Monday, July 07, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #169 Lunes 7/7/14: The Price Tag

Chapter 169: The Price Tag

Almonte House: Amelia Beltran de Arechiga finally explained to Fabiola Guillen what she wanted to know about Gracie Mendoza. And it wasn't pretty.

The only liar here is Graciela. She is full of lies. She hasn't even told you her real name. She invnted this one. One day a seamstress named Juanita came to our house to alter some clothes. She was with her. She and I played together that she was also a young girl of society. I helped her make it up. Graciela Giacinti.”

So, that's not her real name?”

No, Fabiola.”

So, what is it?”

Gaudencia Jimenez.”

Fabiola took another gulp of wine.

Mendoza/Basurto Mansion: Gracie Mendoza – or Gauencia Jimenez – took leave of Carlota. Carlota was excited for her sister-in-law and mentioned that this trip was with one of her children. Gracie told her that she had changed her mind. She was going alone. She said goodbye and to give her best to her husband as she entered the cab. Carlota waved to her as the cab pulled away.

Almonte House: Fabiola poured another drink as Amelia kept talking.

You were desperate to find out about your origins.” She watched Fabiola take another drink. “That's it. Now you know.”

Everything you have told me is a pack of lies,” Fabiola said. “I don't believe a single word.”

Amelia sat down and prepared herself. “Fabiola, you know why Gracie got herself knocked up by Benjamín Almonte. To hold onto him. She was trying to force him to marry her. He threw her out. It was horrible, and done with such contempt.”

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”

No, no, no. I will not shut up! No! You are going to listen to everything I have to say whether you like it or not.” Fabiola took another long gulp as she continued. “Benjamin was in love with Gracie but he found out that she lived in a hovel and wasn't the lady of society she'd said. He wasn't going to marry her, give her his name. She could have an affair with him, yes. But solely as a mistress.”

Fabiola wasn't liking this one bit.

No. Don't go on.”

You need to know everything. After that she met Lauro Mendoza. A very handsome man, very rich. Richer than Almonte. She wanted to marry him and succeeded in getting him to propose.
She hid in a convent away from Aguazul so nobody would find out that she was pregnant by another man. And you were born in that convent.” She smiled to try to lighten the mood, but Fabiola was already falling into the doldrums.

Álvarez House: At the same moment Lauro Mendoza's namesake was playing fútból on the grounds with his stepfather, Mad Dog Álvarez. They wore opposing team shirts although they played alone. The boy was a happy child who had been sheltered from the darker aspects of adulthood. This was shortly to end as they sat on the steps. The boy was making good on something he once told his mother; he asked why his stepfather – godfather, in fact – didn't allow him and his mother to be with his real father. He loved both of them. He wanted to live with his father and play ball with his stepfather whenever he liked. Mad Dog answered him by saying “Your mother is married to me. Do you know that you're going to have a little brother?”

He did not see Rosario Dominguez, the mother of his rival, come out onto the porch in time to hear that.

No, I didn't know. But I'd love to have one!” said the happy child.

Well, that's precisely why I can't let you two go.”

Rosario knew this statement was not as benign as it must have sounded to the boy, who immediately ran to her squealing “Grandma! I've getting a baby brother! I'll be living with him!”

Mad Dog looked up at his rival's mother. She was looking at him as though she could read his mind.

I just caught that he told you.” She looked down at the boy. “Why don't you go inside and take a bath? We'll go out in a moment.” As the boy ran into the house she turned to Mad Dog and said
“Come with me. We have to talk.”

Mad Dog removed his sports shirt. He changed it for the one he had worn to work that day before going into the house.

Almonte House: Amelia was a cool as a cucumber telling the rest of the story. Fabiola was far from it.

You were born and she told someone – I don't know who – that you were in the way. That you would disturb her plans to become Mrs Mendoza, the admiral's wife.” Fabiola got up and poured more wine. “Benjamin didn't want children, but he knew you had his blood. He wanted to protect you and take care of you so you wouldn't lack for anything. Therefore, he asked me to help. He had a sister who couldn't have children and who wanted so much to be a mother. He asked me to give you to her and she would raise you as though you were her own daughter.” Fabiola began to cry.

I don't want to hear any more! No more! Don't go on!”

Gracie paid a high price for what she did. She couldn't raise you so I agreed to help Benjamin. That's how it was. I remained silent about it all this time to protect you. I never told you the truth because I didn't want to see you suffer like this. It's the truth. Forgive me. I hope some day you will.”

Fabiola wouldn't look her in the eye. “Get out. Get out of here. Now. Leave.”

Amelia paused for a only a second. “Fabiola, tell me you haven't done anything stupid like lend your mother any money.”

Fabiola looked back at her and said “I transferred all of it to her bank account.”

Oh, no! Why did you do that? No! No!”

Why does that matter what she said? What her real name is? That she was a poor peasant? She's my mother! And she's coming for me! We're going on a trip together! She wants to protect me. I will forgive her. My mother loves me. My mother told me she loves me. She loves me.” She looked like she was in a trance.

It really hurts me to disillusion you,” Amelia said. “but I can't make your mother good for you. No.”

She stroked Fabiola's face as though she were a lost ten-year-old child. Which at that moment she probably was.

Álvarez House: Rosario didn't fire any warning shots. She aimed right for the head.

What do you think you're doing talking like this to my grandson? Monserrat hadn't spoken to him about this yet. You had no right.”

Why not? At this moment I am raising him as though he were my son.”

But he isn't. And he is confused enough about this situation. How could you be so cruel to not allow Monserrat and her son to be with Alejandro like the family that they are? And yet you confuse him more by telling him he will have a little brother? What's going through your head, José Luis?”

Mad Dog was trying to hold back his real feelings. “Ma'am, I'm tired of your reproaches. I asked you politely not to interfere in my life.”

I'm not going to stop until you understand. You have lost Monserrat. And no matter what you do you can't continue to shackle her to your side. I won't stop until you let her go.”

I will never let her go, and much less now that she's pregnant. Your son once took her away from me. But now he'll take her away over my dead body.”

How stubborn can you get?”

The stubborn one is you!” He shouted back. “You're a buttinsky!”

You will not show me disrespect!”

You won't disrespect me!”

Whether you like it or not, I won't stop fighting to help Monserrat leave you. I will help her get back together with my son!”

Very well. Keep on fighting. But you will be doing it away from my house. Pack your things immediately and go.”

You can't force me out,” she said, knowing she had made a serious mistake.

How can you say that? Of course I can. Now I own this house. And I won't have you poisoning Monserrat against me. Get out of here right now!”

They stared at each other for a moment, then Mad Dog went to the liquor shelf.

You once told me you were a man of your word. That you would never separate me from my grandson.”

