Friday, September 05, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #14: 9/4/14: Who Is Really In Charge At Ripoll?

Hola Amiguis! Who is really running Ripoll Chocolates you ask? I think I know, I have a Crack Pot Theory. Read on to find out. Here is a little earworm.  Maneater

Shall we begin?

Lupe is teaching Marisol how to Tango. I loved that they used an old record. You can hear the scratches as it plays.

Alexa and Pato are discussing her money problems and the La Chica Ripoll revival. Alexa is of a mind not to do it, when her phone rings. She goes to the bathroom to answer and it's that darn Alan of course. He wants that money or he'll talk to Sofia. Alexa looks sick. We'll get back to her in a tic.

We left Sofia and Chava at the restaurant discussing his life. He tells her about how racing is his thing and he tells her about the day of the sabotage. He is so into it, he does the hand motions, like he is back to that day, in that smoking car. Sofia is transfixed. Chava tells her one day he will win the Cup for a race. Chava says their lives are so different, but filled with coindencidences.

Lucas is out with the bad dude watching in a car. A bidnez man has come to his car and the tire is flat. Lucas and that bad dude watch as the bidnez man, goes to the other side of the car and changes the tire. While he is doing that, Lucas opens the drivers side door, the guy doesn't see him and jacks his wallet and Lucas goes.

Armando is down with Mattias on the factory floor. Armando has one of those get ups on. Silviana see him and likes what she sees. She also likes his attitude.

Alexa is in the bathroom and is looking mighty ill. Silvana stops there and asks if she is okay. Alexa looks like she is having a panic attack. Alexa says she's fine. It seems that Alexa might be accepting Pato's offer. She goes looking for Armando.

Pato is in his office when Silvana turns up. He says he is a genious! This idea for the revival of La Chica Ripoll. Pato says he has the Ripoll family where he wants them. Does he remind you of anyone? How about Pinky and the Brain? Pato is Pinky and Silvana is the Brain. See you know how Keebler have those little elves. Well Ripoll is being taken over by Pinky and the Brain, jus' sayin'.

                                         Pato and Silvana si?

Alexa looks all over for Armando and the security guard doesn't want her going anywhere, but she takes off in the barrio.

Paco is at Cuco's little Cantina and it's filled with people! What is going on here? Why it's Tango classes, Lupe asked Cuco if she could have them there. Paco is speechless and he really should wipe the drool off his face. Lupe, in full Tango outfit, tangoes by with a tall, dark and handsome guy. We'll get back to them in a tic.

Alexa is still in a panic mode. She hears people jeering at her about La Chica Ripoll and almost gets hit by a couple of cars. A guy is watching her.

Paco is still drooling, er staring at Lupe. She's got a rose on her thigh, the guy takes off with his teeth. She gives it to Lupe and she tosses it right at Paco. Is this an invitation? He looks jealous.

Armando has asked the security guard if Alexa left. Yes, sir, she's taken off in the hood. Armando is beside himself.

Irkme (Irma) shows up at Ripoll just having a cow. She's looking for Armando and of course he isn't there, having just taken off looking for Alexa. The secruity guard is having his ears flayed by this screaming woman and sweet Mattias comes to his rescue. He's working he tells Irkme, leave the guy alone. He tries to move her, but she isn't having it. Irkme and her cosmetics take a hike.

Armando is still looking for Alexa and stops and asks the guy that was watching her. He points him the right direction. Alexa is climbing the stairs when Armando sees her. He is afraid she'll get to the top and maybe hurt herself. He calls after her and she stops and twists her ankle. He catches her just in time. He asks Alexa if she is okay. He wants her to look him in the eyes. Where was he, she asks? He was busy for a minute. Their faces are so close, there is an almost kiss. Her ankle hurts and he carries her.

Sofia and Chava are done with lunch and look what Lucas has done now? Flattened Sofia's tire. She wants to call a mechanic, but Chava tells her, he's worked on Pitt Road and can do it himself.

At the Ripoll mansion, Greta has hired on Miguelita. She had her proper chef de cuise papework, and she wants a dish made with vanilla and lemon. Dani is also in there and Greta isn't too happy. Later, after Greta goes, Dani says she wants to talk to Miguelita about Lucas her grandson.

Sofia has called Pato to let him know about the flat tire and that Chava is saving the day by changing it. They also talk about Alexa being difficult.

Lucas has gotten out of the car and now it's on to robbery number 2. Sofia's back is turned, Cava is changing the tire and Lucas is grabbing Sofia's briefcase when Chava catches him. He chases after Lucas. Sofia tells Pato that Chava is chasing a thief that took her briefcase.

Miguelita tells Dani that Lucas is her cross to bear. Miguelita is bothered because Lucas isn't in school and she's afraid he could be robbing people. Dani says maybe she can get him a job at Ripoll. Oh, happy day.

                                             Irkme at her finest! Next!!!!!!

