. After all, for some weird reason, Tomás trusts the guy.

I didn't see AA's name in the credits for the song -- I read about it on a few websites, though. If I am spreading misinformation, do let us know.

Thanks for your lovely comment. I particularly liked what you wrote about actions transcending words. Angie is the only one who brings out the light side of JL. What he said to her was true: she HAS been a gift to him and she has taught him what it means to love. [Even if, as he danced, I kept thinking: Don't quit your day job, dude!]


"I wonder if she will buy Virginia a hat."

The idea of the pole dancing struck me as incredibly tawdry, but I thought the actual scene was played very sweetly. And even thought the boys looked at each other, they didn't seem to be ogling each other's woman.

Now i understand why bars are facing a time of crisis,because Fabiola empties them all. Pobre Macario he has nothing to drink ,now he took a Rambo at Refugio,the definition of " being thirsty makes you act diffrent"


Bet that Fabiolas favorite food are Frijoles with mashed hats and wine salad.

I was surprised by how well Ref took the news about Esme owning La Escondida. I guess he doesn't mind her being the boss. He just doesn't want her shaking her bon bon for random men. I still hope she changes the theme of the club to something a bit less skanky.

O Maven:

You never complain about the weather and your winter is harsh. Please know that I have a lovely guest room and a chaise lounge with your name on it, right beside the cement pond. The drought is so bad here that it is scary but the FELT experience of the weather is that it is gorgeous.

Over 800,000 acres of prime California agricultural land will lie fallow this year because there is no water to irrigate the crops. I suspect that may translate into some very expensive fruit an veg for the US come August or so.


Citrus fruit is already overpriced by historical standards. Imagine paying $1.50 for one orange?

I am hoping that Esmeralda turns the place into a restaurant with Josefina running the kitchen while Monse and Carlota manage the dining room.


"I couldn't believe how Fabiola just marched in like she owned the place and was instantly drawn to the booze."

I know! I thought the same thing. (I loved the way the camera showed her line of vision with that wine bottle looming large in the foreground.)

And I agree with you and Urban -- Amelia should have kicked Fabiola out and gone after Ginnie. Let's hope that's what we see her do tonight.

BTW, Urban, Amelia probably knows that Anastasia died without having a chance to tell Fabiola anything. But since the sister was living in Miami, not Mexico, the American cultural norms would probably apply -- start talking about origins, using age-appropriate language, from the very beginning.

JudyB, you gladden my heart. Thank you.

It is good to be reminded that this is telenovela medicine and therefore anything can happen. Unfortunately, everything in the arc of the story seems to be pointing towards Angie's death.

"Humor in the face of mortal illness, sex in the face of impending death? Bring it on sez I."

¡y yo tambien!


Actually "miring" works too. :D

Apparently my song 'discovery' may turn out to be the Piltdown Man of Robo. We'll have to wait for Urban's confirmation.

I like knowing you are out there "lurking" but I like it even more when you step out onto The Patio and have a copa with the gang.

Thank you so much.

"I smiled as Carlota looked disapprovingly at Sandro when he came for Gracie... she needs to take a closer look at her own current galan."

Yes! Sandro may be a vulture, but EZ is a hyena. Poor Carlota.

I've made my peace with Fina's hair-do. However, I do think she needs to start chewing gum.

Gauche. Annoying. Submerged in slime. Ah yes. And yet here we are, getting a huge kick out of trying to guess what could possibly happen next.

Julia R:
Thank you! As always, a little encouragement from team Robo is especially sweet.

"It's interesting to me how [JL] ONLY ever laughs when he's with Angélica"



I'm delighted you enjoyed the recap.

"Nadia is nuts. She’s willing to get pregnant and let Pedro be around the kid?"

Well, let's say she is OVERCONFIDENT. She's convinced that she and her fellow genius will be able to outwit Pedro. (Or maybe somebody told her she's in a telenovela and Pedro is the bad guy so she's playing the odds -- without thinking about the frequently dire fate of second tier good guys.)

Fatima, I agree with you on Carlotta, although I'm beginning to think no one takes Graceless and her insults seriously anymore. But it still hurtful to listen to and Carlotta is now the main person remaining that I think Graceless feels she can unload on.

Though Carlotta says she stays for Monse and Dim, that is mainly because that us the only role she knows. They are grown adults, and her support is nothing more than that. Her nurturing role is pretty much over. I believe she sits and takes it because she has nowhere else to go at this point. She clings to the loyalty she feels to her deceased brother and his kids as an occupation. She really has no resources most likely to fall back on ( did she get left anything by Lauro--can't remember). That's why it is worrisome that she could fall prey to any schmuck that gives her the attention she craves and gives her a supposed new purpose. I hope better for her, she seems to have calmed down and not as annoying as at the start of this show.