True, but you've done a lot to hurt that relationship, Rosario. That's precisely why I'm telling you to leave. Hm. Stay with your son. Go to him.”

Yes. I will stay with my son. I will pack my suitcases.”

She left him standing in the room with a shot glass in hand. He downed the shot but it gave him no satisfaction.

Café: Dominga and Macario arrived to open the shop. Alejandro arrived. They were surprised to see him.

I have to talk to you, Macario,” he said.

What about?”

Why did you never tell me that Fabiola is my sister?”

Macario was finally caught. All the secrets he had kept all these years were now blown to pieces like fireworks on the 4th of July.

So this is one of those many secrets you've guarded, Macario?” asked Dominga.

Forgive me, Alejandro.” He turned to his wife. “Dominga, dear –“ then back to Alejandro. “It's just that I've kept quiet about these things so long – “

Is it true that you told Gracie you buried her daughter and instead buried a sack of rocks?”

Yes, it's true, but it was your father's order that I do that so that his mistress wouldn't know that her daughter was alive.”

But how could you do anything like that, Macario?” asked Dominga.

You knew the boss, Dominga. The only thing important to him was that everyone comply with his orders. He gave orders, he expected obedience.”

So that's why this woman was looking for you the other day. To talk to you about this.”

Yes, Dominga,” he said, sheepishly.

I understand you keeping quiet over a promise you made, but when Fabiola came to Aguazul to fight for my inheritance you needed to tell me, Macario. Why didn't you tell me?” Alejandro was shouting in frustration. “Things could have been very different if I knew that Fabiola was my half-sister.”

Forgive me, Alejandro. You don't know what a burden it was to keep this secret for so many years. It was my mistake. But so many people would be affected. Doña Amelia, Benjamin, Doña Graciela... Forgive me; I screwed up. But I'm glad this is finally over because I couldn't keep it back any longer.”

Alejandro was still frustrated by this, but said nothing.

Álvarez House: Rosario dragged her suitcases behind her. She knew someday she would confront the dark side of Monserrat's second husband but hadn't been prepared for this. Lauro ran after and pleaded with her not to go. She told him sadly that she had no other choice as she looked back at his stepfather. She promised the boy that he would see her whenever he saw his father. He asked who would bring him to school when his mother couldn't. He also liked the lunches she made for him. And that he could run to her in the middle of the night when he had nightmares. Mad Dog promised him he would take care of him, but Lauro wasn't satisfied. He insisted that his grandmother not leave. Mad Dog made one more command for her to...just in time for Monserrat's return. She immediately knew what had happened.

It's good that Mama Rosario is leaving. And we will be leaving with her.”

Ey, ey, ey, no. You will not leave here. This is your place. You will not leave me.”

Be calm, Monserrat,” Rosario said to her. “After how this man has treated me, no way could I stay.”

Therefore, go.”

She kissed Lauro and left with her suitcases. Lauro shouted at his stepfather that he didn't love him. Monserrat shook her head as she stared at her husband's stubborn expression. She realized that she didn't know him anymore.

Mendoza/Basurto Mansion: Carlota wasn't expecting visitors, but the doorbell was ringing. When she opened the door, Fabiola marched right in, looking in all directions.

Where is my mother? Where is Gracie?”

She left a few hours ago.”

Where did she go?”

To the airport. She's going on a trip.”

Oh, no. That can't be. She couldn't have left without me! We were going together!”

I'm sorry, Fabiola. Gracie told me she had just decided to go alone.”

Fabiola began to sob. “Oh, no. My mother couldn't do this to me. She couldn't put me through this.”

You can't go on like this – “ Carlota reached out, but Fabiola rejected her.

No, don't touch me! My mother left without me. She left without me!” She hurried out the door.

Álvarez House: Monserrat tried to reassure her son. He would see his grandmother when he saw his father. The boy cried anyway. He had enjoyed a good, loving family his entire life and now it was being destroyed. Mad Dog, however, didn't see this. All he wanted at that point was for the boy to go to his room so he could talk to his reluctant wife.

Excuse me but since you two live in this house you will follow my orders. Hm? Get your son to obey.” He had no idea how much he then resembled Pedro Medina.

I don't have to because you don't have the right,” said Lauro. “You aren't my father.”

Calm down, love,” Monserrat whispered to him. “We won't be living here much longer, I promise you.”

This is perverse,” said Mad Dog.

Monserrat stood up. “And when Alejandro recovers his name I will be his legitimate wife,” she said. “And you will never see me again. Come along, love,” she said to her son, taking his hand.

Ey, ey, ey, ey! Where are you going?” He went over to block the door.

Outside. I'm not your prisoner!” She stared at him. “Let us out, please.” This was a statement of irony rather than a plea.

Remember your instructions. Be careful what you do. I don't want any tears because a tragedy has occurred.”

Monserrat picked up her son. “Let's go, son. You don't have to cry. Let's go.” She walked right past her husband and out the door. He stared for a moment,then went to the liquor shelf. He picked up the tequila bottle. He thought he wanted a drink. A second later he smashed it. He stood there, staring at nothing.

Valverde House: Rosario explained the recent events at the Álvarez house.

How could that wretch throw you out, Mother?” Alejandro asked.

It was just a question of time when I would have to come here,” she answered. “But what's destroying me was the sad look on my grandson's face.” She began to cry. “He hadn't stopped crying when I was out the door. The look in that man's eyes!”

José Luis has gotten what he wanted. Monserrat is alone with him. I can't allow that!”

But what can we do?” asked Victor.

As long as Monserrat is his wife he will never let her go,” said Rosario.

We have to find some way to get her away from him,” said Alejandro.

The way things are now,” said Nadia, “in order to demonstrate she's his wife he's going to make it very difficult for her to leave the house.”

Of course,” said Alejandro. “That's why I have to get her out of there. I'll go there armed if necessary.”

Please, everyone,” said Josefina. “We are all angry and we know that violence only creates more violence. José Luis will have to listen to a judge's order whether he agrees with it or not.”

Don't forget that this wretch is Chief of Police. He can manipulate judicial orders. Damn it.”

Alejandro, kidnap her,” said Nadia. “Find a time to get her out of there when José Luis can't prevent it.”

They all looked at each other. It seemed to make sense.

Dimitrio's Apartment: Monserrat and Lauro arrived to find Dimitrio alone. He pushed the guard outside and closed the door before Monserrat began speaking. She explained what happened. That her husband had forced Rosario out of the house. He didn't even care that this hurt Lauro.

What happened? What made him do this?”

I don't know, but I can't tell you how much I hate the idea of going back to sleep in that house.”

Yes, but it's your house, too.”

I sold it to him when I had hopes of escape. I needed the money.”