Who does this picture remind you of? That's right, Irkme, although I must confess that Ms Piggy has way more class than Irkme. Armando has taken Alexa to his house and is ministering to her ankle. Irkme can't stand it and wants her gone. Never mind that she is Armando's boss. Irkme insults Alexa again calling her a princess. Armando has to tell Irkme, and you would think it was obvio, that Alexa had an accident and her ankle is hurt. He takes Irkme off. He gets her back in their room and she's pithed at Armando for bringing Alexa here. He tells her again that Alexa is his boss. Why oh Why doesn't he tell her to shut up already! Alexa wobbles over and sees the pics of Armando and Nandito and she smiles. Armando brings some ointment for Alexa and rubs it on her ankle. Irkme has finally shut it.

Back at the tango, Paco is still drooling over Lupe. Cuco brings Paco some coffee and some sweet buns. Paco asks Cuco if this is a cafeteria or a dance hall? What is Paco jealous asks Cuco? Deny, deny, deny!

Marisol is drinking coffee and having a daydream about Lucas, when a factory rep comes to check Marisol's uniform? He is almost sniffing her hair, when Mattias comes and makes him get off. Mattias is giving the finger to the eye movement, like he is watching this guy. The guy was trying to mark Marisol's uniform.

Armando has helped Alexa up, and she wants to go alone. Armando tells her no. Alexa thanks Irkme and they go, as Irkme throws pictures and yells.

Pato says so the chofer saved the day, what a hero. Pato sends her a kiss. Pato says another point for the chofer.

The running Lucas has run right into some kids Birthday party, complete with bouncy castles and the birthday cake is ruined with Lucas' face in it. The poor boy is quite upset. Sofia has taken a taxi and followed Chava and tells the boy she'll make it up to him and all the other kids. Sofia yells for the cops who arrest Lucas. Chava gets Sofia's briefcase back. Chava and Sofia are now with the Commandante. Sofia is feeling a bit sorry for Lucas, he's young, and Chava says like his sister Marisol. Sofia doesn't want his parents to suffer. Sofia and Chava decide they want to reform Lucas.

Pato goes on to tell Silvania that there are money problems in the Ripoll familia and now both Alexa and Greta will be indebted to him.
They need to revive La Chica Ripoll, it is a fab idea. Silvana wants to know why Pato is being mysterious. He wants a champagne date with her. Oh, okay and he grins.

Bangkok Thailand:

This is where Peralata is, known as the wine cellar guy. How is that plan going, ya know to get the land that the factory sits on? Pato owes him an explantion. Coria is gone now, so what else? Hmmmmmm...

On the way back to the Ripoll mansion, Alexa tells Armando about that offer of Pato's to revive La Chica Ripoll. She feels it wouldn't work because she is all grown up now. She needs the money you see and doesn't want this to affect her future roles as an actress. Armando tells her it's really a great idea, that could lead to the roles she wants.





Good Morning Y'all

Please enjoy the recap;

Madelaine, Crack Pot Theory? Hardly...I think you are spot on.

How did you manage to do 2 such stellar recaps last night? You are amazing.

"Pato is Pinky and Silvana is the Brain. See you know how Keebler have those little elves. Well Ripoll is being taken over by Pinky and the Brain, jus' sayin'..". Delightful Madelaine! The screen shot was awesome!

In all seriousness, Pato should team up with Sil. She is the quintessential mean girl and would be an invaluable asset - she is very cold and calculating.

"And Irkme at her finest!" Next!!!!!!" was my favorite. Never has Miss Piggy looked better.

Irkme was not only dismissive but incredibly rude (I expected a pea soup spewing and Linda Blair headturning). I thought it was very interesting though that Alexa did not seem at all intimidated. She got up and looked at picutures and didn't let Irkme deter her one bit.

"Paco is still drooling, er staring at Lupe"...I wonder when he is going to stop lamenting the past, realize he has no future with Greta and go onto greener pastures, aka Lupe...

I'm glad so many are interested in redeeming Lucas. I could care less...

"Chava says their lives are so different, but filled with coincidences". Very true and I like the natural, spontaneous building of their relationship.

I am crazy about Mattias. He is watching over Marisol and was so sweet. Let’s get this cutie hooked up!

"Maneater" is a great song. You hit it out of the park again Madelaine.



Thank you kindly. Pato and Silvana are such cartoonish characters, lol. Oh, Diana, I wish I'd thought of the pea soup spewing, that would have been perfect. I wonder why Armando left Irkme, could it have been her jealousy? She better watch her step or he could leave her again!

I really like Mattias too. He is so sweet and caring. I'm hoping there is someone out there for him.

I too want Paco with Lupe, she is really into him, if he would just wake up already! That dance was like the seduction of Paco, lol.

Irma's insecurity and jealous behavior are warranted. If only Armando showed Irma a shred of the affection and compassion he has shown towards Alexa, maybe Irma wouldn't be so upset. If anything, Irma should leave Armando. He actually brought another female into their house! He could have brought her to a clinic, a drug store, her own home, ANYWHERE but his own house! How does he expect Irma to react? Irma may be drenched in craziness, and Armando has every right to leave her, but then please do so. Do not get involved with another crazy and justify your actions because your current partner is also crazy. No matter how absurd Irma acts, I will not condone the flirting or emotional infidelity between Armando and Alexa. He needs to man up and leave Irma if he no longer wishes to put up with her.