I actually could feel for Ginny last night. Bad timing, yes. Did she really know that, no. Did a LOT of the willingness to spew come from being drunk, absolutely. But she has hardly been the problem child, she loves her sister and understands the grief her illness has caused, and she has suffered silently at the loss of her father in their lives. But as good as she has been and supportive, a child who comes in second, even if unintentionally by the parents, when there are issues with another child will feel slightly abandoned. There have been times in this when she's just been sent to her room, or noone would listen to her because they were too busy with other things not related to Angie. I think her statement about wishing she were ill just to get attention was telling. She tried to be good, tried to do right by everyone, and her reward was to be somewhat forgotten. Maybe just once having Amelia sit her down and say how much she was appreciated and the fact she was so supportive, or maybe apologize when things are crazy that she hasn't had a chance to talk to her and ask how she's doing. No blame really on either side--just lack of communication. So, yeah, do I see her rebelling and figuring, WTH, where did being good get me? I can understand it.


Dear elna june:

I do try not to obsess too much about the weather. (I confess that a recent trip to the post office to renew my passport has me dreaming about more welcoming climes.) It is comforting to know that there is a place for me near your cement cenote. (The drought is too heartbreaking for me to contemplate.)

I am, of course, thrilled that you enjoyed so many lines in the recap. You have to know that you made me HOWL with this little throwaway:

"Now Montse is no Google programmer…

Hah. No, she is not. [But AB continues to impress. Or perhaps I just spent too much time watching El Tal, where the heroine had trouble with memorable lines like: ¿Qué? ¿Que qué?)

Ginnie going over to the dark side? Noooooo! That's me at Amelia's table and I'm begging the writers to give us a break here.

P.S. You are the authentic treasure here. And I also love the sweet indulgence of a recap of our absurd (but salutary) addiction, right there with the morning coffee.


You think Fabiola drank Macario dry? I don't know about that. I think he's a tequila and mescal kind of guy and Fab is a wine drunk. (Of course in a pinch, she'd be swilling Alejandro's aftershave.)


Yes, Refugio was surprisingly mellow about Esme owning La Escondida, especially after she told him she would save her time on the pole for him alone.

I still think they should get a parrot and those guys from La Guacamaya for the place.


Your take on Ginnie's situation is so perceptive. To me, it rings painfully true.

Everyone --
I'll be out for a while but will check in later! como dice AuntyAnn -- hasta pronto!

NovelaMaven! Thank you for this living, breathing, laughing recap! Especially since I haven't seen the episode it is that much more appreciated. I know I will repeat some lines but I loved this:

". . .thus showing that she is perfectly fluent in Human, even if she rarely has occasion to use it."

And this made me scream a laugh right out loud:

"Nadia (who is an intellectual peer of, say, Refugio -- or perhaps of one of the small songbirds flitting about the garden) is feeling some remorse about agreeing to their deal."

Oh, I love that! Thank you! Her and Victor are both BIG DUMMIES.

You know that feeling you get that someone is watching you, the little hairs stand up at the back of your neck? Seems like that protective defensive perception would be stronger than lust. . . .but maybe not. Pervo is probably recording their sessions in the luuuv shack. Weirdo.

Can't wait to see the Dimmie and Finnie scene. . . .ahhh, real romance! You've prepared me to watch the episode without fear!


NM- You're so right that Sandro was enjoying the creepy Gracie show (almost like Pedro watching in the shadows), as he gathers data on these people's weaknesses. Fabi is doing it too, but she's so screwed up herself that she's part of the sick drama, like the rest of them. Sandro has the benefit of being detached from it all. I do wonder how he lost all the money Fina and Tomas witnessed that he had. He doesn't seem to be hooked on booze like Fabi, or gambling like Dimi was. Where'd his wealth go? Or is he hiding it from Fabi, in order to fleece her?

Daisynjay- ITA with you about Carlotta. She needs something to do, other than care for her brother's family. Time for them to take care of themseleves, and for her to find something else that fulfills her.

She and Monse both inherited the hacienda-- the one they sold to support themselves, Dim and Graceless these last many months. So, now she has nothing. Yeah, Monse and Carlotta are pretty dumb.

That's right. Thanks Vivi, always forget about that hacienda. They had it and then it only got mentioned they sold it a few episodes later.

