Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #78 US 3/24/14 Why Isn't This Guy Roadkill Yet?
Isabel asks Gabi how she's been feeling. Gabi says she's been having a bit of nausea but otherwise she's fine. They continue talking about pregnancy until Aranza comes in and asks, "What's this whore doing here?" Now if I had ever dared to call one of my parent's friends a whore my mother would have knocked me Through. A. Wall. I have never liked this girl and now I don't care what happens to her. Aranza deserves whatever she gets. What a nasty little snake.
Arturo and Bruno enter as Aranza continues to spew her venom at both Gabi and Isabel. Gabi tried to seduce her boyfriend! Hearing this, Bruno stupidly asks if Gabi is attracted to Javier. Aranza continues her rant. Isabel and Gabi are liars! Javier is the innocent victim of their evil plot. Javier isn't a womanizer, he's a one-woman man! Aranza's the woman he loves and nothing and no one will ever come between them! Of course Aranza can't resist blabbing about Gabi's pregnancy. Meanwhile, our good little vulture Dafne has perched herself on the staircase landing to listen to the whole brouhaha and laugh.
Gabi leaves the house and Bruno follows. She tries to explain that she and Isabel were trying to prove that Javier is a womanizer. They were only trying to help Aranza see the truth. Bruno says he would have helped them if they would have asked. Then he asks, "Why didn't you tell me you are pregnant?" Gabi says her baby's father is a criminal. Why would she want to brag about it?
Arturo talks to Aranza who is still furious. She claims it was Gabi who was after Javier but he rejected her. Isabel and Gabi planned this whole thing to break up her relationship with Javier. They are liars and hypocrites and she won't forgive them. Aranza snaps at Arturo, "Tell your wife not to interfere in my relationship or my life. I forbid it."
In the kitchen, Isabel tells Lucha that she thought she was doing the right thing. Lucha sympathizes, "You had good intentions." Lucha believes that this whole episode is just another one of Ara's tantrums. It won't last, she'll forgive you.
Gabi says that Nick will never know about the baby. Bruno doesn't understand, "He has to help you!" Gabi knows it won't be easy being a single mom, but Nick is a burden she doesn't need. Bruno offers his help - he'll always be there for her. Gabi reminds him that he's a married man. Bruno says, "I know I'm your friend and nothing else. We had our chance for love, but we let it go. Now we can be the kind of friends we weren't before." They hug and both cry.
Arturo comes into the kitchen to talk to Isabel. He thinks she got caught up in Gabi's plan. He knows Isabel didn't mean any harm. Isabel insists, "Javier doesn't love her. Believe me." But Art takes Ara's side.
Upstairs, Dafne goes to talk to Aranza. Dafne says that Isabel was out of line, but... she adds, "You made a mistake coming home."
In the morning Isabel tries to talk to Aranza. "I was only trying to protect you. Javier's love isn't real." Aranza counters with, "You're not my mother. You never were. You never will be." Isabel cries.
Javier laughs at the way Isabel and Gabi's plan backfired, while his plan is working.
Andrea and Angel meet with a psychologist. He tells them how Dan and Borlas saved him from the kidnapper. Angel thinks they are superheroes.
Aranza is bitching to Ileana about Isabel. Ileana reminds Ara, "Isabel has always been there for you." Aranza says Isabel has disappointed her. Well just think how Isabel feels about you, you stupid twit.
Isabel visits with Fabricio to find out what he knows about Javier's computer history. Fab says Javier has saved some money, but doesn't have lots of money. Isabel nods, "So his offer to help us financially was phony." Fab agrees, Javier doesn't have enough money to make that kind of offer. Isabel tells Fab that Javier reminds her of her ex-husband. Fernando was someone who liked to live like a rich guy, but he was just a poor bastard who came from nothing. Javier even looks like him! Fab isn't so sure that Javier is a phony. "He's very brilliant and he does good work here."
Arturo tells Maricela about the blow-out between Isabel and Aranza.
Dan asks Ileana for a huge favor. "Can you help me make Mari think that I'm in love with you?" Ileana is bewildered. Dan explains that Mari is Sonia's daughter and he needs to break things off with her. Ileana wonders why Dan just doesn't tell Mari the truth. He says he can't tell her the truth because Sonia abandoned Mari as a baby, doesn't want her now and besides, Mari was the product of a rape. A completely gobsmacked Ileana needs time to think about all this.
At work, Esteban is arrested for robbery. Este says there's been a mistake. He didn't rob anyone! He signed a promissory note for one of the business's partners. The money was a loan. He was going to pay it back. At the police station Esteban is told that the evidence against him is solid. There is a videotape of him entering the vault and taking the money.
