Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #42 16 Sep 2014... Fernando finds his parent cap but is still missing his spine and 'co$)#*$&es'


Jenn and Johnny, she suggests he finally get over Ana (she is now seized by Don Fernando’s brother, and he is good eye candy, besides very nice and polite to her) and find a gal who will make him happy.

At club:

Diego goes to the Chicago and asks Ino-Doro how much Ana owes him. Ino-Doro learns Diego is Fernando’s brother. Ino-Doro says Ana is my golden egg hen, when she dances the Chicago gets packed full, and I ain’t letting her go. Diego realizes and tells Ino-Doro in his face that he is exploiting Ana. Ino-Doro just calls on his guys to get a bit closer into Diego’s space. Diego says better call them off me… Ino-Doro warns Diego to behave … for Ana’s sake. (ouch!)

Jenn tells Johnny he is not ugly (Feo)… he is just … different. Jenny jokes to Johnny about seemingly having issues with Ana having told him he can stay there. Jen says she will interview for a job at a car shop later, a guy friend of Nico’s. Johnny says no way. Jen says thanks to all you taught me. Maybe he can hire you too. Jen would convince Nico to put in a good word for him…. Paid with kisses, of course.

And we finally get Enrique Basurto on screen. He calls Fanny ‘little girl’. She is a bit abnoxious to him, to tell you the truth. Turns out Enrique and Betty know each other and she seems to have a crush on him. He is also glad to see her again. Fanny tells Fernando on phone that EB is there, she tells EB Fer is ready for him. EB walks in. Fanny tells Betty EB is ‘super –what comes after W… meaning X’.

At the mansion, Ana receives a very nice arrangement of roses (orange, fuscia and pink, with small lilies). Of course they are from Diego. The delivery guy tries to make a pass at Ana and she basically shuts the door on his rear end.

‘I could say you are the most beautiful woman… but I would have to skip over all the rest of your qualities… great personality, generosity, patience and smarts… so many virtues would not fit in this card. All my love, Diego.’

She smiles staring at them once she puts them on top of the piano.

At Costena offices, Fernando (btw, he is the President) is yelling at someone doing a report for him. He has to apologize to EB as EB walked in. Fer says Isa was working at the VP role and she recommended him. His resume is excellent and fits the needs of this business. Fer says he demands commitment to the job. EB makes the mistake to say the receptionist, Fanny, is not really efficient. EB says the girl is also a bit inexperienced and insolent/petulant. Fer laughs it off and then says ‘she is my daughter!’ we hear EB grumble to himself ‘swallow me, ground’ (tragame tierra is a very common phrase in Spanish to mean they would like to be transported anywhere BUT there… sort of the ‘wanna get away?’ slang). Betty tells Fanny she does not want Fernando to know she knows EB, so she sends Fanny with the coffees.

At Leon’s apt, Tamara finds a copy of their marriage certificate. She asks herself ‘what face will Fanny put when she sees our marriage certificate?’

At mansion, Ana wonders what Bruno and Manuela are doing, since neither is at the house.

Bruno is driving and stops somewhere strange. Manuela has been following him on a taxi. This seems like Bruno and some other guy are dressed as ‘gangsters’ for Halloween, or practicing for a theater version of a gangster play. Mysterious something that is ‘inside’ per the other guy. Manuela is spying them from behind a trash can. She is worried about what Bruno is getting himself into and she calls Ana. Manuela tells Ana what is going on… Manuela tells Ana what she is doing and what the area looks like… while Ana sprinkles water on the flowers (thank Goodness that piano has a cover on it!). Manuela is too afraid to go in so Ana suggests she head back home then. Manuela also has to make dinner. (Ana does a play with words ‘si tienes lavadora, ahi la vemos’ (if you have a clothes washer, we will see…)

Ana catches the little kids watching the video about Isa and the plastic spider in the soup bowl… Ana tries to give them the ‘serious talk’ that Fernando had asked her to. Sebas says he is waiting for Fernando.. Ana calls Fernando, who gets really annoyed that she interrupts his meeting… ‘I was just reminding you since you sometimes …. Forget your promises!...’ ‘I am on my way’.

Isa nags at Yolanda saying Fernando ended yelling at her (at the office?)… Isa tells YoMama that at the office Fernando gets angry frequently at the workers. Then they talk about all her ‘enemies’ at the house, Nico, the twins, and then Ana… YoMama says just tell your hubby when you are about to ‘chaka-chaka’… (bouncing on the bed). Isa says you have to use smarter moves on Ana. (insults her mother and then walks away)

At Costena, Leon arrives at Betty’s desk with some document and then tells Fanny he needs to talk to her about something important… (he wants to tell her he is married and has a kid before she finds out from Tamara). Fanny is undecisive.