I see, I see.” He embraced his poor nephew and looked at him. “Hey, little guy, would you like an ice cream and a movie?”

I miss my grandma.”

I see.” He looked at his sister. “What happened? Why did he make Rosario leave?”

I have no idea.” She looked at her son. “Do you know, love? Do you know what was bugging him?”

I don't know, Mom. My godfather made Grandma leave after he told me I'm getting a little brother.”

He told you that?” She looked at her brother. “This can't be.”

No, Mama. I do want a little brother. But I don't want to go on living with my godfather. I don't like him.”

Don't worry. Very soon we'll be with your father and your grandmother. I promise you.”

She kissed her son's head and looked at her brother.

Mendoza/Basurto Mansion: Carlota was having her morning coffee when the doorbell rang again. The maid opened it. This visitor barged in knowing she was about as welcome as a case of anthrax.

I've come to see Doña Graciela,” said María Zamudio.

You again?” asked Carlota. “It's not possible. It's the day of the crazies, Manuela.”

María made a petulant face at Carlota then turned around to face Manuela. “What are you waiting for, servant? Tell your mistress that Señora María Zamudio is here.”

I will not permit you to speak to Manuela like that,” Carlota said. “You are not a lady. You are not even decent. Besides, Graciela is not here. She's left Mexico for a while.”

She left?”

Yes. Now, why are you looking for her?”

For her to return my property to me.”

What are you talking about?”

María looked at her with contempt. “It's none of your business.” She did not see Ezekiel enter from behind her. “Gossipmonger.”

Carlota spotted her husband just in time. “Ezekiel, would you please throw this trash out of my house?”

He stepped forward and grabbed María by the arm. “If you think you're getting more money for drugs you're wasting your time. Get out of here.” He pushed her out the door. She tired to resist but couldn't. Carlota stared back at them. She was thinking of the questions she would have to put to her husband.

The Scorpion's Nest: He stared at his coffee table. He had laid out the straight blond wig, the tight blue dress, the sunglasses, and the pistol he had taken back from Gracie. The evidence that María Zamudio was Sandro Narváez' killer. “It's always good,” he mused to himself. “to have some life insurance.”

Mendoza/Basurto Mansion (outside): María was still trying to get loose.

Let go of me!”

You are never to set foot in this house again,” Ezekiel said. “My situation with Carlota is edgy right now and I won't permit you to ruin my life with her.”

You aren't the center of the universe, Ezekiel,” she said. “I want to get back what that damned Graciela stole from me.”

What things?”

That's none of your business.”

From now on any business you have with Graciela has to happen somewhere else. You know that Pedro Medina has disappeared, so you're not out of danger yet. And don't forget what you confessed to me once when you were in bed with me and wasted on drugs. You shot Monserrat seven years ago.”

Oh, so you remembered!” She grinned for a second. “But you're not going to accuse me of that, Ezekiel. Not with all I could say about you.”

If you don't want to worry about staying alive, let's start with your lover. Do you want the Navy to know that Adolfo is The Scorpion? Then get out of here.” He shoved her back.

She laughed at him as she walked away. Inside Carlota was thinking.

Almonte House: Fabiola ran into the house, agitated beyond her usual limit. She poured herself a glass of her usual poison and guzzled it down until the glass was empty. Mad Dog Álvarez walked in through the open door.

José Luis, how good you're here. I need you so much.”

He held her off carefully. “Excuse me, Fabiola, this isn't a social call. I have a warrant for your arrest.” He took the handcuffs off his belt.

Dimitrio's Apartment: Monserrat sat down with her brother to have a serious talk. She declined his offer of a drink. She was concerned about him.

Ar you feeling better?”


I know this sounds trite, but I swear it will get better over time.”

God willing.”

Monserrat changed the subject. “Any news about Pedro Medina? Has they found the body?”

No. And I don't think he's dead. That was his blood, but that doesn't mean he's dead.”

So you think he's escaped?”

Yes. With somebody. He was wounded so somebody must have found him and helped him out of there. He must be hiding somewhere.”

Dimitrio, don't try to do this alone. Get help from your people. It's very dangerous.”

Monse, I don't trust anybody. Do you know about The Scorpion?” When she replied “no” he went on. “He's one of the narco enforcers, the best hidden. Everyone knows The Scorpion, but nobody knows who he is.”

And you suspect that The Scorpion is Pedro Medina?”

I suspect that The Scorpion and Pedro Medina are the same person. But I don't know; I'm not sure. I don't care if it's Pedro. But I will kill him because he's the one who killed Mónica.”

He killed Mónica?” She paused for a second. “Dimitrio, you can't let your life be about revenge. You have to move on from it – “

He took a long pull from his beer bottle. “Did you know Mama went on vacation?”

No. Where? She didn't tell me anything.”

Italy, I think. She should be in flight now.”

And do you think Fabiola is with her?”

I don't know. She invited me but I said no.”

Wig Shop: María walked into the wig shop knowing what she wanted. She tried on several blonde wigs in Monserrat's most current style. There was no question that she was up to no good.

Jail Cell: Fabiola sat on the bunk in her cell. She looked as though she had aged ten years. She knew it was probably the end of the line. A guard opened the gate and Mad Dog Álvarez walked in.

Fabiola, you're being accused of fraud. Is it true that you stole the will from Alejandro and replaced it with a forgery?”

She didn't even look at him. “Yes. It's all true. I stole Alejandro's inheritance.”

Fabiola, you're going to do a lot of time for this.”

It doesn't matter. You can't tell me you're worried about what's happening to me. Because I know perfectly well you're doing the same.”

No, Fabiola. You're mistaken. It's not the same. When Alejandro recovers his name my marriage to Monserrat will be completely annulled.”

There's no way you can win that. You know something? We're both a pair of losers. I not only lost my money, I lose my freedom. It also leaves me completely empty. If my mother didn't want to have me why didn't she have an abortion? I would have preferred that to this cursed life I've been living.” She bent over and avoided his face. “I can't take anymore. I can't,”

He reached to touch her hair, but realized that wouldn't have been a good idea. He pulled back. She did notice and tried to lean into him for comfort. He caught her in time and pushed her back gently.

Excuse me, Fabiola.” He got up and left the cell, leaving her sitting there alone.

Álvarez House: María wasted no time deploying her latest weapon. As carefully as any sneak thief she stole into the grounds and went up to Monserrat's bedroom. She sprayed herself liberally with her perfume then looked through her lingerie drawer.

Mendoza/Basurto Mansion: Alejandro sat with Carlota in the parlor waiting. He declined her offer of coffee. The doorbell rang and Alejandro left the room to avoid Mad Dog Álvarez' hired goon. Monserrat sent that unfortunate man outside and Alejandro came back to the parlour when the coast was clear. He embraced her and they kissed.