Does always surprise me in these shows that often the men are in jail, or supposedly the family is hurting, yet the fashions are sublime, they stay in the houses and there is a bunch of staff still hanging around. That's not chip change to maintain. With Joaquin in jail, I'm surprised his assets weren't entailed and Amelia left wondering what she will do as far as living expenses. Monse, really, same way. Just me as a wage-earner, but worrying about how the bills would get paid would be right up there on my To-Do list not worrying about making sure my highlights are getting done. Sometimes I wish the TN's were just a tad more realistic with that.


Daisynjay- In Amor Bravio there were some real consequences from the money troubles. First, the heroine did NOT look like a fashion plate; she had real concerns and actual conversations about firing people if they ranch did poorly; at one point she sold her cattle to get capital; and later she had to get a loan from the bank to keep things afloat. Gracie, Carlotta and Monse may talk about money troubles, but you are right, they certainly don't act (or dress) like they have money troubles.

I agree Vivi and its a wonder why the financial inspection did not threw them out of the house yet ,with what money do they pay all the bills,Alejandro paid them but with snakes like Gracie in the house ,her logic is " Out with the old bills and in with the new ,larger ones!

I have a feeling that if Montserrat finds out that Jose Luis was good enough to ____ his wife into a coma, Montserrat will be tan celosa.

Plus, does anyone know what incurable ailment Angelica suffers from, except from perhaps terminal boredom from being stuck in Agua Azul for so long?


Diana, yes I would love to see Veronica and Alex team up again. I give her a lot of credit for, so far, having unusually good chemistry with her TN partners. She really is a unique talent, one of those beautiful women who have a keen sense of comedic timing.

Six degrees of Alex Sirvent...hee! Another good one from La Maven.

I have been trying to download the AS song sung by AA, but my internet connection is too slow this morning. Will keep trying. I enjoyed AA's singing in PEAM and I'm glad his talents are showcased here.

Oxnard, Angelica has cancer, but they never said what kind. Many comments have already been made that she looks far too healthy to be suffering from that. She should be stick thin by now.

As to that song, it sounds like Pablo Montero, whose voice I've been in love with for almost 15 years. Alejandro Avila played the minor villain in Duelo de Pasiones where Pablo was the hero, so the irony of this would be suitable at Televisa.

Totally agree on the financial discussion. Someone pointed out the possibility that Graceless socked a lot of dinero away in offshore accounts, which would explain how the money from the sale of the hacienda could have been pissed away in six months. That would be an interesting revelation to come.

For some reason, I thought Angelica had leukemia. Maybe because that seems to be the go-to disease for young women in these stories.

It is a popular soap opera/novela disease, so that would seem likely.

I think the anvils are getting bigger all the time for the villains of this series. Just when you thought they couldn't get more cruel or evil they do.

"Six degrees of Alex Sirvent"---all these references of that sweet AB cutie and I can't concentrate at work anymore.


Is Amelia related to Pru or is Pru just a friend and Angie's godmother? If Amelia and Pru are related, Amelia might have money from her family.

Pru is related to Amelia. An aunt or something. Pru told Amelia that the family never approved of Joaquin or her marrying him. Yes, her family has money, included the money Angie (and I assumed Ginnie) inherited from one of the great aunts upon marriage.

Or Pru may just have been married into Amelia's family, which makes more sense.


“Oxnard, Angelica has cancer, but they never said what kind. Many comments have already been made that she looks far too healthy to be suffering from that. She should be stick thin by now.”

Thanks for clearing that up. All I had heard on the show since I’ve been watching is that she’s been to the best doctors, nothing can be done for her, etc. but no specifics on her condition.

One of the angles I’m worried about is the future of Carlotta. Dimwattage and Fina are working things out, Graciela could get her talons into Sandro, leaving Carlotta as the only one without a man. She will be ever more vulnerable to that lecherous louse EZ.


Daisynjay, I too scratch my head over Gracielas complaints about money and their situation being"worse than EVER"......right before she hops into her chauffeured luxury car. I mean come ON! How bad can it be if she hasn't cut that low hanging fruit? And with all those idle adults sitting around with nothing to do, maybe the cook could go as well!

NM, thanks for the nice words. I loved your comment: (Of course in a pinch, she'd be swilling Alejandro's aftershave.) hahaha! Oh I think we all know that's true.

I hope Fab doesn't lead young and vulnerable Ginnie down the dark path to addiction. It made me nervous to hear an 18 year old talk about how alcohol (and Fablush--thanks Susanlynn) had solved all her problems in two hours. Yikes!

About Carlota, we don't know if Alejandro's lawyer is married, single, or widowed. He seems like an honest man who might need a good woman like her. She could start by working in his office...