But then Fernando and EB come out… Fernando is heading home. He wants Fanny to ride with him, he will have her car delivered to the house later. EB tries to make a quick apology to her, she just gives him the hashtag gesture and ‘wha-do-you-know, little boy… grab your remote and turn it down a couple of notches… talk to the wall’ with attitude. Leon asks her if he can call her… ok.

Betty and EB debrief… ‘a bit strict, no?’ She asks him how did he get there…

Nico catches up with Ana and the kids at homework room. He pulls Ana away for a moment. The kids go right back to re-watch the video of Isa with the spider freakout.

Ana and Nico are about to talk… Manuela arrives very nervous. Manuela will have to take a number, Nico needs to talk to Ana first. They go to the library… Again the ring… he wants to practice with Ana playing as Jenny. Ana fakes being Jenny (is pretty good at it). Roses are red, sky is blue… Nico is trying to say a whole speech, Ana yells suggesting he just say ‘I love you and THAT”S IT!!’ Ana suggests he shoot the arrow straight… just ask her.

Jennifer and Johnny are at this guy’s office (seems a pretty high end car mechanic shop). The guy says he knows Nico for many years and he would do anything for Nico. When can you start? Go ahead and start today! Knock yourselves out.

Bruno arrives. Says hi to Manuela. She stands up very serious. Everything ok? Sure!... She suddenly sees some blood stains on Bruno’s hands and freaks out.

Ana seemingly gets a call from Ino-Doro to tell her what Diego did, just as Diego is getting home. Diego asks if she got the flowers, she gets instantly mad at him ‘I told you not to do anything about the debt. What part of that did you not GET??!?’

Fernando and Fanny arrive outside the house. Fernando sends the driver in with some flowers he got. Fernando wants to have a private talk with Fanny. Sure, here in the car. How are you with Leon? (Fanny gets sad and looks away). She says honestly, not too good. ‘I Can’t figure out if he just does not want to be with me anymore or if he is hiding something important from me. Daddy… I am desperate.’ Fernando just caresses her chin…

What he is keeping from me must be really serious.

Surely he has a reason to keep it from you.

She insists she loves him. Things were going so well.

Fernando says sometimes we don’t know someone as well as we think. Maybe Leon is not for you. Fanny gets the wrong idea ‘because he is a mensajero and I am a rich girl’.

Fernando says no, that’s not it. We can’t pre-judge people… and from what I hear, that is not the issue that is separating you. Besides, I would be the last to speak about socio-economic barriers when I fell for the nanny, right?

Fanny feels like she has never had such an honest talk with him.

Fer says we have to start somewhere. Fer gives Fanny permission to ask anything. He will be honest in his answer.

Fanny asks him if he still loves Ana.

Fer says Yes.(without hesitation). You know why I married Isa. I felt it was my duty, what was correct. What was most coherent with my nature. And as I always say, actions have consequences. However, thinking of your mom, I understand, and hope it is not too late, that my most important duty is you, my children. It is curious that finally my marriage to Isa generated this unexpected effect. It was a big overhaul… a conscience self-inspection… recognizing my faults and my mistakes.

What mistakes?

Having betrayed your mother. (Fanny gets teary-eyed, a bit scared) Because I promised her… to watch over you all… and I failed her… this whole year I failed royally (garrafalmente)… I created other priorities, I locked myself in the office to cry my loss… when my only priority should be my children. Don’t tell me anything… my love for Ana… the responsibility I have with Isabela… are not my priority. They shouldn’t be. My priority are you, my children. And it will be… from now on… I swear to you. Please forgive me. (holds her hand). Scene is ended a bit later with shared tears, ‘I love you’s and a very nice hug.

Back inside, Ana is demanding an answer from Diego. He does not appreciate being yelled at. ‘No, you did not ask me to solve your problems, I did it in good faith out of the love I feel for you. You did not ask me to get you flowers, or to be your crying shoulder or to love you the way I do. I just wanted to give you a gift. I meant to try to improve your life, to see you happy. But you are right, I better not interfere in your life. And we will remain friends. ‘ (he goes upstairs and she feels bad instantly)

Later, at kitchen, Manuela is about to hit Bruno with the roller and Ana comes in to rescue. Manuela tells Ana that Bruno has blood in his hands. Who did you kill?? Bruno nags that they won’t let him tell the truth. Yola comes in demanding staff should keep it down… Bruno asks her if she needs something… ‘no, I just came to the kitchen to listen to your shoutings… no, waiter. I need a tea… right away! (snapping fingers)’. Yola leaves and Ana goes back to stop Manuela from swinging the roller at Bruno. And asks Bruno they are still waiting for the answer about the blood. Bruno claims it is paint. ‘show me!!’ (LOL!)