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Javier's end will be not be pretty. But the sooner it comes, the better. |
Methusela calls Javier and they laugh about Esteban's arrest.
Isabel goes to Javier's apartment and demands to know why he targeted Aranza. She knows Javier doesn't love Aranza. Is he dating her just to get her money? Javier laughs. There is only one thing that he would rather have than Aranza -- Isabel! He propositions her. She is (and those of us watching are) totally revolted. Javier grabs her and forces a kiss. Isabel slaps him. She swears she will get him out of Aranza's life.
Dafne pumps Gabi for information about what happened between her and Javier. Isabel arrives and she is still livid about her confrontation with Javier. After Dafne leaves she tells Gabi that Javier kissed her. Isabel doesn't know what to do to get rid of him. Gabi suggests offering him money. Isabel knows Javier is a phony, but Javier has been so convincing about his "love" for Aranza that Arturo doesn't know what to believe.
Fabricio tells Sonia about the trouble between Isabel and Aranza. Later, Sonia gets Fabricio to hire an investigator to find her "sweet old Nana", Cuca.
Javier tells Aranza that Isabel showed up at his apartment and demanded he end his relationship with Aranza. Javier is afraid Isabel might influence Arturo against him. "Promise me you'll defend our love. Promise me." She does.
Esteban calls Mauricio from jail. Mauricio can't believe Esteban would take money from his boss. Esteban says he was desperate and only did it to get ransom money for Angel. Mauricio and Andrea come to the police station and try to help Esteban explain the circumstances behind him taking the money.
Sonia meets with Aranza who still hates everyone but Javier. Aranza reminds Sonia about how she used to "love" Arturo. Sonia just wants to put that all in the past and get her family back. She has always been there for Aranza, and now that Sonia has married Fabricio they're even more "family" than they were before! Aranza says, "You and Isabel both betrayed me. You're both liars."
At work, Dafne tells Gabi and Tere about Esteban's arrest.
Mauricio, Andrea, Arturo and Edgar talk about how to get Esteban out of jail. If Esteban signed a promissory note there was no theft. They decide to go to Esteban's boss and talk to him to see if they can reach some sort of agreement.
Angel is at Meanie's house. He asks her what's going on with Esteban. Meanie says there's some kind of problem with college. She tells Angel he needs to know what is important in life. She learned too late that money isn't important. She lost more than money by gambling. She almost lost the most important things in life - her love for Angel, Esteban and Andrea.
Isabel and Dafne go to the jail to see Esteban. Dafne is allowed to go in because she is his girlfriend. She can't believe this is happening to him. Esteban can't believe all this bad stuff that's been happening to him - Angel's kidnapping, his arrest for robbery - it's almost like someone has it in for him. In the jail lobby, Isabel calls Aranza. She is met with more hostility, but does manage to tell Aranza about Esteban's arrest.
Methusela's secretary lets him know that Esteban's father, Arturo de la Riva and their lawyer are waiting to talk to him. Gonzo panics, "They know me!" Meth says he will go to the lobby to meet with them. After they're gone Gonzo needs to leave town and stay away, that way he can't be called to testify about any promissory note.
Sonia and Javier celebrate the rift between Isabel and Aranza. Javier has managed to do the one thing that Sonia couldn't do. Javier says he has just one more thing to remove from Aranza's life before he marries her.
Meth comes out to meet Mauricio, Arturo and Edgar. Edgar tells him that Esteban signed a promissory note with Meth's partner for the money. It was not a theft, it was a loan. Mauricio says they can pay the money back by the end of the month. Meth shrugs and says he's not dropping the charges because there is no promissory note!
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Javier was absolutely nauseating tonight trying to seduce Isa. Yuck!!!
Ara is back on her- against Isa campaign, thanks to Javier brainwashing her.
I'm glad that Angel is getting some professional help but where was this psychologist when Ara and Daphne needed one and still needs one?
Bruno was shocked that Gaby was pregnant and he was wearing his feelings in his sleeve for sure.
Sucia hiring a real detective to find,Cuca, how ironic.
I didn't see all of the online episodes but we missed Osvy riding on a motorcycle with Tita replete in leather gear and loving it. It was a cute scene. We also missed a lot of Marianela still not understanding why Dan is giving her a cold shoulder.
What a rat bastard Javier is to have his own son jailed.
What really bothers me is how quickly Este was arrested but Gonzo and Efren aka Meth are still roaming free it's been over 10 years. Come on! Talk about irony. What are we dealing with the keystone cops???
"Sonia meets with Aranza who still hates everyone but Javier" was perfect and said it all. And of course A"ranza counters with, "You're not my mother. You never were. You never will be." Isabel cries" proved that we are close to hitting rock bottom.
