Monday, September 01, 2014

La Gata #1 - Mon 9/1 - La Introducción

We start out with some shots to establish the difference between our two protagonists and their worlds.  Young Esmeralda drives her cart through La Barranca (The Canyon), then hangs out with some other kids, "sledding" down a hill on cardboard.  Her shoelaces are pink, so you know she's spunky.  Meanwhile, rich kid Pablo watches and wishes he could go hang out with the La Barranca kids.  He's all dressed up in a suit with a plaid jacket and his room is decorated with soccer cutouts.  His mom gives him a blessing before having the chauffeur drive him and possibly his brother to school.  On the way, Pablo gets another look at Esmeralda, who's busy hauling around a black cat and fighting with a kid in the park for daring to call her "gatita" (little cat).  Pablo is totally smitten with Esmeralda.  It's probably the pink shoelaces.  As his car drives off, Esmeralda has a conversation with the kid about wanting to catch a bird so it can sing.  Her cat is named "Principe" (prince).

Her caregiver…and I mean that in only the most minimal sense…is Doña Rita, who's currently thrilled that some Italian guy finally let her read his cards, so she's scored some cash and a sammich.  She has no intentions of sharing either.  Not with La Gata and not with Centavito (little cent…I don't think we've met him yet).  She says the pair of "vagonetas" (wagons) will need to bring in some cash in the afternoon so she and Inesita (no clue who that is yet) will have something to eat.

Back in the park, Esmeralda turns down the offer from the other kid, Damian, to give her some of the beans and sugar his mom sent him to the store for.  She says his mom will get mad.  And besides, she's got to go to "work" panhandling with a bunch of other kids at a light.

Doña Rita is waiting for Esmeralda to get home…in the rain…with the world's most patient cat.  She's furious she's not home yet, on account of her empty belly.  Tell it to someone who didn't see you go to town on that sandwich, lady.  Inesita would appear to be her granddaughter, a snotty little brat.  I'm guessing the boy is Centavito, who Rita admonishes to NOT call her "grandma" as "I'm nothing of yours."

Esmeralda has gotten hold of some meat and she plans to give some to Doña Rita, but save the rest for herself, Centavito, and Principe.  She gets "home" soaking wet and at least Doña Rita lets her in, but mostly so she can haul her around by the hair.

Pablo is watching the rain and wondering where that girl is.

Esmeralda tries to hand over the meat, but Doña Rita isn't impressed.  She's sure Esmeralda spent all the money she got that day.  She shoves her back outside and tells her not to come back until she brings them enough to eat.  Esmeralda keeps begging to be let in, but Doña Rita only cares about her own hunger and cold.  Yeah, that one's got a big anvil coming.  Esmeralda and Principe huddle under a cart, for all the good it does.  The damn rain is blowing sideways.

Pablo has gotten the chauffeur to sneak him out to the place where the La Barranca kids play.  An older boy, Garabato (scrawl or doodle) gives Pablo a hard time and they end up fighting.  The fight is broken up by a cop car with sirens that ends up driving on by.  Pablo has a hard time talking to Esmeralda without inadvertently insulting her every time he says something negative about the other kids she's hanging out with.  She keeps reminding him she's one of them--poor and dirty--but he's determined to put her on a pedestal.  He'd like to introduce her to the joys of hairbrushes and cake with milk.

Jarocha ("a woman from Veracruz") appears to be the hottie of La Barranca.  She brings by some food and coffee to Doña Rita, but they end up arguing about how poorly she treats Esmeralda and that Rita's the one who ought to be out there begging, not the kid.  Jarocha begs her to please save some of the food for Esmeralda and Centavito, but we all know Doña Rita's not going to.  She thinks only her precious granddaughter needs to eat, so her brain will be working properly for school.

Inesita is at what passes for an Internet café in La Barranca--a small shack with one computer.  With a CRT monitor, no less.  She's typing something up, but then erases it and says…"No, I'll tell him I'm older."  Oh, please tell me she's not using outdated technology to troll for guys!