Nico still in library talking to himself ‘how do I conquer Jenny??... I will tell her a clean joke... a guy gets home to his wife… I have a problem at the office… don’t say I have a problem, we have a problem… then I will tell you our secretary will have OUR child!... Jenny, will you marry me?... I can tell you another joke. … Jenny.. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you’. (then he worries about where they’ll live)

Jenny and Johnny are in uniform at the shop, she poses over a car … he says you look like a calendar girl. Jenny tells Johnny both Ana and her had been very worried about him. He seems to be moved by it. Then they get working. (then we get a circus-y scene where Jenny almost runs the car over him and then falls kicking him in the face on her way down… he promises to teach her to use the brake and everything else she needs to know…. She caresses his face… and he seems to notice her in a different light… she is not so engaged…

At house, Ana remembers Diego’s words… and she tells herself she was a bit rough with Diego… neta…

She heads upstairs … as Fernando and Fanny arrive. Nico likes the way Fernando and Fanny look happy.

Ana is knocking Diego’s door.

Nico tells Fernando he needs to talk to him… but Fernando has to do something first (flowers in hand). He heads upstairs… (yikes! )Fanny notices Ana is knocking Diego’s door. Ana tells her she will explain later. As Ana walks into Diego’s room (he is apparently not there), Fernando walks by with the flowers (I guess we will never know now whether the flowers Fernando bought were for Ana at first). He is not happy as he hears Ana calls Diego’s name and looks for him. Fernando walks on.

Bruno delivers YoMama’s tea… as Fernando walks in with the flowers. Isa and YoMama fake so much happiness… he leaves the flowers with her but excuses himself to go help Sebastian with his homework.

Isa is miffed and is ill-talking about Sebastian… it was his fault and the nanny’s that we had to come back early from the honeymoon.

Fernando walks into the homework room and starts sneezing. He hugs Luz and lifts her as he explains he came home early to do homework with them. The twins yell that they finished theirs. Alicia says she only has chemistry left to finish. Fernando looks at Alicia and freezes, saying he just noticed she no longer has acne. She looks beautiful. She tells him Ana took her to the doctor years ago. He is glad the treatment works. Fernando tells all the kids he needs to talk to them. How about we get the animal-ito out of here?

Diego arrives to his room, Ana has been waiting for him inside. She apologizes. He smirks… she plays with his chin. ‘who forgives me?... who forgives me?...’ She is a bit more charming to him now.

Fernando talks to the kids about them don’t like(no les pela) Isa and are calling Isa ‘witch’. He can understand because they lost their mom recently and they did not want an intruder to take their mom’s place. You all wanted me to marry Ana. You all know now why I married Isa. I would like for you all to respect her. No more spiders in the soup. I need us all to get used to the situation. And… we should be happy we will have a new sibling… That I married does not mean you can use it as pretext to slip and slide on the only responsibility you have besides playing, which is school.

Sebastian responds that it is not a pretext, dad.

Fernando asks to be allowed to finish. From now on, you all are my priority. Above everything and everyone. Above Isa, Ana, work, and everything. If necessary we spend hours doing homework, we will. I promise I will be here every afternoon with you all. (Luz loves that) I also want us to set aside an hour to just talk about our problems. One of the twins says the teacher ranted at him for making a paper plane. The other twin says it didn’t even fly!

Fer wants to hear what they think about it all. Alicia says she likes Isa and Sebas immediately calls her a traitor. She calls him ridiculous. Fernando says these conflicts need to end. Sebas asks if he can be heard without Fernando ranting at him.

Of course, that’s the idea!

Honestly I don’t think you will be able to fufill that promise.

Fernando looks down sad. Fer says you will see I will. And we will begin with your homework. I won’t move from here until we review all of it. Kids, don’t forget… I love you. You are my reason to live. I adore you. (the kids hug Fernando… and Sebastian, after hesitating a moment and getting a gesture request from Fernando, joins the group hug). Fernando: someone smell a huron???

Previews: Isa humiliates Ana… pulling her arm or hair… but Ana explodes with a big swing slap at Isa.


Some news for you



Great work, Marta. I'll have more to say tomorrow; I'm wiped.

As to the news item, this is not good. I realize some of you here adore William Levy, but he would not be believable to me in this role.

Thanks, Marta! Excellent work and so much detail; very appreciated since I seem to gave a short attention span for viewing tonight.

As to the rumor: not believable. Sounds like a blatant ratings ploy. Not that I would put it past Osorio to fire anyone, but if Pablo Montero does disappear I would think they'd either write out the character or get another second-string actor to replace him. If the rumor is true, I will eat my beanie (either though I may order a new beanie made of cookie for the purpose).