I am really worried by "Javier says he has just one more thing to remove from Aranza's life before he marries her." Does he mean Isa? Esteban? Oh dear...
I give Isa so much credit. She is brokenhearted and devastated, but she is fighting back! Javier might have made his first mistake - showing her his "true hand". Her slapping him was a minor victory but we have to take what we can get.
Tablet jefa, yes, Javier's destroying Este is reprehensible.
Also, was Gran Meanie sincere in that she seems to care about her family now???
Yikes, this is just going from bad to worse. Nightly.
If Isabel gets killed off, Aranza would be very happy in the end of this TN.
I do NOT see a happy ending when all is said and done in May.
Kerry Washington can appeal to Aranza and still get chewed out by the spoiled brat.
My spring activities mean I've cut way back on my tn watching, so I only saw a bit of this. And I saw the rescue of Angel last episode. Go Borlas and Dan! I'm glad to read Mau and Andy got Angel emotional help. But did we expect less from them? They're great parents.
I'm pretty sure Fer sees Este as the last obstacle in his way to walking down the aisle to marry Ara's money.
CD- I don't agree that Ara would be happy if Isa died. Unfortunately, she's the kind if person who doesn't realise how blessed she is until her blessings are gone or almost gone-- Isa, Este, her family's wealth.
Is Cuca dead yet ?
On Aranza's nasty attitude: I'm glad that Eugenia is not alive to see her daughter turning into a spoiled brat.
ABrat - takes one to know one
Isabel - your plan to leverage Esteban suffered a setback
Fernando - come on you know you want me
Cuca - you can run but cannot hide
Esteban - too soon martyrdom?
Bruno - sniveling fibber
Gabi - what the hell happened to you
Dan - Oh, Dan, Dan, Dan
The Duck - well unless you can bend steel ain't gettin any
Art - what on earth did ANY woman see in you
Isabel some people are not worth saving.
I still do NOT see a happy ending on this TN come May 4th.
We also missed out on Marianela reading Dickens in the classroom and being laughed at because she reads more slowly than others. These girls all need to be spanked.
Osvaldo got initiated into the biker gang with his new leather and helmet. He's riding in Tita's sidecar for the moment. Cute. There was a scene with him helping to package food for the kids and that included a conversation that he and Bathasar will be moving into Tita's house after the wedding.
It's a bloody shame that their initial discovery of Tita's involvement with the Angeles de la Tierra was chopped out; their facial expressions were priceless.
FeVier is Aranza's punishment for her childhood sins. Her head will explode when she finds out who he really is. Maybe she will do the right thing and enter a convent or something.
It's a shame that they are cutting out some of the lighter moments. We could use them.
I can only hope but she will be angry at Isabel and call her a tramp for having him first and believe that was the reason she and Gabi tried to break them up.
Same ole song
Marisol's daughter was a spoiled brat, who called her mother vicious names, etc.,
Suddenly, Marisol's daughter died in a car accident without even apologizing for her behavior.
I get the feeling Aranza could suffer the same fate.
Your Dafne line as our good little vulture and FeVer as road
kill were both hilarious.
Diana---If we are at rock bottom or close to it, that means that up in getting near.
FeVer wants one more thing from Aranza, what could that be and will he be able to get it? Her inheritance maybe?
Urban I agree that Aranza's head will explode when she learns the truth.
the gringo
This show is getting painful and very frustrating to watch. What an ungrateful, foolish child Ara is. It seems that Sono's influence during her childhood corrupted and ruined her for life. que lastima. Isa and Art have tried to help her , but nothing they do seems to get through to her in the long run.
Then Dirty Harry would tell her, "Do I feel lucky, well do I spoiled brat ?"
Aranza would not care.
Remember Scorpio from Dirty Harry? He kept killing nonstop until Harry finally whacked him.
Feo reminds me of Scorpio.
I would like to see just one moment where everyone gets together and compares notes. If they did they'd see that all this bad stuff starting happening when Javier came onto the scene. My hope is that maybe Angel or Ilena (who seem to be the only two with brains) will see a newspaper picture of Feo and say, "That's Javier!"
Gringo, we are going to see if we can either get a new, more powerful antenna or connect the two that we have to get reception to all channels. We live in a very rural area with lots of trees so TV and cell phone reception can be spotty. Sometimes even a helicopter taking off from the army base can interfere with the signal.
Aranza needs a good smack in the face, and then kicked out and cut off.
I wonder if Isa and Art every heard of tough love, God, Aranza soooo needs it.
What should happen to Feonando is what happened to Pedro in Lo Que La Vida Me Robo. And then put in jail. That's what.
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