How is Mama Rosario?”

Well, but very sad for Laurito. Is our son any calmer?”

A little; he's at Dimitrio's place.”

I don't understand. What are you two talking about?”

José Luis forced Mama Rosario out of the house. Laurito was so upset; you can't imagine. He was very sad.”

So help me, God. Poor child.”

Why did you call us? What are you worried about?”

I need you to help me confront Ezekiel. I can't do it alone.”

The three entered the study en masse. Ezekiel was at the desk.

My love, I had no idea that Monserrat andAlejandro were here. Are you dining with us?”

No,” said Carlota. “I asked them here for a discussion with you. They're here in case you try to deceive me. My love for you became a blank slate on which you could write your lies.”

I'm sorry, my love, that you think you need to involve other people in our problems.”

I don't like what's been going on with you lately. Like with María Zamudio out in the garden.”

I was tossing her out like you asked me to.”

What business do you have with her?” asked Alejandro.

That woman fell into drugs. I made the mistake of giving her money once and she came back to ask for more.”

It's that she's been here other times. And that Ignacio was here a few hours before his death. He told me I was married to a man I didn't know. He said you were going to talk to me about something very serious. I don't know what because you haven't. What are you hiding?”

He was caught and he knew it.

For God's sake, don't be quiet. Talk to me!”

I think my aunt has the right to know what's going on,” said Monserrat.

What did Ignacio mean when he insinuated that you were deceiving me?” She paused a moment and watched him. “Talk, Ezekiel. Tell me now or I swear it's all over between us.”

Álvarez House: Mad Dog Álvarez entered the darkened bedroom. He was carrying a bottle that was more than half empty. María sat on the bed facing away from the door so that all he could see was the blindingly blond wig.

Monserrat? You're beautiful, Monserat.” He stepped closer. “No, Monserrat, no. Please don't tell me to go. I know I don't have the strength. When Alejandro gets his name back I don't have the right to keep you. Think about it Monserrat, think about it.”

María was enjoying this. She loved tormenting men with sex. It amused her.

I want an opportunity. To make you happy. Let me prove it. I'm at your side. Let me prove the man I am to you.”

María was grinning by this time.

Mendoza/Basurto Mansion: Ezekiel recovered somewhat. But not much.

I married you, Carlota. I never imagined that I would love you so much. I don't want to lose you. You are the only good thing in my life.”

If you truly love me, don't lie to me anymore.”

He took a deep breath. “Very well. I'll tell you the whole truth although I'm sure you'll never want to see me again after that.”

Carlota recovered her shock and said, “So what is it?”

It's true that I've been hiding something from you all these years. It's about Pedro Medina.”

You are his accomplice.
Yes, for a little while.”

Oh, my God, Ezekiel.”

For many years I've been his right-hand man in the name of protecting a lot of people. You, Alejandro, and you, Monserrat.” They stared at him, unconvinced. “Thanks to that I was able to save the lives of many people One of them is Padre Anselmo.”

What are you saying?” Alejandro asked.

Pedro Medina ordered me to kill that priest. I have hidden him all these years.”

Álvarez House: Mad Dog Álvarez was already almost at the point of no return.

I know I can make you remember how you felt the day I had you. I know you want that to happen, Monserrat.”

He sat on the bed and held her from behind. He leaned into the wig, too drunk to realize that it wasn't real hair. To drunk to not recognize that it didn't carry a human scent.

Ay. Monserrat I love your body.” He became almost unintelligible as he began kissing her back through the negligée. “Monserrat, let me spend the night with you. How beautiful you are.” He went on a bit more, finally pushing her down to the mattress.
He kissed her but then immediately realized he was not kissing his wife. He pulled back and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

What's wrong, José Luis?” María taunted. Wasn't that better than you expected? You had only to close your eyes and imagine I was Monserrat.” He pulled away as fast as he could. She gloated at her dirty trick.

Mendoza/Basurto Mansion: Ezekiel's audience could barely believe him.

Padre Anselmo is alive?”

How could you keep quiet about something like this, Ezekiel?”

My love, we all know what kind of person Pedro Medina is. It was the best I could do at the moment. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I know you're upset. I was wrong, but you're being very unfair.”

Do you know why he wanted you to kill Padre Anselmo?”

Of course! He wanted to prevent the priest from testifying in front of the judge about Benjamin Almonte's will.”

Where is he? Where did you hide him?”

Don't worry. He's in a very safe place.”

I want to see him. I have to talk to him immediately.”

Padre Anselmo is not in Aguazul and your conditional release prevents you going. First thing tomorrow I will go to him to bring him back to Aguazul so you can all confirm what I'm telling you. You can have a reunion with him because – thank God – he isn't in danger. Good night.” He looked at his wife. “Satisfied, Carlota? Because I'm tired. I'm going up to sleep in the guest room.”

He left the others in the study.

Casa de Retiro: Far away from Aguazul, Padre Anselmo remained in a room as bare as a monk's cell. A woman came to his room with water and pills, telling him she's brought his medication. She poured a glass of water for him to take the pills. He took the pills from her, put them in his mouth, and drank the water. She left a moment later. He waited until the door closed, then spat out the pills and put them under the corner of his mattress. Then he shook himself to wake up.


I am going out of town for a week. Is there a website or somewhere online that I can see the episodes I missed? typically has them the day after on their Plus option. Video quality on that site is excellent.

Your recap is beautiful, Urban. Thank you for your work and your quick postings!
Finally we know what happened to Padre.
EZ kept him a prisoner all that time? And that's what he calls "safe"?

UA, your conversation translations gave life and vibrancy to your all encompassing, carefully considered recap. The screen shots were perfect. Exceptional, as always.

"Amelia was a cool as a cucumber telling the rest of the story. Fabiola was far from it" and " Rosario didn't fire any warning shots. She aimed right for the head" were among my favorites.

I thought I would be overjoyed at the sight of our dear Padre. While relieved to see he is alive, if not truly well, it was clear he has lived and existed under difficult and troubling circumstances lo these many years.

"I will forgive her. My mother loves me. My mother told me she loves me. She loves me.” I could not help but be moved at Fabiola's utterances. The pitiful phrases made it clear she wanted her mother and the money took a distant second place. Is she truly her mother's daughter?

The scenes between JL, Rosario and Lauro were painful to watch. The Rosario/JL confrontation had been brewing for a time and had percolated to the boiling point. I do wish their argument had been conducted without catching Lauro in the crossfire. This served no purpose but to drive a wedge between JL and Lauro, effectively decimating their relationship.

EZ thought quickly to pull "the padre is alive" card out of his hat. I'm not quite sure the news sufficiently mollified the inquiring trio, but the shock and awe was effective in diverting them from trying to ascertain further information.