Esmeralda decides to forgo cake and milk for now, in favor of going to "work."  She and Pablo get into an argument about how he's too refined and delicate to be fighting with the hardcore La Barranca boys. He's angry that she thinks so, and that she'd rather hang out with them when they tell her she's like a skinny, ugly cat.  She calls him a catrín (gentleman, dandy, and not in a nice way) and brags about how if she hadn't been there, Garabato would have pounded him to a pulp.  The argument just keeps degenerating and she finally goes off with the rest of the kids.

Doña Rita enjoyed the gorditas Jarocha brought over and starts planning a dinner of chilaquiles with some stale tortillas and whatever Gata and Centavito bring home, plus what she can beg off someone herself.  She gets a letter from someone, and it's not good news….

Back at home, Pablo is pouty.  He can't quit looking at his house and his full plate of food and thinking about Esmeralda saying she barely ate anything last night.

Rita's letter is apparently from her son, who's in jail.  She's barely been able to send him enough to buy cigarettes with, but now there's this lawyer who thinks he can get him out…he just needs 5K pesos.  And she can barely send him 100 a week.

Pablo goes back out and finds Esmeralda temporarily tending a newspaper cart for its owner.  He thinks it would be better if she sold papers all the time instead of begging.  Esmeralda and I are both tired of him trying to give her the Cinderella makeover.  He invites her to his house again and begs her to forgive him and bats his eyelashes and we both fall for it.  For now.

Doña Rita checks out her cash stash as she thinks of Esmeralda asking what she spends the money on.  She gets busted by Jarocha who was coming by to share some tomatoes.  Jarocha sees the coin purse full of cash and scolds Rita for planning to beg for a tomato when she has more than enough to buy one.  Anvils, Doña Rita.  Anvils.

We're back from the commercial break and Pablo's back to trying to save Esmeralda from a life of begging.  Ay, Pablo.  He does make a good point that Esmeralda's got to do something different if she wants different results--in this case, Doña Rita always saying she doesn't bring home enough money.  "Doña Rita says things will change when I get older, because my mom was really pretty."  Oh, gross!  I'm sure I know what Doña Rita's planning.  Pablo bribes her to come to his house and offers cake, milk, and clothes.

Jarocha's not buying what Rita's selling…that her cash flow problems are all Esmeralda's fault because Esmeralda doesn't hand over everything she earns.

Pablo pedals the newspaper cart while Esmeralda peddles the papers.  He thinks he can get her some clothes and shoes, and maybe some money, but although he's got wealth, he's cash poor.  His dad gives him an allowance, but his brother's is bigger because he's learned to con their parents into giving him more money.

Rita whines about the sacrifices she's made to save up rent money and hints that she actually has to pay the rent, unlike other people who pay with, ahem, favors.  Jarocha has lost patience with her and calls her an exploiter of children--using Gata and Centavito to get money to send it to her worthless son.  She calls her a "babosota" ("babosa" + "-ota"; a big "babosa"; a big dumbass) for thinking when her son gets out of jail he's actually going to go to work and get a job to support her in the manner to which she'd like to become accustomed.  Jarocha slams the tomatoes down and leaves.

Esmeralda thinks Pablo's life sounds pretty sweet.  They make up, but she doesn’t want to go to his house because she's got to sell the papers.  He convinces her to let him help.

They end up having the chauffeur drop them off at the house, where he has to sneak her past his mother.  Unfortunately, she notices Esmeralda and Principe on the lawn.  She doesn't believe Esmeralda is there with Pablo and throws her out.  Esmeralda sticks up for herself, but she finally decides there's no way cake and milk are fair compensation for putting up with this "vieja estirada" (stuck-up old lady).  Pablo finally re-emerges and can't find her.  When he goes back inside, he's honest with his mother about bringing someone home with him, but she lies and says she didn't see anyone out there.

Esmeralda runs into Jarocha at La Barranca and tells her about the crabby rich lady who threw her off her lawn.  Jarocha agrees, rich people can really suck.

Pablo goes up to his room and looks for Esmeralda out on the hillside, wondering why she didn't wait for him.