Funny production goof...that marriage certificate gave the date of marriage as 7 July 2014. It also said Leon is a Licenciado in administration and Tamara is an ingeniera de sistemas. If props department doesn't have time to fake it up right, they shouldn't give us a direct view! Oh, also it said Leon was 27 and Tam 25.

I hope Jen's new job works out. Also I hope Chicago goes up in flames while Dorkoteo and his thugs are trapped inside (but no one else).

I can't believe the first thing Enrique did was insult Fanny to Fer when he was rude to her first. Jerk. "Nina"? Really? I hate him already.

Note to Nico: don't propose with a joke about infidelity.

Marta, this was great. Thanks for the vocab too.

This rumor is interesting. I put nothing past Televisa though because of how they edit tns all the time so why not hire another actor.

Julia, I'm so with you on hating Enrique already. His jerkiness probably means he'll also fall for Ana (tn logic)? And yes Don Icky and his henchies can get caught in a Chicago fire while counting their ill gotten gains.

I thought Johnny was still here to plague Ana. But his new found interest in Jenny does not make me happy. While I am often not of fan of May-Dec romances, Nico is in another league than Johnny. Please writers just have Johnny go with Dana.

Marta, thanks for the stunning recap, you captured every nuance! I breathed a sigh of relief that Fern took a step to make things right with his kids. Whew! Fortunately we didn't have to see too much of Isabella but looks like that will change tomorrow.

As far as the rumors I don't see how they could call in a big name actor to step into an existing role, but maybe I'm wrong. Would make more sense for them to write the Diego character out of the plot. However I enjoy Pablo M. and hope he won't be leaving.

J in Oregon

Does it bother anyone else that everybody in these tn's has the same ring tone for their phones?


wow... i sure hope it is a plot... would be hard to imagine William and Jorge being siblings. Besides, I like Pablo's tart humor and personality here. my fav character for him yet.
and I too like Nico and Jenn much better than Jen and Johnny.

Thank you, Marta, for the fantastic recap and lesson in slang. I will have to use 'tragame tierra' the next time 'I put my foot in my mouth,' which will undoubtedly occur sooner than I'd like.

What could Bruno do that incorporates a deftly handled deck of cards, a secret cane twirl, and pintura roja? Magician, maybe?

Ja ja! Diego's flowers are bigger than Fer's! We all know the adage about size . . .

Hopefully, Dana will redirect Johnny's attention away from Jenny.

Denise - Yes! Please get new and varied ringtones, TN People!

Have a great day on the patio, All!

Julia! you have great eyesight... i could not figure out anything on the document. but then again i am no longer 22 and my eyesight is no longer 20-14.

Great Marta, amazing detail. I didn't think how the water Ana was sprinkling would ruin the finish on the piano.

No fan of William Levy here and think Pablo perfect as Diego, hope the doesn't leave.

While I'm overjoyed Fernando had a lucid moment last night, Ana had showed him the kids should be his priority months ago and within days all caught up in his world, ignored them again. He didn't need to marry Isabela and upset all the kids (but Alicia) to finally come to his senses. Ok, ignore his feeling for Ana (she is only an employee and lost to Diego) but guess he will ignore his wife and leave much of the company's day to day with Enrique whom he does not know. Those two (three) will rob him blind.

Johnny now slimeing on Jen, yuck. Is he now to be competition for Nic? Go away Juan.

Fernando - learn to multitask

Leon - saved by the bell

Bruno - uh, I do graffiti art

Diego - two bit thug like you don't scare me, see this scar....

Ana - generosity among those that care

Yomama - you've got to have another dress


Marta, thank you for your wonderful recap. I don't know how you do it with all of the detail!

Julia, thanks for the marriage certificate info.

Fanny needs some training quick. She was unbelievably rude to Enrique. She was at work representing the company not at home.

I don't want Johnny putting the moves on Jennifer. I just want him to disappear. Nico needs to just propose already.

My favorite scene was Fernando talking with Fanny.

I loved the ferret and wonder what he will be up to.

And then there is Enrique. . .


I have two quick questions:

1. I have "heard" comments on this blog about the possibility of tn writers altering the outcome of this show. According to the opening song-and-dance number, Fer and Ana get together, and Isabruja flies off into the sunset on her broom, Fernandoless. Have the tn writers ever altered a novela plot to deviate from the originally intended outcome?


2. Enrique's interview suit intrigued me. Would his casual suit be appropriate attire for an interview at a major corporation in Mexico? Or do tn writers think all Harvard MBAs dress like that?

EB, don't be so sure of what the opening sequence implies. There definitely was such an alteration in the past and much of the public wasn't happy about it. Neither was the lead actor who was none other than our JS.