I must admit I am confused by Maria's attempted seduction. Was she simply toying with JL trying to get him to join forces with her? Maria may want to rethink her strategy. I do not believe she has many friends, or actually, any friends. Her only ally, Adolfo, appears to be keeping close tabs on her disguise. Is he (gasp) thinking Maria may betray him? I have to say this for her. Along with Graciela, she is relatively fearless. Even knowing Pedro is alive does not deter her from her course. Are we SURE she is not Graciela's daughter?

Speaking of Graciela, will she return now that Fabiola is incarcerated?

UA, I am up working so couldn't wait to read this. A wonderful recounting.


Maria is more delusional than Fabiola. She is also more obsessed than JL.

I think she is trying to seduce JL into killing Monserrat because she failed to do so. Remember she's tried three times and failed.

She also has a need to feel superior to Monserrat because Alejandro "jilted" her for Monse. She never had a chance with him and refuses to see it.

Urban, thank you for your outstanding recap. Youmdid an exceptional job with the dialogue:

Great episode that left many questions.

How did Rosario expect to stay in JL's house by telling him to his face she would be working against him? That was very shortsighted on her part if she really wanted to stay with Laurito.

How long will Graciela be gone on her solo trip? Did not take long for Fabiola to hit the bottle after finding out that her mommy dearest was having a fine old time on her money without her.

Why is Padre Anselmo being given drugs he evidently is avoiding?

How long will Ezequiel be sleeping in the guest room?

What is that crazy BM up to?


What a great job, Urban. Thanks for the detailed conversations and the excellent selection of screenshots.

I couldn't figure out what Maria hoped to gain with her Montse impersonation either, but I was creeped out that after all this time, she is still rummaging in her underwear drawers.

So the padre has both hands and, apparently, all his marbles. Wow.

I wonder how far Graciela will get.

Another excellent recap, thank you!

I feel the need to mention my favorite part of this episode, at the very beginning, after Graciela says she's going on a trip, Carlota giddily says to herself "I've finally gotten rid of her!"


The detail in your work and the beauty of your writing is superb, Urban!

There is just too much too say and think about, so I will save it for the morning.

We have turned another tide, I believe as we have our wonderful Padre back. I loved the close up of the hands.

Thank Urban, thank you SO much!


Urban Anthropologist:

This may be the best recap you have ever written.

Please accept this (virtual) offering of flowers and take a bow.

You caught so much action in one capitulo—more happened tonight than in an average week—and you got it all, wrote it beautifully and made the episode come alive.

So it seems that EZ told the partial truth. We know that he is much worse than he made himself seem tonight. He has been keeping Anselmo drugged all these years? God grief, that cannot be good for his aging brain.

I do not see how EZ can be redeemed or rehabilitated.

Alejandro and Co's plan for kidnapping Montserrat is idiotic. Way to get yourself arrested, again, Alejandro. It's a bloody good thing you are so pretty!

Thanks again, Urban. This was a superb effort and I am sure it took many hours of work to create.

More tomorrow.

Elna June

Urban, Thanks for your wonderful recap!

Diana, I am in complete agreement with you regarding the JL/Rosario/Montserrat scenes. I believe that JL actually had the right to tell Laurito about the baby, after all JL is the baby's father, something that both Rosario and Montserrat seem to be more than willing to ignore. Rosario was out of line. Further, Rosario could have packed and left without involving Laurito. Montserrat should have kept her big trap shut. Any psychologist or counselor will warn against bad-mouthing a spouse in front of the kids. It's extremely harmful to the child. But Montserrat is a dunce. Maybe her pants are so tight that there is no circulation going to her brain.

I have to admit old EZ is a smoothy. He admitted just enough to allay suspicion, but not enough to really harm his relationship with Carlota.


JL had no right to say anything about having a brother or sister to Laurito.

1. Montse has not said thing to him yet so JL should have spoken to her first before mentioning it

2. Montse , JL and Laurito and his child are not one big happy family and not going to live together. Once Alec recovers his name they will be together.

Montse can say whatever she wants seeing how JL treats her and her mother in law. Glad Laurito was there to see the scene now he can see truly see him as he is. Not just some guy who buys him presents or plays futbol with him. Good for Rosario not taking his crap! Of course she would be on her son's side after knowing what JL has done so far. Did you expect her to be on JL's side?

The JL and Maria scene was hilarious. He was breathing so heavy I thought he had asthma.

The more exciting the episodes get, the more my legs and hands shake! I almost can't wait for the episode to end so I can see the previews.

Too many things to comment on this early in the morning (4 am EST) so I'll wait until tomorrow.

Just please let Ale get the money back. I thought for sure that Fabs would transfer it back into her account once she found out that Gracie left without her.

Oh sorry
Was MDJL only asking Fabs about the will because he is scared that if Ale gets his name back, he will loose Monse? Couldn't read his look or this question to Fabs.

Awesome recap! Thanks for all the hard work, and for including all those great screen shots. The recap flowed, and was so entertaining to read.

The scene that made me LOL was when BM walked into the Mendoza/Basurto house and told Manuela to tell Graciela that la Senora Maria Zamudio was there. HA! BM thinks she's a lady. What a joke.

The scene that creeped me out was MDA trying to seduce "Montse" aka, BM. All that heavy breathing and panting was not attractive. It was kind of gross. But maybe I found it gross because I knew he was talking to BM, and I can't stand her. Also, I might not like MDA, but I wouldn't even want him to sleep with BM.

I actually kind of felt bad for Fabby. She doesn't care about the money. She just wanted her mother. This just further proves to me that she might not be Gracie's bio daughter. So once again, I turn to the theory I have held from the beginning. BM is Gracie and Benny's daughter.

Alert! Alert! Alert!
We have a Padre A sighting. I am so glad to see the Padre alive. But I also wonder what conditions he's been living in. Why would he spit out those pills? Is he being drugged? At least he seems to be alert enough to know not to take the pills. I just hope that EZ told the truth, and takes Padre A back to Aguazul. And speaking of EZ. Man is he sneaky. Telling only what made him look like the Good Guy. Notice he failed to mention that he paid off an employee at the morgue in exchange for a human hand. Hmm.

Off to bed...hasta pronto!

Am glad JL sacked Rosario, she had it coming, I would have acted the same way JL did if I were in his shoes.Wow, I don't know if it's only me, but am beginning to dislike some of the characters i use to like, Dimitrio, Alejandro, Rosario and to some extent Esmeralda. My Goodness what is wrong with me.

Thanks, guys.

I don't think paying off the morgue employee even qualifies as a sin in this case. EZ did it to convince Pedro he had killed the padre; nobody was killed for that hand. Carlota knows that Pedro is bad news and wouldn't hold that against him.