Esmeralda has enough internalized classism to wonder if maybe she deserves being mistreated.  Everybody calls her a filthy cat, so maybe she is one.  Jarocha says that's bullcrap, and just because someone says something doesn't make it true.  She talks to her about escaping from living in poverty.

Pablo asks the chauffeur to take him to La Barranca, but the chauffeur doesn't want to get busted.

Jarocha thinks it's too late for her, but Esmeralda is young, and there's still time to save her from this.  Jarocha says this is no life, just waiting around for scraps from the rich people.  Esmeralda is really looking forward to getting older so she can earn a living the way Jarocha does, hanging out with "clients" in a nightclub.  Jarocha is horrified at the thought and says she does NOT want that for Esmeralda.  Esmeralda doesn't seem to understand the full scope of Jarocha's job description, just that she'll be making more money and Doña Rita won't hit her anymore.

The next day, Pablo doesn't see Esmeralda out on the hill, but he's determined to find her and fills his backpack with stuff for her.  He makes the mistake of telling his mother he wants to go to La Barranca and she tells him not just "no" but "hell no" and "never!"

Esmeralda is busy working.

Pablo's mother doesn't want Pablo hanging out with "those people."  His sister (who seems to be blind) pipes up that poor people aren't any different from them.  Her mom gripes about how she goes through the house and gives anything she can find away.  "Just the stuff you haven't used in so long you don't even notice it's gone."  Pablo is too nice for his own good.  He keeps arguing about why he should be allowed to go and says he'd find it easy enough to sneak out, but he'd rather have her permission.  She makes a bunch of crappy excuses and finally says she won't change her mind.  His sister has a sneaky smile on her face.  Mami is distracted by a cell phone call, so Pablo's sister says she can help him escape and their mom will never know.

Off Pablo goes, searching for Esmeralda, who's busy hiding up in a tree.

Pablo's mom finally gets done with her phone call and wonders where Pablo went.  "Oh, he went up to his room to read and draw."  This is hardly a plan, but it works.  Mami goes on and on about the filthy girl Pablo brought around yesterday and complains that between what her daughter gives away and what "those people" could steal from them, they could end up out on the street.   "Oh, mom!"  Yeah, sorry kid.

Esmeralda finally whistles loud enough for Pablo to look up.

Tomorrow: promises are made; Mean Mami threatens Esmeralda with an orphanage.

Next: Episode 2


It occurs to me that it's always difficult at first to figure out who everyone is...and in a day or two they'll age them all and the process will start all over again!

Kat, this was a great intro to the show I swore I wouldn't watch. I'm ...uh ... just checking it out. Liked your take on evil Rita. If they put Esmeralda in an orphanage, we could have Cuidado con el Angel all over again, more or less.

OK. I just wrote a comment and it went away. This was really good Kat I laughed out loud at dumbass. Dirty words make me laugh.

For a first episode it wasn't horrible. I guess they were going for character development rather than action. I really liked the actor playing young Pablo. I hope Daniel Arenas can fill his shoes.

I was fascinated by Laura Zapata's pant suit that matched the flowers.

La Paloma - I've decided this show is going to be a mash-up of Cuidado, Maria la del Barrio and Corazón Indomable.

I spent my weekend watching Marimar on Hulu so I was prepared.

I'm a sucker for cheesy Cinderella tales. Even the ones produced by Nathallie Latoodle-oo (or whatever her name is.)

What is it with her and animals as props? The monkey in CI and now the cat. And yes that was a very patient cat. I felt bad for him.

Thank you Kat for jumping right back in. Made sense of a mishmash but I'll put it down to me being slow.

Ah, the everlooming prostitution option for the poor and downtrodden girl with no education.

Pablo is bit of a wet noodle

Rita can read, wonder how that happened

Hope that cat gets double union scale


5ft, it is GREAT to see you recapping! I doubt that I will watch, but will certainly surf in and out just to read your recaps.

Thank you for a really excellent intro to this story.