As to how Enrique Basurto was dressed for the interview, I find it a total head-scratcher. Here in the US that would not have been considered appropriate.

As to whether he will embezzle or whether he has history with Isabruja, we'll know soon enough. One doesn't exclude the other. I'm sure he is bad news no matter what, considering the last name.

The dark hair also looks very wrong on him. In the 2009 CS his hair was blond and that looked right. I am guessing he is prematurely gray in real life.

he was blonde (or blondish gray) in Cuando me enamoro too. i agree that his dark hair does not suit him at all.
And I also agree that Fanny was 'super' rude and inappropriate. she needs to learn and learn quick if she wants her dad to continue going with her wishes.

While some of us might love WL, I don't see him in this role either to replace Diego, who is absolutely fantastic agsinst JS.

Hey Denise I mentioned the ring tones in an earlier post, especially since the used the same ones on PQLAM. It's irritating.
Not looking forward to Lizardman, very arrogant and stuck up to me, just like Bruja Menor

I don't know, I think Lizardman's arrogant and condescending attitude was totally inappropriate and Fanny reacted accordingly. I don't think an older man soliciting work in a corporation has any business walking in the front door like he owns the place and immediately puts down his prospective subordinates.

I agree, Victoria. The combination of his relatively informal dress and his condescending attitude toward Fanny should have been enough for Fernando to not hire him.

More later; I need caffeine.

First, Marta this was beyond splendid. Your detail was amazing! And I couldn't agree more with the title.

To the rumors: I know my mind works in weird and wonderful ways, but I wonder how much of this might be damage control and PR to the fact that the Diego character has become so popular and that boards are rooting for an Ana/Diego pairing instead of the supposed planned outcome. Paint the actor and the character more as unreliable? They better not be.

Now why they would think WL would not have the same result with the masses is mind-boggling if anyone is remotely thinking of that. I love Pablo in this role, but the writers could pull off making him unlikable to get Ana and Fer back on footing. They wouldn't DARE do that with WL as far as the fandom is concerned. They would turn off the show in droves even if WL thinks it would be fun to do. They would HAVE to change the plot and outcome. So I seriously doubt if Pablo has truly been acting up whether they would replace him with the likes of WL. If true there may be a mid-season change, I wouldn't mind seeing Erick Elias on my screen. He can play the type character--footloose, lovable and maybe not so reliable. Hoping though this is all rumor.

As to the plot - who is this guy and what did they do with Lisardo? Kidding, but that hair color? WTH? Go a little blonder maybe from his usual grey/blond, but gees...fakey much? Apparently they want him to appear younger. My thought--his bad start with Fanny will lead to something else while she's on a predictable time-out with Leon when the truth hits the fan. Consider me nauseous, but betcha. But I also still think he and Isa have or had a thing. I would enjoy her freaking out that Enrique goes after Fanny....but still nauseous.

I didn't get all swooney with the Fer and kid talks because I really want to see it to believe it. If he means it, then he will be blowing Isa's plans to get rid of the kids and so far he bows to her every whim. He needs to show me he is a man of his word.

Love the play on the flowers...now who really loves whom?? I mean I love what Fer got, but pretty lame in comparison to what Diego forked over for Ana ( and I want that card so I can just keep it for myself thank you. A girl can dream).


Marta, this was splendid. I enjoyed and appreciated all of your conversation translations, great humor and the embedded vocabulary.

I thought it was great that Diego tried to release Ana from being a virtual indentured servant to Ino-Doro. No surprise he will not give up his star attraction.

Fer has finally seen the light and I hope he continues to follow through. His scene with Fanny was touching.

Finding out Jenn was ill brought Johnny's feelings to the forefront. Nico will have some formidable competition.

Where is Lisardo's beautiful gray hair? I don't care for his current look at all. Fanny already has his number - and it's trouble I'm sure.

I hope Pablo doesn't leave. As Victoria noted, he is perfectly cast and he and Salinas play well against each other. I like William Levy, but I would doubt he would step into a non leading role halfway through, so I am going to assume this is a ratings ploy. It certainly got our atttention, didn't it? :)

Isa will not like to have Fer's time and attention diverted from what she perceives his number one priority to be. Herself...Ack.


Thanks, Marta, for the wonderful recap and great vocab lesson. I have often wondered whether of the 72 animal words I once memorized in a Spanish class would ever do me any good (lesson on epicenes) and was therefore thrilled to see the ferret (el huron)! With additions from your fine recap, I am learning a few things in this novela!

What a great set of comments today! I am with everyone else. Say it isn't so. WL? And PM the most winning that I have ever seen him.

The actor who plays Johnny has done well with this character, but he is definitely trouble wherever he goes and his story lines leave me cold.