His sick relationship with Maria is a completely different story, though, and Carlota will have to find out about that. Which will be very ugly and worse so if Gracie is there to gloat over it.

MY my much to take in last night and you gave us one wowzer of recap UA. The imagery was fantastic.

This was a hard episode for me to watch because I don't do well when watching the children suffer for the stupidities of the adults. I thought there were times MDJL had hit the pond scum level, but if there is one lower than that...yep he's right in there. My heart melted with the little guy and his Uncle Dim.

I say good for Rosario, she's one feisty mother protecting her cubs, but it increases my worry for her. I don't know where JL's brain would go in his attempt to ruin Ale's life so he "wins" Monse back. And I agree, that scene with Maria was hardly romantic if that was how he thought he was seducing his wife. Gees...

As for Maria, she's just looking for her next cohort in crime. She doesn't think she can count on Adolfo anymore, EZ is out of the loop, so she thinks JL will help her get what she wants. Maybe those two do deserve each other.

The whole Padre reveal was kind of ruined for me since we all kind of figured that out some time ago. But it is good to have him back and I'll be interested to see how he figures into the plot now (besides probably marrying people again.)

If it wasn't for his stupid relationship with Maria, I think EZ could have been redeemable as someone who did what he had to stay undercover. So will he also "out" Adolfo in an attempt to save his own scalp?

Not holding out much hope for Fabs. Rather tragic figure after all--the product of greed, machinations and too many secrets. And having another bad hair day.

Frankly, we have quite a growing list of those who need to get various levels of comeuppance in this tale. Going to an interesting set of Ultimates.


Wow, Urban Anthropologist! What a fantastic recap! I loved all the detail, and your extensive dialogue and beautiful screen caps really made me feel like I was watching the episode all over again. I can imagine this must have taken a lot of time, so thank you very much for this excellent work.

Glad to see Padre A. back!

Best to you and everyone!
Julia R.

Another masterpiece UA. I know you're a lovely blonde, but I only see you as a tough-looking dude, felt hat tipped down over one eye, five o'clock shadow, and Camel cigarette dangling from your thin, cruel lips when I read your prose! You have completely morphed into another persona. A totally different muse from your delicate Edith Wharton style.

Loved all the pictures as well. And the observation that José Luis had come to resemble Pedro Medina in his dealings with others.

Scorpion's Nest...wonderful description of Adolpho's apartment.

Haven't seen this yet but grieving for poor lost Fabiola. What could be worse than a cold-blooded betrayal by one's mother? Oh my.

Thanks Urban. We are all the beneficiaries of your hard work and dedication to this blogsite.

The noir style felt like an about-face in many ways. When starting this I realized that my writing style in general is more formal than most people's and it was a big adjustment. It's gotten easier with time.

I watch each episode twice:

-- First time I take notes, on which I make decisions about which dialogue is more important. I also get the screen grabs then.
-- Second time I do the actual writing while pausing as necessary.

I typically read these through at least three times before publication:

-- First for fact
-- Second for spelling and punctuation
-- Third to see if I need to break up sentences. Noir narration should be short, punchy sentences, like the dialogue.

Now, if only the site would obey my wishes about photo placement I'd be a lot happier.

This entire process used to take 7 hours and change (in three sessions) but I've cut it back to 6. Now you all know why I like Mondays for it!

Was i the only one laughing at the entire faboulus Maria and JL scene? And i loved how EZ tossed Maria out,Carlota is like "put the trash out!" and he happily complied! I like that Padre Hook is alive and he doesnt even have a hook:) Just some pills under the pillow!

Poor Carlota,she is such a gullible swan,she believes everything EZ spews out of his mouth..This will end bad for her.Hopefully how that the Padre is safe and sound his life wont be at risk anymore though he will still have to eat the BS of Adolfo and EZ..

And EZ is reminding me of Francis Underwood from House of Cards ,both use underhanded tactics to achieve their political positions,both are cruel but Frank has an equally cruel wife,unlike EZ's gullible swan.its unsure if Frank even loves his wife or he is just using her for power but its quite an interesting relationship,,


Thanks so much Urban, for all the work you put into this great recap. Loved all the dialogue you captured.

It was pretty silly for Rosie to think she could go off on JL about reuniting her son and Monse at all cost, and expect him to allow her to stay in his house. It was pretty inevitable that he would throw her out (remember how Ale threw her out when he thought she had gone against his orders and helped Monse contact JL). It's just a shame that the whole ugly thing had to happen in front of a child. Shame on all the adults for that.

Even drunk, horny, and apparently in respiratory distress, JL is still turned off by Maria. She should just give up trying to seduce JL and Ale and move on to another tactic. Which it looks like she might do tomorrow.

EZ is very smooth. Well played. But won't it be a problem for him when Padre reveals EZ has kept him drugged up all these years?

"This entire process used to take 7 hours and change (in three sessions) but I've cut it back to 6."

And once again, I am in awe. And that goes for all our recappers. The dedication you all show to entertain and help us through these shows never ceases to amaze. My sincerest thanks.


I no longer hold out hope that this novela will end on a noble note like the previous version (AR). I see MDJL going downhill fast and crazy. As many have blogged, I worry that, yes, he was the one that helped Peddy escape, and will use his status as Chief of Police to his advantage and for revenge. Can't wait to see what happens to him when Monse is declared Ale's legitimate wife and his marriage to Monse is annulled!

Urban, I have sensed how much work in hours you have put in to your marvelous recaps. Like Daisynjay, I am in awe of the dedication of all of our recappers.

The level of work and talent displayed by our recappers just boggles one's mind. Truly, I don't think there is any other such place where we such talent on a daily basis.

My sincerest thank yous to all of you.

A Humble Reader

As Police Chief, I thought MDJL had a heck of a lot of nerve almost placing his hand on Fabiola's head. What was he thinking?!

So many miserable people. So many miserable lives that have lost so much.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Fatima- Is it wrong for JL to display some compassion for a prisoner? I mean, he did arrest her. He did his job.

Vivi in DC, there is nothing wrong in displaying compassion for a prisoner.

I am thinking of the work places rules that were given to me at my current place of employ which strictly forbids this kind of thing. No, I am not in a federal government position, but we have some pretty strict rules in places with regard to touching of others. Even I was a bit taken aback when I first saw them.

So, you are saying that in a real life situation this would not have raised an eyebrow and would have been deemed "OK"?

I am asking you honestly coming from what I know to be my own workplace rules. Personally, I think he could have expressed his compassion verbally given his obvious conflict of interest with the prisoner, Fabiola.


Fatima- Oh, yeah. In real life that would be unacceptable. But this is Agua Azul we're talking about here, where people are allowed to harass, seduce, or even set prisoners free as they see fit. JL's comforting a distraught Fabi was probably one of the most normal things we've seen happen in the Agua Azul jail.