Hi, 5ft,

Well, this was extremely frustrating for me. I have a hearing problem, and so I depend on the CC to understand what's going on, and when they are out of synch with the spoken dialogue (as they were last night) it drives me nuts. So thankfully you came to the rescue with another one of your superb recaps.

I don't know if this is going to be a remake of CI, but I prefer the skimpy white outfit Anna Brenda wore to the skimpy black outfit that Maite is wearing. But, when all is said and done, I guess I just like skimpy outfits. On girls.

Thanks again, 5ft for sorting this out for me, and for your grand style.


Thanks 5ft for the recap!

The incidental music used at the start when Esmeralda is sledding down the hill and Pablo watches her from his window is the same incidental music Nathalie used on Cuidado Con El Angel. Nathalie must have recycled it. I wonder what else she'll recycle.

Doña Rita is an old hag! What's up with her son calling her "Reinita"? Isn't that what a man would usually call a girlfriend? La Jarocha is right - the son is worthless. I could already tell just by hearing his voice in the letter. I think I recognized the actor's voice.

I'm loving Laura Zapata already! She's so good at being bad.

The little sister did seem blind. I wonder if she was born that way or if she had an accident and became blind.

Where was the brother during the lunch scene?

It was a nice premiere. I hope we won't have to wait long for the kids to grow up.

Let's see what happens tonight.

Sara -

"What is it with her and animals as props? The monkey in CI and now the cat. And yes that was a very patient cat. I felt bad for him."

Maite had a dog named Cuate on Cuidado Con El Angel. Then during the second part of the novela she had a pigeon/dove that would always stand still on her shoulder. Helena Rojo had a white cat that jumped out a car window and rolled around in the lawn. There was also a deer and an owl. The villain of the story had a pet wolf. That novela was full of animals. lol

Gracias, everyone for the comments so far!

La Paloma, It's nice to see you. I'm sure you have to watch more than one episode to make the jump from just checking it out to actually watching. I think you're still in the safe zone :D

Sara, I don't try to clean up or dirty up my language on purpose...whatever comes out comes out and really, dumbass is what came out. Young Pablo's a cutie. He looks like Daniel Arenas around the eyes. Mr. 5ft thinks the cat actor was drugged. I wouldn't be surprised.

tofie, good question about Rita. She doesn't seem like the type who would have bothered to learn, since it in no way enhances her lifestyle. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she's hiding a copy of "How To Exploit Kids and Alienate Your Neighbors" next to the cash.

Gracias, Fatima! Surf to your heart's content.

Lol, David, I noticed that too! Sometimes they don't do a great job with sound and the ambient noise drowns out the dialogue...or people mumble...or they use new words I don't know how to spell...and it helps to have the CC's on. Last night, they were no help! And it seemed like every time I looked up to figure out what someone had just said, that was right at the time the CCs went conveniently missing.

Mauricio, I wondered that about the brother. I thought the boys looked pretty much the same age, but when he didn't show up at lunch, I thought maybe it was just a friend...then he mentioned a brother. Maybe in addition to conning a bigger allowance out of his parents, he also cons them into letting him spend a lot more time out of the house.

After a long wait, La Gata if finally here. I love it, I love it, I love it. I'm not surfing through or sticking my toe in to test the water---I'm plunging in.
Will I bail at some point in the future? Not on your life. Like it or not, the gringo and La Gata are here to stay.
the gringo


Welcome, gringo! I appreciate the solidarity!

Great job, Kat! I only saw the last 20 mins or so, but it was pretty easy to pick up on what must have happened in the first 40 mins. I didn't see the other brother, but saw the blind little sister.

Laura Zapata is in her element as the snobby villainess. Does she even need a script for these roles anymore?