At this point, Alexa is not "another woman" to Armando, per se. Though sometime in the future his feelings for her may change, or maybe they already have but he's not aware yet, he (consciously) is only thinking of Alexa as his boss. So, IMO, he's not being disrespectful to his wife. If my boss were to be hurt and my house was the closest place, I would certainly take him there and you better believe that my husband would show respect, particularly for MY decisions. Irma is stupid for going off like that. Does she have so little respect for Armando that she thinks him dumb enough to bring "another woman" to THEIR home? What did she think he would do with her there?

Maybe Alexa is a porn star in Spain and THAT'S what she is afraid her family will find out!

What's Alexa's big secret ?

Anon 12:26:

Armando has shown Irma affection, nothing is ever enough for this woman. I don't think Armando is flirting with Alexa, he sees she is a fragile woman and just wants to help her. As far as taking Alexa to his home, it was because A. he was carrying her, and B. because it was the closest place he could think of to examine her ankle. Irma could clearly see Alexa had been injured, Irma didn't have to insult Alexa.

Anon 12:58:

I doubt it. She clearly has a problem with the camera. Something awful must have happened to her in the past.


We don't know. All we know so far is that Alexa owes this Alan dude a bunch of money. She really wants to pay off the debt.

Is Lucas reformable? Wait until his Grammy finds out what happened and to a member of the Ripoll familia at that too. Maybe this will be his saving Grace.

How cool was Lupe? That Tango was fab I have to say. The use of the old record was fab too. You could tell where all the old grooves were worn down.

Thanks Mads! I really don't know how you are keeping up doing all these fab recaps.

I have not seen Armando do or say anything inappropriate with Alexa, yet. Irma's rude reactions are totally disproportionate with the situation at the moment. Now, if she finds them in a liplock, I'll be behind her. I do agree that Armando needs to end the marriage/relationship. It can't be good for their son to see them fighting like this all the time. And as was pointed out, they were having these problems before Alexa showed up on the scene.

But Armando also needs to not get emotionally involved with Alexa. Why trade one crazy/unstable woman for another?

I laughed during the whole thief chase through the kid's birthday party. Lucas' grandma might just have a heart attack when she finds out. I bet Sofia and Chava find out who she is before she finds out about the arrest, and find a way to help Lucas and drop the charges.

The other funny moments were during the tango lesson. I think Paco is finally starting to realize that HE wants to be Lupe's only dance partner. He's going to really have to loosen up before that ever happens.

Oh, the reason Armando was dressed as a Ripoll worker was because her did them the favor of fixing that broken machine. He also wouldn't accept pay for it. Silvie looked like she wanted to eat him up. LOL!


Thank you most kindly. I agree with what you said about Irma and Armando. They do need to end it if this continues. I feel sorry for Nando and I bet he came back for him. I too laughed at that whole chase scene but especially when Sofia went by cab, too funny.

Thank you for the added bit about Armando and the broken machine. He is a very handy guy.

I am wondering what in the world happened to Alexa when she was a child? The voices she was hearing in her head about La Chica Ripoll and her not wanting to do that again. And what was Greta referring to when she said she almost lost Alexa once before and wasn't going to again? Clearly Alexa worshiped her Daddy as much as Sofia did. I'd be curious to see if Dani has any memories of her Daddy.


I'm also curious to know what memories Dani has of Pops too.

Madelaine, thanks for a wonderful recap, earworm and illustrations. A triple threat! (So to speak) : )

I, too, wonder what happened to Alexa when she was the Chica Ripoll as a child that pushes her to the point of a panic attack anytime she thinks about reprising the role.

I also want to find out more about that Alan character and what he is up to: love for money in Spain. Is she supporting him? Is she supporting a habit of his?hers? Just wondering.

With Chava and Sofía in on the "reform Lucas" plan there may be more hope than if Dani were trying to do it on her own.

Chava was so great the way he sprung into action to get the briefcase back. I hope he becomes more comfortable around Sofía now and loses the nerves.



Madelaine – Thanks for the fun. “Pinky and the Brain”? You are so right! That must be why I can't bring myself to dislike Pato and Silvie.

Loved the chase scene. With gestures like that, you can see why Sofia is falling for Chava.

So the mafia guy thinks Pato killed Maestro Coria to drive Ripoll down and Pato is letting him believe that.

Anon @ 12:25, I get your point. Armando is trying to help Alexa with her sad but not doing much to help Irma with her loud angry even though she belongs to him. There doesn’t seem to be much love and affection between Armando and Irma and sadly they don’t know how to break up.

Seems like Armando can't leave Alexa alone for even a second. I'm glad he saved her (duh this is a novela) but he can't be there ALL the time..I'ts time for Alexa to grow up.

Having watched over 40 Dulce Amor episodes I can say we're all going to hate Alan.

Sofia and Chava are getting closer by the minute and Pato will notice it soon. I'm so sure.

How did Chava catch a sprinting boy half his age?

Watching last night's episode, the hostility between Alexa and Sofia is getting very ridiculous!

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