Glad you let us know how hard you work on these, UA. I hope the lurkers will take the time to thank you and the other recappers for their consistently fine resumens as well.

You get this for free, folks. They put in all that work for the love of good writing and the love of this blog.

Padre Anselmo's reappearance was the best thing to happen to this soap in weeks.

I laughed when they showed the closeup of his hands first before panning up to his face. They were still there and holding a rosary to boot!

So he kept a couple of hundred pills buried under his mattress. Since he's been there 7 years, where's the other 2300 or so?

Plus I am glad that JL threw out that witch Rosario. Now she can fly off on her escoba to keep the old padre company, just like in the old days.


Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into writing the recaps. I enjoy your writing style so much and appreciate all the work you put into helping those of us who don't understand some of the more obscure or barely used Spanish words or phrases.

Also, thank you so much for downloading the recaps in such a timely manner. I don't know how you do it, unless you see the episodes re Mexican broadcast.

I also love your screen shots and wish I knew how you do them.

Urban--You keep the dark side of this tn in the light for us.

You certainly did justice to Amelia's deconstruction of Graciela's delusional make-believe life to Fabiola's unbelieving ears.

Not that I felt any pity for Fabs. Maybe facing jail and the poorhouse she can begin to admit that her sorry life has not always been someone else's fault. Only then can she begin to heal.

I was sorry to hear that she wished she'd been aborted. Padre Anselmo would have a few things to say about that.

Bring on the Padre!


Urban - Fantastic recap. You are a master of this style. Two of my favorites:

This visitor [Maria] barged in knowing she was about as welcome as a case of anthrax.

He leaned into the wig, too drunk to realize that it wasn't real hair.

Kudos to JL. He hit near rock bottom being a perfect a$$ in front of Laurito. But, in a drunk, breathy, depressed stupor, he still won't boink Maria. But I don't know what it says about a police chief when an amateur can so easily break into his house.

Yay, Padre Anselmo is back. EZ kept him for a rainy day. I too wonder how EZ can claim to Carlota that he protected the Padre when in fact they kept the poor man doped up all this time.

Isn't this the third time Maria purchased a blond wig? If she ever goes to trial, the wig sellers can provide circumstantial evidence.

One more thing. Amelia said that Lauro had been wealthier than Benjamin. So Graciela was sick to put up with scum like Benjamin when she had a husband who gave her both money AND respect.

I don't understand the negative comments about Rosario; she's doing what every mother should do.

1) She didn't abort Ale after she was violated even though she had the chance to do so while in jail; she gave Ale to his grandfather to raise even though she could have kept him jail with her for a time.

2) She came to look for her son the minute she was released from jail.

3) She didn't want him to feel embarrassed regarding her humble upbringing; and she didn’t want for him to know that he was the product of such a terrible violation. After telling Monse and him the truth, she did everything she could to care for them and show them a mother’s love. Plus, she saw the defect in her own son's character when he kicked Monse out of the hacienda for something she knew Monse didn't do.

4) She stayed with Monse and Laurito and cared for them like a mother should during Ale’s time in a coma (my mother-in-law certainly wouldn’t have done that).

5) She didn’t stand in the way when Monse married MDJL even though she was opposed to the marriage.

She only wants her son and daughter-in-law’s happiness because she has seen the dark side of MDJL and knows her son and Monse love each other deeply and truly: not like the obsessive love MDJL feels for Monse or only the gratitude that Monse felt for MDJL when she married him.


Niecie in MD, you said "One more thing. Amelia said that Lauro had been wealthier than Benjamin. So Graciela was sick to put up with scum like Benjamin when she had a husband who gave her both money AND respect.

Yes! Excellent!

Which REALLY makes us wonder a) how many millions Lauro had (especially given how many we think we know Benjamin had) b) where is the money and c) where did it go to result in Lauro losing it all (other than the offshore accounts proposed by Urban)??!!

It boggles the mind to think of how Graciela has treated her husband, children, and extended family.

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Yes, how could Lauro have more money than Benjamin when Lauro was only an Admiral in the Navy and Benjamin was a corrupt landlord who paid his workers a measly amount and was in cahoots with Joaquin making dirty deals.

Victoria- I like Rosario. But I just think it's common sense that JL would kick her out after she went on and on at him about doing everything in her power to separate him from Monse, Lauro, and his unborn child. What was the point of that? What did she expect him to do? Why were she and Monse so shocked? What person would want someone in their house who has to their face told them they are working to sabotage them? Even a crazy person like JL won't stand for that.

Lauro came from money. He was also a land owner. It was implied early on that the wealth was lost due to Gracie's mismanagement, Lauro's neglect, and Dim's debts (which Gracie covered).

I wonder if Lauro wasn't just flat out depressed at having married the woman he married which then resulted in such an unhappy life.

Perhaps this is why he let things go to heck in a hand basket? One wonders if he ever, at any point, tried to stop the decline?

Member, Crackpot Theorists™

Urban, thank you so much for the effort you put into your recaps.

Thanks to all recappers as I really enjoy reading your recaps to see how much of the dialogue I understood.

Speaking of dialogue I totally missed what Adolfo said during his very short scene as I was dreamily staring at Ferdinando. LOL! I had to wait and read what he said here. Fofito, what do you have planned? I hope it works out better than his assination attempt on Pedro.

So I watch the show with the CCs in Spanish. The CCs showed Gracie's real name as Laurencia Jimenez. Am I the only one who saw this?

Gracie got the heck out of Aguazul. There is no shame in her game. No shame in Maria's game either. She proves over and over again that she is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

JL is officially dead to me. How do you kick Laurito's grandma out of the house when you know how much he loves her. Why would turn the child against you? He truly is mad!



But MDJL put his anger above Laurito's love for his Abuelita. Again he is playing with a child's sentiment which is atrocious.

JL needs to get rid of all the booze in his house because Maria fooled him too easily when he was sloshed. Remember that I opened this style with the scene where she showed up at the jail in the straight blonde wig that Adolfo now has:

-- It was during the day
-- JL was sober
-- He was not pleased that Maria tried this trick

Had he been sober in last night's episode he may have known better that Monse wouldn't try to vamp him in view of what else has been going on.

As for whether he was acting inappropriately in the jail cell, he caught himself. He also extricated himself from the situation. True, knowing Fabiola before has affected his reactions a little, but in the end he was a total pro in how he handled it.

Amelia and Padre Anselmo need to double-team him.

As to the bank accounts of Admiral Mendoza and Benjamin Almonte 40+ years ago, we don't know how much difference there was. What we can assume is that the Admiral's family had a higher social standing. We also don't know how long Dimitrio's gambling problem had been going on or even what Gracie has been spending money on.