I know Maite will be in the short black outfit (like Maricruz in the short white outfit) once we have the time jump. I get the titillation factor. But I don't like seeing the teen actress playing young Esmeralda sexualized in that way. I do think they did a great job with casting for young Pablo. He is very believable as a young Danial Arenas.


gringo, your enthusiasm always brings a smile to my face. :))

A Surfer

Vivi, the casual mentions of "my mom was pretty" and "I'll make more money when I'm older" really skeeved me and I can't tell if she's supposed to (a) be too young to understand the full implications or (b) she knows exactly how she'll be making more money and accepts it because she doesn't see any other options. I couldn't get a read on how old she's supposed to be. Pablo mentioned being in his first year of "secundaria" and I'm guessing she's supposed to be about the same age.

gringo, help me out again, who is the actress that plays the adult Esmeralda?

Tofie---The adult Esmeralda is the raven haired goddess Maite Perroni from RBD as well as other novelas that she has starred in.

A BIG thank you Kat La Diva for a super recap. I was getting worried when I didn't see La Gata listed in Caray's sidebar but it looks like everything is on track.

Her shoelaces are pink so you know she's spunky. Well no I didn't know but I like it, a spunky Esmeralda like a spunky Maricruz. OMG!!! I'm going to love this one, bring it on!! This is only the first episode and I'm already shouting for MORE, MORE, MORE!!! Can't wait for 7PM tonight

He'd like to introduce her to the joys of hairbrushes and cake with
milk. AW, what a guy.

Jorocha--the hottie of La Barranca
That line brought a chuckle from me. I never would have thought that place would have a local hottie. So funny.

Dona Rita has to pay rent? QUE? Rent in that hovel. A shack would be paradise to that. Which brings
a question to mind. I noticed a tv
and a few other devices that use electricity. Electricity??? The hovel is in the garbage dump or on the edge of it so who brought in electricity for the people? The Government? I don't think so.

Pablo's mother. All I could think of was BRUJA last night. BRUJA in capitol letters. An anvil for Dona Rita? How about an anvil for Pablo's BRUJA mother?

On to read more comments.
the gringo


Have those electrical outlets in La Barranca been inspected by the cities building and safety inspector? Are they up to code? Just asking?

I didn't know the song that was played when the children were sliding down the hill but the La Gata theme song Vas A Querer Volver is sung by Maite Perroni and is out in a single release.
the gringo

I'm not going anywhere either, gringo!

I'm looking forward to the time jump, but I do like these child actors.

I'm not going to say I watched this but I watched this and it was not half bad, I feel dirty!

Thanks for a superb recap. I love your delightful mix of humorous details sprinkled with Spanish vocabulary.

Like several others in Viewerville I'm in for the long haul. I already know I'm gonna love this novela.

I'm glad that I won't have to sit all alone out on the patio. Sara,
La Diva, Tofie, Maurico, David, Vivi?
Fatima---put your surfboard down There's still time to get a front row seat. Join the patio peeps but you had better hurry, the crowd is growing.

Even if the writers take this one South like they did CI, I'm not leaving. Nothing is going to keep me from La Gata. Well maybe if the overdue 8.0 earthquake hits LA but for sure nothing else.

I have to go out with my wife tomorrow AM so I may not have time to comment. If I do, it probably will be brief but I will read the recap and everyone's comments for sure. You can bet on it.
the gringo


Oh, and Sue NY. Sorry I missed you
the gringo

Thanks for the recap. I liked the show too, a guilty pleasure.

I once worked for a company with offices in an industrial park close to a landfill. When the wind blew in a certain direction, you couldn't stand to be outside. The landfill was crawling with mice and snakes, and their predators. In fact, we had a nest of owlets in a pine tree in the parking lot. I don't think the cat would go hungry if Esmeralda didn't share her food. In fact, he'd probably be bringing her treats.

5ft - Delightful recap. My favorite: Her shoelaces are pink, so you know she's spunky.

I too like the child actors. So the little black dress will stretch to fit Esmeralda as an adult? My take is that she is too young to realize what Jarocha does. I think she'd clobber any man that came near her.

Aleta---LOL. The next door cat that hangs out with me brings me her kills. She's proud of them and wants to share them with me so I got a good laugh from your comment.
the gringo

Aleta - as I watched last night I wondered about the smell! I recently read an interview with Daniel Arenas where he talked about some of the hazards of filming there.

gringo-this will be short so I doubt it can go too far south.