As far as I'm concerned Fabiola has already bought her one-way ticket. Tune in tonight to see why.

I'm just now catching up with this afternoon's conversation. Some good stuff here, my friends.

Dear Lila:
You are always so gracious -- and so funny!

"You know that feeling you get that someone is watching you, the little hairs stand up at the back of your neck? Seems like that protective defensive perception would be stronger than lust. . . .but maybe not. Pervo is probably recording their sessions in the luuuv shack. Weirdo."

I was also wondering about that -- whether Pedro could hear their conversation, including their plans to OUTSMART him. That part of the show would have called for extra popcorn, I'm betting.

My dos pesos about a few things up for discussion:

About the Mendoza Hacienda…

The writers seem to have completely abandoned that as a subplot. There's no other way to make sense of the economic situation of Montserrat and Carlota.

And I agree that there's a real reluctance to treat money issues at all realistically.

About Amelia's personal wealth…
It's clear that she comes from money. Angelica's inheritance is from Amelia's mother. It's a fair assumption that Amelia is independently wealthy, regardless of what happens to Joaquín.

About Angelica's illness…
In my experience, people can be very sick and still appear deceptively well. Sometimes what appear to be the ravages of the illness are in fact the effect of the toxic treatment of the illness. [Though no one can deny that Angelica looks very fit indeed.]

Anon 6:20
Interesting comment. It makes me curious about the original scene.

I'm still scratching my head over a scene that we saw on Univision but wasn't in the Mexican version (although maybe it was included at a different time). I'm referring to the conversation in which Lauro reveals to Graciela that he always knew she was lying about spending several months in Italy visiting family just before they got married. It was a scene that explained so much. Why just show it to the American audience?

My point is that we don't necessarily see the same show here as they see in Mexico. I have no idea how reasoned the decisions are to cut and paste, but it's clear that some cuts may affect the story line in a way that was never intended.

oops. I see that the anonymous comment I referred to just now was posted on yesterday's thread. The commenter quoted "We Love Soaps" about the prudishness of Univision in cutting sex scenes, in some cases causing a crucial scene to lend itself to a very different interpretation.

OT: Lucero is going to be in a new TN this year. She plays the main bad girl.

Anyone have any news if Silvia Navarro is still going to star in one this year?


I heard Silvia was attached to a remake of Ana y los 7. I don't know what that's about but the girl is on a roll when it comes to novela leads. I always thought she might do well in a bad girl role, but she does protagonist so well. I agree, Veronica and Alejandro have a lot of chemistry together. I hope they work together again, I like both the actors. I just read that Lo Que La Vida Me Robo just got a major extension. Something about running until July or August, but that's way longer for Univision. I really hope it doesn't jump the shark. Really large extensions sometimes do that to a TN.

Cassandra G.

Awesome recap, NovelaMaven, AWESOME!
My favorites:
Pedro Medina watches as his favorite program comes to a stirring climax. He sucks contentedly on his pipe.
Good description-I HATED THIS SCENE, the TN world obviously thought we'd like to see our usual love scene and see Pedro watching, ICK!!

A couple of Poles are in a bar...

A zombified version of Joaquín stares out from the cell opposite Alejandro's; he also seems to hear these words of pathos and hope.

You know, the deal where Victor gets to be the drone who impregnates the queen bee and then disappears. I mean what's to regret?
(Pedro means to kill Victor, after, right? Doesn't Nadia know this?? I'd be using some BCPs if I were her. "Oops, I'm not quite pregnant just yet, just need to try a a few max tiempos, por favor)


Susanlyn, agree with the discomfort of the dual pole dancing, although the guys obviously weren't ogling at the other gal, the TN writers ? just don't seem to get when something is inappropriate, even for THEM.


Nadia can't be stupid enough to not realize that Pedro means to murder Victor.

Now, if Victor had the brains he needed he'd be coming up with a reason to do a business trip to the US where he could set up an escape route.

And where the hell are Nadia's parents during all this? They should be there helping her.



You are right about the drought and the price of citrus fruit in New York, but did you know that California produces nearly half of ALL the produce, fruits and nuts consumed in the country, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture?

In 2012, the most current numbers available, the 80,500 farms and ranches in the state produced an economic impact of $44.7 billion.

California is the nation’s top agriculture-producing state, according to the USDA.

It isn't just the oranges that could be an outrageous $1.50 apiece. Our greatest commodity in the State is Milk.

Elna June

Hey, all:

Have I missed something? Is the Wednesday recap up and not tagged? I cannot find it.

¿Que que?


Just got posted! Check the Caray home page again.

Cut and paste:

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