I assume that Tamara is going to get to Fanny with the news before Leon does. So funny about the marriage certificate --- my old eyes didn't catch that one!

Oh that Fernando's promises to the kids would come true. His attention to the kids, by the way, could be the thing that distracts him from whatever serious mischief Enrique is going to bring to the firm. The lack of tie, the pendant -- where is wardrobe and props staff today?

I am a bit with Fer on this one: I wish that Ana would stick to watching the kids and following through with them. All the side-trips and shouting with the rest of the staff and family are going to bring her big trouble as the next gambit on the part of Isa will no doubt be to try to convince Fernando that Ana is useless.


the play on the flowers... good point!! and Isa doesn't even know about Diego's flowers for Ana yet... so she might want to flaunt her flowers to Ana and Ana could just say 'hey girl, just check out mine, they are on the piano, too big for me to take to my room...' and if Isa destroys them let Diego witness it and get Ana three vases instead of one... LOL!!
yeah i caught that 'play on the flower 'out-doing' duel'.

I have to agree on loving the scene of Fernando and Fanny, then Fernando and the kids... but i have to also agree on 'seeing is believing' since we have seen Fernando be right on the seashore only to turn back to the old 'Don Frio' rigid man.

Thank you for the wonderful recap!

Poor Johnny. He is so in need of a little kindness that he mistakes Jenny's for more than it is. But who can blame him for falling for her? She's great.

Daisynjay: I felt some chemistry between Enrique and Fanny. Wonder how Fer would feel if Fanny goes from the young messenger to the older VP. Isa would light on fire!

Hope rumors aren't true but don't trust Osorio.

Fer made up ground last night but how long will it last? Isa won't like taking 2nd place.

Gracias martaivett, super recap

Very interesting news. Change from one bad boy to another. PM for WL. WL had problems with Mejia in Tempestad & was about to quit. Although I love WL, PM is perfect here.

Wanna bet? Enrique is Isa's baby daddy. I thought he was the one with the gray hair, looks so much better than the dark hair.

William Levy does nothing for me and he doesn't even look like he shares any DNA with Jorge Salinas.

More in a few.


Variopinta: ITA. I think Enrique will end up being the father. But since Isa recommended him for the job, so I guess he needs one, she may blackmail him into keeping quiet.

Mex is on epi 55, wiki lists 70 episodes, anyone know if that is right? That would be a pleasant surprise. Seems to me they would have finished filming & we would have known a long time ago that PM was replaced.

Can't believe any TN nowadays stays under a 100 episodes. And there seems to be far too much angst in this one to think it would end with less than that.

The more I read that little snippet on Pablo taking a powder, the more I thought "Uh, was noone concerned that he disappeared? So we just assume??" Something rotten in Telenovaville or the gossip mill if you ask me...

Anyhoo, after dealing with a difficult consultant in a foreign office today, got me thinking, so Fer is known to be not-so-nice boss? Hmmm... aloof at home, tyrant at the office, mean to his brother...wow, his steps up the redemption ladder are growing by the episode.
So, his that glimpse of behavior during the interview is supposed to be his normal modus operandi? So maybe we get to see Lisardo at his most smarmy and sneaky ( I mean, honestly, does anyone else do it better?) and just turn on the charm in the office. I can see that smile now. (Shudders) Get the workers to like HIM versus the boss...and then Boom. Do they have mutinies in corporate offices?


Thanks Marta, great detail.

I can't believe it, but I don't agree with most of you on most of these issues that have been discussed.

first, on the rumors about PM being replaced with WL. I like PM as Diego, but I also love WL and won't mind at all if he replaces him. In fact, it may make me wish for their paring even more. I'm willing to give him a try.

Second, I thought Fanny was quite rude to Enrique also. I didn't like that he called her little girl, but her reaction was a bit over the top to me.

Third, on my TV, Lisardo always looked like he had gray hair, not blonde. And when I first saw him with brown, I laughed at his dye job. But the more I watched him, I thought it definitely took 10 years off of his age. So I kind of like it.

Forth, I also like Jonny and Jen together. They have a descent chemistry and I don't seem to be bothered by Jonny as much when he's with her. I do like Nico, but I still think he's too old for her and it makes me uncomfortable.

Fifth, how can Doroteo keep Ana's debt from being paid? Take him to court over it. She's not his indentured servant.

I was surprised that Betty and Enrique know each other. Does this mean that she will have more scenes and more storyline?

I think Fernando is a demanding boss but probably didn't lose his cool all that much until recently. As to Enrique, he does look like he will try to embezzle money and I hope Beatriz doesn't become his accomplice.

But Isabruja will if she thinks she wants to get back at Fernando for just about anything.

The gods did not like the greedy pimp who fancied himself an ancient world emperor.