I only managed the first 15 minutes before my computer overheated. I don't know about this one yet.

I hope nothing happens to Principe. You know me; I love cats.

Televisca introduces us to yet another masterpiece. This time around it is “La Gata” which can be translated in many different forms, but just to keep it simple and you my dear friends sane, I’ll just say “The Cat”. The ingenious and creative writers at Telebizca were on vacation, so the “Refrito Squad” was asked to fill in and in no time they had this story, a remake of 1987’s own “Rosa Salvaje”. To keep the story fresh they just added more dirt to the characters’ faces and clothes and included an Oliver Twist motif.

The stars of this show are Erika Buenfil and Laura Zapata. Last we saw Erika she was falling for her bodyguard, now she will play a nice and endearing character, much like her character in Amores Verdaredos, but without the tons of money in her pocket or bank account. And returning is the villainess of villainesses: Laura Zapata. It is rumored that she was mentored in The Dark Side by none other than Maleficent herself. Having Laura Zapata in this story is incredible, as she played exactly the same role in Rosa Salvaje.

Things I learned by watching Epi 1:

Poor people know how to whoop it up and have fun, never mind the physical abuse, while rich kids are bored to death in palatial sterile houses.

You don’t need snow to sled, in fact you don’t even need a sled.

Pablo’s house is so big, that it took him longer to come around the kitchen than it did for Esmeralda to explore the grounds, be discovered by Mommy Dearest, bond (or antibond as the case might be) with her future Monster In Law, be insulted, return a few insults and finally honorably leave the house.

Little sister always knows how to sneak out of the house without Mommy knowing about it.

You can count on the chauffeur to be your accomplice.

Mexican mail service is awesome! It even delivers to lost cities whose houses are cobbled together using sheets of cardboard, metal, plastic and roofing shingles.

What impressed me was Prince. Dogs are usually cooperative, especially when being handled. Some actually just love the attention as we plainly saw with Da Vinci in Los Pobres Ricos. Cats on the other hand are more like Sheldon Cooper where they insist that everyone cooperate with them. It was an amazing feat that the producers found a cat that was willing to be held and hauled around by the actress, dragged into a rain shower and bounced around while Esmeralda either fought or played with the other kids and was beaten by her exploitive adult. Either that or they reshot dozens of times over and over again until the cat decided to cooperate. Any normal cat would have dutifully clawed its way out of Esmeralda’s arms. There was one scene where the cat meowed in such a way that told everyone that that was enough. I am sure they wrapped up shooting for the day after that. I am sure that many Beanie Baby cats were used as stunt doubles.

The end credits show our two heroes all grown up and she still has the cat! Either that is Prince’s descendent or that is one very old Prnce.


I've been poking around and I don't think we will have to wait to long for the time jump. I"m ready for Maite!!

Salvador--That's a great list of things you've learned from episode 1!! I laughed my butt off!

5 ft, this is a great recap with the snark this story deserves, loved it! Your recap, I mean.
Especially memorable:
"…with the world's most patient cat". (Really, I now know the TN writers don't have cats!!)
"He'd like to introduce her to the joys of hairbrushes and cake with milk."
Thank you for translating DumbAss. I think this is new to the vocabulary I have learned in TN world.
I really do watch so I can read these recaps, and to learn more Spanish terminology.

Niecie in MD: I was also wondering how the dress will keep getting larger and larger as she grows up, because according to the lead in scenes, she's still wearing the same dress as an adult.

Thanks, 5ft for a great start
I am in. Can't wait to see Dirty Maite and Crazy Danny.

After watching episode 1 on my DVR, I have to say that I hope this telenovela will be a great one to watch.

This show is produced by Nathalie Lartilleux, the producer of shows such as Cuidado con el angel, Mar de amor, and Corazon Indomable. I saw CCEA and CI. I loved CCEA, but CI was an ok show, not the best. Hope La Gata turns out to be a great novela.

Tim Reyes - I also loved CCEA. It is my favorite novela.

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