I still think there is a numbered bank account somewhere (like in the Cayman Islands) where all the money lost from the Mendoza estate and all she got from Almonte during his lifetime is (less Dim's gambling debts).

Victoria- Yes indeed. JL's behavior was atrocious. He gets no break on that. But I don't know why Rosie was so shocked when she provoked him.

As far as Rosario goes, you don't bite the hand that feeds you; that is just common sense.

She got real uppity real fast and it came back to bite her in the culo. She continually treated JL like crap, as Vivi in particular has mentioned, but did not expect any repercussions. Good riddance to that campesina!

All of the things that Laurito said that she does she can still do or they can get the bodyguard Nava to pitch in.

As far as Maria and JL, I say go for it JL. You are not getting any from Montse, so love the BSC one you are with. Nothing wrong with role playing either. Having Maria as an f**& buddy could keep him from hitting the bottle so much as well.

I was just thinking that with Maria and Pedro on the loose, it's probably a good thing that Monse has a bodyguard these days. As easy as it is for people to stroll into other people's houses, Nadia, Victor and Victoria should be VERY worried.

Urban, much thanks for all your hard work in putting these recaps together. Wow, 6 hours of your day! Thank you to all the other recappers as well, since with your writing you bring all of us here together to discuss these shows.

Padre A is back! Yay! Hope we hear more of what happened to him these past 7 years.

JL just keeps sinking deeper and deeper into that dark place. I don't understand how he seems so normal around everyone, except Montse and family. I wasn't surprised at either JL or Rosario last night, Rosario's goal is to get Montse and Ale back together, but I think she forgot that the house now belongs to JL. Her anger at him didn't give her time to pause and think what the consequences would be. And JL has probably been waiting for the perfect moment to get her out of the house. Laurito didn't hear the argument between them, but by the time he came out of the shower, he got caught in the cross fire. Poor little guy. JL should have contained his aggresiveness for his godson's sake.

As for Maria, I don't understand what kind of game she is playing. She certainly hasn't outgrown stealing Montse's underwear. Yuck!


You and I have agreed from early on that Gracie probably has Lauro's money stashed somewhere offshore.

Graciela's relationship to money is completely obsessive and compulsive. She has to have it, has †o have it now, and nothing will stand in her way in obtaining it.

She is ADDICTED tothe idea of having money.



Maria is delusional about both Alejandro and JL.

She seems to have gotten the very mistaken notion that because other men paid for her favors that she is worth the highest price possible. It's also a one-upwomanship game she's playing with Monserrat that she refuses to realize she will always lose.

Alejandro will never want her sexually thanks to their family history and he would be an even bigger fool to be tempted now. If she attempts to lure him to her place he should not go alone.

She lured JL to the hotel so he would kill them both and that failed. What she wants to do now is to get Monserrat to ditch Alejandro because she thinks that will give her a new opportunity.

She won't stop until someone kills her.


The recap is amazing, as always. In fact, I always read it first before watching the episode because your commentary and writing style enhance my experience of the show. Thank you for that!

The screen shots are amazing!

On another note, I hope Ezequiel redeems himself somehow. I believes he loves Carlota in his weird, twisted way, and they are cute together. Others may disagree with me, but I want Ezequiel to pull out of the mess he has made.

Thanks for your wonderful recap. Can't wait for your list of doom. I'm specifically waiting for what will happen to horrible Gracie.

Happy Padre is alive and back.

Completely agree w/EJ that the kidnap Montse idea from some of the most inept characters in this tn was just dumb.

I don't think Nadia's idea to steal back his family is stupid. Whether Montse/Laurito stay with JL or not he will act badly. So why not have Alec get back his family and fight him together. It's better than being separated from them.

I agree. When Alejandro's identity is restored Monse will be his legal wife, so JL will be in no position to do anything... unless he becomes violent.

Thank you for the wonderful recap!

I keep hoping JL will hit his head and see Angelica, like Ale saw Lauro, and come back to himself.

Felt not a bit of sympathy for
Rosario as she deserved what she got. Wish the actress could find a way to stop crying thru every scene.

I don't see why they were so angry that JL told Laurito abt the pregnancy. He had every right to say something. It is a happy event in his eyes.

EZ murdered Robledo so there is no redemption coming.

The Padre still being alive makes no sense to me. Some story lines are just stupid.

Felt bad for Fabs. Even I didn't think Graciela would run out on her after all her crying about the injustice of it all.

Urban, thanks for yet another beautifully detailed chapter from Aguazul.

Great news to hear the Padre is still alive, but not so great that EZ used this reveal to hide his nefarious activities.

I like the way information is doled out to us in small pieces, like wringing out a wet towel a few drops at a time. The writers are keeping us on the edge.

They need to do that as we approach the Ultimas Semanas.

Has it occurred to anyone (meaning the characters) that Maria could have any number of STD's from her years of hooking?

Another reason I did not want Ale to sleep with BM.

Also, reason for Fina not to sleep with Adolfo. Who knows if he has been using protection every time he boinks BM.

Not sure if any of the other characters other than EZ and Adolfo know she was a hooker (Ale and others know she was a dancer/stripper); and EZ and Adolfo are also the only ones to have sex with her. It's poor Carlota who is most at risk, and Fina too if she ever gives in and sleeps with Adolfo.

AuntyAnn- We were typing at the same time with the same thoughts.

I still don't understand this idea that this tn is selling, that a man can keep a woman prisoner if she is his wife (Ale, Pedro, JL). But as soon as she turns out to be someone else's wife, *puff*, she's free to go live with that other guy. How about she can be free as long as SHE wants to be free, and no one, not even your husband, has a right to hold you prisoner. It's just idiotic.

The story comes from one that originally took place in 1900, so that notion was probably considered acceptable back then.

Not to mention that Pedro's whole deal was based on the deception he used to marry Nadia in the first place. She should have gotten an annulment during Year One.

They've changed so much from the original story that they really didn't need to keep that part in. Plus in the original story, I don't believe the JL character ever got the chance to keep the heroine prisoner. It's totally uncalled for, especially since we already had to watch it happen once before when she first married Ale (a holdover from the original story which was only acceptable because of that).

It's due to the extension.



What storyline from 1900 are you referring to in your comment? Amor Real, Bodias del Odio??

UA..Thank you so much for the time and talent that you so generously gave to provide this excellent recap. I am sorry to be so late to the party. we just got back from north of the birder last night.

Vivi...In Amor Real, Antonio (JL here) did take the leading lady prisoner and nearly especially her.

Well, back to unpacking and doing laundry while I await last nights recap.

Nearly especially ????...that was supposed to be "nearly raped"

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