“I knew that slimy bastard wouldn't agree to it,” Hera said. “Who wants to do something about it?”

“I can make sure that even Viagra won't help him,” Aphrodite said. “His exploitation of women is vile and needs to be punished.”

“Are you sure he doesn't have a problem like Pedro Medina's?” asked Hermes. “It's usually ones like that who become so filled with hate.”

“No. But we could arrange that as a last resort. His male minions would need to know, however. They would definitely make him pay.”


I didn't notice anything inappropriate about Enrique's attire. Then again, I live in Seattle, Land of Casualwear. I do like his hair when it's the natural gray. I suppose they're trying to make him look younger, but young people can have gray hair! My hair started turning gray when I was 11 (it is not currently its natural color, although it was quite white for many years).

I completely understand Fanny's bristling at being called a little girl, but she needs to learn how to put people in their place with a veneer of propriety and politeness. Maybe Beatriz will be able to teach her that. I do like that she has sass, though, and won't meekly take any abuse. Enrique seems like the kind of horrid old man (though not old yet) who pinches waitresses' behinds and thinks they like it and is condescending to anyone he thinks has less status than he has.

I'm sure a court case would do nothing to free Ana from inoDorko. He does not use legal means to get what he wants. If he wants Ana to dance, he will threaten her and her loved ones to get her to do it, probably including after her contract is up. I don't think she'll be free until either he dies, or she has something huge and persuasive to threaten him with in return.


Glad someone agrees with me about Fanny's attitude with Enqrique. I just think he started the downturn in the conversation with his whole attitude.

He was coming to the Corporate Offices looking for a job no less. He should have dressed and acted appropriately. Instead he acted as if he was entitled to be there.

Also, I don't believe a job candidate should speak so negatively to the Corporate President about his staff during an interview.

Again, "who does he think he is?" He appears to have the same stuck-up and pretentious attitude of Bruja Menor.

This leads me to believe that he will be nothing but trouble. I believe they had him die his hair in order to try to make him appear younger. (Closeups of his face say this isn't working.) If that is the case, then he will be up to no good and not just with Bruja Menor.

Why is Fanny working in reception when she already knows she doesn't want to do business administration? I thought she was going to rotate among other areas of the company. I assumed that meant things like marketing/advertising, sciency quality control or product development stuff, sales, whatever.

Anyway, I hope she will continue to give Enrique a hard time and keep tabs on what he is up to, but be more professional about it.

I wonder how Beatriz knows Enrique if she doesn't want Fer to know that they know each other. Why does she want to keep that a secret? Does she also have a pole-dancing past, and he was a client?

Enrique may not be inappropriately dressed for day-to-day, but for an interview it's far better to go formal (suit and tie) and allow the interviewer to say that the office is normally a little more casual except for client meetings.

But he isn't coming in out of the blue, either.

Variopinta in answer to your question about Wiki listing the number of episodes and their titles:

I noticed during the filming of LQLVMR that Wiki also listed the number of episodes and their titles. I liked looking at the Wiki listing to gather a hint about what action or adventure each upcoming episode would bring us. However, since I was ahead of the US airing, I noticed that the number and corresponding title did not match what was really transpiring.

(Anal me) I sent a message to Wiki about this discrepancy. They replied that the author of the page was taking down the listing of episodes and titles as both were incorrect!

Therefore, I would not put much faith in the "Corazon es Tuyo" Wiki page.

Furthermore, as I always read each Wiki page in English and Spanish for each upcoming novela I plan on watching, I must say it is very frustrating that for the English version, Wiki almost always posts spoilers, including which characters die and which marry whom, etc. This is very frustrating for those of us who like the suspense of not knowing and who don't read "the end of the book before the beginning".



I completely agree. We should send e-mails telling them not to do this.


I thought that Bruja Menor recommended Enrique for the job, therefore, he should have know all the ends and outs regarding Fernando and his strictness with reqard to his staff. Guess the casual attire didn't bother Fernando too much though; so chalk another discrepancy up to production.


I thought Beatriz said she knew Enrique from Harvard?

I think the position that Fanny is fulfilling right now is Assistant Administrator to Corporate, not so much a Receptionist position. It seems that Televisa is just too cheap on sets to put her in another office.

If Beatriz went to Harvard, wouldn't Fer know that? Why wouldn't she want anyone to know she met Enrique there?


I'm trying to edit Wiki as they come along. If they want to change them back, let them.

The funny thing is that the Spanish page for the novela never does post spoilers. Go figure!

Yes, please email Wiki about this terrible habit! I am a faithful Wiki donor (both editor and money)!

Maybe Fanny's next rotation will be endlessly polishing the sign on the building. That poor custodian needs a break.

Didn't Beatriz say she didn't want anyone to know that she had a relationship with Enrique at Harvard? Thought that was it, not that she went to Harvard.

Ita with you on
Doroteo using means OTHER than the money debt... to keep Ana within his domain. She is, as he put it himself to Diego, a gold mine. And he plans to keep her way beyond the time Ana finishes paying the darn loan...
remember his last line to Diego... that Diego should keep his cool 'for Ana's sake'... so you can tell either Ino-Doro will use the fact that he can hurt Diego and even Fernando and the kids to keep Ana within his control, and he will also keep Ana's well being to keep Diego out of his business.

I just hope that when Fernando learns about Ana's other job and becomes a snob about it, Diego and Nico will tell him this side of her story... that even if she wanted to leave, she can't. and maybe Ino-Doro has her threatened about Fer, Diego, Nico and the kids... add Jennifer to that list.

Great recap-- and chock full of good Spanish tidbits and definitions, so many thanks.

I haven't had time to read all of the comments, but wanted to chime in quickly.

Maybe I saw wrong but I thought he called her “girl” prior to her being obnoxious. I thought he had it coming.

Julia: “I can't believe the first thing Enrique did was insult Fanny to Fer when he was rude to her first. Jerk. "Nina"? Really? I hate him already.” You said it so well, it was better just to quote you!

As much as I'm liking Diego, I am still kinda wanting Ana and Fer to ride off into the sunset. But want it to happen without hurting Diego, as he has certainly been the better man.


As much as I'm liking Diego, I am still kinda wanting Ana and Fer to ride off into the sunset. But want it to happen without hurting Diego, as he has certainly been the better man.

My sentiments exactly.

Maybe Diego will live happily ever after with Fanny's nice sensible friend Laura. He's WAY too old for her, but that never seems to be an obstacle in novelas.

Actually I think he and Dana have potential. Or maybe Beatriz? What's Bea's situation? Aside from deep abiding shame (I assume) over having fallen for Unrico's charms?

Enrique did address Fanny in a condescending manner as he approached and I had no problem with her giving it back. She didn't pull rank on the guy. Talk about sleaze walking and talking and he believes all women should swoon and the serfs tremble as he approaches. Fanny didn't so he told on her.

I like Diego (really appreciated him wanting to help Ana just as Ana unconditionally helped Jen), mad at Fernando (he's put the fire out for now), but don't want Ana with Diego and still unconvinced he is a long haul guy for Ana. Diego may discover that himself, just as Fernando discovers humility. For me Ana & Fernando forever.

William Levy doesn't sing! If PM is replaced what will the producers do about the great song he sings, "te tengo y no".

I didn't realize Fanny sings a song in the novela.

I believe the actress playing Fanny sings the Fanny/Leon theme. i could be wrong though.

Hello everybody. Marta, great work. Swamped with work but can't resist a comment. Ana went off on Diego because she expects nothing from no one. Working at the Chicago would do that to you. Fanny, as future owner of the company is not going to take crap from anyone. Who walks in an office and addresses a lady like that? He deserves her rudeness. Fer is a little undead to me today. Let's see what tonight brings.

I hope Fanny calls Enrique "niño" every time she sees him in the office. With the utmost respect, as though it is a title.

May I add Urban, Hanna, Julia, Tofie (plus me) to the "Enrique was/is arrogant" table? Anyone else?

We might have a banquet hall full of tables before the novela ends!


Just had a thought: What will happen when Enrique meets Yolanda?

I'll slide up a chair Victoria. We may be adding Arrogant Backstabber to his title soon. Can't wait to see him and Isa together. The slime quotient should be unbearable.


I've never liked Lisardo, re CME, CS2009, & AV; and he already gives me the creeps in this novela.

Is it the sign of a really good actor when they play an antagonist role and one HATES them?

Now serving jerk chicken and caesar salad at the Enrique is Arrogant Table. I can see the stab in the back coming from miles away.

yum. Pass the sweet tea

Late to the party, but just wanted to say thanks to Marta for a great recap and all the comments were great, too.

UA: always love reading the Goddesses' take on things, as you well know.

Minor comment about a minor item: I was watching Fer really closely when he was walking by Diego's room with the flowers and didn't get the impression they were meant for Ana.


Fer wouldn't dare get flowers for Ana, no matter how much he might want to. That would start WW3.

I wish they had been for Manuela, as a thank you/apology for putting up with Yomama's insane food demands (along with a note saying she doesn't have to be so accommodating). Or maybe for Alicia, just because, to cheer her up.

I didn't catch all the subtle nuances of dialogue but I got a snotty vibe from Enrique (towards Fanny) right from the start. She gave back as good as she got...neither very professional but she has the excuse of youth and inexperience on her side.
J in Oregon

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